Inflammation Essays (Examples)

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Jnj and Inflammation and Its Role in
Pages: 9 Words: 2767

JNJ and Inflammation
Inflammation and its role in disease

Inflammation is a primary contributing component to the pathophysiology of allergies asthma (Barbers et al., 2012). Inflammation along with remodeling are defining features present with mild to severe asthma. Inflammation due to allergies causes structural and functional changes to blood vessels within the respiratory tract. These changes include increased blood flow, vasodilation, angiogenesis, and higher vascular permeability in airways of asthmatics (Jang et al., 2012). emodeling is defined as the structural changes that occur within airways such as increases in vascularity, increased smooth muscle mass within the airways, subepithelial fibrosis, and hyperplasia of goblet cells within the proximal and distal airways (Barbers et al., 2012). Furthermore, remodeling is a process involving a multitude of factors including complex interactions among cell adhesion molecules, cytokines, and growth factors (Jang et al., 2012). esearch has suggested that the structural changes that occur due to remodeling in…...



Barbers, R.G., Papanikolaou, I.C., Koss, M.N., Patel, A., Katagihara, E., Arenas, M., Chan, K., Azen, C.G., Sharma, O.P. (2012). Near fatal asthma: clinical and airway biopsy characteristics. Pulmonary Medicine, 2012, 829608.

Beermann, S., Glage, S., Jonigk, D., Seifert, R., Neumann, D. (2012). Opposite effects of mepyramine on JNJ 7777120-induced amelioration of experimentally induced asthma in mice in sensitization and provocation. PLoS One, 7(1), e30285.

Cowden, J.M., Riley, J.P., Ma, J.Y., Thurmond, R.L., Dunford, P.J. (2010). Histamine H$ receptor antagonism diminishes existing airway inflammation and dysfunction via modulation of Th2 cytokines. Respiratory Research, 11, 86.

Desai, P. Thurmond, R.L. (2011). Histamine H4 receptor activation enhances LPS-induced IL-6 production in mast cells via ERK and PI3K activation. European Journal of Immunology, 41(6), 1764-73.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Pelvic Inflammation
Pages: 4 Words: 994

There are no diagnostic procedures that can specifically identify PID. However physicians rely on a number of symptoms that can be correlated in the diagnosis of PID. Diagnosis will begin with the physical examination of the abdomen. lood test is undertaken and in general there is an observed increase in the white blood cells. Around 50% of patients with PID have WC level greater than 10,000 and high ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate).[
Stephanie Abbuhl] DNA testing, fluorescent antibody testing and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay tests can be used on cervical samples to identify the possibility of Chlamydial PID, while cervical samples collected on a medium of Thayer-Martin agar is used to identify gonorrheal infections. Ultrasound and laparoscopy tests are also indicated as they reveal inflammations and pelvic abscesses. However it is not possible to sufficiently examine the fallopian tube using laparoscopy hence diagnosis is not all that straight forward when the…...



National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, "Pelvic Inflammatory Disease," Accessed on Nov 27th 2004, 

Stephanie Abbuhl, "Pelvic Inflammatory Disease," Accessed on Nov 27th 2004, 

3) Zandt, Shirley Van, "Pelvic Pain in Women," Clinical Reviews, 9/1/2000

4) Famolare, Nancy E. "Teaching and communication strategies: working with the hospitalized adolescent with pelvic inflammatory disease,"

Pathophysiology Adaption Injury and Inflammation
Pages: 1 Words: 314

Blood vessels in the body also undergo changes during inflammation. These changes occur to maximize the movement of leukocytes, antibodies and platelets towards the injury site. It undergoes vasodilation, causing increase redness and heat because this process increases blood flow. The blood vessels become more permeable which causes the swelling or edema from the extravasated protein-rich fluid. This is a means of the body to bring the antibodies and other cells to the exact site of injury and perform their function. The changes in the blood vessels are mediated by a number of chemical mediators that cause this vascular leakage. They assert their function in the endothelial cells causing contraction, therefore letting the protein-rich, antibody containing fluid to escape toward the site of injury, and prevent further damage to the body.


Kumar, Vinay, et. al. obbin and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier,…...



Kumar, Vinay, et. al. Robbin and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2005.

Stages Which Embody the Lifetime
Pages: 1 Words: 336

This represents the end stages of the disease, where the body has destroyed it and begun the task of reconstructing what was affected during the viscous battle.
Depending on the severity of the injury or other cause of inflammation, these five stages can cause various symptoms within individual patients. The aggravation phase causes high fevers and heavy swelling within many individuals inflicted with various diseases and conditions. The phase of destruction normally produces such symptoms as puss, open sores, and abscesses. It can also cause permanent damage to the human body, if not the loss of life. The abatement stage is when many patients' fevers and other symptoms of inflammation begin to subside and lower, (Huether & McCane, 2008). The final stage brings about rebuilding of damaged tissue along with recovery of the patient. However, the severity of the infection will always determine the capability of recovery within each individual…...



Huether, S.E. & McCane, K.L. (2008). Understanding pathophysiology. 4th ed. St. Louis:


Peri-Implantitis Infections of the Implantation Area the
Pages: 5 Words: 1912

Infections of the implantation area the mainly widespread of the dental implant complications. Implant infection is a state which is known as peri-implantitis which has a sign of swelling or inflammation of the tissues adjacent to the implantation area. Peri-implantitis is a type of periodontal disease that is able to result to inflammation, bone loss and failure in dental implant in any case it is not treated appropriately. A flame is part of a fire. Inflammation is a situation where a tissue gets swollen, red, and frequently hurts. About dental implants, it is an inflammation that can be caused by trauma or infection. Inflammation causes several special defensive cells to move to the inflamed area. Inflammation is capable of resulting to bone loss together with dental implants, where bone loss is a dangerous situation. The supporting bone holds the dental implant in the jaw.

Generally, the purpose of the implant dentist…...



Hayek (2005) Comparative study between the effects of photodynamic therapy and conventional therapy on microbial reduction in ligature-induced peri-implantitis in dogs. Journal of Periodontology 76, 1275 -- 1281.

Loe, H., Theilade, E. & Jensen, S.B. (1965) Experimental gingivitis in man. Journal of Periodontology 36, 177 -- 187.

Mombelli, A., Nyman, S.R. & Lang, N.P. (1994) Experimentally induced peri-implant mucositis. A clinical study in humans. Clinical Oral Implants Research 5, 254 -- 259.

Renvert, S., Roos-Jansa"ker, A.M., Lindahl, C., Renvert, H. & Persson, G.R. (2007) Infection at titanium implants with or without a clinical diagnosis of inflammation. Clinical Oral

Alzheimer's Immunology Alzheimer's Disease Ad
Pages: 4 Words: 1197

After 13 months, the rats begin to show signs of dementia including reduced cognitive ability and memory impairment (McGill University, 2010).
Amyloid B. immunotherapy

Past research

Past research on the effects of active or passive a? immunization on a? buildup and AD progression provided evidence that such immunization "protects against the progressive loss of synaptophysin in the hippocampal molecular layer and frontal neocortex of a transgenic mouse model of AD" (Buttini & al, 2005). This provided further support for the amyloid hypothesis.

Current research

Since the discovery of a? immunotherapy effectiveness in the treatment of AD in mice, the AN1792 a? vaccine was developed and tested on humans (Lemere & Masliah, 2010). Unfortunately, clinical trials were discontinued when around 6% of the subjects developed meningoencephalitis (Lemere & Masliah, 2010). However, since some subjects showed improvements in a? plaque clearance, several new a? immunotherapies have been developed and are currently undergoing clinical trials (Lemere &…...



Basi, G., & al, e. (2010). Amyloid precursor protein selective gamma-secretase inhibitors for treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, 2 (36).

Buttini, M., & al, e. (2005). Amyloid Immunotherapy Prevents Synaptic Degeneration in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease. The Journal of Neuroscience, 25 (40), 9096-9101.

Ganguly, R., & al, e. (2005). Effect of Moringa Oleifera in Experimental Model of Alzheimer's Disease: Role of Antioxidants. Annals of Neurosciences, 12, 33-37.

Herrup, K. (2010). Reimagining Alzheimer's Disease -- an Age-Based Hypothesis. The Journal of Neuroscienc5y7e, 30 (50), 16755-16762.

Biology There Are Several Possible
Pages: 5 Words: 1530

The blood with the IgG must be effectively removed from the body, or reduced to levels that will not allow the cells to be a danger to the infant. If caught early enough, plasma transfers for the mother can result in enough of a reduction of IgG levels to forestall the effects to the fetus.

Autoimmune diseases occur when, for a variety of reasons, the body responds to its own cells as though they were dangerous foreign cells. In this way they are similar to an allergic response; an unrecognized but harmless entity is viciously attacked by the body in an attempt to destroy the perceived intruder. This is annoying (and possibly deadly) when it comes to allergies, and far more so when the body essentially becomes allergic to itself.

Though the reasons behind the onset of Type I diabetes are still not fully understood, the disease occurs when the insulin…...

Prolotherapy A Tendons and Ligaments
Pages: 3 Words: 690

Macrophages also stimulate the production of white blood cells, particularly neutrophils. As these neutrophils die, they (along with dead cells, dead bacteria, and white blood cells) form a whitish material called pus. The appearance of pus indicates the body is attempting to fight the infection.
The tissue that results depends on the extent of the injury. If the injury is minor, the damaged tissue is replaced when fibroblasts form new collagenous tissue that heals the wound. Additionally, growth factor released by the connective tissue matrix stimulates the regeneration of tissue. However, if the wound is more extensive, scar tissue may result. Scar tissue is composed of collagenous tissue which is formed as a result of granulations developing in the damaged tissue.

D) as much as possible in your own words: What is prolotherapy? What does the physician do to the site of the damaged tissue? Why is it called proliferation therapy?…...



Brody, J., (2007). Injections to kick-start tissue repair. NY times: personal health.

Mader, S., (2003). Inquiry into life (10th ed.). New York, New York: McGraw Hill.

Glaxosmithkline Gsk - Successful Internal Innovation Read
Pages: 8 Words: 2338

GLAXOSMITHKLINE (GSK) - SUCCESSFUL INTENAL INNOVATION ead case study answer 4 questions . Do write a report. 1. Based GSK's past performance, critical implementation issues GSK internal innovation? Justify answer.
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) -- Successful Internal Innovation

Critical implementation issues for GSK with regards to internal innovation

Implementation processes are complex endeavors which need to be thoroughly assessed and carefully decided upon. This is true in any situation and in the case of virtually all economic agents, but while this necessity is valid, it is to be differently approached and resolved across companies. In other words, the dimensions of a strategy to be implemented are sensitive to a wide array of organizational and situational particularities, including, among other things:

The size of the economic agent

The availability of resources (capitals, labor force, commodities and technologies)

The intellectual capitals possessed and the ability to gain, transfer and capitalize on knowledge

The access to information

The critical elements of the strategy…...



McDavid, J.C., hawthorn, L.R.L., 2006, Program evaluation and performance measurement: an introduction to practice, SAGE

Schulman, J., 1969, Remaking an organization: innovation in a specialized psychiatric hospital, SUNY Press

Sitkin, S.B., Cardinal, L.B., Bijlsma-Frankema, K.M., 2010, Organizational control, Cambridge University Press

2010, GlaxoSmithKline Plc., Hoovers, last accessed on December 22, 2010

Aging Body the Author Bases
Pages: 2 Words: 767

3. Growth factors can induce apoptosis by binding to their respective receptors (TKs). When activated, TKs in turn activate the as, af, MEK, MAPK, MKK, EK, Fos, JNKs, and Jun pathway, which can lead to the induction of AF via gene upregulation. AF in turn suppresses mdm2, a suppressor of p53 activity. The resulting increase in p53 activity can induce Bax, Mt, and thus apoptosis.

4. Adenomatous familial polyposis is caused by a truncated APC protein, which results from inherited mutations in the APC gene (Segditsas and Tomlinson, 2006). However, the activity of the wild-type or normal APC allele is usually sufficient to maintain tumor suppressor activity. For this reason, and because the wild-type allele is often found to have acquired somatic mutations, it is assumed that both alleles must be mutated before tumors can form. The vast majority of mutations found in colorectal tumors have retained 0 to 3 20-amino…...



Libby, Peter, Ridker, Paul M., and Hansson, Goran K. (2011). Progress and challenges in translating the biology of atherosclerosis. Nature, 473, 317-325.

Segditsas, S. And Tomlinson, I. (2006). Colorectal cancer and genetic alterations in the Wnt pathway. Oncogene, 25, 7531-7537.

Minde, David P., Anvarian, Zeinab, Rudiger, Stefan G.D., and Maurice, Madelon M. (2011). Messing up disorder: How do missense mutations in the tumor suppressor protein APC lead to cancer? Molecular Cancer, 10, 1-9.

Bidder on a Work Contract May Bid
Pages: 2 Words: 580

bidder on a work contract may bid lower than what would maximize his/Her profit from the contract and the reason for that is to create goodwill
Ultimately, a contract is only as valuable as the signatures affixed to it. In other words, the risk of failing to gain a contract with a potentially valued partner is greater than the sum of revenue lost in the bid size. The best way to value the goodwill created by an amenable contract bid is by the length of the contract and the additional business that it generates with that client for clients referred by the present client.

From my personal experience attempting to gain contracts through an employment placement agency, providing an accessible starting bid for compensation can attract the attention of hiring companies. The goodwill and access generated by this kind of bid can ultimately lead to a more lucrative offer for fulltime…...

Inflammatory Pathology Human Uterus
Pages: 5 Words: 1602

2EndometritisIntroductionT cells, macrophages, neutrophils, and natural killer cells are among the immune cells that penetrate the human endometrium. Throughout the monthly cycle, the quantity and makeup of these uterine lymphocyte subpopulations change1. Inflammatory disorders make up a significant fraction of gynecological diseases, especially among women of reproductive age. Inflammation is our body\\\'s first response to infection, discomfort, and injury. Inflammation is now understood to be a non-specific immune reaction that can be acute or chronic2. Inflammation causes morphological problems in obstetrics, primarily as a result of contagious diseases. Inflammation, on the other hand, might impair conception and hormone secretion and is linked to endometriosis. The uterine mucosa is inflamed in endometritis. Endometritis affects the uterus in all layers. The uterus is aseptic by nature. Microbes from the cervix and vaginal canal can, however, cause inflammation and infection. Thus, inflammation of the uterus plays a vital function in obstetrics and sterility.EpidemiologyIn…...


References1. Weiss G, Goldsmith L, Taylor R, Bellet D, Taylor H. Inflammation in reproductive disorders. reproductive sciences. 2009;16(2):216-229. doi:10.1177/19337191083300872. Kitaya K, Yasuo T, Tada Y et al. Current understanding of chronic endometritis. Diagnostic Histopathology. 2013;19(7):231-237. doi:10.1016/j.mpdhp.2013.06.0063. Rivlin M. Endometritis differential diagnoses.   Published 2019. Accessed September 20, 2021. 4. Taylor M, Pillarisetty L. Endometritis. StatPearls. 2021. . Accessed September 20, 2021.5. Kamaya A, Wong-You-Cheong J. Diagnostic Ultrasound: Abdomen And Pelvis. 1st ed. Elsevier: Elsevier; 2015:764-765.6. Park H, Kim Y, Yoon T, Lee W. Chronic endometritis and infertility. Clin Exp Reprod Med. 2016;43(4):185. doi:10.5653/cerm.2016.43.4.185 .

Mechanisms of Cancer the Cancer
Pages: 3 Words: 1101

This then leads to the activation of a number of genes whose products trigger cell-cycle arrest, apoptosis, or DNA repair" (Lakin 1999, p. 7644).
In research led by Hussain, he investigated the targets of free radicals, which are DNA, proteins, NA, and lipids. He noted that, "mutations in cancer-related genes or post-translational modifications of proteins by nitration, nitrosation, phosphorylation, acetylation or polyADP-ribosylation-by free radiacals or lipid peroxidation byproducts…are some of the key events that can increase the cancer risk" (Hussain 2003, p. 276). Furthermore, changes in DNA occur when the person has been exposed to high levels of nitric oxide or NO. p53 plays a role in that it acts as a mediator to stress but NO "causes p53 accumulation and post-translational modifications that inhibit cellular growth" (Hussain 2003, p. 278). His research has revealed that when exposed to NO during chronic inflammation sans wild-type p53, there might be increased…...



American Cancer Society (n.d.) Cancer Facts & Figures 2010, [online] Available at:   [Accessed: April 19, 2011]. 

American Cancer Society (n.d.) What Causes Cancer?, [online] Available at:   [Accessed: April 19, 2011]. 

Croce, C. (2008) Oncogenes and Cancer, N Engl J. Med, 358, p. 502-511.

Hasty, P. (2005) the impact of DNA damage, genetic mutation and cellular responses on cancer prevention, longevity and aging: observations in humans and mice, Mech Ageing Dev, 126(1), p.71-77.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Pages: 8 Words: 2346

Essay Topic Examples 1. The Epidemiology and Genetic Factors of Inflammatory Bowel Disease:
    This essay would explore the prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in different populations and regions, assessing risk factors and the impact of genetic variables on the susceptibility and manifestation of IBD. A discussion on the heritability of IBD, including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, and the identification of specific genes associated with increased risk could be included.

2. The Role of Diet and Lifestyle in the Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease:
    This essay could evaluate the influence of diet and lifestyle choices on the management and progression of IBD. It would look into various dietary interventions, their effects on gut microbiota, and their potential to alleviate symptoms. The role of exercise, stress management, and other lifestyle factors could also be addressed.

3. Emerging Therapeutic Strategies for Inflammatory Bowel Disease:
    An assessment of the latest advancements in IBD treatment, this essay could cover…...


Primary Sources

Podolsky, Daniel K. \"Inflammatory Bowel Disease.\" New England Journal of Medicine 347.6 (2002): 417-429.

Sartor, R. Balfour. \"Microbial Influences in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.\" Gastroenterology 134.2 (2008): 577-594.

Ordás, Ingrid, et al. \"Ulcerative colitis.\" The Lancet 380.9853 (2012): 1606-1619.

Kaser, Arthur, Sandro Vento, and Richard S. Blumberg. \"Genetic Risk Factors for Inflammatory Bowel Disease.\" Annual Review of Medicine 59 (2008): 283-301.

Abraham, Clara, and Judy H. Cho. \"Inflammatory Bowel Disease.\" New England Journal of Medicine 361.21 (2009): 2066-2078.

Pages: 8 Words: 2153

Essay Topic Examples
1. Understanding the Etiology of Crohn's Disease: A Multifactorial Analysis:
    This essay will delve into the various factors implicated in the onset of Crohn's disease, exploring genetic, environmental, and immunological contributions to the development of this complex inflammatory bowel disease.

2. The Impact of Crohn's Disease on Quality of Life:
    The aim of this essay is to examine how Crohn's disease affects patients' everyday lives, assessing physical, psychological, and social dimensions of the disease and its management on individual well-being and life satisfaction.

3. Advances in Crohn's Disease Treatment: From Medication to Surgery:
    This essay will analyze the progression of treatment options for Crohn's disease, highlighting the efficacy, side effects, and long-term outcomes of pharmacological therapies and surgical interventions in managing this chronic condition.

4. The Role of Diet and Nutrition in Managing Crohn's Disease:
    The focus of this essay is to discuss the significance of dietary choices and nutritional support in the management of…...


Primary Sources

Baumgart, Daniel C., and William J. Sandborn. \"Crohn\'s Disease.\" The Lancet, vol. 380, no. 9853, 2012, pp. 1590-1605.

Colombel, Jean-Frédéric, et al. \"The Oxford Classification of Crohn\'s Disease.\" Current Gastroenterology Reports, vol. 12, no. 6, 2010, pp. 484-494.

Conrad, Kendell R., et al. \"A Randomized Trial of Yoga for Children Hospitalized with Sickle Cell Vaso-occlusive Crisis.\" Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, vol. 53, no. 6, 2017, pp. 1026-1034.

Rioux, John D., et al. \"Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies New Susceptibility Loci for Crohn Disease and Implicates Autophagy in Disease Pathogenesis.\" Nature Genetics, vol. 39, no. 5, 2007, pp. 596-604.

Sartor, R. Balfour. \"Microbial Influences in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.\" Gastroenterology, vol. 134, no. 2, 2008, pp. 577-594.

I have to write a topic sentence on yoga to support my thesis statement on yoga?
Words: 344

Yoga is said to have a number of benefits.  Whether a person is approaching it as a form of exercise, a type of meditation, or a combination of the two, yoga has documented health benefits in a wide range of applications from cancer to mental health.  We have compiled some sample topic sentences for your thesis:

  1. Yoga can contribute to better heart health by helping reduce stress, reducing inflammation, providing exercise, and leading to potential weight loss.
  2. One of the surprising uses for yoga is in substance abuse recovery, but it combines the exercise needed for stress....

I need some suggestions for bronchiectasis essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 485

1. Bronchiectasis: A Comprehensive Review of Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management

Introduction: Define bronchiectasis and highlight its prevalence, etiology, and risk factors.
Pathophysiology: Discuss the mechanisms leading to bronchiectasis, including impaired mucociliary clearance and chronic inflammation.
Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis: Describe the typical symptoms, physical exam findings, and diagnostic tests used to identify bronchiectasis.
Management: Review the current treatment options for bronchiectasis, including antibiotics, airway clearance techniques, bronchodilators, and surgical intervention.
Prognosis and Complications: Discuss the long-term outcomes and potential complications associated with bronchiectasis, such as respiratory failure and hemoptysis.

2. Role of Imaging in Bronchiectasis: CT, MRI, and Beyond

Introduction: Highlight....

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to red bone marrow vs yellow bone marrow?
Words: 306

1. The role of red bone marrow in hematopoiesis versus the role of yellow bone marrow in fat storage and energy regulation.
2. The differentiation process of hematopoietic stem cells in red bone marrow compared to the storage of adipose tissue in yellow bone marrow.
3. The effects of aging on red and yellow bone marrow composition and function.
4. The therapeutic potential of red bone marrow transplantation compared to the potential drawbacks of yellow bone marrow transplantation.
5. The impact of diseases such as leukemia on red bone marrow function versus the impact of metabolic disorders on yellow bone marrow function.
6. The relationship....

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