Healthy Lifestyle Essays (Examples)

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Healthy Lifestyle
Pages: 3 Words: 1060

Health Letter
Dear Joe,

As you know, I have been at school working hard on my education. Currently I am studying issues related to health and wellness and I have learned a lot. e have been studying issues that are common in our society that greatly contribute to health risks. Examples of this include such things as smoking cigarettes, poor nutrition, tobacco use, and excessive alcohol consumption. Each of these behaviors can cause problems far beyond what I would have ever expected. I think if more people were aware of the scope of the risks that they were taking then less people would take these risks.

As a result of this I wanted to confront you smoking habit. By no means do I want to upset you nor do anything that would make you feel pressured or annoyed. That's why I'm writing this letter. I thought a letter would be the least confrontational…...


Works Cited

de Leeuw, R., et al. "The relation between smoking-specific parenting and smoking trajectories of adolescents: How are changes in parenting related to changes in smoking?" Psychology & Health (2010): 999-1021. Web.

Guo, Q., et al. "Do cognitive attributions for smoking predict subsequent smoking development?" Addictive Behaviors (2011). Web.

Ussher, M., A. Taylor and G. Faulkner. "Exercise interventions for smoking cessation." Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2011). Web.

Improving the Mental Health Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Pages: 5 Words: 1529

Improving the Mental Health, Healthy Lifestyle Choices, and Physical Health of Hispanic Adolescents: A andomized Controlled Pilot Study" by Melnyk and colleagues is a reaction to a seldom studied area of adolescent health research. Preventing the most common mental health disorders and obesity of some of the most dominant health concerns in America today, and Melnyk and associates are aware that the bulk of that prevention needs to come during this vulnerable time of adolescence. Giving teenagers the tools and the coping mechanisms and behaviors that they need in order to develop into healthy adults is absolutely essential for society and for the professional healthcare arena. This means that it is thus crucial to engage in concerted, focused efforts to empower such young people with practical tools they can use to become healthy, active adults. Another factor that Melnyk and colleagues have focused on is the fact that while…...



LoBiondo-Wood, G. e. (2010). Study Guide for Nursing Research. New York: Mosby.

Melnyk, B., & al., e. (2009). Improving the mental health, healthy lifestyle choices, and physical health of Hispanic adolescents: a randomized controlled pilot study. Journal of School Health, 575-84.

Prevention Through Herbs and Diet and What Constitutes a Healthy Lifestyle
Pages: 10 Words: 3364

role of disease prevention through herbs and diet, and what constitutes a healthy lifestyle. Just about everyone knows that diet and exercise play a vital role in overall good health. Just about everyone knows that fresh fruits and vegetables should play an important role in a healthy diet. However, studies indicate that fresh herbs can also play a crucial role in a healthy diet, and may help prevent certain diseases and illnesses.
To biologists, herbs are any plant that is not woody and dies at the end of the season. However, to most people, herbs are special plants with aromatic properties that add flavor and appeal to foods and recipes. However, herbs have also been used medicinally for centuries, and new studies show that many herbs may help prevent many different types of diseases and conditions; from Alzheimer's disease to heart disease, and that they should be an important part…...



Bianchini, Franca, and Harri Vainio. "Allium Vegetables and Organosulfur Compounds: Do They Help Prevent Cancer." Environmental Health Perspectives 109.9 (2001): 893+.

"Diet." Ebony Mar. 2004: 142.

Editors. "Understanding Free Radicals and Antioxidants." HealthCheck Systems. 2009. 14 August 2009.


Letter Persuading a Healthy Lifestyle
Pages: 3 Words: 1052

Tobacco use is one of the most dangerous personal habits many Americans participate in on a daily basis. Here, the research suggests that "Cigarette smoking greatly increases your risk for heart disease," (Center for Disease Control and Prevention 1). Even worse, heavy alcohol consumption can be especially dangerous in terms of its links to many types of incredibly dangerous cancers (van Dam et al. 1). With more detailed knowledge of what your bad habits can do to you, are you ready to think of some changes?
Your case is one which is in need for behavioral interventions. These are most often most effective within an integrated approach that addresses the many layers of your lifestyle (Strong et al. 5). First of all, there is a clear need for adjustments to your dietary practices to include more healthy options like fruits and vegetables (Center for Disease Control and Prevention 1). It…...



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Prevention: What You Can Do." Heart Disease. 2011. Web. 

Strong, Kathleen; Mathers, Colin; & Beaglehole, Robert. "Preventing Chronis Disease: How Many Lives Can We Save?" Chronis Diseases 1. 2005. Web.

Van Dam, Rob; Spiegelman, Donna; & Franco, Oscar H. "Combined Impact of Lifestyle Factors on Mortality: Prospective Cohort Study in U.S. Women." British Medical Journal. 2008. Web.

How College Students Choose to Live
Pages: 2 Words: 4749

Health promoting lifestyle of university students in Saudi Arabia: a cross-sectional assessment Abstract
This study was designed to assess the health-promoting lifestyle of students in health colleges and non-health Saudi Arabia
A total of 1656 students participated in this descriptive cross-sectional study. Data gathering was conducted from November 2016 to February 2017 at King Saud University in Saudi Arabia. All participants answered a two-part questionnaire which includes demographic data and questions about determining the healthy lifestyle behaviors of students.
The majority of the participants were females (70.4 %) and 20 % of the participants were overweight and 11.3%, were obese. Only 12.8% of the students were diagnosed with health problem. The analysis show that there was a significant difference between health colleges and non-health colleges with regards to the factors of health responsibility. Seventy percent of the students in both colleges never inspect their bodies at least monthly for physical changes and do…...


Bourre, J.M. (2006). Effects of nutrients (in food) on the structure and function of the nervous system: update on dietary requirements for brain. Part 1: micronutrients. J Nutr Health Aging.  10(5):377-85.

Butler, S.M., Black, D.R., Blue, C.L., Gretebeck, R.J. (2004). Change in diet, physical activity, and body weight in female college freshman. Am J Health Behav. 28:24–32

Chen, J., Xiang, H., Jiang, P., Yu, L., Jing, Y., Li, F., et al. (2017). The role of healthy lifestyle in the implementation of regressing suboptimal health status among college students in China: a nested case-control study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14, 240.

Demura, S., Sato, S. (2003). Relationships between depression, lifestyle and quality of life in the community dwelling elderly: a comparison between gender and age groups. J Physiol Anthropol Appl Human Sci. 22(3):159-66.

El-Ahmady, S., El-Wakeel, L. (2017). The effects of nutrition awareness and knowledge on health habits and performance among Pharmacy students in Egypt. J Community Health, 42, 213-220.

Farghaly, N. F., Ghazali, B. M., Al-Wabel, H. M., Sadek, A. A., & Abbag, F. I. (2007). Life style and nutrition and their impact on health of Saudi school students in Abha, Southwestern region of Saudi Arabia. Saudi medical journal, 28(3), 415-421.

Fujii, T., Ohsawa, I., Nozawa, A., Mori, K., Kagaya, M., Kajioka, T., et al. (1998). The association of physical activity level characteristics and other lifestyle with obesity in Nagoya University alumni, Japan. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 8:57–62.

Garcia-Toro, M., Roca, M., Monzón, S., Vives M, Oliván, B., Vicens, E., Salva, J., Gili, M. (2012). Hygienic-dietary recommendations for major depression treatment: Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry. (12)201.

Hassmen, P., Koivula, N., Uutela, A. (2000). Physical exercise and psychological well-being: A population study in Finland. Prev Med, 30, 17–25.

Comprehensive Educational Campaign To Promote Healthy Lifestyles During Young Adulthood
Pages: 8 Words: 2355

Essay Topic Examples
1. Strategies for Integrating Mental Health Education in Young Adult Wellness Campaigns:
    This essay would explore the importance of mental health awareness as a critical component of healthy lifestyle promotions. It would discuss various methods to integrate mental health education within the broader framework of health campaigns targeting young adults, emphasizing resilience building, stress management, and the de-stigmatization of mental illness.

2. The Role of Social Media in Shaping Health-Conscious Behaviors:
    The focus of this essay would be on how social media platforms can be leveraged to foster healthy habits among young adults. It would examine effective strategies for creating viral health campaigns, engaging influencers to model healthy lifestyles, and the potential challenges and solutions for combating misinformation online.

3. Nutritional Literacy and Its Influence on Long-Term Health Outcomes:
    Here, the essay would analyze the significance of educating young adults about nutrition and how this foundational knowledge can impact their…...


Primary Sources

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. \"Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition.\" Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2018.

World Health Organization. \"Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health.\" Geneva: World Health Organization, 2004.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. \"School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity.\" Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 60.RR-5 (2011): 1-76.

National Institutes of Health. \"We Can! Ways to Enhance Children\'s Activity & Nutrition.\" NIH Publication No. 13-7813. Bethesda, MD: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 2013.

White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity. \"Let\'s Move! America\'s Move to Raise a Healthier Generation of Kids.\" Washington, DC: White House, 2010.

Healthy Pregnancy How to Go
Pages: 1 Words: 452

Additional aid from social service agencies to facilitate a better diet and breast-feeding would be optimal in such instances. Yet for all women, simply having individuals around them who stress that the lifestyle changes are important can have a critical social facilitation effect. Prenatal care also can play a role in creating such an informed support network for the woman.
Above all, the woman must be motivated to change and aware of what changes are needed. Education, age, and other factors may act as enablers for the woman to appreciate the gravity of her situation, and to appreciate the long-term affects her health decisions can have upon her fetus and subsequent postnatal development. However, although "traditionally it has been felt that women who are better educated tended to make healthier lifestyle changes" according to one survey, physicians were the most influential in their decision-making processes regarding their pregnancy, and all…...


Works Cited

Einarson, Adrienne & Gideon Koren. (2006, February). A survey of women's attitudes concerning healthy lifestyle changes during pregnancy. JFAS International 4:e2.

Retrieved February 12, 2009 at

Healthy People in Healthy Communities
Pages: 3 Words: 1280

The city has provided designated bright red bicycles for public use in the city in order to promote public transportation instead of driving. The rules are that they are not to go outside of certain street limits but can be picked up at any time, anywhere (means that if you leave it outside the barbershop, it may be gone when you return!). This direct support by government is not only a message but an action that can provide true results for the Healthy People 2010 goals.
Other local, public expectations of the program would be with a plethora of printed, visual, and audio messages. People need to be constantly reminded about something in order for it to be meaningful, especially if it requires such a drastic change of lifestyle. However, this also requires a serious effort at public and private industry to reach out to patients to show their dedication…...


Sources Used

Bill Cosby Public Service Announcements. 2010 Healthy People Website. United States Department of Health and Human Services. Accessed from the World Wide Web at   On December 12, 2006. .

Healthy People 2010 and Steps to a Healthier U.S.: Leading Prevention. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. United States Department of Health and Human Services Website. Accessed from the World Wide Web at   On December 12, 2006. .

Healthy People 2010 Homepage. United States Department of Health and Human Services Website. Accessed from the World Wide Web at   On December 12, 2006. .

Taylor, Henry G. "Message from the Commissioner of the West Virginia Bureau for Public Health," West Virginia Healthy People 2010 Objectives, West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services Website. Accessed from the World Wide Web at   On December 12, 2006. .

Healthy Living Web-Based Guide
Pages: 3 Words: 1025

Living a Healthy Lifestyle
It is feared that the current generation will be the first to be less, rather than more healthy than its parents' generation, thanks to the growing crisis of obesity and inactivity. A number of government websites exist specifically designed to promote a healthier lifestyle, most notably the White House's 'Let's Move' campaign. Let's Move is specifically devoted to preventing childhood obesity and provides a variety of resources for readers, including statistics on childhood obesity (it notes that in African-American and Hispanic communities as many as 40% of all children are overweight or obese); suggestions on how to pursue a healthier diet via links to other government websites, and suggestions for incorporating exercise into children's lives. There are also special offers like a contest for 'kid chefs' to submit healthy recipes.

What exactly constitutes a healthy diet is, of course, controversial. The USDA provides specific dietary guidelines for Americans…...



Adult obesity. (2013). CDC. Retrieved from: 

Calculate your BMI. (2014). NIH. Retrieved from:

Healthy Behavior on the Healthcare System Prepare
Pages: 2 Words: 769

Healthy Behavior on the Healthcare System
Prepare initial statement. Understanding healthy behaviors U.S. health care system evolve make effective resources. How effectively solve problem; misuse health care dollars? How cost containment affected evolution delivery system health care U.

The effects of healthy behavior on the healthcare system

More than half of the money allocated for healthcare is misused. Giving patients defensive medicines or requesting they undertake unnecessary tests increase the amount of money spent in healthcare. There are inappropriate procedures that doctors or physicians request from the patients in order to provide a correct diagnosis Berwick & Hackbarth, 2012.

These procedures lead to the increase of health care costs and they are avoidable. Healthcare administration costs are exorbitant and account for 30% of the total bill given to a patient. The administration costs are included in the patient's final bill, and they have no option but to pay. Hospital administration costs do not…...



Berwick, D.M., & Hackbarth, A.D. (2012). Eliminating waste in U.S. health care. JAMA: the journal of the American Medical Association, 307(14), 1513-1516.

Conklin, T.P. (2002). Health Care in the United States: An Evolving System. Info: Ann Arbor, MI: MPublshing, University of Michigan Library, 7(1).

Danaei, G., Ding, E.L., Mozaffarian, D., Taylor, B., Rehm, J., Murray, C.J., & Ezzati, M. (2009). The preventable causes of death in the United States: comparative risk assessment of dietary, lifestyle, and metabolic risk factors. PLoS medicine, 6(4), e1000058.

Satya-Murti, S. (2003). Health and Health Care 2010: The Forecast, the Challenge. JAMA: the journal of the American Medical Association, 290(6), 823-825.

Healthy Heart vs Coronary Disease
Pages: 2 Words: 656

hen an heart needs more oxygen, such in times of exercise, stress or pharmacological stimuli, blood flow is increased to fulfill this demand. However, the physiological narrowing of arteries due to plaque build up found in coronary disease restricts blood flow to the heart, especially in times of when an increase in myocardial oxygen is needed. These restrictions mean a lessened CFR for the individual, which can lead to coronary ischemia, cardiac infarction, and several other dangerous effects. This physiological change in the coronary system, through the build up of plaque, occurs for several reasons. Lack of physical activity and poor nutrition, with the consumption of certain fats and cholesterols, can facilitate plaque build up. High blood pressure, obesity, depression, and anxiety are also contributing factors (Pazoki, Nabiour, Seyednezami, and Imami).
There are different treatment options for coronary artery disease. Two treatment clinical options include lifestyle modification and revascularization. Lifestyle…...


Works Cited

Kern, Morton, Amir Lerman, Jan-Willen Bech, Bernard De Bruyne, Eric Eeckhout, William Fearon, Stuart Higano, Michael Lim, and Martjin Meuwissen. "Physiological Assessment of Coronary Artery Disease in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory ." American Heart Association Journal 114 (2006): 1321-1341. American Heart Association. Web. 16 Nov. 2010.

Pazoki, Raha, Iraj Nabipour, Nasrin Seyednezami, and Seyed Reza Imami. "Effects of a community-based healthy heart program on increasing healthy women's physical activity: a randomized controlled trial guided by Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR)." BMC Public Health 7 (2007): 216-220. Print.

Rub, M., Cremer, J., Krian, a., Meinertz, T., Werdan, K., & Zerkowski, H. "Different Treatment Options in Chronic Coronary Artery Disease." Deutschs Arzteblatt International 106.15 (10 Apr 2009): 253-261.

Shirato, Susan, and Beth Ann Swan. "Women and Cardiovascular Disease: An Evidentiary Review." MedSurg Nursing 19.5 (2010): 282-306. Print.

Healthy People 2020 Nutrition Physical Activity and
Pages: 2 Words: 863

Healthy People 2020; Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity
The Healthy People 2020 initiative looks at a n umber of different health issues which face the American population and sets out some goals for improving the current health status of the nation. One of the topics is nutrition, physical activity and obesity.

The consumption of a healthy diet and a sufficient level of activity are for the maintenance of a healthy weight. A major issue in the use is an increasingly level of obesity; with problems leading this is a failure including the consumption of excessive calories, high intakes of saturated and trans fats as well as high intakes of other unhealthy inputs such as sugar, cholesterol, salt and alcohol (Healthy People, 2012). This is further aggravated by lower levels of physical activity to burn off the calories consumed, which leads to the body storing the energy and weight gain taking place.

The current…...



CDC, (2012), U.S. Obesity Trends, retrieved 5th April 2-12 from 

Faith MS, Kral TVE. (2006), "Social Environmental and Genetic Influences on Obesity and Obesity-Promoting Behaviors: Fostering Research Integration" In Hernandez LM, Blazer DG, (eds.), (2006), Genes, Behavior, and the Social Environment: Moving Beyond the Nature/Nurture Debate. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (U.S.).

Healthy People, (2012), retrieved 6th April 2012 from, (2012), retrieved 6th April 2012 from

Healthy People as a Roadmap to Nation's
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Healthy People as a Roadmap to Nation's Health
The objective of this work is to select a health event and discuss the implications for nursing practice if you held each of Smith's concepts. This work will determine the media exposure of individual and community risk reduction activities and specify which determinants are the focuses of risk reduction measures. These measures will be analyzed for the potential for risk reduction in individuals, families, and communities. This work will further locate two relevant websites for each lifespan group and discuss the relevance of each website as well as examining the significance of Healthy People as a roadmap for the nation's health.

One of the goals of Healthy People is to "promote health and reduce chronic disease through the consumption of healthful diets and achievement and maintenance of healthy body weights." (Healthy People, 2011) This means that individuals will: (1) Consume a variety of nutrient-dense…...

Healthy Living Lesson Plan
Pages: 3 Words: 988

Healthy Food for Healthy Living Lesson Plans
The theme I have selected for this lesson or class is healthy food for healthy living, which is an important topic given the increased in lifestyle diseases that are mainly brought by eating unhealthy foods. Generally, there are many things to learn from this theme, which culminates in promoting learning and development towards healthy eating. Through this lesson, children will learn which foods are healthy and which ones should be consumed in small quantities. Children will learn the food pyramid and obtain awareness regarding the need for every individual to consume nutritious food for healthy living (Krak & Schexnaildre, n.d.). This theme will be taught through creating lesson plans that include learning activities that are aligned with the curriculum and ensure all learning domains are taught.

My first activity for this theme is food group game. In addition to helping children learn about healthy food…...



"Empowering Kids to Choose MyPlate Lesson Plan." (2011). USDA MyPlate. Retrieved August 4, 2015, from

"Healthy Eating Activities." (n.d.). Chapter 1. Retrieved August 4, 2015, from 

Krak, J. & Schexnaildre, J. (n.d.). Healthy Food Makes Healthy Body. Retrieved August 4, 2015, from

Healthy Aging for Some Time
Pages: 6 Words: 2094

Leaning does not only imply facts, but continual and fluid evolution of the brain. This is the identical process that the brain takes when improving itself and reducing aging. If the brain continues to receive stimuli and appropriate chemicals for energy, then it follows tat there will be increased brain function and activity. If the voltage, just as in a battery, becomes stronger, then activity increases. As the brain is continually stimulated, more building materials are produced that allow information to become part of our experience. Interestingly, the variety and frequency of certain exercise programs, in fact, "teach" the body at different rates. Using different intensities of movement, concerns of overeating, weight regulation, quality of life, and especially depression are mitigated (Douglas, 2009).
Finally, the healthcare and other market modifiers will need to change and evolve as the population ages. The global baby bust will change financial markets, investing, products,…...



Aging Statistics. (2010, June 30). Retrieved from Administrator on Aging - U.S. Health & Human Services: 

Does Population Aging Affect Financial Markets? (2012). National Bureau of Economic Research. Retrieved from: 

Dynamics of Population Aging in the Modern World. (2002, January). Retrieved from 

Family Caregivers: The Issues They Face Are Everyone's Concern. (2010). Capella University,

Can you help me with essay topics related to public health and physical activity?
Words: 383

Physical activity plays such an important role in public health. It is especially important when a society has become sedentary, which applies to many of the industrialized societies around the globe.  It is not surprise, then, that public health efforts often focus on increasing daily movement as a way to help improve community health.

Possible research topics include:

  1. The relationship between green spaces like parks and walking trails with community levels of physical activity.
  2. The relationship between afterschool sports programs and physical activity for youth, and whether that relationship remains as people transition from youth into adulthood.
  3. Do physical....

Could you suggest some essay topics related to cardiovascular disease on men who exrcise?
Words: 617

1. The Role of Exercise in Preventing Cardiovascular Disease in Men: A Comprehensive Examination

Introduction: Highlight the prevalence and impact of cardiovascular disease (CVD) among men and emphasize the role of exercise as a preventive measure.

Discuss the physiological mechanisms by which exercise improves cardiovascular health, including increased blood flow, improved blood pressure regulation, and enhanced lipid profiles.
Explore the specific types and intensities of exercise that are most effective in reducing CVD risk.
Review evidence from clinical trials and observational studies demonstrating the association between regular exercise and lower incidence of CVD events.

Conclusion: Summarize the key findings supporting the protective....

I\'m in need of some essay topics on recent childhood obesity epidemic. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 306

1. The impact of marketing and advertising on children's food choices and their contribution to the rise in childhood obesity
2. The role of schools in combating childhood obesity through nutrition education and healthy meal options
3. The connection between socioeconomic status and childhood obesity rates
4. The importance of regular physical activity and its impact on reducing childhood obesity
5. The effects of digital devices and screen time on childhood obesity rates
6. The influence of parents and family habits on children's weight and eating habits
7. The challenges of addressing childhood obesity in minority and marginalized communities
8. The long-term health implications of childhood obesity....

I\'m in need of some essay topics on recent childhood obesity epidemic. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 404

Essay Topics on the Recent Childhood Obesity Epidemic


In recent years, childhood obesity has emerged as a significant public health concern, affecting millions of children worldwide. The epidemic has far-reaching implications for both the physical and mental well-being of our children. This essay presents a comprehensive overview of the current childhood obesity epidemic, exploring its causes, consequences, and potential solutions.

Causes of Childhood Obesity:

Dietary Factors: The consumption of processed foods, sugary drinks, and unhealthy fats contributes significantly to childhood obesity.
Sedentary Lifestyle: Lack of physical activity and increased screen time have led to decreased energy expenditure and increased calorie intake.

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