What is the role of HR Department in your organization?
According to the HR Manager, the role of HR Department in Washington Mutual is to handle the responsibilities relating to performance management and workforce planning. The company's HR Department also acts as a steward to the company's brand and change agents.
To what extent is the HR Staff/Deparment involved in strategic business planning? Please explain.
The HR staff and department is strategically involved from a workforce planning prospective. Whenever there is a hiring need, departmental change, or a position that needs to be created, everything starts from the HR department. They look at various factors internally and externally before proceeding on the processes that will meet the needs of the company. One factor that the HR department considers in their business planning is the budget of the company.
In your own opinion, what are some of the most pressing human resource issues faced by…...
H manager changed in the past few years?
The role of the H manager has experienced gradual change over the past years thus illustration of the shift to human resources from the antiquated personnel department. This has changed the way business entities view human elements. The main factors behind this transformation include quality labor or employment laws, enhanced working conditions, and relevant economic obstacles faced by different business entities in the modern economy (Marler, 2012). The duties of the human resource individual or person have also undergone rapid transformation to meet the demands of the organizations at unique levels. The values of the human resource professionals have risen from the perspectives of the leading companies. In addition to the employment duties, human resource managers now handle activities such as recruitment, training, and development of the employees within the context of the workplace. Human resource managers now have the ability to…...
Armstrong, M. (2008). Strategic Human Resource Management: A Guide to Action. Kogan Page.
Brief, A.P. (2008). Diversity at Work. Cambridge University Press.
Bruno, R. (2006). Optimal speed of transition with a shrinking labour force and under uncertainty. Economics Of Transition, 14(1), 69-100. doi:10.1111/j.1468-
Channar, Z., Abbassi, Z., & Ujan, I. (2011). Gender Discrimination in Workforce and its Impact
Human esources Manager Career Analysis
H Manager Career Analysis
The field of human resources continues to grow to ensure personnel who understand the complexities employment law and the realm of employment benefits. In fact, the Occupational Outlook "Handbook" maintains that "Much faster than average growth is expected during the projection period" for human resources, trainers, and labor relations managers and specialists ("Handbook," 2011). Human resources managers come from a wide variety of educational backgrounds, which is an artifact of the different levels of responsibility within the field and the diversity of duties associated with different specialties. In any case, acquiring certification in the area of specialty -- and graduation from college with either a BA or a Masters degree -- provides the greatest opportunities for a good position in the field and for future advancement. The Chronicle Guidance Publications, Inc. offers occupational briefs for all major types of work. The general listing…...
ASTD Certification Institute's Certified Professional in Learning and Performance Certification (CPLP), American Association for Training and Development (AATD). Retrieved http://www.astd.org/
Certification, CareerOneStop, America's Career Infonet Retrieved / certifications_new/cert_search_keyword_results.asp?http://www.careerinfonet.org
Chronicle Occupation Briefs, Individual Titles Beginning with G -- H. Chronicle Guidance Publications, Inc. Retrieved http://www.chronicleguidance.com/catalog.asp?prodid=
More important than finding good candidates is finding good employees.
This is where the company's overall HR strategy comes into play. Kanata wants to do a few things -- lower turnover rates, improve its managerial candidate pool and build a strong collection of minority employees, especially those with management potential. At this point, there is no specific link between the MAT test and these outcomes. The company does not even know the links between its traditional hiring measures and these outcomes.
3. The hiring process at Kanata is not directly tied to the company's strategic objectives. This is a major problem, because the company is facing a number of issues that could otherwise be addressed in the hiring process. For example, the company does not relate on-the-job performance appraisals to the hiring process and the promotions process. The link between these three should be obvious -- hire good people, watch them…...
Human esource Transformation: Motivating Employees
Human resource managers are always needed in the agenda of making employees work towards the attainment of the set objectives in an organization. Human resource managers have the sole responsibility for taking charge of the actions of employees and organizing them for what is needed. The human resource element is in this light seen as the gel that binds human activities within an organization. People demystify their roles as the leaders of the organization through this link. The major traditional position of the human resource managers is administrative. It links the actions of the employees and makes them act towards the objective set (Milkovich & Boudreau, 2011). The role of human resource managers has however been transforming from the traditional one to a more sophisticated one, where it involves being strategic in thinking and organizing employees. The strategic element of human resource management is the new…...
Dessler, G. (2010). Human Resource Management (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall
Fina, M. (2009). Perspectives on Managing Employees. Boston, MA: Course Technology
Milkovich, G., & Boudreau, J. (2011). Human Resource Management (6th ed.). Homewood, IL: Irwin
Noe, R. (2006). Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage (5th ed.). Boston, Mass.: McGraw-Hill.
Performance Management
Job description for Retail Sales Associate
In today's 'brick and mortar' retail environments, one of the most critical objectives is to create an excellent customer experience. Management of the customer experience is a concept being embraced globally by retailers and has even become part of mission statements for corporations. Thus, Starbucks is renowned for the unique experience it creates for customers, the computer giant Dell focuses on positive customer interactions, Valero Energy is directed towards quality, value and convenience for its retail customers, and Toyota lists dealer support and positive experiences for customers in its mission statement (Michelli 2007; Verhoef et al., 2009).
Duties of sales associates have a variety of aspects. These include the environment of their assigned area -- including maintenance of stock, safety, and cleanliness of the area as well as simply making the area 'shoppable'. The associate must know their products and their department, being able not…...
(n.d.). Development Process. Trade. Retrieved from: http://www.orau.gov/pbm/handbook/1-1.pdf
Court, L., & Warmington, C. (2004). The workplace privacy myth: why electronic monitoring is here to stay. Employment and Labor Law, 1(1), 1-20.
Farooq, M., & Khan, M.A. (2011). Impact of Training and Feedback on Employee Performance. Far East Journal, 23-33. Retrieved from: http://www.fareastjournals.com/files/fejpbv5n1p2.pdf
Frayer, C. (2002). Employee privacy and internet monitoring: balancing workers' rights and dignity with legitimate management interests. Business Lawyer, 57(2), 857-878.
Human esources
Impact that Technological Advancements have on Compensation and Benefits Processing
Advancement in technology has been of significant benefit for compensation and benefits processing. In particular, benefits administration has been drastically transformed, owing to the internet. More so, the kinds of benefits desired have also gone through some changes in recent years. In the present, administration of benefits is now more of a self-service undertaking on the organization's website or Intranet. In turn, personnel are now able to go online and finish their contact information, chosen desired options and make changes as required. The technology has considerable consequences for freeing up H employees, and to a lesser magnitude, the organization's managers for more important activities. Technology makes it possible to have greater flexibility in the compensation and benefits plans and places more of the responsibility of selection in the hands of employees. In addition, technology has provided employees more access to…...
Ensher, E. A., Nielson, T. R., & Grant-Vallone, E. (2003). Tales from the hiring line: effects of the internet and technology on HR processes. Organizational dynamics, 31(3), 224-244.
HR Council. (2017). Compensation and Benefits. Retrieved from: http://hrcouncil.ca/hr-toolkit/compensation-overview.cfm
HR Magazine. (2009). Self-Insured vs. Fully Insured. Society for Human Resource Management. Retrieved from: https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/news/hr-magazine/pages/0909wellsc.aspx
Paychex. (2014). Employee Benefits: What Basic Benefits Must a Company provide Employees? Retrieved from: https://www.paychex.com/articles/employee-benefits/employee-benefits-a-company-must-provide
H Services
• Identifies at least 3 users of H services within an organization
The major consultants of H Services are the employers and within the company the management requires the services of the H not only for selection of the right employees but also to increase productivity and efficiency Inn view of the modern researches that have been conducted in the field it is found that occupation choice and performance are influenced by the personality factors and these in turn influence person-job fit. esearches showed that H managers have differences from the other type of managers and even from non-managerial H specialists. (Lounsbury; Steel; Gibson; Drost, 2008, p. 357)
The second category would be the worker or the employee who wish to either better hi career or arbitrate the working conditions. The human resource department also functions as the arbitrator where two of these parties are in dispute and over that also…...
Blau, Francine D. 2006. The Declining Significance of Gender, Russell Sage Foundation. pp 133-134.
DeSanctis, Gerardine. 1986. Human Resource Information Systems: A Current Assessment
MIS Quarterly, vol. 10, no. 1, pp: 15-27.
Lounsbury, John W; Steel, Robert P; Gibson, Lucy W; Drost, Adam W. 2008. Personality traits and career satisfaction of human resource professionals. Human Resource Development International, vol. 11, no. 4, pp: 351-366.
HR Task Performance
Human resources and HR managers contain enormous potential in their ability to align a larger corporate strategy into its own inner workings. Specifically, HR managers working within PM and leadership for elderly services can greatly affect the overall performance of the organization by identifying and completing tasks that support the overall mission. This role within human resources depends on the leader's ability to gather resources and disseminate them accordingly.
For example, HR managers in this case must develop, update and implement important policies. These polices must be standardized and put down in writing. Implementation of these plans must be done by actually performing the outlined policies and putting them into practice, otherwise the policy is useless and not worthwhile. Distinguishing between quantity and quality is also very important in this situation as the tendency for overkill is strong within the social services industry.
Dealing with money with a human services…...
HR Devolution
An Analysis on how Devolution can Drive Evolution of the Industry
In the last few decades the globalization trend has worked to foster extensive changes how organizations operate. The rapid pace of the business world has created a scenario in which organizations are constantly evolving and organizational change is nearly a perpetual process. The role of technology has also been a contributing factor that has also had profound implications on organizations and how their human resources interact, collaborate, perform task, as well as impacted the organizational context in general. The level of competition has also steadily risen as firms constantly streamline processes and business functions. Organizations now must maintain a close eye on the external environment and adapt as needed to continue to satisfy consumer demands.
It is in this environment that a trend of devolution in the HR business function is predicted to drive the evolution of the industry. The…...
mlaWorks Cited
Anderson, K., B. Cooper, and C. Zhu. "The effect of SHRM practices on perceived firm financial performance: Some initial evidence from Australia." Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 2007: 168-179.
Andolsek, D., and J. Stebe. "Devolution or (de)centralization of HRM function in European organizations." The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2007: 311-329.
Bond, S., and S. Wise. "Family leave policies and devolution to the line." Personel Review, 2003: 58-72.
Cascon-Pereira, R., M. Valverde, and G. Ryan. "Mapping out devolution: an exploration of the realities of devolution." Journal of European Industrial Training, 2006: 129-151.
H oles and esponsibilities
In a bid to clearly understand the roles and responsibilities the H department plays in an organization, I had a rare privilege to interview the Human esource Manager of our organization, Fox Sports Network. He enumerated a number of these roles and responsibilities thus:
The human resources department serves myriad functions within an organization. Its major roles and responsibilities include ensuring that an organization complies with the labor laws. The department engages in hiring and training of employees and keeps an organization's records (Mooney, 2014). It is also involved in worker compensation, relational assistance, and handling of specific performance issues.
First forward to ensuring compliance with labor laws, it is the responsibility of the human resource department to ensure that all the organization's engagements with regard to hiring are in line with employment regulations. An organization has to comply with issues pertaining to number of breaks given per number…...
mlaReferences List
Mooney, L. (2014). Key Functions of an HR Department. Houston Chronicle.
The job board policies to attract perfectly qualified candidates may take a similar imagination and focused outlines that were used by bigger companies in marketing their products and services to promising customers. Some of the fundamental techniques using Internet adopted to reach promising candidates are: directed email promotions, buttons, banners, tiles, skyscrapers, etc. (a Telescopic View of Online ecruitment)
It is not only the use of Internet and its fame that has grown over the years but also its advanced techniques of tracking and profiling that are used by the websites. These techniques enable the recruiter to directly reach those perfectly qualified candidates. One of the techniques to develop a profile that attracts the suitable candidates is to study the top performers in your present organization, to understand how they spend their time online; these top performers may spend time on sites offering games, cartoons, weather details, up coming movies,…...
Anderson, Mark. A Telescopic View of Online Recruitment. Retrieved at on 7 March 2005http://www.recruitersnetwork.com/articles/article.cfm?ID=1438Accessed
Internet Recruiting. 2004. Retrieved at Accessed on 7 March 2005http://www.wachovia.com/small_biz/page/0,447_972_1695_1943_1950,00.html .
Kutsmode, Carl. Integrating technology with your existing recruiting processes. Retrieved at on 7 March 2005http://www.recruitersnetwork.com/articles/article.cfm?ID=1108Accessed
10 studies about Internet usage. Davis Advertising. 04 December, 2003 Retrieved at on 7 March 2005http://www.recruitersnetwork.com/articles/article.cfm?ID=1458Accessed
HR Compensation
It is well established that human resources personnel have a direct and forceful impact on the strategic success of any business or economic organization. Ulrich (1997) suggests that "the relationship between HR practices and business results is built on a rather simple premise: better deployment and use of HR practices should correlate with higher business results "(p.303). One tool HR managers have at their disposal is the use of compensation packages and their unique impact on the labor force. The purpose of this essay is to examine compensation packages, in both the monetary and non-monetary form, impact on attracting and maintain a desirable workforce and the possible influence on the overall effectiveness of the organization.
Casico (2010) discussed the aspect of compensation in terms of rewards. He suggested that compensation could be divided into two separate categories; either financial or non-financial rewards. Financial rewards are considered the monetary distribution of…...
mlaWorks Cited
Cascio, W. (2010). Managing Human Resources. Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits. 8th edition. McGraw Hill.
Casico, W. (n.d.) . HR in Alignment hosted by Wayne Casico.
Ulrich, D. (1997). Measuring Human Resources; An Overview of Practice and A Prescription for Results. Human Resource Management, Fall 1997. 36, 3, Pp 303-320. Retrieved from http://www.e-rh.org/documents/ISO/measuring-hr-kpi-for-hr.pdf
H Process
The well-known Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the EEOC, Department of Homeland Security and the Department of labor outline the various provisions that are formatted to ensure the people with disability, the minority groups, and every caliber of Americans have equal access to the employment opportunities. The laws and provision are meant to ensure the people with disability live a normal and comfortable life, there is a reduce discrimination in term of color, race, country of origin, religion or sex. The EEOC for instance ensures that the rule of law is followed in employment and no single organization uses the neutral laws to disadvantage a given group or individual.
The ADA is mandated to ensure the Americans living with disability enjoy equal employment opportunities, equal rights to access and enjoy State and Local Government Activities, easy access to public transport, access and equal utilization of public accommodations, fair housing, fair…...
Edie Grace, (2010). Discrimination against the Disabled in the Workplace. Retrieved May 5,
2011 from http://www.ehow.com/about_6744403_discrimination-against-disabled-workplace.html
U.S. Department of Justice, (2006). A Guide to Disability Rights Laws. Retrieved May 5, 2011
There are many "cross-cultural issues" associated with doing business with and managing expatriates (Brewster, Sparrow & Harris, p. 951). Companies have to consider the way expatriates would be managed if managed by the home or central company and if managed by the international company that governs the territory in which expatriates work (Brewster, Mayrhofer & Morley, 2004).
Working internationally can be the source of much conflict and confusion if not approached properly. However, H functions and challenges when working strategically with international companies, clients and expatriates can be mitigated and minimized if companies take the time they need to establish a proper framework and communications system when working internationally.
Brewster, C., Sparrow, P., & Harris, H. (2005 Jun) Human esource Management:
Towards a new model of globalizing HM. The International Journal of Human esource Management, 16(6): 949-70.
Brewster, C., Mayrhofer, W. & Morley, M. (2004) Human esource Management in Europe: Evidence of convergence?…...
Brewster, C., Sparrow, P., & Harris, H. (2005 Jun) Human Resource Management:
Towards a new model of globalizing HRM. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16(6): 949-70.
Brewster, C., Mayrhofer, W. & Morley, M. (2004) Human Resource Management in Europe: Evidence of convergence? London: Elsevier.
Budhwar, P.S. & Sparrow, P.R. (2002) an integrative framework for understanding cross national Human Resource management principles, Human Resource Management Review, 10(7): 1-28.
1. Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
In this essay, we will explore the roles and responsibilities of a CEO in a modern business setting.2. Director of Marketing
This essay will examine the key skills and qualities required to excel in a marketing leadership role.3. Creative Director
Exploring the duties and challenges faced by creative directors in industries such as advertising and design.4. Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
An analysis of the financial management responsibilities of a CFO and their impact on overall business strategy.5. Human Resources Manager
This essay will delve into the critical functions performed by....Our semester plans gives you unlimited, unrestricted access to our entire library of resources —writing tools, guides, example essays, tutorials, class notes, and more.
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