Hunger Games Trilogy
Lions Gate Films Situation Analysis for the Catching Fire Move
Fans aiting for the Hunger Games Tickets (Orden, 2012)
Business Description -- Movie Industry
motion picture industry includes about 95,000 companies with supporting 2.2 million jobs, and nearly $137 billion in total wages in 2009 (MPAA, 2011). The largest companies in the industry include household names such as the alt Disney, Sony/MGM, Paramount, Twentieth Century Fox, Universal, and arner Brothers. These studios are generally part of large publicly traded media companies. Although there are a large number of firms who compete in this industry, the bulk of revenues in the industry are highly concentrated: the 50 largest companies account for roughly eighty percent of total industry revenues. There a large number of firms in the industry that are target to towards various niche services including creative talent, equipment, technical expertise, and various technical production and distribution services.
The pricing strategies in this…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bowles, S. (2012, March 26). 'Hunger Games' devours the competition at box office. Retrieved from USA Today:
Caris, C. (2012, April 23). A Hunger for Lions Gate. Retrieved from Barron's:
Hamilton, K., & Wagner, B. (2011). An exploration of spectacular consumption at the movies: Mamma Mia! Journal of Consumer Behavior, 375-390.
MPAA. (2011). The Economic Contribution of the Motion Picture & Television Industry to the United States. Retrieved from The American Motion Picture Association:
Getting famous is more of a curse than a blessing for many reality television show winners such as Susan Boyle. There is evidence that fame is hurting Susan Boyle. "The concern is that Boyle's mental health is being sacrificed to line the pockets of her managers, record label and various hangers on," (TheImproper).
Just as with reality television, the image of the contestant is important in the Hunger Games. In the novel, Cinna is the stylist that helps Katniss with her image. How the contestants look is just as important as whether they will live or die. In reality television shows, the most important goal is to create controversy. "The reality is, people only watch things that are dramatic...People are drawn to dysfunctional behaviors, but you have to use that desire to watch it to create opportunities to teach," (Pinsky, cited by Greenfield). The function of the Hunger Games is…...
Collins, S. (2008). The Hunger Games. Scholastic.
Greenfield, J. (2010). "The Real Deal on Reality TV." CBS News. Feb 7, 2010. Retrieved May 3, 2010 from
TheImproper (2010). "Susan Boyle Tension Rises; Brother Criticizes Handlers." The Improper. April 19, 2010. Retrieved May 3, 2010 from
Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins: How does Katniss's role in her family affect her behavior in the Games?
Analytical response essay: How does Katniss' role in her family affect her behavior in the Games?
Suzanne Collins' dystopian novel The Hunger Games depicts a world whose ethical values have been turned upside down. A dystopian novel is defined as "a futuristic, imagined universe in which oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through corporate, bureaucratic, technological, moral or totalitarian control" ("Dystopias," Readwritething). The older generation is morally bankrupt and preys upon the young for entertainment. This can be seen in the relationship of its heroine Katniss Everdeen to her family and the other characters in the novel, including Peeta Mallark, the boy from her district chosen as tribute. The young people in the novel must assume many adult responsibilities as a result of the world the older…...
mlaWork Cited
Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. New York: Scholastic Press, 2007.
"Dystopias: Definitions and characteristics." Readwritethink. 2006. 10 Apr 2014.
Miller, Laura. "Fresh hell." The New Yorker. 14 Jun 2010. 10 Apr 2014.
Cameras in "The Hunger Games"
The story of the book The Hunger Games is one set in a post-apocalyptic North American mess that has become a single city in the Rockies ruling over twelve districts. Originally it was thirteen, but one if these was, supposedly, completely destroyed in an uprising that has happened almost a quarter century ago. The twelve remaining districts provide products so that the central city, Panem, can survive, and the rulers in Panem make certain that there is no more dissension from the people in the districts. One of the main features in the books is that everyone is on camera much of the time. The central government controls the people by knowing what is happening at all times, and modifying their action by this knowledge. It is a tale straight out of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four in which the totalitarian government controls the people by…...
mlaWork Cited
Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. New York: Scholastic Press, 2008. Print.
Lottery Hunger Games
Picking children at random to be killed cruelly seems like an outlandish premise for any story, but remarkably, Suzanne Collins's 2008 novel The Hunger Games resembles Shirley Jackson's short story "The Lottery" in many ways. Both are about a cruel, senseless annual event, in which people are chosen at random in a lottery situation. The selected people face death, and their death is presented to the public as a form of entertainment. Both authors make powerful commentary about society being cruel, and both also suggest that individuals should speak out against the unjust and outmoded institutions of society. However similar these two stories may be, there are some significant differences between them. One is a short story, which allows for less character development. Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" is told from the point-of-view of a third person omniscient narrator, whereas Collins's novel is told from the first person perspective…...
mlaWorks Cited
Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. Scholastic, 2010.
Jackson, Shirley. "The Lottery." Retrieved online:
Teen Film: The Hunger Games and Red Dawn
The Hunger Games is not just a political movie than any teenage drama transcribed in the for the silver screen. Katniss Everdeen is not just trying to rescue her family but she must free an entire nation from dictatorial oppression and poverty by rebelling against the evil forces. However, Red Dawn was not that much different. It was a teen film that depicts on how a group of young men, guided by Jed Eckert along with his brother and two young women rebel against the Russians, Nicaraguan Cubans and paratroopers that have taken over a town.
In both films, rebellion is the only way of survival. In Red Dawn it is the communist forces and in Hunger games it is a vicious and dangerous tyrannical regime. In order to stop a total takeover, the teens in both movies have no choice but to band…...
The late 1960's and early 1970's saw a polemical of two distinctive viewpoints on the trajectory of world hunger, food production, and global starvation. Dr. Paul Erlich, author of The Population Bomb espoused the idea that "humans would soon exhaust their ability to feed an ever burgeoning population" (Chou, H. June 7, 2010). Erlich's premise led to the inexorable conclusion that "global starvation was inevitable" (Easterbrook, G. September 16, 2009). The countervailing argument made by Nobel Prize winner Norman Borlaug was that innovative Green evolution agricultural techniques would produce "both reliable harvests, and spectacular output" (Easterbrook, G. September 16, 2009). Borlaug's work on "high yield agriculture" (Easterbrook, G. September 16, 2009) over sixty years in the developing world resulted in massive increases in total grain tonnage produced, grain output per acre, and global grain yields. Borlaug proved that the world could in fact produce more than adequate supplies of…...
Chou, H. (June 7, 2010). Review of Enough: Why the World's Poorest Starve in an Age
of Plenty. Large Print Reviews. Retrieved May 20, 2011 from
Easterbrook, G. (September 16, 2009). The Man Who Defused the Population Bomb. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved May 20, 2011 from
Hanson, S. (August 6, 2009). Corruption in Sub-Saharan Africa. Council on Foreign
Hunger Games: Peeta and Katniss
In many ways, the root of The Hunger Games and its many characters lies in the experience of the author, writer Suzanne Collins. Prior to writing the successful trilogy that The Hunger Games is a part of, Collins had already written another series of novels, "The Underland Chronicles," (Green) and had worked at Nickelodeon on the children's show "ow! ow! ubbzy!" (Grossman). The latter fact directly influenced many different aspects of The Hunger Games, from its plot to the characterization of its two lead characters, Peeta and Katniss. For quite some time books, novels and other written works have inspired movies and television shows. hat Collins did that was so enticing to many of her readers and to a larger commercial audience in general was to take the inspiration from television to write her book. In particular, the author successfully exploited the reality television show theme…...
mlaWork Cited
Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. New York: Scholastic Press. 2010. Print.
Cook, Kristin., Kellar, Donna. Myers Alyce. "Bioethics in the Hunger Games." Science Teacher. 8(1), 31-37. 2014. Print.
Green, John. "Scary New World." 2008. Web. ;
Grossman, Lev. "The Hunger Gamemakers: Interview with Author Suzanne Collins and Director Francis Lawrence." Time. 2013. Web.,9171,2157467,00.html
Hunger Games vs. Great Gatsby
While seemingly quite different in terms of subject matter, the Hunger Games and Great Gatsby works are actually quite alike than they may seem. While a group of self-identified elites engaging in depravity and excess may not seem a lot like the life and death battles waged in the Hunger Games, there are a lot of parallels. The arc that most of those parallels follow is that there is a strict and gaping dichotomy between the rich and the poor in both stories. In both situations, there are a group of elites that are controlling the poor in one way or another and/or they otherwise have disdain and lack of regard for the same. However, the elites do not end up sailing off into the sunset in either story as things go awry for both sets of elites. While having power and riches may seem enticing…...
Collins, S. (2010). The Hunger Games. New York: Scholastic Inc.
Fitzgerald, F. (2004). The Great Gatsby.
GSU. (2015). Awesome Inconsequence: Critique of Modern Society through Apocalyptic
Frivolity in the Early Novels of Waugh and Fitzgerald. Retrieved 9
his is nothing to be ashamed of, it is as much as part of you as your eye color -- it just needs to be managed.
What are some risky behaviors teens often forget might aggrevate their diabetes?
A) Alcohol, B) Marijuana, C) Drugs such as cocaine, meth, or heroine, D) atooing and body piercing, E) all the above.
Answer -- D, all the above. Substances might make you do something you would not normally do, like eat lots of sugar, etc. It is important to ensure you have plenty of carbs before you go out, limit yourself to 2 drinks per day, never mix alchohol, and always wear a diabetic ID and carry a hypo with you. Watch out for drink spiking, never drink and drive, the extra responsibility can save your life.atooing and body piercing are more dangerous because of the risk of infection and the complications that can result…...
mlaType II Diabetes, also known as diabetes mellitus, is also called non-insulin-dependent diabetes or adult onset diabetes. It is a medical disorder that, due to a number of factors codependent with the modern world, is characterized by higher than normal blood glucose levels that play havoc with insulin deficiency and resistance. There is no cure, per se, for the disease, although if managed through exercise and diet it usually diminishes. However, if untreated, Type II Diabetes may become quite serious and require the medication of symptoms in order to the patient to maintain a productive life ("Diabetes Australia," 2010).
Diabetes is one of Australia's top six health priorities, besides being a serious global health risk. Scholars estimate about 8% of the population have clinically diagnosed diabetes, but only a limited number are actually diagnosed. The disease itself is considered to be related to natural influences from the developing world: rising obesity rates, lifestyle issues, and the general lack of exercise most Australians receive (Zimmer, 2002).
One of the more serious aspects of type II diabetes is the new prevalence of onset during later teen years, most likely completely due to rising obesity patterns in children. Symptoms for both children and adults range from chronic fatigue, general weakness and malaise to
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Evolution of Katniss Everdeen: A Character Analysis:
This essay would explore the changes in Katniss Everdeen's character throughout 'The Hunger Games' trilogy. The focus would be on analyzing key events that contribute to her development, her relationships with other characters, and the factors that define her as a symbol of rebellion and resilience.
2. The Role of Government and ropaganda in 'The Hunger Games':
This topic examines the methods used by the government of anem to control and manipulate its citizens. The essay would analyze the influence of propaganda in maintaining power, as well as the media's role in shaping perceptions and the implications for personal freedom and civil liberties.
3. The Socioeconomic Divide of anem: Disparities and Injustice:
This essay would discuss the stark socioeconomic disparities between the districts and the Capitol in 'The Hunger Games.' It would delve into the injustices faced by…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. Scholastic Press, 2008.
Collins, Suzanne. Catching Fire. Scholastic Press, 2009.Collins, Suzanne. Mockingjay. Scholastic Press, 2010.The Hunger Games. Directed by Gary Ross, performances by Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, and Liam Hemsworth, Lionsgate, 2012.The Hunger Games Official Illustrated Movie Companion. By Kate Egan, Scholastic, 2012.
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Role of ropaganda in 'The Hunger Games':
Explore how propaganda is used by the Capitol to control and manipulate the districts, examining specific instances and their effects on the characters and plot.
2. Survival and Ethics in 'The Hunger Games':
Discuss the ethical dilemmas faced by the tributes in their struggle to survive, analyzing how these choices reflect broader themes of morality and survival.
3. The Symbolism of the Mockingjay:
Analyze the Mockingjay as a symbol of rebellion, hope, and resistance against oppression within the narrative of 'The Hunger Games'.
4. Class Struggle and Social Inequality:
Examine how 'The Hunger Games' portrays class divisions and the fight against social inequality, focusing on the dynamics between the Capitol and the districts.
5. The Evolution of Katniss Everdeen:
Trace the character development of Katniss from a reluctant participant to a symbol of revolution, discussing key moments that define her transformation.
Essay Title Examples
mlaPrimary Sources
Primary SourcesCollins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. Scholastic Press, 2008.Schwartz, Vanessa R. It\'s So Hard to Love You: The Hunger Games and the Politics of Desire. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.Pharr, Mary F., and Leisa A. Clark, editors. Of Bread, Blood and The Hunger Games: Critical Essays on the Suzanne Collins Trilogy. McFarland & Company, Inc., 2012.Day, Sara K. Reading Like a Girl: Narrative Intimacy in Contemporary American Young Adult Literature. University Press of Mississippi, 2013.Wilson, Leah, editor. The Girl Who Was on Fire: Your Favorite Authors on Suzanne Collins\' Hunger Games Trilogy. BenBella Books, 2010.
This puts katniss in a tough situation because it would mean that she has to kill the member of her own district. She managed to make the judges withdraw their announcement due to her intelligence. Katniss knew that the game makers would not allow both of them to die. Therefore, she takes out some poisonous berries and gives some to her mate from the district. They plan to eat them so that they can both die which would mean the game makers would lose. That way, the game makers stopped them and both of them emerged winners. Katniss learns that, at such an instance, one has to take a risk even if it means her and the mate dying (Collin 290).
Katniss realized that she had to be rebellious against the capital and the game makers. This was the only way to win the game. Her aim was for them to…...
Cosslett, Tess." History From Below." Time-slip Narratives and National Identity" the Lion and the Unicorn. 26.2(2002): 243-253. Print.
O'sullivan, Anne.m."Structure and Narrative Point-of-View in Playing Beatie Bow" the
Literature Base.2.1(1991): 14-16. Print.
Goss, Jax."The Mother With the Button Eyes." An Exploration of the Story Construct of the
Pop Culture, Celebrity, and New Media
As Michael Serazio (2012) points out, thanks to the Internet, we now live in a "premediated" world, in which press releases prepare the public to stay tuned for further press releases, as an all-out ad-campaign is unfolded to promote the latest movie, music release, or show (p. 416). Everything is prepped ahead of time, from the celebrity appearances to the photographers, to the clothing the celebs will be wearing, to the timing of events so that buzz reaches its greatest height when the product hits the shelves. Two websites created to drum up interest in two feature films, the latest installment of The Hunger Games series and the latest installment in the James Bond franchise, illustrate exactly what Serazio sees. This paper will compare and contrast the two sites and show how, in terms of an academic perspective, they illustrate just how "premeditated" and "premediated"…...
007. (n.d.). Inside the World of James Bond. Retrieved from
The Hunger Games. (n.d.). HungerGamesMovie. Retrieved from
Marwich, A., Boyd, D. To see and be seen: Celebrity practice on Twitter. Convergence:
the International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 17: 139.
Transmedia Property. Case study related a media property (e.g., comic, film, television, ). This analysis existing property development a transmedia plan property. Break movie's elements starting introduction, music, back ground, audience engage movie, flow movie All typed papers assignments double-spaced, 12- 11-point font -inch margins.
Summary of the property
The transmedia concept is not a novelty these days, as the concept was first patented at the beginning of the 1990s. According to researchers, "The term transmedia was coined in 1991 by then-USC professor Marsha Kinder, while the transmedia storytelling concept was developed by current USC Annenberg professor Henry Jenkins. He describes transmedia storytelling as "a process in which integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience. Ideally, each medium makes its own unique contribution to the unfolding of the story." (Tenderich, 2013) More precisely, transmedia allows…...
Bauckhage, Tobias. "Digital Box Office Drilldown: How this week's wide releases are shaping up on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google," in Variety, 21 march 2014, available online at
Box Office Mojo. "Divergent," 2014, available at
Cheney, Alexandra. "Lionsgate and Summit look to lay claim to another franchise, hot on the heels of 'Hunger,' 'Twilight' films" in Variety, 26 February 2014, available online at
Divergent Fans. 2014, available at
1. Characters and stories from Greek mythology are often referenced in modern pop culture, such as in movies, television shows, and video games. For example, the character of Achilles from the Trojan War is frequently mentioned in popular media.
2. Many modern books and novels draw inspiration from Greek mythology, incorporating elements such as gods, heroes, and monsters into their plots. Authors such as Rick Riordan and Madeline Miller have gained popularity for their retellings of Greek myths.
3. The themes and moral lessons found in Greek mythology continue to resonate with audiences today, and are often explored in contemporary literature. These....
A Captivating Title: The Gateway to Enthralling Narratives
In the realm of storytelling, titles hold an unparalleled power to captivate readers, luring them into the depths of a narrative with promises of intrigue, wonder, and adventure. A well-crafted title serves as a gateway, unlocking the imagination and setting the stage for an immersive and unforgettable reading experience.
1. Piquing Curiosity and Interest
A captivating title ignites a spark of curiosity, driving readers to delve into the story with an insatiable desire to discover its hidden depths. By hinting at a tantalizing mystery or promising an extraordinary journey, a title entices readers to abandon....
1. The concept of a perfect society in Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World"
2. The depiction of a utopian society in Ursula K. Le Guin's "The Dispossessed"
3. The exploration of a utopian future in Arthur C. Clarke's "Childhood's End"
4. The challenges of maintaining a utopian society in Lois Lowry's "The Giver"
5. The consequences of striving for perfection in Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale"
6. The exploration of different forms of utopia in Kim Stanley Robinson's "Mars Trilogy"
7. The contrast between dystopia and utopia in Philip K. Dick's "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"
8. The potential dangers of technology in creating a utopian....
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