Homosexuality Essays (Examples)

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Pages: 6 Words: 1985

Sexual orientation is the endurance of a personal quality which inclines people into having sexual or romantic attractions to people of; same sex, opposite sex or both sexes or even more than one gender. These attractions are categorized as heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality respectively. These categories form the aspects of the nature of an individual's sexual identity. In short, sexual orientation is an individual's sense of identity which is on the basis of the attractions they have, membership in a community and related behaviors of others who have similar attractions (McDermott, 2012).

Homosexuality is not a mental disorder; homosexual behaviors are in fact very normal aspects existing in human sexuality.

People, and in particular the young experience some disadvantages due to their sexual orientation. This includes mental health issues, homophobic bullying, being rejected friends and family. This discrimination and prejudice mainly targets sexual orientations termed as unacceptable by society including; gay, lesbians'…...



American Psychological Association. (2013). Sexual orientation and homosexuality. Retrieved November 16, 2013 from http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/sexual-orientation.aspx

American Jewish Committee, (2000). What Is Wrong with Gay Marriage. Commentary, vol. 110: p. 35.

David Blankenhorn, (2008). Protecting Marriage to Protect Children. Los Angeles Times.

Retrieved November 16, 2013 from  http://articles.latimes.com/2008/sep/19/opinion/oe-blankenhorn19

Gay Homosexuality Has Become a
Pages: 3 Words: 1036

The support for gay marriage is new, and no longitudinal sociological studies even exist that would prove the effects of having same-sex parents.
Even religion is used to support gay marriage and homosexuality. The Quaker religion has spoken out in favor of homosexuality and gay marriage: "Love has many shapes and colors and is not finite. It can not be measured or defined in terms of sexual orientation," (cited by Religious Tolerance). However, Christians believe that the word of the Bible is supreme. The Bible clearly advises against homosexuality in passages such as Leviticus 18:22. Furthermore, love between two people of the same sex is not the same as sexual intercourse between two people of the same sex. e can love our best friends but not want to have sex with them. Religions that encourage universal love draw the line at fornication.

Therefore, religion is a reason to oppose homosexuality and…...


Works Cited

"Gay Marriage." PEW Forum. Retrieved April 2, 2009 from  http://pewforum.org/gay-marriage/ 

Herek, Gregory M. "Hating Gays: An Overview of Scientific Studies." PBS Frontline. Retrieved Apr 2, 2009 from  http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/assault/roots/overview.html 

Religious Tolerance. "Homosexual (Same-Sex) Marriages." Retrieved Apr 2, 2009 from  http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_marr.htm

Homosexuality and Serial Murder
Pages: 15 Words: 4296

Gay Serial Killers
Serial killers continue to hold a fascination on the American public. The crimes of this subset of murderers are frequently sexualized in nature, which perhaps adds to the titillation in media coverage. It is worth observing that many of the most widely-publicized serial murder cases of the past fifty years or so have involved gay or lesbian serial killers: Jeffrey Dahmer remains a household name even in 2014, but other cases such as Aileen Wuornos, John Wayne Gacy, Bob Berdella, Dean Corll, and (in the U.K.) Dennis Nilsen have received substantial publicity. (Wuornos and Gacy have each been the subject of Hollywood films.) It is worth investigating whether the issue of sexual orientation -- as a possible source of social stigma or generalized antisocial deviance -- has been linked to the pathology of serial murder. In an era of rapidly-changing social attitudes toward homosexuality, it is worth considering…...



Ball, R.A. (1989). Serial murder. Contemporary sociology 18(4): 594.

Basilio, M. (1996). Corporal evidence: Representations of Aileen Wuornos. Art Journal 55(4): 56-61.

Broomfield, N. (1992). Aileen Wuornos: The selling of a serial killer. Columbia-TriStar. DVD.

Broomfield, N. (2002). Aileen: Life and death of a serial killer. Columbia-TriStar. DVD.

Homosexuality in Korea ROK There
Pages: 8 Words: 2320

Seo, who teaches at Yonsei University of Korea, created a homosexual student organization in 1995 called "Come Together." He states that "it would not be an overstatement to say that this was the first social movement through which homosesxuals could effect changes in their lives. The movement went beyond the ghettoized and marginalized locales, such as bars, theaters and saunas, where homosexual cultural and sexual activities were performed."
After the creation of Come Together, Seoul National University established another activist group called "Maum001" meaning "Heart 1% (1% of homosexual rights achieved). A loosely organized homosexual group Ch'odonghoe which was created a year before in 1994, was split into a gay group and a lesbian group, into stronger, more cohesive forces on their own.

As evident, the organizational forces of gays in Korea were bursting out just around 1995. There are two factors, one of the past and one of the then-current…...

Homosexuality Intolerance of Homosexuality Has
Pages: 3 Words: 910

However, biologists have discredited the natural law theory since researchers discovered that "homosexual behavior was widespread among various nonhuman species and in a large number of human societies," (Herek 2009). In fact, anthropologists found that homosexuality is not uncommon among the world's diverse societies (Herek 2009).
In most cultures, homosexuality has been condemned, sometimes severely so. Some American colonies passed shockingly cruel laws that were overt extensions of religious points-of-view: "male and female homosexual acts were punishable by death," (Herek 2009). State sanctioned persecution of homosexuality continues even in societies that guarantee equal protection of the law and which prohibit state-sanctioned religious doctrine such as the United States. Homosexual persons are prohibited from entering into a marriage contract in the United States: which by definition constitutes discrimination. Several states in America have lifted their restrictions on gay marriage, but the federal government has yet to take a stance that expressly…...



American Academy of Family Physicians (2006). Homosexuality: Facts for teens. Retrieved April 13, 2009 from  http://familydoctor.org/online/famdocen/home/children/teens/sexuality/739.html 

Herek, G.M. (2009).Facts about homosexuality and mental health. Retrieved April 13, 2009 from http://psychology.ucdavis.edu/rainbow/HTML/facts_mental_health.htmL

Irvine, C. (2009). Tony Blair says Pope's views on homosexuals is wrong. Telegraph.co.uk. 8 April 2009. Retrieved April 13, 2009 from  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/religion/5122525/Tony-Blair-says-Popes-views-on-homosexuals-is-wrong.html 

Kouki, G. (1997). Homosexuality: Giving your point-of-view. Stand to Reason. Retrieved April 13, 2009 from  http://www.str.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=5302

Homosexuality as Seen From Three Religious Perspectives
Pages: 3 Words: 984

Homosexuality as Seen From Three eligious Perspectives
One of the most controversial issues today is the notion of homosexuality. To many, it is an individual right to love who one wants to love. Yet, often with various religious perspectives, homosexuality becomes one of the most condemned moral concerns. The religions of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are all very closely related. They share basic, fundamental elements which makes their monotheistic religions similar in a lot of ways. One way they are similar is in their views of homosexuality. Most of the more conservative members of these religions tend to condemn it.

Islam, like the other religions, has various degrees of condemnation of homosexuality. More liberal Muslims often do not have any concern about homosexuality. Still, there are many who would consider themselves liberal and acceptant of others being homosexuality, but generally concerned with members of their own religion being homosexual. Out of the…...



Goodstein, Laurie. (2013). Pope says Church is obsessed with gays, abortion and birth control. New York Times. Web.  http://www.nytimes.com /2013/09/20/world/europe/pope-bluntly-faults-churchs-focus-on-gays-and-abortion.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

Pew Research Center. (2013). In gay marriage debate, both supporters and opponents see legal recognition as inevitable. Section 3: Religious Belief and Views of Homosexuality. Pew Research Center for the People and the Press. Web.  http://www.people-press.org/2013/06/06/section-3-religious-belief-and-views-of-homosexuality/ 

Religion Facts. Religious views on homosexuality: Comparison chart. Homosexuality. Web.  http://www.religionfacts.com/homosexuality/comparison_chart.htm

Homosexuality in Shakespeare's Tragedies Elements of Sexuality
Pages: 18 Words: 4605

Homosexuality in Shakespeare's Tragedies
Elements of sexuality and lust are very openly present in the works of Shakespeare's tragedies. No matter if one is reading Othello, Hamlet or Romeo and Juliet, one can't deny the frequent allusions to concepts such as love and lust, hatred and desire, want and self-absorption, even violence as they relate to relationships and sexuality. This common theme pervaded much of the work that was written during the time of Shakespeare, and is evident even of great works today. Has the work of Shakespeare, especially as written and revealed in the tragedies however, been adequately explored? Has society achieved ultimate understanding of all the deep seated desires of Shakespeare's work, or are there hidden themes related to sexuality that have yet to be uncovered?

Shakespeare's tragedies undoubtedly reveal the emotions involved when portraying characters filled with love and lust, desire and feeling toward one another in typical love…...



Bewley, Marius. Masks & Mirrors. New York: Anthem, 1970

Bevington, David, Ed. The Complete Works of Shakespeare. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman and Company,

Brown, Carolyn E. The Wooing of Duke Vincentio and Isabella of Measure for Measure: The Image of it

Gives Them Content. Shakespeare Studies, 1994, Vol. 22.

Homosexuality and Religion
Pages: 3 Words: 870

Homosexuality and Religion
Homosexuality & Religion

Defining Homosexuality

Homosexuality and Religion

Teachings of Roman Catholic Church

Pastoral care of Homosexuals

Views of Protestants

Episcopal Church on Homosexuality

Southern Baptist

Religion and Discrimination against Homosexuals

Harm Caused by Discrimination and the Religious Correlation

Homosexuality and Religion

In this research paper the author discusses Homosexuality within religious context. This research paper examines the functioning of policies of discrimination towards non-heterosexuals in Christian churches and determines if these policies are harmful to non-heterosexuals in the church and in the broader social context. The author has discussed in detail history of homosexuality and gay rights movement. The author discussed views of Catholic and Protestants toward homosexuality.

The author starts by defining homosexuality followed by problem statement. The term homosexual is applied to sexual relations between individuals of the same sex. There are increasing numbers of people who are homosexual in the society and so there is growing concern about whether religion allows homosexuality, is this a sin?…...


While society may decide how a person may sexually express him or herself, certain bodies of institutionalized thought, like churches, have a large effect on how society makes such decisions. As the Christian church is particularly prominent in the United States, many individuals take guidance from the religious directives of its many sects. Christianity provides an environment in which people can be supported and comforted through faith and forgiveness. Religion is, therefore, an important part of the lives of many, because it offers an outlet through which to accept occurrences that are beyond a person's control. Unfortunately, problems arise when certain fundamentalist Christian congregations teach their disciples to negatively target anyone who strays from their accepted norms. The religious support systems that once guided lesbians, gay men, and bisexual men and women appear to turn against them after they proclaim their sexuality.

Churches have also changed from the fundamental beliefs of some Christian faiths, which ban homosexual behaviour, into what are known as gay positive churches. Homosexuals are now offered the choice of changing their type of church, staying in the same one, or stopping church attendance altogether. Religion is only part of the homosexual's life, however. The process of sexual identity awareness is a milestone for the homosexual in and of itself.

Beckstead and Morrow (2004) claimed that people becoming aware of their homosexuality are aware from a young age that they are somehow different from the majority of people around them. This realization

Homosexuality the Majority of Americans
Pages: 2 Words: 861

The data showed that homosexuality as a clinical entity does not exist and that it is not inherently associated with psychopathology. Finally, during the 1970s, most psychologist and psychiatrists began working to eliminate the stigma against homosexuals.
Homosexuality, however, presents a number of problems in social relationships, according to studies. In a working paper by Andersson based on data from legally registered same-sex partnerships in Sweden, homosexual male couples were 1.5 times as likely (50% more likely) to "divorce" as married opposite-sex couples. Lesbian couples were 2.67 times as likely (167% more likely) to "divorce" as heterosexual married couples. Similarly Kurdek found that compared with heterosexual cohabiting or married couples, male homosexual couples and lesbian couples were more likely to experience the dissolution of a cohabiting relationship. Homosexuals are also much more prone to suicide (Qin), especially when they are in their teens because they are concerned about not being…...



Andersson, Gunnar. "Divorce-Risk Patterns in Same-Sex Marriages in Norway and Sweden" Working Paper Vol. Presented at Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. April 1-3, 2004, 1-28.

APA Online. "Answers to Your Questions About Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality." American Psychology Association. Retrieved 09 June 2005. http://www.apa.org/pubinfo/answers.html

Boswell, J. Christianity, social tolerance and homosexuality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.

Ellis, H. Studies in the psychology of sex: Volume 2: Sexual inversion. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis, 1901.

Homosexuality Parenthood and Social Deviance the Article
Pages: 2 Words: 576

Homosexuality, Parenthood, And Social Deviance
The article "Lesbian and gay parenting: babes in arms or babes in the woods?" (Mccann, & Delmonte, 2005) examines the nature of parenting in connection with openly homosexual couples and the manner in which the sexual preference of parents affects their children. According to the authors, most of the objections to parenting by gay couples are entirely unfounded. Specifically, males within same-sex couples are actually more likely to be fully involved in their roles as parents than their heterosexual counterparts. Likewise the division of labor and parenting responsibilities in lesbian couples tends to be more equitable than within traditional marriages. Certainly, there is a range of parenting quality within same-sex relationships just as there is within traditional families; however, by comparison, same-sex couples are no less likely to provide stable and healthy environments for children than are opposite-sex parents within the traditional family system.

Social Control Theory…...



Mccann, Damian and Delmonte, Howard. "Lesbian and gay parenting: babes in arms or babes in the woods?" Sexual and Relationship Therapy, Vol. 20, No. 3

(August 2005): 333-347.

Schmalleger, Frank. (2008). Criminal Justice Today: An Introductory Text for the 21st

Century. Hoboken, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Homosexuality Survey This Report on
Pages: 15 Words: 4510

The control of persons perceived as dangerous is accomplished partly through public psychosocial discourse on AIDS. The reactions evoked by AIDS are determined not only by its biological nature as a disease but also by historically produced meanings attached to sex, health, and disease (Kaplan, 1990, pp. 337-351).
Purpose of the Study

The assumption is that the position of gays in American society has changed over the last three decades or so and that much of the militancy in the gay community has been successful enough to achieve greater acceptance, a reduction in discrimination (at least in most communities), and that the concerns that come to the fore today are different from those that were given most emphasis in the same community in the past. The purpose of this study is to compare points-of-view of the current generation of homosexuals and lesbians with those of the older generation to see what…...



Barak, G., Flavin, J., & Leighton, P. (2001). Class, Race, Gender and Crime: Social Realities of Justice in America. Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing.

Blendon, R.J. & Donelan, K. (1988, October). Discrimination against people with AIDS: The Public's Perspective. New England Journal of Medicine, 1022-1026.

Escobar, J.M. (1988). Anti-sodomy laws violate the right to privacy. In D.L. Bender and B. Leone. Civil liberties: opposing viewpoints. St. Pau. Minnesota: Greenhaven Press.

Henry, S. (1991, November 11).

Homosexuality Understanding the Psychology of
Pages: 8 Words: 2451

d., para. 8). hile homosexuality is not the primary focus of a person's identity that counselors fixate on during these sessions, it is important that counselors take the fact that their client is a homosexual into consideration. By doing this, the counselor can determine whether or not there may be issues associated with their sexual orientation or coming out process that may be affecting other areas of their lives.
Thus, the association between psychology and homosexuality began tumultuous, but has progressed to an era where psychology helps homosexuals understand their position in society and the feelings that they are having regarding their sexual orientation. hat many psychologists once considered a disease is now considered to be normal, and psychologists are even at the forefront of normalizing the behavior. Today, psychologists play an important role in helping homosexuals, a role that each person undergoing the "coming out" process should take advantage of.…...


Works Cited

"Gay brothers may hold genetic clues." (2007, October 15). Retrieved May 22, 2009,

from MSNBC. Web Site:  http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21309724/ 

Herek, G.M. (2009). Facts About Homosexuality and Mental Health. Retrieved May 22,

2009, from University of California at Davis. Web Site:  http://psychology.ucdavis.edu/Rainbow/html/facts_mental_health.html

Homosexuality An Analysis of James Baldwin's Giovanni's
Pages: 10 Words: 3050

Homosexuality: An Analysis of James Baldwin's Giovanni's oom
Introduction to James Baldwin

Ask any "PK"; they'll tell you that, on top of the four odds that were stacked against him as a child, James Baldwin had one additional card piled up against him. As for the first four: 1) he was born a black child in Harlem, New York, in 1924, not a time nor a place renowned for an abundance of opportunities for a bright young man; 2) he was the illegitimate child of a dirt poor domestic worker; 3) he was the oldest of 9 children; 4) when he was three, his mom married a hard, cruel, and brutally strict father who fancied himself a storefront preacher. And the "PK" card - the preacher kid role - getting out of the way of his dad's fists was one thing, but living up to expectations of the congregation, and the community,…...



Baldwin, James. Giovanni's Room. New York: The Dial Press, 1956.

Hicks, Granville. "Tormented Triangle: Giovanni's Room." New York Times

Review of Books (1956).

Howe, Irving. Celebrations and attacks: Thirty Years of Literary and Cultural

Homosexuality Biologically Based Nature or Nurture Is
Pages: 5 Words: 1492

Homosexuality iologically ased?

Is Homosexuality iologically-ased?

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that approximately 50,000

new HIV infections occur in the United States every year (Yin, 2013). This number is in addition to an estimated 1.2 million already infection, 1 out of 5 of whom is unaware of his or her condition and, thus, cannot be treated. Gay and bisexual men account for a large share of the infected population. The lack of access to adequate healthcare by this population may be explained by the stigma of homosexuality, in addition to the illness, as among the structural factors (Yin). This brings to focus the chronic and much-debated issue on homosexuality and its basis: whether it is genetic or environmental and thus, a matter of choice.

Summary of Positions

Certain studies conducted have suggested that homosexuality is genetic. One is the LeVay Study, conducted by Simon LeVay in 1991, which used…...



Adamcyzk, A. And Pitt, C. (2009). Shaping attitudes about homosexuality; the role of religion and cultural context. Vol. 38 Issue 2, Social Science Research: Elsevier.

Retrieved on February 24, 2013 from  http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0049089x09000039 

APA (2013). Sexual orientation and homosexuality. Help Center: American

Psychological Association. Retrieved on February 24, 2013 from http://www.apa.org/helpcenter.sexual-orientation.aspx

Homosexuality and the Conservative Mind
Pages: 5 Words: 1718

Moreover, my view is entirely democratic. e must understand inherently what democracy is. Each person within the democracy is entitled to his or her views. One does not need to base those views on anything. One can take a liberal stance, a conservative stance, or fall at any point along the continuum of views and opinions. You can take your views from subjective interpretation of ancient texts, or from observations you have made about the nature of society and the relative benefits of a particular matter of public policy. I have my opinion that gay marriage is bad, immoral and destructive. I need not support that opinion with anything. I receive a singular vote in each election for elected office and for referendum matters. I vote with my feeling, my conscious and my personal beliefs. That is democracy. That is the most democratic thing one can do, to hold a…...


Works Cited:

Macedo, S. (n.d.) Homosexuality and the Conservative Mind.

George, R. (n.d.) Neutrality, Equality and "Same-sex marriage"

Can you help me write my argumentative essay about sex education?
Words: 440

The key to writing a good argumentative essay is thoroughly understanding the pros and cons of the topic you are considering.  That is because you are asked to take a position in an argumentative essay and support that position, while also being ready to meet challenges that would come from people taking a different position.  Sex education is a surprisingly divisive topic given the evidence that supports sex education as being a positive for students.  Much of this division is based in religious and moral objections to sex education, and, while it....

What are the linguistic origins of the term \"gay\" in modern usage?
Words: 175

The term "gay" in its modern usage to refer to people who are homosexual has its linguistic origins in the 12th century. Originally, "gay" meant joyful, lively, or carefree. Over time, it was also used to describe someone who was promiscuous or sexually immoral. By the late 19th century, "gay" was being used in underground gay subcultures to refer to homosexuality. It became more widely known and accepted in the mid-20th century, eventually becoming the predominant term to refer to people who are homosexual.
In contrast, the term "lesbian" has a more complicated linguistic origin. It is derived from the name....

How does the queer affect theory analysis contribute to understanding \'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof\'?
Words: 478

Queer Affect Theory Analysis of Tennessee Williams' 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof'
Queer affect theory, a theoretical framework that examines the intersection of queer identities and affective experience, offers a compelling lens through which to analyze Tennessee Williams' play 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.' This framework allows us to explore the play's exploration of desire, repression, and the ways in which social norms shape and suppress queer affects.
Desire and Repression
The play centers on the tempestuous relationship between Brick and Maggie Pollitt, a married couple whose sexual desire has been stifled by Brick's alcoholism and grief. Queer affect theory suggests....

How has literature portrayed the experiences of LGBT members in society?
Words: 764

The portrayal of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) members in literature has evolved significantly over time, reflecting broader societal changes in attitudes towards sexual orientation and gender identity. Early literature often depicted these characters in a negative light, either as villains, tragic figures, or objects of ridicule. For instance, in the 19th century, characters like Oscar Wilde's Dorian Gray were often coded as homosexual, with their sexuality linked to moral decay or downfall. This portrayal was not only a reflection of the societal norms but also served to reinforce the stigma associated with non-heterosexual identities.

As the 20th century progressed,....

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