Informative Speech Essays (Examples)

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You'll find an extensive collection of example essays that focus on crafting informative speeches. These essays offer insight into how to effectively organize and present information on a variety of topics while engaging your audience.......

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Informative Speech on Tabloids
Pages: 4 Words: 1138

Tabloid Magazines
Although very few of us would actually admit to it a lot of us must actually be reading the tabloid press because publications like "The National Inquirer" sell hundreds of thousands of copies each day. This is true despite the fact that the average tabloid is full of articles that can in no way be considered to be news. Elaborate stories of alien kidnapping. Elvis everyone. Stories about Princess Diana, who will remain tabloid fodder for decades, one guesses.

But the proper way to consider the role that tabloids serve in our daily cultural life. They do not exist to tell us about the workings of senate subcommittees. ather, tabloids exist to provide us insights into important cultural issues. We turn to tabloids to read about Princess Diana not because we are expecting statistics about the class structure of England. ather, we read about her because we want to come…...



Barton. A. Three Worlds of Theory: An Existential-Phenomenological Study of the Therapies of Freud, Jung and Rogers. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1993.

Croteau, D. And Hoynes, H. (1997). Media/Society: Industries, Images, and Audiences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.,4273,4073838,00.html 

Barton 1993

Mayo Clinic and Dyslexia
Pages: 6 Words: 1833


General Purpose: To inform

Specific Purpose: To inform and elucidate about the symptoms and causes of Dyslexia and how to deal with Dyslexic people. To outline the treatments and the different ways of coping and providing support.

Central Idea: oughly 10% of the general population is affected by dyslexia to a certain extent. It is important to understand how to deal with such individuals so as to attain a dyslexia friendly society (Dyslexia Action, 2017).

Attention-getting device: Some children have difficulty in reading or spelling words. The concern is that some parent consider this to be lack of intelligence, but in fact, at times the issues is caused by the learning disability referred to as dyslexia. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), dyslexia affects 5 to 10% of the population, with approximates as high as 17% (Dyslexia Help, 2017).

elevance: Being informed about dyslexia will help stop excluding individuals with dyslexia…...



Dyslexia Action. (2017). Why is it important that you understand dyslexia? Retrieved from: 

Dyslexia Help. (2017). Debunking the Myths about Dyslexia. Retrieved from: 

Mayo Clinic. (2014). Diseases and Conditions: Dyslexia. Retrieved from: 

National Health Service. (2017).Dyslexia -- Symptoms. Retrieved from:

Speech on the Benefits of
Pages: 5 Words: 1420

Since the war in Iraq, thousands of American soldiers have been injured, and some of them paralyzed by explosions that shattered their spinal columns.

Traumatic paralysis is often irreversible because the network of nerves in the human spinal cord cannot repair themselves when they are badly damaged.

Applications of cloning technology will allow us to grow new nerve tissue for implantation into damaged spinal cords to restore their functions (Sagan, 1997).

Seventh Point - Cloned Human Organs Can Save Thousands of Lives Every Year:

Medical applications of cloning technology already allows doctors to grow human skin for burn victims.

The exact same technology will allow us to make human organs by actually cloning the cells from the same person to make replacement organs (Soares, 2002).

This means an end to long waiting lists for donor organs and will make the difference between life and death for thousands of people every year who die before a donor…...



Krock, L. (2001) on Human Cloning: Three Views. (NOVA/PBSonline)

Accessed November 1, 2007 at

Sagan, C. (1997) Billions and Billions: Thoughts on Life and Death at the Brink of the Millennium. Random House: New York

Soares, C. Why Human Clones Won't Work Yet. Discover (Jan/02)

Speech Video Game Violence a
Pages: 3 Words: 1034

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence to support this theory -- several prominent school shootings have been ostensibly linked to video game playing -- but real scientific evidence is also emerging that suggests a more subtle but similar effect. In one study, college-age participants who had spent time playing olfenstein 3D, a first person shooter computer game, "punished" their opponents by subjecting them to loud noises of high intensity more frequently and for longer periods of time than participants that had played a non-violent computer game. In the words of Dr. Craig Anderson, one of the psychologists and researchers who conducted the study, "violent video games provide a forum for learning and practicing aggressive solutions to conflict situations."

Basically, time spent playing violent video games is time spent learning life skills that could be detrimental and counter-productive in real world situations, and could even replace more socially valuable skills sets and…...


Works Cited

American Psychological Association. "Violence in the Media - Psychologists Help Protect Children from Harmful Effects." Accessed 13 July 2009. 

Gunter, Barrie. The Effects of Video Games on Children. Wiltshire: Sheffield Academic Press Ltd., 1998.

Jenkins, henry. "Congressional Testimony on Media Violence." Accessed 13 July 2009.

Kirsh, Steven J. Children, Adolescents, and Media Violence. London: Sage Publications, 2006.

Speech by a Teacher Teachers in Public
Pages: 3 Words: 1041

Speech by a Teacher
Teachers in public schools are not permitted to invoke specific Biblical theories, parables, or otherwise invoke the word of God -- either denominationally or generally -- in their classes. The constitutionally imposed rule -- separation of church and state -- is widely considered appropriate and important to the American democracy within the secular and legal community.

Moreover, the rules of public schools make it clear that it is psychologically, morally, constitutionally and socially unacceptable to stealthily (or otherwise) attempt to interject God's word or God's prophets' narrative into an educational setting.

But a competent, alert and effective Christian teacher today need not break those rules in the process of presenting information God would approve of. hy? That is because there are values that God has emphasized in the Holy Bible that can be presented to students without ever identifying them as having come from God Himself. Some of…...


Works Cited

Cable News Network -- CNN. "Innocent man freed after serving 15 years in prison." KPLCTV.

Retrieved September 30, 2012, from .

Cumming-Bruce, Nick. "U.N. Says Syrian Refugee Numbers Are Surging." The New York

Times. Retrieved September 30, 2012, from .

Speech on the New 7
Pages: 4 Words: 1306

" (Fletcher in Gogeometry Website, 2008). The trail to Machu Picchu is known as one of the best trekking sites in the world, particularly for its landscapes that showcase the remnants of its historic past as well as its diverse ecology (ibid).
Mexico's Chichen Itza also showcases its nation's rich, historical past in the same way the Machu Picchu does. Chichen Itza, roughly translated as "at the mouth of the well of the Itza," is considered as a political, commercial, and religious center of the ancient Mayan tribe in Mexico. In this city, one can locate the Temple of Kulkulan (Feathered Serpent), the Observatory, an astronomical observatory, and Temple of the Warriors and the Sacred Cenote (Well of Sacrifice). These structures have religious and scientific significance for the Mayan culture (ibid.).

Not too far from Mexico, we can find Brazil's huge Christ edeemer structure. "Christ the edeemer is a large Art Deco-style…...



Garrison, L. (n.d.). Petra - Lost City in Jordan and One of the New Seven Wonders of the World. Retrieved at   Nov. 12, 2008. 

Gogeometry Website. (2007). New 7 Wonders. Retrieved at   On Nov. 12, 2008. .

Seven Wonders of the World Website (2007). The World Has Voted for the New 7 Wonders! Retrieved at   Nov. 12, 2008. 


Speech Outline
Pages: 3 Words: 791

Speech on Alcoholism and Addiction
Main Points: I. Alcoholism is an addiction, not a character flaw.

Treating alcoholism requires modern rehabilitation methods.

The "Twelve-Step" program advocated by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

represents an extremely effective route to recovery.

Central Idea: For centuries, society has viewed addiction to alcohol and other substances as a defect in one's moral fiber, rather than a medical affliction. Modern scientific exploration into the subject of addiction has revealed that alcoholism is actually the result of neurotransmitters in the brain becoming activated, chemical responses throughout the body, genetic influences, and even environmental factors. By revising the widespread belief that addiction to alcohol is one's own "fault," and recognizing the litany of variables which determine whether somebody will be prone to addictive tendencies, the stigma placed on alcoholism may eventually be lifted.


A. For as long as mankind been aware that the actions of an individual are determined by an inherent sense of…...



Dodes, L. (2002). The heart of addiction: A new approach to understanding and managing alcoholism and other addictive behaviors. New York, NY: Harper-Collins

Narcotics Anonymous Fellowship. (1991). An introductory guide to narcotics anonymous, revised. Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc. Retrieved from   Guide to NA.pdf 

Evaluating Myself Giving a Speech
Pages: 2 Words: 652

Process Speech Self-EvaluationThis process speech was very different from the types of process speeches I had delivered in the past. Before, most process speeches I had given were demonstration speeches, such as telling a group of children the rules of a game or trying to explain to a fellow employee how to use a new type of computer program at work. This process speech was entitled The Decision-Making Process in Business Environment. It was a more abstract concept than I had conveyed in a speech before, and because of that, I was nervous that the audience would not be interested. I think it would have been helpful if I had started with a quote or a fact that was particularly attention-grabbing. Instead, I focused more on explaining the concept, and I think I lost some of my audiences attention in the process. I tried to do too much in the…...

Fundamental of Speech
Pages: 3 Words: 1235

Mary Kay Ash: A Biography of a Woman with 'Skin-Deep Beauty'
Introductions to Mary Kay Ash, founder and chairman emeritus of Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc.

"If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right." These lines are the guiding principles and philosophy of Mary Kay Ash as she managed her life as a mother, businesswoman, leader, and philantrophist.

Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. is a company founded by Mary Kay Ash, a business venture that became successful because of her hard work and perseverance. Although its products promotes beauty and skin care products, things that often symbolize vanity among men and women alike, it will become evident, as you will later find out in this speech, that Mary Kay Inc.'s goals, objectives, and products are more than just a display of vanity, but is 'skin-deep.' Through the various programs (environmental, social, and human-empowerment) organized by the company, Mary…...

Fundamentals of Speech
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Parent-Teachers' Association (PTA) meetings, several adamant parents requested an improvement in quality of the Highland Oaks cafeteria lunches. The school administration, including the superintendent, has maintained a long-standing relationship with the Mariela Catering Corporation and opposes terminating this relationship. Because the audience may be hostile, a speech must be sympathetic to the views of the administration, even while antagonistic opinions are expressed. A Negative Method persuasive technique would be an appropriate approach, because there are several solutions to the problem that should be presented (and dismissed) in this presentation. Changing catering companies is only one of many alternatives, and the administration must not feel threatened by the PTA's concern over the school lunches. However, to change the status quo, the school administration must be made aware of the nutritional needs of its students and the concern by the parents over the quality of catering. The PTA must take into…...

Male & Female Communication General
Pages: 2 Words: 905

For example, women are taught to collaborate, and affirm rather than subvert other people in conversation. But women can recognize that the need to speak up when provoked, if they are conscious of their conversational tendency. A woman whose idea is stolen by a male co-worker in an aggressive, male-dominated firm that praises competition cannot simply complain to her boss after the meeting where the co-worker claimed 'their' idea was 'his,' or assume that the truth will eventually be revealed about the theft. Likewise, a male who wishes to maintain a good relationship with a female boss can benefit from engaging in conversation that is not stereotypically 'facts' related (like baseball scores) but is more relational, such as inquiring about how the boss' day is going (Simon & Pedersen, 2005).
Again, stereotyping is never valid, and if you meet someone who differs from these generalizations, or if you yourself do…...


Works Cited

Buchanan, Holly. "Male vs. female: Communication Styles." Marketing to Women.

2006. 8 Nov 2007. 

Tannen, Deborah. You Just Don't Understand. New York: Quill, 2007.

Simon, Victoria & Holly Pedersen. "Communicating with Men at Work: Bridging the Gap with Male Co-Workers and Employees." Male / Female Communication Newsletter. March 2005. 8 Nov 2007.

Language and Literacy Every Workplace Without Exception
Pages: 5 Words: 1463

Language and Literacy
Every workplace without exception relies on language as a primary means of communication. Therefore, all types of literacy are required in order for an organization to function properly. The different types of literacy range from multicultural awareness to written language to public speaking. For the purposes of this project, I examined and analyzed several different workplace environments for their usage of language and their different literacy demands. My personal workplace environment is a high-stress, hustle-and-bustle office. Phones are ringing constantly throughout the day, memos are being circulated on a near-daily basis, and most employees need to be familiar with company literature including quarterly financial reports. In addition to the rigors of interpersonal communication, which entails informal as well as formal conversations, we deal with inter-office communications with those who work at remote office locations, with offices located abroad, with clients, and with various others with which we do…...

Stand Your Ground Law 'Stand Your Ground'
Pages: 4 Words: 1203

Stand Your Ground Law
'Stand your ground' laws

To inform

tand your ground' laws are extremely controversial pieces of legislation.

Attention-getter: 'A man's home is his castle.' How often have we heard this phrase? This concept is at the foundation of the right to defend yourself by using deadly force against an intruder who invades your home. However, recent laws have expanded the 'castle doctrine' and other, existing self-defense laws. Many of these new laws are called 'stand your ground' laws, the most liberal of which exists in Florida.

It is important to gain a historical perspective on 'stand your ground' laws to understand the controversy

tand your ground' laws are extremely polarizing pieces of legislation.

Credibility statement:

My interest in this topic arose during the George Zimmerman murder trial, in which Zimmerman (a member of a neighborhood watch) was accused of killing an unarmed teenager named Trayvon Martin.

Zimmerman used Florida's 'stand your ground' law as his defense.




Block, M. (2012). A history of 'stand your ground' laws. NPR. Retrieved from: 

Botelho, G. & Yan, H. (2013). George Zimmerman found not guilty of murder in Trayvon

Martin's death. CNN. Retrieved:

Capsule Stress Management Techniques Outline
Pages: 3 Words: 1026

Prioritize. Try not to schedule too many things at once. In the words of one article by the health center at Colorado University entitled "10 Great Stress Reducers," learn to say 'no.' Also, learn to live within your budget. In other words, don't sweat the small stuff, and don't make yourself crazy by overcommitting yourself and leaving everything to the last minute. Ask yourself, do I need this? Do I have to do this?
Of course, no one can completely avoid stress in their life, and in fact, some forms of stress can be good. Lots of people like the positive, controlled stress of exercise or performing. There is a different 'perfect' balance of stress and relaxation for every person. But everyone can benefit from learning some ways to counteract the physical strains of being under stress. Stretching -- and stretching often, even simply rolling down your spine, touching your…...


Works Cited

10 Great Stress Reducers." (2008). Colorado University. Retrieved 24 Feb 2008 at 

How to survive finals with less stress. (2008). Colorado University. Retrieved 24 Feb 2008 at 

Stressed Out?" (Jan 2007). The National Institute of Health. NIH. Retrieved 24 Feb 2008 at 

Stretch Often." (2008). Colorado University. Retrieved 24 Feb 2008 at

Speaking Outline Full Text Follows
Pages: 3 Words: 870

Memorable Closing:
More than any phrase, memorable quote, or image, let me leave you with these statistics: 14,000 routine killings committed in 2005 with guns, to which must be added 16,000 suicides by firearm and 650 fatal accidents. The NRA says that 'guns don't kill, people kill.' Perhaps this is true, but guns certainly make it much, much easier ("America's tragedy," the Economist, 2007).

Full text of speech

General Subject: Gun Control

Specific Subject: Problem/Solution

General Purpose: To persuade my audience to support the strengthening of gun control laws

Specific Audience-centered Purpose: After hearing my speech, members of the audience will support the passage of gun control laws, including stricter background checks and limits upon the type of weapons that can be purchased by civilians.

I. Introduction

A. Attention Step:

One sunny day in March, at a gun store in Virginia, a young man named Cho Seung-hui walked into a gun shop. Despite having extensive documentation of mental…...

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