Innovative Leadership Essays (Examples)

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Innovative Leadership in the Global Market
Pages: 2 Words: 643


Aspects of an Innovative Leader in Today's Global Market

Aspects of an Innovative Leader in Today's Global Market

The twenty first century is normally referred to as the information age. In the dawn of globalization and the advancement of the information and communication sector, the business environment has changed. As such, business operations are no longer conducted in the old-fashioned manner they used to be. For instance, business operations have expanded beyond national borders through increased international trade and multinational companies. This has created numerous challenges and forced business leaders to adapt to the environment. This calls for innovation in various business sectors. This study highlights the essential characteristics of an innovative leader in the current competitive global market with great focus in the engineering profession.

Today's global market is dynamic due to the discovery of new processes and…...

Leadership Sustainability in Leadership Current Global Occurrences
Pages: 8 Words: 2770

Sustainability in Leadership

Current global occurrences have posed a great challenge to the continued existence of living things on earth. At this stage in the history of man, humanity is struggling with a lot of challenges; and these challenges are not restricted to region or race. Problems associated with climate change, increased rate of poverty, inconsistent democracy, and lack of justice and fairness in society are common to all nations. At this critical moment, there becomes a vacuum to be filled with urgency by leaders whose sole desire and purpose is to salvage the earth from total destruction. The world needs leaders who possess strategies to effectively combat these challenges and lead their followers into lifestyles that are self-sustaining. Leaders who could bring about this much needed sustainability to our environments are regarded as Sustainability Leaders.

Purpose of Sustainable Development in Modern Leadership

Leadership in the traditional setting is, by nature, restricted to…...



Banuri, T. & Najam, A. (2002). Civic Entrepreneurship: A Civil Society Perspective on Sustainable Development (Vol. 1: Global Synthesis). Boston, MA: Stockholm Environment Institute -- Boston Center.

Bennis, W. & Goldsmith, J. (2003). Learning to Lead: A Workbook On Becoming a Leader. 3rd ed. New York: Basic Books.

Brown, D. (2000). What Practical Difference Would the Adoption of the Earth Charter Mean to the Resolution of Global Warming Issues? P. Miller & L. Westra (Eds.), Just Ecological Integrity: The Ethics of Maintaining Planetary Life (pp. 205-214). New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

Boutros-Ghali, B. (1998). Leadership and Conflict. In Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict (Ed.), Essays on Leadership (pp. 1-6). New York: Carnegie Corporation.

Leadership Is a Process That Helps in
Pages: 11 Words: 3349

Leadership is a process that helps in directing and mobilizing people. It has for the past 100 years been a subject of many studies. These studies have come up with theories of the nature and exercise of leadership. Some of these theories include trait theories of leadership, theories of emergent leadership, leadership style theories, psychodynamic theories, and the path goal theories among others. The second section of this paper focuses on evaluation of behavior of selected leaders. Leaders of different organizations exhibit specific behaviors that are in line with models and theories of leadership. Their behaviors can guide the behavior of individual followers, groups, or even teams. The analysis section touches on how leaders perceive their roles and what makes them develop as leaders. The summary wraps up all that the paper is about and what I have learnt.
Literature review

Management and leadership are interchangeably used in our everyday lives. Leadership…...



Avolio, B.J., Walumbwa, F.O. & Weber, T.J. (2009). Leadership: Current theories, research, and future directions. Annual Review of Psychology, 60, 421-429.

Bass, B. (2008). The Bass Handbook of Leadership: Theory, Research, and Application. New York: Free Press.

Bennis, W. & Nanus, B. (1997). Leaders: Strategies for Taking Change 2nd Edition. New York:

Collins Business Essentials.

Leadership Style Inventory Leadership Crises Have Been
Pages: 5 Words: 1729

Leadeship Style Inventoy
Leadeship cises have been bewing since the past centuy. Evidently, the latest global economic lapses of financial makets aised a highe need fo an effective leadeship than it had been befoe. These cises led to a call fo contempoay oganizations to scutinize o assess the leadeship potential among thei employees and new ecuitments. Following the cuent changes in oganizational ules and business games, as well as andomly emeging competitions, the most fundamental pioity fo businesses and/o oganizations is to ascetain new leadeship potentials, develop them, and find the most appopiate ways to gow them. This pape theeby ecommends the need fo developing authentic and visionay leades by utilizing the "Leadeship Style Inventoy (LSI)" and matching the leadeship esults obtained, with distinguished job equiements. It futhe majos on the use of Kiesey Tempeament Sote and DiSC assessment as tools of evaluation, used in detemining an individual's leadeship competence and…...


references of cooperative extension faculty. Mexico: New Mexico StateUniversity.

Howell, R.E., Michael, J.A., & Wong, S.K. (1993). Leadership development in extension.

Journal of Extension, 31(1), 27-46.

Nahavandi, A. (2000).The art and science of leadership, 2nd Edition. Upper SaddleRiver, NJ:

Prentice Hall.

Leadership Characteristics of Administrators to
Pages: 30 Words: 9690

Most conclusions on this approach were vague or indecisive in terms of social, psychological or mental significance (ice, 1978, 1981; Graen et al., 1972; Ashour, 1973).
Furthermore, over the years, many scholars have come to the realization that leadership is situational and hence there are many realistic settings like the environment, the employees, the resources, etc. that determine the characteristics needed in a leader as well as his/her business approach (Hershey and Blanchard, 1977, 1984). This is why it is important to first understand the different types of scenarios that a leader can face and then use those scenarios as the foundation on which most leadership techniques and approaches are built. This idea of leadership being situational is very helpful in outlining the methods through which leadership can be developed and has taken up a good part of the last three-decade of research (Mckenna, Boyd and Yost, 2007).

There were many…...



Adler, a. (1946). Understanding human nature. New York: Permabooks.

Ashour, a.S. (1973). The Contingency Model of Leadership Effectiveness: An Evaluation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 9: 335-76.

Bandura, a. (1997). Self-efficacy. The Exercise of Control. New York: W.H. Freeman. (Bass, B.M. 1985). Leadership and Performance Beyond Expectations. New York: The Free Press.

Bennis, W., and B. Nanus. (1985). Leaders. New York: Harper and Row.

Leadership Change Suggested Changes to
Pages: 4 Words: 1134

There are several candidates for taking charge of Gene One during its initial public offering and for some time following, at least until the company has stabilized in its new position, if not for longer. There are of course positive aspects and drawbacks to each of the potential company leaders, but any negative aspects of one individual's leadership can be mitigated by a more temperate and even handed leadership structure, yet one that still allows for efficient and decisive decisions to be made and carried out.
Studies have shown that leadership is often more even-handed when measured in terms of influence rather than in terms of procedural behavior, and this knowledge will be directly and explicitly applied to the Gene One leadership structure in the situation at hand (Hysom & Johnson 2006). Michelle Houghton and John Kirby will be the primary decision makers for the company; Houghton's commitment to the…...



Hinduan, Z.; Wilson-Evered, E.; Moss, S. & Scannell, E. (2009). "Leadership, work outcomes and openness to change following an Indonesian bank merger." Asia-Pacific journal of human resources 47(1), pp. 59-78.

Hysom, S. & Johnson, (2006). "Leadership Structures in Same-Sex Task Groups." Sociological Perspectives 49(3), pp. 391-410.

Massod, S.; Dani, S.; Burns, N. & Backhouse, C. (2006). "Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture: The Situational Strength Perspective." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers; Part B; Journal of Engineering Manufacture 220(6), pp. 941-9.

Leadership Skills & Learning Communities
Pages: 5 Words: 1704

49). That goes for leaders in the learning community as well. Thessin asserts that while it is important to teach students to solve problems, there is a lack of focus on another important, related goal: "the need for teachers to learn to do the same" (49). Teachers are leaders and they must be given the training to develop problem solving skills along with the other important skills mentioned in this paper.
orks Cited

Alansari, Eissa M., and Albustan, Suad A. (2009). Center for Continuing Education and Community Service at Kuwait University: A Model in Leadership for Adult and Continuing

Education. College Student Journal, 43(2), 1-8.

Fulton-Calkins, Patsy, and Milling, Charlie. (2005). Community-College Leadership: An Art to be Practiced: 2010 and Beyond. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, Vol.

29, 233-250.

Jameson, Jill, Ferrell, Gill, Kelly, Jacquie, alker, Simon, and Ryan, Malcolm. (2006). Building

trust and shared knowledge in communities of e-learning practice: collaborative leadership in…...


Works Cited

Alansari, Eissa M., and Albustan, Suad A. (2009). Center for Continuing Education and Community Service at Kuwait University: A Model in Leadership for Adult and Continuing

Education. College Student Journal, 43(2), 1-8.

Fulton-Calkins, Patsy, and Milling, Charlie. (2005). Community-College Leadership: An Art to be Practiced: 2010 and Beyond. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, Vol.

29, 233-250.

Leadership Entrepreneurial Leadership the Strengths
Pages: 1 Words: 310

The major asset of an entrepreneur is their ability to be innovative and creative, and try new ways of doing things. This is vital for any organization that wants to stay competitive in the marketplace. In addition, they create positive change, are usually team- and customer-oriented, and are generally assets to the business. They can take risks, and sometimes their ideas will fail, but they are not afraid to fail, which also makes them an asset to the company. A company that is afraid of failure may never take the risks it needs to take to become truly great. An entrepreneurial leader will help a business grow because of their fresh, new ideas and their creativity. The positive aspects of an entrepreneurial leader far outweigh the weaknesses they may have, and most businesses would do well to hire these types of leaders....

Leadership at the Core of Leadership Is
Pages: 10 Words: 2959

At the core of leadership is the interaction between the leader and the follower. Much of leadership theory can be understood in terms of how leaders and followers interact and what the underlying assumptions are with respect to the roles and nature of leadership. Because of the many different types of leaders, and successful examples thereof, leadership scholarship has developed multiple branches that seek to explain leadership, but no one branch has yet proved definitive. Instead of understanding leadership through a single paradigm, and it better to understand it in terms of multiple paradigms, and different leadership theories can be applied to the same situation, and any given leader might apply multiple leadership styles at the same time.

Part of the appeal of leadership scholarship is that it encompasses so many unique academic disciplines. Leadership scholarship began life as in business schools but has been studied in the psychological and sociological…...



Avolio, B., Walumbwa, F. & Weber, T. (2009). Leadership: Current theories, research and future directions. Annual Review of Psychology. Vol. 60 (2009) 421-449.

Boyatzis, R., Smith, M., & Blaize, N. (2006). Developing sustainable leaders through coaching and compassion. Academy of Management Learning & Education. Vol. 5 (1) 8-24.

Falk, S. & Rogers, S. (2011). Junior military officer retention: Challenges & opportunities. Harvard University. In possession of the author.

Kocolowski, M. (2010). Shared leadership: Is it time for a change? Emerging Leadership Journeys. Vol. 3 (1) 22-32.

Leadership in Simplistic Terms There
Pages: 4 Words: 1215

The authors also find that the firms where these antecedents are most present are those in which either leadership style is highly evident. Firms that lack either leadership style are the lowest performing with respect to quality management.
The ultimate objective of any leader is to improve the company's performance. The most basic measures of performance are profit, revenue, market share and other financial statement measures. Even if the leader excels at other elements, if they do not translate to the bottom line, then the leader is not meeting the needs of the shareholders. hittington et al. (2009) have found that organizational performance is most positively affected by transactional leadership, whereas transformational leadership as found to have no impact. By contrast, Spinelli (2006) found the opposite -- that transformational leadership was more effective at delivering performance outcomes. This again hints that the best leadership style is dependent on the situation.



Works Cited:

Burns, J. (1979) Leadership. Harper Books.

Pieterse, a., van Knippenberg, D., Schippers, M. & Stam, D. (2010). Transformational and transactional leadership and innovative behavior: The moderating role of psychological empowerment. Journal of Organizational Behavior. Vol. 31 (4) 609-623.

Kezar, a. & Eckel, P. (2008). Advancing diversity agendas on campus: Examining transactional and transformational presidential leadership styles. International Journal of Leadership in Education. Vol. 11 (4) 379-405.

Zagorsek, H., Dimovski, V. & Skerlavaj, M. (2009). Transactional and transformational leadership impacts on organizational learning. Journal of East European Management Studies. Vol. 14 (2) 144-165.

Leadership Books Number of Different
Pages: 9 Words: 2584

The passive style is described as management by exception where employees do not receive notice for their positive contributions to the organization, but instead are paid attention by their manager only when an error or problem arises. Punishment or disciplinary action is often the medium used in this approach. Active transactional leadership uses contingent rewards. With this approach, employees are praised for their performance and may be eligible for pay increases or other incentives (Bolman & Deal, 1991, p. 419). The type of leadership exhibited clearly determines the type of motivation used and often its success or failure.
The situational leadership theory of Hersey and Blanchard proposes that the optimal amount of task and relations behavior depends upon subordinate maturity. As the authors note, what the manager needs is a simple and logical framework for making decisions that will be successful (Hersey & Blanchard, 1990, p. 412). This theory prescribes…...



Bolman, L. & Deal, T. (1991). Reframing organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Bossidy, Larry; Charan, Ram; Execution, the Discipline of Getting Things

Done; Crown Business, New York, NY. 2002.

DuBrin, a.J., R.D. Ireland, & J.C. Williams. Management & Organization. Cincinnati: South-Western, 1989.

Leadership in Organizations Case ACME
Pages: 8 Words: 2452

e. child care and health insurance). As, they can negotiate lower group rates for: the company and offer them as part of the total compensation package that everyone is receiving. (Northouse, 2010, pp. 89 -- 93)
Was urton a charismatic leader in the company at this time? Explain your answer.

Yes, urton was a charismatic leader. The reason why, is because he would utilize strategies that went above and beyond what traditional leaders were using to motivate employees. This is important, because his ability to use this technique helped him to be able to receive greater concessions out of employees in comparison with other carriers. At the same time, he was given greater amounts of flexibility in making adjustments to: the kinds tasks employees were able to do and their schedules. This gave urton the ability to adapt to changes that were taking place inside the industry. As, this allowed him to…...



Butler, D. (2000). Business Planning. Oxford: Butterworth.

Harris, J. (2002). Organizational Behavior. Binghamton, NY: West Publishing Company

Nelson, D. (2007). Understanding Organizational Behavior. Mason, OH: Thomason

Northouse, P. (2010). Leadership. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing.

Leadership Powell the Leadership Secrets
Pages: 5 Words: 1525

This is another circumstance, however, that is likely to limit the use of this text in management courses, which is truly a disservice to American industry and consumers. It is ironic that in living up to the principles of clarity and directness that it espouses, this tome will probably be read most by simple admirers of Powell and self-help fanatics, rather than put to extensive practical use in the real world.
Where the book might be lacking in a sense of academic rigor and obfuscation, it is hugely successful in its primary attempt to bring a sense of accountability and nobility back to leadership in this country. The United States has been somewhat short on inspirational and honest leaders in the past decade, and though this book is now seven years old it remains a testament to the type of mentality that apparently still exists even when it has faded…...

Leadership and Management Are Two Different Concepts
Pages: 2 Words: 679

Leadership and management are two different concepts. Management is involved with the operational oversight of employees, departments, or processes, while leadership is involved with leading the company through organizational changes that are intended to enable the company to meet its objectives. Leaders, as are expected to carry themselves in a positive manner to motivate and influence the rest of the organization positively, because they act as an example to the rest of the employees in the organization.
Since leadership is mainly influenced by the behavior, different leaders apply different strategies to ensure that the objectives of the company have been fully met (Sheahan, 2006). This paper therefore analyzes the difference between leadership and management, and ways of cultivating leadership skills in managers that benefits the organization. The paper also explains how managers can set effective expectations for their employees so as to increase the performance of the organization.

Leadership skills in managers…...



Harvard Business Review, (2012). The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs. Retrieved September 28, 2012 from 

Robert G. & Rebecca H., (2012). What Do Managers Do? Exploring Persistent Performance

Differences among Seemingly Similar Enterprises. Harvard Business School Weekly Newsletter. Retrieved September 28, 2012 from 

Sheahan, K. (2006). Modern Leadership Theories. Retrieved September 28, 2012 from

Leadership Is Said to Be
Pages: 17 Words: 4556

Transactional leaders use the extrinsic motivators, to get goals met within an organization, as stated by Suliman (2009). This type of leadership used internal reward or punishment mechanisms to get employees to follow their directive. Transactional leaders usually leave the current organizational structure and goals intact, since the characteristic of these leaders is not effective in situations that require change. Suliman, (2009) also argue that some leaders are very passive and only get involved if the necessary actions are contrary to the overall goal or achievement of the organization.

Visionary leaders are usually characterized as individuals who do not compromise their personal integrity for the overall goal of any organization or process. These leaders do not portray ordinary character traits, since they are usually concerned with direction or organizing action based on new possibilities or a progressive agenda as argued by McIntosh and Tolson (2009). These are usually interested in…...

How does DONA International impact servant leadership in managerial roles?
Words: 356

1. DONA International provides managers with a framework for understanding and implementing servant leadership principles, empowering them to create high-performing and employee-centric work environments.

2. The DONA International Code of Ethics guides managers in aligning their actions with servant leadership values, such as empathy, stewardship, and accountability, fostering a culture of integrity and trust.

3. DONA International's educational programs equip managers with the knowledge and skills to effectively lead and support their teams, enabling them to develop a comprehensive understanding of servant leadership practices.

4. The DONA International community offers managers a platform for networking, sharing best practices,....

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