Incest Essays (Examples)

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Incest Taboo Found in Every
Pages: 10 Words: 3261

Moreover, in the war on drugs, the criminality associated with specific drugs is not necessarily linked to the physical threat to health posed by that drug, but by the socioeconomic groups that are more highly associated with those drugs. For example, crack cocaine offenses are subject to greater punishments than powder cocaine offenses, despite there being no logical distinction between the two different types of drugs. However, powder cocaine is more expensive and is considered an affluent drug, while crack cocaine is considered a lower-class drug. The war on drugs is deviant because it punishes some people for addiction, while there is no punishment for tobacco or alcohol addicts.
6. Does the death penalty serve as a deterrent to crime? If so, why are crime rates still so high in the U.S.

The death penalty, as applied in the United States, does not serve as a deterrent to crime. The U.S.…...

Abortion Including Rape and Incest
Pages: 4 Words: 1381

hile the human newborn may not have intrinsic properties that can support a moral right to life stronger than that of a fetus, the emergence of the human newborn makes it suitable to treat it like it had a stronger life. However, birth is morally significant since it's the mark of the end of one relationship and the commencement of others.

On the question of the morality of abortions in rape or incest cases, the debates and considerations extend beyond the life of the unborn fetus as an absolute and overriding value. There are several dimensions to consider in determining the morality of the practice based on the various arguments that have been raised by proponents and opponents of such practice. Generally, the mental health of the woman comes into serious consideration when examining the morality of this practice since the tragic cases of rape or incest have serious mental impacts…...


Works Cited:

Beckwith, Francis J. "Is Abortion Justifiable in Cases of Rape or Incest?" Christian Research Institute. ChristianAnswers.Net, n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. .

Boss, Judith a.. Analyzing Moral Issues. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, October 7, 2009. Print.

Sobie, Amy. "What About Abortion in Cases of Rape and Incest? Women and Sexual Assault.", 5 Apr. 2010. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. .

Cultural Anthropology Marriage and Incest Taboos
Pages: 5 Words: 1665

Marriage Incest Taboos
Marriage and incest taboos

Defining Marriage

Marriage is a sanctioned union between people that establishes certain rights and obligations between those people, their children, and their relatives (Ember & Ember, 2010). These rights and obligations may include many things, including the right to property, labor, childrearing and bearing, status, and home (Ember & Ember, 2010). These privileges and rights vary greatly from culture to culture. For example, in some cultures, women found guilty of certain crimes, like adultery, may be stoned to death; this was the case of a woman in northern Nigeria for example; (Haviland, et al., 2010). Marriage for many cultures is a social institution; thus many spend much time and energy maintaining this institution. However, in many parts of the world, marriage is marginal, and not central to establishing or maintaining the life of the family or society (Haviland et al., 2010). Marriage for many cultures has…...



Ember, C.R., & Melvin R. Ember. 2010. Cultural Anthropology. Canada: Pearson Education.

Gough, K. 1959. The Nayars and the definition of marriage. Journal of the Royal

Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 89, 23-34.

Haviland, W.A., Prins, H.E.L., McBride, B. & Dana Walrath. 2010. Cultural Anthropology: The

Documentary of Incest
Pages: 10 Words: 2958

Child Abuse and Neglect Intervention
Child Abuse Neglect & Intervention

The documentary Family Affair was written, narrated, and filmed by Chico Colvard ("IMDB," 2010). The film is focused on a retrospective look at events that took place in his family over a period of several decades. The four siblings featured in the film are the children of a black veteran named Elijah Colvard, Jr., and his wife, a white German Jewish woman he met while stationed in Germany. The children were raised as "army brats," moving from base to base, from state to state during their schools years. Chico and his three sisters [Angelika (Angie); Chiquita (Chici); Pauline (Paula)] lived with both parents for many years, until an accident catapulted family secrets into the open. In 1978,when Chico David Colvard was just 10 years old, he obtained his father's gun and bullets and accidently shot Paula in the leg. While she lay…...



Child Welfare Information Gateway, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. [Website]. Retrieved

Conte, J. And Schuerman, J. (1988). The Effects of Sexual Abuse on Children: A Multidimensional View. In G. Wyatt and G. Powell (Eds.), The Lasting Effects of Child Sexual Abuse (Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Courtois, Christine A. (1988). Healing the incest wound: adult survivors in therapy. New York: Norton. p. 208. ISBN 0-393-31356-5.

Family Affair. (2010). Retrieved

Close Is Too Close What Is Wrong
Pages: 8 Words: 2098

Close is Too Close: What is Wrong with Incest?
This paper outlines incest as a social taboo with reference to the Jewish, Native American, and Malagasy cultures and identifies what is wrong with the practice of incest. It has 7 sources.

Definition of Incest

Incest or the sexual relations between persons to whom marriage is prohibited by custom or law because of close kingship [Kottak 2002] is a social phenomenon that differ from culture to culture and by definition too they differentiate from one group to the next. The reason being that customs, traditions and cultures all vary due to the accepted norms as well as religion found in these groups and hence the prohibition or the allowance for people to marry siblings differs greatly. Inter-marriage to close relatives in the American culture for instance is considered taboo while in the Jewish it is considered compulsory. What triggers such social norms must…...



Sander L. Gilman Sibling incest, madness, and the "Jews." Social Research Summer, 1998.

J. Shepher, Incest: A Biosocial View, New York: Academic, 1983.

Kottak, Conrad P. Cultural Anthropology, 9/e University of Michigan, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2002.

Williams, Walter L. The Spirit and the Flesh, Sexual Diversity in the American Indian Culture. Boston: Beacon Press, 1986.

Oedipus the King by Sophocles
Pages: 5 Words: 1885

Both men suffer, and both men have to continue living with that suffering, while losing the people they care about the most. That tragedy is even more apparent in Dove's work, with the misunderstanding about Augustus and what he managed to do in the plantation house. His fate seems more tragic, somehow, because he is being commended for something that he did not do, and is being treated as a hero when in fact he is nothing of the sort. He will have to live up to that reputation in the slave community and it is clear that he will not be able to continue that pretense for very long.
In conclusion, both of these plays use the central theme of incest for different purposes. Dove uses it to illustrate the enduring images of slavery, relationships between blacks and whites and how they were skewed, and how slaves were abused…...



Bloom, Harold, ed. Black American Women Poets and Dramatists. New York: Chelsea House, 1996.

Carlisle, Theodora. "Reading the Scars: Rita Dove's the Darker Face of the Earth." African-American Review 34.1 (2000): 135.

Dove, Rita. "The Darker Face of the Earth." American Theatre Nov. 1996: 33+.

The Darker Face of Earth. 2nd ed. Brownsville: Storyline P, 1996.

Solitude Time Is One of
Pages: 7 Words: 2441

Families are united and in many cases, all family members live under the same roof which also applies to the case of the Buendias.
The men in the novel, from Jose Arcadio who founds, together with his wife, the town of Macondo, to Aureliano Babilonia i.e. The last generation, are marked by a homogenous fate in the sense that none of them are able to escape the repetitiveness of their ancestors' fate. Despite the fact that they all express amazing energies, and are doted with intelligence and passion, they are all unable to concretize their dreams and projects, and to achieve any kind of long-term success. Violence is an important part of these men's temperament; they are all prone to anger and violent behavior. Even when these episodes of anger do not occur, their lives are overtaken by irrational violence which interrupts their lives.

The male characters in One Hundred Years…...


16. The theme of incest is connected to the theme of solitude, and are both consistent throughout the entire novel. Incest marks the Buendia family on two levels, and deepens their feeling of isolation and solitude. Above all else, incestuous relations are to be kept private because they are not sociably acceptable, hence those engaged in such relations must keep to themselves, and are thus unable to develop deep and meaningful relations with the world around them. This also applies to the Buendia family. They are solitary and eventually become disengaged with their surroundings. Also, the prophecy of Ursula in the beginning of the novel comes true, and at the very end of the story, a Buendia is born with the tail of a pig. This is a profoundly metaphorical image: the tail of a pig is a sign of the sin committed by the parents of the child. The fact that the child is born with a tail is both a sign of his parents' sin and of the fact that he is a result of the sin committed, one which he or she cannot escape; the child is physically marked hence emotionally scarred for life.

In One Hundred Years of Solitude, incest is at the beginning of everything as far as the plot of the novel. The first to have an incestuous relationship are Ursula and Jose Arcadio Buendia whose families will interbreed over decades. Incest shuts the Buendia men inside the boundaries of their own women-mothers-daughters, unable to love anyone else; fratricide is the way in which men finally end up contacting other men, under the mask of death and violence. The Buendia men cannot be saved because they do not learn from their mistakes, and are unable to assume responsibility for their actions. The act of incest has the emotional and psychological effect of making prisoners out of the Buendia men; they are caught in a situation which repeats itself generation after generation. Amaranta Ursula and Aureliano are the sixth - and final - Buendia generation to commit the sin of incest. They actually perform an investigation as to their ancestors in their attempt to determine whether or not they are related. Although no other Buendia has done this before them, they are not thorough and readily "accept the version of the basket" (Marquez: 415) meaning what is convenient to them. The couple are given the chance to break the incestuous cycle but take the easy path instead which leads to their destruction when their child is born with the tail of a pig.

Garcia Marquez, Gabriel. One Hundred Years of Solitude. Perennial, 1998

Mating Ideals
Pages: 3 Words: 827

marriage that I consider to be contrary to the ideals I hold. This essay will discuss how polygamy and incest-based marriage is diametrically opposed to my own personal views on matrimony and marriage. This essay will also discuss the role of bride wealth or dowry in our society today. Finally this essay will examine Herzog's (2009) film that captured the mating rituals of the Wodabbe culture in Central Africa.
Polygamy and Incest

The text defined polygamy as " the marriage between one man and two or more women." Polygamy represents a male dominated family unit that is typified by many offspring and large families. This practice has been idealized throughout the Mormon religious cult and other international societies more tolerant on this form of marriage and lifestyle.

There seems to be advantages for all parties involved in polygamy and I realize that this way of life may work in some cultures. In…...



Bonvillain, N. (2013). Cultural Anthropology, 3rd Ed. Pearson Education Inc., Saddle River New Jersey.

Herzog, W. (2009). Wodabbe: Herdsmen of the Sun. Retrieved from

Dysfunction in a Father Son Relationship
Pages: 5 Words: 1656

Freed's exploration of the theme of dysfunction is often compared to that of Shepard. However, the main distinction is that of tone: while Shepard's play is dark and somber, Freed's text is a dark, ironical comedy which ironically sketches the tensioned relationships between the members of a reunited family and their inability to communicate. The relationship between Noah and Seth is especially strained, as Seth seems to force himself into a manly attitude precisely in the attempt to face his father and maybe even compete with him. As the only male child in the family, Seth's relationship with his father is obviously strained. Instead of incest, the cause of dysfunction here seems to be abandonment. The children are left with their father when the mother abandons the family, thus creating even more tension between Seth and his father as the only two males in the family. Moreover, the other children…...


Works Cited

Freed, Amy. Freedomland. New York: Dramatist's Service Plays, 1999.

Shepard, Sam. Buried Child, New York: Dramatist's Play Service, 1997.

Relativism N Some Moral Minima Lenn Goodman
Pages: 3 Words: 1022

n "Some Moral Minima," Lenn Goodman argues things simply wrong. Do Goodman ? Using specific examples, explore challenges Goodman presents relativism. Determine universal moral requirements, defend answer.

Moral minima: Goodman's arguments against relativism

Given the increasing globalization of modern society, combined with the influence of postmodernism, the philosophy of moral relativism has become increasingly popular and accepted within the academy. However, according to Lenn E. Goodman's essay "Some moral minima," some things are 'just wrong.' Goodman writes: "All living beings make claims to life" (Goodman 2010: 88). In other words, to protect the sanctity of human life, sometimes it is necessary to lay down certain absolute ground rules of morality that, regardless of cultural differences, must be obeyed. These include prohibiting: terrorism; hostage taking and child warriors; slavery, polygamy, and incest; and rape and female genital cutting (Goodman 2010: 88).

However, while these ideas may seem like 'no brainers' in terms of the…...



Goodman, Lenn. (2010). Some moral minima. The Good Society, 19 (10): 87-94.

Secrets in the Cellar the
Pages: 6 Words: 1825

This makes her angry and she probably tends to isolate the mother. The mother understands the rejection thus becoming angry with the daughter. All communication is interrupted and the relationship is maintained at an artificial level.
Returning to the father figure, the desperate actions through which he tries to impose and demonstrate his power are directed more at himself than at the ones he harms. The truth is that he feels helpless, vulnerable and dependent (because this is how his mother had made him feel). It is from the complete state of powerlessness that the cruelty derives. Fritzl needs to convince himself that he is powerful and not vulnerable, but in a position which allows him to use the vulnerability of the others.

The relationship with his mother must have also led to insecurity regarding his own masculinity (therefore the "need" to rape women). He is surely alienated from his wife…...



Crossen, C. Child abuse ad neglect, Tower 8th edition.

The Fritzl Case

Abortion Has Been Practiced in
Pages: 2 Words: 789

omen who are otherwise responsible can become pregnant but out of no fault of their own. Keeping abortion legal ensures that all women have the right to determine their own destiny; no woman should be forced to carry a child who was actively trying to prevent pregnancy in the first place. Even if a woman was trying to become pregnant she might need to get an abortion in cases in which doctors revealed serious birth defects. To prevent unwanted physical and emotional strain not just on the mother but on the father, the extended family, and the community, abortions should be allowed in extreme cases.
The vast majority -- at least 98% -- of all abortions performed in the United States are for women who elect to have them not for physical or mental health purposes or to terminate a pregnancy known to contain genetic defects or birth defects (Johnston).…...


Works Cited

Fu, Haishan. Darroch, J.E., Haas, T. & Ranjit, N. Contraceptive Failure Rates: New Estimates From the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth. Family Planning Perspectives. Volume 31, Number 2, March/April 1999. Retrieved 26 Feb 2008 at 

Johnston, W.M. "Reasons given for having abortions in the United States." 4 Dec 2006. Retrieved 26 Feb 2998 at 

National Abortion Federation. "History of Abortion." 2008. Retrieved 26 Feb 2008 at 

Ross, J. Illegal Abortions Rampant in Latin America. Women's eNews. 28 Nov 2004. Retrieved 26 Feb 2008 at

Chorus in Oedipus Rex the
Pages: 2 Words: 743

King Claudius says this about the title character of "Hamlet." He says this to Laertes, to explain why he has not physically punished Hamlet yet, for the killing of Laertes' father Polonius. Thus, the two must conspire to punish Hamlet via a duel with a poisoned sword, says Claudius, because he cannot offend the queen. This quote shows the king's lying nature, as the king cares less for Polonius than eliminating the son Hamlet, who knows how he came to the throne, and his fears of raising suspicions in the court about his complicity in old Hamlet's death.

2) "You-here? You have the gall to show your face before the palace gates? You, plotting to kill me, kill the king-I see it all, the marauding thief himself scheming to steal my crown and power!"

As his fate closes around him, the king of Thebes "Oedipus" raves in horror at the sight of…...

Hamlet' First Soliloquy Hamlet's First
Pages: 4 Words: 1212

"So excellent a king, that was to this Hyperion to a satyr" (Shakespeare, illiam) is a Shakespearian juxtaposition used to compare Old Hamlet with Claudius. Hamlet alludes to Hyperion, the God of Light who represents not only honor and virtue, but also nobility, which are all traits Hamlet saw in his own father. The half-human, half-beast satyr creature represents hedonism and excess, similar to the way Hamlet regards Claudius. Finally he compares the two men as Hercules to himself, a mortal man. He truly believes that Claudius does not represent his mother's best intentions and that he could never live up to his father's image and character.
To Hamlet, Claudius represents the fall of his mother. He says, "She married. O, most wicked speed, to post with such dexterity to incestuous sheets!" (Shakespeare, illiam) He sees Claudius as an impure tempter, and believes that his mother lost her purity in…...


Works Cited

Lacan, Jacques; Miller, Alain; and Hulbert, James. Desire and the Interpretation of Desire in Hamlet. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1977.

Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. New York, NY: Penguin Press.

Sociology Family Violence the History
Pages: 3 Words: 1112

Even some police still view the partner in domestic violence as "asking" for it in some way. In addition, even though laws in the United States and many other countries have become stiffer, there are still many countries around the world that subscribe to archaic and violent practices against women, often with the approval of their religion or beliefs.
The questions that remain unanswered about domestic violence and its long history are many. How has it been allowed to continue so long unchecked? How do men rationalize violence against family members they supposedly "love?" Why did it take until the 1960s and 70s in America to acknowledge there was a problem, and that men ruled the criminal justice system and the prevailing attitudes about domestic violence? Unfortunately, some of these attitudes still exist. Another writer notes, "The law and order movement has attained stringent warrantless arrest rules in the domestic…...



Colker, R. (2006). Marriage mimicry: The law of domestic violence. William and Mary Law Review, 47(6), 1841+.

Goelman, D.M. (2004). Shelter from the storm: Using jurisdictional statutes to protect victims of domestic violence after the violence against women act of 2000. Columbia Journal of Gender and Law, 13(1), 101+.

Shipway, L. (2004). Domestic violence: A handbook for health professionals. New York: Routledge.

I am doing a genetics and heredity essay and I need a catchy title for it?
Words: 174

There are many different subtopics that could be addressed in an essay about genetics and heredity, from evolution to the nature versus nurture debate.  Here are some catchy titles we thought of for some of those essays:

  1. Unlocking Your Genetic Code
  2. Genes to Genomes
  3. Two Sides of the Same Coin: Heredity and Evolution
  4. Genetic Expression: How Heredity Means It Can Be Nature and Nurture
  5. The Role of RNA in Genetic Expression
  6. Recessive Traits: Beyond Mendel’s Pea Experiments
  7. Kissing Cousins: Exploring the Genetic Reasons for Cultural Taboos Against Incest
  8. Humans as Mutants: The Creation of the Homo Sapien
  9. Selective Breeding in Humans: Science Fiction or....

What is the point of a normative theory essay?
Words: 364

Normative theory provides an absolutist framework for approaching philosophy and the soft sciences, and has a special application in philosophy, law, and the social sciences.  Normative theory states that some things are morally superior to other things.  They are concerned with right or wrong and have a goal of changing institutions, values, or norms to reflect the “right” or “good” perspective.  Obviously, since normative theory focuses on what is good, it also involves moral judgments of what is bad.

To understand normative theory, it may help to think about the concept of sin.  Even if you....

Need some topics for mixed method research in social sciences?
Words: 374

The social sciences refer to any academic discipline that deals with human behavior.  The fields that generally fall under this rubric include economics, anthropology, psychology, sociology, political science, historiography, as well as certain types of culture-specific studies.  Mixed method research refers to a research methodology that mixes traditional quantitative and qualitative research designs and discussing both types of evidence or data while considering the takeaways or conclusions of the research. 

Some topics for mixed method research in social sciences are:

  1. Does the inclusion of minority police officers in a police force reduce the incidence of police brutality....

Can you help me with 10 topics for a literacy narrative that can also be used as a title?
Words: 349

A literacy narrative is a type of autobiographical essay in a modified narrative essay format. It focuses on a person’s own experience with one or more aspects of literacy including speaking, writing, or reading. Your literacy narrative relates a personal experience and should help explain your development as a communicator, even if not as a writer or reader.

Some topic or title suggestions are:

  • Through the Wardrobe: How The Chronicles of Narnia Helped Introduce Me to the World of Fantasy
  • My Worst Book Boyfriends: An Examination of the Toxic Traits in the Male Characters I Love to Hate and....

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