Homeopathy Essays (Examples)

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Homeopathy Impossible Cure the Promise
Pages: 3 Words: 936

She became a student of the School of Homoeopathy in Devon, England in 1996 and graduated in 1998 (Amy L. Lansky, PhD). Furthermore, she has studied with a number of prominent homeopaths -- including clinical studies with Louis Klein, Sadhna Thakkarand Simon Taffler. (Amy L. Lansky, PhD ). She began her own homeopathic practice in 2004. Her involvement in homeopathy is also evidenced by the fact that she served as co-editor of The American Homeopath, the journal of the North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH) until 2000 and became an executive board member of the California Health Freedom Coalition. She was also elected to the board of the National Center for Homeopathy in Alexandria, Virginia. (Amy L. Lansky, PhD)
The book also explores the positive effects of homeopathy as a treatment for many other ailments and diseases. For example, a chapter with anecdotal stories is devoted to homeopathic remedies and…...



Amy L. Lansky, PhD. Retrieved from  http://www.renresearch.com/vita.html 

Book review: Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy by Amy L. Lansky.

Retrieved from  http://www.impossiblecure.com/consumer-flyer.pdf .

Lansky A. ( 2003) Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy. London: R.L.Ranch

Homeopathy Law Homeopathy Homeopathy A
Pages: 2 Words: 598

Homeopathic remedies all over the nation have been regulated by the FDA in a manner similar to over-the-counter (OTC) drugs since 1938. Unlike prescription drugs and OTC drugs, which "must undergo thorough testing and review by the FDA for safety and effectiveness before they can be sold" homeopathic remedies do not, much like nutritional and herbal supplements (FDA egulations on homeopathic medicine, 2010, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine). The manufacturers of homeopathic drugs are also "exempt from good manufacturing practice requirements related to expiration dating and from finished product testing for identity and strength" (Homeopathy, 2010, Citizendum)

Homeopathic drugs may be purchased without a physician's prescription. A 1988 federal law mandates the treatment for which they are designed to be used is recorded on the label, along with ingredients, dilutions, and instructions for safe use (FDA egulations on homeopathic medicine, 2010, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine). Homeopathic…...



FDA Regulations on homeopathic medicine. (2010). National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Retrieved January 15, 2010 at  http://www.answers.com/topic/homeopathy 

Homeopathy. (2009). Citizendum. Retrieved January 15, 2010 at  http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Homeopathy 

Scofield, Edward L.W. (2001, June 20). Homeopathy: Similia similibus curentur.


Homeopathy vs Traditional Chinese Medicine
Pages: 3 Words: 875

traditional Chinese Medicine homeopathy
While the society evolves, alongside with technology and medicine, modern day individuals seek to gather more information and identify more health conscious alternatives when treating their diseases or discomforts. A notable trend is that of reducing the use of highly chemical pharmaceutical products and turning to more natural products that help maintain and preserve health. And as part of this trend, people turn more and more to homeopathy and traditional Chinese medicine.

The two alternatives are often viewed as either substitutes or complementaries to the pharmaceutical products, but a confusion is often made in believing that the two are synonymous. The two concepts do share some notable common points, the most important of them being that they both seek to create a balance of energies within the body and thus to preserve or restore health.

"Both Homeopathy and TCM work to correct internal imbalances or imbalanced energy, and…...



Eliaz, I., Uniting homeopathy and Chinese medicine. Insiders Health.   accessed on March 11, 2015http://www.insidershealth.com/article/uniting_homeopathy_and_chinese_medicine/4457 

Homeopathy: an introduction. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.   accessed on March 11, 2015https://nccih.nih.gov/health/homeopathy 

Trditional Chinese medicine: National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.   accessed on March 11, 2015https://nccih.nih.gov/health/whatiscam/chinesemed.htm?lang=en 

Health Natural Health Care Homeopathy
Pages: 10 Words: 2837

"Successful candidates become Diplomates of the American Board of Homeotherapeutics and may affix the designation D.Ht. after their name. They must maintain certain criteria of continuing homeopathic education and submission of Journal articles annually to maintain their Diplomate status" (Frequently Asked Questions, 2007).
Homeopaths care for patients based on genetic and personal health history, body type, and present physical, emotional, and mental indications. Patient visits tend to be long. Treatments are custom to each individual and it is not unusual for different individuals with the same situation to get dissimilar treatments. According to the 2007 National Health Interview Survey, which incorporated an inclusive survey of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use by Americans, an anticipated four million U.S. adults and approximately nine hundred thousand children used homeopathy in the prior year. "People use homeopathy for an assortment of health concerns, from wellness and prevention, to the treatment of diseases and…...



Frequently Asked Questions. (2007). Retreived from  http://www.homeopathyusa.org/faq.html 

Heal Your Body Naturally. (2011). Retrieved from  http://www.homeremedycentral.com/ 

Homeopathy: An Introduction. (2011). Retrieved from http://nccam.nih.gov/health/homeopathy/

Homeopathy - Topic Overview. (2011). Retrieved from  http://www.webmd.com/learning-treat-depression/talking-your-doctor

Natural Remedies and Homeopathy for Staph
Pages: 1 Words: 332

StaphylococcusTreating S. aureus infections depends on the details of the individual case. Antibiotics are a cornerstone of treatment, and in most cases doctors will recommend one or more of penicillin, clindamycin, or vancomycin (Ohlsen, 2009). Antiseptic washes and topical creams may also be employed to reduce symptoms and get rid of remaining bacteria. In rare cases when the infection is particularly aggressive, surgery might be recommended to best treat the condition. Surgery may be needed to remove infected tissue or to repair damaged tissue. Surgery may also be needed to treat a serious infection that has spread to other parts of the body. This is because as NYU Langone Health (2022) points out, if a staphylococcal infection is located in a wound or affects muscles or the fibers surrounding the muscles, it may need to be surgically cleaned. However, by conferring with a medical professional, patients can determine the best…...



Kurlenda, J., & Grinholc, M. (2012). Alternative therapies in Staphylococcus aureus diseases. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 59(2).

NYU Langone Health. (2022). Surgical treatment. Retrieved from  https://nyulangone.org/conditions/staphylococcal-infections/treatments/surgical-treatment-for-staphylococcal-infections 

Ohlsen, K. (2009). Novel antibiotics for the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus. Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology, 2(6), 661-672.

How Does Bach Flower Therapy Help
Pages: 6 Words: 2035

The Remedies as Part of Life What Bach Flower Remedies mean to me is that there is an alternative option available to mainstream medicine. For years I have been suspicious of the pharmaceuticals that prescribed to patients for whatever ailment or complaint they take with them to their doctor. I have seen firsthand how often people are overprescribed. In my family alone I have seen this with loved ones: they take one drug to treat a particular symptom, then take another drug to address the side effects of the first drug. The second drug also produces side affects that must be alleviated by a third drug. Then a fourth drug has to be introduced because the first one is not acting as well as it was in the beginning. So the individual is taking half a dozen drugs by the end of it and feeling worse than he was when he…...

Pages: 2 Words: 641

Homeopathy is a topic that has brought about a great deal of controversy. In delineation, it is an alternative medical system that was developed over two centuries ago. It was developed by a German physician known as Samuel Hahnemann. In his discovery, Hahnemann found that a similar substance that could give rise to a reaction in an individual that is fully healthy could also be a remedy and treatment for an individual suffering from the same symptoms. Homeopathy is a natural, all-inclusive, method to healing a person, using little doses of specific remedies (Cook, 2010). Its significant variance from normal medical treatment and therapies has been a constant major cause of debate and criticism.
One of the controversial points is that the fundamental conceptions of homeopathy are not in line with essential theories and models of chemistry and physics. For instance, it is not conceivable to elucidate in a scientific manner…...

Homeopathy for Acute vs Chronic Conditions
Pages: 2 Words: 670

Homeopathy for acute conditions is mainly focused on the symptoms being presented at that particular time. For chronic conditions homeopathy focuses on a larger set of symptoms and the characteristics of the person experiencing the symptoms. An acute condition is defined as a condition that comes on quickly and lasts for a short duration not more than several weeks. Acute conditions can be traced back to a situation. Chronic conditions are conditions that have persisted for long periods mostly throughout a person's life. The symptoms might be less severe than those of an acute condition, but they seriously affect an individual's quality of life. Acute conditions can be easily treated with homeopathy without the intervention of a professional homeopathic. This is because the condition is well known and it is easily established when it begun and what caused the condition (Haidvogl et al., 2007). The symptoms of an acute condition…...

Treating Allergic Patients Using Homeopathy
Pages: 8 Words: 2315

Improved quality of care is one of the major issues that has characterized modern healthcare practices. Ferreri et al. (2016) conducted a study to examine enhanced quality of life and decrease of traditional drugs in homeopathy treatment of allergic patients. The study was carried out in the Centre for Integrated Medicine in Pitigliano, Tuscany. These researchers conducted their study in this healthcare facility because its an innovative hospital that provides homeopathy and acupuncture in combination with conventional clinical care. Therefore, this facility provides integrated medical care for patient treatment, which makes it ideal for examining enhanced quality of life and decrease in conventional drugs. This paper examines the study conducted by these researchers in relation to establishing the reliability of its findings and conclusions as well as the suitability of the research process. Brief Summary of the Research

Ferreri et al. (2016) conducted a research in which the examined the issue of…...

digestive disorders and homeopathy
Pages: 2 Words: 473

.....homeopathic remedies have been developed to treat stomach and bowel problems including indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, and hemorrhoids. The following are among the most common homeopathic remedies for digestive issues and their specific applications:

Because the symptoms of indigestion vary, there are different remedies to address specific symptoms. Remedies can be combined when multiple symptoms are present.

Calcarea carbonica: This remedy is indicated for individuals who suffer from heartburn with accompanying stomach cramps, and who also tend to be lactose intolerant (British Homeopathic Association, 2010). A person who experiences a bitter taste in the mouth after belching would also benefit from calcarea carbonica (British Homeopathic Association, 2010).

Carbo vegetabilis: This remedy is indicated for individuals who experience indigestion symptoms like gas and belching a short time after eating, and even after eating small portions.. Bloating may also be an issue, as is aversion to meat, milk, or fatty foods (National Center for Homeopathy, 2015).


the potency and potentization of homeopathy
Pages: 2 Words: 659

Homeopathic remedies are prepared in a systematic way that ensures their safety and efficacy. The first step in the preparation of a homeopathic remedy is acquiring an original substance, such as a mineral salt or plant tincture ("Understanding Homeopathy Potency," (n.d.). The second step is to systematically dilute the original preparation in a measured and successive way until the desired level of potency is reached. In homeopathy, the process of dilution is called successive or serial dilution because "each dilution is prepared from the dilution that immediately preceded it," ("Preparation of Drugs & Homeopathic Scales of Dilution," 2009). The type of dilutive substance will vary depending on whether the original substance is soluble or insoluble. Soluble substances can be dissolved and diluted in water, alcohol, or glycerin. Insoluble substances can be diluted with lactose.
In addition to serial dilution, the homeopathic remedy will be subject to a kind of vigorous shaking…...

Sulfur in Homeopathy Treatment
Pages: 2 Words: 598

Sulfur in Homeopathy
As a homeopathic treatment, sulfur is recommended for both psychological and physical disorders. How it is administered depends on the situation and the individual's characteristics. According to Module 5, there is a "sulfur personality," characterized in part by selfishness and the tendency to get "stuck in their own world and mind," (p. 183). The sulfur personality can be also manifest as "an inclination to become creative and ingenious, but usually do not possess practical or common sense," ("Homeopathy Sulfur," n.d.). In other words, many frustrated creative types can be sulfur personalities.

A sulfuric mind can vary between highly active and dull, indicating a lack of cohesiveness to the research or alternatively, indicating the vast fluctuations in mind and spirit of the sulfur personality ("Module 5"). In fact, Lilley (n.d.) adds that sulfur is "forthright and open," contradicting the information about self-centeredness. It could be that sulfur types compensate for…...

Homeopathy as an Alternative to Antibiotics
Pages: 1 Words: 302

Antibiotic Resistance Antibiotic resistance develops in the same way that human resistance to infection develops—through exposure, the body builds up a resistance so that whatever is introduced is less effective at performing its task. As Ventola (2015) notes, “the overuse of antibiotics clearly drives the evolution of resistance. Epidemiological studies have demonstrated a direct relationship between antibiotic consumption and the emergence and dissemination of resistant bacteria strains” (p. 277). Moreover, bacteria can inherent genes that are already resistant to antibiotics, which means that horizontal gene transfer occurs to create a veritable shield of defense against antibiotics. The more that antibiotics are used, the less effective they become and the stronger harmful bacteria can become. The complications that ensue are based on the fact that “when these resistant bacteria are all that are left, they are free to multiply, passing the resistance to their offspring” (Environmental Encyclopedia 4, 2011, p. 81). If…...

Homeopathic Treatment for Pediatrics
Pages: 2 Words: 858

A study recently published in Global Pediatric Health by van Haselen et al. (2016) investigated the use of a homeopathic remedy as an add on therapy for the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) in paediatrics. This paper provides an overview of that research, including his methodology and results, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the paper.
The aim of the research was to determine whether or not the addition of a homeopathic remedy; Influid, would improve the outcome for paediatrics presenting with upper respiratory tract infections if added to an existing treatment of paracetamol, known as acetaminophen in the United States (van Haselen et al., 2016). The researchers note that homeopathy is increasing the accepted in Germany, including use the treatment of colds and flu, or flulike infections. The aim is to assess a homeopathic remedy which is specifically designed for the treatment of flulike infections with…...

Product Pricing Component
Pages: 3 Words: 1237

Product Pricing Component
The organization

Boiron Group, a French company, provides products for health maintenance through, mainly, health and natural foods stores. The products they produce and market are homeopathic medicines. These medicines are the result of work by a German physician, Samuel Hahnemann, in the 1800s. He was disgusted with the barbaric state of medicine, which still included bloodlettings at the time, and decided to look for a gentler way to heal people of disease. He began taking doses of various plant and mineral substances to determine the effect on the body. Today, the medical establishment regards homeopathy as a 'quack' form of medicine, as do most Americans. Interestingly enough, however, the British oyal Family uses homeopathic physicians, and no one can accuse them of shortening their lives. "Queen Mary and King George VI were firm followers of homeopathy, the King even calling one of his horses Hypericum which won the…...



Barrett, Stephen, M.D. (2003) Homeopathy: The Ultimate Fake. Retrieved on July 1, 2004 from Quackwatch Web site:  http://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/homeo.html 

Experts' testimony on homeopathy and research. (2004) Retrieved on July 1, 2004 from Boiron Web site:  http://www.boiron.com/en/htm/service/actualite.htm 

Exploring Economics. (2004) Retrieved July 1, 2004 from NEU Web site: http://www.economics.neu.edu/exploring/index.php

Homeopathic remedy suppliers (list) (2004) Retrieved July 1, 2004 from Whole Health Now Web site:  http://www.wholehealthnow.com/homeopathy_info/weblinks3.html

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on pharmacy. Any ideas that stand out?
Words: 396

1. The role of pharmacists in personalized medicine: exploring how pharmacists can play a crucial role in tailoring medication regimens to individual patients based on genetic factors and health history.

2. The intersection of technology and pharmacy: examining the impact of digital tools, artificial intelligence, and telepharmacy on the future of pharmacy practice and patient care.

3. The ethics of pharmaceutical marketing: analyzing the ethical implications of pharmaceutical companies' marketing tactics, including direct-to-consumer advertising and sponsorship of medical education events.

4. The global impact of counterfeit medications: investigating the prevalence and consequences of counterfeit drugs in developing countries and exploring potential solutions to....

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