Indonesia Essays (Examples)

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Indonesia and International Trade Indonesia Is an
Pages: 2 Words: 925

Indonesia and International Trade
Indonesia is an archipelago i.e. A group of islands that stretches along the equator between the Southeast Asian mainland and Papua New Guinea. The country controls important shipping lanes from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. The strategic sea-lane location of the Indonesian archipelago has been an important facilitator of inter-island and international trade.

There are several aspects of international trade in Indonesia this include; the trade organizations Indonesia is part of. Indonesia has made efforts to promote its trade and international trade relations through membership of APEC, ASEAN, WTO and G-20 all this are international trade organizations that facilitate international trade between Indonesia and other countries in the world (Stanley St. Labs, 2010).

Another aspect is the commodity composition of international trade. The exports in Indonesia are mainly low technology goods and natural resource-based products. Indonesia has a number of industrial sectors that enable the country to…...



Advameg, Inc. (2012). Indonesia - International trade. Retrieved October 24, 2012 from 

Stanley St. Labs, (2010). Indonesia Trade, Exports and Imports. Retrieved October 24, 2012 from 

The World Bank Group, (2011). Trade Development in Indonesia. Retrieved October 24, 2012 from,,contentMDK:23190534~pagePK:146736~piPK:146830~theSitePK:226301,00.html - International Trade Resources, Import Export Services (2012). International Trade in Indonesia. Retrieved from October 24, 2012 from

Indonesia Religion Indonesian Politics and
Pages: 11 Words: 2937

As the text by Cessanos (2005) notes, this would be among the longest-standing and most determinant internal conflicts confounding the stability and political unity of Indonesia as a whole. Cessanos reports that even at the outset of its independence under new President Sukarno, any unified vision of how to balance political modernization with deference to its Islamic cultures was met with splintering, factionalism and conflict. Accordingly, the source indicates that "Dutch-educated nationalists and Islamic parties agreed to create a unified, estern-style parliamentary state. But across the archipelago differenced in thinking produced more than 30 parties, of which the four largest were variously based on the principles of Islam, nationalism, or communism. Separatist movements and uprisings divided the new Indonesia republic. Darul Islam (Islamic Domain) a militant group in est Java, believed in an Islamic state and fought the government from 1948 to 1962." (Cessanos, p. 44)

Such conflicts would stand in…...


Works Cited:

AP. (May 2001). Indonesia: A Nation in Transition. Jakarta Post.

Online at 

Cassanos, L.C. (2005). The Growth and Influence of Islam in the Nations of Asia and Central Asia. Mason Crest Publishers.

Embassy of Indonesia. (2002). Indonesian History. Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Canada.

Bwa Indonesia Bwa Was Faced
Pages: 5 Words: 1401

He knew he would not attain the $5 million and therefore seemed happy to take any offer. Rather, he could have leveraged the relationship to get a better figure.
ith respect to home office, Jared should have been more direct with them. He did not inform them in a timely manner about the situation. He only came to them after it appeared he was going to be unsuccessful. This spurred Malcolm to feel that his direct involvement was the only way to resolve the situation. As a result, the situation was made worse. Malcolm may have had formal authority, but he was not a part of the relationship with Madjid and therefore his involvement set a negative tone for the negotiations.

Not only should Jared have spoken with home office earlier, but he should not have spoken to Malcolm.

Jared's boss did not have adequate knowledge of Indonesian culture or business practices…...


Works Cited

No author. (2009). Unequal Foreign Negotiation. Retrieved March 1, 2009 at 

Taylor, Stephen. (2008). Indonesia. Retrieved March 1, 2009 at 

No author. (2009). Indonesia: Culture. Michigan State University. Retrieved March 1, 2009 at,1

Tsunami in Indonesia Tsunami Tsunami
Pages: 3 Words: 870

In the past century, tsunamis have killed more than 50,000 people. Scientists have set the Pacific Tsunami Warning System in Hawaii in U.S. to save lives. The system of earthquake detectors and tide gauges can sense quakes that may create a tsunami. We cannot conquer the tsunami, but we can know when it's approaching and run away from the sea monster's vehemence. (Killer wave! Tsunami)
Tsunami in Indonesia:

n earthquake measuring 9.0 magnitudes attacked the western end of Indonesia's Sumatra Island at 6:58 .M. local time on 26th December 2004, pulling down buildings and sending a wall of water higher than the top of coconut and palms into the towns and villages in the province of ceh. The epicenter was positioned 200 miles west of Medan, Sumatra and 155 miles southeast of the provincial capital of Banda ceh. This earthquake gave out a chain of tsunamis Sunday that smashed into coastal…...


An earthquake measuring 9.0 magnitudes attacked the western end of Indonesia's Sumatra Island at 6:58 A.M. local time on 26th December 2004, pulling down buildings and sending a wall of water higher than the top of coconut and palms into the towns and villages in the province of Aceh. The epicenter was positioned 200 miles west of Medan, Sumatra and 155 miles southeast of the provincial capital of Banda Aceh. This earthquake gave out a chain of tsunamis Sunday that smashed into coastal towns, fishing villages and tourist resorts from Sri Lanka to India, Thailand and Malaysia, killing more than 13,000 people in at least nine countries and had thousands misplaced. As per the U.S. Geological Survey, this 9.0 magnitude quake was the intense in 40 years, and the fourth most powerful since 1900. Since its measurements in 1899, this was the fourth-largest earthquake as per NEIC, tying with a 1952 quake in Kamchatka, Russia. (Earthquake, Tsunami Kills Thousands in South Asia on 26th December 2004)

Since 1900, this was the fourth largest earthquake and is the largest since the 1964 Prince William Sound, Alaska earthquake. Altogether, more than 283,100 people were killed, 14,100 are still recorded as misplaced, and 1,126,900 were relocated by the earthquake and succeeding tsunami in 10 countries in South Asia and East Africa. Terrible damage and fatalities were created in northern Sumatra, Indonesia and in the Nicobar Islands, India, by this earthquake. It was sensed at Banda Aceh, at Meulaboh and at Medan, Sumatra; at Port Blair, Andaman Islands, and India; in parts of Bangladesh, mainland India, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand. The tsunami created more fatalities than any other in recorded history and was recorded almost worldwide on tide gauges in the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Not less than 108,100 people were killed and 127,700 are misplaced and supposed to be killed by the earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia. Subsidence and avalanche were felt in Sumatra. (Magnitude 9.0 - Sumatra -- Andaman Islands Earthquake of the West Coast of Northern Sumatra. 2004 December 26-00:58:53 UTC)

There was no fore warning. The sun began to climb into a cloudless sky and the people of Banda Aceh

Sharia Islamic Law Indonesia Should
Pages: 5 Words: 1734

Lastly, sharia law violates human rights and creates a nation divided between Muslims and non-Muslims. Such a division undermines the traditional values that Indonesia has with respect to unity across multiple islands, races and religions. If these values are eroded, the nation could be eroded as well in the wake of economic collapse, social unrest, and potential succession from the republic. Therefore, sharia law should not be imposed in Indonesia.
orks Cited:

Casciani, D. (2008). Sharia law explained. BBC. Retrieved December 9, 2009 from

CIA orld Fact Book: Indonesia. (2009). Retrieved December 9, 2009 from

Bev, J. (2008). Pandora's box: Sharia law in Indonesia. Asia Sentinel. Retrieved December 9, 2009 from

Bell, T. (2008) Indonesia backs sharia law, poll shows. The Guardian. Retrieved December 9, 2009 from

Raslan, K. (2009). Tale of two malays. Jakarta Globe. Retrieved December 9, 2009 from

Asia Today International (2008). Indonesia to boost sharia economy. Asia…...


Works Cited:

Casciani, D. (2008). Sharia law explained. BBC. Retrieved December 9, 2009 from 

CIA World Fact Book: Indonesia. (2009). Retrieved December 9, 2009 from 

Bev, J. (2008). Pandora's box: Sharia law in Indonesia. Asia Sentinel. Retrieved December 9, 2009 from 

Bell, T. (2008) Indonesia backs sharia law, poll shows. The Guardian. Retrieved December 9, 2009 from

U S Military Involvement in Indonesia
Pages: 2 Words: 635

The United States Military has a social obligation to protect its interests in the region from terrorist activities, such as the ones used to fund Indonesian defenses. Through expanding its role in Indonesia, the United States can provide an alternative way for the country to defend itself from internal and external threats.
Despite Indonesia's desire to be fully self sufficient, the country lacks the tools and man power to fully provide for its solders. The country is unable to produce the amount of weapons and materials needed for its guerilla style tactics in defense against its communist neighbors. The military also has expressed that when the country is invaded, it expects everyday citizens to engage in guerilla style warfare as part of its defense. This lack of materials and certified manpower proves a dangerous aspect to the United States opposition to Communist regimes in the area. Relying on ill-equip civilians…...


Bibliography "Military: ABRI Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia."

Found on November 3, 2007 at 

Kingsbury, Damien. Power Politics and the Indonesian Military. 2003.

Compare the Factors Behind the Rise of Authoritarian Rule Indonesia and the Philippines
Pages: 3 Words: 894

The modern nations of Southeast Asia are in many cases artificial post-colonial constructions. This is most certainly true in the case of Indonesia, and although less so in the Philippines, the occupation and rule over the archipelagos led to the imposition of unity from the outside. External sources of authority including both European and Japanese occupations, had ill-prepared either Indonesia or the Philippines for anything remotely resembling democracy. Both nations, exposed to estern political philosophy and social ideals, did attempt to install and maintain democratic institutions but they have not become entrenched enough to ensure political, economic, and social empowerment of the mainly poor and uneducated rural populations in both of these Southeast Asian nations. hile it may be dangerous to overgeneralize about the related and practically concurrent rise of authoritarian rule in the Philippines and Indonesia, even a cursory analysis shows that from the vestiges of colonialism rose autocracy.…...


Works Cited

Anderson, Benedict, Java in a Time of Revolution: Occupation and Resistance, 1944-46 (Ithaca, NY, 1972), pp. 125-66

Huynh Kim Khanh, "The Vietnamese August Revolution," Journal of Asian Studies 30:4 (1970), pp. 761-82.

Steinberg, David J., ed., In Search of Southeast Asia (Honolulu, 1987), pp. 356-73

ICT Indonesia Industry Survey
Pages: 5 Words: 1620

Paradox Marketing
Background and Importance

This dissertation proposal will focus on the telecommunications industry in Indonesia which is in the process of developing quickly. The internal and external environments for this industry currently represent and interesting mix of different market forces. This scenario has led to companies implementing strategies that are inconsistent in some respects. For example, Telkom, Indonesia's largest telecommunications company, has implemented a marketing strategy known as paradoxical because of its inconsistencies regarding its marketing position composed of the 4P (product, price, promotion, & place). This strategy is interesting not only for stakeholders of the company, but also for anyone who is interested in non-conventional marketing strategies.

Aim and Objectives

This analysis will attempt to delve deeper into what constitutes a paradox marketing strategy and apply this model within the telecommunications industry in Indonesia. Since this industry is developing rapidly, it has been difficult for companies to develop along traditional lines. Furthermore,…...



Armstrong, B. (2014). Retail Strategy and Execution. Retrieved from Telkom: 

Bisara, D. (2013, April 19). Telkom's Arief Yahya Expands on His 'Paradox Marketing' Strategy. Retrieved from Jakarta Globe: 

Globe Asia. (2013, May 1). Bigger, better Telkom. Retrieved from Jakarta Globe: 

Tekom Indonesia. (N.d.). 2014 Anuual Report. Retrieved from Telkom Indonesia:

Outsourcing to Indonesia
Pages: 2 Words: 599

Fashion Brand and Market Analysis
The first observation that needs to be made about Urban Outfitters is how well the design of the stores links to the concept and the target market for the company. Indeed, the target market is represented by youth up to 25 or 30 years old, from the cities (hence the name Urban Outfitters, also part of the brand and the excellent customer targeting). The characteristics of this category of potential customers are their informality, their preference for clothes that are out of the usual trend. They are maybe the "hipsters" of the 21st century. As a consequence, they are likely to shop in stores that have a design and an architecture that is just as informal.

This is the case with Urban Outfitters stores. The best way to describe these would be industrial design. There is not much attention to details such as closing the ceiling and,…...

Krakatoa Is a Volcanic Island in Indonesia
Pages: 2 Words: 644

Krakatoa is a volcanic island in Indonesia between Java and Sumatra. On August 26th and 27th, 1883, the volcanic mountain Krakatoa erupted killing more than 37,000 people. Thousands more were injured in the eruption and the tidal waves that followed. As far away as 3,000 miles away people were able to hear the explosion. An incredible 2/3 of the island of Krakatoa was destroyed in the blast. The eruption of Krakatoa was one of the most devastating natural disasters in world history and volcanologists have given heavy amounts of research to the island's timeline before, after, and following the eruption of 1883.
Before the eruption of 1883, Krakatoa had been recorded as having erupted in the past. Since before recorded history, the volcanoes on this island have erupted, causing minor destruction. Larger eruptions were reported since 416 AD, then again in 535 and 1680. hat little documentation there is about the…...


Works Cited:

Sweat, John. "Krakatoa Version 1.0." The Anthropogene. 112. May 2003. Print.

Winchester, Simon. Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded. Bath, England: Chivers, 2003.


Indonesian Riots of 1997 Like
Pages: 1 Words: 371

I cannot change the past and must accept what has happened in the past, and learn how to change others from my experience, rather than to mirror the hate I saw in my own life. Turning negative energy into something positive and productive is the challenge for everyone who lived through that time.
Indonesia today still struggles with the sad legacy of the riots. But I am not bitter -- it is easy to use suffering as an excuse for bitterness. Instead, I must affirm my power as a human being to rise above violence, riots, murder and rape, although I will never forget that dreadful piece of history for the rest of my life.

My perspective has come full circle since those events. I no longer see burning buildings and screaming neighbors in my memory. Instead, I see the spirit of the phoenix embodied in my country and the spirits…...

Indonesian Riots of 1998 Became
Pages: 2 Words: 599

No longer were all of my neighbors truly my neighbors. I felt like I had to look over my shoulder constantly. It was not only the extreme violence that had affected my outlook but also the rapidity with which the situation devolved to that violence.
In hindsight, the events instilled fear that before then I never thought possible to have. The riots showed me the ugly side of humanity. I learned that people can truly hate one another, for no apparent reason. That knowledge terrified me at the time and colored my attitudes for years afterward.

I have in recent years come to accept what happened that spring. I cannot accept the hatred, but my perspective has shifted from returning that hate to understanding what I can do to prevent such instances. I have given much thought to the role that we all play in our world. This is from the…...


My perspective was altered forever by the riots. Prior to the riots, I essentially carried a naive view, full of hope. What the riots did was squash that hope, and replace it with fear, shock and revulsion. No longer were all of my neighbors truly my neighbors. I felt like I had to look over my shoulder constantly. It was not only the extreme violence that had affected my outlook but also the rapidity with which the situation devolved to that violence.

In hindsight, the events instilled fear that before then I never thought possible to have. The riots showed me the ugly side of humanity. I learned that people can truly hate one another, for no apparent reason. That knowledge terrified me at the time and colored my attitudes for years afterward.

I have in recent years come to accept what happened that spring. I cannot accept the hatred, but my perspective has shifted from returning that hate to understanding what I can do to prevent such instances. I have given much thought to the role that we all play in our world. This is from the realization that as horrific as those events were, the only way we as people can move past that violence is to truly take those individual steps forward. In a roundabout way, I feel that the Indonesian riots of 1998 taught me a lot of humanity. They taught me about the hatred we can feel, and how we can turn that negative energy into something positive and productive. Indonesia today still struggles with the scars of that era. Yet, after years of feeling those scars, I do not. I merely feel that we as members of the human race have the power to rise above violence, rioting, murder and rape. The shift in my perspective has come full circle in the wake of those events. I no longer see burning buildings and screaming neighbors. I see the opportunity to build a better world where nobody has to endure that torment ever again.

Prosperity in the Developing Nations
Pages: 25 Words: 6827

Because transportation infrastructure and services are important components of the urban system, they need to be sustainable and contribute to economic growth rather than harm the people that rely on them for their livelihoods. According to Asri and Hidayat (2005), "The expansion of social and economic activities has resulted in rising pollution and environmental degradation following the economic crisis in Jakarta Metropolitan area where environmental regulations were largely disregarded" (p. 1792). Taken together, these issues represent a growing public health threat that requires informed solutions, and these issues are discussed further below at they relate to the aims and objectives of the study.
Aims and Objectives

This research has an aim and several objectives. The aim of this research is to find out how the pollution levels occurred in several main roads in Jakarta and explore some strategies to reduce carbon pollution levels by using some schemes and scenarios. These scenarios…...



Asri, D. U & Hidayat, B 2005. Current transportation issues in Jakarta and its impact on environment. Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 5, 1792

-- 1798.

Barth Boriboonsomsin. 2009. Real-World CO2 Impacts of Traffic Congestion. (ONLINE)

Available at: (Accessed 18 May 2012)

U S Military Assistance Funding to
Pages: 20 Words: 6309

On November 8, 2001, the U.S. Senate passed several new conditions before direct 'military-to-military relations can be restored with Indonesia including the punishment of the individuals who murdered three humanitarian aid workers in West Timor, establishing a civilian audit of armed forces expenditures, and granting humanitarian workers access to Aceh, West Timor, West Papua, and the Moluccas."
Following are two very recent bills and rulings by the U.S. Congress concerning the Indonesian presence, changes, and sanctions.

In the House resolution, number 666, urton (R-IN), Wexler (D-FL), and lumenauer (D-OR) congratulate the Indonesian people and government for a successful election process, supported Indonesia in political and economic transformations, expresses gratitude to Indonesian leadership for arresting 109 terrorists, supports the emerging legal framework, commends Indonesia for "discovering new ways of working with regional law enforcement and intelligence communities in a sincere effort to root out domestic radicalism, and urged Indonesia to conduct ongoing…...



(2001). U.S. And Indonesia Pledge Cooperation, Joint Statement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Indonesia.

(2001, October 1). U.S. To Send Team to Indonesia To Discuss Combating Terrorism. Xinhua News Agency.

(2001, November 27). U.S. Admiral Urges Indonesian Military To Account for East Timor Mayhem. Agence France-Presse.

Baker, P. (1997, April 22). U.S. To Impose Sanctions on Burma for Repression. Washington Post.

Compare and Contrast in International Marketing Communication Perspective
Pages: 4 Words: 1871

International Marketing Communication Perspective
There are challenges that face organizations, which engage in global marketing. This form of cross border marketing involves diversity cultural backgrounds. It is pertinent to note that each country has distinctive needs relating to producing goods for them. International marketing requires a comprehensive understanding of the needs of each target market. This study provides a comprehensive review of the differences and similarities that exist between the marketing needs of UAE and Indonesia (Govers, 2009).

Marketing communications

The aim of marketing communication is to convey the accurate information to the targeted group of people. In Indonesia and UAE, the populations are largely Muslim. The right choices to be made as a marketer have to be made to ensure any message delivered to the people is helpful to the brand being marketed. These require a communication strategy when addressing the target market. A communication strategy will help in guiding the…...



Amant, K., & Kelsey, S. 2012. Computer-Mediated Communication across Cultures:

International Interactions in Online Environments. Hershey, PA: Information Science


Cohen, W.A. 2006, The Marketing Plan (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: J. Wiley & Sons.

How can incorporating indigenous knowledge about climate change enhance the effectiveness of mitigation strategies in developing countries?
Words: 559

Incorporating Indigenous Knowledge for Enhanced Climate Change Mitigation in Developing Countries

Indigenous knowledge, passed down through generations, holds invaluable insights into climate change and environmental management. By incorporating this rich body of wisdom into mitigation strategies, developing countries can significantly enhance the effectiveness of their efforts to address climate change.

Understanding Local Context:

Indigenous communities possess intimate knowledge of their local ecosystems, including the impacts of climate change on their specific environments. Incorporating this knowledge allows policymakers to tailor mitigation strategies to the unique needs and vulnerabilities of each region. This localized approach ensures that interventions are aligned with existing cultural practices, thereby....

I\'m up for a challenge! Do you have any complex or thought-provoking essay topics on codiaeum variegatum?
Words: 476

Codiaeum variegatum: An Exploration of its Horticultural, Cultural, and Artistic Significance

Codiaeum variegatum, commonly known as the croton plant, is a captivating ornamental foliage plant renowned for its striking leaf patterns and vibrant hues. Its rich history, horticultural value, and artistic appeal make it a fascinating subject for in-depth examination.

Horticultural Significance
Codiaeum variegatum is a member of the Euphorbiaceae family and originates from tropical regions of Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. It is a highly adaptable plant, thriving in a wide range of environments, including both indoor and outdoor settings. Its hardiness and ease of care make it a popular choice....

What are the key findings and challenges identified in existing literature on cinnamon export management systems?
Words: 488

Key Findings

Cinnamon is a highly valuable spice with increasing global demand. Its versatility in culinary, medicinal, and aromatic applications has led to a growing export market.
Cinnamon production is concentrated in a few countries, with Sri Lanka and Indonesia being the ?????? exporters. Other producers include Vietnam, China, and India.
Cinnamon export management systems vary significantly between countries. Some countries have well-organized and efficient systems, while others face challenges in meeting international standards and ensuring traceability.
Key elements of successful cinnamon export management systems include:
Effective quality control and grading
Traceability systems to track cinnamon from farm to market

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