Hybrid Cars Essays (Examples)

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Hybrid Cars
Pages: 6 Words: 1941

Hybrid Cars
From an individualistic perspective, hybrid cars may not make a great difference for consumers wishing to buy them to save money on gas. However, collectively hybrid cars can help reduce environmental problems. Government must take steps to incentivize the buying of hybrid cars to make them 'worth it' to consumers.

hat are hybrid cars?

Hybrid cars are called 'hybrids' because they contain two engines. A hybrid car "features a small fuel-efficient gas engine combined with an electric motor that assists the engine when accelerating. The electric motor is powered by batteries that recharge automatically while you drive" ("Hybrid cars," Earth Easy, 2012). The reason that hybrids use two engine models is that they are designed to balance both the strengths and the weaknesses of gas and electric motors. Electric motors turn off completely and do not waste energy during idle time. They also burn less gas at lower speeds than standard…...


Works Cited

"2012 hybrid cars: Has interest really declined?" Hybrid Cars. 18 Jan 2012. [19 May 2012]


Dunn, P. "Hybrid cars: Pros and cons." Phys.org. 2006. [19 May 2012]


Hybrid Cars -- Persuasive Speech What Do
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Hybrid Cars -- Persuasive Speech
What do you think of living in a planet that has little pollution? How about the idea of passing on a green planet to your kids and grand kids? Sounds impossible? Well, its not if each of us start making a small contribution towards reducing the emission of green house gases to make our planet a safer and greener place to live.

One of the ways to make our planet more liveable is to use a hybrid car over a regular one and today, we will focus on the benefits of using such a car that runs on alternate forms of energy like electric and ethanol. Its efficiency has encouraged many organizations to adopt it and also has given way to more research in this field.

Hybrid cars are great for the environment and the people

Hybrid cars can lower Carbon Dioxide and the resultant transport emissions without limiting…...


4. Light-weight high pressure accumulators are expected to increase mileage and reduce emissions (No Author, 2010).


Hybrid cars are the environment's best friend because they reduce carbon dioxide emissions - one of the main contributors for environmental pollution and the resulting climate change. When the emissions are reduced, the personal use will increase thereby leading to a higher quality of life (Graham-Rowe, Gardner, Abraham, Skippon, Dittmar, Hutchins & Stannard, Jan 2012). Another advantage with the use of hybrid cars is the increased mileage that comes with it. According to Lamb (2010), the U.S. cars are expected to reach 60 mpg by 2035. This is quantum leap from where we are today and is likely to reduce the use of electric and other fuels as well. The benefits of these hybrid cars are spreading to other countries other than the U.S. And these countries are looking to understand how much their carbon dioxide emissions

Hybrid Cars the Marketing Strategy
Pages: 8 Words: 2794

16) Broader estimates, including all companies are more conservative, yet it is clear that the target market potential is exponential, and marketing will likely broaden its scope to other target markets in the near future.
Possible risks to the industry are limited by quality and potential market saturation, when demand levels off with supply, as it will likely in the near future. As has been stated previously, it seems the shakier the economy seems the more likely people are to invest in hybrid technology to offset other costs. Though it is clear that like all other durable goods, when people are satisfied, except for the exclusion of those who out of hand buy a new car every 3 years, they will likely retain their vehicle longer and therefore not seek another purchase once their immediate needs have been met. The overall industry has answered this call by marketing quality and…...



Bartell, M.A. (2007) "Hybrid vs. Gas: Comparison of Costs and Benefits" Carseek.com Retrieved September 13, 2007 at  http://www.carseek.com/articles/hybrid-vs.-gas.html 

Carr-Ruffino, N., & Acheson, J. (2007, July/August). The Hybrid Phenomenon: High Gas Prices and Shifting Consumer Sentiment Point to Bright Prospects for Hybrid Cars. The Futurist, 41, 16.

Automobile. (2004). In the Columbia Encyclopedia (6th ed.). New York: Columbia University Press.

Dooley, E.E. (2005). The 2005 North American International Auto Show in Detroit Saw the Introduction of a Number of Highly Efficient Cars, Including Several New Gas-Electric Hybrid Models. Environmental Health Perspectives, 113(4), 233.

Hybrid Cars Foreign Market Analysis
Pages: 5 Words: 1716

orks Cited

Europe's hybrid and electric passenger vehicles. (2009, July 27). The Auto Channel.

Retrieved August 5, 2009 at http://www.theautochannel.com/news/2009/07/28/472014.html

Honda's cumulative world-wide hybrid sales pass 300,000 in January 2009. (2009, February 19).

Green Car Congress. Retrieved August 5, 2009 at http://www.greencarcongress.com/2009/02/hondas-cumulati.html

Kanter, James. (2009, March 26) Coke Tests a Hybrid Truck in Europe. Retrieved August 5,

2009 at http://greeninc.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/03/26/coke-tests-a-hybrid-truck-in-europe/

McCurry, Justin. (2009, July 19). Toyota picks UK to make new Auris hybrid car.

The Guardian. Retrieved August 5, 2009 at http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2009/jul/17/toyota-hybrid-car-lord-mandelson

Plug-in hybrid vehicles. (2009). Toyota. Retrieved August 5, 2009 at http://www.toyota.eu/green_technologies/Pages/Plugin_hybrid_vehicles.aspx

Smart, Richard. (2009, August 5). Battle for green car market begins. Xinhyanet.com. Retrieved August 4, 2009 at http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009-08/05/content_11831298.htm

New study: Hybrid cars on the rise, especially in Europe. (2008, November 17). Hybrid cars.

Retrieved August 5, 2009 at http://www.hybridcars.com/news/new-study-hybrid-cars-rise-especially-europe-25267.html

Toyota leases 150 plug-in vehicles in Europe and Obama plugs his Ford hybrid. (2009, June 19).

N Autos. Retrieved August 5, 2009 at http://blog.marketplace.nwsource.com/nwautos/2009/06/toyota_leases_150_plug-in_vehicles_in_europe_and_obama_plugs_his_ford_hybrid.html

illborn, Stella. (2009). Green transport: hype over the hybrid…...


Works Cited

Europe's hybrid and electric passenger vehicles. (2009, July 27). The Auto Channel.

Retrieved August 5, 2009 at  http://www.theautochannel.com/news/2009/07/28/472014.html 

Honda's cumulative world-wide hybrid sales pass 300,000 in January 2009. (2009, February 19).

Green Car Congress. Retrieved August 5, 2009 at  http://www.greencarcongress.com/2009/02/hondas-cumulati.html

Electronic Hybrid Cars vs Gas Pcs
Pages: 9 Words: 2618

Literature that is associated with actual vehicles is often provided by designers and manufacturers of such vehicles as they attempt to sell their significant economic outlay to consumers. The footage in the film, ho Killed the Electric Car? showing individuals using such technology and even president George . Bush attempting, though rather stiltedly, to fill the tank of an alternative fuel vehicle are examples of marketing. It is difficult to actually find documented research on alternative fuel cars, that is conducted by non-vested research parties.

Current technology briefs with regard to the most efficient combustion engines stress their new and improving efficiency over previous models. Yet, these are still combustion engines and they still directly burn fuel.

A lean-burn engines will undoubtedly allow major improvements in efficiency. Leanburn engines are those that operate at high air-to-fuel ratios. The gasoline direct-injection engine (GDI), is an example.... ith its higher ratio of air to…...


Works Cited

Cudahy, Brian J. Cash, Tokens, and Transfers: A History of Urban Mass Transit in North America. New York: Fordham University Press, 1990.

Eaves, Hannah "All About EV: A conversation with the makers of Who Killed the Electric Car?" June 27, 2006 at  http://www.grist.org/advice/books/2006/06/27/eaves/ 

Motavalli, Jim. "The Ties That Blind: Big Oil Goes Hunting for Electric Cars in California." E. Mar.-Apr. 1997: 36.

Paige, Sean. "Alternative-Fuel Effort Left Running on Fumes at DOE." Insight on the News 10 June 2002: 8.

Hybrid Car
Pages: 2 Words: 613

Bias Critique
Thackery, John. "ybrid autos REV up: but will SUV-addicted buyers opt for an environmentally friendly car that saves on gas but commands a premium price?" Electronic Business: Automotive Electronics. Oct 2002 v28 i10 pp. 64(5)

Even before reading the article, "ybrid autos REV up" an informed consumer of the media should know that quite often automobile and electronics magazines are highly favorable of the industries they chronicle. The industry is essentially their 'bread and butter' of such magazines -- i.e. without cars, fancy car gadgets, and car aficiandos, there would be no audiences for such segmented magazines. The credentials of John Thackery, the article's author, are not immediately obvious, but the article's title "ybrid autos REV up: but will SUV-addicted buyers opt for an environmentally friendly car that saves on gas but commands a premium price?" suggests a highly positive slant is being given to the vehicles, for in…...


However, the article does provide credible statistical evidence to suggest the car's popularity, noting "Toyota has sold a total of 100,000 of all types of HEVs worldwide in the last five years and boasts that it will crank out 300,000 HEVs annually by 2005, as more car buyers show a preference for lower emissions and better mileage." As further testimony to the likely future popularity of the cars it also notes as well that in addition to Toyota, Honda and Nissan have also begun to offer hybrid cars. Other automotive manufacturers plan to introduce electric cars in the next few years, including Ford, General Motors and Daimler Chrysler. All of these manufactures, incidentally, have linked advertisements to this article on the World Wide Web.

The intended audience of this article, however, is clearly more interested in the car's purported power than environmental impact. Although the article does quote a director of alternative power technologies at J.D. Power & Associates, Westlake Village, who notes "the total HEV industry could be as large as one-half-million units by 2007," instead the author is more keen to emphasizes that forward-thinking car makers are "building a new breed of HEVs with smaller sticker premiums and more modest emission-reduction and mileage-enhancement targets." Thackery gently mocks the Toyota Prius, for example, stating that the car "sells on its appeal as a statement of the driver's environmental piety," but the more revved up HEVs, of the future, which are incidentally are more likely to be made by American car manufacturers, "are more attuned to market realities in a country where gas guzzling is an accepted addiction. 'If you do the math, you can see that we can actually save significantly more fuel converting a 20-mpg vehicle into a hybrid than a 30-mpg vehicle, especially if it's a vehicle that sells in high volumes, not a niche vehicle,'" one GM executive is quoted as saying, in defense of GM's future, more modest emissions standards for its electronic vehicles, in contrast to the Toyota Prius.

Thus, the article overall presents solid and credible information about how hybrid cars work, and their burgeoning popularity. But this American car and electronic niche magazine, aimed at car and gadget aficionados rather than the average cost-conscious middle class American car consumer may be too quick to sneer at the petite and cost-conscious hybrids such as the Prius, and too quick to endorse the more mildly conservationist and conserving 'mild-HEVs' that American manufactures plan to make in the future. Although its information its solid, its tone must be regarded with a pinch of proverbial (electrically charged) salt.

Transportation Hybrid Car Engines How
Pages: 2 Words: 710

That means the car does not have to be recharged after going only short distances. The electric motor can also help recharge the batteries if necessary. The gasoline engine recharges the bank of batteries, and the car just keeps going. Most hybrids can get between 55 and 60 mpg on the highway, although some owners do report less.
Most of the cars also use a generator that actually produces the electric power that drives the electric motor, and most use conventional transmissions, although the Toyota Prius uses a new, radically different transmission. The cars also combine a gasoline gas tank with a bank of batteries to power both engines. This is called a "parallel hybrid." Another type of hybrid engine, the "series hybrid" uses the gasoline engine to power a generator that creates the power for the electric engine or can recharge the batteries (Nice).

There's another advantage to hybrid engines…...



Bamber, Taylor. "All about the Hybrid Car." Searchwarp.com. 2005. 30 Sept. 2005. http://searchwarp.com/swa14037.htm

Brotman, Steve. "Hybrid Cars." University of Florida. 2005. 30 Sept. 2005.  http://plaza.ufl.edu/triplest/ 

Nice, Karim. "How Hybrid Cars Work." HowStuffWorks.com. 2005. 30 Sept. 2005.  http://www.howstuffworks.com/hybrid-car.htm

Hybrid Vehicles Although Pricier Than
Pages: 2 Words: 720

Fuel consumption advantage is an important consideration in an age where fuel prices are skyrocketing, as well as in the current political climate. The hybrid car therefore provides the driver not only with the advantage of power when needed, but also with the vitally important fuel consumption advantage that is so prominent in electric cars.
Another advantage of hybrid cars is maintenance. The fact that two different power sources are used on an as-needed basis reduces the wear and tear on both the motors. This results in lower maintenance time and costs. Another element of lower maintenance is the brakes. Regenerative braking is the result of both the electric motor and the regular brakes combining to slow down the car. The ultimate result is less wear on the brakes. The brakes are also connected to the batteries, which mean that they charge while slowing down the car. The tires are…...



Dunn, Philip. Hybrid Cars - Pros and Cons. PhysOrg.com, 2006. http://www.physorg.com/news10031.html

Eggert, Mike. Hybrid Cars: An Introduction. 2007.  http://www.nicedeals.co.uk/blog/hybrid-cars/hybrid-cars-an-introduction/ 

Koster, James. What are the advantages of hybrid cars? Solar Energy News, 2006. http://www.solarenergynews.info/hybridcars/hybrid-advantages.htm

Comparison of Efficiency and Cost Hybrid vs Gas-Powered Cars
Pages: 5 Words: 1728

Hybrid vs. Gas Powered Cars
Currently, global warming and a shrinking natural resource base are two of the greatest headaches for governments and regulators alike the world over. The price of gas in the U.S., for instance, almost doubled over the last decade, from $1.86 in 2004 to $3.62 on average in the first half of 2014; and given that more than half of the country's oil consumption is taken up by motor vehicles, one question looms -- what will the situation on our roads be like when our oil reserves can no longer sustain our consumption needs? Then there is the even greater problem of greenhouse emissions and global warming. The transport sector accounts for approximately 17%-18% of total CO2 emission globally, and automakers have been under intense pressure to roll out emission-free automobiles, and thereby reduce the damage resulting from the Greenhouse effect. More and more regulators are putting…...



IIHS. (2014). Hybrid Models have Lower Injury Odds than their Conventional Counterparts. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Retrieved 5 November 2014 from  http://www.iihs.org/iihs/news/desktopnews/hybrid-models-have-lower-injury-odds-than-their-conventional-counterparts 

Markel, T. & Simpson, A. (2006). Cost-Benefit Analysis of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Technology. WEVA Journal, 1(1), 1-8.

Pavan, R.S. (2013). A Review on Hybrid Vehicles. International Journal of Research and Engineering and Technology, 2(5), 59-64.

Reddy, S.S. & Tharun, K.S. (2013). Eco-Friendly Vehicle: Hybrid Electric Vehicle. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 4(4), 957-960.

Promoting Fuel Efficient Cars Establishing Green Spaces
Pages: 3 Words: 889

promoting fuel efficient cars, establishing green spaces or forestry, random emission testing, and encouraging alternative transportation, walking, and bicycle use. The total cost is $15.5 M.
Fuel efficient cars

Fuel efficient cars not only reduces pollution but I chose it due to the fact that it is also a good option given today's rising gas prices.

Fuel efficient cars come in 2 categories -- electric and water. What this means is that these cars substitute gas -- which pollutes the atmosphere -- with either electricity or water or hydroxyl.

Hybrid cars are healthier for the environment since they combine gas and water (or electricity) producing lower emissions. They also reduce dependence on fossil fuel which is the main source of fuel today.(Future-Method.com)

The trade-offs of fuel efficient cars are first and foremost price. That, however, can be overcome by compelling distributors to lower the price by making it a more common commodity.

Nonetheless, other disadvantages…...



Future-Method. Fuel Efficient Hybrid Cars -- Initiatives to Reduce Pollution. http://www.futuremethod.org/418/fuel-efficient-hybrid-cars-initiatives-to-reduce-pollution

The benefits of alternative transportation  http://www.scdhec.gov/administration/library/CR-007047.pdf 

Supnithadnaporn, (2007), Do Vehicles Passing Emission Test Pollute Less-Georgia Institute of Technology  http://www.spp.gatech.edu/faculty/WOPRpapers/AnupitWOPRFinal.pdf

Electronic Hybrid and Patrol Engines Electronic Hybrid
Pages: 5 Words: 1699

Electronic Hybrid and Patrol Engines

The first auto engine was invented in 1886 by Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler. Tracing the history of the origin and development of engines, we see that the crucial role in the creation of the car engine played a gasoline internal combustion engine, which remains to this day, a source of power to the vast majority of engines. Analysis of the ways of development of automobile engines is not only interesting from a historical point-of-view but it is a striking illustration of a very productive and relatively rapid improvement of internal combustion engines with respect to those requirements of road transport. Very often, it takes years, even decades, before a more perfect principle or the most rational design application in production. The design of automobile engines, their creation, improvement and mass production for a wide variety of operating conditions, carried out over…...



Choi, H & O. Inha, (2010)."Analysis of product efficiency of hybrid vehicles and promotion policies, "Energy Policy, Elsevier, vol. 38(5), pp 2262-2271.

Michi, N, (2009)."Hybrid or Electric Vehicles? A Real Options Perspective," Discussion Papers in Economics and Business, pp 09-31,Osaka University, Graduate School of Economics and Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP)

Moyer, M (2009), 'Internal-Combustion Engine. (Cover Story), Scientific American, 301, 3, p. 97.

Wolf-Peter, S. (2010)."Electric Vehicles: Charging into the Future," Weekly Report, DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research, vol. 6(27), pp 207-214.

Lotus Rental Car's CFO Feasibility Adding Alternative
Pages: 8 Words: 2748

Lotus ental Car's CFO feasibility adding alternative fuel vehicles fleet
The problem of switching to a more fuel efficient car, especially ones that are considered non-polluting will arise for all tourist and individual car owners. The reason is the rising cost of fossil fuels and the actions of environmentalists and other powers that try and curb the use of fossil fuels and cars in many places. While the operators have some more breathing time, it can be predicted that in the near future there will be a forced shift to hybrid cars, electric vehicles and non-fuel-based vehicles in all sectors of the world. The automotive industry is itself gearing up for the change. One factor that has made the automobile producers take to producing hybrid vehicles and electric and other fuel vehicles is primarily the costs of fuel as is obtained now. The rising cost in fuel has made automobile…...



Baker, Linda. (2006) "The Service Economy: Car Sharing Is the New Consumer Model." E

Magazine, vol. 17, no. 2, pp: 16-18.

Becker, Helmut. (2006) "High noon in the automotive industry"


Future Car Trends Is Demonstrating
Pages: 5 Words: 1255

Use of electricity a d heat production is to systemize this process (.Nurettin Demirdoven, 13 Aug. 2004)
In contract Hybrid and fuel vehicles are efficient plus its engine is conventional with internal combustion. Fuel vehicles which consume hydrogen from fossil fuels dose not offer efficient energy with an advantage to operate an urban drive cycle used by hybrid vehicles. However, priority is mostly given to hybrid vehicles by government and various industries. In Addition, One of a famous company, Honda has released its Honda hybrid car in 2007 namely Honda Civic Compact Sedan. This car is made on the basis of new technology for saving gas. This car generally operates with three features including battery pack, gas powered engine and an electric motor to save its energy. There is also a full hybrid car which consists of the same major features mentioned above. Honda's hybrid car can easily be powered…...

Ferrari Create Premium Eco-Car Ferrari
Pages: 4 Words: 1517

emotional positioning stategies. Maketing Intelligence & Planning, 23(1), 9-29.
Philip Kotle, & David Getne. (2002). County as band, poduct, and beyond: A place maketing and band management pespective. Jounal of Band Management, 9(4/5), 249-261.

Matin, Bidget, & Simintias, Antonis C. (1995). The impact of geen poduct lines on the envionment: Does what they know affect how they feel? Maketing Intelligence & Planning, 13(4), 16.

Keith Naughton. (2007, Octobe). An Electic Deam: THE $98,000 Tesla Roadste aims to be the ultimate geen ca. Will it succeed?. Newsweek, 150(18), E6.

Jason D. Olive, & Seung-Hee Lee. (2010). Hybid ca puchase intentions: a coss-cultual analysis. The Jounal of Consume Maketing, 27(2), 96-103.

Potheo, A., McDonagh, P., & Dobscha, S.. (2010). Is Geen the New Black? Reflections on a Geen Commodity Discouse. Jounal of Macomaketing, 30(2), 147.

Sangkapichai, M., & Saphoes, J.. (2009). Why ae Califonians inteested in hybid cas? Jounal of Envionmental Planning and Management, 52(1), 79.

John Voelcke.…...


references. Public Finance Review, 38(1), 120.

Jack Ewing. (2008, October). Greener Luxury Cars, and Not Just Hybrids. Business Week (Online)

Furlow, N.. (2010). Greenwashing in the New Millennium. The Journal of Applied Business and Economics: Special Issue, 10(6), 22-25.

Patrick Hartmann, Vanessa Apoalaza Ibanez, & F. Javier Forcada Sainz. (2005). Green branding effects on attitude: functional vs. emotional positioning strategies. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 23(1), 9-29.

Philip Kotler, & David Gertner. (2002). Country as brand, product, and beyond: A place marketing and brand management perspective. Journal of Brand Management, 9(4/5), 249-261.

Launching a Car Rental Company at OKC Airport
Pages: 8 Words: 2037

New Car Rental Property Proposal
Despite the proliferation of ride-sharing services such as Lyft and Uber, the rental car industry continues to thrive, with average fleet sizes and revenues experiencing significant increases since 2015 (2016 U.S. car rental market, 2017). One market location that is well positioned for a new non-franchise car rental enterprise is Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (OKC) which hosts a world-class international airport, the Will Rogers World Airport, located just 6 miles from the city's downtown. This paper provides an overview of the U.S. car rental market and a description of the basic business model that will be used by the new car rental enterprise which will be known as Stardust Car Rentals. In addition, a description of four performance measures, data collection methods and how the data will be used is followed by an outline and analysis of two cost-benefit decisions that will have to be considered. A…...

What new sustainable practices are being implemented in the tourism industry to reduce its environmental impact?
Words: 652

Sustainable Tourism Practices: Minimizing Environmental Impact

The tourism industry, a significant economic driver worldwide, has been recognized for its potential environmental impact. To address this concern, the industry is embracing innovative sustainable practices to reduce its carbon footprint and preserve natural resources. Here are some key strategies being implemented:

1. Carbon Offsetting and Reduction:

Tourism activities contribute to carbon emissions through transportation, accommodation, and other services. To mitigate this impact, businesses are partnering with carbon offset programs, investing in renewable energy sources, and implementing energy-efficient measures. Carbon offsetting involves purchasing credits that support projects that reduce or remove greenhouse gas emissions elsewhere.

2. Sustainable....

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