Illegal Immigrant Essays (Examples)

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Illegal Immigrant Farm Labor in the U S
Pages: 3 Words: 1130

Illegal Immigrant Farm Labor
In the U.S. today, much of the farm labor is done by illegal immigrants. There are several issues to consider with this type of immigration, and there are definite (and strong) opinions on both sides of the issue. While some people have very little problem with these immigrants, others feel as though they should not be allowed to remain in the country under any circumstances. Using illegal immigrants for farm labor is a practice that has gone on for a number of years, and those who use these types of workers state that the reason they do it is due to the fact that U.S. workers will not do the same job for the same price (Beasley, 2006). The farmers would have to raise their rates quite aggressively if they were going to use U.S. workers, because they would likely have to pay them more (Ngai, 2004).…...



Beasley, Vanessa B., ed. (2006). Who Belongs in America?: Presidents, Rhetoric, And Immigration. TX: Texas A&M University Press.

Borjas, G.J. (1994). "The economics of immigration," Journal of Economic Literature, v 32, pp. 1667 -- 717.

Espenshade, Thomas J. (1995). "Unauthorized Immigration to the United States" Annual Review of Sociology, v 21, pp. 195+

Ngai, Mae M. (2004). Impossible Subjects: Illegal Aliens and the Making of Modern America. NY: Princeton University Press.

Illegal Immigrants Towards the Deportation
Pages: 3 Words: 1043

Shielding einforce Crimes

This next argument may have already been cited in the previous paragraph but I wish to put more emphasis, to explore, and to build on this point. By shielding serious crime offenders, they become more confident when committing crimes because they know that they will not be deported. This is the time when more than ever we need tougher rules, not crime-reinforcing actions. Knowing that a threat of deportation awaits criminal offenders, we believe that this would result to lower crimes. Tougher deportation rules end the very pull factors that resulted to illegal immigration. This move can hit two birds with one stone. Firstly, it is expected to reduce crime rates committed by young illegal immigrants and secondly, it helps deal with the problem of illegal immigration by and large.

Shielding: A Misappropriation of Public Funds

We also believe that shielding is a misappropriation of the taxpayer's funds. The probation…...



Saunders, D.J. (2008). Sanctuary policy made city less safe. Retrieved at   C. (2008). SF officials questioned about sanctuary policy. Retrieved at 8, 2009. /cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2008/07/21/EDLT11SJQU.DTLonTyler, (2008). Family suing San Francisco over shield policy. Retrieved from onMarch 8.

Illegal Immigrant and the Healthcare
Pages: 6 Words: 2313

There will be likelihood of lowering costs across the whole of the United States health care system through increasing the risk pool with a population that has proven less likely of utilizing health services, thus lowering the emergency medical care's costs, particularly based on the emergency Medicaid reimbursements, as well as shifting the centre of attention from expensive treatment after progressing of diseases to cheaper preventative and ambulatory care, (Sarita A. Mohanty, et al., 2005). Through extension of coverage, it can as well safe guard the health of the entire populations since there will be timely diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases, hence it will bring a higher health quality throughout the lifetime of illegal immigrants for there will be protection against diseases but not just treating or managing diseases once they crop up.
On the other hand there is argument that there could be a countervailing consideration that might…...



Dana P. Goldman, et al. Immigrants and the Cost of Medical Care, 25 HEALTH AFF. 1700, 1705 (2006). Retrieved July 7, 2012 from 

Kathyrn Pitkin Derose, et al. Immigrants and Health Care: Sources of Vulnerability, 26 HEALTH AFF. 1258, 1260 (2007). Retrieved July 7, 2012 from 

Lawrence O. Gostin, Public health law: power, duty, restraint 415, 2nd Ed. (2008).

Retrieved July 7, 2012 from

Illegal Immigrant Issue Is Age
Pages: 3 Words: 1128

Illegal aliens do not pay taxes but loopholes allow them to get benefits on taxpayers' expense. esides, the Republicans might have started the immigration reform, but it was the House Democrats that allowed a provision in the bill passed in December 2005. House Judiciary Committee Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner tried to pass an amendment that would reduce illegal immigration to a misdemeanor, but although two thirds of the House Republicans sustained him, the amendment was defeated. 191 of the 254 votes against it came from Democrats.
As we speak, sanctuary laws ban police officers from initiating police action where the objective is to discover the alien status of a person" (LAPD Policy, 1979). They may not inform the ICE (formerly INS) about an undocumented immigrant" detained for minor violations. The police may only accost a deportee if the latter has given them another reason except for the immigration felony (such…...



Kiely, Kathy. GOP leaders oppose immigration felony." USA Today, 12 April 2006. 

Mac Donald, Heather. The Illegal-Alien Crime Wave." City Journal, December 2004 

Wimpf, Peter, and Jennifer Wimpf. Major Immigration Issues. Both Sides of Each Hot Button Political Issue." 

US Code Collection. Original Jurisdiction," Title 28, part IV, Chapter 81, 1251

Illegal Immigrant Deportation Issues When an Illegal
Pages: 2 Words: 718

Illegal Immigrant Deportation Issues
hen an illegal immigrant is arrested and imprisoned for a crime committed in the United States, what happens to that immigrant when his time in prison has been served but his home country will not take him back? This paper reviews and critiques that question.

Zadvydas v. Davis

In order to fully expose the legal problem in this case the 2001 U.S. Supreme Court decision, Zadvydas v. Davis needs to be explained. The High Court ruled that Kestutis Zadvydas had served his time but because his home country, Cambodia, has no repatriation treaty with the U.S., Zadvydas he had remained in custody beyond what the legal statute allows. U.S. law allows that once prison time is served there is then a 90 day period after which the immigrant prisoner must be "removed" from incarceration. The High Court ruled that the Constitution is violated when a prisoner is held past…...


Works Cited

Chicago-Kent College of Law. (2009). Zadvydas v. Davis / Facts of the Case. Retrieved October

2, 2012, from .

Fagan, Kevin. (2012). S.F. suspect not along in dogging deportation. San Francisco Chronicle.

Retrieved October 3, 2012, from .

Illegal Immigrants in the United
Pages: 2 Words: 491

Likewise, itle VII's protections extend to all workers in the United States, whether born in the United States or abroad and regardless of citizenship status. itle VII articulates the national policy against national origin discrimination in the workplace, while also preserving an employer's freedom of choice to make sound business decisions (SECION 13: NAIONAL ORIGIN DISCRIMINAION).
By examining the Compliance Manual, it is apparent that it is better not to hire illegal immigrants because they are not American citizens and some of them are harmful to this country. However, they can get by with working in America due to the loop holes in laws. With that, it is recommended that companies use Affirmative Action temporary, which gives illegal immigrants a certain time frame to get their green card without receiving any penalties. It is also recommended if they are not in the legal process of receiving their green card, they…...


Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects workers from employment discrimination based on their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, opposition to practices made unlawful by Title VII, or participation in Title VII proceedings.(2) This Section of the Compliance Manual focuses on the prohibition against national origin discrimination. In enacting this prohibition, Congress recognized that whether an individual's ancestry is Mexican, Ukrainian, Filipino, Arab, American Indian, or any other nationality, he or she is entitled to the same employment opportunities as anyone else. Likewise, Title VII's protections extend to all workers in the United States, whether born in the United States or abroad and regardless of citizenship status. Title VII articulates the national policy against national origin discrimination in the workplace, while also preserving an employer's freedom of choice to make sound business decisions (SECTION 13: NATIONAL ORIGIN DISCRIMINATION).

By examining the Compliance Manual, it is apparent that it is better not to hire illegal immigrants because they are not American citizens and some of them are harmful to this country. However, they can get by with working in America due to the loop holes in laws. With that, it is recommended that companies use Affirmative Action temporary, which gives illegal immigrants a certain time frame to get their green card without receiving any penalties. It is also recommended if they are not in the legal process of receiving their green card, they must be removed from the employment immediately. Along with that, the temporary work permission should be at least sixty days, which the illegal immigrant can give the government to stay in this country without appearing to be a threat for terrorism due to the events of September 11.

Within this memo, it is recommended that illegal immigrants receive a fair shot at employment that fits the policies of the government and company since some do intend to becoming American citizens, which they need and deserve the same treatment as any other until they are informed otherwise.

Illegal Immigrants
Pages: 4 Words: 1412

Illegal immigrants to the United States [...] reasons illegal immigrants come to America, and the political debate which surrounds these immigrants. Illegal immigrants face many hardships when they come to the United States, and their life here is filled with controversy and difficulties.
The reasons people come to live in the United States illegally are many. Some immigrants come to America because they are fleeing persecution and prosecution in their own country. Unfortunately, many of these illegal immigrants continue to commit crimes once they have entered the United States. The cost of these immigrants to the criminal justice system is quite high. In fact,

The State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) is administered by the ureau of Justice Assistance (JA) of the U.S. Department of Justice in cooperation with the INS. SCAAP provides federal funding to states and localities that are incurring costs of incarcerating criminal illegal aliens convicted of state…...



Do Illegal Immigrants Harm America?" Opposing Viewpoints: Illegal Immigration. Galenet. 4 Sept. 2003.

Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)." Federal Agency Profiles for Students. Galenet. 8 Sept. 2003.

Introduction." Opposing Viewpoints: Illegal Immigration. Galenet. 4 Sept. 2003.

The Cost of Immigration." Information Plus: Immigration and Illegal Aliens: Burden or Blessing? Galenet. 4 Sept. 2003.

Illegal Immigrants in the U S
Pages: 6 Words: 2196

So who is an American and what an America can or cannot do are questions which are critical to the issue of legalizing immigrants. Does being an American mean you cannot show allegiance to any other country? The images of people raising and waving Mexican flag had enraged many but it need not have. It should be accepted that people who come from different countries would forever hold in their hearts a deep respect and love for their homeland. However to put the interests of home country ahead of your adopted country or to work in a way that benefits the home country but not the new country would definitely cause serious concern. It would be definitely foolish to direct or guide the behavior of illegal immigrants regarding countries and allegiance, but they should be expected to not work against the interests of their adopted land. That is fair and…...



Johnson, Leahy Colleen. Growing Up and Old In Italian-American Families, page 223, 1985

Michael T. Lempres. "Getting Serious about Illegal Immigration." National Review 46.3 (1994): 52.

Ted Hayes. "Illegal Immigration Threatens U.S. Sovereignty, Economy and Culture." Insight on the News 16.36 (2000): 46.

Michelle Malkin. "Dismissing the Dangers of Illegal Immigration." Insight on the News 18.32 (2002): 46.

Arizona Illegal Immigrant Law a Good Idea
Pages: 5 Words: 1873

Arizona illegal immigrant law a good idea?
The Support Our Police force and Safe Neighbourhood Act (enacted as Arizona Senate Bill 1070 and therefore is associated basically as Arizona SB 1070) is really a legal Act within the U.S. Arizona State. This law is currently the widest and most stringent anti-illegal immigration in recent American history (CNN, 2010). This law has acquired considerable local and also global criticism and it has prompted extensive debate (Nowicki, 2010).

United States federal legislation requires all non-citizens older than 14 who reside in the country for more than thirty days to register with the Federal government. Furthermore, they are required to hold and possess registration papers all the time. The Arizona Act, furthermore, makes it an Arizona misdemeanour offence for a non-citizen to be residing in Arizona without possessing the necessary documents. The law articulates that state police force officers try to determine his/her immigration…...



Archibold, R.C. (2010a). U.S.'s Toughest Immigration Law Is Signed in Arizona. The New York Times: p. 1.

Archibold, R.C. (2010b). Arizona Enacts Stringent Law on Immigration. Accessed February 12, 2012 from 

Archibold, R.C. And Thee-Brenan, M. (2010). Poll Shows Most in U.S. Want Overhaul of Immigration Laws. The New York Times: p. A15. Accessed February 14, 2012 from 

Blanton, D. (2010). Fox News Poll: Arizona Was Right to Take Action on Immigration. Fox News. Accessed February 14, 2012 from

Driver's License to Illegal Immigrants
Pages: 25 Words: 7804

Proponents advanced that both legal and illegal immigration to California was a concrete and hard reality, which neither legislation nor strict controls could blot out. They envisioned a menial, lowly paid workforce, a source of cheap labor, on which the State would depend. They also held that opponents were racially motivated and too harsh towards non-whites who wanted to flee from poverty and despair. On the other hand, those who opposed illegal immigration blamed it for the country's shortage of social services, which illegal immigrants shared with citizens. These opponents argued that providing healthcare and welfare to these illegal immigrants necessarily infringed the law and made illegal behavior acceptable and legitimate. They denied that their support for legislations, such as Proposition 189, was racially motivated (IGS).
More Arguments for and Against the same vigor and frustration characterized the struggle for driver's licenses in Illinois but which failed to get the…...



Adamson, Erik. Temporary Driver's Licenses Sought for Undocumented Immigrants. Topeka Capital-Journal: ProQuest Information and Learning Company, January 6, 2004

Bender, Kristin. Undocumented Immigrants Aim to Jump-Start Licenses Bill. Oakland Tribune: ANG Newspapers, August 10, 2004

Bulkeley, Deborah. Senate OKs Driving Permit for Immigrants. Deseret News (Salt Lake City): Deseret News Publishing Company, February 22, 2005

Counts, Laura. Illegal Immigrants Make Final Push for Driver's Licenses. Oakland Tribune: ANG Newspapers, August 27, 2004

Why Should Children of Illegal Immigrants Be Educated
Pages: 6 Words: 1636

Education for Immigrant Children
The Importance of Education

The Immigrant Issue

The story of America as seen and known today has been built by immigrants. In fact, the motto of America is that it is a nation of immigrants. Yet many camps within today's society either look down on or fight against immigration. This is because illegal immigration from Central and Southern American nations have affected the way in which America works, and not always in a positive way. Though these individuals are not the only illegal immigrants in this country, they make up a very large population and, for this reason, many have found ways in which to attack this group of immigrants. Needless to say, this is a very 'hot' issue, and this is one of the reasons why it must be discussed and analyzed from an objective standpoint. One of the one hand, this paper will provide plenty of background…...


Works Cited

Barnes, E. (2010). Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study Finds. Fox News. Retrieved February 4, 2012, from .

Brennan, J. (1982). Plyler v. Doe. Legal Information Institute. Retrieved February 4, 2012, from .

Griffee, S.L. (2011). Are Children of Illegal Immigrants Entitled to a Public Education? New York Times. Retrieved February 4, 2012, from .

N.A. (2012). Illegal Immigration. U.S. Immigration Support. Retrieved February 4, 2012, from .

Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants the
Pages: 3 Words: 1066

Therefore, the state is daily loosing important revenue that could help improve the financial situation of different Departments such as health care, social services, and even immigration policies. However, without this source of money, the federal budget would be forced to allocate funds from other destinations.
Thirdly, there is also the issue of workers' rights. In this sense, it is a rather well-known fact the idea that illegal workers are often exploited by employers by giving them wages that are below the normal tariffs. However, the inclusion of illegal workers as legal immigrants would grant them the rights each worker in the United States has. More precisely, "in past decades, labor unions often saw immigrant workers as the enemy, accusing them of depressing wages and breaking strikes. ut the executive council of the AFL-CIO adopted a more sympathetic approach, contending that too often U.S. immigration rules have enabled employers to…...



Coalition for the future American worker. An Amnesty by Any Other Name is Still an Amnesty. N.d. 10 March 2008 

Greenhouse, Steven. "Unions Urge Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants Legalized workers would be easier for labor to organize." San Francisco Chronicle. 2000. 10 March 2008 

Isidore, Chris. Skilled worker shortage hurts U.S. Employers would be hiring more if they could just find the skilled workers they need. 2007. 10 March 2008.

New Class of Criminals Prey on Illegal Immigrants
Pages: 2 Words: 622

hile they may be looking to become citizens, they must watch out for individuals from all sides that might be out to get them.
Basalt's Barrio

Not all immigrant experiences are negative. A story in the Aspen Daily News focuses on a small and growing Mexican community in Basalt, Colorado. A mobile home park, it is what the paper refers to as an "epicenter" (Travers) News of the growing Hispanic community. The article interviews Jose, an immigrant with three children. Jose ended up in Basalt because he heard there were many job opportunities there. hile Jose does not have papers, he does pay taxes. He is proud of being a good citizen and the threat of "being deported by Immigration authorities is worth the benefits my family is reaping here" (Travers). Parts of those benefits include a close-knit community.

The community is not without tensions, however. Not long ago, an attempted…...


Works Cited

Travers, Andrew. "Basalt's Barrio." Aspen Daily News Online. Site Accessed August 18, 2008.

Wave of Illegal Immigrants in
Pages: 2 Words: 486

Today, those workers and millions more are being supported by many politicians in the quest to gain legal status and if that legal status is gained the unionization of those workers will be extremely powerful.
Why has the growth of Hispanics' union membership failed even to keep pace with their employment growth (and thereby depressed their union density)? ecent research on Hispanic employment issues suggests that factors like immigration status, duration of U.S. residence, English-language skills, and nationality may be important parts of any explanation (Defreitas, 2003)."

At this time the number of illegal immigrants in America appears to be harming unionization because they cannot come out from the shadows and be heard, however, once reforms are passed and put into effect the unions of this nation will experience a surge of membership and strength that has not been rivaled in the nation's history.

The strength will be gained because the majority…...



Defreitas, Gregory (2003) Unionization among racial and ethnic minorities.

Industrial and Labor Relations Review

Imberman, Woodruff (2004) Immigration reform = unionization.(Power Lunch)

Food Processing

Illegal Immigration Amnesty for Illegal
Pages: 5 Words: 1751

Many peoples' lives, destinies, and hopes for the future, and not only American ones, depend and will depend in the future on this taking place sooner rather than later, and now more than ever before in America's history.
orks Cited

Illegal Immigration." ikipedia. 4 May 2007.>.

Espenshade, Thomas J. "Unauthorized Immigration to the United States" Annual

Review of Sociology. 21 (1995). 195-200.

Flores, illiam V. "New Citizens, New Rights: Undocumented Immigrants and Latino Cultural Citizenship" Latin American Perspectives. 2003. 30(2). 87-" Love Unites Them, La Migra Separates Them." El observador, 30 Nov. 2006. b2579269c3c901ad0ae85bd42dd2920d.html>.

Morgan, Edmund S. The Puritan Dilemma: The Story of John inthrop. New York: Longman 2nd Edition, November 20, 1998.

Snyder, Tanya.,0,460257.story?coll=bal-oped-headlinesTo Slow Immigration from El Salvador, Understand its Causes."

Baltimore Sun, 11 Jan. 2007. oped/bal-op.elsalvador11jan11,0,460257.story?coll=bal-oped-headlines.

Young Migrants Risk All to Reach U.S." ashington Post. 28 Aug 2006.

A http:


Zimmermann, K.F. (Ed.). European Migration: hat Do e Know? New York:

Oxford University Press,…...


Works Cited

Illegal Immigration." Wikipedia. 4 May 2007. >.

Espenshade, Thomas J. "Unauthorized Immigration to the United States" Annual

Review of Sociology. 21 (1995). 195-200.

Flores, William V. "New Citizens, New Rights: Undocumented Immigrants and Latino Cultural Citizenship" Latin American Perspectives. 2003. 30(2). 87-

Can you provide a comprehensive outline detailing the impact of illegal immigration on economies, societies, and national security?
Words: 425

I. Introduction
- Definition of illegal immigration
- Overview of the impact on economies, societies, and national security

II. Impact on Economies
A. Costs of illegal immigration
1. Social services
2. Law enforcement
3. Healthcare
B. Labor market
1. Competition for jobs
2. Depressed wages
C. Taxes
1. Lost revenue
2. Burden on taxpayers

III. Impact on Societies
A. Cultural assimilation
1. Language barriers
2. Segregation
B. Social cohesion
1. Tension between immigrants and native population
2. Impact on social services
C. Crime
1. Gang violence
2. Human trafficking

IV. Impact on National Security
A. Border security
1. Drug trafficking
2. Terrorism
B. National sovereignty
1. Threats to national identity
2. Infiltration of criminal organizations
C. Public health
1. Spread of diseases
2. Lack of proper screening for immigrants

V. Conclusion
- Summary of the....

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