Hillary Clinton Essays (Examples)

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Hillary Clinton and Leadership No Other First
Pages: 10 Words: 2632

Hillary Clinton and Leadership
No other First Lady in recent history has been as admired and vilified as Hillary Rodham Clinton. Breaking from the mold of her immediate predecessors, Clinton has more in common with her earlier counterparts, like Eleanor Roosevelt, Dolly Madison, Abigail Adams or Mamie Doud Eisenhower.

However, many of her predecessors wielded a tremendous amount of power simply through their access to the president. Nancy Reagan, for example, would often discuss the effects of their friendship with the Gorbachevs in light of the unease over the Cold ar.

Unlike them, Clinton was clearly not interested in this delicate, secondary form of leadership. Rather, she became an active participant in several of her husband's most important campaigns -- from health care to welfare reform. hen her term as First Lady ended, she extended her leadership role further in her new position as New York's junior senator.

Through a reading of her memoir…...


Works Cited

Bolman, Lee G. And Deal, Terrence E. 1997. Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2nd ed.

Clinton, Hillary Rodham. 2003. Living History. New York: Simon and Schuster.

Northouse, Peter G. 1997. Leadership: Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publishing.

Hillary Clinton Personality a Person Cannot Develop
Pages: 3 Words: 964

Hillary Clinton

A person cannot develop apart from what they were initially given and what happens to them on a day by day basis. The subject of this report is no different in that respect, but she is very different from most with regard to her ambition and life course. Hillary Clinton was the First Lady of the United States when her husband Bill Clinton was president from 1993 until early 2001. For eight years she had to play the part of devoted wife and sublimate her true self. This essay traces Secretary Clinton's development from a little girl in suburban Chicago, to the person who holds one of the most powerful positions on Earth.

Sulfaro (2007) notes that Hillary Clinton was a more polarizing figure, in many respects, than the First Lady who directly followed her and many of those who came before. Sulfaro's research did not indicate whether this was…...



Quader, M.S. (2011). Perception of leadership styles and trust across cultures and gender: A comparative study of Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton. South Asian Journal of Management, 18(2), 30-41.

Shepard, R. (2009). Confronting gender bias, finding a voice: Hillary Clinton and the New Hampshire crying incident. Argumentation and Advocacy, 46(1), 64-77.

Sulfaro, V.A. (2007). Affective evaluations of first ladies: A comparison of Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 37(3), 486-514

Hillary Clinton Texas as a
Pages: 5 Words: 1513

Standing strong on important issues like universal health care and putting a stop to the war in Iraq, Clinton led a strong presidency that only seemed to fall apart after Super Tuesday, when Obama's lead left Clinton in the dust. But it is Clinton's unlikely victory in Texas that best represents the female candidate's struggle. A unique mixture of success and failure in the state and in the nation has resulted in a one-of-a-kind presidential bid by Hillary Clinton and democratic race for the nomination.
orks Cited

Balz, Dan. "Hillary Clinton Opens Presidential Bid." 2007. The ashington Post. 9 May 2008 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wpdyn/content/article/2007/01/20/AR2007012000426.html.

Balz, Dan, and Chris Cillizza. "Hillary Clinton's Early Moves." 2007. The ashington

Post. 9 May 2008. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp- dyn/content/article/2006/12/05/AR2006120501552.html>.

Clinton Takes Lead in Iowa Poll." 2007. MSNBC. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21183958/

Democratic Elder McGovern Tells Clinton to Quit." 2007. AFP. 9 May 2008 http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5g0SHuYYd2Fr4sttBMJj534oMsiBw.

Klein, Rick and Sarah Amos. "Bill Clinton: Texas Could Be Hillary's Last Stand." 2008.



Works Cited

Balz, Dan. "Hillary Clinton Opens Presidential Bid." 2007. The Washington Post. 9 May 2008  

Hillary Clinton Is Now Touted
Pages: 3 Words: 999

Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife efuge (ANW):

Bush administration has been criticized for favoring drilling operations in the Wild Life efuge while Hillary Clinton has not been in favor of drilling there. She has called for limited (safe) drilling and injecting more money and efforts into research for of renewable energy, energy efficiency and other alternates.

Gay Marriage: Hillary Clinton is a popular candidate among the gay circles. She has been known to have gay friends. The support of Clinton's for gay equal rights is not hidden for anyone. As far as gay marriages are concerned she has not adopted a positive and assertive response yet calls for equal rights. She has also held fund-raisers with major gay and lesbian donors. "Clinton has earned 48% of the contribution from heavily gay ZIP codes nationally, compared with 39% for Barack and 13% for John Edwards" (Darman, 2007).

Gun Control: Since Hillary has been…...



Wolfe, R. (August 06, 2007). Well, what do you know? Newsweek. P. 32-33.

Darman, J. (August 13, 2007) Show'Em Whatcha Got. Newsweek. P. 27.

Alter, J. (May 28, 2007). Reckoning with Restoration. Newsweek. P. 25.

Easton, N. (July 16, 2007). Who business is betting on. Fortune. P.31-38.

Hillary Clinton's Speech Hillary Clinton's
Pages: 1 Words: 428

There are many pleas for convincing the audience that she truly wants them to support Obama, but the most powerful is:

want you to ask yourselves: Were you in this campaign just for me? Or were you in it for that young Marine and others like him? Were you in it for that mom struggling with cancer while raising her kids? Were you in it for that boy and his mom surviving on the minimum wage? Were you in it for all the people in this country who feel invisible?" (Transcript: Hillary Clinton's prime-time speech)

Underlying themes that continually run throughout the speech about never giving up reveal the personality of Clinton; she may have lost this round, but the odds are high that she will be back for another try. To do so, she had to appear as a gracious loser and a generous supporter of the winner. This was the…...



Transcript: Hillary Clinton's prime-time speech. NPR.  http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=94003143 

What Hillary Clinton's speech needs to accomplish (2008, August 26). Huffington Post.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/08/26/what-hillary-clintons-con_n_121612.html

Encomium on Hillary Clinton in Recent History
Pages: 2 Words: 640

Encomium on Hillary Clinton
In recent history, no other First Lady has engendered as much admiration and criticism as Hillary Rodham Clinton. While her immediate predecessors were content to wield their influence indirectly or to busy themselves with uncontroversial social projects, Clinton follows in the footsteps of their earlier counterparts. Indeed, Clinton has much more in common with first ladies like Abigail Adams, Dolly Madison and the outspoken Eleanor Roosevelt.

Unlike First Ladies like Barbara Bush and Nancy Reagan, Clinton always had an interest in public service. In fact, it may even surprise many of her critics to find that Clinton started her political career as a Republican. She evidenced leadership skills early, even participating as a teenager in Republican-led efforts to prove that Chicago Mayor Richard Daley stole the election from Richard Nixon through "creative vote counting." At Wellesley College, she also served as president the Young Republicans Club and even…...

Education Care2 Hillary Clinton Child
Pages: 6 Words: 2339

More precisely, the article points out through thorough references that the quality of the education system has decreased especially in impoverished communities throughout the United tates. Therefore, in order to improve the quality of education, the article argues, one must first and foremost tackle its root cause, poverty. By comparing other education systems to developing countries, it is concluded that the U.. does not take the necessary means to address the issue of poverty among students. The article underlines the differences existing between rich communities where students have higher scores and those in which 75% of the students are poor, in which case they obtain less than the international average scores. It is also important to underline the dangers the article considers as being imminent in communities where students lack the possibilities to attend school. In this sense, the violence and the drug abusers become more and more common,…...


Suitts, Steve. "Financial Aid for Low-Income Students: Lingering Challenges in Southern Education." Southern Education Foundation. 2001.  http://www.sefatl.org/pdf/Financial%20Aid-Challenges%20-%20downloadable.pdf 

Steve Suitts, the Program Coordinator for Southern Education Foundation discusses the issue of the education system in the South of the U.S. from the point-of-view of the issues that need to be addressed as opposed to problems that have been solved. His perspective takes into account the wide gap that exists between different parts of the U.S. And the South. In this sense, he argues that the region is one of the least developed areas from this point-of-view. However, there are some important steps that have been made which represent an improvement in the current situation of the South education system. More precisely, the governors from West Virginia and Kentucky have addressed the issue of reduced funds and have engaged in an initiative aimed at protecting state funds from being reduced. This action is meant to have long-term effects.

The article in itself is important for the research study because it points out several aspects different regions of the country are faced with in terms of education funding. Also, it offers information on the way in which state education receives its funding and the problems arising in this respect. However, due to the fact that it limits its perspective to the South region of the country it is not entirely relevant for the situation throughout the U.S. Even so, the information provided and the situations it discusses can be relevant for a wider study on the issue of education, state funding, and the poverty surrounding this domain as well as and the actions undertaken at the political level.

Why Did Pundits Report That Hillary Clinton Dominated the Democratic Debate
Pages: 2 Words: 766

Democratic Debate -- October 13, 2015
The debate among Democrat contenders for the presidency was a far more courteous and respectful performance than was presented earlier by the Republicans, and as most objective pundits pointed out, the debate showed clearly that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is a more experienced debater than her opponents, and notwithstanding questions about her changing stances on some issues, she remained unflappable.

The October 13 debate in Las Vegas featured three of Clinton's opponents (Martin O'Malley, Lincoln Chafee, and Jim ebb), politely attempting to put Clinton on the defensive. But when they brought up her vote to support George . Bush's war against Iraq, Clinton showed her experience and calmly turned the tables on the three.

"I recall very well being on a debate stage, I think, about 25 times with then Senator Obama, debating this very issue," Clinton responded. "After the election he asked me to…...


Works Cited

Diamond, Jeremy. "CNN/Facebook Democratic debate winners and losers." CNN.

Retrieved October 20, 2015, from   2015.http://www.cnn.com .

Kaplan, Rebecca. "In Democratic debate, candidates tangle on gun control, Wall Street

Reform." CBS News. Retrieved October 20, 2015, from   2015.http://www.cbsnews.com .

Hillary vs Obama - Which
Pages: 4 Words: 1462

barrackobama.com) are the links to "Home," "Learn," "Issues," "Get Involved," "Blog," "Newsroom" and "Donate." Across the top of Clinton's eb site (www.hillaryclinton.com) she offers links to "Home," "Hillary," "Take Action," "Newsroom," "Blog," "Video" and "Contribute."
In terms of substance put forward on health care and other national issues, Obama wins hands down on his eb pages. In Obama's "Issues" pull-down, he offers 11 links to issues that he has taken a stand on. One of them is "Healthcare System That orks." In that link Obama addresses AIDS, "Medical Information Technology," hospital "report cards," "Genetic Medicine," and "Protecting Children from Lead Poisoning." There is nothing specific about universal health care in Obama's site, but again, there are several issues represented.

In Clinton's site, there is no specific place to go to see how the senator feels about specific issues; there are several press releases offered, including one that announces a "Better Health Care…...


Works Cited

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. "The Number of Uninsured Americans Continued to Rise in 2004." Retrieved 27 Feb. 2007 at  http://www.cbpp.org/8-30-05health.htm .

Clinton, Hillary. "Hillary for President." Retrieved 27 Feb. 2007 at  http://www.hillaryclinton.com .

Krugman, Paul. "Substance Over Image." The New York Times. 26 Feb. 2007 a.21.

Obama, Barrack. "Obama '08." Retrieved 27 Feb. 2007 at  http://www.barrackobama.com .

Clinton's Speech After Lewinsky's Scandal
Pages: 15 Words: 4945

Clinton's Lewinsky Speech
Presidential scandal speeches should be considered a unique form of discoursed that follow a common pattern and have similar elements. All of these may not be found in every single speech but most certainly will, including ichard Nixon's Second Watergate Speech (1973), onald eagan's Iran-Contra Speech (1987), and Bill Clinton's Monica Lewinsky Speech (1998). All the presidents used strong, direct and active voice when making these speeches, with Clinton seeming to be particularly prone to narcissism and use of the first-person singular. A standard feature of all such speeches is for the president to take responsibility for what went wrong, express regret, and then call on the country to move on so the government can return to dealing with the nation's 'real' business. Both Nixon and Clinton also had a strong tendency to blame their political enemies for their predicament, and with good reason, although in Nixon's case…...



Clinton, B. (1998). Monica Lewinsky Speech.


Hillary Rodmen Clinton
Pages: 6 Words: 2373

Hillary odham Clinton: Senator, First Lady, & Secretary of State

"One thing we know for sure is that change is certain. Progress is not. Progress depends on the choices we make today for tomorrow and on whether we meet our challenges and protect our values."

~Hillary odham Clinton, from Living History

Hillary Diane odham Clinton is an international leader, a powerful fixture in American government, a significant figure in American history, and a mentor for people around the world, especially women. Before becoming Secretary of State, she campaigned for United States President. Hillary odham Clinton continues to lead an intriguing and inspiring life. She makes decisions that impact millions of people. She represents the American government, American foreign policy, and she represents hope for women in a patriarchal society. Hillary Clinton has withstood several political scandals with grace and perseverance. The paper will explore her life as an example of a politician that…...



Barlow, Tani. "International Feminism of the Future." Signs, Vol. 25, No. 4, 1099 -- 1105, 2000.

Burden, Barry C., & Mughan, Anthony. "Public Opinion and Hillary Rodham Clinton." The Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 63, No. 2, 237 -- 250, 1999.

Carlin, Diana B., & Winfrey, Kelly L. "Have You Come a Long Way, Baby? Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, and Sexism in 2008 Campaign Coverage." Communication Studies, Vol. 60, No. 4, 326 -- 343, 2009.

Clinton, Hillary Rodham. It Takes a Village and Other Lessons Children Teach Us. Simon & Schuster, New York, 1996.

Political Activity of Women Hilary Clinton
Pages: 4 Words: 1271

Political Activity of Women
Hillary Clinton

The impact of women on our society has been more and more strongly felt since the women's revolution in the 1960's in the United States. However, there are some women that history cannot pass by, that must be remembered for their intelligence and political or economic prowess. Such a woman is found in our current secretary of state: Hillary Clinton. Mrs. Clinton has been at the forefront of American politics for decades now, and this paper will discuss the beginnings of her career, as well as the hurdles and accomplishments of this remarkable woman, in the context of the political activity of women in the United States.

The history of women in American society is very complex, and this gender's history in the political arena is even more so. It is a widely known fact that for most of history, women have had fewer rights and opportunities…...

William Jefferson Clinton the 42nd
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

Maslow also argues that after a person meets their basic survival needs, they will begin to self-actualize (Maslow, 1999). This means that they will now become concerned with an increase of tension related to their own achievements, goals, and behavior. If Clinton had felt that his physical and psychological needs had not been met, then his main concern would have been tension reduction. Tension reduction would have likely resulted in a lack of sexual desire for other women that could result in tension in his marriage. But since Clinton's basic survival needs were satisfied, he was able to seek out relationships and behaviors that would implicitly likely create more tension, and serve to try and satisfy the need for achievement and self-actualization.

By definition, Maslow's need for self-actualization, sometimes referred to as growth-motivation, cannot be satisfied (Maslow, 1999). People try to enhance their lives instead of their survival, and often do…...


Works Cited

Maslow, Abraham H. (1998) Maslow on Management. New York: John Wiley and Sons.

Maslow, Abraham H. (1999) Toward a Psychology of Being, 3rd ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons.

"William J. Clinton." (2009) the Official White House Homepage. Retrieved: December 10, 2009,  http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/williamjClinton .

Clinton Presidency and Historical and
Pages: 2 Words: 793

His early life played an important part in his political life, and this seems true of most political figures. Politics is partly about power, and partly about convictions, and this is a strong point that comes through in Clinton's book. In addition, when he was a child, he was greatly influenced by President Kennedy, and this carried through to his own administration, which he called "Camelot" for a while, after the name for the Kennedy White House.
It is also clear from this book that many historical events also inspired and influenced Clinton. He came of age at a time when the country was divided over Vietnam, and there were vast differences between young and old, epublican and Democrat. His life was influenced by these historic events, and he carried much of that influence and how it affected him with him into his political career. It is what made him…...



Clinton, William Jefferson. My Life. New York: Borzoi Book, 2004.

Advertising and Public Relations Serve to Communicate
Pages: 5 Words: 1541

Advertising and public relations serve to communicate ideas and convince the audience of something. Politicians are among the most prolific advertising spenders during election campaigns and can have enormous public relations machines. This is especially true of Presidential candidates, who must first run for their party's nomination and then must run for President. We know that Hillary Clinton went from frontrunner to loser in the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination in 2008. There are lessons to be learned about the different factors that contribute to selling an idea, in this case Clinton as President, to different audiences. This case study will evaluate Clinton's campaign leading up to the Democratic primary using the OSTE model. The OSTE model focuses on research, objectives, strategies, tactics and evaluation.

The Hillary Clinton campaign at the time of the case was a large organization. It featured both extensive advertising and public relations, backed by substantial…...



Cree, C. (2008). Hillary Clinton's approach to social media killed her campaign. Success Creations. Retrieved November 7, 2013 from  http://successcreeations.com/339/hillary-clintons-approach-to-social-media-killed-her-campaign/ 

Gawiser, S. & Witt, G. (2012). 20 questions a journalist should ask about poll results. National Council on Public Polls. Retrieved November 7, 2013 from  http://www.ncpp.org/?q=node/4 

Murray, M. (2008). The primary vs. general election fallacy. NBC News. Retrieved November 7, 2013 from  http://www.nbcnews.com/id/23591347/ 

OpenSecrets.org. (2008). Hillary Clinton. Retrieved November 7, 2013 from  http://www.opensecrets.org/pres08/summary.php?cid=N

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