Heritage Assessment Essays (Examples)

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Heritage Assessment
Pages: 4 Words: 1270

Heritage Assessment
Click http://wps.prenhall./wps/media/objects/663/679611/box_6_1.pdf order access "Heritage Assessment Tool." Assess Heritage Assessment Tool answering questions. In 1,000-1,500 words discuss usefulness applying a heritage assessment evaluating person, summarize learned Heritage Assessment Tool.

Heritage assessment tool

The heritage assessment tool acknowledges the different degrees of impact an individual's ethnic heritage may have upon his or her worldview. For some individuals who are very emotionally connected to their family and extended family, their sense of self is defined by their religion, customs and beliefs as they relate to a larger tradition. For example, someone who is Hispanic-American may spend a great deal of time not only with his or her nuclear family, but also with an extended network of cousins, grandparents, and even friends of the family. Even if not particularly religious, the rituals of the Catholic Church might provide a source of joy during traditional holidays and a source of comfort during times of stress.…...



Heritage assessment tool. (2013). Prentice Hall. Retrieved:


Heritage Assessment Indian Chinese and American Cultures
Pages: 4 Words: 1045

Heitage Assessment: Indian, Chinese and Ameican Cultues
In using the heitage assessment tool, thee (3) cultues wee consideed and compaed: Indian (autho's cultue), Chinese and Ameican.


The autho's cultue is highly influenced by ual Indian cultue, as s/he was aised in India until s/he was 25 yeas old. Because of this late influence of Ameican cultue, my Indian cultue has emained stonge within me. This is eflected in the autho's lifestyle, which stictly adheed to taditions and values held impotant by the Indians. Raised a Catholic, the autho is actively involved in the Chuch and paticipates in activities like Bible eading and celebating eligious holidays. The autho's stong Catholic Indian identity is also eflected in he social cicle, which pimaily consisted of Indians shaing the same cultual identity as he and pacticing Catholics.

Howeve, when talking about health maintenance, the autho mixes the influence of Indian cultue with the pinciples of Catholicism. While…...


references to documents in history." ICCROM Working Group 'Heritage and Society.' Available at:  http://cif.icomos.org/pdf_docs/Documents%20on%20line/Heritage%20definitions.pdf

Nursing Heritage Assessment
Pages: 4 Words: 1379

Nursing Heritage Assessment
The Heritage Assessment Tool is a useful way of examining how strongly a person identifies with his or her heritage. It asks questions that can give a healthcare provider information about how long the family has been in the United States, how many generations of the family have been in the United States, how close the family is with other family members, whether the person lives in an ethnically-identified community, and whether the person married someone from the same cultural background (Spector, 2000). Furthermore, the questions in the assessment tool also seem aimed at helping determine whether the person is from a minority ethnic community. While it is not always the case, people who belong to minority groups may be more likely to identify with ethnic sub-communities. This can have a tremendous impact on the healthcare choices made by the individual patient, so that understanding a patient's heritage…...



My Jewish Learning. (Unk.). Jewish health & healing practices. Retrieved September 28, 2013

from  http://www.myjewishlearning.com/practices/Ethics/Our_Bodies/Health_and_Healing.shtml?p=1 

The Office of Minority Health. (2013, May 9). What is cultural competency? Retrieved

September 28, 2013 from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website: http://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/templates/browse.aspx?lvl=2&lvlID=11

Neo-Confucianism Is a Philosophy Which Was Born TEST1
Pages: 4 Words: 1273

Heritage Assessment
Hello, Please 3 cultures compare paper. Please include Spanish, American, Indian Cultures Heritage Assessment access Heritage Assessment Tool.

A questionnaire design that is used to assess a person's culture, religion, and ethnic so as to understand the person in relation to illnesses, diseases and their general health is what is referred to as the Heritage Assessment Tool Cohn et al., 2010


As unique as ones fingerprint is, so is their heritage in some cultures. Everyone has their own unique heritage and this heritage is very different from the heritage of another culture, a person's heritage is what determines their religious, cultural and ethnic background. It is also what deals with the person's mental, physical and their spiritual beliefs and this will be used when maintaining the person's health, protecting and restoring their health. It is important to note that in the healthcare field knowledge of a person's heritage…...



Cohn, W.F., Ropka, M.E., Pelletier, S.L., Barrett, J.R., Kinzie, M.B., Harrison, M.B., . . . Knaus, W.A. (2010). Health Heritage, a Web-Based Tool for the Collection and Assessment of Family Health History: Initial User Experience and Analytic Validity. [Article]. Public Health Genomics, 13(7/8), 477-491. doi: 10.1159/000294415

Kasten, W.C. (1992). Bridging the Horizon: American Indian Beliefs and Whole Language Learning. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 23(2), 108-119.

Miller, J. (2000). Keeping With the Transcultural Nursing Society Mission. [Article]. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 11(3), 230.

Roland, F., Johnson, I., Bruce, E., & Khuon, K.-N. (2007). Living with Heritage: Site Monitoring and Heritage Values in Greater Angkor and the Angkor World Heritage Site, Cambodia. World Archaeology, 39(3), 385-405.

Social Work Assessment From My
Pages: 20 Words: 6527

Therefore, today's society in the United States is diverse, which is something a social worker needs to understand and know how to deal with each diverse group. Furthermore, through research, it has been discovered most ethnic groups that live in the United States consist of young people, which means by staying in this country, they grow accustom to their surroundings. Once they have grown accustom to living here, they feel like this is their home to start a life with their own families. This continues the growing number of ethnic groups in this country.
Due to the educational accommodations that schools and college campuses make for students that have ethnic backgrounds, there is not enough prejudice of one group to let a Holocaust to occur in the United Stated. Furthermore, this country believes in freedom of speech to allow one ethnic to be isolated from the rest and condone any…...



Dennen, Johan. THE 'EVIL' MIND: PT. 3. CRUELTY AND 'BEAST-IN-MAN' IMAGERY. Retrieved March 30, 2008, from http://rechten.eldoc.ub.rug.nl/FILES/departments/Algemeen/overigepublicaties/2005enouder/EVIL_CRU/EVIL_CRU.pdf

Citrome, Lesilie,. (2007). Aggression. Retrieved March 30, 2008, from  http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic3005.htm 

Hall, Kathy Jo. (1997). Carl Rogers. Retrieved March 30, 2008, from  http://aolsearch.aol.com/aol/search?query=Throughout+this+Jim+knocks+the+clay+figurines+head+of+and+crushes+the+body+while+shouting&invocationType=spelling 

Seal, B., A. Bradford, and C. Meston. 2009. The Association Between Body Esteem and Sexual Desire Among College Women. Archives of Sexual Behavior 38, no. 5, (October 1): 866-72.   / (accessed April 1, 2010).http://www.proquest.com.library.capella.edu 

Business Portfolio Assessment - Coach
Pages: 2 Words: 856

S. market for counterfeit goods and if Coach and other companies are taking advantage of law. It is foolish according to the attorney of Kim for Coach to threaten its customers with $2 million lawsuits and before antagonizing customers the company must do a minimal investigation and it is not known how many customers got scared and paid off Coach. Kim, had worked for the Coach in 2004, filed suit saying among other major charges that the company wanted to suppress online sale of used items to pay high prices to the company for a Coach handbag. There is a problem for all companies which grapple with counterfeiting and it is often seen on Craigslist and eBay. Along with Kim one more eBay seller, James Caffarella of Littleton, Mass was also sued when he tried to sell legitimate silver golf-ball Tiffany key chain using a stock photograph. He too received…...



Coach.com. (2011a) "Company Profile" Retrieved 21 February 2011 from  http://www.coach.com/online/handbags/genWCM-10551-10051-en-/Coach_US/CompanyInformation/InvestorRelations/CompanyProfile 

Coach.com. (2011b) "Global Business Integrity Program" Retrieved 21 February 2011 from  http://www.coach.com/online/handbags/genWCM-10551-10051-en-/Coach_US/CompanyInformation/InvestorRelations/GlobalBusinessIntegrityProgram 

Menkes, Suzy. (2010) "Coach Gallops Into Europe" New York Times,

Retrieved 21 February 2011 from  http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/02/fashion/02iht-fcoach.html?_r=1&ref=coachinc

Health-Related Interviews Cultural Difference
Pages: 4 Words: 1217

Heritage Assessment Tool
Benchmark assessment

Heritage Assessment Tool: Cultural values and health beliefs

Cultural sensitivity is an integral part of effective nursing. Although the definitions of concepts such as 'health' and 'wellness' might seem on their surface to be self-evident, these notions are, in fact, highly mutable and particular to the individual and his or her culture. Cultural insensitivity can result in patients becoming alienated from the medical system and this results in poorer, ineffectual care. One of the reasons instruments such as the Heritage Assessment Tool can be so useful is that it can be a clear and efficient way to establish the culturally-contextual health beliefs of a patient whose experiences and values that are different those of the physician, nurse, or other healthcare provider treating the patient.

The first family I interviewed was a Chinese-American household. Although the family was relatively assimilated and the children were second-generation residents of the U.S. that…...

Cultural Assessment of a Child Aged Three
Pages: 10 Words: 2934

The Psychological Development of VLIntroductionThis paper describes the psychological development of a young girl named VL. At the age of 3 years and 11 months, VL is vibrant, talkative, curious, engaging and enthusiastic. She has boundless energy, and is part of a Jamaican family. She also has an older brother who is 7 years old and has been diagnosed with autism. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate VL\\\'s development in five key areas as per the Denver Developmental Screening Test (DDST). This paper also applies the theories of Freud and Piaget to VL so as to better understand her behavior. Finally, it provides an analysis of her genogram and a cultural assessment.Theorist ApplicationFreud\\\'s TheoryFreud\\\'s psychosexual stages of development propose that children pass through a series of stages related to sexuality and psychological growth. According to Freuds theory, VL is in the phallic stage, which occurs between the ages…...


ReferencesGebhardt, J. (2023). “Seeing” Potentially Toxic Organizational Relationships: Applying the Bowen Family System Theory. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2023, No. 1, p. 13058). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.Jennings, J. L. (2022). Freud’s case of Dora: Wellspring of discovery and discourse. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 10(1), 290-314.Niaz, A., Stanikzai, S. M., & Sahibzada, J. (2019). Review of Freud’s psychoanalysis approach to literary studies. American International Journal of Social Science Research, 4(2), 35-44.Pakpahan, F. H., & Saragih, M. (2022). Theory of cognitive development by jean Piaget. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2(1), 55-60.Sinanan, J. (2019). Visualising intimacies: The circulation of digital images in the Trinidadian context. Emotion, Space and Society, 31, 93-101.Vagha, K., Taksande, A., Kenjale, S., Vagha, J., Varma, A., Vagha, J. D., & Varma Sr, A. (2023). Neurodevelopmental Assessment in Children With Congenital Heart Disease by Applying the Denver Developmental Screening Test 2: A Prospective Cross-Sectional Study. Cureus, 15(1).

Clinician's Mirror Cultural Self-Assessment in
Pages: 2 Words: 645

He looks at the methodological and practical problems that can impact assessment research in correctional settings, including the distinctive culture in correctional institutes. Megargee's reason for doing the research is today's huge population of incarcerated persons and the fact that psychological research that has been conducted on people outside of the incarceration setting may not be applicable to people who are incarcerated. He recognizes that there is a need for research in this area to determine whether tools developed elsewhere are applicable. He points out the irony of this lack of applicable research because clinical psychology was developed in the criminal justice setting. He does not really conduct any individual research, therefore the methodology is most akin to a literature review in which he assesses the information available about correctional institutions and draws conclusions from that information to determine why there is a lack of research on assessment in…...



Author Last Name, First Initial. (Year). Chapter 3: Looking into the clinician's mirror: cultural self-assessment. In Editor's Last Name, First Initial (Ed). Book Title. Place of Publication, Publisher.

Megargee, E. (1995). Assessment research in correctional settings: Methodological issues and practical problems. Psychological Assessment, 7(3), 359-366.

British Heritage Conservation Principle an
Pages: 14 Words: 4121

Then, it was especially attractive to the sorts of people who did not fit elsewhere: religious and political dissenters, or workers without guild membership. (p. 30).
In this regard, irmingham's goal to become the European Capital of Culture 2008 is a clear reflection of its newfound status (Plant, 2003).

The irmingham Jewellery Quarter. eginning in the mid-19th century, a number of Jewish communities began to spring up in the coastal towns as a direct result of the expansion of the royal navy; at the time, "Jewish watchmakers, jewelers, silversmiths, engravers, pawnbrokers, and purveyors of optical goods served both the civilian and naval populations in the ports.... They also exchanged foreign money for crews returning from abroad and sold inexpensive watches, rings, and other trinkets to ship bound sailors not permitted to go ashore for fear they might desert" (Endelman, 2002 pp. 50-1). The irmingham of the 1850s was not an easy…...



Birmingham. 2005. In Encyclopedia Britannica [premium service].

Birmingham's Historic Jewellery Quarter." 2005. The Quarter: Birmingham UK. [Online]. Available: http://www.the-quarter.com/index.htm.

Brady, E. 2005, February 21. "Designs on Jewellery Success." The Birmingham Post (England), 3.

1999a, September 5. "Money: Made in the Midlands." Sunday Mercury, 42.

Political and Government Assessment
Pages: 15 Words: 5499

There is a definite chance that both parties could resolve the prolonged conflict successfully if they find and act on ways to be in command of their shared lack of trust. On the other hand, if the conflict is seen in terms of a neoliberal point-of-view, Israel's military efficiency and powerfulness is a great threat for Israelis. To cut a long story short, the main goal on which all the main five parties agree is the achievement of peace between Israelis and Palestinians but it is only possible if they give up their most preferred results; Israel giving up its favorite result of unrestricted occupation of Palestinian land and Palestine holding back its preferred outcome of unconditional withdrawal. The conflict could be resolved if both parties could also find some common solutions for complex and convoluted detachable issues including "the degree of sovereignty of a Palestinian state, the distribution…...



Adler, E, ed. Israel in the World: Legitimacy and Exceptionalism. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon.: Routledge, 2013.

Aronoff, M.J. Cross-Currents in Israeli Culture and Politics. New Jersey: Transaction, Inc., 1984.

Asa-El, a. "Israel's Electoral Complex." Azure - Ideas for the Jewish Nation.   (accessed June 9, 2013).http://www.azure.org.il/article.php?id=419 

Bard, M.G. & Schwartz, M. One Thousand and One Facts Everyone Should Know About Israel. Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2005.

Building Survey Australian Standards of Assessment
Pages: 10 Words: 3092

Building Surveying assessment_ , 4Task 1: Planning application requirements for osman Councila. Documents RequiredIt is always a priority to check the kind of approval needed.Development ExemptA lot of minor changes to buildings such as renovations of the interior and other work touching on non-structural part may fall under the exempt development category. Retention of fences, walls, blinds, awnings, greenhouses, gazebos, sheds, privacy screens, enclosures, pathways, driveways, decks, pathways, internal structures that are non-load bearing, maintenance repairs and landscaping are some of the exemption works cited (NSW Government, n.d). If the alterations suggested comply with all the requirements for exemption indicated in the NSW Environmental Planning Policy, they be done without securing consent from the CouncilComplying DevelopmentInternal and external changes that are not exempted must fulfill complying development criteria. Complying development refers to a specific class of low effect development that complies with criteria already established by either the Environmental Planning…...


Mosman Council, amd. 2018. Mosman Residential Development Control Plan 2012.Mosman Municipal Council, 2004. Residential Development Control Plan. NSW Government, n.d. State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008. Accessed 24 April 2018 Phoon, K.K. and Kulhawy, F.H., 1999. Characterization of geotechnical variability. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 36(4), pp.612-624.

Fire Prevention Measure And Assessment
Pages: 6 Words: 1666

Essay Topic Examples

1. Fire Safety in Residential Buildings:
    Explore the specific fire prevention measures and assessments necessary for residential structures, focusing on both single-family homes and multi-unit dwellings.

2. Industrial Fire revention Strategies:
    Discuss the unique challenges and solutions for fire prevention in industrial settings, including chemical plants, manufacturing units, and warehouses.

3. Technological Advances in Fire Detection:
    Analyze how modern technology has improved fire detection systems, their integration into building management systems, and their effectiveness in preventing fire outbreaks.

4. Community Fire Safety rograms:
    Examine the role of community education and outreach programs in enhancing fire prevention awareness and preparedness among the general public.

5. Fire Risk Assessment in Historical Buildings:
    Investigate the methods used to assess and mitigate fire risks in historical structures, balancing preservation with safety.

Essay Title Examples

1. "Safeguarding Our Homes: Fire revention in Residential Areas"

2. "Beyond Alarms: Comprehensive Fire revention in Industrial Settings"

3. "The Evolution of Fire Detection: From Smoke to Smart Sensors"

4. "Educating for…...


Primary Sources

Primary Sources

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA)

Fire Protection Research Foundation

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Underwriters Laboratories (UL)

Building Survey Australian Standards of Assessment
Pages: 5 Words: 1627

Building Surveying assessment; , 5Task 1a. All documentation for boarding house in Marrickville Councili. Cost of Works fee costii. Structural Engineer certificate or Party Wall Consentiii. Plans Site Plan Site Analysis Plan oof and Floor Plans Survey Plan Landscape Plan Sections and Elevations Notification Plans Shadow Diagrams Storm waterDrainage ConceptPlan Vehicle Access and Car Parking Plans Subdivision Plan Extra Solar Access Prerequisitesiv. Supporting Documentation BASIX Certificate Environmental Effects Statement Arborist eport Flood isk Management eport Water Management Statement Heritage Impact Statement Foreshore isk Management eport Conservation Management Plan Waste Management Plan Structural Engineers Construction Methodology and eport SEPP65 Developments Development Standards Exceptions Fire Safety Schedule Geotechnical eport Access eport AP in case of Contaminated Land Acoustic eport Parking and Traffic Assessment Social Impact Assessment 3D Model Photomontage and Sample and Materials Board Management Plan (Inner west Council N.D.a)The extant application lacks a few key plans and supporting documentation…...


ReferencesAcoustics Australia, 2017. ACOUSTICS NEWS AND REGULAR ITEMS. Acoustics Australia, 44(2).Australia, W. 2010, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AUTHORITY and OFFICE OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AUTHORITY.Inner west Council, n.d. Housing and development forms. Retrieved Marrickville Council, n.da. “PART 4. Residential Development: Boarding houses.” In Marrickville Development Control Plan. Marrickville Council, n.db. Guidelines- development application guidelines. Retrieved <   >Patterson, M.J., 2004. Recent changes to the sound insulation provisions of the Building code of Australia. Achieve the ultimate with Brüel & Kjær service, 32(3-85), p.111.Yigitcanlar, T., 2006. Australian local governments’ practice and prospects with online planning. URISA Journal, 18(2), pp.7-17.http://www.marrickville.nsw.gov.au/Global/marr/marrwr/_assets/main/lib65090/guidelines.pdf 

Road Is Not Just the
Pages: 8 Words: 2197

These values can be as operational for the parent/child association as it is for the owner/pet relationship.
Strategy for communication

The objective of any family is for all members to live in agreement with each other. It is the first basis of a Childs education and moral standards (Gouze & Wendel, 2007). With that said, a strategy called floor planning is what will be utilized for Jeff and Roger.

Floor Planning

This method should also be done throughout the instigating stages of counseling for Jeff and Roger. Jeff and Roger will be requested to draw a floor plan of their house. They will then be asked to remember the odors, sounds, colors, and people that are in their home. While they are drawing particular questions are asked regarding the environment such as;

What room does the family gather in?

What conversations take place in the various rooms?

Are any rooms restricted or off limits?

Where do guests…...



Gouze, K.R., & Wendel, R. (2007). INTEGRATIVE MODULE-BASED FAMILY THERAPY: APPLICATION AND TRAINING. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 286-296.

Hogarty, G.E., Greenwald, D., Ulrich, R.F., Kornblith, S.J., & a, e. (1997). Three-year trials of personal therapy among schizophrenic patients living with or independent of family, II: Effects on adjustment of patients. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 56-89.

Kissane, D.W., & McKenzie, M. (2006). Family Focused Grief Therapy: A Randomized, Controlled Trial in Palliative Care and Bereavement. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 56-78.

Lund, L.K., Zimmerman, T.S., & Haddock, S.A. (2002). The theory, structure, and techniques for the inclusion of children in family therapy: A literature review. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 67-89.

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