Human Computer Interaction Essays (Examples)

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Human Computer Interaction Human-Computer Interaction HCI Is
Pages: 3 Words: 1190

Human Computer Interaction
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is the study, planning and design of the way human beings and modern computing devices interact. It is a renaissance discipline, newer and more necessary now that a significant portion of the population use a computer on a regular basis. The term was actually coined in a book that maintains that unlike other tools that have been developed throughout human civilization, and computer has so many uses that were not even part of its design. Also the idea is that HCI is such a large topic of study because it includes psychology, behavior, computer science, medicine (especially kinesiology), pedagogy, and numerous other adaptive behaviors and studies (Card,, 1986).

HCI and IBM- International Business Machines, IBM, has moved from working with its own PC brand to primarily the design, reinvention, and reinterpretation of research and development on computing issues. Its Center for Social Software, for instance,…...



Blankson, J. & Kyei-Blankson, L. (2008). Nontraditional students' perceptions of a blended course: integrating synchronous online discussion and face-to-face instruction. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 19(3), 421-438.

Card, S.,, (1998). The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction. Mahwah, NJ:

Lawrence Erlbaum.

Cheung, W., et.ak., (2008). Toward an understanding of why students contribute in asynchronous online discussions. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 38(1), 29-50.

Medical Records and Nurses
Pages: 5 Words: 1848

Sunrise Alsprits, the software system used in the workplace currently include increased efficiency compared to the manual system, increased access to several records, and ability to use real-time data. The disadvantages of the system include a long response time, some difficult to use features, and down-time of the system (during system upgrades), which decreases the level of satisfaction. Sunrise Alsprits system has a major shortcoming in that it allows for short-cuts around the system. Certain recommendations to improve the system to increase efficiency and effectiveness level are discussed. The observations and recommendations mentioned herein apply equally to similar systems meant for healthcare organizations elsewhere. It is recommended that suitable defaults be incorporated to save time and to facilitate fast switching between patient records; such measures would conform to the way the nurses work. Another recommendation is make provision for independent access, thus allowing for entries by administrative personnel. This…...



Smelcer, J. B., Miller-Jacobs, H., & Kantrovich, L. (2009). Usability of electronic medical records. Journal of usability studies, 4(2), 70-84.

Su, K. & Liu, C. (2010). A Mobile Nursing Information System Based on Human-Computer Interaction Design for Improving Quality of Nursing. Journal of Medical Systems,36, 1129-1153.

Zaphiris, P., Ang, C. S., Henderson, J., & Tosheff, L. (2008). Human Computer Interaction: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications. In Phd Thesis by M. Al-Masarweh Brunel University APPENDIX 1: LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Journal.

Frigstad, S. A., Nost, T. H., & Andre, B. (2015). Implementation of Free Text Format Nursing Diagnoses at a University Hospital's Medical Department. Exploring Nurses' and Nursing Students' Experiences on Use and Usefulness. A Qualitative Study. Nursing research and practice, 2015.

Human Computer Interface HCI Measurement
Pages: 8 Words: 2034

Core affect (CA) on the other hand refers to a neurophysiological state which is accessible consciously as very simple and yet nonreflective feeling which forms an integral part of hedonistic as well as arousing values. The hedonistic values are responsible for the feeling of pleasure and displeasure while the arousal feelings are activated by sleep. In the study of affect, it became clear that its core characteristics are many. Some of the characteristics are valence which is the extent, to which an individual feels bad. Arousal, which is the sleep-activated value denoting to the extent to which one feels energized. Affects exists in each and every person without the need of any form of stimulus. Affects is a primitive aspect of every being and is noted to be university as well as ubiquitous. Affect is the center of all human laden events and called in various names as pointed…...



Zhang, P (2011a).Organizational & Business Context

Zhang, P (2011b).Interactive Technologies

Zhang, P (2011c).Physical Engineering

Zhang, P (2011d).Cognitive Psychology & Cognitive Engineering

Computer Fluency Impact on a
Pages: 3 Words: 1123

As many of the world's industries are faced with increasing competitive pressure and the need to continually improve their performance, employers look to new employees with computer fluency skills as an indicator that the person also has initiative to tackle difficult learning projects and master them. Initiative is very valuable in today's labor market. When combined with computer fluency and literacy, a prospective employee can add in knowledge of a specific industry and gain a greater competitive advantage in getting a new position. This combination of factors together is what serves as the catalyst for anyone seeking a career where computer fluency is a necessary requirement.

The level of computer literacy and their level of fluency with PCs, applications, the Internet and its many applications and research tools will have a direct correlation to what they will earn over their lifetimes; this point is clear from the studies citied. In…...


Francis Green, Alan Felstead, Duncan Gallie, Ying Zhou. "COMPUTERS and PAY." National Institute Economic Review no. 201 (July 1, 2007): 63-75.   (Accessed April 30, 2008). 

Copacino, William C "Skills development -- the best defense against downsizing." Logistics Management, January 1, 1997, 42.

A (Accessed April 30, 2008).

Can Computers Ever Think Like Human Beings
Pages: 8 Words: 2394

Essay Topic Examples
1. The Limits of Machine Learning:
    This essay would explore the capabilities and limitations of current machine learning technologies in mimicking human thought. It would address the question of whether artificial intelligence can truly replicate the nuanced and complex nature of human cognition or if there are intrinsic qualities to human thought that machines cannot emulate.

2. Emotional Intelligence in Artificial Intelligence:
    This topic would discuss the concept of emotional intelligence and whether it can be programmed into computers. The essay could delve into the advances in affective computing and debate the plausibility of computers not only understanding but also experiencing emotions like human beings.

3. Neurocomputing and the Simulation of the Human Brain:
    The essay would examine efforts to simulate the human brain through neurocomputing. This includes the development of neural networks and whether these systems can replicate the complexity of human neural structures to a degree that allows for human-like thought…...


Primary Sources

Turing, Alan M. \"Computing Machinery and Intelligence.\" Mind, vol. 59, no. 236, 1950, pp. 433–460.

Searle, John R. \"Minds, Brains, and Programs.\" The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, vol. 3, 1980, pp. 417-457.

Hofstadter, Douglas. \"I Am a Strange Loop.\" Basic Books, 2007.

Russell, Stuart J., and Peter Norvig. \"Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach.\" 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, 2009.

Marcus, Gary. \"Deep Learning: A Critical Appraisal.\" arXiv, arXiv:1801.00631, 2018.

Computers the Effects of Heavy
Pages: 3 Words: 973

Thus "we become accustomed to demanding rather than requesting, and we unlearn the skill of making someone feel good about doing what we need" (Coffee, 2002, p. 302). The experience of continuous demands from the computer runs counter to what is required for interaction with people. The inanimate object is there to satisfy all the cyber desires at the press of a key. A person will not function in the same manner. Interacting with flesh and blood requires a different attitude, which is not engaged when the computer is interfaced with regularly. The net result of that practice is diminished civility and a boorishness that impresses demands on others. To get services from people requires politeness and at times social grace; these are not involved in the digital interaction with the computer.
Perhaps the most damning element of excessive computer usage occurs when the virtual confuses the real, and this…...



Staples, B. (2004). What adolescents miss when we let them grow up in cyber space. New York


Coffee, P. (2002). There's a bad example on every desk. eWeek

Goldsborough, R. For the love of the P.C.

Computer Tech When Most Technology
Pages: 2 Words: 511

Some nanorobots are being designed as "spray-on computers the size of a grain of sand." Edinburgh University has been working on nanorobots that can be sprayed onto patients as monitoring devices. They may be released for medical use in four years.
Quantum computers, based on principles like quantum entanglement and superposition, use the properties of particles. Quantum bits, called qubits, can process information faster than any existing computer technologies. A quantum computer can process many equations simultaneously. In a smaller space, using less energy, a quantum computer becomes more powerful than any commercial PC. In fact, Hertzog implies that quantum computers will mainly be used in fields demanding rapid data processing like the sciences or in cryptography.

Finally, one of the most promising future developments will be in the realm of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence implies computers that can think critically and creatively, like human beings. The potential for artificial intelligence…...



Hertzog, C. (2006). The future of computer technology. Tech Tips. Retrieved April 17, 2007 at

Human Interaction Analysis of the
Pages: 2 Words: 527

This transformation of the user experience is critical for the cognitive value of all these attributes together to make the contribution they are capable of (Mirel, Olsen, 1998).
Finally the contextual aspects of ergonomics and usability need to be addressed in any new product, software or website development. The contextual role of design puts information into a meaningful framework for the immediate and active use of those it was designed for (Massey, Khatri, Montoya-Weiss, 2007). Contextual ergonomics includes an awareness of the needs of those using the product, experiencing its information and seeking to make the most of it via a universal design structure. Attractiveness and the ability to define customization is critical, as is the need for ensuring transparency of how the elements are integrated together to deliver a consistent user experience.


Cappel, J.J., & Huang, Z. (2007). A usability analysis of company websites. The Journal of Computer Information Systems,…...



Cappel, J.J., & Huang, Z. (2007). A usability analysis of company websites. The Journal of Computer Information Systems, 48(1), 117-123.

Georgievski, M., & Sharda, N. (2006). Re-engineering the usability-testing process for live multimedia systems. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 19(1), 223-233.

Massey, a.P., Khatri, V., & Montoya-Weiss, M. (2007). Usability of online services: The role of technology readiness and context*. Decision Sciences, 38(2), 277-308.

Mirel, B., & Olsen, L.A. (1998). Social and cognitive effects of professional communication on software usability. Technical Communication Quarterly, 7(2),

Human Interaction if Any of
Pages: 2 Words: 747

" Then take the screen grab and find the image on "clipboard." We tried to do this but found no key with a box around it. Another remedy Web site said to do what the first one recommended -- and the image would appear on the clipboard. We looked at a blank clipboard and then at each other and I said, "Trade the dang thing in for a Mac!"
Seriously, we're not that technology savvy in the first place, but HP could do a better job making it possible (if not simple) to take a screen grab. Taking a screen grab can save time and make it simple to grab and print out a passage in a book or article rather than printing the whole page. Recommendation: emulate the Macintosh screen capture technology. It can't be that hard.

Reply to Student 1 -- iPad. I was considering getting an iPad for my…...

Human Resource Information Systems Wal-Mart
Pages: 5 Words: 1523

Analyze the appropriateness of HM technologies and best practices to recommend applications and strategies for your selected organization, in order to improve organizational effectiveness, workforce productivity, and systems integration

HM technologies are essential towards reduction of the cost of operations as well as an increment in the level of consumer satisfaction hence effective management of the resources and available opportunities. Wal-Mart should focus on the quality and efficient automation of the processes and departments for the purposes of eliminating errors and overhead costs. This is essential through management of the HM technologies such as CM, FID, and EP with the aim of achieving maximum profit levels and revenues at the end of the fiscal year.


Ho, C. (2007). Measuring system performance of an EP-based supply chain. International Journal of Production esearch, 45(6), 1255-1277. doi:


Karimi, J., Somers, T.M., & Bhattacherjee, A. (2007). The ole of Information Systems

esources in EP Capability Building and Business…...



Ho, C. (2007). Measuring system performance of an ERP-based supply chain. International Journal of Production Research, 45(6), 1255-1277. doi:


Karimi, J., Somers, T.M., & Bhattacherjee, A. (2007). The Role of Information Systems

Resources in ERP Capability Building and Business Process Outcomes. Journal Of

Human Factors Engineering There Is
Pages: 10 Words: 3285

The work environment, for example, could be conducive to this type of stress, as can the relationship with other employees and with supervisors.
This type of fatigue is vastly different from the mental or physical fatigue of direct work overburden, and is also more subtle than these types of fatigue. It should therefore be carefully monitored in terms of its nature and how it interacts with other types of fatigue, particularly when the workforce is diminished.

Because of the complexity of psychological loading factors, Dr. Bill should be careful to monitor, revise, and update company policy in terms of issues such as communication among employees as well as among employees and their supervisors. Communication can play a significant part in how employees perceive their work, as well as how they experience the burden of their work in a psychological sense.

Mental loading, on the other hand, is probably the most common loading…...



Advameg, Inc. (2012). Sprains and Strains. Retrieved from:

City Office (2012). Retrieved from: 

How Does Human Metabolism Work? (2012). Retrieved from: 

Overgaard, D., Gyntelberg, F. And Heitmann, B.L. (2004). Psychological workload and body weight: is there an association? A review of the literature. Occupational Medicine, no. 54. Retrieved from:

Human Resources International Human Resource Management International
Pages: 12 Words: 3525

Human esources
International Human esource Management

International Business H: Vital and Pivotal

During the 20th century, the human resources (H) function has become quite skilled at managing human capital which is frequently defined as the skills, knowledge and experience of individual workers within a company. Human resources management has never been more vital to organizations than it is today as more and more businesses are going global. For globalizing companies, experienced, informed and effective Human esource people skills are becoming a strategic asset. In order to maximize the competitive potential of employees across global markets many multinational companies will need to revise their H policies and programs.

Table of Contents


Background and Significance

Discussion and Implications



During the 20th century, the human resources (H) function has become quite skilled at managing human capital which is frequently defined as the skills, knowledge and experience of individual workers within a company. But just as H was gaining competencies in…...



Adeleye, Ifedapo. (2011). Theorizing the diffusion of International Human Resource

Practices:Towards an Integrated Conceptual Approach. International Journal of Business andManagement, 6(12), 254-269.

Baughn, C. Christopher, Neupert, Kent E., Anh, Phan Thi Thuc, and Hang, Ngo Thi

Minh.(2011). Social capital and human resource management in international joint ventures inVietnam: a perspective from a transitional economy. The International

Human and Machine Intelligence the Similarities and
Pages: 2 Words: 936

Human and Machine Intelligence
The similarities and differences between human and machine intelligence doesn't seem to be the most important issue. It seems clear that both have been shown to exist, though they have very fundamentally different characteristics. The issue now centers more on supremacy: Is one better, more authoritative than the other? And if so, does this influence whether a "superintelligence" (Bostrom, 2003) exists that takes us to the paradigm when words (Zadeh, 2009) and emotions are most important (Dennett, Chapter 16)?

The early writings about projects like the Turing test tried to explain intelligence as being some kind of understanding about knowledge and its function. They often used simple conceptualizations similar to the way computers use the characters of "1" and "0" as a mathematical language. Philosophers use this approach to speculate about how a logical person might be able to "see" one color by itself, independent of another color…...



Block, N. (____). The mind as the software of the brain. Chapter 14.

Bostrom, N. (2003). Creating Superintelligence involves less risk than waiting. In S. Engdahl, Artificial Intelligence. Green Press: Detroit.

Can a Machine Think? Chapter 5.

Chatham, C. (2011). 10 important differences between brains and computers. Developing Intelligence [over time, across species, cross-platform]. Viewable at .

Computer-Based Training in Higher Learning
Pages: 9 Words: 2946

The instructor does sit with the student when he or she is training with the devices the FAA approves for the educational computer training. Sometimes a separate computer is used during this process, but the teacher is able to monitor and control the student's flight as well as plan out every detail for him or her at that particular time (United States Gernal Accounting Office, 1999).
For those that are educators, they too have noticed trends with computer-based training. The convenience of learning on the Web has stretched all the possible barriers that occur locally and globally. When it comes to distance learning, the Internet is used to deliver material to the learner, such as Word documents or PowerPoints. However, in other online environments, this is provided through hypertext, which allows the learner more opportunities to explore the information provided as well as to have much interactivity (Khalifa & Lam,…...



Bowman, W.R., Crawford, A.M., & Mehay, S. (2009). An assessment of the effectiveness of computer-based training for newly commissioned surface warfare division officers. Naval Postgraduate School, 119.

Information Design, Inc. (2004). Issues in web-based training. 5.

Khalifa, M., & Lam, R. (2002). Web-based learning: Effects on learning process and outcome. IEEE Transactions on Education, 7.

Kulik, C.-L. C., & Kulik, J.A. (1991). Effectiveness of computer-based: An updated analysis. Computers in human behavior, 20.

Human Factors
Pages: 10 Words: 3134

Human Factors in Aviation
rief Historical ackground

The Airline Industry has a history that dates back to 1903 when the Wright brothers made their first successful flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Initially the public did not take the idea of the airplane travel favorably. ut this event marked the beginning of the Airline Industry as more and more inputs were given by people such as Charles Lindbergh who successfully completed a solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean in 1927 and created massive interest in flying with the general public.

The concern for human factor involvement in aviation started as soon as the interest of general public was roused in it. The initial concern was for the safety of people daring to fly the aircraft as accidents were reported due to a flaw in the design or working of the plane. A pilot task was to juggle with the complexity of design of…...



Daniel J. Garland, V. David Hopkins, John A. Wise. (1999). Handbook of Aviation Human Factors. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Clint A. Bowers, C. Shawn Burke, Eduardo Salas, Katherine A. Wilson. (2001) Team Training in the Skies: Does Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training Work?, Vol. 43

Clint A. Bowers, Janis A. Cannon-Bowers, Randall L. Oser, Carolyn Prince, Eduardo Salas, Renee J. Stout. (1999) A Methodology for Enhancing Crew Resource Management Training, Vol. 41

Airlines in the industry. (N.d.) Retrieved on Sep 30, 2005 from:

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