Innovation in Organizations
Innovation is significant for all business entities, the different levels to which this significance applies notwithstanding. Bringing this about also requires the implementation of features like training, incentives, and education whose roles in triggering innovation are widespread. It is however imperative that implementing such features, say the reward systems, the organizations institute proper leadership and follow carefully laid down principles considering, the ethical implications they come with. Additionally, the definition of organizations as either innovative or not depends on a variety of aspects as described in this discussion.
Innovation in Organizations
Innovation takes different shapes in organization as the nature of these business entities governs. It is however apparent that a number of factors commonly run through these organizations as triggers for innovation. Some of the features include incentives, training, and education. Terziovski (2007) indicates that education; training and advancing incentives to employees, organizations motivate their workers, providing an accelerated…...
Sarros, J. C et al. (2011). Leadership vision, organizational culture, and support for innovation in not-for-profit and for-profit organizations. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 32(3), 291-309.
Soni, R. (2010) Innovation management: Knowledge and inspiration toolkit, New Delhi: Global India Publications
Terziovski, M (2007) Building Innovation Capability in Organizations, London: Imperial College Press.
Innovation at 24-Hour Fitness
Innovation is important for any business in any industry, yet it is easy to become complacent and to forget about the needs of innovation as long as the money keeps coming in. If a company continues to make sales, pay its employees, and turn a profit for shareholders, investing the time, energy, and resources into effective innovation can be difficult. In a highly competitive industry like that of health and fitness clubs, however, forgetting about innovation can mean losing market share, losing revenue, and eventually closing up shop (Carlson & Wilmot, 2006). The following paragraphs briefly outline some innovative strategies and processes employed at 24-Hour Fitness, a well-known national brand of health and fitness clubs/gyms, clearly demonstrating the impact on the bottom line and on overall organizational success that innovation has (and the damage that avoiding innovation can cause).
One of the major innovations that 24-Hour Fitness has…...
Ecova. (2012). Ecova Congratulates 24-Hour Fitness for Exceptional Partnership and Telecom Achievements. Accessed 20 May 2012.
Carlson, C. & Wilmot, W. (2006). Innovation: The Five Disciplines for Creating What Customers Want. New York: Random House.
Liebert, C. (2012). 24-Hour Fitness Career. Accessed 20 May 2012.
Innovation Ethic
In Chapter 4 of Perils of Prosperity, John Sarno argues that American industry does not really have an innovation ethic, and as a result it has been very badly damaged by the system of global capitalism and free trade that the U.S. government created after World War II. They were not prepared for the intense foreign competition that began to hit them full force in the 1970s and 1980s. As a result, the social and economic conditions of most American workers have deteriorated over the last thirty years, and this was already clear before the latest recession. As Thomas Jefferson had always feared, the great barons of American industry had turned the country into a nation of employees, and had trained and educated many of them to be dependents and conformists rather than innovators, independent thinkers and creators. Knowledge-based forms now contribute 20% of overall GNP and 40% of…...
Innovation and pricing are concepts that the manufactures and service providers should focus on. This paper focuses on how value is created on various products and services highlighting on the impacts value addition can bring to the company against the consumer behavior which is the center of focus. It looks at innovation and price variance in different market segments and addresses various reasons for the variances in pricing and the reason for adopting such pricing structures.
The paper also critically analyses three different products and service sectors looking at price variances and other factors which create such disparities. A general analysis of the airline industry, telecommunication and the automobile industry have been used as the basis of understanding the existence of different pricing in different market segments and consumer segment.
Innovation is an important aspect that companies offering services or products to consumers should dedicate much attention to as it affects the…...
Derrick Daye & Brad VanAuken, (2008). The Advantage of Price Segmentation. Retrieved November 9, 2012 from
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Paul O'Malley, (1998). Value Creation and Business Success. Retrieved November 9, 2012 from
Religence, Inc., (2008). Value Creation. Retrieved November 9, 2012 from
Innovation is a key success factor for many businesses. Fostering innovation, however, can be challenging. For much of the 20th century, management focused on push strategies for innovations, where managers would push resources into areas deemed in greatest need. This system is designed around the idea that scarce resources must be carefully allocated to meet anticipated demand (Brown, 2005). In more recent years, the pull approach to innovation has increased in popularity. This approach is characterized by allowing outsiders to create solutions to problems. This process resembles in some ways using customer feedback to identify new market opportunities -- the genesis of the innovation is external, the company is being requested to innovate and begins the process from there (Brown, 2005). This technique is more responsive to customer needs, and can be more efficient in the allocation of resources, but pull innovation is not likely to outperform push innovation in…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Brown, J. (2005). From push to pull: The next frontier of innovation. Retrieved November 19, 2012 from
Hagel, J. & Brown, J. (2008). From push to pull: Emerging models for mobilizing resources. Journal of Service Science. Vol 1 (1) 93-110.
Inc. Magazine. (2010). 8 ways to foster innovation in your company. Inc. Magazine. Retrieved November 19, 2012 from
Luebke, R. (2010). Peter Drucker on innovation. Innovation Excellence. Retrieved November 19, 2012 from
Innovation at International Foods Case Study
Josh and his team experience too much bureaucracy in their work (McKeen & Smith). These lengthy processes of approval slow down the rate of their work. In addition, some of these procedures are unnecessary. For instance, before using instant messages and social media, Josh's team has to receive approval from the technology department. This approval is not necessary since the only reason is to know why Josh's team wants to use these facilities. Even using a conference room required one to book before using it.
Sometimes Josh held meetings with team members to brainstorm ideas. According to ick Visser, this was against protocol. All meetings held were supposed to involve him yet Josh did not inform him. Josh argued that the meetings held were not the actual ones. The team members just came together to share and weigh some ideas they had in mind. In addition,…...
Blythe, J. (2006). Marketing. London: SAGE Publications.
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McKeen, J.D., & Smith, H.A. (2012). IT Strategy: Issues and Practices. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
Innovation and Sustainability
The long history of humankind has been the story of life and death, in relatively equal amounts. The problem of population growth is really the problem of less death, a result of greatly increased technological resources and understanding of the human body. As humans have been living longer lives, and particularly children who had previously been vulnerable in their youth, an increased amount of successful births has pushed Earth's capacity for our kind to its limits. In order to sustain the level of comfort we humans have become accustomed to in the near future, being mindful of the ever increasing worldwide population, new advances must be made. Otherwise, many anthropogenic-induced threats are going to be imminently problematic. For example, global warming has pushed Earth to change its weather patterns already, another fifty or one hundred years of today's carbon emission levels will have an even greater affect on…...
mlaWorks Cited
Landsburg, L.F. (2008). Library of economics and liberty. Retrieved from
Turk, Jon, Bensel, Terrence. (2011). Contemporary Environmental Issues. Bridgeport Education, Inc.
We can never tell what could have been with Pablo Picasso's talent if not for such strict management.
Trust can be generated only if company is open for any internal or external communication and no misunderstanding can flaw operation process. Management of the company should try to increase cross-functional interaction between workers and individual work must be combined with some team work. Personal creativity development must be focused on together with team creativity development where choosing different leaders for different tasks can be most rewarding as supervising increasing self-esteem which further on floods into better performance. People must be given possibilities of leadership growth and different career tracks that will further diversify activities and lead to self-selection and skills improvement and differentiation. Teams with the members of the most diverse backgrounds tend to be the most innovative and effective collaboration must be managed professionally within each group. Nevertheless, preliminary inner…...
Baldwin, J. (1995) Innovation: The Key to Success in Small Firms, Micro-Economic Studies and Analysis Division, Statistics Canada.
Booz, A., & Hamilton Inc. (1982) New Products Management for the 1980's, Chicago.
Coyne, W.E. (1996) Building on a tradition of innovation, The UK innovation Lecture.
Deshpande, R., Farley, J.U., and Webster, F.E. Corporate Culture, Customer Orientation and innovativeness in Japanese firms: a quadrad analysis. Journal of Marketing, 57, pp. 23-27.
The levels of control and solution imposition are limited and the problems emerged are expected to be resolved by the parties in the problem. This system of problem solving is constructed on the principles of honesty and integrity, as well as trust in the organization (Andrews). In other words, such an environment was created in which finding solutions to problems is a mutual goal as the accomplishment of organizational goals is a common goal for both employees as well as leaders.
3.4. Communications
While there are indeed business operations which do lack in the adequate innovation, the same cannot be said about the relationship between the employer and the employees. At Semco, this relationship is constructed on nothing else but innovation. It implements a model in which the employees are encouraged to make more decisions, to become more involved and to even question the decisions implemented top down. "The entire company…...
Andrews. P., the art of authentic problem-solving, last accessed on June 24, 2010
Daft, R.L., Organization Theory and Design, 10th edition, Cengage Learning
Dinkmeyer, D.C., Dinkmeyer, D., Eckstein, D.G., 1996, Leadership by encouragement, CRC Press
Freeman, R.M., 1999, Correctional organization and management: public policy challenges, behavior and structure, Elsevier
" The process feature revolves around "the general business process and practices that enable functional groups to operate effectively and collaborate toward a common goal - as well as a robust set of innovation methodologies and tools." Finally, the structure component has refers to the "organizational structures and supporting technologies that enable collaboration across functional lines" (Innovation Point, 2004). Otherwise put, the ophthalmologic clinic has to focus on implementing a culture, a process and a structure in support of innovation.
3.5 Aligning the Organization with the Market
Another crucial issue in ensuring sustained organizational success is that of aligning the company to the market. This basically means that the company must delegate marketing specialists to analyse the market in order to identify new demands, requirements, needs and trends. In other words, the alignment to the market must be achieved on two grounds: customer demands and strategic approaches implemented by the competitors in…...
mlaWorks Cited
Fischer, B., Boynton, a., 2005, Virtuoso Teams, HRB Journal, Edition of July-August
Forbes, S., 2005, Core Competencies, Marriott School, Retrieved at October 13, 2008
Kotelnikov, V., 2008, Radical Project Management, 1000 Ventures, accessed on October 13, 2008
Marion, L., 2007, Compete on Analytics to Outperform the Competition, Microsoft Corporation, accessed on October 13, 2008
I would argue that innovation is not particularly well-encouraged by my organization. It is a good organization to work for, but innovation isn't really their thing. When you consider the different ways that companies can foster innovation, few of those are evident where I work. The most basic level of encouraging innovation is just to have pathways for ideas to go up the food chain. At my company, this is not really the case. The organization is quite hierarchical in nature, and unfortunately that creates a situation where communication is not all that easy. Where it exists, your supervisor would then need to champion your idea in order for it to be approved. Moreover, head office probably needs an approval in there somewhere if it is a big idea. So these layers for things to happen really discourage innovation. A lot of decisions are made at head office and with…...
With YouTube, though, users can watch movies, TV programs, documentaries, sports events, home movies made in the far-flung regions of the world at any time they wish. In addition, users can join and converse with communities of people who are interested in the same category material as the filmmaker. One of the most attractive draws for YouTube is the price involved. YouTube is absolutely free to anyone with access to the Internet. This also means that a person in any part of the world could obtain an education online. In this regard, Akagi (2008) emphasizes that, "YouTube videos may never replace the types of educational videos and teaching resources supplied online by established entities like PBS Teachers / teachers, the Health Teacher site www., and other free and subscriber educational online organizations. However, carefully selected YouTube videos offer a new media source to utilize as a pedagogical…...
(cited in Locke, nd) the work Jane Henry (1991) identifies five sources of creativity: (1) grace; (2) accident; (3) association; (4) cognition; and (5) personality. (cited in Locke, nd) the process of creativity is one that involves the stages of: (1) preparation; (2) incubation; (3) illumination; and (4) verification. (Locke, nd)
III. Design
Locke states that in the context of innovation "three relevant interpretations of design" are identified: (1) design is the tangible outcome; (2) design is a creative activity; and (3) design is the process by which information is transformed into a tangible outcome. (Locke, nd) There are stated to be three different types of design processes: (1) conceptual design; (2) embodiment design; and (3) detail design. (Locke, nd) Locke states that the benefits of good design are: (1) processes being improved by gradual innovation; (2) redesign of existing products in response to user needs, new markets and competitor products;…...
Innovation (2009) Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Online available at:
Design (2009) Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Online available at:
Creativity (2009) Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Online available at:
Odson, et al. (1995) cited in Locke, John (nd) What are Innovation, Creativity and Design? Media-Wiley. Online available at:
). Then the patient can counsel with their medical profession to find the optimum plan for prevention or pre-treatment; likely catching serious disease early and saving lives.
Consumer households -- the toaster can "predict" and toast bread a certain way, or a muffin, or even if one person prefers dark, the other light; the refrigerator can help with meal planning and inventory; the heating and cooling system can gauge the individual's comfort zone and predict how to lower energy costs while still keeping the family comfortable (Brandon, Predictive Technologies that ill Make Your Life Better, 2012)
Predictive technology is no longer a "nice to" or "what if." It is a matter of integrating smart computing chips into applications that will have meaning for the individual or the organization. It is entrepreneurial in spirit, innovative in concept, market driven, and will likely change the manner in which many products operate, and consumer expectations,…...
mlaWorks Cited
APT Technologies. (2013, January). About. Retrieved February 2013, from APT - Test and Learn:
Audretsch, D. (2007). The Entrepreneurial Society. New York: Oxford University Press.
Brandon, J. (2012, March 29). 6 Major Tech Innovations for 2012. Retrieved February 2013, from Inc. Magazine:
Drucker, P. (2001). Harvard Business Review on Decision Making. Boston: Harvard University Press.
Innovation Is an Art
Innovation in business, is it an Art or Science?
Innovation is an art, not a science
To answer the question of whether innovation is an art or science, it first must be determined what is art and what is science. In terms of 'art,' the image that immediately comes to mind is Michelangelo's David. The great enaissance artist said that he felt he liberated the sculpture from the marble, rather than engaged in an act of direct, conscious creation. "The stone was just the covering that contained a work of art; the sculptor only had to take away the part in excess" (Michelangelo, n.d., Artists of the enaissance). But there is also a great deal of scientific, technical 'craft' involved in the production of any art. A writer must know how to use the correct rules of grammar; a painter must understand how to manipulate a brush; a musician…...
Bird, Alexander. (2011). Thomas Kuhn. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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One weakness of the product life cycle is that it isn\'t set up for innovation. If your product doesn\'t operate for a full life cycle, you\'ll have to replace it over and over. That can be more costly than keeping the product for a long time and then only replacing it when a newer, better model comes along. Another weakness is predictability. That becomes dangerous, because competitors know what each company or individual in competition with them is likely doing. In order to break that knowledge and change the market, a company has to create something completely new and unexpected....
Providing a title for a research paper on medical equipment is a little challenging, because you did not tell us what type of medical equipment research paper you are writing. Are you writing about the evolution of medical equipment, the cost of medical equipment in the United States compared to other countries, how to keep medical equipment clean, the difficulties of finding enough medical equipment in a pandemic, etc.? There are so many different topics that you could choose as your focus in a paper about medical equipment that that the titles....
Third party payment, such as health insurance companies or government programs, can distort the healthcare market in several ways:
1. Increased demand: When individuals are not directly paying for their healthcare services, they are more likely to utilize medical services without considering the cost. This leads to increased demand for healthcare services, which can drive up prices and strain the resources of healthcare providers.
2. Lack of price transparency: Third party payment often creates a lack of price transparency in the healthcare market. Since patients are not directly paying for their services, they may not be aware of....
Title: The Critical Reality of Global Warming: Challenges and Solutions
Introduction (300 words)
Definition and Overview: Begin by defining global warming and its relevance in the current global scenario.
Thesis Statement: Present a clear thesis that outlines your perspective on global warming, its impacts, and potential solutions.
Scope of Essay: Briefly describe what the essay will cover, including causes, effects, and mitigation strategies.
Section 1: Causes of Global Warming (600 words)
Human Activities: Discuss how industrialization, deforestation, and burning of fossil fuels contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.
Agricultural Practices: Explain the role of agriculture, including livestock farming and rice cultivation, in methane emissions.
Energy Consumption: Analyze how our....
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