Interconnection Essays (Examples)

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Interconnection Between Ethics and Psychology
Pages: 6 Words: 1548

In that
respect, one need look no further for contemporary examples than recent newspaper headlines of corporate ethical violations and executive abuses in business and partisan politics responsible for much of this nation's current economic and geopolitical predicaments (Halbert & Ingulli, 2007; Scheuer, 2004).


Human psychology is one fundamental determinant of individual behaviors that correspond to professional business management style and conceptual values. Generally,

self-esteem relates profoundly to business management practices at the interpersonal level between managers and subordinates. Whereas business managers with healthy self-esteem tend to have an inherent respect for ethical principles commensurate with their intellectual capacity to understand them, their counterparts with low self-esteem tend to have significantly less respect for ethical principles and to display selective ignorance in that regard that belies their innate intellectual skills. Ultimately, the most significant aspect of the connection between human psychology of the individual and ethical practices arises in connection with the…...



Branden, N. (1999). The Psychology of Self-Esteem. New York: Basic Books.

Branden, N. (2004). Honoring the Self: the Psychology of Confidence and Respect. New York: Basic Books.

Gerrig, R., Zimbardo, R. (2007). Psychology and Life. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Halbert, T., Ingulli, E. (2007). Law & Ethics in the Business Environment. Cincinnati:

Global Environments and the Interconnections
Pages: 3 Words: 1031

With the will of the board of directors, anything can actually be achieved within the company. Having referred to General Electrics, there were two issues that Jack Welch wanted accomplished, as mentioned in his own autobiography: removal of bureaucracy and a certain restructuring of the business. Even if believed impossible to realize, through methods and concepts such as "boundaryless" or the Six Sigma formula, Jack Welch implemented change despite the organizational size.
n this sense, Jack Welch provided the formal vision statement, but he also created the right means and the proper mechanism for this vision to be achieved. These were the strategic and tactical plans, the efficiency quotas each employee needed to reach, the evaluating mechanisms, etc.

Telecommuting is becoming a genuinely popular practice nowadays, but it brings about two important problems. First of all, not all industries can use telecommuters, mainly because some have special equipment that cannot be…...


In my opinion, organizing is the most important management function, because it is probably the only function without which the other wouldn't work. Many companies have, however, a tendency to overlook this aspect and pass on directly to the money making, which is like trying to build a house without a foundation.

Taking exams in an online environment can certainly prove a desirable change. Easier to correct, faster to take, more efficient- all these go hand in hand with the new environment we live in.

Welch, Jack with Byrne John A. Jack-Straight from the Gut. Warner Books. October 2003

OSI Reference Model the Open
Pages: 1 Words: 355

The Data Link Layer, Layer 2, provides the means to transfer data between network entities and to detect and possibly correct errors that may occur in the layer beneath it, the Physical Layer. This bottom layer is responsible for: establishment and termination of a connection to a communications medium; participation in the process where communication resources are effectively shared among multiple users and; conversion between the representation of digital data in user equipment and the corresponding signals transmitted over a communications channel.
Individual layers are not exposed to how the layers above and below them function; they only know how to pass data to them (the seven-layer Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model). Isolating network communications functions in this way minimizes the impact of changes on the entire protocol suite (the seven-layer Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model).


Open Systems Interconnection -- Reference Model (OSI -- RM).

The 7 layers of the OSI…...



Open Systems Interconnection -- Reference Model (OSI -- RM). 

The 7 layers of the OSI Model (2008, March 3). Webopedia. 

The seven-layer Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model.

Local Global Relations
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

Exxon Corporation is a multi-national American oil and gas corporation. It has its roots in the John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company established in 1870. In November 30, 1999, Exxon and Mobil merged and became ExxonMobil. ExxonMobil keeps its headquarters in Irving, Texas. From Rockefeller to ExxonMobil, the company has developed and chosen vertical integration (the combination in one company of two or more stages of production normally operated by separate companies (450)
) across the entire supply chain including upstream and downstream directions to encourage and facilitate exchange of information. Constant and effective communication aids in improving sales strategy, promote efficiency, and minimize costs on a local, regional, and global scale. Although, based on the events of the Baton Rouge location, ExxonMobil does not seem to realize the importance of communication on all scales.

The first scale analyze is the global scale. The industry is characterized by globalization of commodity…...

Cardiac Arrest
Pages: 10 Words: 3253

Heart Disease
elationship between cardiac arrest and coronary cardiac disease

The heart is an essential organ in the human body, it keeps the individual alive. Understanding how the heart operates and functions is essential to help protect your heart from heart disease. Cardiac arrest and coronary heart disease are significant heart related illness that has a high mortality rate. It is important for individuals with pre-existing heart disease to understand the symptoms of cardiac arrest and coronary heart disease, since these are both leading causes of fatality in the United States. Understanding how the heart works, the individuals risk for heart disease, and how to prevent or delay heart disease is essential. In this paper I will address the relationship between cardiac arrest and coronary heart disease. I will also explain how the heart functions and discuss some ways of preventing cardiac arrest and coronary heart disease.

Cardiac Arrest

Cardiac arrest is a condition…...



Antonini-Canterin et. al. (2009). Association between carotid and coronary artery disease in patients with aortic valve stenosis: an angiographic study. Angiology 60 (5) 596-600

CDC. (2010). Heart disease. Retrieved from 

Dewey et. al. (2004). Coronary artery disease: new insights and their implications for radiology. European Radiology. 14 (6) 1048-1054

Escolar et. al. (2006). New imaging techniques for diagnosing coronary artery disease. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 174 (4) 487-495

Apple the Consumer Electronics Industry
Pages: 2 Words: 594

The result of the innovation chain at Apple is that the company has delivered products that are not innovative, but are used and designed in innovative ways. The vertical integration is unique, the design is unique, and Apple's vision for how its products are used is also unique. Put together, the company is one of the most innovative in consumer electronics, and many firms follow Apple's lead. This has enhanced the company's reputation by positioning it as the innovator. With groundbreaking products, Apple also has a strong employer brand. The company therefore is able to attract top talent, on the idea that this talent will be put to good use in developing leading edge products.

The company's supply chain is typical of the industry. Apple sources finished products primarily from China, from OEMs that manufacture consumer electronics for a number of different companies. The key benefit of Apple's supply chain is…...

Post Modernism What Is Post-Modernism
Pages: 12 Words: 3564

This comes to only point out the fact that the role of postmodernism is essential because it offers a different perspective through which humans can understand the events taking place around them and can interpret them to provide meanings that would be useful in their own development and in the development of the social being.
One of the important aspects of postmodernism is that unlike other theories that have been advocated throughout the decades, this approach takes into account the human perception of things. The development of this trend was essential because the human individual needed a framework through which it could accept, acknowledge and deal with the changes taking place around it. More precisely, at the end of the 19th century, the issue of industrialization together with the huge developments that were taking place at the level of the political changes, economic burst, and cultural revolutions set the human…...


Works Cited

Chorney, Harold. City of Dreams: Social Theory and the Urban Experience. . Scarborough: Nelson Canada International Thompson ltd., 1990.

Greenpeace International. The Founders of Greenpeace. 2008. 26 Oct 2012 .

Hutcheon, Linda. The Politics of Postmodernism . New York: Routledge, 2002.

-- . "The Politics of Postmodernism: Parody and History." Cultural Critique. Modernity and Modernism, Postmodernity and Postmodernism (1986-7): p179-207.

Information Security Evaluation for OSI Systems a Case Study
Pages: 10 Words: 4698

An analysis of IT policy transformation

The aim of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of information security policy in the context of an organization, OSI Systems, Inc. With presence in Africa, Australia, Canada, England, Malaysia and the United States, OSI Systems, Inc. is a worldwide company based in California that develops and markets security and inspection systems such as airport security X-ray machines and metal detectors, medical monitoring anesthesia systems, and optoelectronic devices. The company is also represented by three subsidiary divisions in offices and plants dedicated to the brands, apiscan Systems, OSI Optoelectronics and SpaceLabs Healthcare.

In 2010, OSI, Inc. had sales of $595 million with net income of over $25 million. As of June 2010, the company was comprised of 2,460 personnel globally. The parent company provides oversight and fiscal control to the different divisions, and is connected through its virtual network world-wide intranet system; with external integration…...



Allen, J. (2005). Governing for Security: Project Stakeholders Interests. News at SEI. Retrieved on 5SEPT10 from 

Computer Misuse Law, 2006. Parliament UK. Retrieved from: 

Diver, S. (2006). Information Security Policy -- A Development Guide for Large and Small Companies. SANS Institute InfoSec Reading Room. Retrieved on 30 Sept 10 from 

Global IT Policy (2009) OSI, Inc.

Management in Business Operations and Performance
Pages: 45 Words: 12446

Integrating Total Quality Environmental Management Systems - a Critical Study of TQEM
Relevance of TQM to Environmental Management

Scope of Dissertation

Moving from Reactive to Proactive Management

Understanding TQM in Relation to TQEM

History of TQM

Operation of TQM

Quality and Environmental Management Standards

Environmental Management Systems

Weaknesses of EMS Standards

Total Quality Environmental Management

Comparing ISO 9000 and ISO 14000

Integrating the ISO 14000 Environmental Management System


Impact of certification on economic and ecological performances

Research Design and Nature

Integrating a Sustainable EMS with TQM

Steps to Implementing an Effective TQEM Strategy

Final Word




ackground and Overview of Study

For decades economic growth has been considered the main indicator of a healthy society (Oliver, 1996). However, only recently has society begun to recognize the environmental cost of this growth. As a result, there is now an urgency to develop the means of satisfying present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. The implementation of sustainable…...


Bibliography working paper. Winnipeg, MB: International Institute for Sustainable Development, 1996. 58

Bisang, O. (2000), Green Banking - The Value of ISO 14001 Certification

Chattopadhyay, S.P. (2001), "Improving the Speed of ISO 14000 Implementation: A Framework for Increasing Productivity," Managerial Auditing Journal, 16/1, pp. 36-39.

Chinn, R. (March 21, 2001). Roadmap to Realization -- "Getting Started with Your QMS/EMS Integration Process. Alamo Learning Systems.

Clark, D. (1999), What Drives Companies to Seek ISO 14000 Certification, Pollution Engineering, Summer, pp. 14.

Features of Telecommunications Networks Including Key Networking
Pages: 4 Words: 1323

features of telecommunications networks, including key networking technologies. Cover the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, including each logical layer.
The OSI layer covers the different layers and types of communication that occurs within a network. The layers, in order of complexity from greatest to lowest are application, presentation, session, transport, network, data link and physical. The physical layer is the actual transport medium like network cable and such while routers and switches address much of the middle layers while the "window" to the user is the application layer at the very top. Telecommoniciation networks, and this is something that will be answered more in-depth later in this report, are very computer driven and are in many ways indistinguishable from regular computer networks as phone and conventional internet networks are very much one and the same and this is especially true when speaking Voice over IP (VOIP) technologies and the like.…...



DigiCert. (2014, February 20). What Is SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and What Are SSL

Certificates?. DigiCert Inc.. Retrieved February 20, 2014, from 

Kratsas, G. (2014, February 18). Reports: Target warned before data breach. USA

Today. Retrieved February 20, 2014, from

Two Perspectives on the Alignment Among Dance Culture and Society
Pages: 5 Words: 1707

Jonas (1992) points to the first signs of life as the quickening of an unborn person in the womb. From prenatal quickening, a person soon learns self-expression in different ways. One is in the form of a meaningful series of bodily activities or motions called dance. It has evolved into both a tradition and an unconscious external display of purpose, emotion or message. Through history, it can be a form of wooing, entertainment, mourning, praying, healing, teaching or communication. These expressions evolved into a people's culture upon which their society was built (Jonas). Sklar (2001), on the other hand, lists five premises for a culturally sensitive approach to, and an appreciation of, dance. He lists them as a knowledge of movement as cultural in nature; as conceptual, emotional and kinesthetic; as embedded into other kinds of cultural knowledge; as requiring a discernment beyond physical movement; and always an immediate…...



Jonas, Gerald. Dancing- the Pleasure, Power and Art of Movement, 1992. New York: Harry N.

Abrams, Inc.

Sklar, Deidre. Five Premises for a Culturally Sensitive Approach to Dance, 2001. North

Carolina: Wesleyan University Press

Law- Separation of Powers
Pages: 5 Words: 1610

Separation of Powers
Doctrine of Separation of powers in Australia

The concept of separation of powers has been in operation and application in many countries. This has always helped them in ensuring efficient governance and effective working of each arm of the government without interfering with the other organs of the government. Factually, the different arms of the governments cannot operate independent of each other, yet they must keep a safe distance that will enable them operate effectively and carry out their daily activities. This doctrine of separation of powers classifies the institutions of government into 3 major branches classified as the legislative, the Executive and the judicial branch. Separation of powers in Australia

The Australian system is referred to as the Westminster system which is a system that was adopted from England and still has the Queen as the overall head who resides in England but represented locally by the Governor-General. The…...


References, (2014). Westminster System. Retrieved April 21, 2014 from 

Carney G., (1993). Separation of Powers in the Westminster System. Retrieved April 21, 2014 from 

Museum of Australian Democracy, (2014). Australia's System of Governance. Retrieved April 21, 2014 from 

Parliamentary Education Office, (2014). Separation of Powers: Parliament, Executive and Judiciary. Retrieved April 21, 2014 from

It Infrastructure Project Description the
Pages: 25 Words: 7426

Secured real time protocol (STP) is also being identified to enhance the security parameter of WAN and LAN network elements. "STP provides protection with encryption keys for wired and wireless networks including bandwidth limited channels." (Guillen and Chacon 2009 P. 690). There is also a growing use of IP secure to protect organization from the interception of data over the LAN and WAN environment.
To enhance network security, Chen, Horng, & Yang (2008) postulate the use of public key cryptography. While there is a growing use of public key cryptography, there is still a shortcoming identified with the use of public key cryptography in the LAN and WAN environment. Since the public key is being kept in a public file, it is possible for an active intruder to forge the contents of the public key and use it to get access onto the data kept within the network system. To…...



Chen, T. Horng, G. & Yang, C. (2008).Public Key Authentication Schemes for Local Area. Informaticia.19 (1):3-16.

Fetterolf, P.C. & Anandalinga, G. (1992). Optimal design of LAN-WAN internetworks:

an approach using simulated annealing. Annals of Operations Research. 36: 275-298.

Guillen, P.E. & Chacon, D. A (2009). VoIP Networks Performance Analysis with Encryption Systems. World Academy of Science, Engineering & Technology. 58: 688-695.

Network Standards
Pages: 9 Words: 2900

Network Standards
A Brief Look Since 1995

This is a research paper that focuses on network standards and protocols that involve strategies in management. Leadership strategies cannot handle the need for network standards to handle billions of users and user generated applications. Therefore management strategies are more appropriate. Furthermore the history of network standards shows layering through the OSI models follows a management approach vs. A leadership approach.

In the OSI model, there are seven layers. The seven layers then acts as a means of managing problems within that layer as it is separated and contained. People can run communication through these layers much more easily and smoothly than through a singular, whole layer. The several layers are more efficient and can handle and spot problems and inefficiencies more quickly. It serves as the basis for network standards.

The history behind network standards provides valuable insight into how organizations emerged to deal with the…...



Faynberg, I. (1997). The intelligent network standards. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Haase, J. (2012). Wireless Network Standards for Building Automation. Embedded Systems, 53-65. Doi: 10.1007/978-1-4419-8795-2_4

Panayides, A., Antoniou, Z., Pattichis, M., Pattichis, C., & Constantinides, A. (2012). High efficiency video coding for ultrasound video communication in m-health systems. IEEE, 2170.

Siep, T., Gifford, I., Braley, R., & Heile, R. (2000). Paving the way for personal area network standards: an overview of the IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks.IEEE Personal Communications, 7(1), 37-43. doi:10.1109/98.824574

Messerschmidt That the Prisons in
Pages: 12 Words: 3714

More recently, Miedzian (1991) has studied peer pressure, the socialization process, and military impact that has resulted in violence becoming standard behavior in males, and Thompson (1991) has demonstrated that violent acts are more often performed by males with greater masculine gender orientations.
Another slant on this topic was placed by West and Zimmerman (1987) in "Doing Gender," that looked at gender not in terms of a set of traits that are held by individuals, but rather as something people do together in their social interactions. In this case, gender is basically about social interaction and establishing relationships. It is an integral part of all daily interactions. Where a person's actions in "doing gender" simultaneously produce, reproduce, sustain and legitimate the social meanings accorded to gender. The authors state that gender is a fundamental aspect of all social relationships, in terms that no one can possibly not do gender if…...



Carrigan, C., Connell, R.W., & Lee, J. (1985), Toward a new sociology of masculinity, Theory and Society, 14 (5), 551-604.

Cloward, Richard a. And Lloyd E. Ohlin. 1960. Delinquency and Opportunity: a theory of delinquent gangs. Glencoe, IL: Free Press.

Connell, RW. 1985. Masculinities. Cambridge, Polity Press.

Connell, R.W. And Messerschmidt, J. (2005) Hegemonic Masculinity, Rethinking the Concept Gender and Society. Gender & Society, 19(6), 829-859

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Pollution?
Words: 549

Essay Topics on Pollution

Air Pollution:

The Impact of Air Pollution on Human Health and the Environment
The Role of Vehicle Emissions in Air Quality Degradation
The Economic and Social Costs of Air Pollution on Cities
The Effectiveness of Air Quality Regulations and Standards
The Future of Air Pollution Mitigation and Control

Water Pollution:

The Causes and Consequences of Water Pollution in Developing Countries
The Impact of Agricultural Practices on Water Quality
The Role of Wastewater Treatment Plants in Reducing Water Pollution
The Legal and Policy Framework for Water Pollution Control
The Challenges and Solutions to Marine Pollution

Land Pollution:

The Sources and....

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Thomas Aquinas?
Words: 654

1. The Essence of Thomas Aquinas's Natural Law Theory: An Exploration of Its Foundations and Implications

Discuss the metaphysical and ethical principles that underpin Aquinas's natural law theory.
Analyze the concept of the eternal law and its relationship to the natural law.
Examine the role of human reason in discerning the precepts of natural law and their binding force.

2. The Harmony of Faith and Reason in Aquinas's Summa Theologica: A Critical Examination

Trace the development of Aquinas's understanding of the relationship between faith and reason.
Explore the arguments Aquinas presents for the compatibility of faith and reason.
Evaluate the strengths....

Can you offer assistance in devising suitable titles for my essay about social structure?
Words: 309

## Crafting Compelling Titles for Your Essay on Social Structure

1. The Intricate Tapestry of Social Structure: Unveiling the Interconnections within Society

2. The Architecture of Society: Exploring the Foundation and Dynamics of Social Structure

3. Social Structure: A Lens for Understanding the Fabric of Human Interactions

4. The Invisible Hand of Social Structure: Shaping Individuals, Groups, and Institutions

5. Microcosm of Society: Social Structure Reflected in Everyday Encounters

6. The Power and Limitations of Social Structure: A Study of its Influence on Human Behavior

7. Exploring the Fluid Boundaries of Social Structure: Change, Resistance, and Adaptation

8. The Impact of Globalization on Social Structure: Transformations and Challenges


Is there anything in the news related to mythological influence on chaucer that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 595

Chaucer's Mythic Tapestry: Unraveling the Influence of Ancient Lore on His Literary Masterpieces


Geoffrey Chaucer, the revered English poet of the 14th century, left an enduring legacy in literature with his groundbreaking works, including "The Canterbury Tales." His writings are renowned for their vibrant characters, sharp wit, and insightful social commentary. However, less explored is the profound influence of ancient mythology on Chaucer's literary imagination. This essay will delve into the realm of news and scholarship to uncover recent advancements in understanding Chaucer's mythological influences, providing a compelling essay subject.

Medievalism and the Rediscovery of the Classics

During the Middle Ages, a renewed....

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