Hot Plates Essays (Examples)

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Plate Tectonics Evolution & Expansion
Pages: 5 Words: 1521


Kious and Tilling, 1996, This Dynamic Earth: The Story of Plate Tectonics: USGS Special Interest Publication in: Ring of Fire, Plate Tectonics, Sea-floor Spreading, Subduction Zones, Hot Spots (nd) USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington. Online available at:

Mian, Z. (1993) Understanding Why the Earth is a Planet with Plate Tectonics. R.A.S. Quarterly Journal Vol.34 No.4 Dec 1993. Online available at Harvard at:

Ring of Fire, Plate Tectonics, Sea-floor Spreading, Subduction Zones, Hot Spots (nd) USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington. Online available at:

Scientists Watch Deepest Undersea Volcano for First Time (2009) Fox News, Science & Technology. Planet Earth. 17 Dec 2009. Online available at:

Tilling, Heliker, and Wright, 1987, Eruptions of Hawaiian Volcanoes: Past, Present, and Future: Department of the Interior/U.S. Geological Survey Publication in: Ring of Fire, Plate Tectonics, Sea-floor Spreading, Subduction Zones, Hot Spots (nd) USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington. Online available at:



Kious and Tilling, 1996, This Dynamic Earth: The Story of Plate Tectonics: USGS Special Interest Publication in: Ring of Fire, Plate Tectonics, Sea-floor Spreading, Subduction Zones, Hot Spots (nd) USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington. Online available at: 

Mian, Z. (1993) Understanding Why the Earth is a Planet with Plate Tectonics. R.A.S. Quarterly Journal Vol.34 No.4 Dec 1993. Online available at Harvard at: 

Ring of Fire, Plate Tectonics, Sea-floor Spreading, Subduction Zones, Hot Spots (nd) USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington. Online available at:

Plate Movements and Past Climatic
Pages: 5 Words: 1824

This happens as the magma chamber empties and a ring fracture occurs. This collapse often blocks the flow of magma but the heated interior still produces gasses and steam. Often, that steam and other gasses create a lake in the middle of the caldera similar to Crater Lake in Oregon or Glen Coe in Scotland.

Some volcanoes explode because the magma that is beneath them is physically forced out of the volcano and into the air. Also, some volcanoes have a core or cap that was formed long ago that holds magma back until it can reach a pressure high enough for it to explode outward. Other volcanoes release only gas because there are pockets of gas and ash trapped above the magma chamber, but below the surface of the volcano. This is released instead of magma and the…...

Automated License Plate Reader ALPR
Pages: 5 Words: 1971

The very fact that the U.S.A. Patriot Act was renewed in 2010 (albeit with some modifications) shows alert citizens that public safety will most often trump personal privacy and in some cases, a person's civil rights. The Find Law organization alludes to the 4th Amendment in pointing out that the legal approach to warrantless searches has "been broadened" in the past few years. The Court has given the green light to searches that are justified by "special needs beyond the normal need for law enforcement," and this ruling could apply to use of ALPR data-gathering (Find Law, 2010, p. 2). In fact, instances where "warrant and probably cause requirements are dispensed with…in all of these instances the government's interest has been found to outweigh the individual's (Find Law, p. 3). The readers used by police will no doubt catch some criminals and violators of motor vehicle laws -- but…...


Works Cited

American Civil Liberties Union. (2009). Sent VIA Certified Mail / Chief Harry P. Dolan.

Letter to Raleigh Police Department Retrieved Nov. 30, 2010, from .

American Civil Liberties Union. (2010). Automated License Plate Recognition: The Newest

Threat to Your Privacy When You Travel. Retrieved Dec. 1, 2010, from .

Hotplates Case Study What Changes in the
Pages: 2 Words: 724

Hotplates Case Study
What changes in the work situation might account for the increase in productivity and the decrease in controllable rejects? Changes in the redesign and distribution of workflow and increase in work responsibility of the employees accounted for both an increase in productivity and the resultant decrease in controllable defects. This redesign looked at the way the hotplate was being constructed, and then allowed workers to assemble a unit of the product instead of a simple part again and again. The workers then felt more empowered, that they had ownership in the final product, and were more likely to take responsibility for appropriate and expert construction. By giving the employees more responsibility, they then were also more accountable and felt more pride in their work.

Gaining ownership and more pride in the work was also the result of a change in psychology for the employee and managers. The employee…...



Stack, L. (2010). Empowered Employees are More Productive. Retrieved from: 


Stevenson, W.J. (2011). Making Hotplates Case Study. In Operations Management, 11th ed. New

Management Case Study Scenario- We Are an
Pages: 2 Words: 897

Management Case Study
Scenario- We are an event management company. Our team has been asked to plan an event for 200 people in an outdoor "green" space. The event includes workshops, breakout meetings, breakfast and lunch.

Overall Task- Since the event has been requested in a "green" or outdoor space, the first consideration will be the venue and time of year. If the event is in a reasonable season (Mid-late Spring through Early -- Fall), it is likely we can find a venue that can accomplish this. The major consideration will be weather, specifically wind and rain, and proximity to back-up shelters if the need arises. The venue should include tents to cover areas for eating, and potentially meeting. Open air venues can also be problematical due to temperature fluctuations -- it is either too hot or too cold, and it is sometimes difficult to find a medium ground. In addition,…...

Garage Chemistry and Do-It-Yourself Science
Pages: 6 Words: 1943

) Hydrochloric acid, formic acid, nitric acid, hexanes, and toluene are all available in ACS grade through Carolina, which, with a bit of imagination, could turn into some spectacular experiments. (Toluene is, of course, a component in the production of TNT -- talk about an exothermic reaction.)
Laboratory equipment is also widely available. A simple search of the popular site reveals hundreds of beakers, pipettes, test tubes, alcohol burners, syringes, etc. More advanced items are also available, such as hot plates which automatically stir the contents of a flask placed on them, and a wealth of thermodynamic devices for pressure, temperature, and volume control.

Perhaps the best route for a truly interested young chemist to take is to begin with the CHEM 3000, working through its experiments and gaining insight, then proceed to a regime of self-education using the internet and libraries, and supplementing the capabilities of the CHEM 3000 with…...



1. Cook, Rosie "Chemistry at Play." Chemical Heritage Magazine 28.1 (2010) Web 11 April 2010

2. Nicholls, Henry "The Chemistry Set Generation." Chemistry World (December 2007) Web 11 April 2010

3. Salter, Rose "Chemistry sets safer, boring." Chicago Sun Times (20 December 1987) Web 11 April 2010

4. "Thames and Kosmos | Science Kits." Thames and Kosmos Home Page. Thames and Kosmos 2010. 11 April 2010

ELL Curriculum Implementing a Unit
Pages: 9 Words: 2422

Alignment Procedure

As Popham (2006) makes clear, choosing the best instruments for program is reliant on how well the instrument is aligned with the goals of the program and the school. To achieve this objective I recommend instituting a task forced charged with the responsibility of working with teachers to develop a set of both short-term and long-term goals.

In regard to alignment with long-term goals, our program evaluation designers and analysts need to be fully aware that their objectives must be fully attainable, fully supportive of national standards objectives, and consistent with the long-term objectives of the teachers and the school. Goal-setting by faculty does not mean that they can do whatever they want to do. The leaders of this evaluation process must remember that in the end they have the responsibility for ensuring that all objectives are consistent, and for approving their subordinates' objectives. This means being continually on…...



Fitzpatrick, J. Sanders, J. & Worthen, B (2003). Program evaluation: Alternative approaches and practical guidelines. (3rd ed.) Allyn & Bacon.

Garret, J.E. & Holcomb, S. (2005, Fall) Meeting the needs of Immigrant students with limited English ability, International Education 35, 49-62

Hays, D.G. (2008). Assessing multicultural competence in counselor trainees: A review of instrumentation and future directions. Journal of Counseling and Development, 86, (1), 95-101.

Krashen, S. (1985) Principles and practice in second language acquisition, Oxford: Pergamon

Activity Plan Guidelines This Activity
Pages: 2 Words: 723

Students will learn to categorize information and to evaluate differences and similarities. They will also learn to grasp abstract concepts, like the fact that solids can be things like ice but also books and pencils.
Materials needed:

Bunsen burner or small stove top, to boil an ice cube is required. Boiling the ice can be performed in the classroom, or in the faculty lounge kitchen, or in the home economics or Chemistry classroom, if there is a stove or hot plate present on the premises. A TV monitor is needed if the teacher elects to show a film. If students must 'move' from the classroom, the 'treasure hunt' for objects can take place on the way back, provided that students return the materials they find to their original owners! Some supervision will be required of the treasure hunt, naturally, to make sure that things do not go 'out of control' or…...

Combining Science and Art to
Pages: 4 Words: 1204

Discuss collection. The final activity involving Drippy ends up with him falling on a stream and then into a river, which carries him back to the ocean and this will happen all over again in a process termed collection. It is important to add that some of the rain will fall on land and become ground water - the water that people, animals, and plants use.
1. Copy of Drippy the aindrop.

2. Copy of precipitation poster.

Source: Adapted from Preschool Activities and Crafts (2011) at


The combination of art and science has been shown to be a proven way of engaging young learners' reasoning abilities, to identify spatial relationships and in constructing new concepts (Fernandez & obinson, 2006). The lesson plan set forth in Table 1 above is sufficiently flexible to tailor the content to age-appropriate levels for 4- to 6-year-olds in a preschool setting. The curricular offerings will be…...



Fernandez, M.L. & Robinson, M. (2006). Prospective teachers' perspectives on microteaching lesson study. Education, 127(2), 203-205.

Grades 6-8: Fun class project build an icosahedron. (2002, February). Curriculum Review,

41(6), 8-9.

Guapari, D. (1996, Spring). Stoppard's 'Arcadia.' The Antioch Review, 54(2), 222-224.

Punishment Western Society Has Developed
Pages: 6 Words: 1952

I maintain that all living things share an understanding that actions have consequence. I believe that even complex underlying psychological and sociological issues can be circumvented by directly addressing such most fundamental knowledge.
As for deterrence, I believe that the retributive system can in itself serve as a future deterrent, even if it does not do so intentionally. As mentioned, Kant held that any criminal activity is not only a crime against society, but a crime against the criminal him- or herself, since the criminal will suffer for these crimes, even as the victims of the crimes have suffered. Hence, there are no beneficiaries in the system and he deterrent is the threat of punishment itself.

As for rehabilitation programs, these have been notoriously ineffective, regardless of millions upon billions of dollars spent on the research and implementation involved. Even research into the underlying issues surrounding criminal activity has not served…...

Kennedy v State
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Kennedy v State of Georgia
Read and brief the case of Kennedy v. State, 323 S.E. 2D 169 (Ga. App. 1984). Your case brief should follow the format below:

Title of the selected case

Kennedy v State of Georgia

172 Ga. App. 336

S.E.2d. 169 (1984)

Facts: Summary of the events, court timeline, evidence, and so forth

Appellant Henry Xavier Kennedy appeals the guilty verdict in a jury trial for the crime of first degree arson in the September 23, 1981 fire which leveled his log cabin. He claims that the jury charges, or sometimes called instructions to the jury by the judge, were erroneous in several different ways and that there was not enough evidence to convict him of the charge.

Kennedy's building business was slow, and he had two mortgages on the cabin which was the building in question. He had renewed an insurance policy on the building for $40,000 just days before. Kennedy had told…...

Clandestine Drug Laboratories and the Fire Service
Pages: 7 Words: 2356

Clandestine Drug Labs and the Fire Service
hat are the risks and inherent dangers when firefighters are facing a blaze that resulted from a meth lab? hat should firefighters do when they suspect a fire has been caused by the existence of a meth lab? Are clandestine meth labs more prevalent then they were a few years ago? These questions and others will be addressed in this paper.

hat States' Firefighters have the biggest Threats from Meth Labs?

According to the U.S. Department of Justice (and the Drug Enforcement Agency) the states with the most meth labs (as of 2011) are Missouri (2,684 busts in 2011), Indiana (1,364 busts in 2011), Kentucky (with 1,084 busts) and Tennessee (1,130 busted meth labs). Other states that have a great deal of meth lab activity include Oklahoma (916), Michigan (365 labs busted), Mississippi (269 labs shut down) and Iowa (380 labs busted) (DOJ, 2012).

These states have…...


Works Cited

Hadlock, Tim. (2010). Clandestine Drug Labs Present Hidden Dangers for Firefighters.

Fire Engineering. Retrieved September 14, 2012, from .

Jordan, Larry P. (2011). Calhoun firefighters lean about dangers of meth labs. The Times and Democrat. Retrieved September 15, 2012, from .

Lindsey, William, and DeNicola, Michael. (2010). Trust Your Instincts. Fire Chief. Retrieved September 15, 2012, from .

Religion and Symbology
Pages: 5 Words: 1794

Space and Things: Incarnating the Sacred
When faced with the term "religion," it is more common than not that a person would associate the word with some kind of symbol. Christianity, for example, is associated with the cross, Judaism with the Star of David, and so on. Festivals also play an important part in making religion real to its adherents. Many Christians, for example, celebrate Easter as the victory of Christ over death. There are also many, many Catholic festivals that celebrate various events in the Christian tradition. Buddhism also includes many different festivals, including the Plowing Festival and the Festival of the Tooth. These, as well as traditional ceremonies and festivals, are often extremely colorful. Symbols are also often made into material objects such as jewelry that the adherent can wear to demonstrate his or her affiliation to a certain religion. And example of this includes medallions, such as those…...



A Virtual Village (n.d.) Retrieved from: 

Buddhist Ceremonies (n.d.) Festivals and Special Days. Retrieved from: 

Copeland, M.A. (2011). The Epistle to the Hebrews: Marks of Spiritual Immaturity. Retrieved from: 

Kummar, D. (2008). Never a Moment When we are not in Touch with Spirit. Retrieved from:

Economic and Environmental Benefits of
Pages: 29 Words: 7982

Cost and CO2 reduction analysis were performed using local data available from both commercial and professional bodies. A majority of current thermal rating programs require the equipment to be tested in accordance to a standard test under specified testing conditions. This approach provides reliable data because it is possible to replicate such tests within an accepted uncertainty band. There are, however, some rating programs which combine a standard test and a calculation procedure to produce a performance rating. Such is the case for the energy guide label for electric and gas hot water heaters. A similar method has been developed to provide a practical rating system with the goal of presenting an easily understood comparison between SDHW systems and conventional hot water systems. Note that the performance any individual commercial enterprise will experience may differ due to location and hot water usage.
The thermal performance rating is based on the…...



Abbasi, T., & a., a.S. (2011). Renewable Energy Sources . New Delhi: PHI.

BRE (2002), BREDEM-8 Model Description: 2001 Update, BRE, UK ? BSI (1989), BS5918:

British Standard Code of Practice for Solar Heating Systems for Domestic Hot Water,

Bradford, J. & Bean, F. (2011). 'Here comes the sun: a field trial of solar water heating systems.' The Energy Saving Trust. [PDF]

Solar Thermal Systems According to
Pages: 15 Words: 4790

In this regard, some exceptions have been given to the insurance companies while the other companies should follow these principles.
In the year 2005, the commercial sector of the United Kingdom spent $16,500 million for fossil fuels of 350,000 GWh. On the other hand, researchers have reported that a decline of energy consumption has been observed in the tertiary sector of the United Kingdom (Probst & oecker, 2011, pg 109-124).

Hot water consumption

Probst (2011) stated that hot water is consumed around three percent in industries and fifteen percent I the fossil energy. This shows that a total of 22,000GWh of hot water is consumed each year.

The high and low temperature hot water from the hot water boilers is used in a number of things such as apace heating, washing and in some industrial processes. The direct and straight use of hot water is in washing. Modern hot water boilers are coming…...



Abbasi, T., & a., a.S. (2011). Renewable Energy Sources . New Delhi: PHI.

Council, E.R. (2004). Renewable Energy in Europe: Building Markets and Capacity. London: James & James.

DeWinter, F. (1990). Solar Collectors, Energy Storage, and Materials. Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.]: MIT Press.

Herring, H., Hardcastle, R., Phillipson, R., & Energy, G.B. (1988). Energy use and energy efficiency in UK commercial and public buildings up to the year 2000. London: HMSO.

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