Houston Essays (Examples)

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Houston Real Estate Search Prompt You Are
Pages: 5 Words: 1463

Houston Real Estate Search

You are a real estate consultant in Houston working with a young doctor transferring from Los Angeles to the Texas Medical Center. This doctor has completed his residency training (he has his MD degree in surgery) in Los Angeles (he made $50,000 as a resident) and will start at the UT School of Medicine in the surgery department. He is 31 years old and he is married. His wife currently teaches in the Los Angeles Community College District and she plans to work in community college teaching in the Houston area. They have mutually decided that they want to live with five miles of the medical center. They love the arts and they live big city living.

The doctor and his wife have saved a total of $20,000 over the years but his salary at UT will be in excess of $250,000 per year. They would like to…...

Houston in an Era of
Pages: 2 Words: 640

nlike many of his peers, Houston did not support long-term independence for Texas, even though he did serve as an intermittent President of the Republic. Instead, he urged for annexation by the nited States, and once it was a part of the nion, he served as the Senator from Texas. Foley presents an image of Houston at this point that is unlike any other, showing him to indeed by the roughhousing frontier man who chewed tobacco and spit it out on his front porch, just an everyday man, but also a purely brilliant politician who outfoxed England and France in the matter of annexation. To the Texas Revolution he brought not only conviction and guile, but also a wealth of military experience that ensured a military prepared to get past the December surrender of the Cos at San Antonio. Foley argues that, sagely and independently, Houston knew that Santa Anna…...


Unlike many of his peers, Houston did not support long-term independence for Texas, even though he did serve as an intermittent President of the Republic. Instead, he urged for annexation by the United States, and once it was a part of the Union, he served as the Senator from Texas. Foley presents an image of Houston at this point that is unlike any other, showing him to indeed by the roughhousing frontier man who chewed tobacco and spit it out on his front porch, just an everyday man, but also a purely brilliant politician who outfoxed England and France in the matter of annexation. To the Texas Revolution he brought not only conviction and guile, but also a wealth of military experience that ensured a military prepared to get past the December surrender of the Cos at San Antonio. Foley argues that, sagely and independently, Houston knew that Santa Anna was coming and that in order to battle that warfront when it came, the Army had to be prepared.

Unflaggingly, Foley tells the story of a Houston without whose wits the Texas Revolution would have surely failed at the hands of Mexico and in whose soul lived an everyday man with the courage to live up to his convictions and see his beliefs become reality. When Jacksonian politics took a turn to the hyperbolic, he remained ever Houston the man, whose personal mores kept him from submitting to the river of involvement. Instead of giving up on the things that made him who he was, he gave up running for President, changing the future of the country but maintaining his place as a man. It was that man, Foley's Houston, that lives on in the pages of this book, the hearts of all Texans, and the namesake city, university, fort, and parks he carries on today.

Haley, James L. Sam Houston. Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 2004. P. 3.

Oil Prices & Houston Economy
Pages: 3 Words: 1059

Houston's economy is heavily dependent on the oil industry. Thus, when oil prices decline, the fortunes of Houston's economy should be expected to decline. In economics, the concept of stickiness applies. This means that the price of goods will move differently in the short run vs. The long run. Things like jobs and housing are generally sticky, so it would not be expected that the economy of Houston would change much, based on a short-term change in the price of oil. People will still have their jobs, and thus would still keep their houses. But when the change in the price of oil persists over a longer period, companies will begin to adjust, bringing about what should be noticeable changes in both the job and housing market. The GDP will adjust a little bit faster, given the oil values are going to affect the GDP directly. At this point in…...



Janikowski, P. & Philip, J. (2015) The economy at a glance. Greater Houston Partnership. Retrieved April 15, 2015 from  http://www.houston.org/pdf/research/quickview/Economy_at_a_Glance.pdf 

Olick, D. (2015). Houston housing awaits spring chill. CNBC. Retrieved April 15, 2015 from  http://www.cnbc.com/id/102424293 

Sarnoff, N. (2015). Houston area builders face uncertain future. Houston Chronicle. Retrieved April 15, 2015 from  http://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/real-estate/article/Houston-are-builders-face-uncertain-future-6000426.php 

Schneider, A. (2015). In Houston, falling oil prices spark fears of job cuts beyond energy. NPR.org. Retrieved April 15, 2015 from  http://www.npr.org/2015/03/03/390159176/in-houston-falling-oil-prices-spark-fears-of-job-cuts-beyond-energy

Amber Alert Plan in Houston
Pages: 3 Words: 920

HRP is organized to immediately notify the media so the information can be broadcast to all area residents via both radio and television.
HRP is organized to work carefully but efficiently. To generate an mber lert, a law enforcement agency first establishes that the missing person meets the criteria. Working quickly, a local, state or federal law enforcement agency verifies that certain circumstances exist:

the missing child is under 18 years old the law enforcement agency believes an abduction has occurred it seems likely that the child may be at immediate risk for physical harm the agency has enough information to give to the media to help find the child there is no other credible explanation to explain the child's absence (Klaas Kids).

The agency then quickly notifies the Texas Department of Public Safety with the information they have. They in turn issue the mber lert, which is broadcast using the system…...


Accessed via the Internet 3/5/05.  http://www.amber-plan.net/ 

How Amber Alert Works" in How Stuff Works. Accessed via the Internet 3/5/05. http://ibs.howstuffworks.com/ibs/bos/amber-alert3.htm

Klaas Kids Foundation. Updated 10/21/02. Accessed via the Internet 3/5/05.  http://www.klaaskids.org/amst-tex.htm

Has Houston Forgotten the Latino Community
Pages: 8 Words: 2665

Latino Community
acial discrimination is a term that signifies treating people with different skin tone and cultural heritage and not only different but also as inferior. This feeling or societal approach is not limited to just one area of the world, it is a habit being carried from generation to generation in all the countries of the world. Each skin color whether white, black, pin k or brown all view themselves as someone important while considering the other as subordinate or lower in rank to them. Discrimination has been the curse of the nineteenth and twentieth century's. This is the reason that this era is full to the brim with violent protests, wars, conflicts and civil rights movement, some of which have been quiet successful. The paper will look at the place of Hispanics in the U.S. And more specifically Houston society. It will examine their condition in the city before…...



Acuna, R.F. (2003). U.S. Latino Issues. Retrieved 25 July, 2012, from  http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=113036521 

Chomsky, A. (2007). "They Take Our Jobs!"and 20 Other Myths about immigration. Retrieved 25 July, 2012, fromhttp://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=116694607

CRM (2011) Hispanics in the Civil War. (Vol: 20, I: 11). Retrieved July 25, 2012, from http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/20-11/20-11-31.pdf

Emerson, M.O, Bratter, J, et al., (2010). Houston Grows More Racially / Ethnically Diverse, With Small Declines in Segregation. Retrieved July, 25, 2012, from  http://kinder.rice.edu/uploadedFiles/Urban_Research_Center/Media/Houston%20Region%20Grows%20More%20Ethnically%20Diverse%202-13.pdf

Toyota Center of Houston Rockets
Pages: 3 Words: 962

The Toyota Center constitutes an indoor downtown Houston playfield for the NBA's Houston Rockets team, who principally utilize the premises as their headquarters. The site originally housed the nation's hockey league's Houston Aeros team. In July of 2003, this arena assumed the name of 'Toyota Center', following a one-hundred-million-dollar agreement the team signed with the automotive manufacturer, according naming rights to the latter. At that time, it was the nation's 4th biggest contract for a sporting arena.
Of the rights, the leading multinational won by signing the contract were the company's logo set down at a highly prominent spot on the Houston Rockets building's rooftop, and in a number of other noticeable places across the premises. In addition, Toyota was also provided a central spot in the TV commercials that were shown during basketball broadcasts of the games that were played at the 'Toyota Center' basketball court.

This was a first in…...

Terrible Roads Houston Medical Center Unfortunately Not
Pages: 4 Words: 1254

Terrible oads Houston Medical Center
Unfortunately, not all is well within the context of the Houston Medical Center. esidents and workers alike are being plagued with poor quality roads that are creating a situation where many are at a disadvantage in their own everyday lives. Potholes and poor roads throughout the Houston Medical Center facility are creating many residents and faculty alike to have to put up with poorly constructed roads, and thus potential damage to their own vehicles when driving on roads within the region. It is ridiculous in an era where public funds are being spent across the country for the residents of the Houston Medical Center region to have to continuously put up with such horrible road conditions. This can essentially create a situation where there is damage undertaken by vehicles driving on the premises. Vehicles of all types are being damaged while driving in the region. Moreover,…...



Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library. "The Interstate Highway System." 2006. Available at www.eisenhower .utexas.edu/highway.htm.

Kuemmel, D. (1994, April). Accident study validates benefits of preventive maintenance. American City & County, 109, 52.

Takle, E.S. (1990, August). Bridge and roadway frost: occurrence and prediction by use of an expert system. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 29, 727-734.

Schnormeir, Russell H. "Asphalt Analysis, Sulfur Mixes, and Seal Coats," Transportation Research Record #1096. Washington D.C.: Transportation Research Board -- National Research Council, 1986.

Pam Houston's How to Talk
Pages: 2 Words: 790

She is no longer describing her embarrassing romantic relationship with an emotionally unavailable man, but describing the reader's involvement in such a relationship. Furthermore, she is not describing how she contributed to the unhappiness of the relationship, but how the reader did so. hat Houston makes clear is that is no clear-cut story about a dog of a man cheating on a woman, but about how clashing expectations and gender norms can create tremendous dissatisfaction in a relationship.
For example, Houston's narrator approaches the Hunter's probable sexual involvement with another woman as infidelity; even her best male friend characterizes the hunter as a cheater. However, the short story makes it clear that the hunter has never agreed to a monogamous relationship with the narrator, and has, instead, made it clear that he is not interested in having such a relationship. He has discussed plans for the future, but has carefully…...


Works Cited

Houston, Pam. "How to Talk to a Hunter." Cowboys are My Weakness. New York: W.W.

Norton and Company, 1992. 13-20.

Yaeger, Mark. "Teaching and Learning as Shown in Three American Works by Alvarez, Housto and Rodriguez." Arts and Entertainment. 2006. Associated Content. 4 Feb. 2009  http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/77254/teaching_and_learning_as_shown_in_three.html?cat=38 .

John Updike's A& p Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston's Double
Pages: 3 Words: 1004

John Updike's "A&P" Jeanne akatsuki Houston's "Double Impulse,'
Proper Identification

Upon first glance, there does not appear to be a wealth of similarities between the short story of John Updike, "A&P," and that of Jeanne akatsuki Houston, which is entitled "Double Impulse" and is excerpted from her memoir called Farewell to Manzanar. The former details a teenage boy's all too brief encounter with a pair of scantily clad girls in a grocery store, while the latter is about the author's growing up in the United States during the time period when Japanese people were interred in the United States. However, upon closer examination, it becomes apparent that the central theme at the heart of each of these tales is the forming of one's identity largely through the journey of the events that takes place these stories. Houston slowly forges her identity, which is distinct from her traditional one in Japan and…...


Works Cited

Updike, John. "A&P." Web.  http://www.tiger-town.com/whatnot/updike/ 

Houston, Jeanne Wakatsuki. "Double Impulse." New York: Bantam Books. 1983. Print.

Gilman Melville and Houston Short
Pages: 5 Words: 1973

"e're leaving,' he hissed. "I'm taking you straight to the hospital." hen Susan rose shakily to her feet, uncontrollable diarrhea had stained her dress and dripped from the chair. hite with fury, Charles Hay took her by the arm and led her slowly from the hall." (Melville 134)
The work again intones an incredible journey through what a women sees a man thinking. The disconnectedness of Susan from her husband is so complete that her voice is only marginal in the work, but the message is clear in the literary expression of her secreted activities. The masculine is represented as the feminist idea of greater association with industry than home, to the peril of loving relationships. The writing demonstrates a character who is wholly disconnected from ethics in love and life, and in s sense is a demonized masculine archetype.


Among these three works are three completely differing context and writing…...


Works Cited

Cavalcanti, Ildney. "Utopias of/f Language in Contemporary Feminist Literary Dystopias." Utopian Studies 11.2 (2000): 152.

Fludernik, Monika. The Fictions of Language and the Languages of Fiction: The Linguistic Representation of Speech and Consciousness. London: Routledge, 1993.

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. "The Yellow Wallpaper" (1892) available online at  http://www.pagebypagebooks.com/Charlotte_Perkins_Gilman/The_Yellow_Wallpaper/The_Yellow_Wallpaper_p1.html .

Herndl, Diane Price. Invalid Women: Figuring Feminine Illness in American Fiction and Culture, 1840-1940. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1993.

Houston Space Center You Can
Pages: 1 Words: 350

it's a combination of efforts from NASA and Disney Imagineering that make it so popular for kids and adults (Houston Space Center).
With the behind-the-scenes journey through NASA's Johnson Space Center, you may visit the Historic Mission Control Center, the Space Vehicle Mockup Facility, Training Facilities, or the current Mission Control Center. You may even get to see astronauts training for upcoming missions.

The Level Nine Tour, for die-hard space fans, takes you behind the scenes to see the real world of NASA up close and personal. On this four-hour tour you will see things that only the astronauts see. You even get to eat what and where they do (Greene).


Greene, Nick. "Space Center Houston - Visiting Johnson Space Center." n.d. about.com. 3 Apr 2009 .

"Houston Space Center." 2008. Destination 360. 3 Apr 2009 .

Thackston, David. "The history of the NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas ." n.d. Helium. 3 Apr…...



Greene, Nick. "Space Center Houston - Visiting Johnson Space Center." n.d. about.com. 3 Apr 2009 .

"Houston Space Center." 2008. Destination 360. 3 Apr 2009 .

Thackston, David. "The history of the NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas ." n.d. Helium. 3 Apr 2009 .

Stratford High Graduate 1991 Houston Texas I
Pages: 3 Words: 761

Stratford High graduate (1991), Houston Texas, I gained my first exposure to the importance of applying management principles in High School, when I owned and operated a Yard Service. The experience was invaluable since it taught me the art of customer acquisition and retention and how a customer centric approach was key to success in business. During the same time, I also served as a Lifeguard at some of the neighbourhood pools, which gave me my first insights into inter-personal skills, facing as I did situations where I had to persuade and counsel some of the more dare devil kids.
I was also privileged in that I had the advantage of learning the value of academic studies from my mother who was a Junior High Science and Tech teacher, while being able to reflect on the challenges of experiential situations through my father who worked as a Petroleum Engineer for Shell…...

Sculpture Review Birdman Houston
Pages: 2 Words: 694

paid a visit to the Eclectic Menagerie Park, which is on the south side of the city. The Menagerie Park is an open-air space, privately-owned but available to the public, that contains a number of large animal sculptures. Some of the best pieces are made from iron. Some of the finer examples include a massive armadillo, a winged dragon-like creature, a stegosaurus, roadrunner and a birdman. The Birdman is constructed out of iron bars, a medium which befits the location adjacent to an iron pipe yard, invoking the same industrial aesthetic. The Birdman's intricate nature is such that it appears to be the most complex work there. The Birdman was created by Ron Lee, who constructed most of the pieces at the park. It is made out of iron. There is no date on the work, so the date of creation is unknown.
Contextually, the Birdman is a mythological creature…...

Facilitating Learning for All Students
Pages: 2 Words: 677

Houston ISD
What strengths do you possess that support high academic expectations for all Houston ISD students?

One of my key strengths that support high academic expectations for all Houston Independent School District (ISD) students is an overarching commitment to balancing constructive criticism with encouragement for work well done, a strength that is congruent with the Houston ISD Effective Instructional Practice (EIP) guidelines. For instance, the ISD EIP clearly states, "Expect students to be what you want them to be. Observe your students doing well, and let them know how much you appreciate their efforts" (2015-2016, p. 2). In addition, setting and achieving high academic expectations also requires close collaboration with parents (Sanders & Field, 2009), a requirement that also represents another strength of mine. Finally, another important strength that helps me support high academic expectations for all Houston ISD students is my unwavering belief that all young learners can achieve their…...



Ababneh, S. (2012, October 1). Towards a better English classroom: Implementing effective classroom management strategies. International Journal of Education, 4(4), 300-304.

About Alief ISD. (2016). Alief ISD. Retrieved from   template.aspx?id=a9589cd6-6f34-46a9-a7aa-018b79580a98.http://www.aliefisd.net/site_res_view_ 

Asiyai, R. (2014, December). Students' perception of the condition of their classroom physical learning environment and its impact on their learning and motivation. College Student Journal, 48(4), 716-720.

Houston ISD effective instructional practice. (2015-2016). Houston ISD. Retrieved from  http://www.houstonisd.org/cms/lib2/TX01001591/Centricity/Domain/29920/Effective%20Instructional%20strategies%2015-16.pdf .

Market Analysis of Texas Cities
Pages: 5 Words: 1754

market and innovation in the field of information technology is growing too fast in the United States. Even though a lot has been said for last few decades about the employment shift in the field of IT, however, as stated by McKinsey (2009) the field still remains the most significant sectors of the economy. In Texas the Information Technology is playing a vital role in the development of the City. There are a number of companies offering various IT services within the five cities in Texas, such cities are Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio and Fort Worth (McKinsey, 2009).
This paper however, seeks to analyze the entry and Mid-level information Technology jobs and the top IT companies within Texas. It also seek to highlight what most IT recruiters normally look for in a prospective candidate and the average wages offered in each city. Finally, the study analyzes the average cost…...



Barry, B., (2011). For Texas 'Miracle,' Cut the Cost of Doing Business

Glassdoor (2012). Information Technology Salaries in Houston, TX Area.Available online at  http://www.glassdoor.com/Salaries/houston-information-technology-salary-SRCH_IL.0,7_IM394_KO8,30.htm 

Glassdoor (2012). Information Technology Salaries in San Antonio, TX Area.Available online at  http://www.glassdoor.com/Salaries/san-antonio-information-technology-salary-SRCH_IL.0,11_IM757_KO12,34.htm 

McKinney, D (2012). Top of the list: Houston Technology Employers. Houston Business Journal.Available online at  http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2011/10/14/top-of-the-list-houston-technology.html

How does a thorough job analysis contribute to an effective essay conclusion?
Words: 611

Job Analysis: A Cornerstone for Effective Essay Conclusions Introduction Job analysis plays a pivotal role in the human resource management process, serving as the foundation upon which effective recruitment, selection, performance management, and development initiatives are built. By systematically gathering and analyzing data about a job's tasks, duties, responsibilities, and qualifications, job analysis provides insights into the nature of the work and the requirements for performing it successfully. This in-depth understanding of job requirements is particularly valuable when crafting an effective essay conclusion, as it allows writers to draw meaningful connections between the essay's content and the broader context of the job....

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on travis scott concert eyewitness account. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 531

Certainly! Here are a few lesser-known but interesting essay topics on a Travis Scott concert eyewitness account:

1. The influence of Travis Scott's stage design and production on the overall concert experience
2. The symbolism and themes present in Travis Scott's visuals and performance elements during the concert
3. The impact of Travis Scott's collaborations with other artists and how they enhance the concert atmosphere
4. The role of fan interaction and crowd behavior during a Travis Scott concert and how it contributes to the energy of the event
5. The evolution of Travis Scott's live performances over the years and how he has transformed....

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