Humorous Essays (Examples)

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Humorous Writing That Still Makes the Reader
Pages: 2 Words: 667

humorous writing that still makes the reader stop and think about what they are reading.
In "Would Hemingway Get Into Harvard?" The authors, John Katzman, Andy Lutz, and Erik Olson offer up a funny essay about the new SAT writing test. To "test" the test, they use two passages from two of the world's greatest writers, Ernest Hemingway and Shakespeare. Predictably, under the new SAT grading standards, both these writers would have received failing grades on the SAT. The authors are trying to make the point that the test is not a real measure of a person's writing abilities, and they do it in a very funny and yet memorable way. They definitely bring pleasure to others, because this essay is so well written you have to smile when you read it, and when you see the outcome of the test scores.

In "Technology Makes Me Mad," by Patricia Volk is…...



Miller, Robert Keith. Motives for Writing With Student Access to Catalyst. New York: McGraw Hill, 2005.

Family in a Humorous Way
Pages: 2 Words: 631

However, historians tell us that this is actually not the case. Certainly if one reads Dickens one finds that England of the 19th century was far from familial; some of the materials out of the American Colonial periods show that the family was mostly an iron handed parent and rather aloof father. Just as there is no such thing as an ideal family, the fact of the matter is there never was. Instead, there were some great family experiences, and some tragic ones.
The Myth of "Natural" vs. "Unnatural" -- For millennia, certain behaviors were either natural or unnatural based on the particular norms of the society in question. In certain tribes, for instance, marriage is acceptable at young ages, polygamy is part of everyday life, and homosexuality is encouraged among shamans of the tribe. The bottom line is that nothing is natural or unnatural, it is simply part of…...



Holmes and Jermyn. (2004). Understanding Reality Television. New York: Routledge.

Skolnick, J. And A. Skolnick. (2006). Family in Transition. New York: Addison Wesley.

Reach Your Goals With Humor
Pages: 2 Words: 578

Not that people should make fun of their own situations, no matter how good or bad, but that humans function better when they can see the humor in every day life. When they begin to understand that humor is all around them, and begin to take themselves less seriously, they can begin to open up to the many other wonderful experiences around them when they otherwise may not have been able to. Humor is a key that unlocks a different facet existence.
All great comedians and humorists have one thing in common: they are able to take something humorous, adapt it to their current audience or context, and unite a group of people through laughter. It is this shared pleasurable experience that creates a bond between the audience and the comedian as well as between each audience member themselves. They are all sharing the same experience, and through humor, are…...

Humor in the Adventures of
Pages: 2 Words: 579

Another example of scenes -- and characters -- creating both a balance and a contrast between humor and seriousness comes from the Duke and the King. These two characters appear in many scenes of the novel, and their escapades and claims are a definite source of humor (and frustration) in the novel. One of the most poignant scenes in the book, however, is one Huck sees these two finally receive their comeuppance, as each has been tarred and feathered and is being run out of town on a rail. Huck reflects on the senseless cruelty that mankind is capable of, feeling sympathy for his two former companions though they had treated he and Jim abysmally and cheated everyone else they came across, too. The fact that many of the Duke and King's actions are humorous in addition to be dastardly serves to emphasize the cruelty that they experience at the…...

Humor and Violence in U S
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

..There is reason for concern, therefore, when aggressive acts are presented in a humorous context in the media" (622).
Although it is intended to refer to society and its misdemeanor, satire cannot be considered to be offensive, since there is a small probability that it will produce any resentment in people. A good example of the American society giving birth to something that is funny and enjoyable, despite its satirical character, is Charlie Chaplin. In times when movies were something new to the American public, the English actor succeeded in making it addicted to him and to his movies. His merit is also largely owed to the scriptwriters and to the movie directors that invested hard work in making the respective movies. Even with his obvious success among the American public, there still are a number of critics believing that the characters played by Charlie Chaplin had been too vulgar for…...

Loss Read P 305 Leaving
Pages: 20 Words: 7913

" The differences in these two lines seem to be only a matter of syntax but in actuality, it also differs in the meaning. The King James Bible version makes it seem like the Lord is making the individual do something, as if by force or obligation, while the Puritan version states that the Lord causes the individual to do something, as if out of their own will. This alone relays the message that faith itself is driving the action, not a perceived obligation.
Another distinction between the two translations can be found with the lines "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: / and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever" (King James Bible) and "Goodness and mercy surely shall / all my days follow me. / and in the Lord's house I shall / dwell so long as days shall…...

Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris
Pages: 2 Words: 618

David Sedaris
The experience of learning a new language, especially at an adult age, should be both pleasant and rewarding, especially if one has the opportunity to learn it among those who are its native speakers. There is hardly something I can imagine being more pleasant than learning French in Paris. Yet, David Sedaris' essay, Me Talk Pretty One Day, presents an unfortunate experience as a beginner enrolled in a French class in a school in Paris.

Sedaris' enumeration of the places he got a discount for as a consequence of his enrolling in school is announcing a humorous story about the experience a forty-one-year-old has when going back to school to start all over again, just like a six-year-old. Since the discount tickets to puppet shows and Festyland are more appropriate for the latter kind of age, the irony of an adult of forty one still getting them is obvious.


Mr Henshaw a Number of
Pages: 2 Words: 827

Henshaw's advice. Leigh uses the knowledge he has gained through reading to make an alarm for his lunch box (an endeavor his mother comes to support, as well as his new friend Barry) and finally wins honorable mention in a story contest. The fact that Leigh chooses to do all of these things (with occasional prompting) makes the young reader more likely to feel enthusiastic about reading him or herself. Cleary's humorous examples at the beginning of the book of the resistance to reading and writing on the part of students being given 'assignments' to write book reports or write to their favorite authors shows that she knows that young readers need to discover reading for themselves, and adults cannot compel them to love reading by force.
Question 4

Leigh's parents are lower-middle class and divorced. Leigh and his mother live in a mobile home, and Leigh's father is a truck…...

Lesson 3 Journal Entry
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

Do you disagree with any of Pope's opinions or pronouncements in the Heroic Couplets or "An Essay on Man"?

Pope is critical of individuals who "cry, if man's unhappy, God's unjust," suggesting that the unhappiest people are people who blame God, rather than themselves for all of their troubles, or who curse God because their lives are imperfect. The need to accept life's imperfections while still working to enact positive changes within the limitations of humanity is a positive message still relevant for people today.

Based on what you have read of "The Rape of the Lock," what do you think the poem's theme or central message is? What or who are the objects of his satire? Does the epic, "The Rape of the Lock" apply in any way to society today? Identify two passages that could serve as satiric commentaries on people's behavior today. Your answer should discuss both the passage…...

Book Rain of Gold
Pages: 2 Words: 787

Villasenor, Victor. Rain of Gold, 1991.
What time period does this book cover? What historical events are referenced in the story?

The book takes the reader through three generations of a Mexican-American family, beginning with the early part of the 20th century, chronicling the Mexican Revolution to the end of Prohibition. As it is a memoir, it also contains references of the author's present day.

Describe and compare the birthplaces of both Victor's mother and his father? What unusual event took place when Lupe was conceived?

Juan Salvador was born in Mexico but soon fled the nation because of the revolution. When he was a child, he found himself going to work in the mines of Arizona. Lupe was born in a mine in Mexico, where significantly gold was discovered.

Who was Lupe's first love and why? How young was she when she met him?

Lupe was still a schoolgirl when she grew enamored with her…...

Humor and Health The Evolutionary Benefits of
Pages: 4 Words: 1435

Humor and Health:
The evolutionary benefits of laughing easily

According to Mora-ipoli (2012), the old cliche that laughter is the best medicine is really true: laughter, even in the absence of something that is funny, can actually be healing. "Laughter can lead to direct physiological changes to the muscular, cardiovascular, immune, and neuroendocrine systems, which would have immediate or long-term beneficial effects to the body" (Mora-ipoli 2013:57). Although humor can provoke laughter, the two are not necessarily conjoined and even forced laughter produces positive physiological changes in the body in terms of heart rate, blood pressure, and other critical factors that have benefits for the subject. This suggests that laughter is not a cultural product but an advantageous biological 'adaption' of the human species as a social animal.

The unique benefits of laughter (as opposed to humor or enjoying something entertaining) are tied to its mutuality. Although it is certainly possible to laugh…...



Blue, L. (2010). Recipe for longevity. Time Magazine. Retrieved:,8599,2006938,00.html 

Bokur, D. (n.d.). What's funny? Yoga Journal. Retrieved:

Power of Imagery Explored in
Pages: 10 Words: 3415

This poem is a favorite of mine because it reminds me to slow down and appreciate everything. It does not take long nor does it take much to renew and revive and that is exactly what the poet wishes to communicate.

In Joy Harjo's "Remember," the poet uses imagery and personification to convey points of importance. Because the poet is encouraging someone to remember, she pulls images from experience that will be familiar. She begins by telling the reader to "Remember the sky" (Harjo 1) and to "know each of the star stories" (2). In addition, it is important to know the moon. The poet wants to use images the reader already knows and identifies with in order to stress the importance of connecting with the earth. The importance of remembering one's parents is also important because we are all connected. She tells the reader to remember the "earth whose skin…...


Works Cited

Bishop, Elizabeth. "The Fish." Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. 9th Edition.

edited by Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs. Upper Saddle River, NJ:

Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007. Print.

Frost, Robert. "Stopping by Woods." Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. 9th Edition.

Thoreau Says Government Is at
Pages: 5 Words: 2152

What does this have to do with the rest of paragraph 27?
The individual and the institution of the state cannot flourish when their interests are in competition: one of the 'seeds' must die.

33. In this paragraph, Thoreau talks about how he sees his neighbors in a new light after his night in jail.

After suffering the loss of his liberty, he sees how little his neighbors are willing to risk of their own security to see justice done.

Paraphrase each of these observations:

a. "I saw to what extent the people among whom I lived could be trusted as good neighbors and friends;"

I saw that the people amongst whom I lived were good in name only -- they spoke about the value of justice, but would not lift a finger to do promote justice.

b. "that their friendship was for summer weather only;"

They did good deeds only when it was convenient for them…...

Academic Interests Personal Perspectives and
Pages: 2 Words: 691

I am amused when I remember my first dance lesson, and the pressure I felt until then because I was practically afraid of interacting with people I did not know. Gradually I learnt that my fear had not been justified and I even became a very sociable person thanks to the fact that I entered the world of break dancing. Not only did I learn how to dance consequent to having become accustomed with this new style of living, but I have also learnt how motivation can be a great helper in any situation. In addition to constantly improving my dance techniques, I also began to get better grades and to become more interested in accumulating information.

It is very probable that break dancing has also gotten me to apply and to be accepted at the University of California San Diego's California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS). The…...

Leonard vs Pepsi in General the Valid
Pages: 2 Words: 593

In general, the valid elements of a valid and enforceable contract are (1) offer, (2) acceptance, (3) specificity, and (4) meeting of the minds. The Honorable Mayor's plan is extremely dangerous because it could very conceivably be interpreted as an enforceable contract to auction the town on Ebay. In principle, placing the town for auction on Ebay would satisfy all of the elements of a valid contract susceptible to a demand for specific performance in the event of a winning bid by a specific bidder who complies with the applicable rules established by Ebay.

That is because the objective theory of contracts holds that the validity of contractual agreements is not determined by what is actually (or subjectively) in the respective minds of the parties involved; rather, contractual validity is determined by the reasonable (i.e. objective) interpretation of the external circumstances, acts, and statements of the parties involved in…...


Ordinarily, mere advertisements do not constitute valid offers that can be accepted by any person because advertisements are generally understood to be only offers to negotiate or to consider a purchase that might otherwise not have been considered by the entire population of those who may become aware of the advertisement. That is because it is understood that inventory is not necessarily unlimited and that advertisers may not be capable of satisfying every person who responds to their advertisements. Nevertheless, even advertisements can become valid offers where they describe a specific (or one-of-a-kind) item, where they specify the number of units available, where they specify precise means of acceptance, or where they clearly indicate that the item described will actually be sold or transferred to a single person who wins a competition or an auction.

The Honorable Mayor suggests that the Ebay listing would be understood as a publicity stunt and that if anybody actually attempted to enforce the transaction, the 1999 Leonard v. Pepsi case provides a precedent upon which the town can rely. However, the Ebay situation is distinguishable from that case by virtue of several facts: (1) the Pepsi case was a symbolic humorous advertisement; (2) it did not specify a definite means of acceptance of the offer outside of the symbolic humor; (3) Ebay is not an advertising medium; and (4) Ebay listings are generally understood to create binding contracts pursuant to the explicit terms of use of Ebay.

Finally, the Honorable Mayor also suggests that the Ebay stunt would be safe because it is not the kind of unilateral contract (such as a posted reward for the finding and return of a lost wallet or a watch). However, His Honor misunderstands the relevance of that example. While it is true that the auction of a town on Ebay is distinguishable from the unilateral contract/reward situation, that distinction ignores the real risk in this case. There is no issue of unilateral contracts here: the issue is that Ebay listings create enforceable offers that are enforceable because they create a binding contract to deliver the item to a specific person (i.e. The winning bidder), provided only that the bidder complies with the explicit terms of the auction and the rules of Ebay.

Provide an example of a simple study using Schmidt as a model with humorous and non-humorous on the memory?
Words: 341

Schmidt’s study on the effect of humor on memory is well-known, not only for its results, but also for its simple study design. The study, or actually the series of studies, suggested that humor increased attention and rehearsal of material, improving overall material of humorous material versus non-humorous material.  The study designs were simple comparative studies that directly compared humorous and non-humorous materials.  However, there is a problem with those studies.  While there are well-known health benefits of humor and laughing, humor is subjective.  That subjectivity can make it difficult to design a....

Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on what i learned in english class?
Words: 269

## Title Suggestions for an Essay on English Class Learnings

Reflective and Introspective Titles

Unveiling the Treasures of English
Illuminating My Mind: Lessons Learned in English Class
The Transformative Journey of an English Student
Reflecting on the Enriching Experience of English Education
My Metamorphic Odyssey through English Class

Emphasizing Skills and Knowledge Acquired

The Pillars of Literacy: What English Class Taught Me
Empowering the Pen: Writing Skills Gained in English Class
The Art of Argumentation: Critical Thinking in English
Expanding My Vocabulary: The Linguistic Bounty of English Class
Beyond Words: The Power of Literary Analysis

Highlighting Personal Growth and Inspiration

The Spark That....

Could you help me draft an essay outline about Wedding Speech?
Words: 309

Wedding Speech Outline

I. Introduction (100 words)
Welcome guests and acknowledge the special occasion.
Express gratitude for being chosen to speak.
State the connection between the speaker and the couple.

II. The Couple (200 words)
Describe the couple's journey together.
Highlight their unique qualities and love for each other.
Share personal anecdotes or memories that illustrate their relationship.

III. The Wedding (150 words)
Describe the beauty and significance of the wedding day.
Praise the couple's choice of venue and decorations.
Offer congratulations and well wishes for a lifetime of happiness.

IV. Advice and Blessings (200 words)
Share words of wisdom and advice for a....

how engage my students in by being enthusiastic excited and over the top about the content that we are about to cover\'s?
Words: 609

Igniting Student Engagement through Enthusiasm and Exuberance

Engaging students is paramount in fostering a dynamic and impactful learning environment. As educators, we possess the power to ignite their curiosity, cultivate their eagerness to learn, and empower them to actively participate in the educational journey. One potent strategy to achieve this is by exuding enthusiasm, excitement, and an unbridled passion for the subject matter at hand.

The Power of Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is an infectious energy that permeates the classroom and captivates students. When teachers demonstrate a genuine love for their subject, their excitement becomes contagious, inspiring students to embrace the content with newfound enthusiasm.....

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