Immunization Essays (Examples)

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Immunization of Children in the United States
Pages: 3 Words: 1029

Immunization of children in the United States [...] full detail why the immunization rate of children in the U.S. is high, and the validity of the reasons why some parents choose not to immunize their children. It will also explain if those children will be protected by "herd immunity." Most children in the United States receive immunization from a variety of diseases when they are toddlers. Yet, some parents choose not to immunize their children for a variety of reasons. The question remains, are these children protected adequately, and do they pose a danger to other, already immunized children?

Most people take immunization of children in the United States for granted. Everyone immunizes his or her children, right? Well, not exactly. In the United States, laws in all 50 states require child immunization before a child can enter school. Vaccinations may include:

vaccination against diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough),…...



Editors. "Immunization Laws." Center for Disease Control. 2003. 3 April 2003. 

Horner, Sharon D., and Linda Murphy. "Creating Alternative Immunization Clinics to Maintain and Improve Community Immunization Rates." Journal of Community Health Nursing 16.2 (1999): 121-132.

James, Walene. Immunization: The Reality behind the Myth. 2nd ed. Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, 1995.

Child Immunization in First Nation Population
Pages: 4 Words: 1056

Diversity in Nursing: Synopsis of Multiple Perspectives
Tarrant & Gregory (2003) in their article "Exploring childhood immunization uptake with First Nations mothers in north-western Ontario, Canada" discusses childhood immunizations and preventive care. Specifically the researchers aimed to explore beliefs First Nations parents hold regarding childhood immunizations, and what factors may influence immunization uptake. Studies suggest that Native American children generally receive lower immunization coverage than children in Canada according to the study.

Using a qualitative descriptive design the researchers interviewed twenty-eight mothers within Native Indian communities in Canada regarding vaccine preventable illnesses. The results of the study suggests that First Nations parental beliefs regarding immunizations may positively or negatively influence a child's immunization uptake. The research also suggests that education may enable families to make better decisions regarding their child's health care and immunization uptake.

The researchers do point out in their work that other studies support that immunization uptake may be negatively…...



Hutchison, R.R. & Quartaro, E.G. (1993). "Training imperatives for volunteers caring for high-risk, vulnerable populations." Journal of Community Health Nursing, 10(2): 88-92.

Pulido, M.J., Alvarado, E.A., Berger, W., Nelson, A., Todoroff, C. (2001 - Summer).

"Vaccinating Asian Pacific Islander children against hepatitis B: ethnic-specific influences and barriers." Asian-American Pacific Islander Journal Health, 9(2): 211-20.

Purden, M. (2005 - May). "Cultural considerations in interprofessional education and practice." Journal of Interprofessional Care, 19(1): 224-34

Immunizations and Public Org India
Pages: 12 Words: 3532

The resulting information points to the idea that there are more factors at play than simply developing and then providing vaccination doses to developing nations. The action plans that produce better results are paramount to success, and factors of social significance are just as important as or more important than having enough clinicians or clinics to administer the immunizations. The idea that community based and local volunteers would be needed to help administer and do family teaching about immunizations in India is also supported by Prinja, Gupta, Singha & Kumar who stress that in their large trial, associated with timely vaccinations of children in India with the DPT vaccination the results were far better when local volunteers were recruited as the presence of these individuals as well as their supportive education helped individuals better understand the need for their children to get the vaccination (eb-97). Another concept that is…...


Works Cited

Ali, Hammad, Nicholas Zwar & Jo Wild. "Improving Childhood Immunization Coverage Rates: Evaluation of a Divisional Program." Australian Family Physician. 38 (10) (October 2009): 833-835. . (10 November 2010).

Arora, Narendra K., Sanjay Chaturvedi & Rajib Dasgupta. "Global Lessons from India's Poliomyelitis Elimination Campaign." Bulletin of the World Health Organization (2010) 88-232 -- 234 (10 November 2010).

"Global Routine Vaccination Coverage, 2009" MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 59 (42) (October 29, 2010) 1368-1371. <   (10 November 2010) >.

Hull, Harry F. The Future of Polio Eradication Lancet Infectious Diseases (2001) 1 299 -- 303.

Innovative Immunizations Initiative the National Healthy People
Pages: 5 Words: 1580

Innovative Immunizations Initiative
The national Healthy People 2020 initiative has a vision of building "a society in which all people live long, healthy lives" ("Healthy People," 2011). The purpose of the Healthy People 2020 initiative is to identify and support the actions that must be taken for the people of the United States to achieve better health by 2020. The Healthy People 2020 initiative, developed under the aegis of the Federal Interagency Workgroup (FIW), will bring about collaboration among a wealth of federal agencies, community stakeholders, a professional advisory committee, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). As such, the Healthy People 2020 initiative serves as a model for health-focused innovative programs. An important health issue has been identified by the Healthy People 2020 initiative: Low compliance to immunization.

The Problem

Even though the United States has an ambitious ongoing program of immunization for its citizens, approximately 42,000 adults and…...



Community Health Workers: What Do We Know About Them? World Health Organization. 

Closing the Immunization Gap, Minority Nurse. Retrieved   / pediatric-nursing/closing-immunization-gap 

Evidence and Information for Policy, Department of Human Resources for Health

Childhood Immunizations
Pages: 3 Words: 914

Findley, S., et al. (2009). Effectiveness of a Community Coalition for Improving Child Vaccination Rates in New York City. American Journal of Public Health. 98 (11): 1959-62.
Abstract and Citation -- the title of the article was quite specific, indicating a narrow topic -- how effective a community coalition would be for helping improve vaccination rates in a specific city, in this case New York. The abstract was rather weak in this case, and while it did provide a broad overview, it was very succinct: what was done, who the population was, and what the outcome was. One could not infer nor glean more than cursory knowledge about the topic through the Abstract.

Research Question- the research question was primary within the documents. Essentially, the question was would a community coalition using reminders, tracking and outreach improve the likelihood that children in New York City would receive appropriate and timely vaccinations? Specifically,…...


Works Cited:

Catch Planning. (2013) Community Access for Child Health. Retrieved from:

Centers for Disease Control, (2009). The Importance of Childhood Immunizations. Retrieved from at:   / article/importance-childhood-immunizations/ 

Findley, S., et al. (2009). Effectiveness of a Community Coalition for Improving Child Vaccination Rates in New York City. American Journal of Public Health. 98 (11): 1959-62.

Immunization of Vaccine Hepatitis B Vaccine
Pages: 4 Words: 1054

Immunization Vaccine # 1
Name of Vaccine
Rotavirus vaccine
Trade Name
Type of vaccination
· The previous dose of the Rotavirus vaccine was suspected of having a life-threatening allergic reaction.
· Any component of the rotavirus vaccine was suspected of having a severe allergic effect.
· Rotavirus vaccine was suspected of having Severe immunodeficiency (SCID).
Anyone taking the Rotavirus vaccine should take several precautions, which include: pre-existing acute gastrointestinal conditions such as short gut syndrome or Hirschsprung’s disease and congenital malabsorption syndrome. Another precaution to take is
chronic gastroenteritis. (Salvadori & Saux, 2010).
Adverse Drug Reactions
Some of the reactions that might be triggered by the vaccine include swelling on both throat and face, increased heartbeat, drowsiness, and breathing complications (CDC, 2019).
Minimum Age to Receive Vaccine
All Rotavirus vaccine doses should be given to children between 15 weeks and 8 months. (CDC, 2019).
Routine Recommended Vaccine Schedule
The dose should be initiated to children at 2nd ,4th, and 6th months.
Minimum Interval Between Doses
The recommended spacing…...



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Routine vaccine recommendations. Retrieved from  

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Special situations. Retrieved from

Mayo Clinic. (2020). Hepatitis B vaccine (Intramuscular route). Retrieved from 

Otsuka-Ono, H., Hori, N., Ohta, H., Uemura, Y., & Kamibeppu, K. (2019). A childhood immunization education program for parents delivered during late pregnancy and one-month postpartum: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Health Services Research, 19. Retrieved from 

Rogers, K. (2019). Immunization noncompliance: Gauging the cause, effect, and management in the school setting. NASN School Nurse, 34(3). 

Salvadori, M., & Saux, N. (2010). Recommendations for the use of rotavirus vaccines in infants. Paediatr Child Health, 15(8), 519-523. DOI: 10.1093/pch/15.8.519.

Sjogren, E., Ask, L., Ortqvist, A., & Asp, M. (2017). Parental conceptions of the rotavirus vaccine during implementation in Stockholm: A phenomenographic study. Journal of Child Health Care, 21(4). 

VAERS. (2020). Report an adverse event to VAERS. Retrieved from 

Health Immunizing Your Baby Protecting or Harming
Pages: 5 Words: 1600

Immunizing Your Baby, Protecting or Harming?

Positives for Vaccinations

Recommended and Minimum Ages for Early Childhood Vaccinations

Negatives for Vaccinations

Ethical Issues

Vaccines against diphtheria, polio, pertussis, measles, mumps and rubella, hepatitis B and chicken pox, have given humans powerful immune guards to ward off unwelcome disease and sickness. Because of this the CDC works closely with public health agencies and private partners in order to improve and sustain immunization coverage and to monitor the safety of vaccines so that public health can be maintained and expanded in the future. Despite the good that vaccines appear to do there is a debate stirring in regards to the safety of vaccines and whether or not they are link to disorders such as autism. There are some studies that appear to link childhood vaccinations to autism but the evidence is very weak at best. But because of these types of studies there are a number of parents…...


Works Cited

Carolyn Drews-Botsch, et al. "Timeliness of Childhood Immunizations: A State-


Analysis." American Journal Of Public Health 95.8 (2005): 1367-1374. Business


Report Changing Contract Employment Law Restrictive Covenant Affect Bernard Succeed Claim Talk Clause
Pages: 5 Words: 1239

Religious Exemption
nnotated Bibliography: The Effects of Religious Exemptions on Pertussis and Other Diseases

brevaya, J. & Mulligan, K. (2011). Effectiveness of state-level vaccination mandates: Evidence from the varicella vaccine. Journal of Health Economics 30(5): 966-76.

Longitudinal data on the use of varicella immunizations was used to determine the real effects o immunization requirements mandated by various governmental entities within the United States. Significant increases in vaccination rates are found to be the result of such mandates within the first year of adoption, peaking within two years of adoption, and with minimal effects on the rate thereafter. pproximately twenty percent of short run increases in immunization adoption is attributed to mandates, and no differences were found in different socioeconomic groups when it comes to adoption rates. Though this research does not deal with exemptions specifically, it provides context and some direct implications for a discussion and examination of such exemptions.

spinwall, T. (1997-8). Religious…...


A seven-year population-based retrospective cohort study of individuals aged five to nineteen years old was used to create a mathematical model of risk associated with measles vaccination, exemption, and infection, and to determine if other patterns could be observed. Exemptors were determined to be thirty-five times more likely to contract measles than those that had been vaccinated, and populations of exemptors tended to be found within certain geographic pockets of close proximity which contributed to outbreak behavior. The model also suggests that a large-scale outbreak was experienced in exemptor populations one year earlier than in the broader population, which has direct implications on the effects of religious exemptions on overall public health and safety.

Siegel, A. & Salmon, D. (2001). Religious and philosophical exemptions from vaccination requirements and lessons learned from conscientious objectors from conscription. Public Health Report 116(4): 289-95.

In addressing both the legal and the practical implications of vaccination mandates and exemptions, the authors assert that states are not actually required to allow religious exemptions for public school entrances. Their findings also suggest that individual educational counseling for parents that object and stringent belief ascertainment by the state can limit the number of exemptions significantly in states that allow them. These recommendations are grounded in commentary on the effects of exemption that is of direct and contextual use to the research at hand.

Healthy People 2020 Review of Three Articles
Pages: 3 Words: 1120

Healthy People 2020
eview of Three Articles from Healthy People 2020

Global Health

The goal of improved global health is to strengthen U.S. national security through global disease detection, response, prevention, and control strategies. Threats to health in one part of the world may have far reaching consequences that impact public health across the globe. The 2003 SAS epidemic and the 2009 H1N1 influenza outbreak are recent examples. Furthermore, improving the health of the global population promotes political stability, diplomacy, and economic growth worldwide.

The world and its economies are increasingly interdependent and international travel and commerce is becoming more prevalent. Expanding international trade introduces new health risks. A complex international distribution chain has resulted in potential international outbreaks due to food borne infections, poor quality pharmaceuticals, and contaminated consumer goods. Since the 1970s one or more new diseases have been identified annually. apid identification and control of emerging infectious diseases as well as…...



"Early and middle childhood." (2012, January 10). Healthy people 2020. Retrieved January 12, 2012, from  

RFP Request for Proposal Procedures
Pages: 2 Words: 580

It should also capture the forms signed by patients and guardians regarding disclosure of names so that they might be accessed (GDPH, 2011).
In accordance with Federal and state law, the system must be HIPAA compliant to protect patient information (GDPH, 2011). Therefore, it must use HL7, (GDPH, 2011) since HL7 is the "[…] national standard protocol identified by the CDC to meet HIPAA communications privacy and security requirements." It should also be password protected, have a regular backup set in place and capable of accessing GRITS via VPN, as GRITS requires (GDPH, 2011).

Aside from these requirements, it should be flexible so that additional fields or code-systems/languages can be added in a timely and cost-effective manner (Issel, 2011). It should be easy to learn and use (Issel, 2011). It should also be capable of providing reminders for patients who need vaccinations, printable outputs, preferably in table format and individual reports,…...

HR Function Review
Pages: 6 Words: 2227

HR Function Review
History of the Organization -- General Practice Alliance South Gippsland (GPASG) is a division of General Practice Alliance Australia. It is one of 110 divisions that are tasked to help support identified health needs and services in a given area. GPASG has a division office in Inverloch, and serves of 5,000 people in a 41,000 square kilometer area. Essentially, the organization proves service and information to health care professionals, accreditation support, immunization support, professional development, peer support, advocacy and information (GPASG, 2011).

Mission, Vision -- SPASG's vision is to be a catalyst for the people of the South Gippsland area and to look towards 2015 to achieve the best health outcomes possible. Their mission is to lead the development of innovations in primary care solutions that specifically maintain and improve community-based health care by: 1) building and supporting more general practices; 2) integrating health care services across the entire…...


Works Cited

Bannerman, E 2002, 'Antropometric Indicies Predict Physical Function and Mobility in Older Australians', Public Health Nutrition, vol 5, no. 1, pp. 655-62.

Cress, CJ 2007, Handbook of Geriatric Care Management, Jones and Bartlett, New York.

Deans, D 2005, Senior Lobby Affects Budgets and Elections, viewed December 2011, .

'Draft Transition Actions for Gippsland Medicare Local' 2009, Human Resources/Administration, GSA.

Finance Portfolio FedEx Corporation NYSE
Pages: 15 Words: 3995

Target's chart, however, shows that the company has tracked the market and GDP fairly closely, indicating that perhaps it does not trade the way a discount retailer should.
Johnson & Johnson

JNJ is a pharmaceutical and consumer products company. It competes in pharmaceuticals, consumer products in the health and beauty segment and in medical devices. The company was founded in 1886 and today is a multinational conglomerate with operations in 57 countries and with approximately 250 subsidiaries.

To a certain extent, JNJ's product line is price inelastic. Pharmaceutical demand is tied to overall consumer demand and the state of the economy, but not to the same extent that many other consumer products are. As a result, JNJ would be expected to have less significant swings in its stock price relative to the GDP, other macroeconomic indicators, or the Dow Jones. The stock, however, has traded roughly in line with the market over…...


Works Cited:

Yahoo! Finance, various pages. (2009). Retrieved November 25, 2009 from 

Federal Reserve. (2009). Money Stock Measures. Federal Reserve. Retrieved November 25, 2009 from 

Bureau of Economic Analysis. (2009). National Economic Accounts. BEA. Retrieved November 25, 2009 from 

Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2009). Employment Situation Summary. BLS. Retrieved November 25, 2009 from

Clinical Decision Making Guide Subjective
Pages: 5 Words: 1292

A level of 126 mg/dL or above, confirmed by repeating the test on another day, means that you have diabetes.
An oral glucose tolerance test measures your blood glucose after you have gone at least 8 hours without eating and 2 hours after you drink a glucose-containing beverage. This test can be used to diagnose diabetes or pre-diabetes. OGTT is more sensitive than the FPG test for diagnosing pre-diabetes, but it is less convenient to administer. The OGTT requires you to fast for at least 8 hours before the test. Your plasma glucose is measured immediately before and 2 hours after you drink a liquid containing 75 grams of glucose dissolved in water.

If your blood glucose level is between 140 and 199 mg/dL 2 hours after drinking the liquid, you have a form of pre-diabetes called impaired glucose tolerance or IGT, meaning that you are more likely to develop type…...


Works Cited

Braunald, Eugene., Fauci, Anthony S., Kasper, Dennis L., Hauser, Stephen L., Longo, Dan L., Jameson, J. Larry. 2001. Harrison's Principle of Internal Medicine, 15th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing Division.

The Merck Manual (16th ed.). (1995). Portland, Oregon: Merck & Co., Inc.

Stick Injury Means That the
Pages: 7 Words: 2478

The results revealed that this route did not lead to any needle stick injuries. The ESA worked as efficaciously as it would have if needles were used and this was proved by the maintenance of the hemoglobin levels. It was observed that 91% of the nursing staff was in favor of the needle free administration of ESA. This study therefore concluded that drugs with detached needles present further routes to prevent needle stick injuries in the future. (Chow et. al, 2009)
Seeing how needle stick injuries can lead to emotional, health related and financial dilemma, experts are working on ways to reduce their occurrence. The study by Chow et al. (2009) shows one way in which these incidences can be reduced. Molen et al. (2011) stated that education reduces the occurrence of needle stick injury. He conducted a study in which one group was educated in a workshop and given…...



Adams, D. 2012 Needle stick and sharps injuries: implications for practice. Nursing Standard. 26 (37), pp. 49-57.

Aziz, A.M., Ashton, H., Pagett, A., Mathieson, K., Jones, S., and Mullin, B 2009 Sharps

management in hospital: an audit of equipment, practice and awareness. Br J. Nurs 18(2), pp. 92 -- 8

Blenkharn, J. 2009. Sharps management and the disposal of clincal waste. British Journal of Nursing, 18 (14).

Effectiveness of the United Nations a Historical Look
Pages: 3 Words: 913

United Nations - the UN has been effective
The UN has succeeded in some of its international responsibilities but has failed in others; and according to the UN Charter the UN may not intervene in matters essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state

The UN has achieved many "remarkable accomplishments" (

The UN has negotiated 172 peace settlements that ended regional conflicts

The UN has participated in more than 300 international treaties

The UN's "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (adopted in 1948) has been helpful in raising the consciousness of the need for human rights

Over 3 million children a year have been saved from polio, measles, whooping cough, tuberculosis thanks to immunization programs by the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF)

The UN promotes worker's rights and improves agricultural techniques in developing countries

TO: UN has success in Libya (Christian Science Monitor)

The UN Security Council unanimously awarded Libya's seat to the intern government that "toppled" Qaddafi

"this is the…...


Works Cited

Background on the United Nations 2008. Accomplishments of the United Nations. Encarta Encyclopedia. Retrieved March 13, 2013, from

Boot, Max. 2000. Paving the Road to Hell: The Failure of U.N. Peacekeeping. Foreign Affairs.

Retrieved March 13, 2013, from (March): 1-3.

Charbonneau, Louis. 2012. Analysis: U.N. confronts failure of diplomacy in Syria. Reuters.

Writing a essay on the following prompt: As medical assistant discuss how you would handle a patient that is a chronic canceler and comes to office irritated and doesn\'t have an appointment scheduled how would you handle it?
Words: 501

My honest answer to this question is that, as a medical assistant, it is highly unlikely that I would be establishing the practice’s policy in terms of cancellations and patients who show up without appointments.  Generally, the doctor(s) and the office manager establish those policies and the appropriate policies may vary tremendously depending on the type of practice, the demands of the practice, patient utilization, current prevailing conditions (for example, the COVID-19 pandemic could change how a practice approaches drop-in patients), and the patient’s own medical history.  As a medical assistant, I would follow the policies and....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Covid-19 Vaccine?
Words: 235

1. The importance of widespread vaccination in controlling the spread of Covid-19
2. The development and distribution of Covid-19 vaccines: challenges and opportunities
3. Ethical considerations in the prioritization of vaccine distribution
4. The role of misinformation and vaccine hesitancy in hindering vaccination efforts
5. The global impact of Covid-19 vaccination disparities
6. The effectiveness and safety of different Covid-19 vaccine technologies
7. The economic implications of successful Covid-19 vaccination campaigns
8. The potential long-term effects of Covid-19 vaccines on public health and society
9. The role of governments and health organizations in promoting vaccine acceptance and uptake
10. The intersection of social determinants of health and access to....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Covid-19 Vaccine?
Words: 577

Essay Topics Pertaining to Covid-19 Vaccine

1. The Impact of Vaccine Hesitancy on Public Health

Examine the factors contributing to vaccine hesitancy regarding the Covid-19 vaccine.
Analyze the potential consequences of vaccine hesitancy at the individual, community, and global levels.
Explore strategies to address vaccine hesitancy and promote public trust in the vaccine.

2. The Ethical Implications of Vaccine Distribution and Allocation

Discuss the ethical principles guiding the distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine.
Analyze the challenges and controversies surrounding vaccine allocation, including fair access, equity, and potential discrimination.
Propose recommendations for ensuring ethical and equitable vaccine distribution.

3. The Economic Impact of Covid-19....

what is health information system?
Words: 294

A Health Information System (HIS) is a system that captures, stores, manages, and transmits health-related data. It includes a combination of people, processes, and technology that collects, processes, and presents information to support healthcare provider decision-making and improve patient outcomes.

Health Information Systems typically include electronic health records (EHRs), computerized physician order entry (CPOE) systems, and clinical decision support systems (CDSS), among other components. These systems help healthcare providers to efficiently manage patient care, track patient progress, and ensure accurate and timely communication among healthcare professionals.

Overall, a Health Information System plays a crucial role in improving the quality, safety, and efficiency....

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