Instagram Essays (Examples)

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Instagram Consumer Culture Shopping Influencers
Pages: 7 Words: 2365

Instagram consumer culture- shopping/e commerce , influencers and brand matching, brands seeking influencers through purchasing item yourself then promoting on your page (the deeper story)
With developed markets, economic growth is heavily predicated on consumerism. In these instances, consumers are enticed to purchase products designed to make like more enjoyable, convenient, and easier. These products are ultimately backed by strong brands which look to occupy a niche within the consumer mind. Traditionally, this was accomplished through print and television advertisements. Companies such as Sears and JC Penny pioneered shopping catalogs designed specifically to entice consumers to purchase a litany of various products, goods and services. With television, ads were run consistently during prime-time periods to further generate mind share with the consumer unconscious psyche. Brands such as Coca-Coca, Proctor and Gamble, and Johnson & Johnson began to emerge during this period and dominated using these traditional forms of advertising. Today, the…...



Abrams, D. and M. A. Hogg. Eds. 1990. Social Identity Theory: Constructive and Critical Advances. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.

Barsness, Z. I., K. A. Diekmann and M. L. Seidel. 2005. Motivation and opportunity: The role of remote work, demographic dissimilarity, and social network centrality in impression management. The Academy of Management Journal 48(3): 401-419.

Benedek, G., A. Lubloy and G. Vastag. 2014. The importance of social embeddedness: Churn models at mobile providers. Decision Sciences 45(1): 175-201.

Brass, D. J. 1995. Creativity: It's all in your social network. In Ford, C. M. and D. A. Gioia (Eds.). Creative Action in Organizations: 94-99. Sage.

Future of Instagram
Pages: 6 Words: 1890

Instagram impact role in marketing/Advertising/PR
Instagram's impact on modern life:

Its role as a marketing tool for small and large companies and the way it has changed how people see the world

hat is Instagram?

Instagram is a relatively new social media tool that has exploded in popularity. The development of smartphones equipped with their own cameras means that everyone has the potential to quickly upload visual snippets of their life with relative ease. The speed with which Instagram was adopted by users, even in comparison to Facebook and Twitter, was phenomenal. As one Internet website noted in 2011, "although Instagram has only been around for a little over three months, you've most likely heard of it, if not used it" (Lux 1). It was soon acquired by Facebook, further increasing the ease and ubiquity of how it could be used. ithin 24 hours of its 2010 launch it was #1 in Apple's App…...


Works Cited

Fineman, Meredith. "How Instagram almost ruined my life." Fast Company.

24 Jun 2013. 1 Jun 2014. 

Isbell, Daniel. "Does Instagram change the ways we perceive our lives?" NVate.

24 Oct 2013. 1 Jun 2014.

Facebook vs Instagram
Pages: 3 Words: 1058

Comparing and Contrasting Facebook and Instagram Two social media sites that are very popular today are Facebook and Instagram. While both offer users the ability to upload content and share it with followers and friends, the two differ in many ways as well. This paper will use the following criteria points—1) ease of use, 2) content, 3) appeal, and 4) originality—to compare and contrast Facebook and Instagram and show why even though Facebook may have more registered users, Instagram is the better site according to these selected criteria.
The first point on this list of criteria is ease of use—and in this category, Instagram wins. Facebook was not designed as a mobile app in the beginning, though it has transitioned well to being an accessible site on handheld devices, smartphones and tablets. Instagram on the other hand was designed and still is an online app made for smartphone users. It was never…...

Pros and Cons of Instagram
Pages: 8 Words: 2342

Unit 1 IntroductionEven though I finished before the deadline, I remember being so nervous about submitting thisassignment that I waited until the last minute to submit.IntroductionLeave blankUnit 1Most people imagine high school to be like it is in the movies. Well, at least that's what theyounger me thought. In case you didnt know, I was born and raised in Grenada. Then, at the age of twelve, I moved to America. To this day, I sometimes feel like I'm living a double life because I dont feel like I fit in. I loved going to school on the island. There were only two secondary schools (or high schools as theyre called in America), so after primary school (middle school), all the kids on the island chose which one they thought was best for them based on everything theyd heard of both schools while growing up. I loved it because the school…...

GoPros Usage of Social Media
Pages: 3 Words: 991

GoPro Social Media
The Gopro camera is an action-oriented personal camera that can be mounted virtually anywhere and record spectacular action sequences with stillness and clarity never before possible through the use of handheld equipment. Gopro's use of social media -- particularly Youtube, where user videos are uploaded and shared with millions of viewers -- is a great way for the company to market itself to consumers, who are a given numerous examples of just what they could do and capture with their own Gopro mounted camera.

GoPro has branded itself as the camera for all things extreme: its tag at the end of its online videos is "Be a Hero" -- and is displayed at the end of videos such as that of the man training a pelican to hunt fish and to fly. The camera company is appealing to individualistic people looking to do something different, something exciting, something off…...

Role of Social Media in Business Marketing
Pages: 7 Words: 1890

social media strategies for business through the works of published commentators on the phenomenon (Mendelson, Haydon) and through two case studies, one a New York publishing house (Saint Martin's Press) and the other a South Carolina-based jewelry design firm (eece Blaire). The paper argues that social media strategy for business is dependent to some extent on building a social media presence independent of the business (or at least independent of an instant monetizing strategy) as a way of building the face of the brand, and also with an awareness that the different social media platforms reach different audiences, so therefore a unified strategy will not ultimately work.
Social media is, in terms of the business world, an extremely new phenomenon. Of the big six social media platforms that exist in 2014 -- Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn -- only one (LinkedIn) actually existed as a public Internet platform…...



Blaire, K. (2014, April 9). Email interview with W. Todd.

Bosman, J. (2013, November 6). A fisherman in New York's sea of faces: Humans of New York by Brandon Stanton. The New York Times. Accessed 12 April 2014 at: 

Coffey, M. (2013, October 25). Humans of New York storms bestseller list. Publisher's Weekly. Accessed 12 April 2014 at: 

Haydon, J. (2013). Facebook marketing for dummies. Hoboken: Wiley.

Sheikh Majed Al Sabah Was Born Into
Pages: 3 Words: 1139

Sheikh Majed Al Sabah was born into royalty. He is the grandson of the 10th Amir of Kuwait as well as the nephew of the current Shaikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah. Thanks to the fashion entrepreneurship and style of Sheikh Majed, Kuwait has become a leading fashion capital of the middle east. His journey into the fashion world began with Villa Moda and brands like Gucci, Ferragamo, and Prada, amongst others and currently 21 Carrots and TFK (The Fragrance Kitchen). The Fragrance Kitchen is a fragrance house based in Kuwait that houses a mixture of scents inspired by Sheikh Majed's memories of his beloved grandmother.
With a nickname like "Sheikh of Chic," given to him by Times Magazine, one would expect a larger than life man with a big persona. When interviewing him, I could see that was far from the truth. Sheikh Majed is the most humble…...

Diesel Social Media Diesel Is a Clothing
Pages: 4 Words: 1167

Diesel Social Media
Diesel is a clothing designer and retailer based in Italy. The company is privately-owned. Diesel is a design house with an emphasis on casual clothing, aimed at younger consumers. The company also runs its own retail shops, in dozens of countries around the world. Diesel operates exclusively in the clothing business, and with their emphasis on consumers in their 20s and maybe 30s, Diesel has emphasized social media in recent years as a means of reaching their target market. The company has five social media platforms in addition to their website -- Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest. This paper will examine Diesel's social media presence to analyze its potential effectiveness.

The Brand

The Diesel brand was formed with the company in 1978. The brand has distinguished itself with Italian styling, American marketing and an emphasis on the younger consumer (Surendar & oy, 2010). The brand image is focused on…...



Surendar, T. & Roy, S. (2010). Diesel founder Renzo Russo knows what matters in fashion. Forbes India. Retrieved October 24, 2013 from 




how to introduce business to'social media
Pages: 2 Words: 629

1) A great idea to introduce a company to social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube? It is hard to imagine a business surviving without some social media presence. Introducing a business to social media is important for several reasons. The first and most obvious is that social media is a marketing tool, and a flexible one. Various forms of social media, or social media platforms, allow the company to deliver a cohesive, consistent message using multimedia. For example, Pinterest and Instagram rely primarily on visuals like video and photos. Companies can use Pinterest and Instagram to promote their products visually on these platforms. The company can use visual platforms to ensure their imagery and logos are consistent with their brand image and identity. Twitter and Facebook use visual and video data, too, but also offer opportunities for verbal discourse. Companies can use these sites to reach new…...

Challenges of Opening NYC Restaurant
Pages: 17 Words: 4930

NYC African Restaurants
African Restaurants

African Restaurants in NYC

The restaurant's soft industrial lighting makes the chrome gleam. A soft and expansive backdrop of blue gives the space a cool and slightly futuristic industrial like a hip loft in the future. Exposed brick walls are tinged in a blue sheen and the distressed wood chairs and tables have been stained steel gray and have marble table tops. In three weeks, Cisse Elhadji, the owner of Ponty Bistro in Midtown, will open his new restaurant La Terengea. Located at 144 West 139th St., the restaurant us nestled in between the Hudson and Harlem rivers a few blocks west of the City College of New York. The location of the restaurant is quite lucrative given its relative proximity to both Central Park as well as Yankee Stadium.

Though Elhadji has succeeded once with an African restaurant, La Teregenga is still a gamble. For the first time…...

Social Media Essay
Pages: Words: 4044

Social media is a big boom when it comes to business, entertainment, and media. It has crossed over from something the youth use to something everyone uses. Many people do not understand how much of an impact social media has on people from their employability to how the public views them. This example essay will show social media’s influence and how it has come to be what it is today. Titles
Social Media: Then and Now Social Media and it’s Impact on Business Social Media as a Social Movement Social Media and it’s influence on our Lives Social Media: Changing the Way People Communicate

Social Media Platforms The Impact of Twitter and Facebook on Business The Rise of YouTube Difference Between Social Media Platforms How Social Media is used to Communicate Social Media Effects on Society

I.  Introduction

a.  Social media has transformed the ways people communicate and do business.

b.  However, social media has also…...

Social Media Consumer Engagement
Pages: 12 Words: 2414

Business Communication Class


Analysis of the ALDO Shoes' Social Media Strategy

However, as Douglas Bensadoun, VP marketing and creative director has been quoted as saying, "fashion retailing is relentless, it's a beast that needs to constantly be fed" (Surridge, 2012). esearch has identified many of the current best practices and innovative strategies that are being used in the industry and compiled the top three social media focal points that are suggest over the coming year. These mediums include:






Fashion on Social Media

#1 -- Facebook

#2 -- eddit

#3 -- Pinterest



Figure 1 - Aldo's Official Social Media Channels (Aldo, N.d.)

Figure 2 - Social Media Traffic Statistics for Top Fashion Brands (Boland, 2015)

Figure 3 - Boland (2015) esearch Findings

Figure 4 - Burberry Social Media Ad (Sharma, 2015) 10

Figure 5 - Levis Storytelling Campaign (Sharma, 2015) 10

Figure 6 - Facebook Post of Instagram Campaign (Stampler, 2012)…...



Aldo. (N.d.). Homepage/Main Landing Page U.S.. Retrieved from Aldo: 

ALDO Shoes. (2016, March 23). ALDO Shoes. Retrieved from Pinterest: 

Boland, G. (2015, November). Which Brand Sectors are Building the Biggest Social Channels? Retrieved from NewsWhip: 

Cao, L. (2014). Business Model Transformation in Moving to a Cross-Channel Retail Strategy: A Case Study. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 69-96.

Sapphire Brand Analysis Marketing
Pages: 5 Words: 1405

unning head: SAPPHIE BAND CASE STUDY SAPPHIE BAND CASE STUDY 2Discussion Questions: Case Study of the Sapphire Brand3. How does the brand spawn a community merely through its adoption?Sources contend that a brand itself cannot be a movement on its own, but it could help spawn a community (OBrien & Veenstra, 2021). OBrien and Veenstra (2021) define a spawning movement as that moment when a brand and the values it represents becomes more than just something to buy; when it catches fire and becomes a part of peoples lives. A brand-fueled movement happens at the point of intersection between a brand identity and an unmet need, social trend, or untapped passion (OBrien & Veenstra, 2021). Based on this foundation, several factors made it possible for the Sapphire brand to spawn a movement or community as soon as it was launched (Grobart, n.d.).First, the product design exhibited sleekness and class with…...


References Chernev, A., Hamilton, R., & Gal, D. (2011). Competing for Customer Identity: Limits to Self Expression and the Perils of Lifestyle Branding. Journal of Marketing, 75(17), 66-82. Frazier Heiby Blog (2016). Chase is Targeting Millennials with Generational Marketing. Frazier Heiby. Retrieved from   M. (n.d.). How Chase Turned a Credit Card into an Obsession. Bloomberg Business Week. Retrieved from (URL for article sent as resource)Madsbjerg, C., & Cariglio, S. (2017). The Future of Lifestyle Brands is in Danger. Duke Corporate Education. Retrieved from Mediakix (n.d.). Instagram Marketing Case Study: Chase Sapphire Marketing to Millennials. Mediakix. Retrieved from O’Brien, D., & Veenstra, J. (2021). The Science of Movement Marketing. Deloitte Inc. Retrieved from Grobart,

PR Campaign to Reduce Mental Illness Stigma
Pages: 10 Words: 2855

Situation Analysis: NAMI El Paso Public elations CampaignClient Background and ServicesThe National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) El Paso chapter is a non-profit organization established in 1986 that focuses on improving the lives of those living with mental illness. It offers them and their families resources, support, advocacy, and education. NAMI El Paso has various programs, support groups, educational workshops, and community engagement events, all of which are oriented towards helping to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness.Problem CircumstancesNAMI El Paso certainly has an established presence. It offers valuable services to the public, and its array of programs are carefully designed to address the issue of stigma. However, the organization also has a communication problem in terms of getting its message out and raising awareness more impactfully. Public awareness of mental health issues and of NAMI El Paso\\\'s resources (help and assistance programs) is considerably low in El Paso.…...


ReferencesKTSM. (2024). El Paso. (2022). Niederkrotenthaler, T., Metzler, H., Laido, Z., Till, B., Lake, A. H., Noble, E., Chowdhury, S., Gonzalez, F., Garcia, D., Draper, J., Murphy, S., & Gould, M. (2024). “Breaking the Silence” suicide prevention media campaign in Oregon, April 7–14, 2019: Content analysis of broadcast, print and online media items, and social media footprint.. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention. Advance online publication., D. M. (2022). The New Rules of Marketing and PR (8th ed.). Wiley Professional Development (P&T). Wilcox, D. L., Reber, B. H., Shin, J., & Cameron, G. T. (2022). Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics (12th ed.). Pearson Education (US).

Digital Marketing Details and Plans
Pages: 11 Words: 2888

E-Marketing Implementation
What follows in this report is a narrative and summary of the e-marketing strategy as it will be implemented for Namshi and their online e-commerce portal. Of course, e-commerce is the present as well as the future and thus Namshi will want to make sure to have an e-commerce portal that has all the right facets and parts, including the right marketing. The items that will be included in this broader plan include the strategies and tactics that will be used to achieve the desired objectives, customer service/loyalty avenues, timeline for the promotion strategies in question and what the future holds when it comes to all of the above and beyond.

Key Issues

There are a number of key issues that Namshi must deal with as part of its e-marketing strategy, in addition to its broader e-commerce strategy. The facets and factors that must be dealt with include how customers will…...

I\'m in need of some essay topics on english. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 375

Sure! Here are some essay topics on various aspects of the English language:

1. The importance of learning English as a second language.
2. The evolution and history of the English language.
3. The impact of technology on the English language.
4. The influence of English in the global world.
5. The role of standardized testing in assessing English language proficiency.
6. The benefits and drawbacks of using English as a global lingua franca.
7. The representation and portrayal of English in literature and media.
8. The challenges and strategies for teaching English as a foreign language.
9. The differences between British English and American English.
10. The role of....

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to corona?
Words: 473

1. The impact of COVID-19 on mental health: exploring the rise in anxiety and depression during the pandemic
2. The role of technology in managing the spread of the coronavirus: analyzing contact tracing apps and virtual healthcare
3. The social and economic disparities exposed by the pandemic: how COVID-19 disproportionately affects marginalized communities
4. The future of work post-COVID: examining the shift to remote work and its long-term implications on the economy
5. The ethical dilemmas of vaccine distribution: discussing the global challenge of equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines
6. The psychological effects of isolation and loneliness during lockdown: understanding the mental health toll of....

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on why graffiti should be protected?
Words: 312

1. The cultural significance of graffiti and its role in urban art movements
2. The expression of social and political messages through graffiti
3. The impact of graffiti on community identity and sense of place
4. The importance of providing a platform for marginalized voices through graffiti
5. The potential for graffiti to spark dialogue and discussion about important issues
6. The role of graffiti in reclaiming public space and challenging traditional notions of property and ownership
7. The artistic value and creativity of graffiti as a form of self-expression
8. The history and evolution of graffiti as an art form
9. The connection between graffiti and activism,....

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on microeconomics concept in microeconomics analysisi. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 580

The Impact of Social Media on Consumer Behavior:

This topic explores the transformative effect of social media on consumer decision-making. Analyze how platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok shape consumer preferences, influence brand loyalty, and drive purchasing patterns. Examine the role of influencers, algorithms, and target marketing in shaping consumer behavior and discuss the implications for businesses and marketers.

Behavioral Economics in Healthcare:

Behavioral economics integrates psychological principles into economic analysis. In healthcare, this approach can provide valuable insights into patient decision-making, adherence to treatment, and demand for healthcare services. Discuss how behavioral economics can be applied to improve healthcare outcomes, design effective....

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