Historical Development Essays (Examples)

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Historical Development of Nursing Science
Pages: 3 Words: 989

Historical Development Of Nursing Science

Timeline: History of nursing

Florence Nightingale publishes her Notes on Nursing, which includes her thirteen canons of nursing. This book was the first book to establish nursing as a unique profession that required specific skills and attributes. Nightingale drew upon her experiences as a nurse during the Crimean War and called for more intensive education of future nurses (Theory of Florence Nightingale, 2012, Nursing Theories).

The American Civil War was a bloody, prolonged conflict. Nurses such as Walt Whitman, Louisa May Alcott, Clara Barton, and Dorothea Dix distinguished themselves serving on the battlefield. As a result of the Battle of Bull un, Barton and Dix created a nursing corps to deal with the need to treat the fallen in a systematized fashion. There were few hospitals in existence at the time. Also, at the time the profession was largely made up of men (Stein 1999).

1873: Florence Nightingale opened…...



Betty Neuman. (2012). Theories of Nursing. Retrieved:


Development of nursing theories. (2012). Nursing Theories. Retrieved:


Historical Development of Professional Associations Domestic Abuse
Pages: 3 Words: 1038

Historic development of professional associations

Historical development of professional associations:

National Association of Social Workers

Why the association was formed

In the postwar era, the need for social workers increased, with the rise of industrialization and the return of veterans to the home front. Counseling, adjusting to a new way of life, and the demands of a rapidly-changing society all necessitated the construction of social work as a viable profession. The National Association of Social Workers was established in 1955. It was created to consolidate seven organizations in the field, including the American Association of Social Workers (AASW), the American Association of Psychiatric Social Workers (AAPSW), the American Association of Group Workers (AAGW), the Association for the Study of Community Organization (ASCO), the American Association of Medical Social Workers (AAMSW), the National Association of School Social Workers (NASSW), and the Social Work esearch Group (SWG). It is one of the leading associations of social…...



Clark, Elizabeth. (2010). A broader vision for the social work profession. NASW (National

Association of Social Workers). Retrieved October 27, 2011 at  http://www.naswdc.org/nasw/VisionSpeech0809.pdf 

Code of ethics. (2008). NASW (National Association of Social Workers).

Retrieved October 27, 2011 at  http://socialworkers.org/pubs/code/default.asp

Cultures Sociology the Historical Development
Pages: 3 Words: 898

In addition, stratification contributes to cultural determinism, which again, alludes to when a person's position or class within a stratified society determines their culture, what kind of labor they will have the opportunity to have, what quality of education they may have access to, and other aspects (or limitations) of a particular culture.
When social stratification becomes too extreme and tensions within a culture rise too high, there is a distinct possibility for cultural differentiation. This occurs in societies where the tensions and imbalances are apparent and transparent. In many countries, such as the United States, the media helps to minimize class imbalances. The media is often used as an institution that will communicate and distribute the dominant ideology and specific hegemony. Hegemony is a form of social control and ideology is the greater societal structure of which hegemony is a tool or strategy. Hegemony may is often skewed or…...



Understanding Race and Ethnic Relations, 4th Edition. Chapter 3 -- Understanding Race and Culture. Print. Provided.

Timeline Historical Development of Nursing Science Nurse
Pages: 3 Words: 1087

Timeline: Historical Development of Nursing Science
Nurse Science Timeline

Timeline 1850-2010: Historical Development of Nursing Science

Nineteenth Century

Florence Nightingale begins her nursing training in Alexandria, Egypt at the Institute of St. Paul.

Florence Nightingale, in Paris, visits the Daughters of Charity in their Motherhouse in Paris to learn their methods.

Florence Nightingale goes to Turkey with 38 volunteer nurses to assist in caring for the injured of the Crimean War. (October21)

Mary Seacole leaves London to establish a "British Hotel" at Balaklava in the Crimea. (January 31)

Biddy Mason is granted her freedom and moves to Los Angeles. She works as a nurse and midwife and becomes a successful businesswoman.

1857 -- Ellen anyard creates the first group of paid social workers in England and pioneers the first district nursing program in London.


1860 -- Florence Nightingale, Notes on Nursing: What it is and What it is Not is published.

1861 -- Sally Louisa Tomkins opens a hospital for Confederate…...



"History and famous nursing theories." (2011). NursingAvenue.com Retrieved August 23, 2011, from http://www.nursingavenue.com/Nursing-Theories.html

Kendall, C. (2010, Apri 15). The history of nursing. Helium Retrieved August 23, 2011, from  http://www.helium.com/items/1805546-nursing-history-theory-and-timeline 

"Notable nurse timeline." (2011). timetoast Retrieved August 23, 2011, from  http://www.timetoast.com/timelines/8652 

"Nursing theory development bullets." (2011). Scribd, inc Retrieved August 23, 2011, from  http://www.scribd.com/doc/14083218/Nursing-Theory-Development-bullets

Major Historical Developments of Hospitals in the United States and India
Pages: 3 Words: 984

Evolution of Health Care Marketing
Understanding the historical development of the hospitals of different states provides opportunities for postulating the future and factors that might influence their performance. Historical analysis takes into consideration the significant milestones that shaped the current state of the hospitals of the state alongside the projected future of these health care organizations (Berkowitz, 2011). As such, this essay analyzes the historical development of the hospitals of the United and India. The historical analysis provides opportunities for the comparison of the countries that have experienced significant transformation to provide effective health care to patients.

Historical development of hospitals in the United States

The U.S. hospitals emerged from institutions such as nursing homes that gave health care services to the poor patients, retirees, and leprosy patients. Charities ran these institutions and provided them with the necessary resources required for ensuring the provision of the desired heath care. The late 18th century…...



Berkowitz, E.N. (2011). Essentials of health care marketing. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Shi, L., & Singh, D.A. (2010). Essentials of the U.S. health care system. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Speziale, F. (2012). Hospitals in Iran and India, 1500-1950s. Leiden [etc.: Brill.

Historical Development of Feng Shui in China
Pages: 12 Words: 3375

Feng Shui's Course In Hong Kong
Hong Kong goes its own ways. Not entirely, of course, and obviously much less so since 1997, but it retains a certainly cultural autonomy. One way in which Hong Kong has continued traditional beliefs and practices that have faded on the mainland is the degree of dedication to the practices of feng shui. There are several reasons why Hong Kong has maintained such traditions. Some of these arise from the fact that islands tend to be both conservative and independent, holding to traditions as a strength.

Mainland Chinese officials see their current and future strength as arising from their economic modernization, as essentially arising from their flight from tradition. Hong Kong, while certainly attached to economic prosperity and legally a part of China, has because of its geography also maintained an attachment to its past.

Hong Kong, no matter how many legal times it has to the…...


Works Cited

Carroll, Robert. Feng Shui: The Skeptics Dictionary. www.skepdic.com/fengshui.html. 2010.

Chua-Eoan, H., StonerT. & Wong, B. (1987). How to keep the dragons happy.  http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,964725,00.html#ixzz1apwioL5e 

Cornell, http://www.rso.cornell.edu/hksa/hongkong.php.

Disneyland Hong Kong Feng Shui, http://www.disneyland-hong-kong.com/disneylandhongkongfengshui.htm.

Historical Development of Nursing Timeline
Pages: 2 Words: 638

The Beginning: Nightingale

Although nursing care has been around since the first cave man got a cut, the formal, organized discipline of nursing can be traced to the work of Florence Nightingale. Around the time Nightingale began her research and studies in earnest, a number of medical breakthroughs were being made that impacted the history of nursing. One was the advancement of anesthetics, which greatly enhanced the ability of nurses and doctors to care for their patients and perform surgeries. Anesthesia became especially critical on the battlefield.

US Civil War to WWII

Wartime became a primary arena for nurses to carry out their practice, as the numbers of wounded required attention. Florence Nightingale was a nurse during the Crimean War. Like Nightingale, Dorethea Lynde Dix was one of the profession's first nurse leaders and managers. Dix led teams of nurses during the Civil War in the United States. Along with Sojourner Truth, Harriet…...



Penn Nursing Science (2012). History of nursing timeline. Retrieved online:  http://www.nursing.upenn.edu/nhhc/Pages/timeline_1700-1869.aspx?slider1=1#chrome

Historical Development of the Nurse Practitioner Role
Pages: 2 Words: 671

Loretta Ford was a revolutionary in her time. She took a chaotic period of social and political unrest and used it in order to spearhead new directions for modern nursing. She helped recreate the role of the NP in a much more clinical context. The clinical emphasis of the clinical field was opened up for a new generation of nurses to expand their roles and become much more powerful within the operation of the health care system. The 1960s also saw some uniquely difficult challenges in the health care industry. During the time, the needs of the system were changing. There were more people in greater need. Physician shortage in an era that was demanding greater levels of care and opening up the "opportunity to advance nursing through education and an expanded role in healthcare" (American Academy of NPs, 2005). This increase in clinical emphasis helped empower the modern…...



American Academy of NPs. (2005). Celebrating 40 years of NPs. Youtube. Web.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=YNMki0i88xA&feature=endscreen 

Institute of Medicine. (2010). The future of nursing. Report Brief. Web. http://www.iom.edu/~/media/Files/Report%20Files/2010/The-Future-of-Nursing/Nursing%20Scope%20of%20Practice%202010%20Brief.pdf

Solitary Confinement and Prison
Pages: 2 Words: 833

History Of Penitentiaries
With nearly 10% of its population incarcerated, it is important for Americans to understand the purpose and history of penitentiaries in this country. To this end, this paper reviews the relevant literature to provide a history of punishment, the history of prison development, and a comparison of the Pennsylvania system and the Auburn systems. Finally, an analysis of the impact and involvement of prison labor over time is followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning the purpose and history of penitentiaries in the conclusion.

History of punishment

Although humans have used various punishments for different purposes such as infractions of social, religious or legal codes such as the Code of Hammurabi for millennia (Voglis, 2002), the term has assumed a formalized modern meaning that includes a legal process. For instance, according to the definition provided by Black's Law Dictionary (1990), punishment is "any fine, penalty,…...



Black's law dictionary. (1990). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company.

Chain gangs. (2017). Public Broadcasting System. Retrieved from slavery-by-another-name/themes/chain-gangs/.http://www.pbs.org/tpt/

Derrick, F. W. & Scott, C. E. (2004, Fall). Prison labor effects on the unskilled labor market. American Economist, 48(2), 74-77.

Ford, A. (2014, May 2). Florida sheriff reintroduces chain gangs. USA Today. Retrieved from  http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/05/02/brevard-county-sheriff-chain-gang/2130335/ .

Historical Advances Made in Tooth Extraction
Pages: 6 Words: 1841

History Of Tooth Extraction From the 5th Century
a paper history tooth extraction Greeks ( 5th century) till .

The process if removing teeth from their dental sockets is referred to as tooth extraction (Vignoletti et al.). There are many reasons for extractions, but the most common reason is removal when teeth become unrestorable because of tooth decay, dental trauma, or periodontal disease. People result to tooth extraction when the mentioned conditions are accompanied with toothache. Tooth extraction might occur when teeth are crowded. This would create space for the rest of the teeth to grow or be straightened. Tooth was extraction was not only conducted when the person's tooth was painful, but it was also done as a pain reliever for other diseases. Currently, tooth extraction is straight forward, and is mostly done when a person is awake using only local anesthetic, which eliminates pain sensations. Tooth extractions are either surgical…...



Clement, Milton A. "Dental Forceps." Google Patents, 2011. Print.

DiVito, E, OA Peters, and G. Olivi. "Effectiveness of the Erbium: Yag Laser and New Design Radial and Stripped Tips in Removing the Smear Layer after Root Canal Instrumentation." Lasers in medical science 27.2 (2012): 273-80. Print.

Klein, C, and CG Lorber. "[Historical Development of Surgical Wisdom Tooth Extraction]." Fortschritte der Kiefer-und Gesichts-Chirurgie 40 (1994): 113-16. Print.

Philippe, Julien. "Pierre Fauchard the "Inventor" of Orthodontics." Journal of Dentofacial Anomalies and Orthodontics 14.01 (2011): 104. Print.

1 The Development of Social
Pages: 10 Words: 2998

Free trade also has contributed to the economic exploitation of women, as the
textile industry for example, which is predominantly women has seen jobs
lost and wages cut. Women are often forced to be teachers or work in day-
care centres, but not on equal footing with men. Women are victims as are
ethnic minorities, and they are forced into hourly jobs with low salaries,
high unemployment, and little unionization or official organization.
Furthermore, women are dependent on household duties, and through
mechanical technological improvements in household work, women have been
able to work more. This means that women are in fact tied to the family,
and that the family dictates that women's economic needs are of secondary
concern. As the household labourer, traditional duties are a priority, and
this notion of women contributing to the workforce as secondary to
household duties has contributed to women being treated as secondary within
the workforce.
Women are integral economic parts of the Canadian workforce, as
families depend…...

History and Development of Sound Technologies and Sound Design in Film
Pages: 40 Words: 11249

sound technologies and sound design in Film
Sound in films

Experiments in Early Age


Crucial innovations

Commercialization of sound cinema: U.S., Europe, and Japan

Sound Design

Unified sound in film production

Sound designers in Cinematography

Sound Recording Technologies

History of Sound Recording Technology

Film sound technology

Modern Digital Technology

History of sound in films


Sound Design

Sound Recording Technologies

The film industry is a significant beneficiary of performing arts. The liberal arts combined with latest techniques and advancements experienced a number of stages. The introduction of films and sound in films was a significant development of its times. The introduction of first film along with sound was a unique event and it revolutionized the industry in such a way that it influenced every individual related to the industry to start thinking on creative and innovative grounds for improvements. The stages of films can be identified as silent films shown in theaters and they were narrated live. However the introduction of sound in films was…...



Alten, SR 2008, Audio In Media, Thomson Wadsworth, USA.

Altman, R 2004, Silent Film Sound, Columbia University Press, USA.

Ballou, G 2008, Handbook for sound engineers, Focal Press, USA.

Beck, J & Grajeda, T 2008, Lowering the boom: critical studies in film sound, University of Illinois Press.

Deinstitutionalization Importance of a Historical Literature Review
Pages: 14 Words: 4057

Evaluating theoretical framework also assists in determining whether the structure directs the research study. This process entails identification of constructs or concepts, assessment of definitions, relationships, variables, hypothesis, methodology and findings.
Discussion Question Two: Will there always be a theoretical framework that aligns with your chosen topic of study? Why or why not?

Theoretical framework entails the collection of combined concepts that are not essentially well established (Aparasu, 2011). Theoretical framework determines the things a researcher measures and the statistical link to look for. Through theoretical framework, researchers engage preconceived ideas. For instance, some people deem that human beings are untrustworthy and lazy. Such basic beliefs regarding human temperament influences how a researcher views things when conducting a research. In this regard, not understanding the actual framework is an enormous concern. Theoretical framework directs the researcher to what he/she views in his/her environment, and what he/she does not notice in his/her…...



Aparasu, R. (2011). Research methods for pharmaceutical practice and policy. New York:

Pharmaceutical Press.

Beck, C., & Faan, C. (2013). Routledge international handbook of qualitative nursing research.

New York: Routledge

Adult Education Within Human Resources Development the
Pages: 14 Words: 4195

Adult Education
Within Human esources Development

The literature which describes and analyzes the important aspects of adult education - within the Human esources Development genre - is vitally important in relating to today's employees who seek - and deserve - learning opportunities within their workplace environment. It provides a point of reference, it offers stimulating ideas for digestion and analysis, and it zeros in on the issue at hand, which is that learning should be encouraged and facilitated by employers, and it should be done in such a way that gains in individual learning and knowledge will transfer to competency on the job, and ultimately, profitability for the employer.

An exceptionally useful article by Theodore J. Marchese, entitled, "Insights from Neuroscience and Anthropology, Cognitive Science and Work-Place Studies": e.g., the brain is "remarkably plastic across the lifespan..."

Early experiences and genetic inheritance are very important," Marchese writes in his piece, 'The New Conversations…...



Glastra, Folke J; & Hake, Barry J.; & Schedler, Petra E. "Lifelong Learning as Transitional Learning." Adult Education Quarterly 54 (2004): 291-306.

Hodkinson, Phil; & Hodkinson, Heather; & Evans, Karen; & Kersh, Natasha; & Fuller,

Alison; & Unwini, Loma; & Senker, Peter. "The significance of individual biography

In workplacelearning." Studies in the Education of Adults 36, (2004): 6-26.

Human Resources - Critically Appraise the Historical
Pages: 15 Words: 5631

Human Resources - Critically appraise the historical development and future direction of Human Resource Management in the Hospitality Industry
Personnel Management & Human Resource Management

Links of Corporate Strategy and Human Resource Management -- An Analysis

Image-Hospitality Industry

Organizational ehavior

Trends in Hospitality Management

Human Resourcing strategies in Hospitality Industry

Personnel Management & Human Resource Management

The practices of people management have received additional importance due to the present emphasis on the renewed interest in human resources. Traditionally, there has always been a dividing line between operational managers and personnel managers who are now called human resource managers. In the United States the function of personnel management has been a recognized function since the National Cash Register Company had opened their personnel office in the 1890s. The American personnel managers have always closely identified themselves with the objectives of the organization and this may be considered as a unitary tradition. With this tradition, it was natural that Human…...



Rowland, K. And Summers, S. (1981). Human resource planning: A second look. Personnel Administrator, December, 73-80.

Lorange, P. And Murphy, D.C. (1984). Bring human resources into strategic planning: Systems design considerations. In: Fombrun, C., Tichy, N. And Devanna, M. (eds.), Strategic human resource management. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 275-296

Nkomo, S.M. (1984). Prescription vs. practice: the state of human resource planning in large U.S. organizations. Paper presented at the Southern Management Association meeting, 14-17, November, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Golden, K.A. And Ramanujam, V. (1985). Between a dream and a nightmare: On the integration of the human resource management and strategic business planning processes. Human Resource Management, vol. 24, no. 4, 429-452.

I\'m up for a challenge! Do you have any complex or thought-provoking essay topics on Literacy Narrative?
Words: 575

1. The Power of Language: How literacy shapes our worldview and understanding of the world around us.

2. From Illiteracy to Empowerment: The transformative journey of becoming literate and how it changes one's life.

3. The Intersection of Literacy and Identity: How our literacy experiences shape our sense of self and belonging in society.

4. Literacy as Liberation: Examining how literacy can empower individuals and communities to advocate for their rights and bring about social change.

5. The Role of Technology in Modern Literacy: Analyzing how digital technologies are reshaping the way we read, write, and communicate.

6. Literacy in a Global Context: Exploring the....

Can you help me come up with titles for my essay about Joyce travelbee theory historical influence ?
Words: 258

1. The Historical Impact of Joyce Travelbee's Theory on Nursing Practice

2. Exploring the Evolution of Joyce Travelbee's Theory in Nursing

3. The Influence of Joyce Travelbee's Theory on Nurse-Patient Relationships

4. A Historical Overview of Joyce Travelbee's Theory in Nursing Care

5. Examining the Legacy of Joyce Travelbee's Theory in Contemporary Nursing

6. Joyce Travelbee's Theory: A Historical Perspective on Nursing Philosophy

7. Uncovering the Historical Context of Joyce Travelbee's Theory in Nursing Education

8. The Enduring Influence of Joyce Travelbee's Theory on Nursing Research

9. Joyce Travelbee's Theory: A Historical Analysis of Its Impact on Nursing Ethics

10. Tracing the Historical Development of Joyce Travelbee's Theory in....

I\'m searching for essay topics on soap opera. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 540

The Allure and Impact of Soap Operas: Exploring Cultural Phenomena


Soap operas, with their melodramatic storylines and relatable characters, have captivated audiences worldwide for decades. They offer a unique blend of entertainment, escapism, and social commentary, making them worthy subjects for academic exploration. This essay aims to delve into various aspects of soap operas, examining their impact on culture and society.

1. The Evolution of Soap Operas: From Radio to Television

Trace the historical development of soap operas from their humble beginnings on radio to their ubiquitous presence on television. Discuss the factors that influenced their evolution, such as technological advancements, societal changes,....

I\'m in need of some essay topics on Welfare. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 475

Topic 1: The Evolution of Welfare Policy in the United States

Trace the historical development of welfare programs in the US, from their origins to modern iterations.
Analyze the shifting ideologies and social attitudes that have influenced welfare policy over time.
Examine the impact of political and economic factors on welfare reform efforts.

Topic 2: The Efficacy of Welfare Programs

Evaluate the effectiveness of welfare programs in reducing poverty and improving the well-being of recipients.
Analyze the trade-offs between providing assistance and promoting self-sufficiency.
Examine the role of welfare programs in promoting economic growth and social mobility.

Topic 3: The Social Stigma....

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