Hypocrisy of Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, has often been accused of racism and double standards. Jefferson paradoxically emphasized the concept of personal liberty but acted contrary to his own writings. In the famous Declaration of Independence, Jefferson advocated for fairness and equality but a bulk of evidence showed that he was in support of slavery and racial discrimination against Blacks. He continued to own slaves and engage in slave trade even after his very own declaration, which was widely thought to have marked the beginning of the Enlightenment Period. Unlike his contemporaries who released (freed) their slaves during the Enlightenment Period, Jefferson held on to his; and literally used his influence to undermine any efforts aimed at ending slave ownership. Jefferson considered Black Americans, whether free or slaves, 'pests' and even pushed for the enactment of a law that would make them outlaws.
A number…...
mlaWorks Cited
Balleck, Barry J. "When the Ends Justify the Means: Thomas Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase." Wiley Blackwell 22.4 (1992): 679-696. Print.
Conlin, Joseph. The American Past, Volume I: To 1877. 9th ed. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning, 2010. Print.
Gordon-Reed, Annette, and Takagi, Midori. Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: An American Controversy. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia, 1999. Print.
Magnis, Nicholas. "Thomas Jefferson and Slavery: an Analysis of His Racial Thinking As Revealed by His Writings and Political Behavior." Sage 29.4 (1999): 491-509. Print.
We see demonstrators using religious slogans to gain political influence, and Supreme Court justices questioned over whether the Ten Commandments should display on government property.
The issue of separating church and state is one of the biggest conflicts in today's society. According to Cherniss (1998): "For all of the secularization and liberalization of society, religion continues to be a driving force in people's beliefs and behavior. In our own times, in our own country, religion has lost none of its inspiring and disruptive power. It has not, as some critics of American society have claimed, receded from the public sphere, scorned by secularists, mourned by the virtuous, and ignored by the majority. It is present everywhere, and both sustains our societies and threatens our liberties."
While religion and the clergy no longer have the same authority as it did a century ago, religious and quasi-religious leaders and communities remain central to…...
Cherniss, Joshua. (Spring, 1998). Tis Time To Part: Renovating the Wall of Separation Between Church & State. The Yale Journal of Ethics.
Burnside, Julian. (2005). Hypocrisy and Human Rights. Spare Rooms For Refugees. Retrieved from the Internet at http://www.spareroomsforrefugees.com/main.htm.
Goldthwaite, John. (December 17, 1996). Rebuttal Rights Memorandum. Fort Drum, New York: Department of the Army.
NIAHD. (November 5, 2005). Hypocrisy in the Declaration of Independence. NIAHD Journals.
Dickens and Hypocrisy
An Analysis of Dickens' Use of Arbitrary and Hypocritical Societies in His orks
Jerome Meckier observes that "David Copperfield's lifestory could have been included among the hymns to self-advancement in Samuel Smiles's Self-Help" (Meckier 537). hile Smiles' work was about the virtue of perseverance, Dickens did more than merely provide a literary backdrop for the sanctimonious espousal of Romantic/Enlightenment era virtue. Dickens used, rather, the arbitrary and hypocritical societies of these eras to underscore the necessity for Christian virtue. A Tale of Two Cities, for example, begins by juxtaposing the idea that his age had created "the best of times" with the fact that his age had also created "the worst of times" (1). Both David Copperfield and Pip, moreover, are certainly born into the worst of circumstances. Their survival in a Victorian England, plagued by arbitrary and hypocritical societal conventions, forms the essence of Dickensian conflict: Dickens analyzes,…...
mlaWorks Cited
Diamond, M. Victorian Sensation. UK: Anthem, 2003. Print.
Dickens, Charles. David Copperfield. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1850. Print.
Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. Boston: Estes and Lauriat, 1884. Print.
Dickens, Charles. A Tale of Two Cities. UK: Chapman and Hall, 1859. Print.
In the Crito, Socrates discusses the differentiation between the injustice of laws and human beings, and his ability to still obey the law despite flawed human action (Rafferty, 2001). "ut, Socrates, obey us, your nurturers, and do not regard children or living or anything else as more important than justice...If you depart now, you will depart having been done injustice not by us laws, but by human beings" (54b-c)
Even though the actions of the men who sentenced him to death were unjust, Socrates realized that the law was still worthy of high regard (Rafferty, 2001). "And even he who has been done injustice, then, must not do injustice in return, as the many suppose, since one must in no way do injustice" (49b). While he may have felt that the court's decision was unjust, he could not take it upon himself to now do injustice for the sake of revenge.
Plato. (1995 ed.) the Last Days of Socrates: Euthyphro/Apology/Crito/Phaedo. Penguin Classics.
Rafferty, Catherine. (October 19, 2001). Socrates in the Apology. Retrieved from the Internet at http://catherine.rafferty.org/index.htm.
Yahoo. (2004). Socrates the Hypocrite. Retrieved from the Internet at http://www.geocities.com/inescapableennui/s8.html.
The Alleged Hypocrisy of Socrates
This program Apple needs to create to drive suppliers including Foxconn into compliance include ensuring workers who are sick have the right to stay out of the factory until they are recovered from their illness. As of today at Foxconn, illness and sick time is often subtracted from the checks of workers (Jorgensen, 1615).
3. Apple needs to require all members of the healthcare professional networks supporting production workers to pass screening and achieve at least a 95% score on all testing. In addition, all training programs completed must show overall an 80% success rate for each factory or production center. If this is not achieved, the supplier must file a corrective action strategy immediately with Apple's CS Department, stating how and when they will bring the score for training effectiveness to 80% or greater. Apple needs to hold suppliers including Foxconn to a series of benchmarks of how well…...
Jorgensen, Barbara. "Apple and Foxconn: Its Complicated." Electronic Engineering Times.1615 (2012): 50-.
Luk, Lorraine. "Apple Partner Foxconn Raises Workers Salaries." Wall Street Journal (Online): n/a. Feb 17, 2012.
Moskowitz, Milton. "The Corporate Responsibility Champs ... And Chumps." Business and Society Review.52 (1985): 4-8. Web.
Ojo, Bolaji. "Foxconn Sizzles on Apple Patronage." Electronic Engineering Times.1586 (2010): 20-. Web.
The dug catels will lose money if maijuana is legalized, thee's no question. Othe entities also stand to make a lot of money if the plant and ug is legalized, and some of these entities could eally put it to good use. As one of the biggest cash cops in the county (the biggest by fa, accoding to some measues), the tax evenues that could potentially be eaned fom the sale of maijuana easily stetch into the billions, while seveal moe billions of taxpaye dollas could be saved evey yea simply by ceasing to aest o posecute maijuana possession cases. Budget shotfalls could be significantly impacted by a move that many see as the only pactical solution anyway.
In the fou decades since Pesident Richad Nixon fied the fist shot in the Wa on Dugs, dug abuse has dastically inceased instead of being educed. The one-hunded million dollas that the Compehensive…...
mlareferences in music, sitcoms, movies, literature and the like. Even though the people of the United States clearly recognize that the War on Drugs generally and the War on Marijuana specifically are misguided efforts at social control that waste valuable tax dollars and other resources while actually funding more violent and significant crimes, the federal government has yet to make any significant adjustment to its practice of drug prosecution and persecution. Even with the economy and the political situations more dire than they've been for generations, money and energy is still being wasted by the bucketful on the fires burning in joints, pipes, and bongs throughout this country regardless. This money could be much better spent elsewhere, and the taxes that would come in could be used to fund any number of stumbling state and federal programs.
It is not wrong to want a populous that is free of unhealthy drug dependencies and that does not suffer social or economic blight from drug abuse. The War on Drugs and its focus on marijuana, however, does nothing to combat these issues, and may even exacerbate them. It is time to legalize marijuana so that it can be regulated and utilized responsibly be free adults.
Edwards' "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" set the tone for the kind of religious liberty that the Protestants/Puritans sought in America: all for them, none for the Catholics or the Native Americans. It was the same hypocritical sense of liberty that dominated Enlightenment thought and the Founders of America: liberty was for them -- the wealthy elitist land owners -- not for the slaves they held. Thus, one sees in both the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening a myopic vision of life, which starts at stops at the end of the "great thinkers'" noses.
This is not to say they didn't value liberty more or less in the limited capacity that they idealized it. They wanted liberty for themselves -- some from sin (many of the Enlightenment thinkers disavowed the very concept of God that those of the Great Awakening upheld), some from government (the American and French…...
Jonathan Edwards, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God:
Immanuel Kant, What is Enlightenment:
Most fundamentally, virtually everything associated with Hip-Hop culture as it pertains to males relates to the portrayal of masculinity and a high degree of self-esteem, a positive self-image, and to being a powerful person on every level. This is portrayed in numerous specific ways, including the lyrics of songs, the adoption of certain physical mannerisms, manner of dress, and to inferences of social and physical dominance of men, particularly toward women (Price, 2006).
In many respects, these images completely contradict reality. For example, Hip-Hop artists have frequently appeared on prominent cable television programs profiling their success through guided tours of multi-million-dollar mansions and expansive estates complete with several brand new Lamborghinis, Ferraris, olls oyce, and Bentleys in their driveways. Aside from the social irresponsibility of promoting ostentatious displays of luxury to impressionable youth, in many cases, the portrayals are themselves largely phony (Price, 2006).
That is simply because much more often…...
Alim, a.S.; Ibrahim, a.; and Pennycook, a. (2008). Global Linguistic Flows: Hip Hop
Cultures, Youth Identities, and the Politics of Language. New York: Routledge.
Price, E.G. (2006). Hip Hop Culture. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Watkins, S.C. (2006). Hip Hop Matters: Politics, Pop Culture, and the Struggle for the Soul of a Movement. Boston MA: Beacon.
Literary AnalysisMargaret opens the play by Baldwin by introducing the reader or audience to one of the themes of the play, which is what it means to be holy. Margaret is preaching to the congregation that when the world needs saving the world turns to the holy. She preaches that if they want to save the world, they have to be holy and that the holy keep themselves separate from the world. This idea is at the core of who Margaret is, for she left her worldly husband after her daughter died and she could not handle the grief. She blamed her husbands worldliness and determined to be holy and to have her own church and to raise her son up in an environment different from that of his fathers.Margaret is the protagonist of the play, but she is also the antagonist, because she is opposed to herself without even…...
mlaWorks CitedBaldwin, James. The Amen Corner. Samuel French, Inc., 1989.
On its own, Matthew 23 offers rich opportunities for an expository sermon or homily. Biblical commentaries enhance the original text and offer new angles and fresh ways of approaching the material. All commentaries on Matthew 23 will offer some fruitful information that can be incorporated into a sermon or bible study. Depending on the angle the preacher or theologian wishes to take, a commentary should focus on one or more elements contained in scripture, also taking into account historical and cultural contexts.
Harrington (1991), Pilch (1995), Senior (1998), and Witherington (2006) each offer unique perspectives on Matthew 23. Of these, the most thorough and enriching seems to be Donald Senior’s, because the author includes correspondences and also places Matthew 23 within the context of prophetic wisdom. Harrington (1991) also describes the passages clearly and in great detail, allowing for a greater understanding of the role of the Pharisees, and why Jesus…...
After establishing that it is conceded that African-Americans are humans, Douglass moves on to the proposition that he should not be called upon to prove that humans are entitled to liberty. He points out that Americans have already declared that man is entitled to liberty and freedom. He points out that all men resist slavery and feel it is wrong for another person to claim ownership of them. He also points out the brutal side of slavery, and argues that no person could argue that those things were somehow right including: beatings, lashings, shackling, hunting them with dogs, split out families, knocking out their teeth, selling them at auction, and starvation. He believes that it is ridiculous to expect him to argue that a system that includes all of these horrors is wrong.
Douglass' also tackles the common argument during the time that slavery was a divinely ordained condition or institution.…...
Douglass, F. (1852, July 4). The Hypocrisy of American Slavery. Retrieved February 13, 2012
from the History Place website: http://www.historyplace.com/speeches/douglass.htm
Douglass asks, "Must I undertake to prove that the slave is a man? That point is conceded already. Nobody doubts it" (Douglass, 1852). However, this statement was simply not true; the humanity of blacks was a seriously debated point at that period of time. He repeats this phrase in two more phrases, "For the present it is enough to affirm the equal manhood of the Negro race" and "the manhood of the slave is conceded" (Douglass, 1852). Furthermore, he provides a significant amount of evidence that supports his proposition, but those statements only highlight his circular argument, because he always begins not with the proposition that a slave is human, but with the proposition that nobody doubts that slaves are human.
The third fallacy that Douglass employs is the appeal to belief. "Appeal to Belief is a fallacy that has this general pattern: Most people believe that a claim, X,…...
Douglass, F. (1852, July 4). The Hypocrisy of American Slavery. Retrieved February 20, 2012
from the History Place website: http://www.historyplace.com/speeches/douglass.htm
The Nizkor Project. (2011). Description of ad hominem. Retrieved February 20, 2012 from http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/ad-hominem.html
The Nizkor Project. (2011). Description of appeal to belief. Retrieved February 20, 2012 from online
Scarlet and Black by Stendhal is, on the surface a love story. It is, however, raised to the status of a classic by virtue of the author's talent in providing the reader with sharp insights into the multifaceted aspects of his characters and thereby human nature, and secondly the manner in which the political and social conditions of France are used during the period in which the novel is set.
It is the very nature of Stendhal's highlighting of the multifaceted aspects of his characters' personalities that results in hypocrisy being such a strong central theme in Scarlet and Black. This is probably why that many critics have interpreted the title itself as an indication of the two sides of the hero's character - scarlet for passion and black for evil, or, at least, manipulative and scheming.
Julien Sorel, the novel's central protagonist, is born in rather humble circumstances as a carpenter's…...
Pre-teens will inevitably get into trouble but understanding and non-judgmental adults can minimize tis trouble by frequently catting wit teir preteen about life, about teir problems in scool, and about wat may be botering tem (O'Donnle, About.com ).
Te University of Alabama Parenting Assistance line (PAL) recommends practicing te 3 W's namely knowing at all times "were your cildren are, know wat tey are doing, and wo tey are wit! "
All cildren -- as do all people -- like and need structure and need consequences for violating and adering to structure. Pre-teens and teens are no different. Pre-teens sould be given a clear set of rules as well as consequences for violating tose rules. Pre-Teens, in fact, may be involved in creating tese rules. Tey are more likely to follow tem if tey are involved.
Effective rules need clear limits and clearly communicating tese limits. Adults sould specify details of more…...
Menzer, T. (February 28, 2012 )10-year-old girl dies after school fight . Security Info Watch. http://www.securityinfowatch.com/news/10634634/10-year-old-girl-dies-after-school-fight
O'Donnle, J. Preteens - a Parent's Guide to Understanding Preteens. About.com http://tweenparenting.about.com/od/tweenculture/tp/Parenting-Preteens.htm
Francois Truffaut's film Les quatre cents coups (The 400 Blows) details the life of a boy frustrated by authoritarian teachers and insensitive parents. The film traces Antoine's development and maturation, as he channels his frustration increasingly into his writing. The semi-autobiographical picture offers a wealth of insight into the changing roles of children in modern society.
The opening scene reveals the structural issues in intergenerational conflict. Antoine did nothing wrong, and was one of many boys passing around the pinup picture. He was singled out, leading him to internalize a sense that authority figures target him unfairly. Moreover, the filmmaker establishes the structural problems in the adult-child and parent-child relationship. In a paternalistic society, children are not offered respect. Without respect, they struggle to develop self-respect and self-awareness. Adults are not communicative with children. The problems that Antoine has at school are mirrors of the problems he has at home. Had…...
Dueling Protagonists: Exploring the Roles of Napoleon and Snowball in Animal Farm
Generally, the protagonist of a story is its main character and the center of the action. Many people think of protagonists as the heroes of the story, but that is not always the case. Villains can also be the protagonist of stories, and it is common for the protagonists of the story to view themselves very differently from how the story’s other characters would view them. In Animal Farm, it is difficult to identify a single protagonist because both Snowball and Napoleon play a protagonist....
That sounds like an interesting essay, because Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” is so-often held up as the prime example of satire. Would be a fascinating read, especially if you are arguing that “Huck Finn” offers a more effective use of satire. Here are a few ideas for essay titles.
Outline for Essay on Jane Austen
I. Introduction
A. Jane Austen's life and background
B. Overview of her literary career
C. Thesis statement: Jane Austen's novels explore the complexities of human relationships and social norms in Regency England.
II. The Social Landscape of Austen's Novels
A. Marriage and societal expectations
1. The importance of financial security and propriety
2. The role of women in society
B. The rigidity of social class
1. The contrast between the landed gentry and the middle class
2. The challenges faced by those who defy social conventions
III. The Role of Love and Marriage in Austen's Works
Title 1:
The Pernicious Legacy of "Separate but Equal": Plessy v. Ferguson and the Entrenchment of Racial Inequality
Title 2:
The Supreme Court's Abdication of Justice: Plessy v. Ferguson and the Enshrinement of Jim Crow
Title 3:
The Racial Divide Codified: The Enduring Impact of Plessy v. Ferguson on American Society
Title 4:
The Whitewashing of Inequality: Plessy v. Ferguson and the Legalization of Racial Segregation
Title 5:
Separate but Not Equal: The Hypocrisy of Plessy v. Ferguson and its Devastating Consequences
Title 6:
The Sordid Tale of Plessy v. Ferguson: How the Supreme Court Betrayed the Constitution and Uphold Racial Apartheid
Title 7:
The Injustice....
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