Healthcare System Essays (Examples)

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Healthcare System in the United
Pages: 17 Words: 5160

However, despite the development of these exemplary healthcare capacities, the UAE's system continued to suffer during this timeframe from a perception among the population that it lacked quality (Kronfel, 1999).
It cannot be discounted that the public may perceive the UAE's healthcare system as lacking in quality because the system does in fact have many developmental issues left to resolve. For example, a study by Margolis (2002) found that as healthcare rapidly expanded in the 1990s, statistically significant numbers of incidents of inappropriate medicine prescription also increased. This finding gave some validity to the concern about quality. However, the majority of the studies reviewed indicated that the UAE's healthcare system was comparable to the healthcare systems in most other developed and developing nations. For example, Margolis et al. (2003) conducted a survey analysis of elderly in the U.S. And the UAE and found that the system of elderly care in…...


World Health Organization, (2000). The World Health Organization's ranking of the world's health systems. [24 August, 2009]. Retrieved from   (15 January 2010). 

Wuyi, W., Ribang, L., Yongfeng, L., Linsheng, Y., and Jianan, T. (2004). "Regional comprehensive assessment on environmental health of China," Journal of Geographical Sciences 14(2): 187-192.

Ypinazar V., and Margolis, S., (2006). "Delivering culturally sensitive care: the perceptions of older Arabian Gulf Arabs concerning religion, health, and disease." Qualitaitive Health Research, 16(6): 773-787.

Health Care Systems Used in Information Systems
Pages: 4 Words: 1397

Evolution of Health Care Information Systems
Before 1990, the 80s brought in a new health era. The U.S. health care system turned out to be an organization that would grow continuously. Especially in the sector of health care information technology. The research shows that the development can be looked at as an effort to stereotype people's disjointed health care service. It is obvious that the health care information technology is no longer a choice but a need to be obedient with the mandated federal rules. Commander George W. Bush in 2004 enquired health care suppliers to tool Electronic Health ecords (EH) by 2014. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), and The Health Care and Education econciliation Act of 2010 likewise merged this enterprise by asking health care providers to be yielding with the new lawmaking. A lot of community-founded medical doctor practices previously unwilling to hold technology are understanding…...



Campbell, R.J. (2009). Database Design: What a Health Information Management Professional Needs to Know. AHIMA, 1(6), 23-34.

hipaasurvivalguide. (2012, August 4). Retrieved from HITECH Act Summary: 

King, P.D. (2010). The HIPAA Roadmap for Business Associates: A step-by-step guide to HIPAA/HITECH compliance. New York City: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

Lin, B. (2003). Health care information systems management:Structure and infrastructure. Journal of International Information Management, 2(1), 27-56.

Compare the Healthcare Systems in USA and Haiti
Pages: 4 Words: 1342

Health Care Systems in USA and Haiti:
Health Care System in Haiti:

Currently, it's estimated that Haiti spends approximately 11% of its national budget towards health care. Notably, 80% of this amount is spent on salaries with the rest of the amount used for furniture and drugs. Much of the amount that is spent on Haiti's national budget including on health care is from foreign countries like Canada, Cuba, United States and France among others. On the list of the priorities of the Haitian government, health care is listed as priority number eight after education, agriculture and sanitation ("Health Care in Haiti," n.d.). ecently, Haiti experienced a major crisis in health care delivery necessitating the need for recovery of the country's health care system. The deficiency in Haiti's health care system and medical services is largely attributed to the fragmentation of both the public and private sector.

Throughout the history of health care…...



Guly, C. (2004, April 27). Haiti Emerging from Chaos to Face Health Care Crisis. Canadian Medical Association Journal 170(9). doi:10.1503/cmaj.1040541.

"Health Care in Haiti." (n.d.). OFCB Ministries of Bayonnais Haiti. Retrieved April 10, 2011,


Hellander, I & Bailey, J. (2001). The U.S. Health Care System: Best In the World, or Just the Most Expensive? Retrieved from The University of Maine website:

Survey Data of Healthcare System
Pages: 7 Words: 2050

Healthcare System Survey Data
Healthcare System's Survey Data

This report uses the HCAHPS "(Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems)" scores (Medicare Gov, 2014 p1) to develop the strategic plan for the University of Alabama Hospital. The objective of analyzing the HCAHPS scores of the organization is to enhance an improvement for the hospital. The essence of the NCAHPS is to use the scores of the organization and compare them with hospitals that enroll for the Medicare. The results allow consumer to make objective and fair comparison about the hospital, and evaluate importance care received compared to the national or state standard.

Objective of this document is to use the HCAHPS scores of the University of Alabama Hospital to make the strategy plan and improve the entire organization. The outcomes of the document is to assist the hospital board to make a detailed strategic plan for the organization in order to incorporate…...



Medicare Gov. (2014). Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Quality Reporting Program. Retrieved 19 October From 


Appendix 1: NCAHPS Scores for the University of Alabama Hospital

NCAHPS Scores for the University of Alabama Hospital

Smoking Health Care System
Pages: 6 Words: 1505

Smoking and the Health Care System

Smoking causes ischemic heart disease, cancer, stroke, and chronic lower respiratory diseases which are the leading causes of death and disability among adults. Smoking-attributed diseased are an economic burden due not only to health care expenses, but also productivity losses related to disability or early death.

~California Department of Health, 2010

Smoking is a major health hazard, and since nonsmokers are healthier than smokers, it seems only natural that not smoking would save money spent on health care. Yet in economic studies of health care it has been difficult to determine who uses more dollars -- smokers, who tend to suffer more from a large variety of diseases, or nonsmokers, who can accumulate more health care costs because they live longer.

~Barendregt et al., 1997

There is now scientific proof that concludes that smoking cigarettes affects both the smoker and those in proximity of the smoker. These affects are…...



Barendregt, J.J., Bonneux, M.D, J., & Van Der Maas, PhD, P.J. (1997). "The Health Care Costs of Smoking." The New England Journal of Medicine, 337(15), 1052 -- 1057.

California Department of Public Health -- California Tobacco Control Program. (2010). "Health & Economic Consequences." California Department of Public Health, Web, Available from: 2013 March 15.

Sturm, R. (2002). "The Effects of Obesity, Smoking, and Drinking on Medical Problems and Costs." Health Affairs, March/April, 245 -- 253.

Warner, K.E., Hodgson, T.A., & Carroll, C.E. (1999). "Medical costs of smoking in the United States: estimates, their validity, and their implications." Tobacco Control, 8, 290 -- 300.

Alabama and Colorado Health Care Systems
Pages: 4 Words: 1412

Health Care Reform
The objective of this study is to review the state of health care in two U.S. states and to compare and contrast what the websites reveal about health insurance in each state and to report what conclusion can be drawn. This study will additionally compare and contrast the general health statistics of the population in the state as well as the state's health ranking and to compare and contrast the influence of health care reform on professional nursing practice in both states.

The two states chosen for comparison and contrast in this study are the states of Alabama and Colorado. Alabama is reported to have the health ranking of number forty (40) among U.S. states while Colorado's health ranking is reported to be number nineteen (19) among U.S. states.


It is reported that nearly nine out of every 10 Alabama residents have some type of Health Insurance plan, stated to…...



Colorado (2014) Retrieved from: 

Alabama (2014) Retrieved from:

Issue in US Health Care System
Pages: 6 Words: 2042

At the high end, the U.S. has the best health care system in the world, leading the way in terms of innovation and quality of care. The problem with the system is that the distribution of quality, and of care itself, is uneven. There are many problems that emerge when the system is subject to closer inspection. The U.S. ranks poorly with respect to health outcomes among industrialized nations. Millions of Americans have no, or inadequate, health care coverage. The costs associated with the U.S. health care system are much higher than in comparable nations. If the quality of care was that much better, higher costs would be acceptable, but with poor health outcomes, overprescription of antibiotics, and an emphasis on costs and bill collection rather than on patient care, the U.S. health care system has more than its fair share of shortcomings. If an optimal health care system provides…...



Bloom, G., Standing, H., & Lloyd, R. (2008). Markets, information asymmetry, and health care: Towards new social contracts. Social Science and Medicine. Vol. 66 (10) 2076-2087.

Grush, L. (2013). U.S. health outcomes far worse than other comparable nations, report finds. Fox News. Retrieved November 24, 2014 from 

Klein, E. (2013). 21 graphs that show America's health-care prices are ludicrous. Washington Post. Retrieved November 24, 2014 from 

Mullin, R. (2014). Cost to develop new pharmaceutical drug now exceeds $2.5 billion. Scientific American. Retrieved November 24, 2014 from

Issues in U S Politics and Health Care Systems
Pages: 2 Words: 594

Health Care: Responses
Many researchers have considered the benefits of taking naps at work. The results have been so clear and so common that some workplaces have even implemented nap taking for their employees. It was found that employees who take "power naps" tend to be more efficient and perform better while working. Research also suggests that the ideal "power nap" is 25 minutes long. Hence, taking naps benefit not only employees, but also the workplace in general by creating a better and more efficient workforce.

My "prescription" has been affected by various factors. First, my parents were very open-minded people, which resulted in the same orientation for me. I tend to look at new information and new philosophies of life with a sense of curiosity rather than fear. I prefer to consider a new way of viewing life first before deciding that it is right, wrong, for me, or not for…...

Contrast Between Healthcare Systems in Developed and Developing Countries Focus on India
Pages: 7 Words: 2099

Health Care Systems ndia
Malnutrition, Mortality, Malaria: Health Care in ndia

Perri Klass in her article "ndia" describes a situation when she is unable to diagnose a case of tuberculosis in a South Asian child. As a pediatrician, her repertoire of knowledge of first world diseases is unable to assist her amongst the medical travails of the children of ndia. Klass describes scenarios where she is unable to comprehend the magnitude of poverty, malnutrition and disease in ndia, and can only mobilize the word "different" to encapsulate it.

Klass states that even "expectations are different." n Boston, "they expect every child to live to grow up" but here early death is a possibility. Klass tries to fight this resignation for the most part. She states that these diseases are preventable, through vaccinations, hygiene and proper food. First world medical care is taken for granted, as well as its wealth, Klass implies. She also…...


India has the largest program in the world addressing problems of malnutrition and child development, the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS). The program began in 1975, and now covers almost all of the low-income blocks in India. This program provides six main services to children through a village worker (anganwadi worker) who is paid a small honorarium, not a salary. Children are helped to get immunizations and health checkups, pregnant and lactating women receive counseling and additional food, children's growth is monitored on a regular basis, children are given a preschool education, and supplementary food is provided five days a week. Adolescent girls are also supported (Engle 2002).

In addition to poverty and social marginalization, the status of women may be an underlying variable explaining the Asian Enigma; children are better nourished in most African countries than in South Asia, even though incomes are similar. The authors suggest that the lower status of South Asian women affects not only their care practices, but also their ability to provide care -- they may have less autonomy in decision-making, less control over time and resources, and lower access to resources, health, and nutritional well-being. The research agenda should focus on formative research into variations in feeding practices, and beliefs supporting those practices, in the various regions of India. These investigative studies should be followed by intervention research on changes in feeding practices and care behaviors. Intervention studies, then, can be used to develop improved behavior change strategies. Effectiveness of components of interventions needs to be compared. Is it cost-effective to include deworming, hand pumps, and hygiene information with a complementary feeding intervention? To what extent is the quality of the complementary food a critical factor? Should micronutrients be added to complementary food in addition to feeding interventions? (Engle 2002)

There is also a need for operational research. How the quality and implementation of existing nutrition programs can be improved within the constraints of government budgets needs to be explored. The system to provide feedback to community workers and community elected bodies needs to be developed. Care and feeding practices need to be more explicitly targeted as interventions in health and ICDS systems. Growth monitoring needs to be improved and promotion made a stronger component. Communities need to be made aware of the number of malnourished children in the community so that they can take an active role in helping rates decline. Finally, links between programs should be strengthened so that the multiple government workers in each area are working together to improve the nutrition status of India's children (Engle 2002).

Swedish Health Care System All Over the
Pages: 9 Words: 3049

Swedish Health Care System
All over the world, governments approach their social responsibilities from a wide range of perspectives. For instance, for many industrialized nations, health care is taken to be an example of a social program tailored to benefit the general public. Hence in that regard, the relevance of a well designed health care system cannot be overstated. This paper takes Sweden as a reference point in seeking to map the history, demographics as well as structure (political) that informed the development of the nation's health care system. Further, the major health conditions facing Sweden as well as the organization and financing of the nation's health care system will be discussed. This paper will also demonstrate how Sweden's health care system differs from that of the United States. Lastly, based on the discussion, one lesson the United States can derive from Sweden's health care system will be clearly and concisely…...



Anderson, F. And Rydean-Bergsten, T. (1999). The health care costs of heart failure in Sweden. Journal of Internal Medicine. Vol. 246, 275-284.

Bureau of Labor Statistics (2011, November 4). Economic Release: Employment Situation Summary. Retrieved November 8th, 2011, from the Bureau of Labor Statistics website: 

Genser, M. (1999). "Sweden's Health care System." The Frasier Institute.

Hogberg, D. (2007, May). Sweden's Single-Payer Health System Provides a Warning to Other Nations. Retrieved November 3, 2011, from National Center for Public Policy website:

American Healthcare System Problems Solutions
Pages: 3 Words: 1006

The natural history of disease is an epidemiological model, showing how an individual’s health condition will progress over time without any interventions. Intervening at the weakest link in the chain of progression of specific diseases sometimes means addressing the symptoms of a problem long after the disease has progressed past a treatable point. Usually, high technology, high-cost solutions are required when intervening late in the stage or progress of a disease. On the other hand, focusing on prevention and the application of lower cost and less invasive solutions to preventable problems can promote public health and reduce burdens on the healthcare system.
Most diseases do have a natural progression or natural history, which can be altered via strategic healthcare interventions (CDC, 2017). The natural history of disease model starts with the stage of susceptibility, the point at which the individual is at risk but has not yet acquired the disease. During the…...



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2017). Natural history and spectrum of disease. Retrieved online:

Nichols, L. M. (2012). Government Intervention in Health Care Markets Is Practical, Necessary,and Morally Sound. The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 40(3), 547-557. doi:10.1111/j.1748-720x.2012.00688.x

Sultz, H. A., & Young, K. M. (2011). Health care USA: understanding its organization and delivery (7th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

The US Healthcare System and Payer Mix
Pages: 1 Words: 417

Payer MixThe payer mix refers to the proportion of patients under government medical plans such as Medicaid and Medicare compared to private or commercial insurance plans. It gives a representation of financial reimbursement plans which in turn determines the quality of health care. More straightforwardly, the payer mix can be interpreted to mean the percentage of patients enrolled in private health insurance. To understand the role of the payer mix in health care marketing, it is essential to contextualize the idea of payers. In the context of the health care providers, the payer negotiates the rates for offering health services, revenue collection, and payment of claims (Allen, 2012). Thus, with those financing controls in place, the aspect of marketing is directly affected. For example, when government policies affect the financial positions of hospitals through penalization, those hospitals are impaired, leading to low performance and ultimately leading to a lower payer…...



Allen, R. L. (2012). PRACTITIONER application: Payer mix and EHR adoption in hospitals. Journal of Healthcare Management, 57(6), 449-450. doi:10.1097/00115514-201211000-00012

Hfma. (2020). Hospitals predict significant shifts in payer mix, revenue cycle operations post-pandemic. Retrieved June 09, 2021, from 

Manary, M., Staelin, R., Boulding, W., & Glickman, S. W. (2015). Payer mix & financial health drive hospital quality: Implications for value-based reimbursement policies. Behavioral Science & Policy, 1(1), 77-84. doi:10.1353/bsp.2015.0007

Reimbursement Issues in Healthcare
Pages: 4 Words: 1420

Third-Party Payment Systems: a) Healthcare System Reimbursement: Evaluate third-party payer models for the impacts they present on healthcare system reimbursement.
Third-party payer models currently have a tremendous impact on the healthcare reimbursement system. The most considerable of these is the diverse forms in which they cause reimbursement to manifest. The vast majority of patients involved in the healthcare system utilize third-party payer models in the form of healthcare insurance. Insurance companies are the predominant means of reimbursing healthcare organizations for the services they provide, the equipment they use, and the staff they employee. In a sense these insurance companies are reimbursed by the premiums they exact from their patients. These two aspects of reimbursement make this concept multidimensional, which is the main effect of third-party payer models on healthcare system reimbursement.
b) Reporting Requirements: Analyze the reporting guidelines of third-party payer payment systems.
There are several challenges and opportunities for third-party payers regarding reporting…...




Healthcare System Management Is the
Pages: 3 Words: 1016

Based upon the fact the baby boomers are all approaching retirement age, it would be a good idea for the organization to pursue programs that are geared towards seniors. Programs that are geared towards seniors are a great way to produce quality comprehensive health care for those in the community that need it. The organization might pursue the idea of opening a PACE program. " The Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) is a capitated benefit authorized by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA) that features a comprehensive service delivery system and integrated Medicare and Medicaid financing" (Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), 2009). The PACE program features complete medical and social services that rely on an interdisciplinary team approach in an adult day health center that includes in-home and referral services depending on the person's needs (Program of All Inclusive Care for the…...



Baker, J. Judith & Baker, R.W. (2006). Healthcare Finance, Basic Tools for Nonfinancial

Managers. Maryland: Aspen Publications, Inc.

Bury, Elizabeth, Carter, Kara S., Feigelman, Masha and Grant, Jennifer M. (n.d.). Retrieved June

2, 2009, from Web site:

Healthcare Systems Across the World
Pages: 10 Words: 2794

Access and Availability

The biggest problem in terms of access to healthcare is in rural areas. Our investigation found that there are very few if any rural clinics or healthcare facilities.

Access to healthcare is also limited to those that can afford insurance or qualify for Medicare or Medicaid. The unemployed and the poor are at a major disadvantage when it comes to gaining access to healthcare. The location of healthcare facilities is limited to the larger municipalities.


The entity that is responsible for the healthcare system is the United States Government. In addition, Puerto ico has a governor and a cabinet in place to ensure that the appropriate laws are carried out. The entity that makes laws concerning healthcare is outside of the country but the entity that enforces these laws is inside the country. Services are evaluated by state run entities and agencies of the United States government such as that…...



The World Factbook -- Puerto Rico. Retrieved November 8, 2004 from; 

Puerto Rico: Estimated Number of Persons Living with AIDS at the End of 2002. Retrieved November 8, 2004 from; 

HIV / AIDS Among Hispanics. Retrieved November 8, 2004 from; 

Puerto Rico: Total Number of Adults with Diagnosed Diabetes, 2002. Retrieved November 8, 2004 from;

What is your Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the U.S. Healthcare System?
Words: 135

To evaluate the US healthcare system, there are two areas that have to be considered. One of these is patient care, and the other is finances. A healthcare system can only be effective if patients are getting the care they need, and if they\'re getting it in a timely manner. The system also has to be sustainable, and if it is not possible to afford the system, then changes need to be made to it. These changes should not compromise the care given to patients, though, and it can be difficult to provide proper, quality care at a price that....

What should be the focus of measuring value as health care\'s share of GDP grows?
Words: 359

As health care’s share of gross domestic product (GDP) grows, people are struggling with how to estimate the value of the health care industry in the economy.  While it might seem like a straightforward answer, simply looking at the total amount paid for healthcare in proportion to the total GDP, that valuation would be a gross oversimplification. Generally, GDP is viewed as a proxy for standard of living, but in the United States standard of living might actually drop for many people as the percentage of GDP attributable to healthcare grows.  It is important to keep in....

Can I get help with a concept analysis regarding black women in America and breast cancer disparities?
Words: 366

One of the troubling things about breast cancer in the United States is how much more fatal it is for black women than for white women.  Understanding this difference will not only help improve care for African American women, but also help explore the racial disparities that exist throughout the American healthcare system.  To do this, it is important really understand the concept.  What are the reasons that black women are more likely to die of breast cancer than white women? Critical to understanding this concept is the fact that, while black....

Can you help me start my paper on Medication Errors?
Words: 195

Sure, I can help you get started on your paper on medication errors. Here's an example of how you can format and structure the introduction:

Title: Addressing Medication Errors: An Examination of Causes, Prevention, and Solutions


I. Background Information
A. Importance of Medication Safety
B. Prevalence and Impact of Medication Errors

II. Definition of Medication Errors
A. Explanation of What Constitutes a Medication Error
B. Different Types of Medication Errors

III. Objectives of the Paper
A. To Identify Common Causes of Medication Errors
B. To Explore Strategies for Preventing Medication Errors
C. To Discuss....

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