Insanity Defense Essays (Examples)

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Insanity Defense and the Unabomber
Pages: 2 Words: 704

If someone is mentally weak in any way, such as those who would be eligible for the insanity plea, sending them to prison would be very dangerous indeed, for they would be more likely to be influenced into being worse criminals. Additionally, those with disabilities, physical or mental, are even more likely than the general population to the raped and sexually abused behind bars. Evidence shows that one out of four members of the prison population are sexually abused while in prison, and the chances for someone who is mentally challenged in any way is much higher. (SPR) Would a jury feel comfortable handing down a sentence of repeated raping and beatings to the defendant of a trial? Most likely, people would be outraged about this form of punishment, and therefore juries should not feel comfortable sending someone who is most likely going to be raped into the prison…...



Sarason, Barbara R. "The Insanity Defense and the Unabomber Trial." Peregrine Publishers, 1998.

SPR. "The Basics on Rape Behind Bars." Stop Prisoner Rape. 2004.

Insanity Defense IFP Week 5
Pages: 2 Words: 768

Hinkley was obsessed with the movie Taxi Driver, in which the main character -- a drifter like himself -- saves a teenage prostitute from her pimp through violence. Before his assassination attempt, Hinkley wrote a letter to Foster detailing how he was going to attempt to kill the president to win her attention (he had already sent her poems and love letters).
Hinkley refused to cooperate with his defense attorneys unless they asked Foster to testify, enabling him to be in the same room as himself. "All the government psychiatrists concluded that Hinckley was legally sane -- that he appreciated the wrongfulness of his act -- at the time of the shooting. All three defense psychiatrists diagnosed Hinckley as psychotic -- and legally insane -- at the time of the shooting. Further evidence of the severity of Hinckley's mental problems came in May, two days before his twenty-sixth birthday, when…...



Linder, D. (2008). The trial of John Hinkley Jr. The University of Kentucky. Retrieved: 

Definitions of insanity provided in original case study.

Insanity Defense
Pages: 7 Words: 1930

The Insanity Defense: Exploring Legal and Ethical Dimensions

The insanity defense is a controversial legal strategy that allows individuals accused of committing a crime to claim that they were not mentally capable of understanding the nature of their actions or distinguishing right from wrong at the time of the offense. This defense is predicated on the belief that individuals suffering from severe mental illness or disorder should not be held criminally responsible for their actions.

The concept of the insanity defense has a long history in jurisprudence, with roots dating back to ancient Greece and ome. In the United States, the insanity defense has been a topic of much debate and scrutiny, with critics arguing that it is often used as a loophole to avoid punishment for criminal behavior. However, supporters argue that individuals with severe mental illness should be treated and rehabilitated rather than incarcerated.

The legal standard for establishing insanity varies…...



American Psychiatric Association. \"Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-5.\" Washington D.C.: American Psychiatric Association, 2013.

Bonnie, Richard J. \"The Moral Basis of the Insanity Defense.\" American Bar Association Journal 69 (1983): 194-197.

Callahan, Lisa A., et al. \"Insanity Defense Reform in the United States – Post Hinckley.\" Mental and Physical Disability Law Reporter 15 (1991): 54-59.

Denno, Deborah W. \"The Lorena Bobbitt Case: Insanity on Trial.\" Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 8.2 (2002): 301-322.

Insanity Defense in the United
Pages: 5 Words: 1637

If the Texas legislature would consider the addition of a volitional provision, no matter what form they might choose, would mark a substantial improvement to what presently exists. Such addition would represent a modernization in attitude and would allow the law in Texas to comport more closely with the prevailing societal views on mental health. Those with severe mental health issues deserve the opportunity of having their conditions treated. Lacking the capacity to make reasoned and rational decisions should not subject one to criminal sanctions.

In conclusion, convincing a historically conservative Texas legislature to enact significant changes in the insanity defense laws will be an uphill battle. Attempts have been made from time to do so and all such attempts have met with failure. The political climate in Texas is presently not conducive to radical or even moderate change on this issue. Law and order platforms are the popular choice in…...



Bard, J.S. (2005). Re-arranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic: Why the Incarceration of Individuals with Serious Illness Violates Public Health, Ethical, and Constitutional Principles and Therefore Cannot be made right by Piecemeal Changes to the Insanity Defense. Houston Journal Health Law & Policy .

Clark v. Arizona, 126 S. Ct. 2709 (U.S. Supreme Court 2006).

Dix, G.E. (2005, December 4). Texas Must Refine Insanity Standard. San Antonio Express-News, p. 5H.

English, J. (1988). Light between Twilight and Dusk: Federal Criminal Law and the Volitiional Insanity Defense. Hasting Law Journal, 1-52.

Judicial Process The Insanity Defense
Pages: 8 Words: 2832

For example, there is currently a case in Florida were a 50-year-old woman shot and killed her teenage son and daughter. She said she did it because they were "mouthy" to her and she was tired of it. There is no word yet on whether she will plead insanity, but there is evidence that she purchased a gun days before the shooting occurred (Brennan, 2011). That could block her chances at having an insanity plea accepted by a jury, because the purchase of the gun shows planning on her part.
ules of the States - Cases

Each state sets its own rules about what makes a person "insane," because when used in this way it is a legal defense and not a medical defense. Whether a state wants to consider lesser degrees of mental difficulty as part of a person's defense (by reducing that person's punishment, for example) is up to…...



Brennan, T. (2011). Insanity defense rarely used and rarely successful. Tampa Bay Online News. Retrieved from

Burns, K.S. (2011). Mental illness and criminal insanity. Retrieved from 

Ellis, J.W. (1986). The Consequences of the Insanity Defense: Proposals to reform post-acquittal commitment laws. 35 Catholic University Law Review 961.

Florida laws: Florida statutes - Title XLVI Crimes Section 775.01. Common law of England. (2010). Retrieved from

Andrea Yates Insanity Defense Insanity
Pages: 5 Words: 1476

This is the loophole that both side tried to exploit during both the initial trial and the re-trial.
No one questions the claim that Yates was mentally ill, either before or during the events that took place. However, in the trial, the decision and weight of prosecution's case lied in the ideal that she had some semblance of knowledge that what she was about to do was wrong. Her mental illness undoubtedly had an effect on how she perceived her actions. She felt that ending her children's lives early would save them from eternal damnation (Dix, 2005).

Two key facts led to the decision in the first trial that she "knew" what she was doing, and that it was "wrong." The first is that she took precautions against being interrupted until she had completed the task. She locked the family dog in the cage when the dog raised protests to her…...



Dix, G. (2005). Dix: Texas needs to change how it defines insanity. University of Texas School of Law. November 18, 2005 Austin American-Statesman. Retrieved September 14, 2007 at .

Montaldo, C. (2007). Profile of Andrea Yates. Retrieved September 14, 2007 at

Ramsland, K. (2007). Andrea Yates: Ill or Evil. Retrieved September 14, 2007 at

Criminal Insane Defense the Insanity Defense Has
Pages: 3 Words: 1060

Criminal Insane Defense
The insanity defense has been a topic of much controversy because of its perceived means of excusing someone from a crime that has been committed. Although much is perceived of the insanity defense as a way to avoid accountability, it is actually the least used defense strategy because of its extreme difficulty is proving it (Knoll & esnick, 2008). Every individual is different, but someone trying to plead criminally insane in current times would have to extreme case of insanity visibility and an immense amount of proof to demonstrate their case for not being guilty by reason of insanity. In actuality, of all the cases that enter the insanity plea, only 1% of those cases get the plea granted (PBS 2011). This puts into perspective not only the actual effectiveness of this plea, but also the hesitation that comes with actually granting this to any offender. In order…...



Knoll, J.L., & Resnick, P.J. (2008). Insanity defense evaluations: Toward a model for evidence-based practice. Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention. 8(1): 92-110.

Mackay, R.D., Mitchell, B.J., & Howe, L. (2006). Yet more facts about the insanity defense. Criminal Law Review, 6: 399 -- 411.

Bartol, C.R. & Bartol, A.M. (2011). Introduction to forensic psychology: Research and application. Sage Publications Inc.: New York, NY. 3rd Ed.

PBS. (2011). A crime of insanity: Insanity defense FAQs. PBS Frontline:

Justice and the Insanity Defense
Pages: 2 Words: 598

hat is particularly important in connection with criminally insane defendants whose mental conditions are treatable but dependent on the individual's maintaining a prescription drug regimen. For example, it is an individual suffering from a known mental condition that qualifies for the criteria of criminal insanity may be able to control that condition by following his physicians' orders for prescription medication and then simply stop taking the medication. It is conceivably possible that he could commit murder while legally insane and then be returned to society relatively soon based on resuming the appropriate medical treatment.
Second, permitting the insanity defense deprives the community, especially the victims and survivors of violent crime, from another fundamental purpose of criminal justice, namely, retribution. A perfect example would be the injustice of the case of John Hinckley Jr., who attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan in 1981, seriously wounding two law enforcement officers and ending…...


There are several bases for opposing the application of the insanity defense to criminal charges. First, it conflicts with one of the fundamental purposes of the criminal justice system: namely, the removal of dangerous offenders from society for the benefit (i.e. safety) of law-abiding members of the community. That is particularly important in connection with criminally insane defendants whose mental conditions are treatable but dependent on the individual's maintaining a prescription drug regimen. For example, it is an individual suffering from a known mental condition that qualifies for the criteria of criminal insanity may be able to control that condition by following his physicians' orders for prescription medication and then simply stop taking the medication. It is conceivably possible that he could commit murder while legally insane and then be returned to society relatively soon based on resuming the appropriate medical treatment.

Second, permitting the insanity defense deprives the community, especially the victims and survivors of violent crime, from another fundamental purpose of criminal justice, namely, retribution. A perfect example would be the injustice of the case of John Hinckley Jr., who attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan in 1981, seriously wounding two law enforcement officers and ending the career and forever changing the quality of life of Presidential Press Secretary James Brady and that of all of the members of his family. Insult was added to injury by subsequent judicial authorization for Hinckley to be allowed to spend 120 days per year at his mother's home. In these types of cases, a concept intended to be more compassionate to criminal defendants causes unnecessary additional pain to his victims.

Ultimately, the insanity defense should be used only to determine the type of facility to which defendants should be confined; but they should remain confined for the same duration as any other defendant convicted of the same crime. Any exception to that principle should require the consent of the defendant's victims to preserve the retributive function of criminal justice. Otherwise, the insanity defense defies compassion to victims and survivors of violent crime.

Ethics in Insanity Defense
Pages: 19 Words: 5383

Ethical Issues With the Insanity Defense
Ethical Issues w / Insanity Defense

The insanity defense may seem to have a distinct and real place in the legal world. However, defining who is insane, who is not insane, what the definition of insanity is, whether insanity is temporary or permanent, who should be liable and when and so forth are all burning questions that are extremely hard to answer in a scientific, dispassionate and objective fashion due to the rights and burdens of everyone involved. This report shall seek to answer questions about the ethics of the lawyers, defendants, prosecutors and even the clinicians involved in the insanity defense process and definitions.

Ethical Issues with the Insanity Defense

The Problem

There are numerous cases that exist currently and historically regarding the "Insanity Defense." In some cases, those convicted for committing heinous crimes, was said to be guilty by reason of insanity (NGI). In some cases, the…...



Blau, G.L., McGinley, H., & Pasewark, R. (1993). Understanding the use of the insanity defense. Journal Of Clinical Psychology, 49(3), 435-440.

Carroll, A., Scott, R., Green, B., Dalton, T., Brett, A., & McVie, N. (2009). Forensic

mental health orders: orders without borders. Australasian Psychiatry: Bulletin Of

Royal Australian And New Zealand College Of Psychiatrists, 17(1), 34-37.

Strength of Insanity Defense in Making Court Decisions
Pages: 2 Words: 688

Insanity' Defense
The John Hinckley Trial and the Impact on the Insanity Defense

Purpose of Insanity Defense

The theory that suffices the insanity defense involves the norm that most individuals can choose to follow the law. However, mental instability deprives individuals the ability to make rationale choices thereby they cannot be held accountable for their actions. Such groups of persons require special treatment as opposed to detention in prisons. The use of various forms of punishment does not necessarily deter future antisocial conduct of such mental unstable individuals. In the ancient oman society, legal codes distinguished between the sane and insane individuals depicting accountability and unaccountability of actions respectively.

The Aftermath of the John Hinckley Defense

Backlash and eform

In the John Hinckley case, the jury found the accused not guilty by the reason of insanity. As a result, backlash and public outcry emanated following the ruling. The ruling following the accused attempted assassination of…...



Linder D. (2008). The John Hinckley Trial 1982. Famous American Trials. Retrieved from 

Margolick, David (22 January 1994). Lorena Bobbitt Acquitted In Mutilation of Husband. The New York Times. Retrieved from

Insanity Defense and Drugs
Pages: 3 Words: 894

Stu Dents Charges
The author of this report has been asked to revisit the case of Stu Dents and the litany of crimes he is alleged to have committed against Uma Opee and in general. There is indeed a laundry list of issues to be seen and charges when it comes to Stu Dents and they will be listed out within this report. Each crime that applies will be listed and there will also be the associated act and detail that supports Stu Dents being charged with the crime. For all of the crimes listed, there will be an associated state that Stu will be charged within. While Stu and his counsel might be able to make some arguments for some of the crimes, the case against him is rather formidable and there are a number of different charges that definitely apply to Stu and what he allegedly did.


Given the totality…...



New York. (2017). Article 135 | Penal Law | Kidnapping Imprisonment Custodial. Retrieved 5 April 2017, from 

New York. (2017). Article 140 | NYS Penal Law |Burglary Criminal Trespass Laws. Retrieved 5 April 2017, from 

New York. (2017). Article 220 | NY Penal Law | Controlled Substances Offenses. Retrieved 5 April 2017, from

Defenses to Criminal Liability Explain
Pages: 4 Words: 1443

hen does insanity excuse criminal liability?

A defendant has an excuse for liability, says Paul Robinson, in his book Criminal Law Defenses, when he or she is acting involuntarily and their own disability causes him or her to mistakenly or unknowingly violate a criminal prohibition. This person does not know whether his or her behavior is wrong or criminal (Robinson 222). This is in contrast to what is called a character-based approach, where a person's adherence to virtues or vices creates a character and a reputation for morality or immorality, upon which they are judged. Finkelstein argues that a system which bases its retributive punishment on a person's character, rather than on the act itself brings about social welfare. Just as one cannot judge a person's moral character upon a single act, one cannot decide the morality or immorality of a person by visible actions. She quotes George Fletcher as saying…...


Works Cited

Article 35 of the NY State Penal Code: Found at .

Finkelstein, Claire. Excuses and Dispositions in Criminal Law. U. Of Buffalo. 14 Apr 2003.

Fletcher, George. Rethinking Criminal Law. 1978.

Hans, Valerie P. And Slater, Dan. "John Hinckley, Jr. And the Insanity Defense: The Public's Verdict," the Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 47(2). 1983.

Insanity Evaluations Represent the Most Challenging Forensic
Pages: 4 Words: 1904

Insanity evaluations represent the most challenging forensic assessments in the criminal domain" (ogers, 2008, p.126). This is due to the fact that insanity evaluations require the psychologist to assess whether a defendant had a mental illness at the time that an offense was committed, and, whether that mental illness was related to the commission of the crime in a way that would make the defendant "insane" under applicable state laws. First, whether or not the defendant is presenting as mentally ill at the time of the assessment is often not relevant to the assessment; most defendants, processed and in the jail system, have access to medications and treatment that they may have lacked at the time of the crime. Therefore, it is important to realize that a defendant's competency to stand trial is a different issue than whether a defendant is not guilty by reason of insanity. If a…...



Bonnie, R.J. (1992). The competence of criminal defendants: A theoretical reformulation.

Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 10(3), 291-316.

Frontline. (2013). Instanity defense FAQs. Retrieved September 30, 2013 from PBS website:

Insanity Plea One of the
Pages: 2 Words: 782

It also states that even if the court-appointed examination in a mental facility finds Holmes insane, he could still be found guilty. Once again, the tone of the article is factual, although it does not really present the arguments of the two opposing sides in a complete fashion as to how Holmes might meet or not meet the Colorado definition of inanity.
Another news article from CNN reveals that Holmes' psychiatrist was frightened by the information she received, and even went so far as to break client privileges by notifying the school where Holmes was still a graduate student. "When James Holmes' psychiatrist warned campus police at the University of Colorado how dangerous he was, they deactivated his college ID to prevent him passing through any locked doors" (Brumfield & Mungin 2012). The article offers a more complete picture of Holmes' relationship with his therapist, detailing how after their relationship…...



Brumfield, B. & Mungin, L. (2012). Holmes' dangerous mind and deadly weapons revealed in documents. CNN. Retrieved: 

Elliot, D. (2013). Colorado shootings suspect to enter insanity plea. Time. Retrieved:

Defense of Medea Infamous Infanticide
Pages: 3 Words: 870

Calling herself an "ill-fated woman" (1251), Medea told reporters through an emissary that the very sight of the children reminded her of her sacrifices to Jason, and the uncovered plot that Creon and the princess were ready to "throw me out of this land and get away with it" (1358).
The trial promises to be lively, with the prosecution asking for the death penalty with all due prejudice. Defense will have its own challenges, guilt is apparent and admitted, it will remain to see the defense's skill in making the Judge and Jury believe that the circumstance surrounding the crime were sufficient to explain the act. When asked what he'd like to see happen to Medea, her attorney commented, "Has she not suffered enough. Has she not spent years of her life awaiting a husband, faithfully executing her duties to him and never straying. To find out that she was…...

Seeking guidance on formulating a strong Gender Matters in the Insanity Defense thesis statement. Share your expertise!?
Words: 186

In the argumentative essay, "Gender Matters in the Insanity Defense," it is crucial to analyze how gender bias and societal perceptions of mental illness influence the deliberation and application of the insanity defense, ultimately calling for a fair and unbiased approach that considers both the individual's mental state and their gender-specific experiences. One approach to formulating a strong thesis statement for your essay on "Gender Matters in the Insanity Defense" could be to focus on the ways in which gender stereotypes and societal expectations impact both the assessment of insanity and the outcomes of insanity defense cases. You could argue that....

Seeking guidance on formulating a strong Gender Matters in the Insanity Defense thesis statement. Share your expertise!?
Words: 516

Gender Matters in the Insanity Defense: Exploring the Interplay of Gender, Mental Illness, and Legal Outcomes

The insanity defense, a legal doctrine that seeks to exempt individuals from criminal responsibility due to their mental state, has long been a contentious issue in criminal justice. However, one aspect of this defense that has received less attention is the influence of gender on its application and outcomes. This thesis posits that gender plays a significant role in the insanity defense, shaping both the perception of mental illness and the legal treatment of individuals accused of crimes.

Historical Context and Gender Bias

Historically, the insanity defense....

What are the key elements of an insanity defense outline in a criminal court case?
Words: 487

1. Mental illness or defect: The defendant must demonstrate that they suffered from a mental illness or defect at the time the crime was committed. This is usually established through expert testimony from psychiatrists or psychologists.

2. Lack of capacity to understand the nature of their actions: The defendant must show that as a result of their mental illness or defect, they lacked the capacity to understand the nature and consequences of their actions at the time of the crime.

3. Inability to conform behavior to the law: The defendant must also establish that they were unable to conform their behavior to....

What are the key elements of an insanity defense outline in a criminal court case?
Words: 363

Elements of an Insanity Defense Outline

I. Introduction

Define insanity and its legal implications in the context of criminal law.
Present the legal grounds for an insanity defense and the applicable standards.

II. Historical and Theoretical Background

Trace the historical evolution of the insanity defense and its various formulations.
Discuss the different psychological and psychiatric theories that support the defense.

III. Statutory Definitions and Standards

Analyze the relevant statutory definitions and standards of insanity under applicable law.
Explain the difference between the "M'Naghten" and "Irresistible Impulse" tests.

IV. Evidentiary Considerations

Identify the types of evidence commonly used to support an insanity defense, including expert....

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