Instructor Essays (Examples)

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Instructor Teaching the Course You
Pages: 1 Words: 353

It also is striking in the way that it uses dialogue and silence to create the relationship between the man and the girl, rather than description. However, the details of the story, like the types of drinks the couple have together and the luggage stickers on their suitcases tell a tale and characterize them just as much as long passages of dialogue or narrative.
A also enjoyed "Cathedral," another story told in simple, minimalistic style about everyday encounters and people. Raymond Carver tackles the issue of dealing with someone who is disabled through the voice of an unlikeable narrator yet the husband and the blind man at the end of the story reach a kind of connection and transcendence together, simply watching a television program about cathedrals. In the most unlikely way, people are still capable of being good -- an uplifting message, even in a sad story where people…...

Instructors Will Be Using the Rubric to
Pages: 4 Words: 1295

nstructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. f so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin. NUR504.Summarize Research Articles_Student_1-09-14.docx
Summarize Research Articles

An epidemiological study of newly diagnosed sputum positive tuberculosis patients in Dhubri district, Assam, ndia and the factors influencing their compliance to treatment

This article was written by Forhad Akhtar Zaman, Samuel Sheikh, Kushal Chandra Das, Gaffar Sarwar Zaman and Ranabir Pal and was published in the Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine, 2014, Vol. 5(2), pages 415-20. t is a primary research article that focuses on describing a quantitative study that aims to…...


In addition to this, nurses play an important role in identifying and communicating opportunities and obstacles that affect patients' treatment. Another important role identified by this research study is for nurses to provide health education to communities, care providers, patients, and clients. But nurses' role is not limited to heath care. They also get involved in issues affecting treatment adherence in Burundi. They work in increasing adherence to the treatment, especially for patients suffering from other diseases, like HIV. Therefore, nurses in Burundi provide education to their patients in order for them to adhere to treatment, provide the health care process, and continue with the followup.

However, in order for nurses' activity to be successful, it is important that they are excellently trained. The research study has revealed the fact that nurses in Burundi are highly skilled professionals, as adherence to treatment in this region has increased. They also require addition improvements that could help them do a better job with their patients. Such improvements are represented by transportation facilities and developing medical centers closer to patients' homes. It is important to address this study for improvements that authorities can invest in so that health care systems improve their performance.

Carlsson, M., Johansson, S., Eale, R.P., & Kaboru, B.B. (2014). Nurses' roles and experiences with enhancing adherence to tuberculosis treatment among patients in Burundi: A qualitative study. Tuberculosis Research & Treatment, doi: 10.1155/2014/984218. Retrieved from .

Reasonable Approach to Improving Instructor-Developed
Pages: 2 Words: 574

For example, when assessing the results of a multiple-choice test, the instructor can see what questions students most frequently circled as incorrect, and specifically which incorrect responses were most attractive to students. Technology can also help highlight what students have improved or not improved in their test performance over the course of the semester by tracking student grades, on easily-read graphs, which can serve as a dramatic illustration of student progress for the teacher. If student performance was particularly poor on a particular unit or cluster of concepts, the teacher can target these areas for more extensive review. Technology thus allows for a more in-depth means of obtaining valuable feedback from test results as well as greater speed of assessment.
Technology allows instructors to use feedback to improve both lesson plans and assessments by providing information about how students approach tests as well as how they learn. While many students…...



Chapter 5: Assessment of student learning. (2011). Beyond Crossroads. Retrieved February 15,

2011 at

Con an Instructor Teachers and
Pages: 8 Words: 2293

Also, it does not provide significant starting points for further research for the readers. The length of the article is in accordance with the little substance of the text.
3. Problems of a foreign student

Given the large number of foreign students applying for colleges and universities in the U.S., support for foreign students has become a necessity. Most of these students must deal with adjustment problems. The increased interest for this matter has determined writer Christine F. Meloni to prepare the article entitled "Adjustment Problems for Foreign Students in U.S. Colleges and Universities" for EIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics (Meloni, 1986).

The article starts with a short introduction that consists in a brief description of the context in which the analysis presented in the article takes place. The article gets right to the point, by providing the results of certain studies that focused on determining the reasons for which foreign…...


Reference list:

1. Anotai, U. (2009). Common Ways Students Cheat on Exams. TOPICS Online Magazine. Retrieved January 19, 2010 from .

2. D'Felice, C. (2007). How to be happy: A formula for happiness? The Independent. Retrieved January 19, 2010 from .

3. Meloni, C. (1986). Adjustment Problems for Foreign Students in U.S. Colleges and Universities. ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics. Retrieved January 19, 2010 from .

Graded Submitted Instructor Answer Keys Provided Assist
Pages: 2 Words: 587

graded submitted instructor. Answer keys provided assist understanding concepts. Click grammar worksheet Click MLA worksheet Click answer keys Part I: riting component rite a paragraph essay topics starting point
Traffic jams: How to avoid them and how to deal with them

It happens to everyone who gets behind the wheel of a car. You are rolling along, when suddenly the cars in front of you come to a standstill. There is no red light but you soon realize you are frozen in space. hat causes a traffic jam? According to the Freakanomics blog, the usual reason for a traffic jam is that "one driver's slowing down creates a ripple effect that moves backwards through traffic, grinding everything to a halt for miles" (hat causes traffic jams," Freakanomics, 2008). Traffic jams illustrate how even a small error can cause major headaches for countless numbers of people. Rubber-necking during an accident; a slow…...


Works Cited

"What causes traffic jams?" Freakanomics. 2008. [10 Sept 2012]

College Instructors Exchanging Grades for Sex and or Money
Pages: 13 Words: 4185

Ethic and Moral

Ethical and moral principles



Issues of Liberia Educational Division

Sexual Exploitation




Spoiled Child Syndrome

Teacher's salary issues

Psychological stress

Peer Pressure

Personal Observation


In this research paper we are going to discuss the unethical practices in colleges where instructors exchange grades for sex or money. It has been observed that not only girls are the victim of sexual harassment or money from their college instructors, but boys are also the victim of the same course. The focus of this study is to identify the ethical perceptions in the colleges. The case studies will explore the colleges moral and ethical principles that are contravene by college instructors. Disregard of gender, there have been many cases regarding instructors who exchange money or sex favors from their students. The researcher has found many unethical practices in college from many aspects.


Today, college instructors exchange grades for sex and money. Grades are very important for some students more than their self-respect…...



Bray, NJ. (1999). Social control of administrative impropriety: An analysis of college and university administrators, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, 24th San Antonio, Texas, November pp. 18-21.

Boswell, Stefanie. S. (2012). I deserve success: Academic entitlement attitudes and their relationships with course self-efficacy, social networking, and demographic variables. Social Psychology of Education

Cummings, T., & Worley, C., (2008). Organization Development and Change. 9th ed. Cengage Learning.

Dailymail., (2011). Retrieved from

Local College University Employs ESL Instructors However There
Pages: 5 Words: 2118

local college/university employs ESL instructors however there is a problem with the manner in which ESL instructors teach the students. They follow a very linear and singular method of instruction that generates lack of interest in students and decreases student's linguistic ability during class. The literature reviewed will focus on the subject: teaching English as a second language, foundation strategies for teachers in Puerto ico. The first literature to review is: Factors of Significant Impact on Proficiency Levels of Adult ESL Learners Within Post-Secondary Education in Puerto ico by Perez. Perez performed a case study in where ESL learners within a four-year university in Puerto ico were observed and identified as having higher or lower levels of second language proficiency. He determined that students with lower levels of second language proficiency fared worse academically overall. The identification of certain factors that may influence the development of second language proficiency…...



Larrotta, C., & Brooks, A. (2009). Identity Issues in Building an ESL Community: The Puerto Rican Experience. In Bringing community to the adult ESL classroom (pp. 45-53). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Nieves, R.E. (2009). Teachers' strategies to improve oral communication skills in secondary level of the public school system of Hatillo district of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico: Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico (Recinto de Arecibo), Programa Graduado de Educacion.

Ortiz, E.A. (2010). Exemplary English Teachers in Puerto Rico (16). Retrieved from 


College Instructors Need to Create Frameworks Prior to Constructing Curricula
Pages: 2 Words: 745

Motivation for Students
Frameworks for Student Course Design

College and university instructors are expected to provide high quality learning environments and experiences for students, and an important component of superior instruction is having a well-thought-out framework for each course that is taught. Before there can be a design for a course, there needs to be a framework for that design. Does the framework for any particular course contain the structures, the assumptions, and the activities that are required in order to meet the objectives of the course -- and promote intellectual growth? This is a pivotal question when referencing effective frameworks (Lattuca, 2011).

In this paper three frameworks will be examined: Bloom's and Anderson and Krathwohl's Framework; Perry's and Baxter-Magolda's Framework; and Fink's Framework. Thesis: If instructors fail to put a great deal of pedagogically adroit preparation into frameworks, students will not have the maximum opportunity for learning to solve problems.

Bloom's and Anderson…...


Works Cited

Lattuca, L.R., and Stark, J.S. (2011). Shaping the College Curriculum: Academic Plans in Context. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Nilson, L.B. (2010). Teaching at its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College

Instructors. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Customer Inserts Instructor's Name Laboratory Safety Is
Pages: 4 Words: 1228

Customer Inserts Instructor's Name
Laboratory safety is of extreme importance because of not only employee health and safety but also because of maintaining environmental health and safety. Lab safety is essential because it deals with all the safety issues and problems related to chemical, biological and other scientific materials and researches/experiments. Therefore, it is highly important that the new safety manager, that is, ene, who is hired by Best Pets, Inc., performs well. The previous lab safety manager was not coming up to the company's safety and ethical standards and requirements due to which he is replaced by ene.

Best Pet Test, Inc. is a midget, blood and urine sample analysis company which has 50 employees working under it. Samples are gathered from veterinarian offices and animal shelters of different tri-state areas and are brought in the laboratory to be tested and analyzed . The company hired ene as a lab safety…...



Attached Case Study -- Bio 325 -- Authentic _ Final

American National Standard Institute (ANSI), Occupational Health and Safety Management

Systems, ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005.

American Chemical Society (ACS), Safety in the Academic Chemistry Laboratory, 7th ed.,

Instructor Teaching the Course You
Pages: 1 Words: 315

Also, it does not really fit very well with the rest of the syllabus. The other stories on the syllabus have three-dimensional characters that show a mix of good and bad characteristics, and face moral dilemmas. But the 'good man' of the title is suddenly confronted with a vision of hypocrisy, of the good people of the town showing their evil side. He does not come to this encounter with any soul-searching, or because he has done something particularly extraordinary, in terms of the story's plot. The story is heavy-handed and does not make much of a 'case' for the effective use of symbolism or the use of stories with clearly moral tales. Most people in the class have already encountered fables and morality tales in their other reading, even as children, and the more complex modernist works are a better spur towards better writing and…...

Effects of Instructor Immediacy Behaviors in Online Learning Environments
Pages: 2 Words: 697

Article Critique Worksheet 1. Correctly reference the article using current APA format.
Schutt, M., Allen, B.S. & Laumakis, M.A. (2009). The Effects of Instructor Immediacy Behaviors in Online Learning Environments. The Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 10(2), 135-148.
2. What is the purpose of the study? In the present study, the authors sought to assess and evaluate the perception of participants in relation to the social presence as well as immediacy of the instructor and how immediacy relates to social presence in online educational settings.
3. List the hypotheses; then, underline and label the corresponding independent/dependent variables or predictor/criterion variables. Are there any covariates? If so, name them.
Several hypotheses were analyzed by the authors in the context of the highlighted educational settings. The hypotheses have been stated below:
Hypothesis 1i: Participants who view the high-immediacy sessions will indicate higher perception of instructor immediacy than the participants who view the low-immediacy sessions.
Hypothesis H1ii: Participants who view…...

Guillermo Furniture Store Scenario Organization Approval Instructor
Pages: 2 Words: 615

Guillermo Furniture Store Scenario organization, approval instructor, assignment Write a paper 2,000 words analyzes Guillermo's alternatives. Select alternatives justify recommendation discussing financial business advantages disadvantages solution vs. alternatives.
The Guillermo Furniture Store Scenario

The Guillermo Furniture Store is currently facing severe challenges from the external environment. As competition intensifies and as the forces in the micro and macro environments become more pressing, the economic agent is forced to reconsider its strategic direction. Up to this stage, the furniture store had been primarily operating on manual labor and was emphasizing on high product quality.

While the managerial objective is that of preserving the high quality of the products and services delivered by the Guillermo Furniture Store, its underlying scope is that of creating more positive financial results and as such securing an improved competitive position for the company.

In establishing the future course of action, four alternative solutions were identified, as follows:

The consolidation of…...



Nakagawa, J., 2006, Managing development: globalization, economic restructuring and social policy, Taylor and Francis

Schweitzer, G.E., 2008, Science and technology and the future development of societies: international workshop proceedings, National Academies Press

Sexual Harassment and Instructor
Pages: 3 Words: 1060

Sexual Harassment Charges
The chair of the kinesiology department at a college or university confronted with a sexual harassment charge from a student concerning the inappropriate touching of a breast by a male instructor during weight training instruction and who now refuses to return to class will need to understand the legal definition of sexual harassment and relevant precedential case laws to provide an appropriate organizational response. To this end, this paper reviews the literature to provide a definition of sexual harassment, when it was implemented into law in the United States, and an analysis of selected sexual harassment cases including their validity. Finally, a recommendation for the college or university, a summary of the research and important findings concerning sexual harassment cases are presented in the conclusion.

Review and Analysis

According to the legal definition provided by Black's Law Dictionary, sexual harassment is "a type of employment discrimination [which] includes sexual…...


Works Cited

Black's Law Dictionary. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co., 1990.

Equal employment opportunity guidelines on sexual harassment. (1980). 45 Fed. Reg. 25025.

Gebser v. Lago Vista Independent School District. (1998). Oyez. Available: org/cases/1997/96-1866.https://www.oyez.

Lee, Robert D. and Greenlaw, Paul S. "Employer Liability for Employee Sexual Harassment: A Judicial Policy-Making Study." Public Administration Review (2000, March), vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 123-127.

Being an Instructor Online
Pages: 2 Words: 585

Online Class
Being an online instructor

The current learning trends are becoming predominantly online based and many instructors find it more convenient adopting this mode of learning as opposed to the traditional classroom-based learning. It is not to say that the online-based learning should replace the traditional classroom setting, but there is need for adaptability of either modes where necessary. The following are the major areas that I will emphasize on in order to have an effective online class and effective interaction with the students as an instructor;

Assessing learning outcomes

One of the methods that I will use for assessing the learning outcomes will be the evaluation of the activeness of each student in the online class especially in terms of answering questions in the online forum. I will also post numerous assignments and use the frequency of reply or return of the exams from each student to gauge the level of…...

What is the best way to choose a research paper topic?
Words: 414

Choosing a research paper topic doesn't have to be difficult. In many cases, an instructor will choose a topic for you. Some instructors allow you to choose your own topic, but request that you get approval from them before beginning your paper. If you're left completely alone to choose a topic and start writing, consider the following questions as you're thinking about topic ideas: • What is the class about? • What are some of the main points or themes addressed by the instructor? • What about the class specifically interests you? • What ideas or themes from the class naturally lend themselves to research? • Is your topic idea....

How is a thesis statement developed?
Words: 316

To develop a thesis statement, the first thing you'll need to do is determine what kind of paper you're writing. It will be either expository (explain something to the reader), argumentative (make and justify a claim), or analytical (break down and evaluate an issue). The type of paper you're writing will affect the content of your thesis statement, which should be very specific. The main issue you'll cover in your paper should be listed in your statement, and should be backed up with proper evidence. Generally, the statement will appear at the very end of the paper's first paragraph. As....

What is self-plagiarism?
Words: 90


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