Immigration Essays (Examples)

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Immigration at Different Times Immigration in Early
Pages: 3 Words: 953

Immigration at Different Times
Immigration in early 1800's and today

Immigration has not been ever so easier for people residing across the globe. People have to obey the immigration policies made by countries. This study would give sound coverage to all issues faced by people in northern cities in the early 1800s era. Hence, issues with immigration in past would be compared with current issues to immigration. Millions of immigrants expiated to northern cities to find quality living standards. Northern cities reserve a very important place on the entire continent for providing opportunities to people. The ratio of immigrants from United Kingdom was found little higher than other countries. Northern cities have become so diverse. This was probably the reason besides huge influx of immigrants in northern cities.

Immigration a huge issue northern cities early 1800s

Huge influx of immigrants had started moving to get settled in northern cities. Economic trends were rapidly transforming…...



Tolany, S. E. 'African-Americans and immigrants in northern cities: the effects of relative group size on occupational standings in 1820' 2011, university of Washington publication, vol.1, pp.121-189.

Hynes, G.E. PhD. 'The migration of negroes into northern cities; Executive sectary of the national league on urban conditions among negroes' 2000, vol. 1, pp.494-497.

Tolnay, S.E. 'African-Americans and immigrants in northern cities: The effects of relative group size on occupational standing' 2001,vol. 80, no.2, pp. 573-604.

Immigration Master Planners Faculty Development Article This
Pages: 3 Words: 1036

Master Planners: Faculty Development Article

This article was very interesting in terms of technology and its usefulness within large organizations. The public tends to think of technology as a means of saving money in market characterized by budget cuts and government defaults. However, upon reading this article, technology is not as efficient as many pundits believe it to be. First, as the article indicates, there is a steep learning curve in regards to the utilization of the technology. This is especially true in university settings as professors are apprehensive about using technology to begin with. These professors are often unfamiliar with the technology altogether, or they simply refuse to use it. This creates complications as students are hindered by the professor's inability to use technology effectively. Furthermore, due the high turnover rates in technology related products, organizations constantly have to alter their usage. These organizations may have many incompatible and unrelated…...



1) Ewing, Walter A. Border Insecurity: U.S. Border-Enforcement Policies and National Security, Immigration Policy Center, American Immigration Law Foundation, Spring 2006.

2) Freeman, Joe. Living and Working in the European Union for Non-EU Nationals., 2007. ISBN 0-9786254-0-4

3) Immigration Policy Center. Economic Growth & Immigration: Bridging the Demographic Divide. Immigration Policy Center, American Immigration Law Foundation, November 2005.

4) Karakayali, Nedim. 2005. "Duality and Diversity in the Lives of Immigrant Children: Rethinking the 'Problem of Second Generation' in Light of Immigrant Autobiographies," Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 325 -- 344.

Immigration Myths a Myth May Be Described
Pages: 4 Words: 1475

Immigration Myths
A myth may be described as a false set of beliefs that people form in order to justify a form of social institution or social construct. The immigration myths revolve around the people that settle in from one country or part of the world to another. There are some common misconceptions in the society that pass justifications of how and why immigration may be a strain on a society and affect the region they migrate to. Some of these immigration myths are highlighted below:

The immigrants do not pay their taxes

According to the Cato Institute, many people believe that the immigrants in any country live in the country without paying any taxes. They think that because they are not the permanent residents of the country, they can get away without being charged with any taxes (Chiswick, 1992). This however, is not true. It is the duty of all immigrants to…...


Work Cited

Chiswick, Barry. Review of Immigration, Trade and Labor Market. Journal of Economic

Literature. (1992): 212-213.

Filer, Randell. The impact of immigrant arrivals on the local labor market equilibrium for native workers. Immigration and the workforce: Economic Consequences for the United States and Source Areas. 1992.

Hamermesh, Daniel. Help or Hindrance. Economic Implications of Immigration for African Americas. 1998.

Immigration in France
Pages: 8 Words: 2357

Immigration in France
A greater percentage of the 3 million Muslims who live in France are of North West Africa origin. Such statistics is owed to the events of the First World War that saw soldiers from Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia sent to fight along side French fighters (Laroui, 1970). Algeria sent at least 173-000 men to the World War I many of whom lost their lives. Of the 56,000 soldiers that Tunisia sent, 12,000 never returned to their native Tunisia (Seljuq, 1997). Moroccan soldiers were charged with the responsibility of defending Paris at the height of the First World War. Other than the troops, the Maghreb also provided France with relief and manpower to replace French personnel who were engaged in the military. By 1919, almost 119,000 Algerian youths had taken up jobs in French factories. Moroccan workers started trickling to Bordeaux as early as 1916. By 1980, 25% of…...


References List

Borjas, G.J. (1994). The Economics of Immigration. Journal of Economic Literature,

32(4), 1667-1717.

Combes, P., Decreuse, B., Laouenan, M. & Trannoy, A. (2010). Discrimination against African

Immigrants in France: Spatial Mismatch at the National Level. Journal of Economic

Immigration Why the United States
Pages: 6 Words: 1887

Although Kirch points out that migrants could initially be protected from such non-communicable diseases, such an advantage could be short-lived. It is also important to note that most migrants (especially those seeking to escape harsh conditions back home) could be forced to do menial jobs to make ends meet. This is more so the case for those who do not possess a specific set of skills which could enhance their chances of being employed. In the words of Kirch, "migrants who do physical work have a higher risk of injury and health sequelae leading to early retirement than the majority population of an industrialized country" (925). Thus in the final analysis, migrants could end up being worse off then they were before migrating. This significantly weakens the view that the U.S. serves as a safe haven for all immigrants.
It should also be noted that immigration does promote the spread…...

Immigration Policies Describe U S Immigration Policies Within
Pages: 3 Words: 1000

Immigration Policies
Describe U.S. Immigration policies within a historical framework.

The current policies of the United States toward immigration are much different when compared to the historical strategies of the country. As: work was bountiful, immigrants were entering the nation in droves, and the availability of jobs was suited to employ the masses of people. The reason why is because historically, immigration was encouraged. This is because, it was considered to a part of building of a new country which required: many hands and individuals from different classes in society.

The earliest immigrants were either characterized as being from: Northern European countries or they were Africans, who were forcefully sent to the nation as slaves. This is because of the promise of better financial circumstances led many to relocate to America (in effort to seek out these opportunities). While this persisted for those emigrating from their places of birth, the perception of immigrants…...



Androff, D. (2011) U.S. Immigration Policy and Immigrant Children's Well-

Being: The Impact of Policy Shifts. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare. 10 (5).

Benton, K. (2010). The Rude Birth Immigration Reform. Wilson Quarterly. 34 (3).

Hester, T. (2010). Protection not Punishment: Legislative and Judicial Formation of U.S.

Immigration Reform and Immigration
Pages: 2 Words: 665

Immigration and the Presidential Election
United States immigration reform is one of the most controversial issues in this presidential election and represent significant policy gap between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, the Democrat and epublican presidential candidates respectively. Based on their proposals, Trump and Clinton have taken opposite sides in the quest to implement immigration reforms if elected president. While these candidates favor secure borders as a crucial component for U.S. growth and stability, they differ on how they would address major immigrant issues. The candidates' proposals are radical and have attracted considerable criticism in which Trump's proposals are seen as un-American whereas Clinton's proposals are regarded as undermining immigration policies (Liu, 2016).

The key perspective of Trump's immigration reform platform is anti-immigrant in view of his proposals. If elected president, Trump would create a new deportation taskforce that will help identify criminals and remove immigration violators from the country (Sarlin &…...



Kesley, A. (2016, September 1). Trump vs. Clinton: Comparing Their Stances on Immigration Reform. ABC News. Retrieved October 12, 2016, from 

Liu, L. (2016, September 25). Here's Where Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Stand on Immigration. Business Insider. Retrieved October 12, 2016, from 

Sarlin, B. & Seitz-Wald, A. (2016, September 2). Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Are Universes Apart on Immigration. NBC News. Retrieved October 12, 2016, from 

Valverde, M. (2016, July 15). Compare the Candidates: Clinton vs. Trump on Immigration. Retrieved October 12, 2016, from

Immigration and Naturalization Service INS
Pages: 15 Words: 4337

In recent years the issue of immigration has sparked a great deal of discussion. Although America is a nation of immigrants, there is also a deep-rooted belief that people should immigrate to America through the proper legal mechanisms. The purpose of this discussion is to investigate how the agency that governs immigration in the nited States functions in its role. The research will focus on several facets of immigration including street level or local bureaucracy and the policies that are enforced as it pertains to teachers, police and other law enforcement personnel, social workers, judges, public lawyers and other public servants/services. The investigation will also examine problems facing such as budget restraints and how they deal with them. There will also be some attention paid to how officials deal in situations too complex to fit into programs, and human dimensions. The research will explore the differences between street level bureaucrats…...


USCIS Strategic Plan: Securing America's Promise." Retrieved March 25 from; 

USCIS Offices.   / menuitem.5af9bb95919f35e66f614176543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=476fcf021c599110V gnVCM1000004718190aRCRD&vgnextchannel=2af29c7755cb9010VgnVCM10 000045f3d6a1RCRD 

USCIS Transformation: Improvements to Performance, Human Capital, and Information Technology Management Needed as Modernization Proceeds. Retrieved March 25 from;

Immigration and Asylum Law in the European Union
Pages: 16 Words: 4446

Immigration and Asylum Policy in the EU
The formation of the European Union was a feat, unprecedented in modern history. This agreement represented feat of political cooperation never before accomplished in the history of the world. Under this agreement, local governments were able to combine forces and operate on a Regional level. Prior to the formation of the EU, Europe consisted of many different countries and these countries were rich in tradition and individual culture. The formation of the EU caused many, often-conflicting cultures, to lay their differences aside and enter into a spirit of cooperation. There were many issues to be resolves, such as market equality. All countries in the EU were not on an equal economic scale. Some were large and powerful, industrialized and economically stable. Others were developing countries and in order to enter into the marketplace and compete on an equal scale, they had to be assisted…...


Works Cited

Counter Summit in Tampere (Finland) Against EU's Immigration Policy. Internet Discussion Board. Antti Rautiainen on Thu, 2 Sep 1999-20:49:12 +0200 (CEST).

A online]   Accessed February, 2003. .

European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE). "EU asylum, migration and immigration legislation and policy under development." [online]   Accessed February, 2003. 

EU Immigration Policy." March 1997. 4(3). [online]

Immigration and Health Policies in the 20th Century
Pages: 10 Words: 2904

Immigration and Health Policies in the 20th Century
Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" (Lazarus 1998)

hen you think of people struck by unbelievable hardships and misery, it might not be so hard to believe that a part of their soul dies with each passing day. But one should know that even if you experience the worst imaginable disaster and survive, there still exists a small light of hope in your mind. ithout this light, it would be impossible to live on. So in a corner of every human being's mind, especially of those who came to leave their countries during the 20th-century, there existed a hope of something better - something new and permanent.

Their hope was to wake up every morning and see the sun rise…...


Works Cited

Fuchs, L. "Immigration Policy." Encyclopedia of the United States Congress, edited by Donald

C. Bacon, Rogher H. Davidson, and Morton Keller, vol. 2, pp.1093-1101. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995.

Lazarus, E. "Untitled" from The New Colossus (July 1998).

Magnusson, L. "Introduction - A People of Hope" (2001). 29 November 2003. http://library.thinkquest/26786/introduction/intro

Immigration Looking at Immigration Statistics
Pages: 4 Words: 1855

" U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services Website. 2006. Office of Homeland Security. 24 Jul. 2006
Office of Immigration Statistics. "Legal Permanent Resident low by Type and Major Class of Admission: iscal Years 1996 to 2005." U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services Website. 2006. Office of Homeland Security. 24 Jul. 2006

Office of Immigration Statistics. "Legal Permanent Resident low by Region and Country of Birth: iscal Years 1996 to 2005." U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services Website. 2006. Office of Homeland Security. 24 Jul. 2006

Office of Immigration Statistics. "Legal Permanent Resident low by State of Residence: iscal

Years 1996 to 2005." U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services Website. 2006. Office of Homeland Security. 24 Jul. 2006

Office of Immigration Statistics. "Legal Permanent Resident low by Type and Major Class of Admission: iscal Years 1996 to 2005." U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services Website. 2006. Office of Homeland Security. 24 Jul. 2006

Office of Immigration Statistics.…...


Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. "Immigrant Assimilation: Is the U.S. Still a Melting Pot?"

Southwest Economy. 2004. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. 24 Jul. 2006 .

Country Studies. "Immigration." Germany. 2005. Countrystudies. 24 Jul. 2006 .

Immigration a Comparison of Immigration
Pages: 3 Words: 914

This changed in the 1970s and 80s, when many nations closed their borders to immigrants and Italy became popular as a temporary and permanent stop for many immigrants (Caritas 2002).
This created many of the same problems that the United States faces, including a large number of illegal immigrants entering and/or remaining in the country as well as the economic burden of vastly increased numbers of people -- legal and otherwise -- dependent on state services and competing for the available jobs, which are not always plentiful in the country (Caritas 2002; BBC 2009). Current immigration policy consists of regionally-distributed work visas, with permanent immigration to the country far more difficult to achieve (BBC 2009). In fact, the laws regarding illegal immigration have also become much harsher in recent years in response to the growing national threat that the large immigrant numbers are seen to constitute, with Italian citizens facing…...



BBC. (2009). "Italy's immigrants despair at new laws." BBC News. Accessed 15 November 2010. 

Caritas, Z. (2002). "Immigration in Italy." Accessed 15 November 2010. 

Columbia. (2007). "Italy: History." Highbeam Research. Accessed 15 November 2010. 

Spartacus. (2010). "U.S. Immigration." Accessed 15 November 2010.

Immigration Is One of the
Pages: 6 Words: 2059

Yet the power shift on Capitol Hill -- away from the most vocal advocates of erecting more fencing and making illegal entry a felony -- doesn't ensure that Congress will create a new path to citizenship for the approximately 12 million residents with no legal right to be in the United States." (Edsall, 2007) From this point-of-view it is important that the groups involved in the process to be well aware of their possibilities related to the influence over the political circles.
There are several interest groups concerning the issue of immigration. On the one hand, there are the trade unions and on the other hand there is the government. The trade unions argue for the rights of the workers to remain in the country. In this sense, especially immigrants from Mexico have a proper place in the way in which immigration policy is conducted. They organize manifestations, protests, riots,…...


Works Cited

Associated Press. (2008). "Immigration." Polling Report. Accessed 13 May 2008, at 

Barlett, D. & J. Steele. (2004) "Who Left the Door Open?" Time. Accessed 13 May 2008, at,9171,695827-1,00.html 

Edsall, T. (2007) "Immigration - Border Politics." National Journal Magazine. Accessed 13 May 2008, at 

FAIR. (2007) "How Many Illegal Aliens?" Federation for American Immigration Reform. Accessed 13 May 2008, at

Immigration Laws the Immigration Act
Pages: 3 Words: 1081 In the Eastern Hemisphere 170,000 immigrants were allowed in; in the estern Hemisphere 120,000 immigrants were welcomed in, Daniels continues. The law did limit the number of immigrants from "any nation" to 20,000 per year. As for "refugees" the law permitted only 6% of the total number of immigrants to be those considered refugees (Daniels reports that the 6% amounted to about 17,400 visas).
Between 1966 and 2000 about 22.8 million immigrants entered the U.S., and "the bulk" of those twenty-two million were "family members of recent immigrants" (called "chain migration") (Daniels). According to the Center for Immigration Studies the law (technically called "The Hart-Celler Act of 1965") "for the first time" gave a higher priority to "relatives of American citizens and permanent resident aliens than to applicants with special job skills" (

Some of those preferences included: a) unmarried adult sons and daughters of U.S. citizens; b) members of "the…...


Works Cited

Center for Immigration Studies. (1995). Three Decades of Mass Immigration: The Legacy of The 1965 Immigration Act. Retrieved Dec. 17, 2009, from .

Daniels, Roger. (2008). The Immigration Act of 1965: Intended and Unintended Consequences

Of the 20th Century. Retrieved Dec. 16, 2009, from .

History Matters. (2008). Who Was Shut Out?: Immigration Quotas, 1925-1927. Retrieved

Immigration and the Effect on
Pages: 11 Words: 3692

For that reason alone, it is imperative that illegal immigrants entering the United States who are apprehended and found to be infectious receive treatment before deportation. However, this question of the health risks posed by illegal immigration has only served to heighten the tensions in the border communities, and cause Americans to be more cognizant of the ethnicity of the illegal immigrants.
In Review

So far, in review, the key issues Americans have about immigration are: illegal immigrants vs. legal ones; healthcare, because of the illegal immigrant rate of contagious diseases. This is in support of the thesis of the statement here, but socialism, because Americans believe socialism is the theoretical opposite of capitalism; and religion if the religious group is not willing to conform to the American law and tradition of an all encompassing religious society have not yet been discussed with the supporting peer reviewed expertise that is necessary…...


Works Cited

Brooks, James F., ed. Confounding the Color Line: The Indian-Black Experience in North America. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2002. Questia. 7 Apr. 2009

What is a good thesis statement on immigration reform?
Words: 366

Based on an understanding of the facts about immigration in the modern-day United States, this would be a good topic for a thesis statement on immigration reform: Modern immigration rules and laws favor immigrants from some countries over others and place a significant financial burden on prospective immigrants and on those who would sponsor them; removing some of those financial burdens would incentivize legal immigration and therefore reduce the number of people seeking to enter the country as undocumented immigrants, helping resolve the country’s undocumented immigrant problem.

Before trying to write a thesis statement about immigration reform, it....

Choosing one of these wars (the war against Japan during World War II, the Korean War, or the Vietnam War) can you explain how America’s military involvement produced new migration patterns and flows?
Words: 359

One of the more shameful moments in American history was the establishment of internment camps for Japanese-Americans during World War II.  Ostensibly started because the United States was at war with Japan, it is interesting to note that there were no similar internment camps for people of Italian or German descent, despite the fact that Italy and Germany were also part of the Axis powers that fought against the Allies in World War II. 

Prior to World War II, Japanese began immigrating to America for work opportunities.  They initially immigrated to Hawaii, which was annexed by the United....

Writing an essay on impact of immigration on UK Economy and need help?
Words: 378

Most of our example essays dealing on immigration and the economy focus on the United States, so we cannot point you towards a handy on-point example essay that will outline the format and give you a good idea of the type of content you should have.  However, we can still give you a great starting point for an essay about the interaction of immigration and the economy in the UK.  In your essay, you could look at several different factors that impact the economy.  These factors include the number of available workers,....

What is good introduction paragraph for an essay on an immigrant experience to another country?
Words: 388

We would really love to know which country you are writing about, because the immigrant experience varies tremendously depending on both the country of origin and the destination country.  There are other factors that can impact the psychological impact of the immigrant experience as well.  Is a person immigrating with their family or on their own?  Will they be able to have continued contact with their family?  What are the reasons for immigrating?  Is the immigrant escaping trauma, such as in many refugee scenarios, moving for better economic opportunities, or moving for another reason?  All....

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