Human Sexuality
Bradly, C. (2007). Veteran Status and Marital Aggression: Does Military Service Make a Difference? Journal of family Violence, 22(10), 197-207.
The article that was chosen was called "Veteran Status and Marital Aggression: Does Military Service Make a Difference?" By Christopher Bradley. So give a brief summary of this article it needs to be understood that the previous research was what had initiated this study in the first place. The previous research that got this article rolling was the fact demonstrated that the rates of domestic violence are much higher among couples where at least one person is on active duty. The thing that is considered to be a little unclear is whether or not the inclination to participate in domestic violence remains after a person has left the military and entered into veteran status. The resolve of this study was to assess whether or not veteran status will increase a…...
Society derives gender roles from religious doctrines and some derive them from thoughts and ideas derived from Darwinism. At a point when Darwinism introduced ideas that the best genes are transferred to the male rather the female, men in general became psychologically programmed that they were the superior species. Such ideas of male superiority and others from religious doctrines, male instructed the females what their role in life was. Taking care of the household was thought of a job that is useless and so should be allocated to the useless sex i.e. The female. Some religious doctrines like Islam however did correct such views and told people, that taking care of the household is as important as being the bread earner and gave women a higher status than man. However if man had not taken the view that he is superior and not instructed the women and defined for them…...
Human Sexuality and Homophobia
Even in the wake of political correctness, homophobia still haunts many people in our culture. Heterosexuality is still the dominant social expression and any intimate relationship that falls outside the accepted boundaries of heterosexual union is considered to be taboo. The modern media and institutes of higher learning are only recently beginning to try changing the ingrained belief that heterosexuality is the only "normal" form of sexual relationship. However, in spite of gender studies courses and television shows portraying homosexuality in a positive light, many people, including myself, still retain some homophobic beliefs. In fact, based on the recent outcry against gay marriages, American society is generally and powerfully heterosexist. Homophobia manifests in a wide range of behaviors, many of which are so innocuous as to go unnoticed. For instance, when people make jokes or utter stereotypes about gay men or lesbians, they are essentially cloaking their…...
Human Sexuality and its Problems.
The name of the work reviewed for purposes of this report is "Human Sexuality and its Problems" by John Bancroft, MD, FCPscych. The work was published by Churchill Livingstone in Edinburgh, London in 1989. First published in 1983, the work was reprinted during the following years: 1990, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 and 1999. The book includes an index including the following: Sexual Disorders, Sex (Psychology), Sex (Biology), Title, Sex Behavior, Sex Disorders.
The author sought to accomplish two purposes. First, the book was intended to aid health professionals working with sexual problems. The "wider purpose" of the book however, was to help readers understand how a variety of factors and human interactions actually affect human sexuality. Bancroft argues that understanding human sexuality is contingent upon the ability of people to grasp the complex relationship between mind and body interaction.
The author successfully provides a foundation for relating mental…...
Bancroft, John. "Human Sexuality and its Problems." Churchill Livingstone: Edinburgh, London: 1989.
Human Sexuality
A person largely differs from an object in the greatest sense. Individuals, as thinking beings, are treated thusly into a degree of personage. Once an individual ceases to be treated as a "person," only then does the person become objectified -- that which anything is treated merely as a piece of solid, concrete material to be looked at with indifference. Throughout the course of history, humanity has undergone vast periods wherein objectification is a way of life. hether this mode applies to sexuality or not does not seem to matter; but it is clear that the current time has pushed this term of "objectification" into the arms of sexual representation. Objectification, however sexual or non-sexual, damages the human psyche, enough so that at an extreme degree of objectification -- for example the treatment of women as sex symbols -- can allow individuals from justifying the reason to stop treating…...
mlaWorks Cited
Garry, Ann. "Sex, Lies, and Pornography." Ethics in Practice. 2nd Ed. H. LaFollette. Blackwell Publishing, 2002.
Nussbaum, Martha C. "Objectification." Philosophy and Public Affairs. Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 249-291. Blackwell Publishing, 1995.
Shrage, Laurie. "Should Feminists Oppose Prostitution?"
Note Jennings and Shapiro, " communities of color have many traditions that impact (GLBTQ) issues in different ways... A young (GLBTQ) person of color faces multiple 'identity' issues that teams from the dominant culture do not" (p. 215).
Indeed, racism within the GLBTQ community has long existed, exacerbating the conflicts between different constituents of this group. For example, white-run gay bars and clubs often excluded African-American gays and lesbians in the 1950s. Today, people of color in the GLBTQ community note that such racism still exists, often in the form of the exclusion of people of color from the larger GLBTQ community. European-Americans often had difficulty ascribing the experience of the individual over societal oppression (ColorQorld).
One reason for such an attitude may stem from the mistaken attitude among the white GLBTQ community that "communities of color are even less 'progressive' than white communities when it came to homosexuality/transgender issues, they…...
mlaWorks Cited
ColorQWorld. Racism in Queer America. 04 November 2004.
Jennings, Kevin and Shapiro, Pat. Always My Child: A Parent's Guide to Understanding Your Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered or Questioning Son or Daughter. Fireside, 2002.
Menkart, Deborah. Putting the Movement Back into Civil Rights Teaching. Teaching for Change and Poverty & Race Research, 2004.
Zanazanian, Paul. Sexism a problem within the gay and lesbian community. The Link, Tuesday, January 15, 2002 @06:00AM. 04 November 2004.
It seems natural in a world where social influence and cultural traditions influence so many aspects of ones behavior that they would also influence one's sexuality. However, there is still a strong case for classical and traditional theories of human sexuality, and one can't simply discount years of research that also links biological and genetic factors with human sexuality.
Suffice to say that the best approach to human sexuality and explaining human behaviors may be a multi-disciplinary approach, one that acknowledges the importance of the physiological components of human sexuality as much as it recognizes the cognitive and social factors that influence one's behaviors and preferences.
There is a strong body of evidence and a good case presented by Dyrne & Hogben that cognitive factors can serve as adequate reinforcement for certain sexual behaviors and preferences. One may simply conclude that there is not a 'one size fits all' approach to human…...
Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Belsky, J., Steinberg, L., & Draper, P. (1991). Childhood experience, interpersonal development, and reproductive strategy: An evolutionary theory of socialization. Child Development, 62, 647-670.
Delamater, J.D. & Hyde, J.S. (1998). "Essentialism vs. Social Constructionism in the study of human sexuality." The Journal of Sex Research, 35(1):10
He was unworthy, ecause he had in effect ecome oth a woman and a prostitute. If as an adult he nevertheless went ahead and exercised his citizenship y casting his vote or speaking in the assemly, he could e put on trial and lose not only his citizenship ut also his life. Such charges may not have een rought very often, ut it did sometimes happen,(18) and the very possiility must have preyed on the minds of oys who knew they could later e accused (p. 183)."
So we see that the attachment of shame, social ostracizing, and even prosecution if not as the penetrator, ut as the penetrated. Being penetrated y another male was deemed feminine, and women did not have the power of authority in ancient society. The pattern emerges of move in the direction of legal regulation here that can e traced to this ancient setting.
Ariela R.…...
mlabibliography which follows this proposal remains somewhat fluid in nature as works are added or deleted if comprehensive review determines a lack of appropriate substance to support or contribute to the dissertation study.
Andrews, S.K. (2004). U.S. Domestic Prosecution of the American International Sex Tourist: Efforts to Protect Children from Sexual Exploitation. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 94(2), 415+. Retrieved June 30, 2008, from Questia database:
Geez! What you girls go through! However, that still leaves us with my problem with condoms. What else can we use?
Rhiannon: Um...there's always diaphragms. I'd have to go get fitted for that. Plus we'd have to use gel. And the diaphragm has to be put in before sex. That takes a few minutes, longer than condoms, I think. That seems to reduce the spontaneity of sex. Regardless, I'm open to it. However, it doesn't address the STD issue.
Ronan: Rhiannon, I'm clean. And I'm sure you are too.
Rhiannon: Sure enough, I'm free of diseases. I get checked regularly. But, well, I don't think neither you nor I should put ourselves in that situation, even if we are faithful to each other. Condoms, really, are the only way to ensure that we don't run the risk of getting an STD...unless we abstain altogether.
Ronan: I don't want that.
Rhiannon: Me neither.
Ronan: It doesn't…...
Human Sexuality -- the Monogamy Gene
Monogamy Gene Summary
According to researchers, there is a specific gene possessed by some human males that predisposes them to long-term commitment within monogamous pair bonds. The gene is associated with the hormone vasopressin and it apparently plays a very similar role in humans to analogous genes in other mammals, such as the Prairie Vole. In voles, exposure to vasopressin immediately triggers a protective bonding instinct on the part of males. In humans, researchers have determined that men lacking in specific genetic markers are less likely to bond closely and commit to one woman whereas their counterparts with the marker are more inclined to do so.
The discovery leads to natural speculation about the possible future uses of this information, such as in the screening of potential mates by females hoping to find a partner with a natural tendency to bond closely to his spouse than a…...
Foucault (1981) suggested that moden social life is bound up with the ise of "disciplinay powe," which could be contolled and egulated (Giddens, 1992). Foucault temed sexuality "an especially dense tansfe point fo elations of powe," a point which can become a focus of social contol. We might see intenet sexuality as eflecting a change in the locus of powe, whee the intenet has become a dense tansfe medium fo those elations of powe. Specifically, the intenet has become a place whee simulation of sex, and sexual bate, occu with minimal contol and egulation (Ross, 2005)."
The Intenet povides the foum fo one peson to have seveal diffeent sexual pesonas with diffeent ages, gendes, pefeences and desies.
This has held tue though othe eadings I have done in the past. In fact, news shows ae constantly boadcasting the fact that people use the intenet to petend to be something othe than what…...
mlareferences, and other areas that may be frowned upon in the participant's three dimensional, real life circle.
This article helped me realize that the social theory surrounding sexual exploits is being changed through the use of electronic media.
Ross, Michael (2005). Typing, doing, and being: sexuality and the internet.
The Journal of Sex Research
History Of Human Sexuality
Sexuality has had a significant role in the flow of human history. It has been used as a means of control; form of art or in the form of science played a role in influencing the lives of people right through human history. Sexuality has been altered by the behavior and beliefs of people. Sexuality has also changed the way people behave and their beliefs. From the dawn of creation, the customs of disparate people starting with the most primitive to the modern civilized society has always looked upon sexuality as the guiding light with regard to their relation with the surroundings and the supernatural being. Sexuality has been used down history as a means of demonstrating a statement of right too. An example of this can be seen in what the women known as flappers did in the 1920's in America. (History of Sexuality)
After the end…...
In spite of the fact that there may have existed two great cultures that once widely accepted homosexuality as mere manifestation of the human sexuality, the Western world inherited a traditional negative attitude when it comes to this. Parents may accept their sons' and daughter's homosexuality and learn how to live with it, but they will never feel happy about it. Why? Authors like Greenberg (1988), avies (1982) and Gayle Rubin (1984) are preoccupied to go to the roots of things and to find out what motivates people to fight each other when it comes to such a basic and private right as the choice of a sexual partner.
Children out of wedlock, birth control means and masturbation are today topics in the Western society that are no longer taboos. On the other hand, homosexuality is in many respects, still generating harsh debates. Not only the political, but also the social…...
mlaDavies, C. 1982. Sexual Taboos and Social Boundaries. University of Reading
Greenberg, D.F. 1988. The Construction of Homosexuality. The University of Chicago Press
Rubin, G. 1984. Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality. Pandora.
Health and Human Sexuality
The place of the homosexual person in today's society has become an electrically charged breeding ground for misunderstanding, emotional sound bites, and political rhetoric. The appearance of increasing numbers of television shows which address homosexual issues makes it apparent that societies perspective on this subject is also up for grabs, and being competed for heavily in the public marketplace. At issue, or what appears to be at issue from this writers perspective is the level to which society will accept persons with same gender sexual orientation, and what kind of social and emotional support and aid will be of help to these individuals.
However, deeper at the core of this debate seems to be a level of malevolence which the gay person perceives to be directed against themselves whenever someone questions their sexual orientation. In the public debate, whenever a person or organization suggests that homosexual behavior and…...
Family Support and Acceptance, Gay Male Identity Formation, and Psychological Adjustment: A Path Model.
Family Process, Summer, 2001, by Yoel Elizur,
Michael Ziv
old, my best friend was a kid named Matthew. We went to the same schools, played on the same soccer team, attended the same church, and lived in the same neighborhood. We were at each other's house constantly. Matthew's father was a hairdresser and owned a salon. My mom was one of his clients.
I cannot remember not knowing that Matthew's father was gay. No one ever told me. I never saw Matthew's father with another man. Other than his profession, nothing about Matthew's father was stereotypically homosexual. Somehow, I knew it. However, Matthew's father's sexual orientation was never an issue between Matthew and me any more than my parents' heterosexuality was an issue. Nor was it a problem between Matthew's father and my parents, who liked both Matthew and his father very much.
Since I grew up with a gay adult in my environment, homosexuality was neither shocking nor upsetting…...
Comprehensive sex education programs typically include the following key components:
1. Comprehensive information on human sexuality: This includes information on anatomy, puberty, sexual development, reproduction, contraception, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
2. Healthy relationships: Education on consent, communication, boundaries, and respect in relationships.
3. Decision-making skills: Teaching students how to make informed and responsible choices about their sexual health and relationships.
4. Safer sex practices: Information on contraception methods, including condoms, and how to prevent the spread of STIs.
5. LGBTQ+ inclusive: Recognizing and acknowledging different sexual orientations and gender identities, and addressing the unique needs and challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals.
6. Cultural competence: Consideration....
Sigmund Freud's psychodynamic approach revolutionized the field of psychology in several ways:
1. Introduction of the Unconscious Mind: Freud's theory emphasized the role of the unconscious mind in shaping human behavior and experiences, challenging the prevailing belief that behavior is solely driven by conscious thought. This introduced a new perspective on the complexity of human psychology.
2. Development of Psychoanalysis: Freud developed the technique of psychoanalysis, a method of exploring and resolving unconscious conflicts and emotional issues through dialogue with a trained therapist. This laid the foundation for modern psychotherapy and counseling techniques.
3. Emphasis on Childhood Experiences: Freud's psychodynamic approach highlighted the....
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