Health Services Administration
Delivery Strategies
Examples of three value-added support strategies for a safe and caring environment
Managers of any nursing home are expected to promote the existence of safety and harmony within the nursing environment. This is possible through the adoption of various strategies targeting its valued-added care activities like bedsides procedures, teaching, vital signs, communication with patient care, and activities of daily living. Some of the strategies that can be adopted in order to bolster safety in the nursing home include:
Adopting diverse communication strategies between the patients and the nurses. The management must ensure that patients and nurses can voice their issues and possible grievances to the relevant authorities without fear of victimization. All stakeholders must be free to communicate with the nursing; this will enhance safety because individuals will be having a sense of freedom when expressing themselves. The best strategy is to promote the anonymous model of raising issues…...
Choucri, N. (2007). Mapping sustainability knowledge e-networking and the value chain. Dordrecht: Springer.
Coddington, D.C., Fischer, E.A., & Moore, K.D. (2001). Strategies for the new health care marketplace: managing the convergence of consumerism and technology. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Ginter, P.M., & Duncan, W.J. (2013). Strategic management of health care organizations (7th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Internship at NYU
At the NYU Langone Medical Center where I interned for 15 weeks from September 19th, 2016, to December 31st, 2016, I undertook several duties. While these duties varied and introduced me to a number of different activities connected to the internship process, the work environment at the medical center, laws that pertain to volunteering and more, my overall experience provided me with insight not only of the responsibilities of an intern at the Langone center but also of complexities faced by such an institution. This paper will provide an assessment and reflection on my internship at Langone and what I learned.
The NYU Langone Medical Center
The stated mission of the NYU Langone Medical Center is "to serve, teach, and discover" (Our Leadership, 2015). The Langone center is a non-profit organization that provides patient care, education and research pertaining to several aspects of the medical health field. Located in New…...
These competitors include the two large hospitals in the region, several freestanding physician-owned centers offering urgent care, ambulatory surgical services and imaging as well as the small psychiatric care facility which offers inpatient drug and alcohol detoxification and rehabilitation. The university hospital which is 75 miles distant of MacMillan is also a stakeholder since they receive complex cases which are referred from MacMillan Hospital. They hospital-based physicians who MacMillan has contracts with are also stakeholders in this case. These physicians provide anesthesiology, emergency medicine, cardiology, medical imaging (radiology), and clinical and anatomical laboratory services. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health-Care Organizations which has numerously accredited MacMillan Hospital is also a stakeholder. The status provided by this commission helps MacMillan receive reimbursement for Medicare and Medicaid patients who account for a third of admissions at the hospital. The 21-member board of trustees who are trustees of the trust which…...
Veterans experience a variety of mental health problems, including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, aggression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia (Wooten, 2015). More specifically, statistics indicate that up to 50% of veterans experience PTSD (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2013). These problems often stem from exposure to combat. Mental health problems among veteran are further compounded by other problems such as financial difficulties, joblessness, marriage problems, social isolation, and homelessness (Smith et al., 2017). These problems are major risk factors for suicide and substance abuse. Indeed, approximately 22 veterans commit suicide every day (American Public Health Association [APHA], 2014). This paper focuses on this social justice problem, specifically highlighting the oppression faced by veterans with regards to access to mental healthcare, the ethical dilemmas associated with the problem, and policies enacted to address the problem.
For Veterans, access to mental healthcare remains a major challenge, with veterans in rural areas as well…...
Bright Well Mental Health Service Inc.
(Establishing Fictitious Mental health care center)
Company Background
BrightWell mental health service Inc. is focused on providing health care facility to individuals of all ages. Their mental health service program is comprehensively designed to cater the needs of children, adolescent, adults and people of old age. The mental health services are not just limited to the psychological and emotional well-being of the individuals but BrightWell mental health service Inc. also provides substance abuse and chemical dependency (alcohol and drugs) services to adults.
The company has been in operation since January 1990, based its head quarters in New York, USA. It has aimed to provide mental health service throughout United States and also consultancy and medical care through its medical camps in developing countries of East Africa and Asian countries like Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey and Tajikistan.
Establishing BrightWell Mental Health Service Inc. On 501(c)(3) Clause of IRS
Basically, building and preserving these relationships can be tough, given divergent institutional priorities, ethnicities, and anticipations and absence of a shared perspective. Members of a compact countryside neighborhood tend to be focused on a number of institutions that carry opposing priorities. Countryside institutions could also deal with restricted chances to partnerships, based on their general public health objectives and institutional priorities. Of further significance is the fact that developing relationships amid local health divisions (LHDs), neighborhood health facilities, health agencies, workplaces of countryside health, medical centers, non-profit institutions, as well as the private marketplace is important to meet the requirements of countryside neighborhoods. Efficient local relationships create the place for properly-synchronized tactical preparation that both enhances resources and motivates innovative methods to consistent general public health issues. By combining knowledge, money, and employees time, partners located in rural towns can determine common interests, rise above common problems, and build extensive…...
Determinants of Health elated to Chronic Disease Management of Elderly in Canada
It is agreeable that the health of Canada's population is well, particularly in contrast to various developed economies. However, the prevention and management of chronic diseases among the elderly present the greatest challenge to Canada's health care system. Today, the seniors have a tendency to living longer as they are healthier and economically better off compared to the previous generations. However, as they age, studies reveal that the elderly suffer increasingly from chronic diseases that exert extra burdens on the country's healthcare system. Canada's elderly populations are highly prone to poverty and have the greatest demands for community, home and acute care services (Belanger, Gosselin Valois & Abdous, 2014). Lack of government support and the shortage of home care nurses imply that most of the seniors are confronting health challenges of aging. As a result, the only health care…...
Belanger, D. Gosselin P, Valois P, & Abdous B. et al. (2014). Perceived Adverse Health Effects of Heat and Their Determinants in Deprived Neighborhoods: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Nine Cities in Canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 11, Issue 11, pp. 11028-11053
Bradley-Springer, L. (2012). The social determinants of health. The Journal of the Association of Nurses in Aids Care: Janac, 23, 3.)
Cott, C. A., Gignac, M. A. M & Badley, E. M. (1999). Determinants of Self Rated Health for Canadians with Chronic Disease and Disability. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (1979-). Vol. 53, No. 11: 731-736
Kralik, D., Paterson, B. L., & Coates, V. E. (2010). Translating chronic illness research into practice. Chichester, Toronto: Wiley-Blackwell.
Property and buildings are upfront, whereas equipment that will need replacing or upgrading every several years is ongoing, and most departments are likely to have certain ongoing capital expenses. The acquisition of upfront capital resources should be made through an outside agent capable of sourcing and negotiating the best deal in the given market, while the ongoing capital needs of various departments should be reassessed annually and contracts should be reviewed and shopped just as often (Chernichovsky & Hanson 2009; Carrin et al. 2009). This will ensure ongoing efficiency in capital resources.
Human esources
The recruitment and retention of human resources is very different then the acquisition and allocation of other resources, though operational needs and financial constraints are still highly influential, of course. Proper balances in compensation for human resources will need to be struck such that the organization is able to provide all necessary services and maintain complete functionality…...
Chernichovsky, D. & Hanson, K. (2009). Innovations in Health System Finance in Developing and Transitional Economies. New York: Emerald Group.
Carrin, G.; Buse, K.; Heggenhougen, K. & Quah, S. (2009). Health Systems Policy, Finance, and Organization. San Diego, CA: Elsevier.
ising Cost of Medical Malpractice: The Impact of Medical Insurance on Patients and Physicians
The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which rising medical malpractice premiums have affected the quality care provided by physicians. esearch suggests that a majority of specialty practitioners are pulling out of practice because of rapidly rising medical insurance premiums. A majority of physicians are unable to pay premiums that are rising upwards of 43% on average per year. esearch has suggested that the recent crisis is due to a number of factors, including a recessive economy and excessive jury awards in recent claims. The solution lies not solely in legislative measures that entail caps on punitive damages, but rather more intensive examination of the cause of such premium increases and examination of more alternative solutions. This study aims at examining the causes and consequences of rising premiums, and examination of proposed solutions…...
Bloche, Gregg. (2002). "Trust and Betrayal in the Medical marketplace." Stanford Law Review, Vol. 55, 2002.
Boulard, Garry. "The Doctors' Big Squeeze: Huge Increases in Medical Malpractice Insurance Rates Are Driving Doctors out of Business. What's the Answer?" State Legislatures, Vol. 28, December 2002.
Broder, Ivy E. (1986). "Characteristics of Million Dollar Awards: Jury Verdicts and Final Disbursements," 11 Justice System Journal, 349.
Choi, Seungmook; Hardigree, Don. "The Property / Liability Insurance Cycle: A Comparison of Alternative Models." Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 68, 2002.
How the DOE Used the Acquisition Process to Demolish a Contaminated Building Today, many organizations lack the resources to engage in a formal acquisition process while others rely on acquisitions processes that are specially designed for a specific project. In either case, these organizations may fail to achieve optimal outcomes due to these types of approaches to the acquisition process. One organization that has recognized the importance of using a formal, standardized acquisition process in the U.S. Department of Energy which oversees dozens of major projects each year. The purpose of this paper is to provide a detailed review of a major program that has been managed, via the acquisition process, over the past decade, by the Department of Energy at the Y-12 National Security Complex. A description of the demolition project is followed by a discussion concerning the acquisition process that was used to guide the process. Finally, a summary…...
4% per year for the entire projection period." (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid ervices. 2009).
ources of Funds
The current funding climate on "health spending is fairly evenly split between the private and public sectors, with private health spending accounting for 54% of total health spending in 2007" (Kaiser Family Foundation. March 2009). Taken in totality, health insurance accounts for 71% of all funding sources with a categorical breakdown of: private health insurance at 32% of total spending, Medicare, 20%, Medicaid 15%, and other government programs four percent. Additionally 12% of funds flow from out-of-pocket programs, while other third party and investment programs account for 13%" (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid ervices. 2009).
pecifically, hospital care receives its 759.1 billion of spend from 24.4 billion of out-of-pocket expenses, and 669.3 billion of health insurance payments, of which private plans accounted for 265.9 billion, Medicare 220.4 billion, Medicaid 136.1 billion, and other insurance programs…...
mlaSpecifically, hospital care receives its 759.1 billion of spend from 24.4 billion of out-of-pocket expenses, and 669.3 billion of health insurance payments, of which private plans accounted for 265.9 billion, Medicare 220.4 billion, Medicaid 136.1 billion, and other insurance programs 47 billion; other third parties accounted for 65.3 billion in spending. Physician and clinical services respectively spent 505.9 billion in 2009 with funding sources of: 47.9 billion out-of-pocket, and 407.3 billion in health insurance, of which 237.7 billion was private insurance, Medicare of 109.4 billion, Medicaid of 39.9 billion, and other insurance programs 20.3 billion; other third parties accounted for 50.6 billion. (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. 2009).
Health Expenditure Trends
The trends in health care spending for hospital care and physician and clinical services have risen in lockstep over the last decades, and are projected to continue their upward trajectory through the coming projected period 2009-2019. Specifically, hospital care has demonstrated a total increase of 27.2 billion dollars spent in 1970 to 759.1
These individuals will then be able to seek some aspects of care and reimbursement through these qualifying federal services, and allow the IHS to bill federal programs to offset its own billing costs and to ensure the elimination of redundancy. These programs supplement the provision of care for American Indians and Alaska Natives and reduce the funding burden on limited funds directed to the IHS. These federal programs, also assist those who qualify in receiving care in areas where IHS services are not traditionally located, off reservation and possibly even in urban and/or rural areas without IHS services and programs.
Stakeholders in the programs are of course the IHS itself, all those American Indians and Native Alaskans who are covered by its services or could be covered for services, and the 557 Indian Nations in the 35 states they are affiliated with. Secondary shareholders are all the supplemental federal agencies…...
About IHS (2008) Retrieved December 5, 2008
Coward, R.T., Davis, L.A., Gold, C.H., Smiciklas-Wright, H., Thorndyke, L.E., & Vondracek, F.W. (Eds.). (2006). Rural Women's Health: Mental, Behavioral, and Physical Issues. New York: Springer.
French, L.A. (2000). Addictions and Native Americans. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
IHS homepage (2008) Retrieved December 5, 2008
Even then, social services were largely extended to those citizens who were most vulnerable, like the unemployed, elderly, and young. Today, the idea that someone can be working, middle-class, yet still not have adequate access to affordable health insurance is likely to suggest to many Americans that the individual is at fault, not that the system itself is at fault.
Horror stories about people taken advantage of by their insurance companies when the companies refuse to cover treatment deemed medically necessary by the patient's doctors, and the spiraling costs of health care may increase support for a single-payer system. But it may require health care crisis to escalate still further, and to reach catastrophic conditions, for Americans to overcome their innate resistance to the idea that everyone is entitled to basic health care, not simply the poor, elderly, disabled, and…...
Healthcare Financial Management
To quote Jonathan Clark at the beginning of his article, "Improving the revenue cycle can be a daunting task due to the scope and complexity of the interdepartmental process." Of the suggestions offered by the authors, which concept(s) give you the greatest insight into creating an improved evenue Cycle process in the organization where you work (or one in which you are familiar)? Be sure to identify which article or author you are referencing.
In his comprehensive advisory article to improve the medical industry's revenue capturing capabilities, entitled Strengthening the evenue Cycle: A 4-Step Method for Optimizing Payment, Jonathan Clark provides a series of sensible solutions to the ongoing dilemma of payment optimization. David Hammer also provides guidance to healthcare finance professional in his article The Next Generation of evenue Cycle Management, by reminding them that the key performance indicators (KPIs) which dictated policy in previous years have been…...
Clark, J. (2008). Strengthening the revenue cycle: a 4-step method for optimizing payment. Healthcare Financial Management, 62(10), 44.
Hammer, D.C. (2007). The next generation of revenue cycle management. Healthcare Financial Management, 61(7), 49.
Seddon, J. (2008). Think system. Management Services, 52(2), 10.
Wilson, D.B. et al. (2004). 3 steps to profitable managed care contracts. Healthcare Financial Management, 58(5), 34.
Healthcare Case Study Schuylkill County, PA
County Overview - Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania is located in the heart of the anthracite Coal region of Pennsylvania where the Schuylkill iver originates. Pottsville is the county seat, and the county showed a population of just under 150,000 as of 2010 with a density of 190 persons per square mile. The total area of the county is 782 square miles, almost all land, less than 1/2 a per cent water. The county's history, likely due to large coal deposits, focused on the railroad and industrialization (Schuylkill Chamber of Commerce, 2011).
The county experienced the high point of its population during the 1920s and 1930s, and has been losing people ever since, most between 1950 and 1970, with about a 1-2% population loss since the turn of the century. This is likely due to the lack of appropriate jobs and opportunities within the county. Schuylkill County is…...
County Health Statistics - Healthcare 2010. (2009, March). Retrieved from Pennsylvania Department of Health:
Comprehensive Plan. (2010, March). Retrieved from City of Pottsville, PA:
Election Statistics. (2010, June). Retrieved from Pennsylvania Department of State:
Schuylkill County. (2010, June). Retrieved from Sperling's Best Places USA:
It is difficult to address the issue of lack of mental health funding for first responders without first acknowledging the general lack of appropriate thoughts about mental health. While physical illness is treated as a legitimate illness and self-care to help avoid that illness is supported, mental illness is oftentimes still treated like a character defect. People who seek assistance for mental health not only have to face a lack of funding, but often have to worry about whether the stigma that attaches to seeking such help will work against them in their future professional lives. For....
Trauma refers to any deeply distressing or disturbing event. Trauma takes many shapes, from intentional abuse to unavoidable traumas like the death of a loved one. Trauma can have long-lasting effects including impacts on both physical health and mental health. Because of the differences in personality acquisition and perceived and real differences in helplessness and power, one might anticipate that trauma would impact children differently than it impacts young people.
For example, children who experience trauma are more likely to experience learning problems. Kids experiencing trauma may have lower grades and behavior problems in....
1. The impact of deinstitutionalization on mental health care access and quality
2. Examining the role of community-based treatment in reducing stigma around mental illness
3. The challenges of transitioning patients from institutional care to community-based services
4. The financial implications of deinstitutionalization on mental health care systems
5. Exploring the ethical considerations of deinstitutionalization and patient autonomy
6. The effectiveness of deinstitutionalization in promoting recovery and rehabilitation for individuals with mental illness
7. The potential risks and benefits of deinstitutionalization for vulnerable populations, such as the homeless or those with severe mental illness
8. The role of family support and....
Topic 1: The Geopolitics of Resistance: Understanding the Regional and Global Implications of Ukraine's Defiance
The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict has reverberated across the globe, highlighting the complex interplay between geopolitics, nationalism, and international relations. Ukraine's unwavering resistance against Russian aggression has tested the limits of power and diplomacy, with profound consequences for the region and the world. This essay will delve into the geopolitical implications of Ukraine's defiance, examining its impact on regional alliances, global security dynamics, and the future of the post-Cold War order.
1. Reshaping Regional Alliances:
Ukraine's resistance has strengthened ties between Western nations, solidifying NATO as a united front....
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