Homeland Secuity
Questioning the Legality of the Patiot Act
The Depatment of Homeland Secuity
Afte the Septembe 11 attacks, the United States was, undoubtedly, in a state of fuy, sadness, despeation and geneal tumoil. Ou county's iconic positivity had to be ebuilt, and theats, above eveything else, had to be kept at bay and fa away fom U.S. soil. The State Depatment undetook a numbe of policies to achieve this goal, and one of these policies was instituting a depatment that would be able to shae infomation with both the CIA and the FBI, as well as focus on the things that the two pevious agencies had missed at such a high cost. The Depatment of Homeland Secuity (DHS), as this body was called, would thus be able to not only wok with fellow govenmental institutions, but also monito foeign and domestic theats. Yet, as it often happens, nobody is tuly sue whee…...
mlareferences come from: ACLU Website. (2011). USA Patriot Act. Retrieved from < DHS Website (2011). USA Patriot Act Fact Sheet. Retrieved from < http://www.dhs.gov/xnews/releases/press_release_0815.shtm>.]http://www.aclu.org/national-security/usa-patriot-act >.
Breaking down information is facilitated through breaking down barriers to share information to better protect the country.
This provision is contrary to the requirement set out in the constitution that mandates government to show reasonable suspicion/probable cause for searches and seizures.
Homeland Security
The obligation for homeland security inside the United States became obvious following the terrorist attacks that took place on September 11, 2001. The national debate that followed has concerned an amount of multifaceted and diverse difficulties. The issues linking to homeland security are a lot of the times blurred for the reason that the nation is dealing with a new kind of struggle, a new hazard right on American soil, and a new security idea -- every one of them needing some kind of changes that relates to how we must now protect the United States, its people and our critical structure. The national restructuring for homeland security has been one of the most important and debated subjects of conversation. In comparison, there has not been a lot written about it and plus there has been restrictive talks regarding the state level preparations that have been evolving over the…...
Brook, D.A. (2008). Civil service reform as national security: The homeland security act of 2002. Public Administration Review, 17(7), 399-407.
Caudle, S. (2013). The balanced scorecard: A strategic tool in implementing homeland security strategies. Homeland Security Affairs,, 43(3), 41-56.
Getha-Taylor, H. (2010). Preparing leaders for high-stakes collaborative action: Darrell darnell and the department of homeland security. Public Administration Review, 9(2), 159.
Link, A.N. (2003). Deploying homeland security technology. Journal of Technology Transfer, 21(8), 363-368.
Homeland Security
The attacks of September 11, 2001 have necessitated a new awareness of the shortcomings of the American security system. It follows that there also arose the need to reassess this security system and to enhance the measures already in place so that the possibility of future attacks can be minimized. The emotions aroused by 9/11 doubtlessly played a large part in allowing the government to use measures that would otherwise appear outrageous, or at the very least an infringement upon the right to privacy. Some of these measures have come under renewed scrutiny, while others have been deemed acceptable.
Homeland security has become more effective in terms of its structure. It is now controlled by a single dominant agency, whereas in the past several agencies controlled its various functions. The advantage of this is that a better chain of command is established, and fewer miscommunications can occur. Security on American…...
Hatch, Orrin G. "Judiciary Statement: 'America After 9/11: Freedom Preserved Or Freedom Lost?'" Before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Nov. 18, 2003. http://hatch.senate.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=PressReleases.View&PressRelease_id=215260
O'Brien, Katie. "Preserving America's freedoms: Civil liberties, national security and patriotism one year after." Zephyr, Spring 2002. http://zephyr.unr.edu/091102/911_obrien.html
Russell, Margaret M. "Civil Liberties in the U.S.: Why they matter in a post-9/11 world." Santa Clara University, School of Law. Fall 2003. http://www.scu.edu/bannancenter/publications/explore/fall03/civilliberties.cfm
The American Civil Liberties Union. "Civil Liberties after 9/11." 2004. http://www.garynull.com/Documents/ACLU/911_Report.htm
Homeland Security
The needs to be prepared for any disaster or attack constitute the need of standard operating procedures which need to be followed accurately. Standard operating procedures ensure that the right procedures are followed when dealing with any disaster affecting the society. The main purpose of having standard operating procedures is to guarantee that investigations are done in a consistent manner which should be correct. The use of standard operating procedures ensures that the organization collects the relevant information needed for the investigation and files it correctly. Deviations from the standard operating procedure should not be allowed as it leads to inconsistency in the information collected (Haider, 2006).
Emergency response to an explosive device in the university
This is a standard operating procedure for emergency response in the event of an explosive device in the university prepared by the patrol division's commander for excelsior university police department. The document outlines the procedures…...
Haider, S.I. (2006). Validation standard operating procedures: A step-by-step guide for achieving compliance in the pharmaceutical, medical device, and biotech industries. New York: Taylor & Francis.
Maniscalco, P.M., & Christen, H.T. (2011). Homeland security: Principles and practice of terrorism response. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Schnepp, R., International Association of Fire Chiefs., & National Fire Protection Association. (2010). Hazardous materials: Awareness and operations. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Homeland Security
How is command and control affected by "span of control"?
Command and control refers the actions of a properly designated commander. This commander will then exercise his or her authority over assigned forces in the accomplishment of the mission. This ability to oversee forces is directly related to the span of control, or how many people the commander oversees. If the commander does not have authority over personnel, equipment, communications, etc. then it may adversely affect the mission. Alternately, if command and control has too broad of a span of control, then the effectiveness of the mission may be diluted.
Discuss three issues important when determining the location of the incident command post.
The command post must be easily accessible to the disaster site and have easy access for support vehicles and resupply. It should have a securable perimeter and should be a place where telecommunications are readily available.
What is the difference…...
Homeland Security and U.S. Intelligence
Formation of Department of Homeland Security & U.S. Intelligence on Terrorism
Definition of Intelligence
Rationale for Formation of DHS
Effectiveness of DHS
Importance of Intelligence & Analysts
Research Philosophy
Research Methods & Its Limitations
Data Collection & Analysis
National security has been a major concern for United States in past few decades. However, since 2001, this concern has turn into a serious threat for national security. The given research is performed with the intent of evaluating the effectiveness of Department of Homeland Security in terms of intelligence sharing on terrorism. For this purpose, the study is performed following a predictive form of research. This research methodology is best suited for the researches where the source of data is secondary. For the purpose of this research, the articles from peer reviewed journals and intelligence reports on Department of Homeland Security will be used.
For the purpose of this research, the effectiveness of United States' security policies…...
Best Jr., Richard A. Intelligence and Law Enforcement: Countering Transnational Threats to the U.S. 2001.
Best Jr., Richard A., Alfred Cumming and Todd Masse, CRS Report for Congress- Director of National Intelligence Statutory Authorities: Status and Proposals, 2007.
Department of State, Country Reports on Terrorism 2009, United States Department of State Publication, 2010.
Fiske, Daniel W. Defending the American homeland- Top Priorities For Improving Intelligence And Law Enforcement Capabilities, Intelligence and Law Enforcement.
("Lynchburg Virginia Emergency Operations Plan," 2012)
Elements of Disaster esponse, ecovery, and Incident Command
In the event of a disaster, the City Manager is appointed as the local spokesperson for all issues, events and the coordination of resources. They work directly with the Mayor and the City Council (who sit as an advisory board to the City Manager). In the event that there are any political issues, the Mayor will interact with officials. This is streamlining communication and reducing the overall amounts of confusion. As a result, the incident command is split between the Mayor / City Council and the City Manager. ("Lynchburg Virginia Emergency Operations Plan," 2012)
Professional Accountability
Professional accountability rests with the Mayor serving as a go between for the City Council and City Manager. The City Council has the power of oversight and monitoring for potential abuses as well as where different resources should be utilized. The basic idea…...
About Lynchburg. (2012). Lynchburg VA. Retrieved from: http://www.lynchburgva.gov/Index.aspx?page=14
Emergency Operations. (2012). Loudoun County. Retrieved from: http://www.loudoun.gov/index.aspx?NID=729
Lynchburg Virginia Emergency Operations Plan. (2012). City of Lynchburg. Retrieved from: http://www.lynchburgva.gov/Index.aspx?page=5248
Top Secret America. (2012). Washington Post. Retrieved from: http://projects.washingtonpost.com/top-secret-america/states/virginia/
However, information sharing is not indicative of any overall advancement in counterterrorism activity but is certainly a sign of an expanding bureaucracy. According to David Rittgers, DHS fusion centers do little more than label anyone who is critical of the federal government as a potential terrorist. Rittgers reports that DHS analysts are "labeling broad swaths of the public as a threat to national security."
With the passing of the National Defense Authorization Act, these reports may be seen by the public as potentially disconcerting now that persons deemed as "terrorists" may now be militarily detained without charges or trial. The basic eradication of due process makes the powers, scrutiny, and judgments of the DHS that much more intimidating for citizens already suspicious of tyranny in the federal government.
Today the DHS is focusing its attention ever-increasingly on border patrol. The DHS Press Office stated in February, 2013, that the Obama Administration…...
Andreas, Peter. "Redrawing the Line: Borders and Security in the 21st Century,"
International Security, Vol. 28, No. 2 (Fall 2003): 78-111.
Barr, Stephen. "DHS Withdraws Bid to Curb Union Rights," Washington Post. 20 Feb
2008. Web.
Homeland Security Strategies
The United Sates Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Strategic Plan outlines the Department's vision for homeland security as outlined in the Department's Quadrennial Homeland Security eview (QHS). The plan is a unified, strategic framework for homeland security missions and goals. The Bottom-Up eview (BU) compliments efforts to align DHS's programmatic activities and organizational structure to better serve the department's goals and missions. The plan enables the Department to prioritize frontline operations while maximizing the effectiveness and efficiency of the tax payer's money allocated to the Department. The department has five key missions namely: securing the United States from terrorist threats and enhancing security; securing the country's borders; enforcing immigration laws; securing cyberspace; and building resilience to disasters (DHS, 2013). The Department has also made an undertaking to provide essential support to national and economic security, as outlined in the FY 2012-2016, as it matures. This paper gives an…...
DHS, (2007). The National Strategy for Homeland Security. Retrieved July 24, 2013 from http://www.dhs.gov/national-strategy-homeland-security-october-2007
DHS. (2013). Mission. Retrieved July 23, 2013 from http://www.dhs.gov/mission
DHS. (2012). Department of Homeland Security Strategic Plan FY 2012-2016. Retrieved July
23, 2013 from http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/dhs-strategic-plan-fy-2012-2016.pdf
In addition to this, the transportation security administration, customs and boarder protection department, citizenship and immigration services, immigration and customs enforcement, secret service, federal emergency management, and coast guard are part of the Department of Homeland Security (Department of Homeland Security 2008). This organizational structure, while certainly extensive, is rather complex. Although the department has undergone serious transformations since its creation, the Washington Post called it "hampered by severe management and financial problems" in 2005 (Eggen 2005). A specific attack on the Department's organizational structure, the article suggested that the Federal Emergency Management Department was "overburdened" because of its Department of Homeland Security responsibilities (Egen 2005).
As a result of this complex structure, the Department of Homeland Security has taken upon itself duties that were already allocated to other branches of the government and government departments. Some of the duties of the Department include "assessing the nation's vulnerabilities" through information…...
Bush Signs Homeland Security bill. (2002, November 26). Retrieved January 25, 2009, from CNN. Web Site: http://archives.cnn.com/2002/ALLPOLITICS/11/25/homeland.security/index.html
Department of Homeland Security. (2008). Department of Homeland Security Home
Page. Retrieved January 25, 2008, from the Department of Homeland Security. Web site: http://www.dhs.gov/index.shtm
Eggen, Dan. (2005, December 29). Homeland Security is Faulted in Audit. Retrieved January 25, 2008, from the Washington Post. Web Site: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/12/28/AR2005122801515.html
On the other hand, the Department in itself was projected to deal with a large number of aspects surrounding homeland security. The arguments supporting the idea were focused on the principle that the citizens must be protected from foreign threats, such as terrorism, and they must be given the help needed to face the treacheries of nature. In aiming to accomplish the latter, the Federal Emergency Management Directorate was established. Even if it somewhat enables smoother and more effective assistance in case of natural disasters, it merely coordinates the efforts and it does not replace the actions taken at local or state level. Therefore, the decisions taken in crisis situations must pass yet another test and must receive approval from yet another decision making body before action is taken in the areas affected by floods or other natural catastrophes. A similar fact can be presented even in the case of…...
Carter, a. (n.d.). The architecture of Government in the face of terrorism. Retrieved 17 January 2007, at http://bcsia.ksg.harvard.edu/BCSIA_content/documents/carter_winter_01_02.pdf
Drabek, T. (1990) Emergency Management. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Joseph, B. Macintyre, a.., DeAtley C. (2001). Ambulances to Nowhere: America's Critical Shortfall in Medical Preparedness for Catastrophic Terrorism. BCSIA Discussion Paper 2001-15, ESDP Discussion Paper ESDP-2001-07, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Retrieved 17 January 2007, at http://www.gwu.edu/~icdrm/publications/Ambulances_to_Nowhere.pdf
Perry, R., K.J. Tierney, and M.K. Lindell. (2001) Facing the unexpected: disaster preparedness and response in the United States. Washington: Joseph Henry Press.
This is because DHS has maintained that it is established not to work alone in enhancing security and safety of the people but in collaborating with all the U.S. departments and agencies, as long as it uphold the overall vision of the department - to protect and provide security to the people.
Thus, it can be viewed that DHS is logically organized as it provide venues for different governmental and federal agencies to work hand in hand with the department. However, the DHS has its own limitations that may not live up to the science and technology policy. but, if its objectives are attained in an honest and credible manner with an unbiased support from the federal government, there is a greater chance for the department to run for a longer term. Its similarities with the science and technology policy are considerably the most important factor that the federal government…...
mlaWorks Cited
About OSTP." 2006. http://www.ostp.gov/html/_whatwedo.html ."
Branscomb, L. "Science, Politics, and U.S. Democracy." 2004. Issues in Science and Technology. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3622/is_200410/ai_n9457074 .
Carafano, J., et. al. "Homeland Security Technology, Global Partnerships, and Winning the Long War." 2006. Backgrounder #1977. http://www.heritage.org/Research/HomelandDefense/bg1977.cfm .
Directorate for Science and Technology. http://www.dhs.gov/interweb/assetlibrary/DHS_StratPlan_FINAL_spread.pdf.2006.
Homeland Security Act
The terrorist attacks on the orld Trade Center last September 11, 2001 highlighted the growing need to safeguard domestic security. One of the Bush government's responses was the passage of the Homeland Security Act during the 107th Congress. This law provides the Bush government a legal and executive basis to respond to terrorism.
This paper examines some of the effects of and changes that have taken place since the passage of the Homeland Security Act of 2002. The first part of the paper looks at how the passage of the law has affected the federal bureaucracy. The second part then looks at the more specific effects of this federal law on the state of Texas. In the last part, the paper examines some of the economic effects the Homeland Security Act of 2002.
Federal law
The most immediate change wrought by the Homeland Security Act of 2002 was the creation of…...
mlaWorks Cited
ASSE Summary of Homeland Security Act of 2002." ASSE Summary of Homeland Security Act of 2002. 19 December 2002. The American Society. 18 March 2004 http://www.asse.org/govupdate_12-19-02_homeland.htm .
Bush, George. "Homeland Security Presidential Directive/Hspd-7." News releases. December 2003. The White House. 18 March 2004 http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/12/20031217-5.html .
Homeland Security Regulations May Affect Maquilas at Texas-Mexico Border." The Monitor 15 July 2003: 1+15.
Scardaville, Michael. "The Homeland Security Act of 2002: An Analysis." Web Memo. 24 July 2002. The Heritage Organization. 18 March 2004 http://www.heritage.org/Research/HomelandDefense/WM131.cfm .
The challenge for local and state homeland security planning lies with the top-down nature of disaster response and relief and the technologies that are needed in order for adequate response to become possible. As authors Schafer, Carroll, Haynes, and Abrams (2008) write,
"Emergencies often have causes and effects that are global. However, emergencies are also inherently local: They occur in a particular place and point in time. While it is critical for governments and society to better organize emergency management top-down, it is also important to become more aware of local community-level values, planning, involvement, knowledge, and skill. Local communities plan collaboratively for potential emergencies of varying scales."
This means that the federal government, though ultimately responsible for the state and local planning, must take a secondary or passive role in the planning at these lower levels due to the fact that the federal government is not equipped with the very specific…...
Christopher, K.E.; Frye, D.E.; and Reissman, S.G. (2010). "Domestic federal interagency planning: meeting a homeland security need." Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 7, 10-17.
Collier, S.J. And Lakoff, A. (2008) "Distributed preparedness: the spatial logic of domestic security in the United States." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 26, 7 -- 28.
Duncan, D.R., Gribko, J.R., Kolschina, R., and Lee, M.T. (2009). "Modeling,
simulation, and analysis for state and local emergency planning and response: concept of operations." Final Report for Logistics Management Institution (LMI), McLean, VA.
This goal is one that illustrates how accurate the statement by Charlie Allen, former Undersecretary of Intelligence and Analysis of the DHS is. The fourth goal of the DHS is to focus on mitigating and preventing attacks against the Homeland with specific focus on systems, facilities and individuals protected by the DHS Stakeholder Community. This goal is achieved through the use of an extensive framework created specifically for monitoring and defining deterrence to threats through the use of analytics and predictive modeling (Raghu, Ramesh, Whinston (2005), pp. 310, 311). The fifth goal is to serve Stakeholders throughout the intelligence, defense and law enforcement communities of the United States in addition to managing Stakeholder information requirements. The sixth goal is one that continues to be the leas quantifiable and the most important, which is the culture of the agency (Hyong (2003), pp. 55, 56). This goal centers creating a culture…...
Raghu, T.S., R. Ramesh, and Andrew B. Whinston. "Addressing the Homeland Security Problem: A Collaborative Decision-Making Framework." Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 56, no. 3 (2005): 310-24.
Yi, Hyong. "Building a Department of Homeland Security: The Management Theory." Public Manager 32, no. 1 (2003): 55 -- 60.
1. Public Awareness and Education: Social media can be used to educate the public about potential security threats, emergency preparedness measures, and how to report suspicious activity. This can help increase public vigilance and engagement in homeland security efforts.
2. Real-Time Communication: Social media platforms can be used to quickly disseminate information during emergencies, such as natural disasters or terrorist attacks. Officials can provide updates, instructions, and safety tips to the public in real-time, helping to improve coordination and response efforts.
3. Monitoring Threats and Extremist Activity: Law enforcement agencies can monitor social media platforms to track potential threats and extremist activity.....
Leveraging Social Media for Enhanced Homeland Security
Social media platforms, with their vast reach and capabilities, offer a transformative tool for enhancing homeland security efforts. By harnessing the power of social media, authorities can effectively monitor threats, engage with the public, and foster collaboration to mitigate potential risks.
Monitoring Threats and Early Detection:
Social media platforms provide a real-time pulse on public sentiment and potential threats. By analyzing posts, comments, and trending topics, authorities can identify potential security concerns at an early stage. Keyword monitoring and sentiment analysis algorithms can flag suspicious activity, allowing for swift investigation and response.
Public Engagement and Awareness:
Social media....
1. Pathways to Radicalization: Comparing the Social Identity Model and the Cognitive Opening Model
This essay explores how social identity and cognitive processes influence individuals' decisions to engage in terrorism.2. From Radicalization to Deradicalization: Analyzing the Role of Psychological Factors
Focuses on the psychological underpinnings of radicalization and the effectiveness of psychological interventions in disengagement.3. The Push and Pull Factors: A Comparative Analysis of Radicalization Models
Examines the push factors driving individuals away from society and pull factors attracting them to terrorist groups.4. Radicalization Through the Lens of Social Learning Theory vs. Strain Theory
Compares how....1. The Dual Edges of Citizenship: Rights and Responsibilities in the U.S.
Exploring the balance between what U.S. citizens are entitled to and what they owe to their country.2. Voting Rights and Civic Duties: The Core of American Citizenship
An analysis of how voting rights intertwine with the responsibilities of active civic participation.3. From Rights to Responsibilities: Navigating U.S. Citizenship
Discusses the transition from understanding rights to embracing responsibilities as a U.S. citizen.4. The American Citizen: A Study in Rights and Obligations
Examines the legal and moral obligations alongside the rights granted to U.S. citizens.5.....
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