Congress did more than just reauthorize the Act, though. It also required that state agencies be established that would be able to handle some of the work that accrediting agencies were once expected to do on their own (Crow, 2009). By doing that, it was assumed accreditation would be easy to attain for deserving schools, and the value of being accredited would be seen once again (Crow, 2009). It became a failed experiment and did not work out in the way Congress had hoped. All it did was make more work for the states, but the accrediting agencies modified many of their policies and practices so that they could meet federal requirements that had been set out for them (Crow, 2009). One of the main requirements they had to meet to retain the ability to legitimately accredit universities and other higher learning institutions was to clearly spell out the expectations…...
American Council of Trustees and Alumni. (2007). Why accreditation doesn't work and what policymakers can do about it. Policy Paper.
Brittingham, B. (2009). Accreditation in the United States: How did we get to where we are? New Directions in Higher Education, 145. Wiley Periodicals.
Brittingham, B., O'Brien, P.M., & Alig, J.L. (2008). Accreditation and institutional research: The traditional role and new dimensions. New Directions for Higher Education, 141. Wiley Periodicals.
Crow, S. (2009). Musings on the future of accreditation. New Directions for Higher Education, 145. Wiley Periodicals.
Higher Education
Investment in Higher Education
The literacy rate is one of the important indicators of a developed country hence governments focus on enhancing its infrastructure. There are many challenges to promote higher education as demographic and social factors act as barriers to admission for many candidates. The effect of these factors should be explored so that the negative outcomes can be controlled.
Investment in Higher Education
Formal education system is considered as one of the most important needs of an independent country. In many countries particularly the ones who claim or dream to be a welfare state, provision of free and quality education to all the citizens is considered to be one of the major responsibilities of national or federal government. In democratic form of government, budget allocation to high education is one of the initiatives of a successful government. There are many reasons for attributing high level of importance to higher education.…...
Bardes, B., Shelley. M. And Schmidt, S. (2013). American Government and Politics. USA: Cengage learning.
Cooperrider, D., Whitney, D. And Stavros, J. (2008). The Appreciative Inquiry Handbook. USA: BerretteKoehler Publishers.
Douglass, J. (2007). The Conditions for Admission. USA: Stanford University Press.
Fegan, J. And Field, M. (2009). Education Across Borders. USA: Springer.
Higher Education 1970 -- 2000
Between 1970 and 2000, many changes took place in higher education. One of the largest ones was among the student population. Many more women started going to college, in some fields eclipsing the men who were attending classes for a better education and a more fulfilling career (Commission, 2006). That was not the only issue where the student body was concerned, though. Another large change was the way in which people attended school. As the 1970s moved toward the year 2000, more people went back to school after being in the workforce for some time (Commission, 2006). They had children, they were older, and they attended school part time or at night. Correspondence courses became more popular, and it was possible to get an education in more unique ways. By the year 2000, a large percentage of graduates were non-traditional students, as opposed to students who…...
Commission reports: A national dialogue: The secretary of education's commission on the future of higher education. (2006). United States Department of Education.
Ewell, P.T. (1999). Assessment of higher education and quality: Promise and politics. In S.J. Messick (Ed.), Assessment in higher education: Issues of access, quality, student development, and public policy. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Forest, J. & Kinser, K. (2002). Higher education in the United States: An encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Shoichet, C. (2003). Gray Matters: Nearly 50 years after she first honed her teaching skills at Harvard, Hanna H. Gray has wisdom to share. Harvard Crimson.
Much like the argument of Carnoy (2005), ingh asserts the huge importance of education in a globalized structure. This article also resonates the disagreements of Carnoy (2005) and Kwiek (2001) -- i.e. The positive and negative effects of globalization in higher education with the author taking the side of Carnoy in the belief that higher education positively implicates a nation's economy. Unlike McPherson & chapiro (2002), who argued against privatization of educational institutions, ingh believes that higher education should be privatized as part of the liberalization policy that he posits to work advantageously for India. Method-wise, this work is a good example of how fruitful research on higher education and globalization would be if we put it in a particular context, like in this case, the Indian societies. This prods us to look at societal specificities to better understand the interplay of social factors in furthering our understanding of higher…...
mlaSingh, M.K. (n.d.). Challenges of Globalization on Indian Higher Education. Retrieved October 27, 2009, from
This work maintains that knowledge holds a central role in a globalized world structure. It also acknowledges that the effect of globalization remains to be debatable at this point with some group arguing that global policies are in line with the interests of the global capitalists while others maintain that it addressed the needs of particular societies in general, and disadvantaged groups in particular. The article also presented views on globalization by leading sociologists and economists. In the work's focus, the Indian context, it has been noted that the Indian educational system has expanded; however it was offset by the growth spur of the relevant age group. Resources are strained and the quality of education has been questionable. Singh concludes by arguing that a reform in the educational system, on a system-wide level through liberalization of higher education may be advantageous for India. Moreover, privatization of education is recommended, still line with the author's espoused liberalization strategy.
Much like the argument of Carnoy (2005), Singh asserts the huge importance of education in a globalized structure. This article also resonates the disagreements of Carnoy (2005) and Kwiek (2001) -- i.e. The positive and negative effects of globalization in higher education with the author taking the side of Carnoy in the belief that higher education positively implicates a nation's economy. Unlike McPherson & Schapiro (2002), who argued against privatization of educational institutions, Singh believes that higher education should be privatized as part of the liberalization policy that he posits to work advantageously for India. Method-wise, this work is a good example of how fruitful research on higher education and globalization would be if we put it in a particular context, like in this case, the Indian societies. This prods us to look at societal specificities to better understand the interplay of social factors in furthering our understanding of higher education in the light of globalization.
It is therefore a very new field, and could cause not only anxiety, but also a number of mistakes before the best way of integration is found.
In order to improve this situation, I believe that both management and employees can work together. There are many professional companies that can assist management in ironing out projected difficulties. It companies can for example identify problems that the University may not be aware of, and mitigate these before they occur.
Another possibility for improvement is regional and even countrywide integration via the online environment. Certain departments from other universities can for example be recruited to complement the local department, for the benefit of both. In terms of the financial aspect, care should be taken to govern integration in such a way that competition will remain on a level to provide learners with the best possible education.
I believe that the future for both my…...
Hanna, Donald E. (1998, March). Higher Education in an Era of Digital Competition: Emerging Organizational Models. JALN Vol. 2, Iss 1.
Otte, George & Benke, Meg. (2005). Online Learning: New Models for Leadership and Organization in Higher Education.
Writing skills are crucial for success in many fields not typically associated with paperwork, such as in law enforcement, advertising, and engineering careers, for just a few examples. Higher education allows students to improve their writing skills and even to perfect their non-written verbal communication skills by encouraging intellectual discussion and argument in many classes.
By the time students begin a course of undergraduate study, many are already computer literate, at least in the sense of using computers to communicate via e-mail and personal messaging programs. However, many students are not as familiar with other useful computer applications, particularly when it comes to using the Internet to do formal research. In most professional environments, the ability to use the Internet and internal computer intranet networks is critically important.
While it does not actually fall within the academic realm, higher education also enables students to improve and develop their socialization and people…...
After Truman, President Johnson recognized the need to do more in terms of general higher education. While previous federal programs were very focused on specific sectors of society, these did not encompass the needs of society as a whole. The problems of poverty and lower-income families for example remained, and where no longer related to the war effort.
The President articulated these needs as he regarded them in January 1965, when he delivered his education message. Not only, according to the President, was there a need among lower and middle-income families, but small and less developed colleges were also in the need of assistance for their development and an improvement in the education standard.. Furthermore, additional and improved library resources were needed to improve the standard of higher education in general (Cervantes et al., 2005). Poverty and community development furthermore needed to be addressed by legislation. President Johnson acknowledged previous Government…...
Cervantes, A., Creusere, Marlena, McMillion, R., McQueen, C., Short, M., Steiner, M. And Webster, J. (2005, Nov.). "Opening the Doors to Higher Education: Perspectives on the Higher Education Act 40 Years Later." TG Research and Analytical Services. .
Graham, Patricia Albjerg. (2006, January). "Higher Education in America." Oxford University Press Blog.
McCants, J. (2003, Feb 2). "The Early History of the Higher Education Act of 1965." .
Auto loans, credit card loans, and mortgages have all declined.
Another issue plaguing higher education is how to curtail of abates the influence of these rising costs on the lives of their students. Many of these costs are indirectly correlated to tuition and are therefore uncontrollable in a market subsidized by government. However, many issues are directly related to the tuition, and are therefore controllable. These include student demographics, institution financial aid policies, and overhead costs. Higher education must most now access the available options in order to lower the overall costs of tuition. Distance learning for example can lower the costs associated with the cost of living. Online courses can lower the overall cost of courses. Either way, higher education must subsequently deal with these costs in a manner that benefits the institution while also helping incoming students. This aids the overall strict user pay argument as those willing…...
1) Ewell, P.T. (1999). Assessment of higher education and quality: Promise and politics. In S.J. Messick (Ed.), Assessment in higher education: Issues of access, quality, student development, and public policy. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
2) Finn, C.E. (1988, Jul.-Aug.). Judgment time for higher education: In the court of public opinion. Change, 20(4), 31-38.
3) Forest, James and Kinser, Kevin. (2002). Higher Education in the United States: An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.
4) Green, Madeleine, F., ed. 1988. Leaders for a New Era: Strategies for Higher Education. New York: Macmillan.
Higher Education Leadership Purpose Statement
The purpose of higher education leadership is to ensure organizational learning through the induction of most qualified men and women in educational institutions, at the same time keeping pace with rapidly changing educational standards by applying modern teaching and research methodologies, to embrace flexibility and creativity in virtual learning of diversified workforce across the globe. Higher education leadership aims to win the commitment and loyalty of personnel in order to achieve efficiency and effectiveness as well as to encourage change and innovation and lessen stagnation and conventional methods in learning. Since the increasing number of adjunct faculty members is employed for cost cutting, therefore, this study will assess the effectiveness of adjunct faculty in educational institutions through examining particular case scenarios. Given the observation, adjunct faculty is said to be less involved with students. Henceforth, the results will be helpful in determining the pros and cons…...
American Association of University Professors (2008).
Academic Impressions (2011). Rethinking Higher Education's Leadership Crisis. Retrieved on 22/10/2013 ( )
Avolio, B.J. & Bass B.M. (1995). Individual consideration viewed at multiple levels of analysis: A multi-framework for examining the diffusion of transformational leadership. Leadership Quarterly, 6, 188-218.
Bass, B.M. (2000). The Future of Leadership in Learning Organizations. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies. Sage Publications.
edina's arguments very much echo the sentiments of Kwiek (2001). These two authors have argued against the economic forces in a globalized economy getting in the way of educational institutions. Such is the case because it is believed that market forces strip away the autonomy and nation-state ideals propagated in the university. This in turn results to the subordination of education to market forces. Consequently, subordination of education to the hegemonic forces of the economy can be expected. edina's literature review is also helpful in our consideration of our research method. edina demonstrated two ways of approaching this subject matter. Firstly, the researcher can tackle this issue by employing the method of historical discourse analysis of education and globalization for the purpose of conceptual clarifications. Another way would be to conduct this study utilizing the framework of power. edina's successful demonstration of hegemonic apparatuses and conflict perspective showed how fruitful…...
mlaMedina, a. (n.d.). The Impact of Globalization on Higher Education. Retrieved October 28, 2009, from
Medina's literature review argued that higher education, as a cultural institution, simply reproduces the social system in which it is entrenched. This she was able to do by presenting the neoliberalist school of thought as far back as the era of Enlightenment with which education is seen as an apparatus to serve the interest of the dominant class and that the transmission of information and cultural values perpetrates the unequal power distribution in the society. Knowledge is then seen as playing a key role in maintaining power. It goes as far back as the Church's dominance during the 18th century. Medina surrenders to the fact that economic interests are the main key drivers of globalization -- with policies favoring the private sector over the public. Market policies are then borrowed and implemented in the universities: such as in the case of financial cutbacks and privatization which takes away the autonomy of the academe resulting to the subordination of humanities and social sciences to technoscience.
Medina's arguments very much echo the sentiments of Kwiek (2001). These two authors have argued against the economic forces in a globalized economy getting in the way of educational institutions. Such is the case because it is believed that market forces strip away the autonomy and nation-state ideals propagated in the university. This in turn results to the subordination of education to market forces. Consequently, subordination of education to the hegemonic forces of the economy can be expected. Medina's literature review is also helpful in our consideration of our research method. Medina demonstrated two ways of approaching this subject matter. Firstly, the researcher can tackle this issue by employing the method of historical discourse analysis of education and globalization for the purpose of conceptual clarifications. Another way would be to conduct this study utilizing the framework of power. Medina's successful demonstration of hegemonic apparatuses and conflict perspective showed how fruitful one's research task can get.
Higher Education and the Workforce
The concept of college as a means to a higher paying job is not new to most Americans. However, the need mid-career for more education or even for a college degree is becoming more and more common for members of the workforce. Certainly there is a percentage of the employees who already hold a four-year degree and there is a percentage of employers who are willing to pay the way for these employees to gain a master's degree in their given field.
Indeed, an excellent example of this can be found among educators. Most states require teachers to continue with their education while they are in the midst of teaching school. The vast majority of those who teach will eventually gain a master's degree of some sort in order to continually move up the pay scale.
ut what about those who come into the workforce without a degree…...
Toward Cleaner Connections: Understanding Employers' Perceptions of College Graduates." May/June 1998. Change.
Turner, Sarah E. "Connecting Higher Education and the Labor Market: Comparisons across States." July/August 2002. Change.
Higher Education
In Colonial America, a woman acquiring higher education was an impossible thing as the masculine gender was given preference in the colleges. The American society was against women education as it was believed that women won't be able to make use of higher education. As a consequence, people held the opinion that if women would be employed in particular fields, it would prove as improper or inequitable to the opposite sex. It was also believed that women do not have the intellectual capacity to participate in fields of science and technology and therefore, more hurdles were posed in their desire to acquire higher education. Another prevailing belief that prevented women to go to colleges was that their education must be limited to fields that may match their functions and responsibilities as wives and mothers. The belief that they should be educated in separate settings matching their future roles as…...
Eisenmann, L. (2007). The Impact of Historical Expectations on Women's Higher Education. Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table, 1. Retrieved October 19, 2013, from
Madigan, J.C. (2009). The Education of Girls and Women in the United States: A Historical Perspective. Advances in Gender and Education, 1, 11-13.
Masteller, K.C. (1998). Silent Sisters: Women's Suffrage And Women's Higher Education. The Concord Review, 1, 235-247.
Palmer, Alice Freeman from The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.. (2013). Questia. Retrieved October 19, 2013, from
College staff can help them understand themselves better and through this approach help them become more efficient and more successful adult learners.
Harrison, Shari. 2003. "Creating a Successful Learning Environment for Postsecondary Students with Learning Disabilities: Policy and Practice." Journal of College Reading and Learning, Vol. 33.
Harrison argues that college and university instructors should examine how they teach to ensure that their instructional approaches make it possible for all kinds of learners to succeed. She gives specific examples of skills instructors can incorporate into their college classroom, and that approaching the classroom in this way will help ensure that all students of a diverse college population have the opportunity to succeed academically.
Heiman, Tali, and Kariv, Dafna. 2004. "Manifestations of Learning Disabilities in University Students: mplications for Coping and Adjustment." Education, Vol. 125.
n this article, the authors interviewed thirty students with learning disabilities in order to evaluate their difficulties in three…...
mlaIn this article, the authors interviewed thirty students with learning disabilities in order to evaluate their difficulties in three areas: academic, behavioral and emotional. They evaluated the students' understanding of their struggles and looked at the existing literature on the subject. They found that the students were able to become self-reliant students whose needs for special accommodations decreased over time as they learned to cope with their own learning differences.
Milne, Nancy V., and Stage, Frances K. 1996. "Invisible Scholars: Students with Learning Disabilities." Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 67.
Milne and Stage looked at how well programs for students with learning disabilities actually met the needs of the students making use of them and suggested specific things schools could do to empower these students. They suggested that students using school tutors should complete evaluations on the tutors to aid future students in choosing a tutor. They suggested that workshops should be held to educate tutors as well as other instructional staff on the needs of students with learning disabilities. They also suggested that universities help facilitate networking among students with learning disabilities so they can be connected to other students who understand the difficulties they have encountered. They suggested multiple ways schools can increase services for students with learning disabilities at nominal cost to the universities.
Moreover, whether I am given higher responsibilities or not, I wish to have the capability to contribute excellent performance and achievements to my chosen field. I believe that I can achieve all these by taking a graduate degree where improvement is considered to be among the most important objectives.
Finally, among my most important reasons why I am pursuing a graduate degree is because I wish to give honor to my family, especially to my parents who have done their best to provide me with education. I owe them a lot, not only because they have worked hard to earn enough money for my education but also because of the continuous support that they are giving me. Now, even though I am already taking care of my own financial expenses, I still consider that the hardships and care that they have given me are priceless. And those can never be…...
Higher Education and Rankings
Identify key business goals
Education is a business in the sense that it involves customers (students) who receive a satisfactory product, namely an education that is, hopefully, both intellectually enriching yet also marketable in the 'real world.' College rankings in the media have an impact on how a degree is perceived by potential employers.
Thus it is the stated goal of the CA State Los Angeles President that the president will attempt to increase the 2003 CSLA's USNWR performance rating of the third tier to the first tier, over the course of the next ensuing years of the school's existence.
Identify individual performance goals
To improve the university's rating, the median SATs of entering freshman as well as the attendance of desirable accepted students must increase. Also, less quantifiable but other attributes that rankings attempt to measure such as overall student satisfaction, and prestige of faculty members must improve
Step 3: Performance…...
One of the interests that I have is in helping victims of childhood sexual abuse. I became interested in this area by accident. As a middle-school child, I had a friend express suicidal ideations to me and relayed them to my parent. The friend’s parents got them into a treatment program, but also removed them from our school. Feeling as if I had betrayed their confidence, the friend ended communication with me. It was years later, in an unrelated way, that I learned that there were several warning signs of childhood sexual abuse in their home. When....
The government can play a crucial role in supporting schools in rural areas by implementing various measures. Here are some ways in which the government can help:
1. Infrastructure development: The government can provide funds for the construction and renovation of school buildings, classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other essential facilities. This will ensure that rural schools have adequate physical infrastructure to provide quality education.
2. Technology integration: The government can facilitate the integration of technology in rural schools by providing funds for the purchase of computers, projectors, internet connectivity, and other necessary equipment. This will enhance the teaching and learning experience for....
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