Hurricanes Essays (Examples)

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Hurricane Hugo the Hurricane Season in the
Pages: 4 Words: 1208

Hurricane Hugo
The hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean begins runs from June to November, with the majority of activity coming in the middle of that season. Hurricanes typically begin life as low pressure systems over the ocean that, facing no obstacles (land), can gain in power such that their windspeeds increase to very high levels. When these hit land, they cause immense damage. Storms bring with them rain and waves, but are classified by their windspeeds. In the Atlantic, storms are categorized using the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. The first level of storm is a tropical depression, with speeds in excess of 38 mph. Once a storm becomes a tropical storm, it is named, and then once it becomes a hurricane it goes through five more categories. The highest, five, is a severely destructive storm if it makes landfall. Weaker hurricanes are destructive in the Caribbean and Central America, where…...



Masters, J. (no date). Remembering Hurricane Hugo. Weather Underground. In possession of the author.

Parker, L. & Booth, W. (1989). Hurricane Hugo rips through South Carolina. Washington Post. Retrieved November 4, 2013 from 

Washington, W. (2009). How SC would react to Hugo now. The State Retrieved November 4, 2013 from

Hurricane Sandy Issues and Arguments
Pages: 4 Words: 1321

So that is one step we can take. Here is a different one.

Nowadays we regularly file environmental impact statements showing the insinuation for the environment of this or that responsibility (a new strip mine, an undeveloped establishment another airport, a dump yard…you can provide any one of hundreds of examples). e ought to in this similar fashion file statements showing the force of real estate development; the building of structures, dams, and levees; and other main projects -- on the augmented vulnerability to hazards they will compel on others. In this politically charged climate, this will look like to many like another unrequited federal "undertaking," but why should my self-determination extend to building a levee to defend my property that will augment the risk to your property downstream on that same river? Should I not have to check with you? The obligation for Environmental Impact Statements prompted numerous complaints at…...


Works Cited

Strasser; Annie-Rose. Conservatives Bash Christie for Cooperating With Obama Post-Sandy. ThinkProgress - Election. Oct 31, 2012

Kirkland, Joel. Energy Became Surprise Issue in Bitter Presidential Race. E&E reporter.

Hurricane Sandy: Covering the Storm, 

Serna, Joseph. Hurricane Sandy death toll climbs above 110, N.Y. hardest hit. Los Angeles Times. November 03, 2012.

Hurricane Sandy Communication by FHA
Pages: 3 Words: 867

The linear model of communication contains the following components:

Says What?

To Whom?

What Effect?

In What Context?

This model could have been applied not only between the FHA and insured home owners, but also between the FHA and other agencies attempting to mitigate the situation. This would have relieved much of the anxiety and stressed experienced by already unhappy, stressed citizens, as suggested by the social exchange model of communication. According to this model, communication is social interaction. What this means in practice is that the communication media we have today could have served much better as a mitigator of conflicting information and the stress associated with this. Although the FHA (2013) has placed a large amount of information on its Web site, it could also have made use of social media such as Facebook and even Twitter to maintain brief updates. These could have created a much better basis of reassurance than…...



Barron, J., Lipton, E., and Rivera, R. (2012, Nov. 5). With $200 Million in U.S. Housing Aid, Officials Begin Relocating the Displaced. Retrieved from: 

CBS News (2012, Nov. 6). Sandy-affected homeowners face long insurance wait. Retrieved from: 

CBS News (2012, Nov. 6). Sandy Victims' Concerns: Voting, housing, power. Retrieved from: 

Federal Housing Administration (2013). Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved from:

Hurricanes and Global Warming the
Pages: 2 Words: 681

It is well-known that tropical cyclones form over warm water and it is the heat in the water from which they get their energy. Therefore it is reasonable to believe that warmer waters could increase hurricane intensity and activity. armer waters would translate into more energy to fuel the tropical cyclone and make their effects more pronounced. There is also evidence that global warming is contributing to changing circulation patterns.
Sea level rise due to warmer conditions which melts glaciers and sea ice can have a number of implications for the Earth's storm patterns. Many climate models have suggested that with warmer temperatures there would be higher wind speeds in hurricanes. In fact, one study shows a 70% increase since the mid-1970s of an index of hurricane activity related to the total power dissipation, which is proportional to the cube of the maximum wind speed, integrated over the lifetime of…...


Works Cited

Anthes, R., Corell, R., Holland, G., Hurrell, J., MacCrackin, M., & Trenberth, K. (2006). Hurricanes and Global Warming - Potential Linkages and Consequences. Bulletin of the American Meteoroligical Society, 623-628.

Hurricane Sandy Emergency Preparedness Relief
Pages: 2 Words: 684

The most important way to prepare for disasters like these is by stockpiling resources and developing adequate resource funding and distribution channels. As Bucci, et al. (2012) point out, the states of New Jersey and New York were fully dependent on FEMA and other federal funds; those two states had absolutely no contingency plans and no state-level disaster relief funds. Moreover, by the time Sandy hit, FEMA resources had been overstretched. FEMA resources should not be used for relatively minor events (Bucci, et al., 2012). Instead, FEMA resources should be managed more efficiently so that when major disasters like these occur, resources are available.

Individuals can prepare for a disaster in a similar way. Stockpiling resources requires setting aside as much space as possible for essential items for survival like canned food and water, as well as extra jerry cans of gas for vehicles. Families who can afford it should…...



Bucci, S, P. et al. (2012). After Hurricane Sandy: Time to Learn and Implement the Lessons in Preparedness, Response, and Resilience. Retrieved online: 

CDC (2013). Hurricane Sandy: What Have We Learned? Retrieved online: 

Gurian, S. (2014). Two years after hurricane Sandy, New Jersey's recovery trudges along. NJSpotlight. Retrieved online:

Hurricane Maria Impact on Puerto Rico
Pages: 8 Words: 2428

Introduction Hurricane Maria slammed into Puerto Rico in September 2017, just two weeks of Hurricane Irma had passed through. The Category 5 Maria was bad enough—but the fact that it came on the heels of Irma, also a Category 5 storm made it all the more devastating. Puerto Rico had not even had time to recover from Irma, which had set it up against the ropes, when Maria entered and put the island territory into dire straits. This paper will discuss the impact of Maria on the Puerto Rico population, what aid and response was delivered in support of the community, the strengths and deficiencies of the cultural competency of the response, and what recommendations as a program manager could be made to enhance cultural competency.
Impact on Populations
Puerto Rico’s population was already in poor condition prior to Maria making landfall. Irma still had some 100,000 people without power when Maria hit,…...



Baker, P. & Dickerson, C. (2017). Trump Warns Storm-Ravaged Puerto Rico That Aid Won’t Last ‘Forever’. Retrieved from  

De Arzola, O. R. (2018). Emergency Preparedness and Hurricane Maria: The Experience of a Regional Academic Medical Center in Southwest Puerto Rico. Journal of Graduate Medical Education,10(4), 477-480.

Klippenstein, K. (2017). $300M Puerto Rico Recovery Contract Awarded to Tiny Utility Company Linked to Major Trump Donor. Retrieved from 

McMahon, C. (2018). Double down on the Jones Act? Journal of Maritime Law & Commerce, 49(2), 153-195.

Sullivan, B. & Feiser, E. (2017). Maria Latest Threat to Puerto Rico After $1 Billion Irma Hit. Retrieved from 

Varney, S. & Kane, J. (2018). Amid new hurricane season, Maria still taking a toll on Puerto Rico’s elderly. Retrieved from 

Hurricane Sandy Emergency Preparedness
Pages: 2 Words: 678

Unlike earthquakes, hurricanes offer a small window for immediate, acute emergency preparedness that can help members of the public at least get their families to safety. Hurricane Sandy was no different, but while the media did provide ample warnings that the hurricane was coming and to be prepared, the during and after stages of the event were not handled as well as they could have been in many communities on the Jersey Shore. Frank Timmerman, a homeowner, complains about several issues related more to responsiveness than to preparation. "We had filled up the tank with gas and were ready to evacuate as soon as we were ordered to do so, we had ample water and tinned food supplies, and we had flashlights, batteries, candles, and all that other stuff. We also took as many precautions as we could to secure our house and make sure to minimize property damage. Thankfully…...



Bucci, S.P., et al. (n.d.). After hurricane Sandy. Retrieved online: 

Goldberg, D. (2012). Hurricane Sandy response. Retrieved online:

Hurricanes That Wracked Florida During
Pages: 2 Words: 604

Probably the largest bias is the confirmation bias, where decision makers tend to focus on information that supports their opinion. By failing to be prepared for the hurricanes and the extreme weather that caused flights to be grounded, the companies participated in a confirmation bias by assuming things would go their way. The companies also made a crucial mistake when talking to the media before the problem was sorted out.
3. In all three of the cases, companies had to deal with the constraint of the situation being far out of their hands. None could control the weather and none could accurately predict the voracity of the natural disasters. Similarly, the companies had to deal with the constraint of business. Because the companies were large conglomerates, a chain of command had to be followed. No one person could nor was he or she responsible for making large decisions on his…...

Analysis Hurricane Sandy and Katrina
Pages: 10 Words: 3679

Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Sandy
Tropical cyclones can badly destroy settlements and structures along the coast. ecent destructive tropical cyclones such as the 2005 Katrina and the Sandy which happened in 2012 affirm that the destruction caused by a land-falling tropical cyclone is not merely dependent on its categorization on the Saffir-Simpson hurricane scale. The hurricane Sandy of 2012 caused a lot of destruction. Only the hurricane Katrina which happened in 2005 has caused more damage than Sandy. To reduce casualties from such calamities, the public needs to react promptly to any pre-storm decisions made by authorities (Kantha, 2013).

Government's esponse to Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina was indeed an out of the ordinary occurrence that brought with it great tragedy. Destroying a vast area of land, approximately 90000 square miles, it is the natural disaster that has caused most destruction in the history of America. Consider the fact that the area covered is…...



Adamski, T., Kline, B., & Tyrrell, T. (2006).FEMA Reorganization and the Response to Hurricane Disaster Relief. Retrieved from 

ABC News (2005).Who's to Blame for Delayed Response to Katrina?. Retrieved from 

Associated Press (2011).In Book Nagin tells very different Katrina Story. Retrieved from

Cash, J.T. (2014).Political Failures of Hurricane Katrina. Retrieved from

Geography Hurricanes
Pages: 1 Words: 356

Hurricanes & Typhoons
Hurricanes and Typhoons

Hurricanes and typhoons both fall under the classification "tropical cyclone," which is the generic term for what the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) calls "a non-frontal synoptic scale low-pressure system." To a lay person, this definition could be difficult to understand.

But meanwhile, to simplify the definition, this "non-frontal synoptic low pressure system" must have wind speeds up to 74 MPH or higher, and be over water 81°F or warmer, to be classified as a "hurricane" (if the tropical cyclone is in the North Atlantic, the Northeast Pacific east of the dateline, or the South Pacific east of 160E); to be classified as a "typhoon," it must have wind speeds of 74 MPH or higher, be over water 81°F or warmer, and be located in the Northwest Pacific east of 160E).

It is easy to understand why people would be confused between a Hurricane and a Typhoon.…...



Hong Kong Observatory. "Nature and Structure of Tropical Cyclones." Available:

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. "Hurricane Research Division:

Frequently Asked Questions, What is a hurricane, typhoon, or tropical cyclone?"

Disaster Event Hurricane Sandy Hurricane Sandy Was
Pages: 3 Words: 971

Disaster Event
Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy was a tropical cyclone that swept the entire Caribbean world across the Coastal towns of America in October 2012. This storm led to early deaths, massive loss of power and thousands became homeless. Damages occasioned by this storm can be estimated in billions of dollars. Hurricane Sandy was the deadliest storm ever to hit the northeastern parts of America. This hurricane was the most costly in the history of the nation. The effects of Hurricane Sandy reached far (FEMA (n. d)). While the storm led to the devastation of the eastern coast of America with main impacts on New York and New Jersey, its winds went as far as Canada and Wisconsin prompting the rise of water levels from one city to other cities. Hurricane Sandy is associated with over 70 deaths in U.S. from New Hampshire to Maryland. No hurricane has ever hit northern…...



FEMA (n. d). Hurricane Sandy. Retrieved on April 6, 2012 from 

Hogan, D.E., & Burstein, J.L. (2007). Disaster medicine. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer

Penuel, K.B., & Statler, M. (2011). Encyclopedia of disaster relief. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage


Hurricane Andrew
Pages: 5 Words: 1610

Hurricane Andrew is a storm that originated from a tropical wave over the central Atlantic in 1992. It first started as a low-pressure system off the coast of Africa and seemed no different from many other atmospheric ripples that form every summer in this part of the world (Pimm, Stuart & Gary 19). However, the seemingly innocent weather system slowly gained enough strength and by August 16, 1992 Hurricane Andrew had grown into a significant tropical storm and officially given the name: "Andrew."
Shear from strong wind prevented intensification of the storm at first. However, the following day saw a decrease in shear, which allowed the strengthening of the depression thus becoming Tropical Storm Andrew. On August 18, convection associated with the storm diminished due to increase in wind shear. Andrew later headed westward due to the effect of a high-pressure system. It then increased rapidly before crossing Bahamas (Pimm, Stuart,…...


Work cited

Pimm, Stuart L., and Gary E. Davis. "Hurricane Andrew. (Cover Story)." Bioscience 44.4 (1994): 224-229. Academic Search Complete. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.

Zhang, Yang, and Walter Gillis Peacock. "Planning For Housing Recovery? Lessons Learned From Hurricane Andrew." Journal Of The American Planning Association 76.1 (2010): 5-24. Academic Search Complete. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.

Tilmant, James T., and Richard W. Curry. "Hurricane Andrew's Effects On Marine Resources. (Cover Story)." Bioscience 44.4 (1994): 230-237. Academic Search Complete. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.

Smith, Stanley K., and Christopher Mccarty. "Demographic Effects Of Natural Disasters: A Case Study Of Hurricane Andrew." Demography 33.2 (1996): 265-275. Academic Search Complete. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.

Hurricane Andrew in May of
Pages: 7 Words: 1998

Although it had lost some pop, Andrew was still a Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale Category 3 hurricane on the second go around. but, the first round was enough to know that Andrew was bad. From a business perspective, Hurricane Andrew crippled the offshore oil facilities on its second approach throughout the gulf coast and in Louisiana where the storm added another billion dollars in damage.
These financial losses did not even take into consideration the badly deteriorated Everglades ecosystem which would be restored several years later after a second hurricane, Opal, crippled the ecosystem even more.


The state of Florida had one of its worst hurricane seasons on record in 2004 yet the state was much better prepared. The state seemed to have learned some valuable lessons from 1992. "As hundreds of millions of dollars in hurricane relief become available to Florida, Lt. Gov. Toni Jennings declared ednesday that she wants the…...


Works Cited

Biscayne National Park Plaque Commemorates 10th Anniversary of Hurricane Andrew. Ed. NOAA. NOAA Hurricane Service. Retrieved on 13 Nov. 2004, from

Hurricane Andrew. 8/23/1992. National Weather Service. Retrieved on 13 Nov. 2004, from

Hurricane Andrew CSC. August 16-28, 1992. Retrieved on 13 Nov. 2004, from

Hurricanes: Unleashing Natures Fury. Ed. NOAA. National Weather Service. 13 Nov. 2004 .

Hurricane Preparedness XYZ Hamburger Havens Since Our
Pages: 2 Words: 656

Hurricane Preparedness
XYZ Hamburger Havens

ince our restaurants are situated along the East Coast, every year some or our franchises run the risk of being in the path of a hurricane. These are your instructions for preparing your location for a hurricane. Please use these instructions to create a "Hurricane Preparations" notebook for easy reference if a hurricane should threaten your locale.


First, walk around the building looking for items that might become dangerous if propelled by strong winds (taff writers, 2004). uch items could include trashcans, benches not solidly anchored to the ground, umbrella tables, and even some shrubbery: in a hurricane, a flying coconut can do a lot of damage. Make a list of these hazards and place it in your Hurricane Preparations notebook.

Then meet with the fire department or building inspector of your city to make sure you have identified all hazards. Make a note of any suggestions they make.…...



NUI. DATE. "Hurricane Safety." City Gas Company Of Florida. Accessed via the Internet April 9, 2004. 

Staff writers. 2004. "Taking Care of Business." South Florida Sun-Sentinel. Accessed via the Internet April 9, 2004.,0,5902211.story

Hurricane Aftermath
Pages: 4 Words: 1379

Hurricane Aftermath, Returning to a workplace
Disasters are itself destruction to humanity for long time and recovering from that disaster is a challenge which has to be achieved with the gradual process. Safety is the fundamental concern similar to the stability of our mental and physical well-being. Proper planning is required to make the process of recovery achievable in the most efficient way, much faster and less stressful. The research paper followed is a guideline to recover from hurricane and return back to home, community, school, work and normal life.

Safety Measures Adopted and recommendations

The foremost concern after hurricane disaster is the safety of the people affected and surrounding areas. The team comprising of safety supervisors will observe issues and monitor healthcare facility of families and individuals and will scrutinize their well being. To look after the safety measures it will be important for team to make a recovery plan for injured…...

What would be a good relevant topic to do a research paper on regarding Emergency Management?
Words: 357

Emergency management is the practice of handling disasters, whether manmade or natural disasters.  There are different levels of emergency management, because emergencies can be local, citywide, statewide, countrywide, or even global.  The current COVID-19 pandemic is a great example of a global emergency and how different regions have handled the pandemic highlight differences in emergency management.

There are a number of different topics to explore in terms of emergency management:

  1. The role of local emergency management facilities in helping stop local spread of COVID-19.
  2. Comparing and contrasting country policies in terms of travel restrictions after the COVID-19 environment.
  3. Local....

Need Help with Essay Topics on Global warming?
Words: 120

1. The impact of global warming on natural disasters such as hurricanes, droughts, and wildfires.
2. The role of human activities in causing global warming.
3. The effects of melting polar ice caps and rising sea levels on coastal communities.
4. The importance of renewable energy sources in combating global warming.
5. The role of international cooperation in addressing global warming.
6. The economic consequences of global warming for industries such as agriculture, tourism, and insurance.
7. The social and health impacts of global warming on vulnerable populations.
8. The role of education and awareness in combating global warming.
9. The ethical considerations surrounding global warming and climate....

Is there anything in the news related to adversity that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 568

Yes, there are several news topics related to adversity that would make for a compelling essay subject. Here are a few examples:

1. The COVID-19 pandemic: You can explore how people worldwide faced numerous adversities due to the pandemic, such as health challenges, economic struggles, mental health issues, and social isolation. You can discuss stories of resilience, innovative solutions, community support, and lessons learned.

2. Climate change and natural disasters: Write about the adversity faced by communities affected by natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, wildfires, or droughts. Discuss the challenges of rebuilding lives, adapting to new circumstances, and finding sustainable solutions to....

Need assistance developing essay topics related to American Colonies. Can you offer any guidance?
Words: 454

Certainly! Here are some potential essay topics related to American Colonies:

1. Compare and contrast the motivations for colonization between the Spanish, French, and English settlers in the Americas.
2. Analyze the impact of European diseases on Native American populations during the colonial period.
3. Discuss the role of religion in shaping the development of the American colonies.
4. Explore the economic systems of the American colonies and their impact on the growth of the colonies.
5. Evaluate the impact of the Atlantic slave trade on the development and economy of the American colonies.
6. Examine the relationship between Native American tribes and European colonizers in....

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