Infant Mortality Essays (Examples)

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Infant Mortality
Pages: 9 Words: 2269

Infant mortality, though on the decline, is still a serious health concern in the United States and Philadelphia presents the worst-case scenario. Though government sponsored programs have helped mitigate the crisis there is still a lot to be done in terms of enabling easy access of quality maternity care to people from diverse economic, ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
Infant mortality is a serious concern worldwide and infant mortality rate is considered an indicator of the health standard of a nation. In the United States, over the last few decades there has been a steady drop in the infant mortality rates indicating a positive change in maternal health care facilities. The infant mortality rate, which was as high as 96.5 per 1000 live births in the early part of 20th century has now dropped considerably to 6.8 per 1,000 live births as projected by the 2001 statistics. However in some regions like…...



Eric Gibson, "Effect of Nonviable infant on the Infant Mortality rate of Philadelphia," American Journal of Public Health, August 2000, Vol 90, pg 1303

Center for Disease Control, "Infants Death / Mortality: Data for U.S. In 2001," Retrieved on March 13th 2004 from, 

Lorraine Halinka Malcoe, "The Effect of Congenital Anomalies on Mortality Risk

In White and Black Infants," American Journal of Public Health, June 1999, Pg

Infant Mortality and Mothers
Pages: 3 Words: 1097

Perinatal Asphyxia and Its Impact on Infant Mortality ates in Low-Income Countries
One of the main factors used to determine how healthy people are in a location is infant mortality rate. This yardstick is also particularly efficient in giving an insight into how comfortable people are and how improvements in paediatrics have been effective. One of the medical conditions new babies face after birth, called "birth asphyxia", is caused by poor oxygen intake which could lead to acutely low levels of oxygen reaching vital body parts. It is quite clear that new research on the causes of new-born fatalities is vital in order to reduce the alarming numbers recorded in first and second order countries. ecent research in this regard has given some solid causes of this trend. Elderly mothers, improper appointments bookings, pre-eclampsia as well as abuse of stress relievers and body fluid controlling fluids have been identified as factors…...



Aslam, H. M., Saleem, S., Afzal, R., Iqbal, U., Saleem, S., Abid Shaikh, M. W., & Shahid, N. (2014). "Risk factors of birth asphyxia. Italian Journal of Pediatrics.

Halim, A., Dewez, J., Biswas, A., Rahman, F., White, S., & Broek, N. v. (2016). When, Where, and Why Are Babies Dying? Neonatal Death Surveillance and Review in Bangladesh. PLoS ONE.

Shah, M., Khaliue, N., Khan, Z., & Amir, A. (2011). A community-based study of Infant Mortality in rural Aligarh. Australasian Medical Journal, 22 - 25.

World Health Organization,. (2016, January). Newborns: reducing mortality. Retrieved from WHO:

U S Infant Mortality Rates What Methodological Explanations
Pages: 4 Words: 1466

U.S. Infant Mortality Rates
hat methodological explanations have been offered for the relatively high infant mortality rate in the U.S.

There have been a variety of methodological explanations for the relatively high infant mortality rate in the United States. The most obvious criticism of the conclusion that the U.S. has a higher infant mortality rate than other industrialized nations is that the figures reported by the various countries are not the same. For example, while the orld Health Organization (HO) defines a live birth as any newborn showing signs of life, such as heart beat or a gasp of breath, not all countries follow that definition. The definition of live birth is critical; because the infant mortality rate is the number of all deaths to babies under one-year-old, divided by the number of live births that year. Therefore, the higher the number of live births, the higher the number of total deaths…...


Works Cited

"Behind the Headlines: U.S. Babies Die at Higher Rates" (p.258-259). {Don't have the rest of the biblio info. I need to complete this citation}

Spence, Lester. "Infant Mortality Rates at Odds with 'Culture of Life.'" NPR. N.p., 5 Jun.

2006. Web. 17 Jul. 2011.

The Socio Ecological Model in Healthcare
Pages: 5 Words: 1575

Prince Georges County, Maryland: Psychosocial Factors and Health InequitiesMorbidity and MortalityInfant Mortality by Race/EthnicityInfant mortality rate declined by 16% from 2008 to 2017 (Infant Health Fact Sheet, 2018). Infant mortality rate for blacks was 12.0 deaths for every 1000 black babies born in 2017 but 8.2 according the Community Needs Assessment (2018). It was 5.2 for every 1000 Hispanic babies born in 2017. Overall, it was 8.2 for every 1000 babies born in 2017 (Infant Health Fact Sheet, 2018).CountyStateNationWhites5.44.44.6Blacks8.210.710.8Asian----3.6Hispanic5.24.44.9NA/PI----8.2Other------Death Rates/Life Expectancy by Race/EthnicityDeath rate/life expectancy for the county is 690.4/79 overall. For blacks it was 735.2, with life expectancy of 75, from 2015-2019. For whites it was 719.3 with life expectancy of 80 over the same time span. For Hispanics it was 410.5/82. For Asians it was 387.8/85 (HDPulse, 2022; World Life Expectancy, 2022).CountyStateNationWhites719.3/80789.97/79825.86/79.12Blacks735.2/75985.89/741067.16/75.54Asian387.8/85388.16/85469.18/86.67Hispanic410.5/82550.4/82723.59/82.88NA/PI------Other------Obesity by Race/EthnicityThe adult obesity rate is 33.8% in this county (Open Data Network, 2022). The information…...



America’s Health Rankings. (2022). Retrieved from 

Community Needs Assessment. (2018). Retrieved from

Infant & Maternal Mortality Life-Saving
Pages: 2 Words: 636

Tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use can lead to birth defects, low birth weight, and premature delivery (HHS, 2006). All of these are listed as the major causes of infant mortality (CDC). Given the literature and public service announcements produced on these subjects over the past several decades, it is difficult to believe that anyone in this country is unaware of the detrimental effects these things can have on a fetus, and apparently thee communications are working to a degree; the infant mortality rate has dropped significantly, and yet such abuse is still among the leading causes of infant death (CDC; HHS, 2006). To tackle these issues, information should not be the focus of the message strategy but rather the mothers themselves should be the message's focus. Perhaps a short bulleted list of the disadvantages children with fetal alcohol syndrome and other effects of in utero abuse are likely to…...



Eliminate disparities in infant mortality." Center for disease control website (CDC). Accessed 31 January 2009. 

Health and human services fact sheet: Preventing infant mortality." (2006). Health and human services website (HHS). Accessed 31 January 2009.

Mortality for Children There Are
Pages: 2 Words: 617

There are several different elements that should be considered and properly acted upon to facilitate a comprehensive program to reduce the mortality rates for children under five. According to the World Health Organization, "6.9 million children under the age of five died in 2011. More than half of these early child deaths are due to conditions that could be prevented or treated with access to simple, affordable interventions" (No author, 2012).

Therefore, the comprehensive program to address this issue will consist of three different parts. The first is to provide interventions for mothers prior to childbirth, the second is to provide interventions during childbirth, and the third is to provide interventions during the first five years after childbirth. For the first of these interventions, it is crucial that mothers receive immunizations against common child-bearing diseases such as tetanus, receive regular visits from antenatal consultants, and refrain from intoxicants such as drinking…...



Moody, S. (2011). "Ready-to-use therapeutic food." USAID from the American People. Retrieved from 

No author (2012). "Children: reducing mortality." World Health Organization. Retrieved from

Infant Feeding Practices in Africa
Pages: 8 Words: 2718

There have been numerous debates over the right choice between breast feeding and other substitutes in the conditions of mothers infected with HIV. Due to the possibility of infecting the infant with the virus, many women prefer bottled milk or other substitutes. However, unlike western countries where the issue of hygiene is no longer a problem, not even in the remotest corners of the countries, the situation is Africa is greatly related to the idea of a clean environment for women and their newborns. In this sense, the lack of financial possibilities determines the state and the population to be unable to provide a proper environment and to be unable to afford one respectively. Thus, the milk other than the maternal one is subjected to all sorts of bacteria, viruses, and even diseases. Therefore, on the one hand, there is the risk of the child to become infected with HIV;…...



Afolabi, et al. (2001) Malaria in the first 6 months of life in urban African infants with anemia. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Vol 65, Issue 6, 822-827. Retrieved 26 March 2008, at 

Andersson, H. (2005). Niger's children continue dying. BBC News. Retrieved 26 March 2008, at 

Andersson, H. (2005). Niger children starving to death. BBC News. Retrieved 26 March 2008, from, 

Aneki (2008) Countries with the Highest Infant Mortality Rates in the World. Aneki Web page. Retrieved 26 March 2008, at

Health Plans Saving Infants
Pages: 4 Words: 1163

Infant Mortality
In today's day and age with the massive amount of resources to humanity, it is a wonder as to why infant mortality is still a problem. The impact of the healthcare system has made improvements in this area, but there are still issues that lack clarity. The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate the need for free basic health insurance for new born babies to prevent illness and suffering. This essay will first summarize the problem before offering solutions on how best to address the problem.

The Centers for Disease Conrol (CDC) defined infant mortality as "the death of an infant before his or her first birthday." In this first year of life, the child is especially vulnerable to the threats of his or her environment and the risk of an infant dying is especially strong. Through medical and social evolution, infant mortality has generally gone down throughout time,…...



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2013). Public Health Approaches to Reducing U.S. Infant Mortality. Retrieved from 

Chapman, S. (2009). Health Care and Infant Mortality: The Real Story. 2009.

Dizikes, P. (2014). How a health care plan quickly lowered infant mortality. MIT News, 30 April 2014. Retrieved from 

Morman, E. (2011). Infant Mortality in Detroit: Finding Solutions. Metro Parent, Oct 2011. Retrieved from

Message Strategy Maternal and Infant
Pages: 2 Words: 660

Indeed, the Model is an appropriate way to gain a better understanding of what causes people to make certain health behavior decisions, such as those which are likely to have caused pregnant women to bypass regular medical attention or to have failed to take the necessary lifestyle precautions during pregnancy to protect her health and that of her unborn child. ithout question, issues of poverty and a shortfall of necessary resources will be relevant causes. However, the premise of the message campaign will be to disseminate information about self-care that can help those lacking access. Additionally, we act from the presumption that the scarcity of resources also means that where such are available, there may be a dearth of distributed information to make women aware of these options.
Therefore, it seems reasonable to deduce that a perspective through this model might help to reveal such possible causes for maternal and…...


Works Cited

Ell, K.; Vourlekis, B.; Muderspach, L.; Nissly, J.; Padget, D.; Pineda, D.; Sarabia, O. & Lee, P. (2002). Abnormal Cervical Screen Follow-Up Among Low-Income Latina: Project SAFe. Journal of Women's Health & Gender Medicine, 11(7), 639-651.

Kotch, J. (2005). Maternal and Child Health: Programs, Problems, and Policy in Public Health. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Achieving Baby-Friendly Hospital Designation Baby-Friendly
Pages: 10 Words: 2900

Evidence-based practice indicates the universal need for the implementation of better maternal and newborn infant care, especially with regard to breastfeeding support and encouragement. This is evidenced by countless research works that both report the optimized goals of better rates of exclusive breastfeeding among infants 0-6 months and the evidence of current trends and practices (AAP, 2010; Scanlon et. al, 2007; Naylor, 2010; Grummer-Strawn & Shealy 2009). These researchers, reviewers an experts base their observations on a need that is well documented in the literature, i.e. both the current state of breastfeeding support in maternity settings and clinical short- and long-term health related outcomes associated with breastfeeding and lack of breastfeeding. The literature associated with this need is demonstrative of many issues regarding breastfeeding and support that the best overall scenario for maternal and infant health is exclusive breastfeeding of infants till six months of age with supplements or…...


Resources needed for the implementation of the Baby Friendly Hospital designation are relatively limited, due in large part to the extensive work the Brookdale Hospital has recently done to begin to implement better breastfeeding and maternal practices, as noted at the close of the Problem statement section of this work. The hospital must implement additional changes, file the proper application for assessment and designation and prove and justify implementation of the 10 steps associated with the designation over a period of five years. The resources needed for this process will include participation by existing staff including nurses, nurse managers and the hiring of a certified lactation specialist. The most costly of all the implementation strategies will be hiring of a certified lactation specialist, other costs will be further detailed in the budget section of this work and will include administrative, office supplies, additional signage and support training of nursing and support staff.

Barriers to Change

Barriers to change must begin with a clear understanding and elimination of the kinds of hospital practices that are shown in evidence-based research to be particularly contraindicative of early, long-duration and successful breastfeeding including the; use of artificial nipples (pacifiers), bottles, and even nipple shields in mainly healthy newborns (McKechnie & Eglash, 2010) supplementation that is unneeded for natal nutrition, limitations in the practice of rooming in (infant stays with mother as much as possible over the first 24 hours after birth to ensure on demand nursing opportunities), limitations in skin to skin contact of infant with both mother and father, and other institutionally practiced barriers are not only common but traditionally accepted as standards of practice in most hospitals and birthing centers ("Breastfeeding-related maternity practices…" 2008 ). The Baby-Friendly Hospital Designation, and all the steps to prepare and implement it will go far to demonstrate change in hospitals including but not limited to Brookdale Hospital in NYC.

Barriers to change, that are specific to Brookdale hospital have been briefly developed in the problem statement of this work and demonstrate mostly institutional practices that are not only accepted but supported by the hospital and L&D and neonatal staff. Rooming in, where the newborn infant spends as much time as possible with the mother during the first 24-48 hours of life, leaving the bedside of the mother only when absolutely necessary is essential to change. The existence of a highly staffed and large newborn nursery, where infants spend a good deal of time and receive a great deal of care from staff rather than the mother is one of the first institutional issues that needs to change. This reduction of reliance on the newborn nursery may offset some of the costs of implementing change, as stricter rooming in policies and practices would indicate the need for fewer staff resources in the newborn nursery. Skin-to-skin contact of mother to infant should begin at the moment of birth, as is indicated by the hospital's new policies and procedures for breastfeeding support. Newborns should be given screening tests in the presence of the mother, and if at all possible while the mother is holding and/or nursing the child during skin to skin contact. Breastfeeding education should be continuous, beginning in prenatal clinics, extending throughout the hospital stay and supported and supplemented by follow up care with a certified lactation specialist and/or nursing staff that has taken CEC courses in breastfeeding support, and the number class offerings per week should be increased to every other day to support the usual uncomplicated discharge of mother and baby at 48-72 hours post delivery and the course for mothers should be a condition for discharge. L&D and nursery nurses should continue to be encouraged to take the available course with a first year goal of 100% completion. Lastly, cultural barriers to breastfeeding in the patient population should be mitigated with culturally sensitive training and breastfeeding support, long-term breastfeeding follow up and a sensitive but essential reiteration of the many benefits of breastfeeding for both child and mother, reiteration, for those who qualify, of the benefits of the Women Infant Children program which supports breastfeeding mothers with additional food and benefits for the mother not just by supplying formula or food for the infant after birth.

Role of Nurse Executive

Advanced Education BSN Required for RN Degree
Pages: 12 Words: 3772

Infant Mortality
Health Care Disparities in Infant Mortality

Numerous empirical studies have demonstrated a significant discrepancy in survival rates of newborns of different race. It has been shown that black infants are two times more likely to die within the first month of life than their white counterparts. Identification of these disparaged findings has prompted analysis of health care offered from a demographic perspective, considering racial treatment and socioeconomic conditions. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has examined race-specific mortality information on newborns, and reported a series of noted and persistent trends coinciding with the data differences. It is necessary to address this inconsistency in survival rates between the black and white races to identify potential changes in health care delivery systems and eliminate racial factors in infant mortality.

The U.S. government has identified six classes of racial and ethnic minority discrepancies in health care access, experience, and outcomes. In addition to infant…...



American Academy of Pediatrics (2004). Homepage. Retrieved March 23, 2004, at 

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (2004). Homepage. Retrieved March 23, 2004, at ?

Iyasu, S, & Tomashek, K. (2002, July 12). Infant Mortality and Low Birth Weight Among Black and White Infants -- "United States, 1980-2000. Weekly, 51(27), 589-592. Retrieved March 23, 2004, from Center for Disease Control, Full Text Database, 

Health and Human Services. (2000). Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health.

Safe Sleep and Sleep Patterns for Children Under 18 Months
Pages: 5 Words: 2311

Infant Sleep Patterns
People sleep nearly one third of their lives and infants sleep significantly more than adults (Franken, Kopp, Landolt, & Luthi, 2009). The function of sleep has hypothesized by different researchers; however, surprisingly there is no general consensus as to what the function and purpose of sleep actually is. It is known that sleep deprivation can have some serious consequences, especially in infants. The reason for this is that growth cycles as well as other developmental and functional processes occur in both the brain and body during sleep (Franken et al., 2009). Since getting adequate sleep is vital in infants it is important to understand their sleeping needs and patterns. In order to understand how to establish safe sleep patterns for children less than 18 months of age is important to understand the stages of sleep, the hypothetical functions of sleep, and the needs of infants regarding sleep at…...



Carpenter, R., McGarvey, C., Mitchell, E.A., Tappin, D.M., Vennemann, M.M., Smuk, M.,

Carpenter, J.R. (2013). Bedsharing when parents do not smoke: Is there a risk of SIDS?

An individual level analysis of five major case-control studies. British Medical Journal Open, BMJ Open 2013;3:e002299. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2012-002299

Franken, P., Kopp, C., Landolt, H.P., & Luthi, A. (2009). The functions of sleep. European Journal of Neuroscience, 29(9), 1739-1740.

Healthy Mothers and Babies Recent Research
Pages: 4 Words: 1460

Maternal Risk Entity
Is there anything more important to a family -- and to the community of interest around that family -- than the safe and healthy delivery of the brand new baby and its mother? Modern medicine has provided technologies and training to alleviate many of the risks vis-a-vis mother and infant, however there is never going to be a situation absolutely free of potential risks surrounding pregnancy, childbirth, and the post-pregnancy period. Hence, nurses and physicians and other healthcare professionals must stay informed and be fully prepared to come up with solutions when risky situations occur. This paper presents the peer-reviewed literature on several maternal risks and there possible remedies.

Infants' Risks in Late Preterm Births

In the peer-reviewed journal Birth, the authors point out that the preterm birth rate has risen from 10.6 births in 1990 to 12.8% in 2006 -- a twenty percent increase (Kirby, et al., 2010). Meanwhile…...


Works Cited

Hooker, L., Ward, B., and Verrinder, G. (2012). Domestic violence screening in maternal and child health nursing practice: A scoping review. Contemporary Nurse, 42(3), 198-215.

Kirby, R.S., and Wingate, M.S. (2010). Late Preterm Birth and Neonatal Outcome: Is 37 Weeks'

Gestation a Threshold Level or a Road Market on the Highway of Perinatal Risk? Birth, 37(2)


Utero Development on the Health
Pages: 6 Words: 1915

The program includes five components namely 'Family Support', 'Maternal Interview', 'Records review', 'case review' and 'Community action'. (FIMR, 2010)
The FIMR Process

FIMR Informed of Fetal/Infant Death

Family Support

Data Collection/Record Review

Maternal Interview

Records Review

Case Review

Community Action

Improved Maternal & Infant Health



Fetal origins of health and disease has developed into a new medical frontier for researchers. The growing body of research evidence has affirmed positive associations between the gestational environment and the development of various physical and mental disorders in the infant, adolescent and the adult population. The new knowledge that even gestational diet composition has the ability to alter the human epigenome resulting in the expression of undesirable genes and the onset of obesity, diabetes, cancer and other chronic health conditions, is convincing scientific evidence for pregnant women to be careful and cautious in their diet choices. Results from the studies on maternal stress and its impact on postnatal temperament have provided further evidence…...



1) Annie Murphy Paul, (Nov 4-2010), "How the First Nine Months Shape the Rest of Your Life," TIME, retrieved Dec 3rd 2010, from,,8599,2020815-1,00.html 

2) Barry E. Levin. (July 2006) " Metabolic Imprinting: Critical Impact of the perinatal environment on the regulation of energy homeostasis," Biol Sci. 29; 361(1471)

3) Irwing B. wiener & Richard M. Lerner (2003), "Handbook of Psychology: Developmental Psychology," John Wiley & Sons

4) Kjersti M. Aagaard-Tillery, Kevin Grove, & Jacalyn Bishop (Aug 2008), "Developmental Origins of Diseases and Determinants of chromatin Structure: Maternal diet modifies the Primate fetal epigenome," J. Mol Endocrinol 41 (20) 91 -- 102

Nursing in an Attempt to
Pages: 2 Words: 702

Another service the clinic should provide involves remote access. For example, the clinic should assess the feasibility of home visits by doctors and nurses. egular phone calls to clients or potential clients would also help encourage pregnant women to avail themselves of the clinic's services. The clinic should also establish a solid Web site that allows women to access information from home and possibly, interact in a live chat with staff.
2. What incentives would you provide to keep them coming to the clinic before and after they give birth? Why did you choose to use this as an incentive?

Incentives will help clients trust the clinic and seek care as a matter of course. Free or discounted services would be a good incentive in any community regardless of demographic. Financial incentives would also entail working with insurance providers to make sure that preventative care is a priority.

However, the clients also…...



Peck, J. & Alexander, K. (nd). Maternal, infant, and child health in rural areas. Retrieved Mar 9, 2009 at

What are the negative effects of gentrification?
Words: 432

Since we do not know what you have put in your first page, it is a little difficult to tell you where to start on your second page.  What we are going to do is go over some of the negative effects of gentrification and give you some links to find more information about those negative effects.  Hopefully, this will help you get over your writer’s block and get past page two.

At first glance, gentrification may seem like a positive.  After all, gentrification means an upward trend economically for a historically economically disadvantaged neighborhood.  However, long-term residents....

Need help generating essay topics related to Universal Healthcare. Can you help?
Words: 547

1. The Ethical Imperative of Universal Healthcare

Explore the moral obligation to provide healthcare to all citizens, regardless of their financial status or social background.
Discuss the consequences of denying healthcare to vulnerable populations and the impact it has on society as a whole.
Examine the ethical principles that should guide the design and implementation of universal healthcare systems.

2. The Economic Benefits of Universal Healthcare

Analyze the potential economic advantages of universal healthcare, such as reduced healthcare costs, increased productivity, and reduced poverty.
Consider the impact of universal healthcare on businesses and the economy at large.
Evaluate the long-term economic....

Can you provide an outline of the potential risks and challenges associated with teenage pregnancy?
Words: 586

I. Introduction
A. Background information on teenage pregnancy
B. Thesis statement

II. Causes of Teenage Pregnancy
A. Lack of sex education
1. Insufficient knowledge about contraception methods
2. Misinformation about pregnancy prevention
B. Peer pressure
1. Influence from friends and social groups
2. Desire for acceptance and popularity
C. Absence of parental guidance
1. Lack of communication within the family
2. Deterioration of family values and morals

III. Consequences of Teenage Pregnancy
A. Health risks for the mother and child
1. Increased likelihood of complications during pregnancy and childbirth
2. Higher rates of preterm birth and low birth weight babies
B. Education....

What impact does Canada\'s healthcare availability have on the overall well-being of its population?
Words: 493

Universal Healthcare and the Well-being of Canadians

Canada's universal healthcare system, commonly known as Medicare, provides comprehensive medical services to all citizens and permanent residents, regardless of their income or employment status. This equitable healthcare availability significantly influences the overall well-being of the Canadian population.

Improved Health Outcomes:

Universal healthcare ensures that all Canadians have access to necessary preventive, diagnostic, and treatment services. This broad coverage has led to improved health outcomes across the country. For instance, Canada has a lower infant mortality rate and higher life expectancy compared to many other developed nations.

Reduced Health Disparities:

Medicare eliminates financial barriers to healthcare, reducing disparities....

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