Alternative to Prison
The author of this brief repot has been asked to respond to an idea that is increasing in volume and prevalence in modern American society. Indeed, the incarceration rate for people in general is rather high and law enforcement agencies are seeking ways to lower offender rates in the first place and lower recidivism rates for those that end up offending anyway. There is indeed a nasty cycle whereby people get into the "system" once and then they keep reoffending and subsequently keeping getting jailed for their continued offenses. An essay that was reviewed in advance of this report suggests some education-based ways to at least try to prevent future offenses and expunge the records of offenders. While the author of this response does agree with the idea of the essay in general, there has to be some exceptions and special handling depending on the nature, severity and…...
S. Census Bureau, as the collection agent, drew a sample of jail facilities (934) in 875 jurisdictions based on information from the 2005 Census of Jail Inmates. Local jail jurisdictions included counties (parishes in Louisiana) or municipal governments that administered one or more local jails. The 2009 ASJ sample included all jails with certainty that were operated jointly by two or more jurisdictions, or multi-jurisdictional jails." (p. 1)
In spite of the impression that reigns in discussions over prison overcrowding and the emphasis on incarceration in the United States administration of justice, recent patterns show incarceration rates are actually trending downward. According to a press release from Kara McCarthy (2011), "the U.S. local jail inmate population has declined for the second consecutive year, the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) announced today. The jail population declined by 2.4% in the 12 months ending June 30, 2010." (McCarthy, p. 1)
Accordingly, McCarthy…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). (2009). Annual Survey of Jails. Bureau of Justice Statistics.
McCarthy, K. (2011). U.S. Jail Population Continues to Decline. Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Minton, T.D. (2011). Jail Inmates at Midyear 2010 -- Statistical Table. Bureau of Justice Statistics.
incarceration in the United States exhibits extreme racial disparity. There are significantly more African-Americans in the prison system than there are in the general population in fact, almost 50% of those incarcerated at any given time are black men and yet the U.S. population is comprised of only 12% African-Americans. (Clear & Cole 2002, Chapter 19) Cole and Clear give three main explanations for this disparity, differential criminality among minorities, racist criminal justice system and lastly a racist general population. (Clear & Cole 2002, Chapter 19) Within all three of these arguments there is some limited validity, yet it is also clear that there is still problem in need of serious address. acial disparity within prison and corrections in general is the most serious issue facing the corrections industry today.
The effects of racial disparity in incarceration reach much farther than the effects inside the social and economic structure of…...
Clear, T. & Cole, G. (2002) American Corrections: Sixth Edition, New York, NY:
Coker, D. (2003). Foreword: Addressing the Real World of Racial Injustice in the Criminal Justice System. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 93(4), 827+. Retrieved November 14, 2004, from Questia database, .
Knepper, P. (2000). Chapter 2 the Alchemy of Race and Crime Research. In The System in Black and White: Exploring the Connections between Race, Crime, and Justice, Markowitz, M.W. & Jones-Brown, D.D. (Eds.) (pp. 15-27). Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
Incarceration Rates in the United States Versus Other CountriesThe US incarcerates a higher percentage of its population than any other country on earth (Wagner & Sawyer, 2018). It has the largest prison population by far with over 2,000,000 prisoners behind bars. Second is China with just over 1.5 million prisoners incarcerated. Third is Russia with just shy of 900,000 prisoners and in a distant fourth place is Brazil with just shy of 400,000 prisoners (BBC, 2019). In terms of incarceration population the US certainly takes the top spot among all nations of the rate. But in terms of incarceration rate, i.e., the total percentage of its population locked away, the US still takes the top spothigher even than oppressive regimes like the one in El Salvador, Cuba, Thailand or Rwanda. The US imprisons 655 people for every 100,000 people in the country (Radu, 2019). Overall, the US represents 4.4% of…...
BBC. (2019). World prison populations. Retrieved from Incarceration Rates in the United States Versus Other Countries. Retrieved from
Bureau of Justice Statistics. (2014). Prisoners in 2013. Retrieved from
Davis, A. (2012). The Meaning of Freedom. San Francisco, CA: City Light Books.
Essay Topic Examples
1.Reforming Sentencing Laws:
This essay will explore how modifying rigid sentencing laws, such as mandatory minimums for non-violent offenses, could reduce the United States' incarceration rates. It will delve into the potential for sentencing reform to offer more discretionary power to judges and foster rehabilitative rather than purely punitive justice strategies.
2.Enhancing Drug Treatment rograms:
The essay will examine the role of drug addiction in contributing to high incarceration rates and propose enhanced drug treatment and diversion programs as a solution. It will look at how certain drug courts can work to provide offenders with the necessary treatment to reduce recidivism and prevent the imprisonment of individuals with substance abuse issues.
3.Investing in Community-Based Alternatives:
In this essay, the focus will be on how the implementation of community-based alternatives to incarceration, such as probation, community service, and electronic monitoring, can influence the decarceration movement. The piece will discuss the effectiveness of these strategies…...
mlaPrimary Sources
United States Department of Justice. \"Smart on Crime: Reforming The Criminal Justice System for the 21st Century.\" August 2013.
Council of State Governments Justice Center. \"Justice Reinvestment State Brief: Reducing Spending on Corrections and Reinvesting in Strategies to Increase Public Safety.\" 2010.American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). \"A Living Death: Life Without Parole for Nonviolent Offenses.\" November 2013.Travis, Jeremy, et al. \"The Growth of Incarceration in the United States: Exploring Causes and Consequences.\" National Research Council, 2014.Vera Institute of Justice. \"The Potential of Community Corrections to Improve Safety and Reduce Incarceration.\" July 2013.
Essay Topic Examples
1. Alternatives to Incarceration:
Explore various non-incarceration options like community service, probation, electronic monitoring, and restorative justice programs as viable alternatives to reduce prison populations.
2. Judicial Reform:
Discuss how changes in sentencing laws, bail reform, and the elimination of mandatory minimums could lead to a decrease in incarceration rates.
3. Rehabilitation Over unishment:
Analyze the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs within and outside prison systems, focusing on education, vocational training, and mental health services to prevent recidivism.
4. Racial and Economic Disparities:
Examine how addressing systemic biases in the criminal justice system can help mitigate the disproportionate incarceration rates among minority and economically disadvantaged groups.
5. Decriminalization of Non-Violent Offenses:
Investigate the impact of decriminalizing minor drug offenses and other non-violent crimes on incarceration rates, including the potential benefits and challenges.
Essay Title Examples
1. \"Breaking the Cycle: Innovative Approaches to Reducing Incarceration\"
2. \"Justice Reimagined: athways to Lowering rison opulations\"
3. \"Reform or Repeat: The…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Primary SourcesWestern, Bruce. Punishment and Inequality in America.Clear, Todd R. Imprisoning Communities: How Mass Incarceration Makes Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Worse.Gottschalk, Marie. Caught: The Prison State and the Lockdown of American Politics.Alexander, Michelle. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.Travis, Jeremy, Bruce Western, and Steve Redburn, eds. The Growth of Incarceration in the United States: Exploring Causes and Consequences.
Sentencing in the US versus in Germany and the Netherlands
There is one major difference between the sentencing and corrections policies of the US and the sentencing and corrections policies of Germany and the Netherlands. The former bases its policy on the ideas of retribution and incapacitation, whereas the latter base their policies on the ideas of rehabilitation and socialization (Vera Institute of Justice, 2013). This basic philosophical orientation towards the corrections is what distinguishes the two policies. The US views corrections as a punitive measure while Germany and the Netherlands view corrections in a positive light -- a measure that is designed to return the inmate to society. Indeed, recidivism rate in the US is 40% -- meaning that 4 out of every 10 inmates released will return to prison within the first three years (Vera Institute of Justice, 2013). In Germany and the Netherlands, such a rate is unheard…...
United States has the highest rate of confinement of prisoners per 100,000 population than any other Western country. Analyze this phenomena and discuss actions that you feel are necessary to combat this problem.
The United States currently has the highest incarceration rate of any nation worldwide. For example, greater than 60% of nations have incarceration rates below 150 per 100,000 people (Walmsley, 2003). The United States makes up just about five percent of the world's population and yet it houses 25% of the world's prison population (Walmsley, 2009). In 2008 there were more than 2.3 million people held in United States prisons and jails, a rate of approximately 754 inmates per 100,000 people (Sabol, West, & Cooper, 2009). So if we only count adults in the population that translates into a one in 100 American adults is locked up. ussia is the only other major industrialized nation that comes close…...
American Psychiatric Association (APA, 2002). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th Ed.). Arlington, VA: Author.
Breggin, P.A. (2008). Brian disabling treatments in psychiatry: Drugs, electroshock, and the psychopharmaceutical complex. (2nd Edition) New York: Springer University
Burton, R. (2002). The Irish institute of nutrition and health. In Diet and criminality.
ace, Class and Gender and Correctional Settings
Today, the United States incarcerates more than 25% of low-income young black males, so it is reasonable to suggest that there is an inextricable relationship between race, socioeconomic class and gender and the institutional correctional community. It is also reasonable to suggest that this relationship has a corresponding impact on clients, staff and the administration of correctional institutions. To determine the facts, this paper provides a review of the relevant literature to identify the role of race, class and gender within the institutional correctional community and the impact of these variables on clients, staff, and administration. Finally, an analysis concerning the impact of race, class, and gender on current correctional institutions is followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning the relationship between race, class and gender within the institutional correctional community in the conclusion.
eview and Discussion
The role of race,…...
Assigning inmates to prison. (2014). North Carolina Department of Public Safety. Retrieved from .
Camp, S.D. & Steiger, T.L. Gender and racial differences in perceptions of career opportunities and the work environment in a traditionally white, male occupation:
Correctional workers in the Federal Bureau of Prisons. In N.A. Jackson (ed.).
Contemporary issues in criminal justice: Shaping tomorrow's system, pp. 258-277,
ealizing that jails and prisons cost state and federal governments millions of dollars each year, should that be a consideration in the length of sentences given? For your assignment, write a one-page (-300 words) paper with your reflection as it relates to the costs vs the necessity to incarcerate.Incarceration cost tax payers many millions of dollars each year. In many instances, these dollars appear to be wasted as many inmates are ill-equipped to matriculate back into society once they are released. What ensues in a cycle recidivism in which criminals often repeat the crimes that caused them to be in prison. This ultimately results in a constant cycle of prison for many inmates. Unfortunately, the actual length of the sentence does not have a strong correlation to the overall costs. It reality, it is the behavior of the inmates that contributes heavily to prison costs. In the United States nearly…...
mlaReferences 1. Andrews, D.A. (2006). Enhancing adherence to risk-need-responsivity: Making quality a matter of policy. Criminology and Public Policy, 5, 595-602.2. Billy L. Wayson; and Gail S. Funke, What Price Justice? A Handbook for the Analysis of Criminal Justice Costs (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, 1989, NCJ 106777).
High ate of Incarceration of the Mentally Ill
Mental illnesses are among the most serious health concerns facing administrators and policymakers in America today. With the declining availability of both mental health community treatment programs and inpatient psychiatry beds in the few facilities available, more and more mentally ill persons are going without treatment and the essential services needed to enable them cope effectively with their conditions. Often times, police are the first responders whenever a mentally ill patient experiences a relapse and acts out due to symptoms of their mental condition; worryingly, however, rather than be taken to mental health facilities for treatment, most of these end up in jails and prisons. From the very onset, our prison and correctional systems had not been designed to respond to the needs of people with mental health problems, so when such people are housed here, they become more vulnerable to abuse, fail…...
Aufderheide, D. (2014). Mental Illness in America's Jails and Prisons: towards a Public Safety/Public Health Model. Health Affairs. Retrieved 11 March 2015 from
Busfield, J. (2011). Mental Illness. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press
Mitchell, A. (2013). Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital Payments. The Congressional Research Service. Retrieved 11 March 2015 from
NAMI. (n.d.). Criminalization of People with Mental Illnesses is a Significant Problem. National Alliance on Mental Illnesses (NAMI). Retrieved 12 March 2015 from
In addition, the threat of being placed in an adult facility not only doesn't lower crime rates among juveniles, but increases their chances of recidivism and violent behavior (Elikann, 1999). As one critic of the current laws stated: "This country's laws recognize that juveniles are too young to drink alcohol, vote, engage in legal contracts and enter into marriage, all because they are still developing mentally and emotionally" (Bilchik, 2003). Yet today, approximately 200,000 young offenders are funneled directly into the adult court system, "the majority for property crimes and drug-related offenses" (Bilchik, 2003). Sadly, while there are situations in which even an adolescent is a "lost cause" and must be kept locked away, the great majority of cases in which juveniles are tried as adults are unnecessary and unwise (Elikann, 1999). Granted, the juvenile justice system is overloaded and needs to change, but channeling children into the adult…...
Biden, J. (2). Attacking Youth Violence. Criminal Justice Ethics, 17 (1), 1998.
Bilchik, S. (2003). Sentencing Juveniles to Adult Facilities Fails Youths and Society. Corrections Today, 65 (2), 21.
Elikann, P. (1999). Superpredators: The Demonization of Our Children by the Law. Reading, MA: Perseus.
Feld, B. (1997). Abolish the Juvenile Court: Youthfulness, Criminal Responsibility, and Sentencing Policy. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 88 (1), 68-136.
Alternatives to Prison
Over the last 30 years, the prison population in the United States has increased exponentially. For instance, California's prison population has increase eightfold, from 20,000 prisoners in the early 1970's to more that 160,000 in the early 2000's. (Haney) In Texas, from just 1992 to 1997 the prison population doubled, adding an additional 70,000 prisoners. (Haney) Because of the massive overpopulation in America's prisons, there have been advances in alternatives which allow for sentences other than incarceration.
Since many of those incarcerated in prisons are there for non-violent offenses, there are some who advocate that non-violent criminals be allowed alternatives to prison. The benefits of such alternatives are that they give courts more options, they save taxpayers money, strengthen families and communities, reduce crime, and are supported by the public. ("Alternatives to Incarceration Fact Sheet.")
One type of alternative to prison is what is referred to as "boot camps." According…...
"Alternatives to Incarceration Fact Sheet." Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM). Retrieved from
Blaum, Paul. (1996) "Correctional boot camps are effective." Public Information. Retrieved from research1.html
Haney, Craig. "Prison Overcrowding: Harmful Consequences and Dysfunctional Reactions." Prison Commission Testimony. Retrieved from
African-Americans have experienced higher rates of recidivism in contrast with other segments of the population. Evidence of this can be seen with a study conducted by the U.S. Justice Department. They found that those individuals in this demographic and between the ages 18 to 35 have a 32% chance of being incarcerated. Once they are released from prison or placed on probation, the odds of them committing another crime are double in contrast with other population groups. (Kury, 2011) To fully understand why this is occurring requires examining the root causes of the problem. This will be accomplished by conducting a literature review on the subject. These findings will illustrate the primary causes as to why this segment has higher recidivism rates.
The target population is focusing on African-Americans from ages 18 to 35. This study will examine how the lack of education, substance dependency and criminal history are influencing…...
Andrews, D. (2010). Rehabilitating Criminal Justice Policy. Psychology, Public Policy and Law, 16 (1), pp. 39 -- 55.
Bellair, P. (2011). Low Skill Employment Opportunities. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 48 (2), pp.
176 -- 208.
Kury, H. (2011). Punitivity. Munich: Borckmeyer.
Alone in the World -- Neil Bernstein
The book is both a reflection of the damage done and a future roadmap. The author has employed several convincing aspects of narration in expressing her criticism of the policies that govern crime and the management of those convicted of various offences. Policies such as sentencing, arrest, foster care, legacy, visiting and re-entry are cast in the exploration.
Accounts from her interviews with children whose parents are incarcerated help us to not only see the suffering and trauma that such children go through, but also help us to see the lacunae in the system. the police took away icky's mother rather quickly, Leaving icky alone to fend for his younger brother who was an infant. icky had to take up adult responsibilities. He, a child too, cooked and took care of his infant brother for two weeks. Neighbours got concerned and called in Child…...
Bernstein, Nell. 2005. All Alone in the World: Children of the Incarcerated. New York: The New Press.
Drucker, Ernest. 2011. A Plague of Prisons: The Epidemiology of Mass Incarceration in America. New York: The New Press. Families Against Mandatory Minimums. 2013. "Why Should I Care?" Accessed May 20, 2014. .
Feig, L. (2016). Breaking the Cycle: A Family-Focused Approach to Criminal Sentencing in Illinois. Retrieved from SSA:
Goldstein, N. (2004). All alone in the world: Children of the incarcerated. Retrieved from Raw Story:
Title: The Evolution of Correctional Institutions: A Historical Perspective
Provide a brief overview of the history of corrections, highlighting significant eras and developments.
Discuss the changing philosophies and practices of punishment and rehabilitation.
Introduce the concept of the historical perspective and its relevance to understanding contemporary corrections.
1. The Early Days: Retribution and Punishment:
Explore the historical roots of retribution and punishment as dominant themes in corrections.
Examine the use of corporal punishment, solitary confinement, and other harsh methods.
Discuss the impact of these practices on inmates and the overall effectiveness of corrections.
2. The Rise of Rehabilitation and Reform:
Trace the....
Thesis Statement:
The Lack of Police Equity in America: Historical Context, Current Manifestations, and the Urgent Need for Comprehensive Reform
Police equity, a fundamental principle of a just and democratic society, entails the fair and impartial treatment of all individuals by law enforcement agencies. However, the reality of policing in America falls short of this ideal, with a long history of racial profiling, excessive force, and discriminatory practices. This thesis will delve into the historical context of police inequity, its current manifestations, and the urgent need for comprehensive reform to ensure equal justice under the law.
Historical Context:
The roots of police inequity in....
1. The impact of deinstitutionalization on mental health care
2. The effectiveness of community-based mental health services compared to traditional institutional care
3. The role of deinstitutionalization in the rise of homelessness and incarceration rates among individuals with mental illness
4. The ethical implications of deinstitutionalization and the treatment of individuals with mental illness
5. The challenges faced by individuals transitioning from institutions to community-based care
6. The role of government policies and funding in supporting successful deinstitutionalization efforts
7. The stigma surrounding mental illness and its impact on the success of deinstitutionalization initiatives
8. The importance of collaboration and coordination between mental health providers, social services,....
1. The impact of Joe Biden's presidency on healthcare reform in the United States.
2. Analyzing Joe Biden's approach to foreign policy and its implications for global relations.
3. The role of social media and technology in Joe Biden's communication strategy as President.
4. Evaluating Joe Biden's efforts to address climate change and promote environmental sustainability.
5. The significance of Joe Biden's historical election as the oldest president in American history.
6. Analyzing Joe Biden's stance on immigration and his impact on immigration policies in the United States.
7. The effectiveness of Joe Biden's response to the COVID-19 pandemic and his administration's vaccination efforts.
8. Examining Joe....
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