Helen Keller Essays (Examples)

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Three Days to See by Helen Keller
Pages: 2 Words: 463

Helen Keller's Three Days To See
As individuals we tend to value life more if and when we come close to losing it. We become conscious of its loss we are bombarded with the things associated with the things we have lost. In Helen Keller's Three Days to See [1933] for example one observes that she relates her blindness to the things that she misses because she is blind. A walk in the woods [Keller 1933] can be as exhilarating for her as one would experience an adventure rafting through white water river. The fact of the matter is that exhilaration for one a person with full senses differ from the ones who is deprived because he/she values it more.

Similarly, the emotional associations that one has with socialization also depend on how much one value it. A friend cannot be as dear unless he/she become distanced; interaction becomes impossible. The heart…...



Keller, Helen. Three Days to See. The Atlantic Monthly; January 1933; Three Days to See; Volume 151, No. 1; pages 35-42.

Life Background and Contributions of Helen Keller for Deaf and Blind
Pages: 5 Words: 1878

Helen Adams Keller was born in Tuscumbia, Alabama on June 27, 1880. Keller fell ill in 1882 (at the age of two), and as a consequence became both blind and deaf. eginning in 1887, Anne Sullivan, Keller's teacher, assisted her tremendously in making progress with communication. Keller went on to graduate from college in 1904. Keller founded the ACLU in 1920. During the course of her life, she was renowned for a variety of major accomplishments and was honored several times (Helen Keller iography, n.d.).
Early Life

Keller's parents, Arthur H. Keller and Katherine Adams Keller, gave birth to two daughters; Helen Keller being one of them. Her father was part of the Confederate Army in the Civil War. Keller's family was not affluent, and their source of income was mainly their cotton plantation. Mr. Arthur Keller went on to become the editor of a local weekly newspaper called the 'North Alabamian'.…...



Friedman, C. (2008). Helen Keller: Influences and Contributions. Nazmuslabs. Retrieved from: http://nazmuslabs.com/2008/04/11/hellen-keller-influences-and-contributions/

Helen Keller Biography. (n.d.). Retrieved from www.biography.com:  http://www.biography.com/people/helen-keller-9361967 

Reeves, G. (2010). Helen Keller's Contribution to Society. Learn Quebec.

Comfort Woman by Nora Okja Keller Women's
Pages: 5 Words: 1806

Comfort oman by Nora Okja Keller [...] women's theories of the mother-daughter relationship and absent father throughout the book. "The Comfort oman" is the moving tale of a daughter struggling to understand her mother while coming to grips with her own emotionally unsatisfying life. The book explores many sides of several feminist theories, including the all-important mother-daughter relationship, which can insinuate itself into every facet of our adult lives. Beccah must deal with the death of her mother, the absence of a father, and the knowledge that she never really knew her mother at all, which may be the most difficult part of her life to deal with.
The Comfort oman

Comfort women actually existed during the Second orld ar. Korean women were forced to care for the Japanese soldiers, and become sex slaves to the men. The author, who grew up in a biracial family in Hawaii, did not know…...


Works Cited

Author not Available. "Comfort Woman." Herizons. 22 June 2000.

Hong, Terry. "The Dual Lives of Nora Okja Keller." AsianWeek.com. 5 April 2002. 3 Dec. 2003. http://www.asianweek.com/2002_04_05/arts_keller.html

Ilbo, Hankook. "Love and Death in Hawaii: Nora Okja Keller's 'Comfort Woman'." Korea Times. 31 March 2001.

Keller, Nora Okja. The Comfort Woman. New York: Penguin Books, 1997.

Myths Myth of Marriage and Children Joseph
Pages: 4 Words: 1995

Myth of Marriage and Children

Joseph Campbell's The Power of Myth is a book that can potentially transform the reader's consciousness. Beyond being informative, Campbell's analysis of cultural myths is profound; it provokes genuine introspection. The author refers to the spiritual in whatever he speaks about, and yet he never lapses into religious diatribe or dogma. Subjects like marriage are elevated beyond the social to the psycho-spiritual. For example, he calls marriage "primarily a spiritual exercise, and the society is supposed to help us have the realization. Man should not be in service to society, society should be in the service of man," (8).

In light of modern society, Campbell's words hold new meaning. In America, we have few true rituals because we have turned our attention outward instead of inward. The wisdom of life is being denigrated through a preoccupation with technology and material goods. There is little sense of the…...

Lies My Teacher Told Me
Pages: 8 Words: 2788

This is a classic example to support Loewen's thesis of biased textbooks, inaccurate textbooks, and
textbooks that eschew controversy. In general, according to Loewen,
textbooks avoid the problems of the recent past, must to his dismay. This
will only lead to improper education of American students and thus the
Vietnam ar serves as a solid example of his contentions.
I believe that most of Loewen's claims are substantiated, except that
he does have some left wing tendencies which appear to be a result of his
own biases rather than historical accuracies. He considers the "system" to
be at fault for American poor, and even somewhat criticizes those who
believe people are responsible for their own economic standing. hether or
not he is correct is not the issue. The issue is that it appears that his
own socio-economic opinions have infiltrated his study and interpretation
of American history. It is undeterminable exactly why people are poor, or
maybe it is determinable, but either way…...


Works Cited

Homepage of James Loewen. 25 Feb. 2007. .

Loewen, James W. Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History

Textbook Got Wrong. New York, NY: Touchstone, 1995.

The Character of the Oklahomans
Pages: 3 Words: 1012

Oklahomans Oklahoma has only been a state in the U.S. since 1907, yet Oklahomans were around well before then. Oklahoma is known as the “sooner” state because settlers had arrived in the territory before it had even been declared part of the United States. In the first half of the 19th century, the region was part of Arkansas Territory. The Native Americans were forced on the Trail of Tears and made to settle in Indian Territory in modern-day Oklahoma. In the latter half of the 19th century, cattle ranchers from Texas drove their cattle through Indian Territory to states up north and out west, paving cattle trails along the way. More and more whites began to settle in the area as a result of these cattle trails and the expansion of the railroad. Then when oil was found, Oklahoma became a major focus for the oil industry and Tulsa became known…...

Lies My Teacher Told Me
Pages: 5 Words: 1739

The resulting quandary becomes one, therefore, that textbooks are being written and history taught in this manner so as to show and instruct people how they should act and strive to become - a rather false vision. What this accomplishes is nothing more then to relay to the student what is deemed acceptable to everyone and what is not - a general consensus filled with errors and inadequacies. When it comes to a student remembering historical lessons they normally do not remember what is being taught to them unless they are emotionally involved (Lies, 301). The lingering question for society to ponder is why are students being taught this manner for doing so results in our students not knowing the true history of their country. Although a sad commentary Loewen firmly believes it is an accurate one, given responses to questions he has asked his students throughout the years.…...

Lies My Teacher Told Me
Pages: 4 Words: 1376

Presenting natives as a 'doomed' race is comforting: "Feeling good is a human need, but it imposes a burden that history cannot bear without becoming simple-minded. Casting Indian history as a tragedy because Native Americans could not or would not acculturate is feel-good history for whites. By downplaying Indian wars, textbooks help us forget that we wrested the continent from Native Americans" (Loewen 133).
More liberal textbooks portray native persons as victims, but often as hapless victims. Such attempts at inclusivity smack of tokenism rather than a real, honest attempt to understand history. In fact, tokenism is also rife in addressing women's issues and issues of race: it is either ignored or bracketed into a safe, confined corner of the text. And history is always portrayed as getting progressively more liberal, rather than engaging in 'backsliding,' which certainly occurred during Reconstruction in regards to African-American rights. oodrow ilson, for example,…...


Works Cited

Denham, Bryan. "Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got

Wrong." Journalism & Mass Communication Educator 52.3 (1997): 84-5. ProQuest. Web. 8 May 2013.

James Loewen. Official website. 2010. 8 May 2014


Shulevitz Uri How I Learned
Pages: 5 Words: 1272

The Miracle Worker. New York: Bantam, 1960.
ISBN: 0553247786 9780553247787, 122 pages, play. Appropriate for all audiences, intended primarily for adults but of interest to early adolescents and up. High critical appraise and winner of the Tony Award for Best Play in 1960, the year following the script's debut on Broadway.

This play is based on the autobiography of Helen Keller, focusing on the character of Helen's teacher Anne Sullivan and the struggle and ultimate triumph of this woman's struggle to teach Helen how to communicate and understand the world around her. Dramatic action must serve as a substitute for more direct textual exposition, making a reading of the play somewhat lackluster in comparison with viewing a full performance of the script. The characters are fully realized and highly compelling, however, and though the plot is generally well-known amongst most readers of a certain age level, the details and lifelike qualities…...

Women in History
Pages: 8 Words: 2127

omen to History
omen have contributed to the history of the world from the beginning of time. Their stories are found in legends, myths, and history books. Queens, martyrs, saints, and female warriors, usually referred to as Amazon omen, writers, artists, and political and social heroes dot our human history. By 1865, women moved into the public arena, as moral reform became the business of women, as they fought for immigrant settlement housing, fought and struggled for the right to earn living wages, and stood up to the threats of the lynch mobs. The years beginning in 1865 is known as the Civil ar era and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. It was a time of great changes, especially for African-American women such as Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth. omen of all races had to fight for equal rights, even the right to vote (http://women.eb.com/women/nineteenth09.html).omenhave indeed 'come a long…...


Works Cited

Women in American History. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. http://women.eb.com/women/crossroads05.html. http://women.eb.com/women/crossroads12.html. http://women.eb.com/women/modernamerica06.html. http://women.eb.com/women/modernamerica02.html.http://women.eb.com/women/nineteenth09.html.

A accessed 07-04-2002).

Bryson, Donna. "MOTHER TERESA LED LIFE OF HARD WORK AND LOVE DIMINUTIVE NUN NEVER WAVERED FROM HER SELF-IMPOSED MISSION TO BRING COMFORT TO THE WORLD." Denver Rocky Mountain News. September 14, 1997, pp 3A. http://ask.elibrary.com/getdoc.asp?pubname=Denver_Rocky_Mountain_News&puburl=http~C~~S~~S~InsideDenver.com~S~&querydocid=:bigchalk:U.S.;Lib&dtype=0~0&dinst=0&author=Donna+Bryson&title=MOTHER+TERESA+LED+LIFE+OF+HARD+WORK+AND+LOVE+DIMINUTIVE+NUN+NEVER+WAVERED+FROM+HER+SELF%2DIMPOSED+MISSION+TO+BRING+COMFORT+TO+THE+WORLD++&date=09%2D14%2D1997&query=+Mother+Teresa&maxdoc=90&idx=7.(accessed07-04-2002).

Lloyd, Marion. "Nun's Sainthood effort moves fast; Callers report miracles of Mother Teresa." The Washington Times. August 28, 1999, pp A6. accessed 07-04-2002).http://ask.elibrary.com/getdoc.asp?pubname=The_Washington_Times&puburl=http~C~~S~~S~www.washtimes.com&querydocid=:bigchalk:U.S.;Lib&dtype=0~0&dinst=0&author=Marion+Lloyd&title=Nun%27s+sainthood+effort+moves+fast%3B+Callers+report+miracles+of+Mother+Teresa++&date=08%2D28%2D1999&query=+Mother+Teresa&maxdoc=90&idx=6

Special Education the Key Points
Pages: 2 Words: 682

Categorizations included 'steamer children', 'backward', 'defective', 'truant', and 'incorrigible'. At least two of these terms have persisted still today. In 1904, special procedures for identifying 'defectives' were presented at the World's Fair.
In 1951, the categorization changed again, with a major section of special education called the 'slow learner' what today we refer to as 'learning disability'. Even here, this term has split into countless subcategories such as 'ADD', 'ADHD', 'Asperger's', 'learning deficiency', 'special needs', 'borderline line special needs', and so forth.

The 'take home' points for inclusion in the classroom would be primarily the endeavor to respect each and every student as an individual and to look past the labels. I believe that the use of diagnostic labels are potentially stigmatizing to students locking student in an, oftentimes, undeserved categorization that impedes the teacher from seeing him as a complex, remarkably rounded individual who has tremendous potential. The label has…...



Bateman, Barbara D. (1994). Who, How, and Where: Special Education's Issues in Perpetuity. The Journal of Special Education 27, 509-520.

Dorn, S., Fuchs, D., & Fuchs, L.S. (1996). A Historical Perspective on Special Education Reform. Theory into Practice 35, 12-19.

Kauffman, J.M. (1981). Historical Trends and Contemporary Issues in Special Education in the United States. In Handbook of Special Education, ed. James M. Kauffman and Daniel P. Hallahan. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Winzer, Margaret a. (1993). History of Special Education from Isolation to Integration. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.

Euthanasia the Foremost Contentious Concern Lately Has
Pages: 12 Words: 4959

The foremost contentious concern lately has been the issue of granting legal status to the right to die with dignity, or euthanasia. Similar to the issue of death sentence or suicide, euthanasia is contentious as it entails killing an individual through a conscious decision. (The right to a dignified death - need for debate) "Euthanasia" derived from the Greek term implying "good death" is some activity we perform or otherwise which results in, or is planned to result in death, to liberate a person from pain. This is occasionally known as "mercy killing." (Reflections on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide) Giving a legal sanction to euthanasia is a vital referendum upon the social standing of those incapacitated in America nowadays. (Euthanasia: The Disability Perspective on the Right to Die Movement) Euthanasia can be attained either though an intentional process, or by refraining to take an action intentionally. In any one of…...


Works Cited

Abergavenny, Roger Dobson. (22 February, 2003) "Society should accept that euthanasia is a personal decision, report says." British Medical Journal. 326:416. Retrieved from   Accessed on 4 May, 2005http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/326/7386/416/d 

"Arguments against Euthanasia: Euthanasia is against the word and will of God." Retrieved from Accessed on 3 May, 2005http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/ethics/sanctity_life/euthagod.shtml

"Arguments against Euthanasia" Retrieved from   Accessed on 3 May, 2005http://www.euthanasia.com/argumentsagainsteuthanasia.html 

'Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia" Retrieved from   Accessed on 3 May, 2005http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/bv.fcgi?rid=cmed.section.17469 

Spanish Civil War When Viewed
Pages: 5 Words: 1458

The reason for such volunteer support for a war against fascism was born from the economic calamity and the political turmoil of the 1930's (Sills pp). Thus, like many during the Great Depression, the young volunteers had experienced with deprivation and injustice, leading them to join the "burgeoning student, unemployed, union, and cultural movements that were influenced by the Communist Party and other Left organizations" (Sills pp). These groups had exposed the volunteers to a Marxist and internationalist perspective, and with their successes in bringing people to conscious, political action led to a revolutionary spirit (Sills pp).

American radicalism was spurred by the appearance of pro-fascist groups like the Liberty League, and the expansion of fascism abroad (Sills pp). ith Japan's invasion of Manchuria in 1931, Hitler's rise to power in 1933, and Italy's assault on Ethiopia in 1934, (all accomplished without hindrance from estern governments), the Communist Party responded with…...


Works Cited

Hemingway, Ernest. For Whom the Bell Tolls. Scribner. 1995.

Nelson, Cary. The Spanish Civil War: An Overview. Retrieved August 15, 2005 from  http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/scw/overview.htm 

Rosemont, Franklin. Spanish Revolution of 1936. Retrieved August 15, 2005 from  http://www.writing.upenn.edu/~afilreis/88/spain-overview.html 

Sills, Sam. The Abraham Lincoln Brigade. Retrieved August 15, 2005 at  http://www.writing.upenn.edu/~afilreis/88/abe-brigade.html

Role of Spirituality in the Treatment of Depression
Pages: 20 Words: 6318

ole of Spirituality in the Treatment of Depression
Over the last thirty years, one of the most interesting paradoxes in the study and treatment of depression has been that increased knowledge about the biomedical and genetic causes of the disease has been coupled with a renewed interest in the effect of religion and spirituality on human mental health and well-being. No matter how religion and spirituality are defined -- and many scholars and laypersons see no great distinctions between the two -- there are now hundreds of studies that demonstrate the beneficial effects of religion on both mental and physical health. Indeed, the more firmly held and intrinsic a person's religious convictions are, the more salutary the effect. eligious people are more optimistic, hopeful and trusting, and have more purpose and meaning in life than those with weak or no religious views. All of these qualities are of course lacking in…...



Ai, A..L. et al. (2005). "Prayer Coping, Positive Attitudes, and Cardiac Surgery" in Lee, A.V. Coping with Disease. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 23-64.

Auer, B. And J.A. Ang (2007). Torment of the Soul: Suicidal Depression and Spirituality. AuthorHouse.

Beck, A.T. And B.A. Alford (2009). Depression: Causes and Treatment. University of Pennsylvania Press.

Biebel, D.B. And H.G. Koenig (2010). New Light on Depression: Help, Hope and Answers for the Depressed and Those Who Love Them. Zondervan Publishing House.

Merchant-Ivory Movies Are Varied in Their Settings
Pages: 6 Words: 1695

Merchant-Ivory movies are varied in their settings and styles, but one theme pervades most of them: otherness. In "Shakespeare-wala" for instance, a troop of British actors - most born and raised in India - perform Shakespeare plays for the Maharajas and their families before India's independence in 1947. The British actors' entire existence was in India and many of them had never even been to their "native" England. When Indian independence arrived in 1947, the maharajas were ousted and their families lost their power and wealth. As a result, the actors had no one to play to - funds were scarce for art and theater - and no other marketable skills in India.
They contemplated a return to England, but the return would not be a return at all - England would be as foreign to them as Germany: all they knew was India. And without a role in India,…...

can you help me with recommendations for a good essay title for a book report on helen keller?
Words: 235

Straightforward Titles

Helen Keller: Overcoming Adversity
The Triumph of Helen Keller's Spirit
A Life of Learning: Helen Keller's Story
Helen Keller: Beyond Sight and Sound
Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan: A Transformational Relationship

More Creative Titles

The World Helen Built: A Story of Resilience
Unseen, Unheard, Unstoppable: Helen Keller's Legacy
From Silence to a Voice: Helen Keller's Journey
Breaking the Barriers: Helen Keller's Fight for Disability Rights
The Miracle of Language: Helen Keller's Triumph


"Unveiling the Extraordinary Life of Helen Keller: A Book Report"
"The Triumph of the Human Spirit: A Journey Through Helen Keller's Story"
"Helen Keller: A Beacon of Resilience and Inspiration"

What title would you give yourself for thriving in life?
Words: 576

Thriver: Embracing Challenges, Achieving Triumphs
In the tapestry of life, where triumphs and tribulations intertwine, I have cultivated the enduring quality of thriving. It is a title I bestow upon myself, not for accolades or recognition, but as a testament to my unwavering spirit and profound gratitude for the lessons learned along the way.
Throughout history, countless individuals have faced adversity with resilience and emerged stronger. From the depths of despair, they have risen like phoenixes, their spirits indomitable. My journey has been marked by similar challenges, but I have embraced them as opportunities for growth.
Like the mythical Sisyphus, I have found....

\"What words would you choose to represent Helen Keller\'s incredible journey in a book report title?\"
Words: 112

"From Silence to Triumph: The Inspiring Journey of Helen Keller"
Thank you for your response. Continuing on our discussion of Helen Keller, we can further explore the impact of her accomplishments on society and how her story continues to inspire people around the world. Despite facing immense challenges in her life, Keller's determination, resilience, and strong spirit allowed her to overcome adversity and achieve great success in her advocacy work and writing. Her journey serves as a powerful reminder of the potential for human beings to persevere and thrive in the face of adversity. Keller's story is a testament to the....

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