Healthcare Professional Essays (Examples)

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Health Care Professional's Legal Responsibilities
Pages: 2 Words: 647

Laws are primarily meant to assist individuals and to impose order in society. Some individuals risk falling victim to dishonest doctors or to relatives that are self-interested. As a consequence, it would be better for doctors in most cases to stick to respecting the law, especially considering that the contemporary society needs to promote the fact that life is one of the most important things and that it needs to be protected at any price.

There are some cases when doctors act illegally because they know that doing otherwise would seriously endanger someone. For example, "the case of a pregnant Florida woman hospitalized against her will is raising a legal, ethical and medical storm around this issue: Can a doctor's order to quit smoking and rest in bed trump a woman's right to control her own body?" (Stein & Krueger). hile the Court of Law claimed that the doctor was right…...


Works cited:

Sigelman, Carol K. And Rider, Elizabeth a., "Life-Span Human Development," (Cengage Learning, 01.01.2011)

Stein, Letitia and Krueger, Curtis, "Pregnant woman's involuntary hospitalization raises legal, ethical, medical questions," Retrieved August 1, 2012, from the Tampa Bay Times Website:

Effect of Palliative Care on the Healthcare Professional and Family
Pages: 8 Words: 2777

Palliative Care on the Caregiver
Palliative care has several positive effects on the caregiver. These can be divided into emotional, social, psychological, and physical effects. First is the positive psychological effect that the caregiver such as the nurse, personal care worker, or family member to deal with the tough job. One study found that when patients died with unrelieved suffering, as nurses, they would also endure enormous suffering on their part Bailey, 2008.

The impact to the nurses is majorly because they had perceptions of suffering where they felt the patient was undergoing a difficult situation and they had feelings towards the patient since they feel they were unable to help the patient during the time of the patient's distress. They also have to endure feelings of failure since they bear the burden of the patient's unrelieved pain Barclay and Maher, 2010.

Some nurses also mentioned the impact of the unrelieved pain…...



BAILEY, F.A. 2008. "I Am Not Afraid of Dying. I Just Don't Want To Be There When it Happens." Medical Care, 46, 1195-1197.

BARCLAY, S. & MAHER, J. 2010. Having the difficult conversations about the end of life. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 341, 653-655.

BOYD, K. & MURRAY, S.A. 2010. Recognising and managing key transitions in end of life care. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 341, 649-652.

CAVANAUGH, T.A. 2008. Double-Effect Reasoning: Doing Good and Avoiding Evil, Oxford, Clarendon Press.

Extended Wait Times in Pediatric Emergency Care
Pages: 2 Words: 520

Determining a Facility Problem1. What was your method for determining your facility problem?My method of determining the problem in the level one Pediatric Emergency Department (PED) at University of Mississippi Medical Center was to meet with the nurse manager. We determined that the biggest problem was the extended wait time for patients.2. How is EBP information currently distributed and utilized in your place of employment?In the PED we have an intake nurse who uses the pediatric triangle, which is an assessment method used by healthcare professionals to rapidly evaluate the overall well-being of a child. It involves assessing the child's activity level, respiratory effort, and color (Ma et al., 2020). The activity level is assessed by observing the child's movements and muscle tone. Respiratory effort is assessed by observing the child's breathing and chest movement. Color is assessed by observing the child's skin color, including the lips and nail beds.…...



Cullen, L., Hanrahan, K., Farrington, M., Tucker, S., & Edmonds, S. (2022). Evidence-Based Practice in Action: Comprehensive Strategies, Tools, and Tips From University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics. Sigma Theta Tau.

Ma, X., Liu, Y., Du, M., Ojo, O., Huang, L., Feng, X., ... & Wang, X. (2021). The accuracy of the pediatric assessment triangle in assessing triage of critically ill patients in emergency pediatric department. International Emergency Nursing, 58, 101041.

Healthcare Professionals and Technology
Pages: 3 Words: 869

Practicum Project in Health Informatics

• This practicum thesis allows the student to work on developing informatics-based applications while also applying informatics science and skills.

• Uses technology to help streamline processes that ultimately aid in the patient experience

• Lowers costs while increasing efficiency


• Does not focus on the "human component" of technology

• Focuses on the benefits of informatics but does not take into account the costs as it relates to onboarding. People must be training on the technology; stakeholders must know how to fix problems that arise. All employees must be willing to adopt the technology.

• Does not properly take into account the threat of cyber security and its implications on training nurses. A hack may disrupt the overall application of the technology

"Preceptor Training and Nurse etention"


• Strong emphasis on a team approach as it relates to training and retention

• Use of preceptorship

• Emphasis on training programs and rotational environments





1) American Association of Colleges of Nursing Essentials. (2006). The essentials of doctoral education for advanced nursing practice. Retrieved from .

2) American Nurses Association. (2010). Scope and standards of practice. Silver Spring, MD:

3) Bae, S., Mark, B., & Fried, B. (2010). Impact of nursing unit turnover on patient outcomes in hospitals. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 42(1), 40-9. doi:10.1111/j.1547-5069.2009.01319.x.

4) Baker, S. L. (2010). Nurse educator orientation: Professional development that promotes retention. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 41(9), 413-7. doi:10.3928/00220124-20100503-02.

Healthcare Professionals and Management
Pages: 3 Words: 1192

ICU Delirium -- Evidence eview and Synthesis
Evidence eview

Luetz et al. (2014) conducted a study in which they examined how delirium management is an important aspect of intensive care treatment alongside analgesia and sedation management. The main objective of the study was to examine the implementation rate of delirium screening by healthcare professionals in the intensive care unit. To achieve the study's objectives, the researchers utilized a multinational, two-part survey in which hospital and ICU data as well as patients' data was collected and analyzed. The study found that even though 44% of hospitals and ICUs reported using a validated screening assessment, only 27% of patients had been monitored using the instrument. Additionally, the researchers found that a validated screening instrument enhances the ability of healthcare professionals to identify ICU delirium. The study provides Level III evidence, which is essential for this study to promote the use of a validated ICU…...



Filinson et al. (2016). Adoption of Delirium Assessment in the Acute Care Setting: A Tale of Two Hospitals. Best Practices in Mental Health, 12(2), 81-95.

Friedman et al. (2014). Delirium in Advanced Cancer: Screening for the Incidence on Admission to an Inpatient Hospice Unit. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 17(9), 1045-1048.

Ista et al. (2014, October 2). Improvement of Care for ICU Patients with Delirium by Early Screening and Treatment: Study Protocol of iDECePTIvE Study. Implementation Science, 9(143), 1-10.

Luetz et al. (2014, November). Delirium, Sedation and Analgesia in the Intensive Care Unit: A Multinational, Two-Part Survey among Intensivists. PLOS One, 9(11), 1-6.

Healthcare Professionals and Literature
Pages: 3 Words: 1029

ICU Delirium
Search of Literature for Evidence

One of the most crucial elements towards conducting a high-quality research is conducting an effective and valid search of literature for evidence. The search of literature for evidence is defined as an organized comprehensive search of existing literature published regarding the research issue. A well-organized search of literature is important when conducting a study since it's the most efficient and effective means for locating sound evidence on the research topic. For this study on intensive care delirium, a literature search is crucial towards identifying existing evidence on the topic and identifying gaps in knowledge. The information or insights obtained from the literature search is used to provide guidelines on the research process and how to fill the gaps in knowledge.

In this regard, the researcher conducted a search on electronic databases in order to identify credible sources of data. The researcher conducted the search on several…...



Ista et al. (2014, October 2). Improvement of Care for ICU Patients with Delirium by Early Screening and Treatment: Study Protocol of iDECePTIvE Study. Implementation Science, 9(143), 1-10.

Luetz et al. (2014, November). Delirium, Sedation and Analgesia in the Intensive Care Unit: A Multinational, Two-Part Survey among Intensivists. PLOS One, 9(11), 1-6.

Qualities of a Healthcare Professional
Pages: 1 Words: 300

By reducing stress levels, this could even have a direct medical benefit. It is essential that a healthcare professional be knowledgeable and efficient, but to make them truly excellent they need to have good people skills, too.
In essence, being an excellent healthcare provider simply means understanding people, and treating patients like human beings. It sounds simple, but remarkably few people in today's world seem to recognize other humans in day-to-day transactions. The healthcare professionals that exhibit this quality are the ones I consider truly excellent, and the ones that have inspired me to attend nursing school. I will keep in mind the level of service they provided, and try to emulate the same qualities in my career in healthcare....

Healthcare Partnership in the Community Discuss an
Pages: 4 Words: 1099

Healthcare Partnership in the Community
Discuss an example of healthcare partnership in your community and specifically cite examples that show how nurses, both individually and collectively, influenced the care provided. What obstacles were confronted and what strategies were employed in order to effectively overcome them.

One community healthcare partnership that is salient in my mind is Texas Department of State Health Services' program on tuberculosis or TB. This group of projects is specifically handled by the Office of Border Health, specifically because communicable diseases transmitted over the Texas-Mexico border will inadvertently affect the state of community health of both countries (i.e., the U.S. And Mexico). Under the program, two projects have been successful and known for its accomplishment in helping decrease TB prevalence in communities near the Texas-Mexico border: Proyecto Juntos and TBNet.

Proyecto Juntos specifically centers on "bilateral TB control," centering its efforts to curbing TB prevalence by monitoring the health of…...



Texas Department of Health Services, Office of Border Health. Available at: 

Texas Organization of Nurse Executives. Available at:

Health Care Roles in Communication Is a
Pages: 7 Words: 2187

Health Care oles in Communication
Communication is a fundamental piece of health care education and has been shown to improve health outcomes, patient compliance, and patient satisfaction. Quality health care emphasizes knowledge and utilization of communication skills. Health care professionals often express anxiety and lack of confidence and are deficient in a creating a situations that are conducive to open and candid communication with patients (Kameg et. al., 2009).

Effective communication involves gathering information, establishing a relationship or connection with a patient, and supporting the person through words and other non-verbal forms of interactions. Effective communication involves not only the interactions between the staff and the patient but also the interactions between staff and the interactions between the staff in front of the patient. Many times the high demand for services in a health care facility cause the staff to overlook the importance of good communication skills and enables situations to arise…...



Beer, J.E. (2003). Nonverbal Communication: Communicating across cultures. Cultures at work. Retrieved May 29, 2011 from 

Coiera, E. (2006, May). Communication systems in healthcarre. Clinical Biochemist Reviews. nursing.Vol. 27, Issue 2, 89-98. Retrieved May 28, 2011 from 

Gamble, T.K. & Gamble, M. (2006). Communication works. Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill.

Health Communication. (2010). Health communication. Healthy people 2010: Objectives for improving reproductive health. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Retrieved May 29, 2011 from /opa/pubs/hp2010/hp2010rh_sec2_healthcomm.pdf

Health Care Strategic Management
Pages: 3 Words: 1299

Health Care Strategic Management
The deliberative model in healthcare is expected to meet quite a few of the needs of the American public regarding the general area of healthcare. Of the many areas that may decide to look at this problem, an attempt is made here to look at two specific problems. One is the need of patients taking medicine properly and the other is the needs of patient care among all Americans. The problems in taking medication have been taken up on the issue of individual needs of patients for education on medicine taking. The education needs of patients in this area are not being met by healthcare providers. It may be worthwhile to take up a study to develop medication taking instructions for patients which can be used by health care providers in the long run. The aim should be to reach an approach which will be based on…...



Bajcar, Jana. M. (2003) "Development of a Needs-Driven Theory-Based Model for Medication-

Taking Education with Plans for Implementation and Evaluation." An Applied Dissertation Presented to the Programs for Higher Education in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Education. Nova South Eastern University. Retrieved from   Accessed on 14 June, 2005 

Goold, Susan Dorr; Green, Stephen A; Biddle, Andrea. K; et. al. "Will Insured Citizens Give Up

Benefit Coverage to Include the Uninsured?" Retrieved from   Accessed on 14 June, 2005 

Healthcare -- Legal Issues Religion
Pages: 7 Words: 2158

While it may not be just to hold an organization liable, absolutely, for every instance of employee negligence, there is a rationale for imposing such liability in many cases. For example, many types of industries entail potential danger to others that are inherent to the industry.
Individual workers are not likely to be capable of compensating victims of their negligence, but the employer benefits and profits financially by engaging in the particular industry. Therefore, the employer should not necessarily escape liability for compensating all harm caused by their activities, regardless of fault in particular instances.

10.A nurse is responsible for making an inquiry if there is uncertainty about the accuracy of a physician's medication order in a patient's record. Explain the process a nurse should use to evaluate whether or not to make an inquiry into the accuracy of the physician's medication order.

Like other highly trained professionals, experienced nurses develop a…...



Abrams, N., Buckner, M.D. (1989) Medical Ethics: A Clinical Textbook and Reference for the Health Care Professionals. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press

Caplan, a.L., Engelhardt, H.T., McCartney, J.J. Eds. (1981) Concepts of Health and Disease: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley

Starr, P. (1984) the Social Transformation of American Medicine.

New York: Basic Books

Healthcare Issue in Culturally Diverse Situation
Pages: 8 Words: 2191

Healthcare Case Study Schuylkill County, PA
County Overview - Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania is located in the heart of the anthracite Coal region of Pennsylvania where the Schuylkill iver originates. Pottsville is the county seat, and the county showed a population of just under 150,000 as of 2010 with a density of 190 persons per square mile. The total area of the county is 782 square miles, almost all land, less than 1/2 a per cent water. The county's history, likely due to large coal deposits, focused on the railroad and industrialization (Schuylkill Chamber of Commerce, 2011).

The county experienced the high point of its population during the 1920s and 1930s, and has been losing people ever since, most between 1950 and 1970, with about a 1-2% population loss since the turn of the century. This is likely due to the lack of appropriate jobs and opportunities within the county. Schuylkill County is…...



County Health Statistics - Healthcare 2010. (2009, March). Retrieved from Pennsylvania Department of Health:

Comprehensive Plan. (2010, March). Retrieved from City of Pottsville, PA: 

Election Statistics. (2010, June). Retrieved from Pennsylvania Department of State: 

Schuylkill County. (2010, June). Retrieved from Sperling's Best Places USA:

Health Care Communication Background- Within the Modern
Pages: 4 Words: 1223

Health Care Communication
Background- Within the modern nursing paradigm, there must be a clear link between a health outcome and the process that helps ensure those outcomes. Typically, outcomes are classified in terms of preventability, impact, severity and an overall holistic view of the client's safety issues. Positive behaviors that impact individuals either rescue or protect patients from potential or actual events. This is also part of the issue with modern communication and dissemination of information to patients, stakeholders, and the community (Burns and Grove, 2005).

At the heart of healthcare as an institution is, of course, the need to care for the sick and the injured. However, in the contemporary model of healthcare, effective communication during a crisis is not only important, but also vital. Communication by healthcare professionals takes the concern and worry out of the situation; offers a quicker resolution, makes better control of information possible, earns the trust…...



Alligood, (2002). Nursing Theorists and their Work. Philadelphia: Mosby.

Burns, N. And Grove, S. (2004). The Practice of Nursing Research. St. Louis:


D'Antonio, P., et al., eds., (2007). Nurses Work: Issues Across Time and Place. New York:

Health Care Access Ethical Dilemma Access to
Pages: 2 Words: 672

Health Care Access Ethical Dilemma
Access to health care services is not equitable in the United States. The 15% of Americans without health insurance coverage find it extremely difficult to access health care services (Trotochaud, 2006). This is an injustice that should be addressed. Patients going to rural health care facilities face myriad challenges that are occasioned by stigmatization. Stigmatization of illnesses that patients grapple with occasions ethical conflicts. In the process, patients' right to privacy and confidentiality are often violated. There are practical guidelines that can be used to minimize ethical conflicts. It is imperative that confidentiality and trust be made paramount under circumstances where healthcare professionals deal with patients with stigmatizing illnesses.

A typical example of confidentiality, overlapping relationships and lack of willingness to seek care can be attested to in a situation where a woman working at a local store finds out that her partner is HIV-positive and also…...



Trotochaud, K. (2006). Ethical Issues and Access to Healthcare. Journal of Infusion Nursing,

29(3), 165-170.

Tummala, A. & Roberts, L.W., (2009). Ethics Conflicts in Rural Communities: Stigma and Illness. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England.

Health Care in Marketing
Pages: 2 Words: 631

Healthcare in Marketing (Lasik)
Lasik's Methods in Other Health Care Organizations

Customer profiling is a vastly unexplored marketing method in the health industry. While it has been used to target very specific markets, such as potential consumers of elective surgery, other markets have been largely neglected (arber 2001). The reasons for this are many, but mostly they include difficulties with medical data gathering, and legal issues regarding potential customer profiling.

Despite the above-mentioned difficulties, there are several organizations that can and do benefit from customer profiling. One such entity is the pharmaceutical industry (Winterhalter 2002). Here the customer being profiled is normally the health care professional, rather than the patient. y gathering geo-demographic data as well as customer loyalty information from a group of health professionals, pharmaceutical companies can significantly enhance the effectiveness of their marketing practices. This will further benefit not only the professionals, but also the healthcare consumer, in that pharmaceutical…...



Barber, F.A., R.K. Thomas, M. Huang. "Developing a profile of LASIK surgery customers." Marketing Health Services, Iss. 2, Vol 21. Chicago: Summer 2001.

Business Wire. "New Customer Wins Position Lawson as Dominant Enterprise E-business Solution Provider to Healthcare Industry." New Orleans, 2001.

Winterhalter, K. "Customer profiling in the healthcare industry." Weber Shandwick, 2002.

Can you provide me with some sample essay titles, essay topics, and outline for paper on health informatics?
Words: 570

Health informatics, also known as healthcare informatics or biomedical informatics, refers to a discipline that is a hybrid of science and engineering and involves the application of informatics fields to medicine.  There are number of different topics that fall under the healthcare informatics umbrella, though the creation of electronic health records for patients is probably the most widely used application.   

Essay Titles and Essay topics for Health Informatics

Tallying the Tests: How Monitoring COVID-19 Test Results Has Helped Track the Pandemic in the U.S. and Abroad

Vaccine Records and Privacy Concerns: How Do State....

Can you help me start my paper on Medication Errors?
Words: 195

Sure, I can help you get started on your paper on medication errors. Here's an example of how you can format and structure the introduction:

Title: Addressing Medication Errors: An Examination of Causes, Prevention, and Solutions


I. Background Information
A. Importance of Medication Safety
B. Prevalence and Impact of Medication Errors

II. Definition of Medication Errors
A. Explanation of What Constitutes a Medication Error
B. Different Types of Medication Errors

III. Objectives of the Paper
A. To Identify Common Causes of Medication Errors
B. To Explore Strategies for Preventing Medication Errors
C. To Discuss....

How does AdventHealth ACO impact healthcare quality and metrics?
Words: 620

Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) like AdventHealth aim to improve healthcare quality by enhancing care coordination, reducing unnecessary spending, and focusing on preventative care. Metrics often used to evaluate their impact include patient satisfaction scores, hospital readmission rates, and the management of chronic conditions. ACOs are compared through benchmarks in these areas, cost savings, and quality of care improvements.

Determining the impact of AdventHealth ACO on healthcare quality and metrics requires a deep dive into several factors. Here's a breakdown of key aspects to consider:

Metrics used for evaluation:

  • Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) scores: These standardized measures assess preventive....

Could you suggest some essay topics related to cardiovascular disease on men who exrcise?
Words: 617

1. The Role of Exercise in Preventing Cardiovascular Disease in Men: A Comprehensive Examination

Introduction: Highlight the prevalence and impact of cardiovascular disease (CVD) among men and emphasize the role of exercise as a preventive measure.

Discuss the physiological mechanisms by which exercise improves cardiovascular health, including increased blood flow, improved blood pressure regulation, and enhanced lipid profiles.
Explore the specific types and intensities of exercise that are most effective in reducing CVD risk.
Review evidence from clinical trials and observational studies demonstrating the association between regular exercise and lower incidence of CVD events.

Conclusion: Summarize the key findings supporting the protective....

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