Integrity in Business
In Fortune Magazine's online edition, news about the alleged insider trading case against ajat Gupta, former Managing Director of McKinsey & Company and board member of Goldman Sachs, have progressed and it had become apparent through federal government evidence that indeed, Gupta has been providing insider information to 'tip off' his personal and business friend aj ajaratnam (McDonald, 2011).
The report went on to provide an analysis of what this news means for Gupta's former employer, McKinsey and Company. Discussion on just how trustworthy the consulting firm is given that even its former Managing Director has allegedly been providing information about McKinsey's clients' investment interests and plans was a critical section in the analysis. Interestingly, the news reported that McKinsey was able to retain its clients' trust and that the case against Gupta has been an issue separate from McKinsey, as far as the consulting firm is concerned. Aside…...
McDonald, D. (2011). "Why the Rajat Gupta scandal won't hurt McKinsey." CNN Money-Fortune Magazine Online. Retrieved 3 July 2012. Available at:
Apparently, Helms was too hot to handle." 11 A another public figure obviously annoyed at government's failure to successfully try the intelligence director said: "ather than using a court trial to press for full disclosure... The administration has decided to contain the story and manage it under the tired excuse of national security." 12 U.S. District Judge Barrington Parker however refused to accept any prearranged plea-bargain and a trial ensued.
Helms was surprisingly unapologetic. He said he was guided by his professional code and admitted he had misled the Senate: "I found myself in a position of conflict. I had sworn my oath to protect certain secrets. I didn't want to lie. I didn't want to mislead the Senate. I was simply trying to find my way through a very difficult situation in which I found myself." 13 This declaration was disturbing to many since what Helms said showed he…...
William Sullivan quoted in U.S., Senate, Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, Foreign and Military Intelligence: Final Report (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1976), Book III, pp. 968-969 [hereafter cited as U.S., Select Committee to Study Intelligence, Final Report].
Henry L. Stimson, On Active Service in Peace and War (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1947), p. 188.
David Kahn, The Code Breakers (New York: New American Library, 1973), pp. 178-179.
Claus von Stauffenberg, quoted in Bundeszentrale fur politische Bildung, Germans Against Hitler (Wiesbaden: Wiesbadener Graphische Betriebe, 1964, p. 222.
To ensure this balance is achieved and the overall study is comprised of the strongest and highest level of integrity and ethics, there must be a solid design. Although the purpose of this discussion is not to divulge into the specific mechanics of the qualitative design, ethics and integrity are both natural outgrowths of solid research designs.
Integrity and ethics have been referred to as "straightforwardness" and "trustworthiness" within qualitative studies (Given, 2008). Integrity and ethics are ensured when the researcher exhibits a reasonable level of quality control in reviewing the data (Patton, 2006). Specifically, the researcher should be on the look out for data that goes according to plan, in other words, data that fits the model to well or data that has "too good of fit" should be viewed with some skepticism. The logical conclusion to this environment would construe the facts to discern that the integrity and ethics…...
Given, L.M. (2008). The Sage encyclopedia of qualitative research methods . Los Angeles, Calif.: SAGE Publications.
Merriam, S.B. (2008). Case study research in education: a qualitative approach. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Patton, M.Q. (2002). Qualitative research and evaluation methods (3 ed.). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
Schram, T.H. (2006). Conceptualizing and proposing qualitative research (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.
Honor, Integrity, Duty
"the greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be" (Socrates).
If ten persons are asked to define "honor" there will likely be eight or nine different answers, and perhaps even all ten people will have a different response. Honor can be thought of as respect; when a person achieves something very significant or has high moral standards -- that can be seen as honor, according to the MacMillan Dictionary. An honor is something that is given to a person who has achieved something significant; and an honor can be something done to represent another person's efforts. For example, Rev. Martin Luther King was honored with a Nobel Prize for Peace because of his nonviolent leadership (MacMillan Dictionary).
Scholar Frank Henderson Stewart writes in his book Honor that in Asian countries (notably China) saving "face" is an honorable thing to do. In…...
mlaWorks Cited
Business Dictionary. (2012). Duty. Retrieved January 2, 2013, from .
Killinger, Barbara. (2010). Integrity: Doing the Right Thing for the Right Reason. Montreal,
Canada: McGill-Queen's Press -- MAQUP.
MacMillan Dictionary. (2010). Honor -- Definition. Retrieved January 2, 2013, from .
Clinical Documentation Integrity:
In the past few years, the healthcare system has experienced constant battle surges between internal and external customers of clinical information to transform medical data into meaningful and beneficial information. The ongoing pressure has emerged from the fact that enterprise-wide systems in the modern healthcare system need high quality data. The quality data is essential to assist in complicated business decision making on a daily basis. hile it is vital to enhance the quality and usefulness of medical information, the increase in medical errors has contributed to several concerns regarding the integrity of clinical documentation. Generally, most medical errors in the healthcare system are brought by inadequate, incomplete, and wrong data, especially during documentation. Therefore, healthcare managers should take necessary steps to enhance the integrity of clinical documentation in order to avoid any legal actions and enhance patient outcome through lessening medical errors.
Medical Errors:
The healthcare system increasingly been…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Harman, Laurinda B., Cathy A. Flite, and Kesa Bond. "Electronic Health Records: Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security." Virtual Mentor 14.9 (2012): 712-19. Virtual Mentor. American Medical Association, Sept. 2012. Web. 2 May 2014. .
Miliard, Mike. "AHIMA to ONC: Better Clinical Documentation Needed to Ensure EHRs' Efficacy." Healthcare IT News. Healthcare IT News, 14 Feb. 2013. Web. 2 May 2014. .
Kudler's System integrity Validation Describe selected computer assisted auditing techniques validate data system integrity system. Explain functions audit productivity software. Explain audit productivity software systems designed
Kudler's system integrity validation
The essay gives a detailed information on how computer assisted auditing technique can be used in the validation of data and system integrity within an accounting information system, the functions of audit productivity and an account of the audit productivity software used in the system designed.
The recommendation given to Kudler Fine Food tends to show how computer have increasingly become important in the auditing field and how it has made auditing easer at the same time offering numerous advantages to the business.
ole of Kudler's system integrity validation (CAAT) in the Audit process
According to Lovata, (2000 p 60-68). And David Janvrin an assistant professor at Iowa State University, Kudler's system integrity validation or Computer assisted Audit Technique (CAAT) uses specific applications and software…...
Dowling, C., & Leech, S., (2007). Audit support systems and decision aids: Current practice and opportunities for future research. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems pp 92-116.
Lovata, L. (2000). Audit technology and the use of computer assisted audit techniques. Journal of Information Systems pp 60-68.
Shumate, R., & . Brooks R. (2001). The effect of technology on auditing in government: A discussion of the paperless audit. The Journal of Government Financial Management. pp 50-55.
Police Integrity
Integrity and Police ork
There are few professions either in criminal justice or beyond which are more rigorous, challenging and complex than police work. The law officer must face an array of challenges too various and potentially dangerous to elaborate here. On a daily basis, the officer must work to uphold the law while simultaneously protecting the public, preventing criminal behavior and apprehending those who violate the rule of order. These challenges create a condition in which there is often tremendous pressure upon the officer to behave with honor and integrity. This pressure is precipitated not just upon the unpredictable nature of the fieldwork relating to policing but is also often a consequence of the negative internal culture that permeates some precincts. It is therefore incumbent upon every individual police officer and upon precincts as whole units to resist, prevent, uncover and eliminate the kind of system-wide corruption that prevents…...
mlaWorks Cited:
JRank. (2009). Racial Profiling. Online at
U.S. Department of Justice. (2001). Principles for Promoting Police Integrity. Examples of Promising Police Practices and Policies.
Academic integrity is a vital issue that carries past school years into careers and the work world in life. It can also affect relationships with peers, family, and other societal members. Schools have strict rules regarding academic integrity to teach students the importance of working hard in honest ways for success, not only in school, but throughout life as well.
One of the biggest lessons I have had to learn was academic integrity in taking classes. It was the Summer Session II 2013 in Math 20C. I had worked hard throughout the whole course and it was time to take the final. I wanted a good grade so bad for this final that I stayed up all night studying for it. I was also very nervous about this test.
The next day, final day, I showed up in class very stressed and nervous. When taking this test, I could not remember what…...
theological integrity" by Rowan illiams
Rowan illiams' concept of theological integrity attempts to resolve the central paradox of religious discourse: On one hand, religion attempts to express the ineffable, and thus there is always an elusive and indeterminate quality regarding the language used to speak about theology. On the other hand, because the truths it grapples with are so central to our daily lives, some determinacy seems to be required, given that the answers affect so much of our day-to-day existence. A valuable religious discourse is inevitably located in the particular since we are flesh and blood creatures as humans. Even if it cannot give answers it can at minimum highlight the complexities of the relationship of human beings with God. This is particularly true, given that in our society, we tend to valorize 'saying what you mean.'
Theological discourse, by virtue of being transmitted through the words of human beings,…...
mlaWork Cited
Williams, Rowan. "On theological integrity." Cross Currents, 1994: 312-324. [13 May 2013]
This because, various corporate interests will often engage in unethical behavior through the actions that executives are taking with regards to: the law and the politicians they are supporting. As a result, the U.S. has to address the interconnected relationship of these two entities (which is leading to increased amounts corporate and political corruption). ("Denmark," 2011) ("New Zealand," 2011)
In the case of Somalia and Myanmar, the U.S. has far less corruption. This is due to the fact that in both countries bribes and kickbacks are often a part of daily life. In the case of the United States, this is not a major issue that most people will have to deal with on regular basis. This is important, because it highlights how the overall amounts of corruption in both countries are more extreme (with this occurring at levels of society and government). ("Myanmar -- urma," 2011) ("Somalia," 2011)
Clearly, corruption…...
Corruption Practices Investigation Bureau. (2009). CPIB. Retrieved from:
CPI Report. (2010). CPI Report. Transparency International, 1 -- 12.
Denmark. (2011). CIA. Retrieved from:
Myanmar -- Burma. (2011). CIA. Retrieved from:
6 (c).
Tolstoy's work indicates that materialism brings only temporary happiness. The true value of living is in the love and devotion of family, which brings the ideal of heaven closer to a person's heart. True meaning in life comes in the form of those who would miss and weep for Ivan when he has died.
7. (a)
I find the overall tone of the conversation convincing. The dean is very official and formal, with the student being a little irreverent and more informal in his tone.
What I don't find very convincing is the overuse of ethical considerations when discussing the student's transgression with him. It would seem more appropriate to use simpler premises.
7 (b).
I would rate the dialogue at about 5 or 6 on the scale. It was not completely convincing to me. I'm not sure it's how two people in that situation would react to each other.
7 (c).
For the answer:
There is…...
As a result, they found that the faculty at various colleges / universities around the country responded most favorably to post tenure review when it improved academic standards at the institution. Yet, beyond this issue the overall areas of divisiveness remained. The consistency of the results shows that the quality of the sample taken is accurate in identifying what factors affect perceptions. (Wood & Johnson, 2004, pp. 395 -- 415)
While the mixed method design has shown the results to be accurate, for any kind of education policy to be effective requires that it addresses the issues of: ethics and integrity. In this particular case, post tenure review can be effective when it listens to the ideas of staff and helps them to see this as a tool for improvement. To effectively achieve this objective, requires comparing the study using the Ethics Code of Psychologists which says, "Psychologists are committed…...
Cozby. (2009). Ethical Research (p. 53).
Creswell & Plano-Clark. (2008). The validity issue in mixed research (pp. 273 -- 294).
Wood & Johnson. (2005). Post-tenure Review (pp. 178 -- 200).
O'Meara. (2004). Beliefs about Post-tenure Review (pp. 395 -- 415).
Instruments will also be tested for interpretive differences, especially in the qualitative interview, before distributing/administering the instruments to the research populations.
here is little ethical concern at work in the proposed research, as no subjects in the research study will be asked to do anything other than respond to surveys and/or interviews honestly (there are no expected psychological ramifications of study participation, as in the famous Milgram obedience experiment) (Cozby, 2009). maintaining confidentiality and privacy through the maintenance of anonymity, especially within the institutions where the surveys and questionnaires are distributed/administered, is the essential ethical concern of this research study. Individual identification of participants in the qualitative experiment is not required, making anonymity easy to maintain (identifying information will be specifically excluded from the quantitative instruments, and stripped away by research assistants if mistakenly applied y the respondent); for the qualitative interviews, responses will be coded and stored separately from…...
mlaThere is little ethical concern at work in the proposed research, as no subjects in the research study will be asked to do anything other than respond to surveys and/or interviews honestly (there are no expected psychological ramifications of study participation, as in the famous Milgram obedience experiment) (Cozby, 2009). maintaining confidentiality and privacy through the maintenance of anonymity, especially within the institutions where the surveys and questionnaires are distributed/administered, is the essential ethical concern of this research study. Individual identification of participants in the qualitative experiment is not required, making anonymity easy to maintain (identifying information will be specifically excluded from the quantitative instruments, and stripped away by research assistants if mistakenly applied y the respondent); for the qualitative interviews, responses will be coded and stored separately from identifying information, with extremely limited access to this information.
According to Teddlie and Tashakkori (2003, in Cozby, 2009), inference quality is achieved through "design quality and interpretive rigor" (pp. 286). Design quality in the proposed research will be maintained through the use of subject area experts in the development and testing of research instruments. Interpretive rigor will be the result of repeated statistical analysis and independent analyses of qualitative results, including regression analysis and subjective analysis.
Integrity in Canada
Even though Canada has one of the best systems dealing with research integrity and disciplining of misconduct, the system just like any other, has a few disadvantages. In fact, many people in the Canadian research community are of the opinion that something needs to be done to make the system more efficient to avoid any destructive future effects of negative research conduct. However, Canada is not the only country in the world that is seeking to make its system more efficient (Creutzberg et al., 2009). This research looks into integrity systems in 8 other nations and finds that there are discussions in all these other developed nations on how to improve their respective systems. The widespread concern is due to the increasing number of negative effects that every individual public case is bringing to science. The negative effects include: wasted resources, time and efforts for the regulatory…...
Baerlocher, M. O., O'Brien, J., Newton, M., Gautam, T., & Noble, J. (2010).Data integrity, reliability and fraud in medical research. European Journal of Internal Medicine, 21, 40-45.
Creutzberg, T. et al., (2009). The State of Research Integrity and Misconduct Policies in Canada. Canada: Hickling Arthurs Low. Retrieved from: Accessed on 29th October, 2015. .
Creutzberg, T. et al., (2009). The State of Research Integrity and Misconduct Policies in Canada. Canada: Hickling Arthurs Low. Retrieved from:
Laboratory reports are like any other deliverable in school. They require original work, and the citation of work borrowed from others. When referring to prior research, I need to cite that research properly. When I like an idea or theory, I can include that in my paper as long as I give credit to the source. If I like someone else's words, I can quote those words and give credit. This way, I will not be plagiarizing. Laboratory reports are not like essays in that our laboratory partners are working with the same basic concepts, variables, and ideas. My partner and I will have worked together and therefore share the same hypotheses and conclusions. However, there are ways of delivering different laboratory reports based on our collaborative work ("General Information," 2014). Methods of writing a report independently will include receiving help from a writing tutor, as long as the tutor…...
"Academic Integrity Policy," (2014). Northeastern University. Retrieved online:
"Citation and Academic Integrity Checklist," (2014). Northeastern University. Retrieved online:
"General Information," (2014). Northeastern University. Retrieved online:
We would start this essay by looking at the Department of State’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations. Looking at that list is a great way to identify transnational terrorist groups. Working from those groups, you could the identify a transnational group that is linked to a domestic terrorist group. The County Reports on Terrorism also reveal how international terrorist groups work and can provide some insight into their ties to domestic organizations. Working this way may be important for the integrity of your research because the designation of groups as domestic terrorist groups changed....
When I think about what I have learned in my professional skills course, I think of those things that my parents would have called “soft skills.” To me, they are the factors that make the difference between someone looking good on a resume and someone doing well in an interview and on the job. They include several factors that relate to how well a person can work in a team, as well as factors that demonstrate someone’s ability to manage time.
Time management is probably the most important skill I have learned from this course. I never had....
When people think of accounting, they rarely think of ethics. While ethical guidelines are of obvious importance in other professions, they seem removed from the black and white nature of number crunching. However, accounting ethics are of incredible importance, not only to accountants but also to their clients. That is because when handling money there is tremendous pressure to fudge numbers, look the other way when other people are doing wrong, or even to dip your hand in the cookie jar. This can result in a range of disastrous results, from tax problems for....
Accounting ethics are incredibly important because accountants are entrusted with handling money for individuals, businesses, and other organizations. Unethical accountants can expose a business to financial risks and liabilities, even if their breaches of ethics do not amount to criminal behavior or involve intentional wrongdoing on the part of the accountant. Huge financial scandals, such as Enron, could not occur without ethical breaches on the part of the accountants because the financial structure of large organizations requires at least passive participation in wrongdoing by people at the accountant level. Accountant ethics are....
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