Inspector General
One of the most important aspects of government is trust. This is because the people rely on administrators to do the right thing and always take their well-being into consideration. The Inspector General has the power to investigate and indentify problems with various labor laws and the Department of Labor. A recent study uncovered major problems when it came to employee pension plans. To fully understand what is happening requires examining the study. This will be accomplished by looking at common themes from the report and areas to improve upon critical weaknesses. Together, these different elements will illustrate how to deal with key challenges when it comes to the way various policies and directives are enforced. ("Semi Annual eport to Congress," 2012)
The Common Themes from the Inspector General's eport
The Inspector General (IG) found that the Department of Labor was making progress in enforcing different regulations and guidelines. The result…...
Semi-Annual Report to Congress. (2012). Inspector General.
Semi-Annual Report to Congress. (2013). Inspector General.
Kearney, A. (2004). Federal Government Auditing. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Santisos, C. (2012). The Political Economy of Government Auditing. New York, NY: Routledge.
Department Defense Inspector General Office
U.S Defense Inspector general
The United States office of Department of Defense Inspector General has been inexistence since 1982 as a result of the amendment of the inspector general act of 1978 (John, 2011). It is responsible for conducting, monitoring, supervising and initiating evaluation and audits the programs and operations related to the department of defense. It also has the duty to provide leadership and coordinate and recommend policies for the processes that are designed to support and grow the economy and the administration effectiveness. Also, it helps detect and prevent abuse and fraud in the programs initiated. The inspector general is the chief advisor of the congress and secretary of defense.
The Agency and Unions
The act providing for the establishment of the office of inspector general cuts across all the departmental operations and the programs thereof. The key responsibilities of the office of the inspector general are…...
United States. (2006). Department of Defense Inspector General's management accountability review of the Boeing KC-767A tanker program: Hearing before the Committee on Armed
Services, United States Senate, One Hundred Ninth Congress, first session, June 7, 2005.
Washington: U.S.G.P.O.
John, R.C. (2011). White house and department of defense announce strategies to promote cybersecurity, including strengthening norms affecting internet security. The American
The Surgeon General remains a respected figure, but the job is ill-defined, budgetless, and subject to the whims of political appointees at the Department of Health and Human Services and the hite House.
The Surgeon General is widely considered to be the doctor for the nation and an ombudsman for the public's health. But in reality, modern holders of the office are tightly constrained by the increasingly politicized environment of ashington. It is difficult to imagine a modern Congress creating the office of Surgeon General. Politics wouldn't allow it to happen. Fortunately, and to our nation's great benefit, the position and the tradition already exist. But the job needs help (Mullan 2007).
According to Mullan, legislation is needed to do three things: provide an independent budget for the currently mendicant position; mandate an annual Surgeon General's Report on the state of the nation's health; and, essential to all else, insulate the…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bouffard, Jo Ivey and Philip R. Lee. "Health Policy Making: The Role of the Federal
Government." In Danis, Clancy and Churchill (eds.) Ethical Dimensions of Health Policy. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Mullan, Fitzhugh. "Plight of the Surgeon General." Science 318 (2007): 169.
Profiles in Science. "The Reports of the Surgeon General." National Library of Medicine.
Real Inspector Hound
Tom Stoppard's The Real Inspector Hound, which was written between 1961 and 1962 and premiered on June 17th 1968, is an absurd play that comments on the role of the critic in relation to the play he or she critiques and comments on the interdependent relationship that is formed between critic and actor. The Real Inspector Hound's plot revolves around a couple of critics, Moon and Birdboot, who become embroiled in a murder mystery while watching a play about a murder mystery; in this sense, The Real Inspector Hound is a play-within-a-play. Through the play's plot and theme, Stoppard not only comments on the interdependent and mutually beneficial relationship critics have with the theatre, but also on how the theatre and critic must remain separate entities.
The Real Inspector Hound is an absurdist play that is highly self-aware, or self-reflexive, of its premise and structure. For the purposes of…...
mlaWorks Cited
Stoppard, Tom. The Real Inspector Hound. Scribd. Web. 14 December 2012, from
Business (general)
Please list sections according to instructions
Exercise 1.1: eview of esearch Study and Consideration of Ethical Guidelines
Option 1: Stanford Prison Experiment
Go to:, the official site for the Stanford Prison Experiment.
What do you think the research questions were in this study? List 2 or 3 possible research questions (in question format) that may have been the focus of this experiment.
What happens when you put good people in an evil place? Does humanity win over evil, or does evil triumph? Does natural or innate evil exist, or is evil situational? Are certain people simply born "bad apples" or are they made evil by "bad barrels"?
What is "reality" in a prison setting? This study is one in which an illusion of imprisonment was created, but when do illusions become real? How quickly and easily will 'ordinary men' adjust to the roles as prisoners, guards and administrators?
What is identity? Is there a core…...
Asby, M.D. And S.A. Miles (2002). Leaders Talk Leadership: Top Executives Speak their Minds. Oxford.
"Frederick W. Smith: The Entrepreneur Who Created an Industry." (2003). IBS Center for Management Research.
Holstein, W.J. (2007). "Fred Smith's Golden Rule for CEO's." BNet, November 19, 2007.
Lussier, R.N. And C.F. Archua (2010). Leadership: Theory, Application and Skill Development. South-Western Cengage Learning.
Likewise, a similar study by Desai et al. (2000) that compared traditional lecture format training with CBT found that, "The CBT subjects' overall end-of-training and one-month-after-training performance was significantly better than [the traditional lecture method] subjects' performance" (p. 239).
By sharp contrast, the analysis of the effectiveness of CBT by Bowman et al. (2009) found that the effectiveness of this alternative can be adversely affected by a number of Navy-specific factors, including the pace of operations in some settings, an enormously diverse population that often requires more individualized instruction, and that self-paced formats can actually serve to increase student failure rates. Nevertheless, Dye (2004) emphasizes that the Navy has taken steps to integrate lessons learned and best practices into newly developed CBT curricular offerings, and notes that improvements in the support technologies continue to provide better ways of individualizing computer-based training opportunities in the future. In fact, one of the…...
Bowman, W.R., Crawford, a.M. & Mehay, S. (2009, August 24). An assessment of the effectiveness of computer-based training for newly commissioned surface warfare division officers. Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School.
Computer-based training. (2009, March). Navy Inspector General report to the Secretary of the Navy. NAVINSGEN computer-based training study.
Desai, M.S., Richards, T. & Eddy, J.P. (2000). A field experiment: Instructor-based training vs.
computer-based training. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 27(4), 239.
The open communication and team objectives will make the COA team realize high energy, renewed commitment to the change process, and openness. In this stage, the FHA team has adopted the change, and requires leadership to sustain the drive. At this stage, an effective leadership style to maintain the drive to change is the management by objectives (Bridges & Bridges, 2009). This leadership style drives people to connect to the objectives of the change process and to the change plan. I would also motivate the team by recognizing the effort in the change process to avoid complacency.
Key Elements in the Leadership Organizational Change Process
Smart Power
The leadership model created in the change process was accentuated with smart-power or the model of visionary leadership. In this model, organizational and project team communication was achieved by adopting the principals of strategic control, balance of constraint and creativity, transfer of information, and transactional…...
Bridges, W. & Bridges, S. (2009). Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change. 3rd ed., Da Capo Lifelong Books.
Kondalkar, V.G. (2010). Organization Effectiveness and Change Management. PHI Learning.
Martini, P.H. (2008). Toward an Integrated Model of Visionary Leadership: A Multilevel Study. Regent University, Proquest, AAT 3340923.
Nieuwenhuizen, C. & Rossouw, D. (2008). Business Management: A Contemporary Approach. Cape Town, South Africa; Juta & Co.
" (Lindsey, 2004, p.1) it is interesting to note that one of the young protestors stated: "[the world leaders] are sitting over there on Sea Island having their little party only talking about how to fix things, but we are over here actually doing something to make things better" -- Laurel Paget-Seekins (Lindsey, 2004, p. 1) the U.S.A. Patriot Act has been touted to do just this - or to make things better in terms of security of American citizens and it is certain that the provisions of this Act have served to increase levels of security for American citizens but this security has come with a cost attached and for some Americans the cost is too high and too intrusive upon their basic civil rights. One such instance of the complexity created within the security paradigm are the no-fly lists that have been implemented in U.S. airports since September…...
Bohn, Kevin (2003) Patriot Act Reports Documents Civil Rights Complaints. 31 July 2003. CNN Law Center. Online available at
Carafano, James Jay (2007) Securing the Home Front. The Heritage Foundation. 10 July 2007. Online available at
Drew, Kevin (2002) Balancing Life and Liberty: Danger to Civil Liberties when Security is Strengthened - CNN Law Center 10 Sept 2002. Online available at
Houses, spaces raided throughout the Twin Cities (2008) Coldsnap Legal 30 Aug 2008. Online available at
NASA and Integrated Financial Management Project
Like most government organizations, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) passed through several stages of development and bureaucracy. Upon its creation in 1958, the agency was run with a combination of research freedom and tight management. This combination helped foster a strong, integrated organizational culture within NASA.
Since then, however, NASA has grown into ten separate research agencies situated around the country. Each agency was run as an autonomous unit, with its own vision, research tasks, staff and organizational culture.
The last few years have seen another shift in NASA's organizational culture, as the organization implements "ONE NASA," a plan to move towards a more implemented space organization.
This first part of this paper examines the current structure of NASA, and the problems that are spawned by its fragmented structure. The paper then looks at the goals, obstacles and potential benefits of the One NASA program, paying…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bell, Mary F. (2002). NASA's Organization: Introducing NASA Personnel, Programs, and Facilities. Washington, DC: NASA Headquarters Department of Public Affairs.
Bromberg, Joan Lisa (1999). NASA and the Space Industry. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Integrated Financial Management Program (2003). IFMP Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved 10 February 2003 at
McCurdy, Howard E. (1993). Inside NASA: High Technology and Organizational Change in the U.S. Space Program. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press
African-Americans reaking arriers in World War II
arrier reakers
African-Americans and Non- Combat Jobs
First General: enjamin O. Davis, Sr.
Howard Perry
Doris Miller: "The Hero"
Tuskegee Airmen
Phyllis Mae Daliey
African-Americans reaking arriers in World War II
History shows very well that African-American soldiers were a group of men that played a significant role in World War II. Furthermore, it actually shows that more than half a million had actually served in Europe. In spite of the numbers they still encountered racial discrimination: prior to the war the military maintained a racially segregated force. In recent that have been done by studies from the military, blacks were most of the time classified as not being the best fit but being very unfit for combat and were not permitted on the front lines. It is also important to note that they were typically given support duties, and were not permitted in units with soldiers that were white. However, during…...
Bennie J. McRae, Jr. African-Americans in World War II. December 9, 2013. / (accessed April 18, 2014).
Charleen E. Mcgee, Ph.D. Smith. "Tuskegee Airman: The Biography of Charles E. McGee, Air Force Fighter Combat Record Holder ." 1-204. New York: Branden Pub Co; 2nd edition, 2014.
Miles, Johnnie H. "Educator's Sourcebook of African-American Heritage (Book of Lists)." 1-456. New York: Jossey-Bass; 1 edition, 2005.
Nalty, Bernard C. THE RIGHT TO FIGHT: African-American Marines in World War II. October 8, 2013. (accessed April 18, 2014).
Interview with Specialist Six Alan West, U.S. Army Vietnam Veteran
Just over 53,000 men and women died in the Vietnam War, but the ravages of this war did not end in Southeast Asia. Although many Vietnam veterans experienced problems in readjusting to civilian society, most veterans used their GI Bill benefits to attend school and secure meaningful employment and have gone on to have families of their own. Today, many of these Vietnam veterans are political leaders, captains of industry, successful entrepreneurs and senior executives. This paper provides the results of an interview with a 60-year-old Vietnam-era veteran, former Specialist Six Alan West of the U.S. Army Support Command, Thailand. The results of the interview are followed by a summary of the experience in the conclusion.
Interview Summary
On arch 2, 2013, r. Alan West was telephonically interviewed from his home in Sperry, Oklahoma. When asked about his relationship to the Vietnam War,…...
mlaMr. West was subsequently assigned to the U.S. Army Support Command in Thailand where he worked for the Inspector General in winding down operations as the War in Vietnam ground to its bloody conclusion. When asked if the Vietnam War had impacted the evolution of the United States, Mr. West replied, "This was a stupid war that taught us some expensive lessons in blood and treasure." Mr. West stated that he concluded his tour of duty at U.S. Army Support Command and was subsequently assigned to Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe where he served as the Supreme Allied Commander Europe General Alexander M. Haig, Jr.'s personal secretary until his discharge in 1977.
Perhaps the most surprising thing about Mr. West's interview was the fact that his opinion of the Vietnam War did not change substantively after his enlistment in the U.S. Army and several years of honorable service. Even though Mr. West received an Army Commendation Medal (among others) for his military service and attained senior noncommissioned officer status during his tour of duty, he remained adamant that the United States made a major mistake fighting the Vietnam War.
Policy Problem & Proposal
Policy Problem
The United States faces a $1.4 trillion national deficit, and partisan debate about how to address it is threatening economic stability on top of the shaky "recovery" from the 2009 financial crisis. Yet American corporations continue to enjoy tax loopholes that reduce their taxes to unprecedented low levels. epublicans argue that corporations must retain their preferred tax status in order to maintain and create jobs. This tax policy has been known by a number of names: supply-side economics, trickle-down theory, and horse and sparrow theory. It has not been without its critics, yet, irrationally, the practice of permitting tax loopholes continues to prevail from time-to-time.
"As for the growth enhancing effects of lower tax rates, just look to the 2000s for the latest persuasive evidence to the contrary. After the Bush tax cuts on the progressive rates paid by the wealthy, GDP between 2001 and 2007 grew…...
Advance Pricing Agreement Quarterly Reports, Internal Revenue Service. Retrieved
Announcement and report concerning advance pricing agreements. (2011, March 29). § 521(b) of Pub. L. 106-170, Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999. Retrieved
Brehm, J., and Gates, S. (1997). Working, Shirking, and Sabotage: Bureaucratic
Response to a Democratic Public. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan
In addition, a growing number of countries in the region have also started strict traffic sign and signal enforcement campaigns (Martin, 2005). In addition, launched in 2009, a governmental campaign to reduce traffic accidents in the Sultanate of Oman has sought to raise awareness among Omanis concerning the need to use safety belts in general and the need to use safety seats for young children every time people take to the road. In addition, the oyal Oman Police, the Ministry of Social Development and the Ministry of Education have collaborated with the Omani Society Safety on the traffic safety initiatives as discussed further below.
Civil Society. According to ajhi (2011), there are a number of civic organizations that play an important role in promoting traffic safety and raising public awareness about the need to reduce traffic accidents. These organizations include the Omani Society for oad Safety which is dedicated to…...
Martin, J. (2005, March). Arab traffic jam: Road traffic accidents are costing Arab states billions of dollars annually, not to mention the catastrophic loss of life. The Middle East, 354, 37-
Miedema, H.M. & Oudshoorn, C.G. (2001, April). Annoyance from transportation noise:
Relationships with exposure metrics DNL and DENL and their confidence intervals.
Government Accounting Office in America (GAO)
This is an examination of the Government Accounting Office in America. The writer discusses the history, purpose and background of the GAO as well as the duties that the office is charged with performing. The writer then analyzes literature that illustrates the office in action. The final discussion revolves around the question, "Is the office effective or is it a waste of money." There were four sources used to complete this paper.
During the last few years there has been a public outcry and demand to investigate government spending. The public was brought stories by the media about the government paying thousands of dollars for toilet seats, and spending hundreds of dollars on a screwdriver and other such tools. When the reports began to surface about wasted government spending the public became angry. Lobbyists across the nation began to demand an accounting of not only tax…...
mlaBibliography for a listing of non-GAO publications.) It should be noted that, as with any effort to put current events into historical context, alternative interpretations are possible. Often debated are the intent and motivation of the framers of the Constitution who created the census. In this report, we have quoted the Constitution and various laws relating to the decennial census and have attempted to place their language in an historical context. We are not, however, providing our own independent review or interpretation of the constitutional and statutory issues discussed in this report, which, unless otherwise noted, are based primarily on the analysis contained in the various publications and documents we relied upon in preparing this report.
Short answers to some frequently asked questions about the decennial census are in appendix 1. Appendix 11 contains information on changes in the apportionment of the membership of the House of Representatives between the 1920 and 1990 Decennial Censuses by region of country and on changes in the nation's population and its undercount by race and ethnicity between the 1950 and 1990 censuses, as well as a snapshot of the growth and cost of census-taking since the first decennial census in 1790. Major contributors to this report are identified in appendix III.
L. Nye Stevens Director, Federal Management and Workforce Issues
Chapter 1
Why Take the Census?
FY2012 President's Budget For Health Human Services
One of the most prominent roles of the federal government in health care is as a purchaser of health insurance and third-party payer for health care. The federal government serves in this capacity for almost forty million elderly and disabled persons, nine million federal government employees and their dependants, and six million active members of the military and their families. It finances, in combination with the states, state-run insurance programs for the poor and near-poor children. It runs a health care delivery system intended to serve military veterans. Additionally, the federal government influences the health system by serving as a main locus for collecting health data and the principal source of funding for health services research. Notably missing is a national health planning task, although various federal agencies track health system characteristics, trends and aspects of performance (Public and private sector roles in the…...
Overview. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Public and private sector roles in the U.S. health system. (2002). OECD Economic Surveys:
United States, 222.
The Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Retrieved from
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