Intensive Care Essays (Examples)

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Intensive Care Unit Nursing Staff Job Stress and Burnout
Pages: 5 Words: 1610

Job Stress and Burnout among Intensive Care Unit Nursing Staff In the last few centuries, we have witnessed major transformations in the health and nursing sector, especially regarding the scope of job and technological advances. The drastic change has not been without difficulties, the most notable of which is emotional stress. Such stress can compromise the safety of the patients and the health of the health care providers (Aiken et al., 2012). Stress can be defined as an internal or environmental event that an individual or social system can no longer adapt to. Stress comprises both psychic and organic changes that are of importance to the cognitive system. When confronted with stress, the human body automatically employs strategies in a bid to alleviate the damning effects of the situation. When these strategies fail, the result may be a burnout syndrome. This is basically the emotional exhaustion that comes as a result…...

Opening Visiting Hours in the Intensive Care
Pages: 15 Words: 4570

Opening visiting hous in the Intensive Cae Unit Hamful o Helpful to the Patient
As the healthcae system stats making that move in the diection of a client-diven model, opening visiting hous ae becoming a topic of discussion and inteest. Studies that go all the way back to the 1970s has poduced agument and conjectue ove the pefect visiting pactices in the adult intensive cae unit. This liteatue exploes the effects of having a policy that is fo opening visiting hous and how it has an effect on the patients.

Accoding to vaious studies, eve since the 1970s, thee has been visiting pactices in intensive cae units (ICU) that goes all the way back to a time whee it was not talked about much. Ove the last 10 yeas, thee has not been enough eseach o data that could measue this issue of opening visiting hous being hamful o helpful to…...


references of patients in the intensive care unit and in a complex care medical. American Journal of Critical Care, 55-65.

Livesay, S.G. (2004). Nurses' perceptions of public visiting hours in neuroscience intensive care unit. Journal of Nursing Care Quarterly,, 182-189.

Neonatal Intensive Care Units Phenomenon of Interest
Pages: 4 Words: 1048

Neonatal Intensive Care Units
Phenomenon of Interest

The phenomenon of interest involved in the study relates around current and past healthcare environments, specifically within the neonatal care unit. It is a field that is very specific, but also very vulnerable to being negatively affected by any issues or snags within the delivery of neonatal care to infants and new mothers. Given the sensitivity of the field, this particular article aims to help increase the strength of healthcare strategies involved in caring for new babies. Benoit and Semenic (2014) are very clear in identifying their phenomenon of interest. Essentially, they explain that there are certain factors that influence success of neonatal care strategies in both positive and negative ways. Healthcare professionals often spread their biases regarding infants and breast feeding practices, which then influence the breastfeeding behaviors of the mother. This is especially true for cases seen in intensive care. The research focuses…...



Benoit, Britney & Semenic, Sonia. (2014). Barriers and facilitators to implementing the baby-friendly hospital initiative in neonatal intensive care units. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Science, 0(2014), 1-11.

LoBiondo-Wood, Geri & Haber, Judith. (2009). Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisals and Utilizations. Mosby.

Visitation in the Intensive Care
Pages: 5 Words: 1611

The experience of Fumagalli et al.(2006) was similar: when open and flexible visiting hours were permitted, patients and visitors seemed more content (Fumagalli et al., 2006).
ICU staff, on the other hand, insist on maintaining restrictive visiting policies on the grounds that liberal visiting hours may distract caregivers, whilst increasing the patient's stress and risk of septic complications.

The issue remains an agonizing and constantly debated point of contention amongst physicians, nurses, visitors, and patients. Some practitioners insist that the decision to restrict visiting hours is neither caring nor compassionate (Fumagalli et al.,2006). On the other hand, as they themselves say their trial was small and larger randomized trials need to occur before conclusions are drawn. In the meantime, open and flexible visitation hours are constantly demanded, and permission, as constantly, withheld.


Berti, P., Ferdinando, D. & Moons, P. (2007). Beliefs and attitudes of intensive care nurses toward visits and open visiting…...



Berti, P., Ferdinando, D. & Moons, P. (2007). Beliefs and attitudes of intensive care nurses toward visits and open visiting policy Intensive Care Medicine, 33, 1060-1065,

Brannon, L. & Fesist, J. (207). Health Psychology. Thomson / Wadsworth, USA.

Fumagalli, S. Boncinelli, L., Lo Nostro, P. et al. (2006) Reduced Cardiocirculatory Complications With Unrestrictive Visiting Policy in an Intensive Care Unit

Circulation, 113, 946-952

Care Issler Is a Patient Who Recently
Pages: 4 Words: 1314

Issler is a patient who recently moved with his daughter-in-law who is no longer married to his son. As part of her interest in helping to take care of Mr. Issler, she noticed that he was pale and diaphoretic after a two and a half hour flight. The daughter-in-law took him to an emergency room where he was attended to by a cardiologist and set a follow-up check up for an echo cardiogram next week. Mr. Issler has complained of congestive heart failure and a history of deep vein thrombosis. The cardiologist recommended that he seeks out a primary care provider and check up of his thyroid. As the primary care provider, the patient has also expressed his uncertainties on whether he has hyper of hypo thyroidism though he has been under thyroid medication for several years. In addition to being very pale, he has a large bag of…...



Bray, D.L. (n.d.). Thyroid Storm and the AACN Synergy Model. Journal of Nursing. Retrieved from

Drewes at. al. (2012, October). The Effectiveness of Chronic Care Management for Heart Failure: Meta-Regression Analyses to Explain the Heterogeneity in Outcomes. Health Services Research, 47(5), 1926-1959.

Hardin, S. & Hussey, L. (2003, February). AACN Synergy Model for Patient Care Case Study of a CHF Patient. Critical Care Nurse, 23(1), 73-76. Retrieved from 

Kaplow, R. & Reed, K.D. (2008). The AACN Synergy Model for Patient Care: A Nursing

Care of the Elderly The
Pages: 7 Words: 2500

The emphasis is on normal, everyday activities provided for residents. According to the authors, however, little research has been conducted to investigate the actual effect of such activities and settings upon residents. The assumption is that such settings have a better effect that traditional institutions, but there is little empirical research to support this.
Hence, Verbeek et al. (2010) conducted a study to compare small-scale living with regular care in nursing homes in the Netherlands. Interestingly, they found no significant difference between the quality of life experienced by residents in traditional institutional settings and those in small-scale living facilities. Furthermore, there was also no significant difference in the job satisfaction levels of nursing staff between both types of institution was found. Another important aspect, namely neuropsychiatric symptoms and agitation were also significantly similar for both institution types. According to the authors, a difference was found in the satisfaction level of…...



Gaugler, J.E. (2005, Mar.). Family Involvement in Residential Long-Term Care: A Synthesis and Critical Review. Aging and Mental health, Iss. 9, vol. 2. Retrieved from: 

Lyness, J.M., Yu, Q., Tang, W., Tu, X., and Conwell, Y. (2009, Dec.). Risks for Depression Onset in Primary Care Elderly Patients: Potential Targets for Preventive Interventions. American Journal of Psychiatry. Retrieved from: 

Simonazzi, a. (2009, Jun). Home care and cash transfers. Effects on the elderly care-female employment trade-off. Retrieved from:

Verbeek, H., Zwakhalen, S.M.G., Van Rossum, E., Ambergen, T, Kempen, G.I.J.M., and Hamers, J.P.H. (2010, Nov.). Dementia Care Redesigned: Effects of Small-Scale Living Facilities on Residents, their Family Caregivers, and Staff. American Medical directors Association. Retrieved from:

Health Care How Would You
Pages: 4 Words: 1302

Futile medical care is the ongoing provision of medical treatment or care to a patient who does not show any hope of recovery. It is either that his condition is not curable and therefore the treatment that he is receiving is of no benefit. The common examples of these are that a surgeon is performing a surgery on a patient with terminal cancer. Patients who have terminal cancer have gotten the cancer spread all throughout their body. It is only until time that their organs will go into failure and they will pass away. Another example is of keeping brain dead people on life support for other reasons. As it would be expected, this is quite a sensitive area and it would involve arguments with the patient's relatives and friends.
It is understandable that the loved ones do want to do anything they can to keep the patient in front…...



Appel, J. (2009). What's So Wrong with "Death Panels"?. [online] Retrieved from:   [Accessed: 26 Jul 2013]. 

Doyle, D. (2010). Baby K. A Landmark Case In Futile Medical Care. [online] Retrieved from:   [Accessed: 26 Jul 2013]. 

Gardent, P. And Reeves, S. (2009). Ethics Conflicts in Rural Communities: Allocation of Scarce Resources. [e-book] Lebanon, NH: University Press of New England.   [Accessed: 26th July, 2013]. 

Pomerance, J., Morrison, A., Williams, R. And Schifrin, B. (1989). Anencephalic infants: life expectancy and organ donation.. Journal of perinatology, 9 (1), pp. 33-37.

Flows in Health Care Since the Government
Pages: 8 Words: 2383

Flows in Health Care
Since the government had started the practice of handing over major departments to private sector like health care and education, these areas are now more focused on employing techniques that can draw major profit flow. On examining the three crucial aspects of profit earning such as the number of patients, quality of staff and management, we come to a conclusion that all three areas go side by side and need to be checked upon regularly (Michael, 2006 ).

The numbers of patients are important, to a hospital; patients are the customers who are taking advantage of the health care services provided by that respective hospital. Another item that is associated to the number of patients is the type of patients coming in which is directly associated with the services that a hospital is providing at that particular time. In order to earn more profit in this field,…...



Del. Donna M., Christensen M.D. (Oct 2003). Women on the Cutting Edge of Health Care and Research. Ebony, 82.

Funtleyder, L. (2008). Healthcare Investing: Profiting from the New World of Pharma, Biotech, and Health Care Services. McGraw-Hill Professional.

Harry A. Sultz, Kristina M. Young. (2010). Health Care USA. New York: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Leiyu Shi, Douglas A. Singh. (2011). Delivering Health Care in America. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Inpatient Health Quality of Care
Pages: 3 Words: 1043

Mortality prevention is certainly an area where the strongest interventions are most justified.

Bluegrass Hospital Quality of Care

Industry Comparison Quality of Care Standards

("Patient safety and," 2011)

1. Based upon the report card alone, the hospital is deficient in esophogeal resection, pancreatic resection, abdominal aortic aneurysm repair, coronary artery bypass grafts, craniotomies and acute myocardial infarctions. Gastrointestinal hemorrhages were just slightly above the national average and within the standard deviation.

2. As an administrative official, it is prudent to check the internal data charts personally at a departmental level to make sure the data is accurate and was collected correctly and without bias.

3. The QI teams would then determine the specific on site measures needed to rectify the problems and the level of interventions necessary. These interventions would be more stringent with regard to the above factors due to fact that patient mortality could be involved.

4. Recommendations would be as to whether in-service…...


Works Cited

Catchpole, K.R., et al. (2007). Patient handover from surgery to intensive care: using formula 1 pit-stop and aviation models to improve safety and quality. Pediatric Anesthesia, 17, 470-478.

Pronovost, P.J. (2009). Reducing health care hazards: lessons from the commercial aviation safety team. Health Affairs, 476-489.

Nationalized Health Care v Private Insurers
Pages: 6 Words: 1968

nationalized health care v. private insurers
During the past three decades, both Federal-funded healthcare programs like Medicare and private insurers have battled the rising tide of spending on personal health care with a variety of cost containment mechanisms. While other nations counter the fiscal onslaught with nationalized health care to provide universal coverage to its citizens, the United States struggles between partially funded nationalized care and a debilitating system of private insurance that denies patients proper care and undermines the moral codes of physicians. While the government continues to push health care towards the schism of corporate privatization, critics of the system unite with those un-served, proffering a viable transformation to medicate that would equal and exceed the private sector's ability to control the rate of spending growth, price aggressively for the services it covers, and provide health coverage to those citizens most desperately in need.

Currently, the United States struggles to…...


Ibid, p. 935.

Ibid, p. 934.

Goel, Ashish. "For Whose Good?" Annals of Internal Medicine Online. June 7, 2005.

Healthcare in the United States Where We
Pages: 8 Words: 2445

Healthcare in the United States: Where We Have Been, Where We Are Going
The current healthcare crisis in America is not one that happened over night. It is one that has been building for more than a quarter century. There was a time in America when healthcare was a stellar institution: research, cures, technological advances, and treatments. The focus of healthcare was maintaining and improving the quality of life. Then, during the early 1980s, managed care became an entity between the physician, the patient, and the healthcare provider of hospital services. It began subtly, but has, today, become one of the most aggressive and successful business ventures of our time; and it has been the unmaking of a once stellar and progressive American institution.

Managed care is a "distinctly American" product (Birenbaum, 1997). It was legislation introduced by the Nixon Administration with the intent to regulate healthcare and to maintain control over…...


Reference List

Bernstein, A.B., Hing, E., Moss, A.J., Allen, K., Siller, A., and Tiggle, R. (2003). Health Care in America: Trends in Utilization. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics.

Birenbaum, A. (2002). Wounded Profession: American Medicine Enters the Age of Managed Care. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Birenbaum, A. (1997). Managed Care: Made in America. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Committee on Health Care Access and Economics Task Force on Mental Health (2009). Improving Mental Health Services in Primary Care: Reducing Administrative and Financial Barriers to Access and Collaboration. The Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, March, 30, 2009, pp. 1248-1251.

Legal Aspects of Healthcare in
Pages: 5 Words: 1908

Attorneys, however, note that the suits are reflective of an increase in negligent doctors, who are hard pressed to serve a larger and more demanding patient load. Medical care is more costly and it is true that doctors fail to establish bedside relationships with their patients. Others point out that problems lie at the door of the insurance industry and management of hospitals (Committee, p. 1).
Because we discovered the problem in time, Mr. Jones was able to apologize and explain to the patients affected concerning the true nature of his outbursts. They did not have to pay for their treatment and none of them brought lawsuits against Mr. Jones or the hospital. We retained Mr. Jones, but advised him to notify the management if it appeared that there might be future outbursts. It is true that hospitals are much more diligent today because of risk management practices. Because of…...



Abbott, R.L., Weber, P. And Kelley, B. (2005). Medical professional liability insurance and its relation to medical error and healthcare risk management for the practicing physician. American Journal of Ophthalmology. Vol. 140(6).

Committee to Study Medical Professional Liability and the Dellivery of Obstetrical Care, Institute of Medicine. (1989). Medical Professional Liabilityand the Delivery of Obstetrical Care: Vol I. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.

Grol, R. (2001). Improving the quality of medical care: Building bridges among professional pride, payer profit, and patient satisfaction. Journal of the American Medical Association. Vol. 286(20). 28 Nov 2001.

Harris, G. (2006). Senators to unveil new drug safety proposals. The New York Times. 21 Jun 2006. Retrieved January 14, 2008 at .

Healthcare Concerns They Most Normally
Pages: 3 Words: 1047

S. than in any other developed nation, yet the quality of care, even for those who are insured, is mediocre at best (Hawkins, 2007).
Doctors and hospitals often treat patients free of charge, if they do not have health insurance. However, that raises costs for other patients and makes healthcare and insurance even more costly. Most Americans recognize that the country's healthcare system is not sustainable and that without significant reform, it is headed for a complete meltdown.

In the U.S., identity theft is a major concern. Now, that, too, has gone into the medical arena. Medical identity theft is being described as the newest frontier in the ever-evolving crime of identity theft and presents a major opportunity for a wide range of criminals as the healthcare industry evolves into an electronic culture. Yet this environment is not properly protected by present law enforcement agencies and criminal offenses (Latour, 2007, p. 11).




Andrews, J. (2006). Where the jobs are: eldercare is already creating more jobs than there are people willing to do them. And the market is just heating up. Here's a look at where some of the greatest demand will be. Assisted Living 4(6) S6-9.

Hawkins, D.(12 February, 2007). Bush's Remedy Isn't a Cure; the President's health-care won't help those who need insurance most or the underinsured who can't afford primary care. Business Week Online

Institute of Medicine (2007). Preventing medication errors. National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.:

Lafferty, L. (2007). Medical identity theft: the future threat of health care fraud is now: lack of Federal Law Enforcement efforts means compliance professionals will have to lead the way. Journal of Health Care Compliance 9 (1) 11-21.

Leapfrog M S Healthcare Administration Exploration National Quality
Pages: 2 Words: 642

M.S. Healthcare Administration Exploration National quality performance improvement initiatives. The organizations noted focused specific areas research; study practices information dissemination national organizations public, private governmental sectors.

Leapfrog Group


The stated aim of the Leapfrog Group is to track the "safety, quality and affordability of health care" (Mission, 2012, Leapfrog). It is designed to help consumers to make more informed healthcare decisions (Mission, 2012, Leapfrog). It 'rewards' high-performing organizations with strong ratings and, conversely, penalizes poorly-performing organizations with weak ratings -- or notes their failure to report data (Mission, 2012, Leapfrog). Participation is voluntary, but there is a strong incentive to participate in Leapfrog because of its reputation as a 'gold standard' of patient care measurements.

Past impact

Leapfrog's mission was solidified thanks to a 1999 report by the Institute of Medicine which found that 98,000 Americans die every year from preventable medical errors (Mission, 2012, Leapfrog). The Leapfrog Group was founded in 2000 and…...



Kasprak, John. (2006). The Leapfrog Group Healthcare Initiative. OLR Research Paper.


Jha, Ashish K. (et al., 2008). Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety

34(6):318 -- 25. Retrieved:

National Healthcare Systems Decision-Making Justification
Pages: 8 Words: 2143

This is because in most health facilities, the data is kept in a uniform way and the same is used for your next visit. According to the privacy law which applies to medical practitioners, confidentiality and privacy of the patient should not be compromised at all times. It is therefore important that when using health informatics, the management should respect the fundamental rights of the patient.

The national health care system can effectively improve its collaboration by adopting computer technologies and methodologies such as the soft systems methodology. It is therefore crucial for the government and the healthcare providers to join efforts in creating a better national health informatics system.


Ahuja MK, Carley KM. (1998)Network Structure in Virtual Organizations. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication. 1998;3(4)

Brown JE, Isaacs JS, and Krinke UB (2007) Nutrition Through the Life Cycle

Checkland, P., Holwell, S. (1993), "Information management and organizational processes: an approach through soft systems…...



Ahuja MK, Carley KM. (1998)Network Structure in Virtual Organizations. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication. 1998;3(4)

Brown JE, Isaacs JS, and Krinke UB (2007) Nutrition Through the Life Cycle

Checkland, P., Holwell, S. (1993), "Information management and organizational processes: an approach through soft systems methodology," J. Of Info. Systems, Vol. 3 pp.3-16.

Connell, N.A.D. (2001), "Evaluating soft or: some reflections on an apparently 'unsuccessful' implementation using a soft systems methodology (SSM) based approach," Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 52 No.2, pp.150-60.

I need some suggestions for ethical issues essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 721

Topic 1: The Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Workplace

Key Issues:
The potential for AI to automate jobs and displace human workers, leading to unemployment and economic insecurity.
AI's impact on workplace privacy and surveillance, with AI-powered monitoring systems potentially infringing on workers' rights.
The need for ethical guidelines and regulations governing the development and use of AI in the workplace, to ensure fairness and protect workers' rights.

Topic 2: The Ethics of Genetic Engineering and Human Enhancement

Key Issues:
The potential benefits of genetic engineering, such as curing diseases, improving cognitive abilities, and extending lifespan.
The ethical....

How does parents\' right to choose to vaccinate children impact public health?
Words: 491

Parents' Right to Choose Vaccination and Its Impact on Public Health
Parents' right to choose whether or not to vaccinate their children has become a contentious issue with profound implications for public health. While the right to parental autonomy is paramount, the collective impact of vaccination decisions on herd immunity and the overall health of the population must also be considered.
Herd Immunity and Public Health
Vaccines work by stimulating the body's immune system to produce antibodies against specific diseases. When a significant proportion of the population is vaccinated, a barrier of protection is created, making it less likely for the disease to....

How does maternal depression impact mother-infant bonding in NICU?
Words: 567

Maternal depression is a serious mental health issue that can have a significant impact on a mother's ability to bond with her infant, particularly in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) setting. Research has shown that mothers who experience symptoms of depression are more likely to have difficulties forming a strong bond with their infant, which can have long-term effects on the child's development.
One study by Goyal et al. (2010) found that mothers with depression were less likely to engage in positive interactions with their infants, such as talking to them and responding appropriately to their cues. This lack of....

How does maternal depression impact mother-infant bonding in NICU?
Words: 427

Impact of Maternal Depression on Mother-Infant Bonding in the NICU
Maternal depression, a prevalent mental health condition affecting women during the postpartum period, significantly impacts mother-infant bonding, particularly in the context of a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
Causes and Effects
Hormonal Imbalances: Postpartum depression disrupts hormone levels, affecting mood, energy levels, and attachment.
Cognitive Impairments: Depression can impair cognitive functioning, reducing a mother's ability to process and respond to infant cues.
Emotional Distress: Depression leads to overwhelming feelings of sadness, anxiety, and guilt, which can disrupt the ability to form meaningful connections.
Effects on Bonding
Reduced Interaction: Depressed mothers have difficulty engaging....

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