Infant Observation Essays (Examples)

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Infant Observation
Pages: 5 Words: 1950

Infant Observation was given the opportunity to observe a female infant in a rather unique setting. "Herself" is the name that the child's mother, a modern-day flower child named Aloe, has given to the baby until the child is old enough to chose her own name. Aloe runs a small cruelty-free bakery and vegan ice cream shop in a rural community several hours from my home. I first met Aloe and her then unborn child on a road trip with friends, and I have stayed in e-mail contact with her on occasion since then because she was such an interesting person. When given the assignment to observe an infant, I decided it would be nice to catch up with Aloe and meet her now one-year-old child. Aloe's shop is located on a small plot of farmland which is used for animal rescue, and since it is also her home, she…...

Infant Observation
Pages: 5 Words: 1691

Infant ehavior

The environment in which the toddler is observed is a private home, approximately 2500 square feet. The primary areas that the toddler interact in include a large family area with an entertainment center, two couches, and several "play stations" including a toddler walker toy, several push toys, a couple of large image books, a giant Elmo stuffed animal and a puzzle. The toddler also moved about the kitchen, which was wide and open, had hardwood floors and a dining area where the toddler's high chair was set up. There were several gates positioned through doorways to block the toddler from accessing other areas of the home.

During the time of observation, the toddler was at home with mom and dad, myself as the observer, and one other couple who had an infant of 3 months with them. The adults were engaged in animated discussion and…...


By all accounts, N.S. seemed to be developing at a normal to average pace; however his ability to sign so well at only 12 months seems to put him on a scale slightly above his peers from a cognitive perspective. His natural interest in the infant and in gaining the attention of his guests suggest normal or average social development for a twelve-month-old toddler based on information provided in the readings.


Fogel, A. (2001). Infancy: Infant, Family, and Society. (Fourth Edition) St. Paul, MN: West Publishing.

Infant Observation and Parents Interview
Pages: 4 Words: 1348

Ryon is a twelve-month-old, blond-haired, blue-eyed, White toddler. He is fair-skinned with almond-shaped eyes. I met him at a friend’s suburban residence, on 1st November, 2017, where her mom provides daycare services. I spent time between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. at her place. I discovered Ryon seated on the living room floor. Though equipped with only a TV set and a couple of couches, the setting seemed rather comfortable and safe (Lake, 2017).


The boy seems to find no difficulty sitting up. It appears he is confident of his ability to maintain balance. He is seated feet-outwards, with legs wide out. The boy is able to lean forward till his tummy reaches the floor, though he requires a certain amount of effort in order for sitting back up. When he crawls, his hands are spread flat across the floor, with fingers made wide and feet pointed nearly directly behind the…...

Infant Male Circumcision Male Infant
Pages: 6 Words: 1955

According to this professional, circumcisions that are competently performed under local anaesthesia cause no more pain or harm than an immunisation injection. Furthermore, male circumcision ahs shown benefits such as the reduction of sexually transmitted infections such as the human pailloma virus, chancroid and syphilis. She also cites studies that indicated a reduced risk of HIV infection in males who have been circumcised.
Indeed, there are quite humane ways to circumcise infants with the minimal amount of stress and pain today. Furthermore, cultural and religious reasons for performing the ritual cannot be discarded. Particularly when done under the correct and most humane possible circumstances, cultural practices should not be prohibited.

Having said this, and considering the issue from all viewpoints, however, the fact remains that infant male circumcision is the removal of part of the human body without the consent of its owner, the child. It carries significant risks, especially in…...



Bering, J. (2010, Apr. 23). Is male circumcision a humanitarian act? Scientific American: Bering in Mind. Retrieved from 

Hinchley, G. And Patrick, K. (2007, Dec 8). Is Infant Male Circumcision an Abuse of the Rights of the Child? Science Daily. Retrieved from 

Manimale, N. (2010, Mar 15). CDC should not recommend infant male circumcision. The Oracle Online. Retrieved from

Infant Birth-12 Months Old The Observation Is
Pages: 3 Words: 1014

infant (birth-12 months old).
The observation is of Julie, the child of a friend who is 6 months old. Her parents are Jewish, the father is a Rabbi in the local Temple, the mother works as a physical therapist. The parents combine American and Jewish values in raising the child, and in comparison to any particular American child of her age, I do not expect to see nor do not see any particular cultural differences emerge as yet.

The family may be described as lower to middle class; it is difficult to make distinctions. They do have a large family -- ten children, with both parents involved in parenting and maintenance of the household. It is a warm, cohesive family with both sets of grandparents living close by and with close family and communal ties.

The observation was conducted last week and occurred during the duration of one and a half hours…...

Observation of a Child's Egocentrism
Pages: 1 Words: 403

Child Interview: eflection and Theoretical Applicationeflection of the InterviewsThe first interaction took place in the child\\\'s home where VL was engaged in a pretend play of cooking food. She was proud of her Cinderella apron and dress, which she showcased by pointing. During the role play, she invited me to join her meal, demonstrating a strong sense of imagination and initiative. Her actions reflected independence as she led the play, even showing disappointment when I was not done eating but she wanted to \\\"wash the dishes.\\\"The second interaction, again in VL\\\'s home but this time in the backyard, continued to showcase her creativity and initiative. This time, she was engaged in pretend play with her dolls, treating them as her babies and preparing them for a party. It was interesting to observe her interaction with the dolls, as she mirrored adult-like behavior, even scolding them when they \\\"didn\\\'t listen.\\\"Theorist Application…...


ReferencesIannaccone, A., Perret-Clermont, A. N., & Convertini, J. (2019). Children as investigators of Brunerian “possible worlds”. The role of narrative scenarios in children’s argumentative thinking. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 53, 679-693.Radul, I. H. (2019). Research of the egocentrism of infantile speech in psychology. Insight: the psychological dimensions of society, (2), 52-57.

Routine Infant Male Circumcision
Pages: 5 Words: 1659

Routine Infant Male Circumcision
While female genital mutilation has garnered a great deal of attention in recent years, male genital mutilation or circumcision has been for the most part overlooked in research reports. (Redactive Publishing, 2010, paraphrased) The objective of this study is to conduct an examination of routine infant male circumcision. This will involve a summarization and critical analysis of the current literature and reliable published evidence in this area of inquiry. The work of ocquet et al. (2009) examines the issue of bleeding complications following ritualistic circumcision and reports on six children who are stated to have no family history of hemorrhagic disease and no personal problems of thrombopenia or hemostatis, who were admitted within 1 year at the emergency department for hemorrhagic complications of nonmedical circumcisions, of which one had glans amputation." ( Five of the children were newborns. All of the newborns had compensated shock with tachycardia…...



Benatar, M & Benatar, D 2003, 'Between prophylaxis and child abuse: the ethics of neonatal male circumcision', American Journal Of Bioethics, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 35-48, CINAHL with Full Text, EBSCOhost.

Bhattacharjee, P 2008, 'Male circumcision: an overview', African Journal Of Paediatric Surgery, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 32-36, Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost.

Bo, X & Goldman, H 2008, 'Newborn circumcision in Victoria, Australia: reasons and parental attitudes', ANZ Journal Of surgery, vol. 78, no. 11, pp. 1019-1022, Academic Search complete, EBSCOhost.

Bocquet, N, Lortat-Jacob, S, Cheron, G & Chappuy, H 2010, 'Bleeding complications after ritual circumcision: about six children', European Journal Of Pediatrics, vol. 169, no. 3, pp. 359-362, Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Pages: 4 Words: 1172

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. The articles explore separate studies about the topic. The author of this work discusses various aspects of each article and their merit. There were two sources used to complete this paper.
Each year in America thousands of parents walk into their infants room and discover that the child has died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. The tragedy shocks and baffles the medical community as it continues to search for answers not only to what causes the syndrome but also what parents can do to reduce the risk of it striking their child. Studies around the globe have been conducted to this end with mixed results.

The determination of factors that influence the existence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is vital to the ability to stop its occurrence.

Study one

The first study examined whether the temperament of an infant has a bearing on whether that child is more prone…...



Temperament ratings do not predict arousability in normal infants and infants at increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome. (Original Articles).

Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics; 10/1/2002; Adamson, T. Michael

Cosleeping in young Korean children.

Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics; 6/1/2002; Hahn, Hong-Moo

Child Care Developmental Observation of Five-Year-Old Statement
Pages: 8 Words: 2762

Child Care
Developmental Observation of Five-Year-old

Statement of esearch/Observation: To observe a five-year-old female child in her natural setting to determine age appropriate developmental stages.

Description of Child Being Observed: The subject is a five-year-old female: Maribel.

Planning Stages:

My friend has a five-year-old niece. The subject's mother was contacted and agreed to allow the observations to take place in her home and on the playground. The project was discussed and plans were made to accommodate all involved parties.

Introductory Visit:

The introductory visit was conducted at my friend's house, also the child's grandmother's home. Maribel often visits her grandmother and is very comfortable within this home setting.

Upon this visit, Maribel was introduced to me as her aunt's visitor. She said, "hi" to me, and asked me if I was visiting her aunt. I replied yes, and asked Maribel if she would like to sit with me and wait for her aunt. She said yes, so we…...



Alliance for Childhood. "Importance of play." 2 May, 2003

Bergen, D. Pretend Play and Young Children's Development. ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood, 2001. ERIC,ED458045.

Fisch, S.M., & Truglio, R.T. (2001). "G" is for growing: Thirty years of research on children and Sesame Street. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Kagan, J. "Child." World Book Online Reference Center. 2004. World Book, Inc. 25 Mar. 2004. .

Achieving Baby-Friendly Hospital Designation Baby-Friendly
Pages: 10 Words: 2900

Evidence-based practice indicates the universal need for the implementation of better maternal and newborn infant care, especially with regard to breastfeeding support and encouragement. This is evidenced by countless research works that both report the optimized goals of better rates of exclusive breastfeeding among infants 0-6 months and the evidence of current trends and practices (AAP, 2010; Scanlon et. al, 2007; Naylor, 2010; Grummer-Strawn & Shealy 2009). These researchers, reviewers an experts base their observations on a need that is well documented in the literature, i.e. both the current state of breastfeeding support in maternity settings and clinical short- and long-term health related outcomes associated with breastfeeding and lack of breastfeeding. The literature associated with this need is demonstrative of many issues regarding breastfeeding and support that the best overall scenario for maternal and infant health is exclusive breastfeeding of infants till six months of age with supplements or…...


Resources needed for the implementation of the Baby Friendly Hospital designation are relatively limited, due in large part to the extensive work the Brookdale Hospital has recently done to begin to implement better breastfeeding and maternal practices, as noted at the close of the Problem statement section of this work. The hospital must implement additional changes, file the proper application for assessment and designation and prove and justify implementation of the 10 steps associated with the designation over a period of five years. The resources needed for this process will include participation by existing staff including nurses, nurse managers and the hiring of a certified lactation specialist. The most costly of all the implementation strategies will be hiring of a certified lactation specialist, other costs will be further detailed in the budget section of this work and will include administrative, office supplies, additional signage and support training of nursing and support staff.

Barriers to Change

Barriers to change must begin with a clear understanding and elimination of the kinds of hospital practices that are shown in evidence-based research to be particularly contraindicative of early, long-duration and successful breastfeeding including the; use of artificial nipples (pacifiers), bottles, and even nipple shields in mainly healthy newborns (McKechnie & Eglash, 2010) supplementation that is unneeded for natal nutrition, limitations in the practice of rooming in (infant stays with mother as much as possible over the first 24 hours after birth to ensure on demand nursing opportunities), limitations in skin to skin contact of infant with both mother and father, and other institutionally practiced barriers are not only common but traditionally accepted as standards of practice in most hospitals and birthing centers ("Breastfeeding-related maternity practices…" 2008 ). The Baby-Friendly Hospital Designation, and all the steps to prepare and implement it will go far to demonstrate change in hospitals including but not limited to Brookdale Hospital in NYC.

Barriers to change, that are specific to Brookdale hospital have been briefly developed in the problem statement of this work and demonstrate mostly institutional practices that are not only accepted but supported by the hospital and L&D and neonatal staff. Rooming in, where the newborn infant spends as much time as possible with the mother during the first 24-48 hours of life, leaving the bedside of the mother only when absolutely necessary is essential to change. The existence of a highly staffed and large newborn nursery, where infants spend a good deal of time and receive a great deal of care from staff rather than the mother is one of the first institutional issues that needs to change. This reduction of reliance on the newborn nursery may offset some of the costs of implementing change, as stricter rooming in policies and practices would indicate the need for fewer staff resources in the newborn nursery. Skin-to-skin contact of mother to infant should begin at the moment of birth, as is indicated by the hospital's new policies and procedures for breastfeeding support. Newborns should be given screening tests in the presence of the mother, and if at all possible while the mother is holding and/or nursing the child during skin to skin contact. Breastfeeding education should be continuous, beginning in prenatal clinics, extending throughout the hospital stay and supported and supplemented by follow up care with a certified lactation specialist and/or nursing staff that has taken CEC courses in breastfeeding support, and the number class offerings per week should be increased to every other day to support the usual uncomplicated discharge of mother and baby at 48-72 hours post delivery and the course for mothers should be a condition for discharge. L&D and nursery nurses should continue to be encouraged to take the available course with a first year goal of 100% completion. Lastly, cultural barriers to breastfeeding in the patient population should be mitigated with culturally sensitive training and breastfeeding support, long-term breastfeeding follow up and a sensitive but essential reiteration of the many benefits of breastfeeding for both child and mother, reiteration, for those who qualify, of the benefits of the Women Infant Children program which supports breastfeeding mothers with additional food and benefits for the mother not just by supplying formula or food for the infant after birth.

Role of Nurse Executive

Is the Perception of Objects in Infants Related to IQ During Adolescence
Pages: 7 Words: 2240

peception of objects in infants elated to IQ duing adolescence?
The tem "social cognition" epesents the fundamental capabilities of childen to peceive an object, categoize, emembe, evaluate, thing and eact appopiately (Dilalla, 2007). This poposal ecognizes the boad definition of the tem, but it emphasizes on the multidisciplinay quality of eseach fo this pape. Nevetheless, scientific disciplines vay in thei emphasis on vaious elements of this sophisticated constuct. In social psychology, the tem illustates a wide ange of happenings including moal easoning, fomation of attitudes and steeotyping. In neuoscience, it defines the tem as the capability to peceive the intentions and dispositions of othe people. On the othe hand, developmental psychology descibes the tem as the theoy of mind, the ecognition that people have beliefs and inteests divegent, and it is possible to explain behavio by efeing to the beliefs and inteests.

This poposal adopts the above definition because acoss scientific…...


references for novel and familiar stimuli. Advances in infancy research, 5, 69-95.

McCall, R.B., & Carriger, M. (1993). A meta-analysis of infant habituation and recognition memory performance as predictors of later IQ. Child Development, 64, 57-


Quinn, P.C., & Johnson, M.H. (2000). Global before basic object categorization. Infancy, 1, 31-


Lantern What Do Babies Think Psychologists and
Pages: 7 Words: 2152

What do abies Think?

Psychologists and the rest of the world have always regarded babies as incomplete, merely forming adults whose thoughts can only be rudimental and purposeless. ut Alison Gopnik explored deeply into this issue and came out with the staggering finding that babies are actually smarter and meaningful than we all thought, even more intelligent than adults in essence. Gopnik is a psychology professor at the University of California at erkeley who published her discover in a book entitled, "The Philosophical aby: What Children's Minds Tell us about the Truth, Love and the Meaning of Life."

In totality, Gopnik (2010) discovered that babies and young children are designed by nature to learn but with a kind of intelligence far different from that of adults but very relevant to development and growth. abies and young children, first of all, do think and their minds develop in a way clearly intended…...



Brooks, C.N. (2012). What do babies think about? Family and Parenting:

Retrieved on November 15, 2013 from 

Catania, M. (200). What do babies think before thus start talking? Exploration:

Vanderbilt University. Retrieved on November 15, 2013 from

Total Set of Thirty Observations
Pages: 9 Words: 3259

Customer Service Triage at Home Depot

Despite the self-service checkout lanes being staffed by an associate to manage all four of the self-service locations, with custom orders and big-ticket items they had to inevitably get the store manager involved to alleviate the conflicts with customers. The time required to resolve both the custom orders and big-ticket purchases actually took more time for customers than it would have taken to just go through the traditional checkout lanes. The lack of information workflow, process, pricing, and employee knowledge of the processes was evident by watching the series of transactions completed. The triage or problem solving of the store manager took an inordinate amount of time to troubleshoot the pricing discrepancies on the service contracts alone would have made it much simpler to have also gone through the traditional check-out lanes. The more complex the transaction the greater the need for Home Depot to…...



AMR Research (2003) - Self-Checkout Systems -- Waiting for the 'Aha!' Moment. Wednesday April 9, 2003. Paula Rosenblum. Boston, MA

AMR Research-1 (2003) - the Aha Moment Arrives Wednesday April 9, 2003. Paula Rosenblum. Boston, MA

CapGemini (2003) - TRANSFORMING the SHOPPING EXPERIENCE THROUGH TECHNOLOGY, a Study in European Consumer Buying Behaviour. Accessed from the Internet on November 6, 2007 from location: 

Appendix a:

Naturalistic Observations the Advantages of
Pages: 2 Words: 903

This chapter points out how early environmental influences, however, are also part of the nurture equation, something that is often forgotten. A baby who is picked up when he or she cries, is given stimulation in the nursery, and is given good nutrition will have a better start in life than a baby who is given none of these advantages, even if the deprived and enriched infants in this hypothetical scenario may have relatively the same genetic material. Nurture, in other words, begins very early on, and nurture can affect the later biology of the brain just as much as genetics.
Chapter 6

From birth, it seems as though humans are predisposed to communicate, and to make meaning out of sounds and gestures. Yet despite this apparent hard-wiring to create language, culture also has a profound influence on individual's communication styles, from the words that are used to nonverbal cues. Infants…...


Works Cited

Berger, Kathleen Stassen. The Developing Person through Childhood and Adolescence. 6th Ed.

Worth Publishers, 2004.

Kangaroo Care and Premature Babies
Pages: 4 Words: 1339

Kangaroo Care and Premature Babies
Kangaroo care entails holding a full term infant or premature so that there is a skin-to-skin contact between the newborn and the individual holding it. Individuals practice kangaroo care for premature infants for approximately two to three hours every day over a certain period. This takes place during early infancy, and the parent holds the baby against her bare chest. Medically stable babies can receive kangaroo care for up to any period since there is no maximum duration for them (Feldman et al., 2002).

Most parents may keep their babies in their arms for hours each day. According to research carried out, kangaroo care is essential as close bodily contact between the infant and the mother helps to stabilize the heartbeat, breathing and temperature of the premature infant. This is crucial as premature babies always have problems in harmonizing their heart and breathing rate. Mothers who exercise…...



Aucott, S., Donohue, K., Atkins, E., & Marilee, C (2002). Neurodevelopmental Care In The

Nicu, 8, 298 -- 308.

Dodd, L. (2003). Effects of kangaroo care in preterm infants,

Feldman, R., Weller, A., Sirota, L., & Eidelman, A. (2002). Skin-to-Skin Contact (Kangaroo Care) Promotes Self-Regulation in Premature Infants: Sleep -- Wake Cyclicity, Arousal Modulation, and Sustained Exploration, Vol. 38 (2), 194 -- 207.

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