Interdependence Essays (Examples)

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Interdependence of SDLC and Hcit
Pages: 4 Words: 1300

system development life cycle Use in HCIT / Interdependence of SDLC and HCIT
Explain the processes of project management.

Explain the systems development life cycle and how it is used in HCIT

Examine the role of a health care manager in a typical IT project

Compare the project management life cycle with the systems development life cycle

Explain the Process of Project Management

A project's management is based singly on the idea that projects go through various phases that are characterized by different sets of tasks and activities that ensure the project moves from the conception stage to its conclusion. A project may be huge or small, have cost or time constraints and be of a certain level of complexity and so it is crucial that a sound approach is used in managing the whole life cycle of the project. Project management has 5 phases (Pathak, 2014):

Project Initiation

This is when a project is begun formally, given…...



Conrick, M. (2006). Health informatics: transforming healthcare with technology. South Melbourne: Thomson Social Science Press.

Front, V.M. (2015). The Project Management Method and the SDLC. The Ultimate Guide to the SDLC. Retrieved from   2015. ,

Pathak, R. (2014). Top 5 Project Management Phases. Project Management. Retrieved from on 27th November, 2015.

University Alliance. (2015). Healthcare IT Project Manager: Job Description and Salary Information. Retrieved from   on 27th November, 2015. 

Social Interdependence
Pages: 3 Words: 911

Social Interdependence
Stanne M. Johnson, D.W. & Johnson, R.T. (1999) Social Interdependence and Performance and Motor Performance: A Meta-Analysis. Psychological Bulletin. 125. 134-154.

Evaluate organization and writing style of author

This article attempts to evaluate the importance of positive forms social interdependence in such psychological factors as building student self-esteem and in creating more effective educational environments for students through the medium of cooperative learning. Firstly, the article attempts to define the concept of social interdependence. Then, it examines how theoretically social interdependence functions within positive and negative fashions, how it may be quantitatively measured in terms of alliances individuals feel towards different social groups, for example, and then why it is an important concept for social scientists and educators and how it may be deployed in cooperative learning situations.

rganizationally, for a theoretical paper the use of definition, statistics, and then specifics is admirable. However, the problem with the writing style is…...


One must commend the attempt to theoretically quantify and classify such a difficult and ephemeral concept as positive social forms of behavior. The author's stress upon the need for further use of small groups in educational practice, for instance, provides a practical template of behavior for the educator. (Stanne, Johnson & Johnson, 1999, 940) However, merely stressing the need for the positive use of social skills opens up the proverbial 'can of worms' in terms of teaching appropriate moral values to students within educational settings. Although ethics may be an appropriate subject of debate, particularly for older students, and learning to work well with others is a notable objective that educators must keep in mind, the practical application of this and expansion of this into the curriculum still remains vague after reading the article.

Identify areas for future research

Can schools foster positive networks of social relationships through group work alone, or must a sense of positive and mutual form of social interdependence arise from the home and the immediate community? Do students with strong civic affiliations in the form of churches and youth organizations demonstrate a greater ability to use cooperative work to their advantage in school? What role does gender and ethnicity play in this -- as girls are notable for their ability to form cooperative organizations earlier than boys and engage more in cooperative play, according to theorists such as Carol Gillian, might the stress upon social interdependence favor girls? Do ethnic social structures and ethnic affiliations within particular communities work for or against forming sense of social interdependence within school communities?

Social Interdependence
Pages: 3 Words: 1140

Health Care
Evaluating the research endeavors of someone other than oneself is a task that requires honesty, integrity, and fairness. The one performing the evaluation must be sure that all evaluation opinions are properly evidenced and supported, as there exists an enormous difference between having an opinion about that which has been researched as opposed to being opinionated. In addition the research being evaluated, albeit experimental, descriptive, clinical or a newspaper research report, must exhibit a clear statement of the problem and hypothesis, a fully described method of data collection and analysis, and thorough evidentiary support as to need. Without meeting these conditions the research being conducted is of little value. The remainder of this paper will focus on one particular form of research, namely the newspaper research report, with respect to a health care issue; i.e., teenage health related matters and educational issues and the statistical methods employed to draw…...



Ennis, Rebecca (2004). "State ranks last in kids count survey." Commercial Dispatch.

Columbus, MS. June.

IR Econ Todaro Notes That
Pages: 11 Words: 3235

165) and he argued for a change in consciousness to go along with the economic globalization. Arias argued that the current climate is not interdependent, but actually fiercely independent and insular and moreover dedicated to self-aggrandizement, not cooperation to spread economic justice around the globe. Other voices are also arguing this, again presupposing that globalization is no longer an issue, but a fact, but that the globalization that exists is one of independence, not interdependence. Two of those voices specifically argue the twin issues of social justice in global interdependence, and ethics.
Social justice as a measure of global interdependence

Polack proposes that currently, "social work is confronted with a global system in which the world's people are bound together in a complex web of economic relationships. People's lives are now linked to lives of distant others through the clothes that they wear, the energy that warms them, and even the…...



Bartholomew, S. (1997). National systems of biotechnology innovation: Complex interdependence in the global system. Journal of International Business Studies, 28(2), 241+. Retrieved March 14, 2005, from Questia database, .

Breitenfellner, a. (1997). Global unionism: A potential player. International Labour Review, 136(4), 531+. Retrieved March 14, 2005, from Questia database,

Legitimization and Effectiveness of Denationalization
Pages: 13 Words: 3695

" (Zurn, 2004)

Zurn (2004) states of GATT that this regime is a primary example of an international institution in the traditional sense in that the form of GATT regulation has three features, which are distinctive as follows:

1) the states are the ultimate and exclusive addressees of the regulation. They are issued with directives not to increase customs tariffs or to apply them in a discriminating way. The objective of the regulation is therefore to influence state behavior in order to solve the problem in question.

2) Such regulations take effect at the borders between states, and in this sense, they primarily constitute a form of interface management, regulating the transit of goods and bads out of one national society into another.

3) There exists a relatively high degree of certainty as to the effects of such regulations. The actors are able to make relatively precise, empirically sound predictions about the economic…...



Denationalize (2008) Merriam-Webster. Online available at

Isiksal, Huseyin (2004) to What Extent Complex Interdependence Theorists Challenge to Structural Realist School of International Relations. Alternatives Turkish Journal of International Relations. Summer & Fall 2004. Vol. 3 No. 2 and 3. Online available at

Zurn, Michael (2004) Global Governance and Legitimacy Problems. Institute for Intercultural and International Studies. University of Bremen. Project: The G-20 Architecture in 2020 - Securing a Legitimate Role for the G-20. 29 Feb 2004. IDRC, Ottawa. Online available at

Zangl, Bernhard and Zurn, Michael (1998) the Effects of Denationalization on Security in the OECD World. The Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. Occasional Paper. Dec 1998. Online available at

Culture Leadership and Organizations
Pages: 3 Words: 1041

Assume that you are the CEO of a multi-national company. What is the first thing you consider when selecting a model to use in an upcoming cross-cultural merger, joint venture, or acquisition? Why? How will this consideration assist you in selecting the best model for the situation?
Being the CEO of a multi-national company, the primary thing I would first and foremost take into consideration when choosing a model in a forthcoming cross-cultural merger is the cultural aloofness that exists between my organization's culture and the other company. The fundamental reason for doing so is because in instances of a merger, joint venture or acquisition, more often than not, the players from one end of the merging organization hold dissimilar perspectives, beliefs and points of view of the organizational culture (Graen, 2006). Therefore, by getting into a joint venture, merger or acquisition devoid of comprehensively integrating the differing cultural views, then…...

Leadership and Strategy Question 1
Pages: 5 Words: 1477

For example a monitoring surveillance strategy could tell a nation that they need more
heart specialists and possibly an entire medical clinic dedicated to heart
disease to treat both their aging population and the emergencies more
elderly visitors to their nation experience.
Conversely an evaluation strategy of surveillance would look at the
processes in use throughout the emergency room and see which are performing
well, which aren't and what can be done to make the processes physicians
and nurses use to treat patients more efficient. The underlying difference
then of an evaluation versus a monitoring strategy is the focus on
improvement to a specific goal or objective. Evaluation strategies of
surveillance focus on progress to a specific goal or objective first, while
monitoring strategies seek often to quantify the behavior of any process,
procedure or approach to treatment from a healthcare perspective.
Question 3 Response
In the nation you serve there is a serious problem with tens of thousands
of children not receiving the necessary…...

Balloon Factory Cameron Balloon Simulation What Did
Pages: 2 Words: 568

Balloon Factory
Cameron Balloon Simulation

What did you learn about Cameron Balloons business process?

Perhaps the most compelling point of interest in this simulation was the indication that Cameron Balloons employs a consistent workflow process that nonetheless maintains the flexibility for innovation. As one moves through the work-flow simulation, one can see that the development of a Balloon Concept is the initial step and includes the input of the customer, the graphic design and the sales team. As the overview of the company denotes, Cameron is responsible for 80% of the uniquely shaped non-spherical balloons in flight today. The initial phase of the workflow demonstrates that this creativity is facilitated by an interconnectedness between client, concept developers and those who will ultimately be charged with pricing the output from this concept. I found this to be an extremely compelling balance between a standardized process and the output of innovation.

Briefly describe the interdependence of…...

Declaration of Human Rights How
Pages: 3 Words: 1074

In that regard, the university strives to ensure that it creates an environment conducive to the exchange of meaningful information.
The Declaration's Article 26 clearly points out that "everyone has a right to education" (UDHR). In this case, the Declaration recommends that the accessibility of higher education be enhanced. Further, in the second part of Article 26, the Declaration states in no uncertain terms that:

Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups… (UDHR)

Saint Leo's core value of community attempts to establish a spirit of interdependence, unity as well as belonging. By ensuring that the relations between people are based on respect and mutual trust, the University succeeds in promoting tolerance. This in my opinion is in line with the Declaration's…...


Works Cited

Saint Leo University. "The First Florida Catholic University: Mission and Values." Saint Leo University. N.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2013.

Smith, Rhona. Textbook on International Human Rights. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Print.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights -- UDHR. "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights." United Nations. N.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2013.

Group Behavior the Group in
Pages: 3 Words: 888

The maintenance roles help to support the creative side, which is a task that can be high risk at times (Benne & Sheats, 1978). The work that the junior members do in providing support to the creatives while simultaneously challenging them to develop stronger ideas is one of the reasons that the shop's output is so highly regarded.

This group has a significant amount of trust. The different members have built this trust over the course of years and multiple projects. ith this trust, however, they are able to be stronger, in particular with task roles. Assumptions are challenged frequently, in particular with regards to the outcomes sought by the customers. The group views this is value added to the customer, by refining a vague customer concept into something that is actionable for the advertising firm.

The high level of trust that the group members have in one another allows for the…...


Works Cited:

Baltes, B.; Dickson, M.; Sherman, M.; Bauer, C.; LaGanke, J. (2002). Computer-mediated communication and group decision-making: A meta-analysis. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Vol. 87 (1) 156-179.

Benne, K & Sheats, P. (1978) Shared experiences in human communication: Functional roles of group members. Hayden Publishing.

OB A The Two Teams
Pages: 3 Words: 957

One of the biggest problems we have in this situation is that the two shifts are competing, rather than working together. To better align the objectives of the lunch shift with the objectives of the dinner shift, I will create a reward system. Achievement is a higher order of motivation and can therefore be highly effective.
The reward system would be store-wide so that all shifts understand that we are all working together for a common goal. At present, the only sense of motivation that any individual shift has is towards their own basic goals. By providing for a higher level of achievement, I will align each shift with an overall objective. I will, however, also maintain shift-level objectives. To do this, I will focus motivation on goal orientation. Each shift will have specific achievement objectives. By doing this, I will leverage the inherent competitiveness of the lunch shift. They…...


Works Cited

Thomas, Kenneth W. & Kilmann, Ralph H. (1974) Conflict and Conflict Management. Retrieved December 11, 2008 at

Technology Conduct a Technology Analysis Organization 1 What
Pages: 3 Words: 869

Technology Conduct a technology analysis organization. 1.hat kinds good services organization produce? Are input, conversion, output activities source greatest uncertainty organization? 2.hat role technology form knowledge play production organization's goods services? 3.
Apple's recent technological advancement propelled the company into the group of the most profitable institutions ever. The fact that the organization expanded its focus to incorporate the mobile market played an important role in making it possible for it to market its products to a much wider audience. The fact that Apple have traditionally used their products as a means to get customers to stay with them when considering future purchases is also supported by the organization's involvement in the mobile market. Apple's value is largely owed to the combination of its sub-brands, taking into account that each of the 'i' products contributes to the company's overall success.

Technological know-how plays an essential role in assisting the company maintain…...


Works cited:

Daft, Richard L., "Understanding Management," (Cengage Learning, 01.01.2008)

Morrisey, Sean, "iOS Forensic Analysis: for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch," (Apress, 21.12.2010)

Pont, Simon, "The Better Mousetrap: Brand Invention in a Media Democracy," (Kogan Page Publishers, 03.11.2012)

Friedman vs Duiker The Dell
Pages: 3 Words: 909

William Duiker's "fragmentation" argument, found in his Contemporary World History, Fifth Edition (Duiker), acknowledges the fact of globalization and states that Friedman's discussion about the impact of globalization is "stimulating" (Duiker 351). Simultaneously, Duiker believes that there is a reaction to globalization. Duiker believes that societies will react to the globalization trend by trying to preserve: local interests such as local businesses and jobs; their identities; and their senses of meaning and purpose (Duiker 342). This argument also appears to be quite logical without contradicting Friedman's theory. For example, the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) among the United States, Canada and Mexico is designed to eliminate investment and trade barriers among those nations, essentially opening up all three countries to further economic globalization (Friedman 229-230). Simultaneously, the local reaction within the United States, for one, was angry protest by American laborers and labor unions because NAFTA would cause the…...



Duiker, William J. Contemporary World History, Fifth Edition. Boston, MA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2010. Print.

Friedman, Thomas L. The World is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century. New York, NY: Picador, 2007. Print.

Siry, Joseph V. "Population." 2 February 2013. Encyclopedia of Earth. Web. 27 April 2013.

Due to the Fact That the Concepts
Pages: 2 Words: 648

due to the fact that the concepts explained are intangible in nature and therefore, they can be transferred and inserted in a variety of different situations. The explanation of habits appears to be accurate as well as insightful. Many times habits have negative connotations associated with them, during this reading however habits are described as positive building tools. By understanding the composition and make up of habits one can come to better control them and use them for positive growth in different areas or aspects of life. As described by the author, a habit is "the intersection of knowledge, skill and desire" (Covey 47). The author explains that in order for habits to be effective and positive all three of the above mentioned components are required. First one must understand the role of knowledge in the equation. Knowledge is described as knowing "what to do" and why. Skill is…...


Works Cited

Covey, Stephen R. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Restoring the Character Ethic. New York: Fireside Book, 1990. Print.

Team Conflicts
Pages: 3 Words: 1149

Team Conflict Situation

For the purpose of this paper, I am a leader of a team that is working together to complete a project of significance. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, there is a conflict between members of my group. The conflict is escalating, which is problematic, as the deadline for the project is approaching and again, the project holds significance for us and the company for which we work. The nature of the conflict among the group members has to do with the high degree of task interdependence for this particular project. Something that is an unfortunate, regular occurrence in group projects is that some of the group members feel overworked and that they have become responsible for the majority of the work on the project. This is another aspect of the team conflict I must address as leader of this group. Besides myself, the team members are women based in…...



Behfar, K.J., Peterson, R.S., Mannix, E.A., & Trochim, W.M.K. (2008). The Critical Role of Conflict Resolution in Teams: A Close Look at the Links Between Conflict Type, Conflict Management Strategies, and Team Outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(1), 170 -- 188.

Bradley, B.H., Klotz, A.C., Postlethwaite, B.E., & Brown, K.G. (2013). Ready to Rumble: How Team Personality Composition and Task Conflict Interact to Improve Performace. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98(2), 385 -- 392.

Somech, A., Desivilya, H.S., & Lidogoster, H. (2009). Team conflict management and team effectiveness: the effects of task interdependence and team identification. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 30, 359 -- 378.

Seeking guidance on formulating a strong CBT as one Theory of Group Development thesis statement. Share your expertise!?
Words: 577

Thesis Statement: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective therapeutic approach for facilitating group development and enhancing group dynamics, enabling individuals to modify maladaptive behaviors, transform dysfunctional thought patterns, and cultivate healthier interpersonal relationships within the group context.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has gained widespread recognition as a powerful psychotherapeutic intervention for addressing a diverse range of psychological concerns. Its effectiveness in individual therapy has been extensively documented, and recent research has highlighted its applicability and efficacy in group settings. This thesis delves into the intricate relationship between CBT and group development, exploring how CBT principles and techniques can be harnessed to foster....

Can you offer assistance in devising suitable titles for my essay about Quality Friendships?
Words: 183

1. The Importance of Quality Friendships in a Person's Life

2. Building and Maintaining Quality Friendships: Tips and Techniques

3. How to Identify and Cultivate Quality Friendships

4. The Benefits of Quality Friendships on Mental Health and Well-being

5. The Role of Communication in Nurturing Quality Friendships

6. Quality vs. Quantity: Why Quality Friendships Matter More

7. Overcoming Challenges in Maintaining Quality Friendships

8. The Impact of Technology on Quality Friendships

9. Quality Friendships: A Key to Happiness and Success

10. The Longevity of Quality Friendships: How to Make Lasting Connections
11. The Power of Vulnerability in Building Quality Friendships
12. Navigating Conflict in Quality Friendships
13. The Evolution of Quality Friendships....

Can you offer assistance in devising suitable titles for my essay about what is integrity?
Words: 272

1. Unveiling the Essence of Integrity: A Comprehensive Examination

2. The Pillars of Integrity: A Philosophical and Ethical Exploration

3. Integrity in Action: Exploring the Role of Character in Human Conduct

4. The Imperative of Integrity: Its Significance in Personal, Professional, and Societal Life

5. The Paradox of Integrity: Balancing Personal Values and External Expectations

6. The Erosion of Integrity: A Cultural Analysis of Moral Decline

7. The Restoration of Integrity: Strategies for Rebuilding Trust and Ethical Behavior

8. Integrity as a Moral Compass: A Guide for Ethical Decision-Making

9. Integrity in the Modern Era: Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing World

10. The Power of Integrity: Its Impact....

Can you help me come up with titles for my essay about family and religion?
Words: 292

1. The Interwoven Tapestry: Faith and Family in a Tapestry of Life

2. Sanctuary and Struggle: Family as a Haven and a Battlefield for Religion

3. The Crucible of Kinship: Family as a Crucible that Tests and Shapes Faith

4. The Sacred and the Secular: Faith and Family in Tension and Harmony

5. The Legacy of Belief: Religion's Enduring Influence on Family Traditions and Values

6. The Collision of Convictions: When Family Bonds Clash with Religious Dogma

7. The Evolution of Faith: Family Dynamics as Catalyst for Religious Shifts

8. The Role of Religion in Intergenerational Relationships: Faith as a Bridge or a Barrier

9. Faith and Family:....

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