High School Football Essays (Examples)

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High School Football Team Gaining Support Through Public Event
Pages: 7 Words: 1936

Public Speaking Advertising Policy Planned Events
The objective of this study is to write an in depth analysis of a public speaking advertising policy planned event specific to football and to identify the stakeholders and their motivation. The event will be evaluated from various dimensions such as social psychology, planning logistics and finance management.

rief Overview and Description of Organization and Event for Analysis

Strategic communication is used for information of persuasion purposes and has a purpose of constructing understand as well as "support for ideas and causes, services, and products." (Oussoumanou, 2002, p. 3) Public relations must be a regular practiced by strategic communicators. Public relations are reported to be "the most common embodiment of strategic communication…" (Oussoumanou, 2002, p.3) The organization and event for analysis in this study is that of the formation of a football team at a local high school and how support for the formation of the football…...



Camire, M. (2008) High School Athletes Perspectives on Support, Communication, Negotiation, and Development. Academic.edu. Retrieved from:  http://www.academia.edu/4198925/High_school_athletes_perspectives_on_support_communication_negotiation_and_life_skill_development 

Annual Report (2008-2009) Sport & Recreation. Department of Sport and Recreation South Africa. Retrieved from: [HIDDEN]

Ossoumanou, C. (2002) Strategic Planning for Public Relations. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. Mahway, New Jersey. Retrieved from:  http://www.academia.edu/3465799/strategic_planning_for_public_relations_by_Ronald_D._Smith_APR_Buffalo_State_College

Steroid Use in High School
Pages: 5 Words: 1695

Bonds than his fellow African-Americans."
Recently, it has come to the attention of the media and others that the drug called, "human growth hormone" (HGH) is being used by some major league baseball players. An article in USA Today (Nightengale, 2007) points out through secondary reporting of data that Rick Ankiel (St. Louis Cardinals), Jay Gibbons (Baltimore Orioles) and Troy Glaus (Blue Jays) have been implicated in the use of HGH. This information was made available because an investigation of a Florida pharmacy by the federal government (reported by Sports Illustrated and the New York Daily News) turned up receipts detailing transactions between those players and the pharmacy.

According to the article, a quantitative piece, by taking HGH (another performance-enhancing substance) players may be able to "avert positive steroid tests." How can they do that? "Taking HGH enables you to take lower doses of anabolic steroids," journalist Bob Nightengale quotes Gary…...


Works Cited

Dowshen, Steven. (2007). Steroids. KidsHealth. Retrieved September 14, 2007, at  http://kidshealth.org .

Economist. (2007). Curb your enthusiasm. 384(8541), p. 28.

Kopkowski, Cynthia. (2007). Home Field Disadvantages. NEA Today, 25(6), p. 23.

National Institute of Drug Addiction. (2007). NIDA InfoFacts: Steroids (Anabolic-Androgenic)

Internet Privacy for High School Students
Pages: 40 Words: 12595

Internet Privacy for High School Students
The unrestrained stream of information is conceived necessary for democracies and market-based economies. The capability of the Internet to make available the vast quantity of information to practically everyone, irrespective of their locations thus entails large benefits. The Internet provides access to the greatest libraries of the world to the students even in the smallest towns and permit the medical specialists to analyze the patients situated about thousands of miles away. The attribute of interactivity of the Internet fosters communication and personal and political expression. The Internet also assists to make the economies progress as it enhances the ease, speed and cost effectiveness with regard to the collection, compilation and delivery around the world to the multiple extent. The electronic commerce will decline the business costs as companies are able to take the benefits of enhanced access to customers, products and suppliers worldwide along with…...



Baskin, Joy Surratt; Surratt, Jim. "Student Privacy Rights and Wrongs on the Web" School Administrator. Vol: 35; No: 2; pp: 102, 114-116

Beth Givens, (February 2000) "Privacy Expectations in a High Tech World" Computer and High Technology Law Journal. Retrieved from   Accessed on 14 April, 2005http://www.privacyrights.org/ar/expect.htm 

'Board Policy with Guidelines Date Subject: Student Technology Acceptable Use Policy" (17 July, 2001) North Sanpete School District Policy. Number V-30. Retrieved from Accessed on 14 April, 2005http://www.nsanpete.k12.ut.us/~nshs/nslibrary/accuse.html

Brooks-Young, Susan. (November-December, 2000) "Internet usage update" Today's Catholic Teacher. Vol: 17: No: 2; pp: 53-56

Privacy for High School Students
Pages: 40 Words: 12892

Internet: Privacy for High School Students
An Analysis of Privacy Issues and High School Students in the United States Today

In the Age of Information, the issue of invasion of privacy continues to dominate the headlines. More and more people, it seems, are becoming victims of identity theft, one of the major forms of privacy invasion, and personal information on just about everyone in the world is available at the click of a mouse. In this environment, can anyone, especially high school students, reasonably expect to have any degree of privacy? High school students, after all, are not protected by many of the same constitutional guarantees as adults, but their needs for privacy may be as great, or greater, than their adult counterparts. To determine what measure of privacy, if any, high schools students can expect at home and school today, this paper provides an overview of the issue of privacy, followed…...



Alarming Number of Teens Addicted to the Internet. (2001, February 1). Korea Times, 3.

Albanes, R., Armitay, O., Fischer, B., & Warner, J. (1998). Marijuana, Juveniles, and the Police: What High-School Students Believe about Detection and Enforcement.

Canadian Journal of Criminology, 40(4), 401-20.

Black's law dictionary. (1990). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co.

School Response to Student Suicide
Pages: 10 Words: 3279

School esponse to Student Suicide: Postvention
The emotional impact on family and friends following an adolescent suicide - and the school's response to a suicide - has not been the subject of the same level of intense research as have: a) the causes of suicides; and b) programs to prevent suicides. However, there is now an emerging body of solid research on what protocol a school can put into place, to be more prepared in the unfortunate circumstance of a teen suicide. Indeed, on the subject of tragedy, in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, many schools and communities re-tooled their crisis/response plans for dealing with such threats. And yet, in many ways, the sudden, inexplicable death of a student can cause serious psychological ramifications to fellow students on a part with the shockwaves following an attack by terrorists. And hence, this paper analyzes literature that is…...



American Association of Suicidology (2003). Remembering Our Children:

Parents of Suicides, A Memorial to Our Precious Sons & Daughters.  http://www.angelfire.com/mi2/parentsofsuicide/page1.html 

Bratter, Thomas Edward (2003). Surviving Suicide: Treatment Challenges for Gifted, Angry, Drug Dependent Adolescents. International Journal of Reality

Therapy, XXII, 32-36.

Schools and Parents Effective Staff
Pages: 10 Words: 3287

And when the parent comes to an event held in the classroom, it makes good sense to have interpreters available, and "invite the extended family," which of course is a very welcoming act of kindness and good judgment. The other parent in this list of "types" is the "Busy Parent," who is a person with a work schedule that is hard to get a hold of, or plan meetings for. Get the cell phone number of parents like this, and the email addresses, and "continue to send home their children's work on a regular basis, including writing samples, artwork, and test copies" - and even consider taking digital photos of class activities and attaching those pictures to emails that go to parents.
On a more serious note, the literature on school administration duties as far as training staff to be parent-active and family-friendly offers an article called "here's the Ministry…...


Works Cited

Beaudoin, Nelson. (2006). Giving Stakeholders a Voice. Educational Leadership, 63(8), 74-75.

Flannery, Mary Ellen. (2005). A field guide to parents: famed for its vast appetite for information

And ability to protect its offspring, the parent genus has nonetheless eluded scientific study.

Until now. NEA Today, 24(2), 36-38.

Change Management in the NFL
Pages: 2 Words: 8314

Leadership and Organizational Change Potential in the NFL
Organizational Problem or Opportunity

Description of the Problem or Opportunity

Purpose of the Investigation



Summary of Section Highlights

Problem or Opportunity Background

• Current State of the Target Organization

• elevant Organizational Processes or Systems or Functions

• elevant Theory

isk Management

Organizational Change

Lewin's Change Management Model

McKinsey 7-S Model

Kotter's 8 Step Change Model


Corporate Social esponsibility

Investigative Steps

Investigative Approach and Design Strategies

• Investigative Approach

• Theory Thread Strategies

• Data Collection and Preparation Strategies

Investigation Parameters or Limitations


Findings of the Investigation


elevant Analysis

Overall Findings: A Synthesis


Interpretation and ecommendations 34

Organizational Implications 34

ecommendations 34

• Implications for Decision Makers 35

• Future esearch 35

Summary 36

eferences 37

Executive Summary

The National Football League (NFL) is currently the most popular sport with American adults, however this position is not guaranteed to remain indefinitely. The NFL is plagued by a slew of problems that range from everything from player misconduct and serious indiscretions both on and off the field, issues related to injuries, player safety, and brain…...



Bass, B. (1985). Leadership and performance beyond expectations. New York: Free Press.

Bass, B. (1999). Two decasdes in research and development in transformational leadership. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 9-32.

Benta, D. (2011). On Best Practices for Risk Management in Complex Projects. Informatica Economica, 142-152.

Business Dictionary. (N.d.). Change Management. Retrieved from Business Dictionary:  http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/change-management.html

NFL Overtime Rule the NFL
Pages: 5 Words: 1663

Justification is an important part of the game and a number of fans say that if a team's defense cannot stop the opposite team from launching a drive into the end zone, they are worthy of being given the loss. In spite of everything, it could have just as simply gone the other way. Unmistakably it is to a team's difficulty to misplace the coin toss and have to deal with catastrophic consequences in case they fail, but supporters of defensive football claim that it is a genuine way to decide the game. The NCAA and the CFL work in the perfect way, according to followers of equal-opportunity overtime; every team is arranged an equal number of possessions ahead of the winner being determined. If, though the primary team to have the ball scores and the second team does not, it is game over. In case the first team…...


Works Cited

Easton, S., & Rockerbie, D. Overtime! Rules and Incentives in the National Hockey League. Journal of Sports Economics, Vol6, 2005.

Fort, Rodney and James Quirk. Optimal Competitive Balance in a Season Ticket League Working Paper. 2009. Print.

Longley, Neil and Swaminathan Sankaran. The Incentive Effects of Overtime Rules in Professional Hockey. Journal of Sports Economics Vol. 8 No. 5, 2007. Print

N.F.L. Ponders Changing How Overtime Is Played. New York Times, Section D, Page 5. 2003. Print

Regulation of the NFL From
Pages: 34 Words: 10136

On the other hand, we might be able to "incubate" a cable network by playing a Thursday night series of cable games, and such a network could be a long-run success that would strengthen our product as well." (Tagliabue, 2004)
Tagliabue states that prior to proceeding with a new package it is necessary to ensure that this new package is based on "sound television premises and that it is structured to complement our other television packages rather than to cannibalize our Sunday and Monday night audiences and move us down the road to commoditization. As previously mentioned, commoditization is ultimately very negative in a 400-channel universe, and the challenge we face is how to balance the need for revenue and viewers to ensure the long-run success of our sport. In theory, greater revenues are available from cable television, which is both advertiser and subscriber supported, than from broadcast television, which…...



Badenhausen, Kurt, Ozanian, Michael K. And Rondey, Maya (2006) The Business of Football. Forbes. 31 Aug 2006. Online available at:  http://www.forbes.com/lists/2006/30/06nfl_NFL-Team-Valuations_land.html 

Barros, Carlos Pestana and Barrio, Pedro Garcia-del (nd) Efficiency Measurement of the English Football Premier League with a Random Frontier Model. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia.

Brenner, Adam (2004) Welcome to the Club. The Business of Football. Forbes 2 Sept 2004. Online available at:  http://www.forbes.com/2004/09/02/cz_ab_0902nflclubseats.html 

English Football and its Governance (2009) All Party Parliamentary Football Group. April 2009. Online available at:  http://www.fifa.com/mm/document/affederation/federation/01/05/04/18/apfgreportonenglishfootballanditsgovernanceapril2009.pdf

Rugby Training School in the
Pages: 10 Words: 2765

First of all, the marketing plan identifies the need for opening a rugby training school in the Denver Metro Area, given in this case by the fact that, however there exist several rugby clubs, they generally do not offer training services. Then, a second objective of the marketing plan is to identify the customers which would purchase the new product or services. In this case, it would be represented by all those who wish to practice rugby but have no place to learn it.
Another objective of the marketing plan is to help the management of the organization decide on numerous product related issues, such as the launching of the product or service, its placement onto the market, decisions related to the price of the service or the promotion strategies used to familiarize the customers with the new service. All these represent decisions which must be made prior to the…...



Denver City Search, Sport Clubs and Gyms, 2008,   accessed on February 15, 2008http://denver.citysearch.com/yellowpages/results/Denver_CO/page15.html?gcats=200&cats=374,last 

Black Ice Women's Rugby, 2008, last accessed on February 15, 2008http://www.blackicerugby.com/intro.html,

Denver Barbarians RFC, 2008, accessed on February 15, 2008http://www.denverbarbarians.comlast

Denver Highlanders Rugby Football Club, 2008, last accessed on February 15, 2008http://www.denverhighlanders.org,

Stratford High Graduate 1991 Houston Texas I
Pages: 3 Words: 761

Stratford High graduate (1991), Houston Texas, I gained my first exposure to the importance of applying management principles in High School, when I owned and operated a Yard Service. The experience was invaluable since it taught me the art of customer acquisition and retention and how a customer centric approach was key to success in business. During the same time, I also served as a Lifeguard at some of the neighbourhood pools, which gave me my first insights into inter-personal skills, facing as I did situations where I had to persuade and counsel some of the more dare devil kids.
I was also privileged in that I had the advantage of learning the value of academic studies from my mother who was a Junior High Science and Tech teacher, while being able to reflect on the challenges of experiential situations through my father who worked as a Petroleum Engineer for Shell…...

Affirmative Action in Higher Education
Pages: 7 Words: 2904

Alamo of affirmative action, the University of Michigan. The contradictory stances of Bush and Powell on this issue are dealt with. So is the position of Gerald Ford who believes like the proponents of affirmative action that affirmative action procedures lead to diversity at the educational institutions and opportunities for the minorities that are seen as a must to be offered.
Affirmative Action in Michigan

Diversity and Achievement

Is affirmative action the victim of its own success? That is one conclusion to be drawn from Gratz v. Bollinger and Grutter v. Bollinger, two cases challenging affirmative-action policies at the University of Michigan. Affirmative action has always counterposed two basic aspects of the American notion of equal opportunity. Opponents argue that taking race or gender into account in hiring or university admissions is discrimination pure and simple. Proponents counter that taking such characteristics into account redresses a legacy of discrimination; in effect, affirmative-action…...



Agence France Presse English. (2003. January). Powell disagrees with Bush on controversial race case.

Commonweal. (2001. March). The diversity dilemma, pp 5.

Staff Editorial. (2003. January). EDITORIAL: Be honest on affirmative action. University Wire.

White, J.E. (1999). Society: Dividing Line: Affirmative Action's Alamo Gerald Ford returns to fight once more for Michigan. Time, pp 48.

NFL Foundation
Pages: 12 Words: 3936

Their activities and support of the foundation; enable the league to demonstrate a higher purpose which is of greater social value. (Ferriter)
In the majority of cases, the NFL is using the various high profile marketing events to illustrate the importance of sports in promoting various charity related events. The Super Bowl is the biggest event with it using the game as an avenue to help the community which is hosting it. At the same time, it is an avenue for helping to promote social responsibility. Evidence of this can be seen with Babiak & olfe (2006) saying, "The NFL is becoming progressively more invested in corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives in an effort to establish itself as a socially conscious organization, one based on the twin pillars of football and the community. As the proverbial jewel in the NFL's crown, the Super Bowl is an institution composed of many…...


Works Cited

"Community." NFL Foundation, 2014. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

"Kirk Cousins of Washington Redskins Says He'd 'Welcome' Gay Teammate: 'Nobody's Perfect." Huffington Post, 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2014.

"NFL Foundation Kicks Off Summer With Nearly $700,000 in Grants to Youth Football Camps." NFL Communications, 2013. Web. 22 Apr. 2012

Babiak, Kathy and Wolfe, Richard. "More than Just a Game? Corporate Social Responsibility and Super Bowl XL." Sport Marketing Quarterly. 15.4 (2006): 214-222. Print.

Professional Business Resume
Pages: 2 Words: 482

Educator Coach Resume
6335 La Mirada Way -- Long Beach, CA 92042


Professional, experiences, articulate and student-focused professional with proven expertise in motivating you to achieve appropriate goals. Prioritizing strategies for wining school athletic programs without losing sight of team-building, social, and sportsmanship training. Holds students, parents, staff in high-esteem while ensuring that students of all levels are accountable for their performance and attitude, on and off the field. Interacts with colleagues and administrators with a high degree of professionalism and personal integrity. Background includes pedagogical leadership and business. Extremely dedicated to student and staff development. Proficient with athletic scheduling software. Adept at training programs for all levels.



2002 -- Present

Athletic Director, Boys Football and Basketball Coach

Reorganized football and basketball programs and exceeded California Athletic Association Standards

Created new policies and procedures, complete rewrite of Athletic Handbook

Took football team to…...

Friday Night Lights Is a Movie About
Pages: 2 Words: 880

Friday Night Lights is a movie about the Permian Panthers, who are a high school football team in Odessa, Texas. The town is racially prejudiced and the economy is bad. The one exciting night in the week is Friday night because that is when the Permian Panthers play their football games. Because of problems on the team and the ways they face the problems, the Permian Panthers teach lessons in character, discipline, team work and also show some things that are wrong with football.
Reflective Portion

"Friday Night Lights" shows how the good qualities of character, discipline and team work can be developed in football. Dictionary.com says that "Character refers especially to moral qualities, ethical standards, principles, and the like" (Dictionary.com). It also says that "Discipline" is "behavior in accord with rules of conduct" (Dictionary.com). Finally, Dictionary.com says that "Team ork" is "cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group…...


Works Cited

Abrams, Zac. Internet Movie Data Base Web site. 2004. Web. 20 January 2012.

Bissinger, Buzz. "NFL Playoffs: Why Football Needs Violence." 17 January 2011. The Daily Beast Web site. Web. 20 January 2012.

Dictionary.com. character, discipline, team work. n.d. Web. 20 January 2012.

Mayer, Larry. "Paralyzed Football Player Rocky Clark Passes Away." 7 January 2012. Chicago Bears Web site. Web. 20 January 2012.

Could you suggest some essay topics related to alabama and georgia football comparing?
Words: 347

1. A comparison of the coaching styles and strategies of Nick Saban (Alabama) and Kirby Smart (Georgia)
2. The historical rivalry between the Alabama Crimson Tide and the Georgia Bulldogs
3. An analysis of the recruiting tactics and success rates of Alabama vs. Georgia football programs
4. The impact of facilities and resources on the success of Alabama and Georgia football teams
5. A comparison of fan culture and traditions at Alabama and Georgia football games
6. The role of quarterback play in the success of Alabama and Georgia football teams
7. An examination of the impact of conference affiliations on the rivalry between Alabama and....

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