Health isk Behaviors
Drug and Alcohol use
Drug and Alcohol Use among Teenagers and Adults between the ages of 18-25
The Issue of Drug Abuse in Youth
Parental ole and Drug Abuse in Adolescents
Adolescent age 7
Parental denial
Suggestion to reduce Drug Abuse in Teenagers
Drug and Alcohol Use among Teenagers and Adults between the ages of 18-25
Although there have been many significant achievements in drug abuse prevention over the past few decades, drug use among youth continues to be a leading health risk. Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use have had an extraordinary impact on morbidity and mortality of youth. The cost of negative outcomes attributed to adolescent drug use affects nearly half a million individuals annually (Peterson, 2010). Economic costs of the use of alcohol tobacco and other drugs by youth were estimated to reach $484 billion in 2004 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2004). In the current essay the author will discuss problem…...
Adamson, S.J., Sellman, J.D., & Dore, G.M.( 2005 ) Therapy preference and treatment outcome in clients with mild to moderate alcohol dependence. Drug and Alcohol Review, 24(3),. 209-216.
Balloon, B., Kirst, M., & Smith, P.(2006) Youth help-seeking expectancies and their relation to help-seeking behaviours for substance use problems. Addiction Research and Theory, 12(3), 241-260.
Bernice Young, 2011 Drug use highest among American Indian teens, lower among blacks published online in November 2011 Accessed 11 November, 2011
Bottlender, M., & Soyka, M.(2005) Outpatient alcoholism treatment: Predictors of outcome after 3 years. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 80(1), 83-89.
The presence of violence is one of the most dangerous behaviors associated with substance abuse particularly with alcoholism for the reason that it is a behavior that can cause significant injuries or fatality associated with substance abuse consequences. Substance abuse is a psychological and mental morbidity as a form of another issue for the fact that it signifies maladaptive behaviors that are not usual for a normal person. These are the main issues that are addressed for the reason that these symptoms should be given the consideration to be treated in the most convenient way to improve the client's wellness upon providing interventions as indicated by Brenston (2009).
Some basic life skills that will be helpful for substance abusers are the ability to create therapeutic environment such as providing the patient with a calm environment that will decrease their level of aggressive and agitative behaviors. Establishing rapport is one of…...
ACDE (American Council for Drug Education) (2011). Basic facts about drugs: Alcohol. Available:
Brenston, Alfred (2009). Importance of counseling. Phoenix: Fox press.
Boston, Randy (2011). Effects of alcohol in the body. Available: .
Delton, Hilda (2009). Implications of Substance Abuse Patterns. Dallas: Lance and Rogers.
Medicine: health Risks increase in relative proportion to body weight
Executive Review
The objective of this paper is to provide a two page narrative concentrating upon illustrating a viable understanding of the deteriorative significance of the contemporaneous prevalence of obesity and overweight as two of more prolific health hazards within the U.S. It has 8 sources.
In spite of the significance and instrumentality of the exceptional degree of development and advancement that has been attained within the technologically oriented world that we contemporarily survive and interact within, health risks and disorders continue to emerge and spread rather prolifically.
Even more noteworthy, moreover, is the fact that, while the collective field of medicine does indeed address the rising problems quite effectually, a majority of the newly emerging crucial health disorders appear to be, for the larger part, avoidable disorders that are brought about as a result of self-inducement.
The current prevalence of eight related disorders…...
mlaWhile the prevalently subscribed rate of weight loss, conforming to ostensible safety, revolves around 1/2 to 1 kg a week (Daum, 1997), there are some that assert the effectuality of losing only 1/2 kg a month (Barlow & Dietz, 1998).
Steps to be taken & assessment criteria
In regard to countermeasures to be taken against the onset of obesity it is especially important to keep in mind the fact that it
According to Summers, the English suffragists perceived the obvious connection between the straining of the female body and the impossibility of social or political emancipation: "English suffragists and dress reformers also recognized that the body, its clothing, and emancipation were inextricably linked."(Summers, 146) the corset was thus the first piece of clothing to be condemned by dress reformers of the late nineteenth century.
If the actual health risks of wearing a corset are hard to delimit properly, it is certain that the tight-lacing lessened the woman's vitality and their ability to be active in any way. The Victorians emphasized thus the women's liability, their physical weakness and their low vitality as sings of definite and perfect femaleness. The corset outlined more than anything the feminine shape, rendering it even more contrasting to the male body, thus highlighting the typical gender attributes for weakness, meek behavior and demureness. The breathing difficulties…...
mlaWorks Cited
Klingerman, Katherine Marie. "Binding Femininity: An Examination of the Effects of Tight-Lacing on the Female Pelvis.
Kunzle, David. Fashion and Fetishism. New York: Sutton, 2005.
Steele, Valerie and Colleen Gau. "Corset." Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion. Ed. Valerie Steele. Vol. 1. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2005.
Summers, Leigh. Bound to Please: A History of the Victorian Corset. New York: Berg, 2001.
Workforce Health isks
Usage of Asbestos
Asbestos: A Long-Term Process
isks of Asbestos
Lung Cancer
Pulmonary Hypertension
Effects on Your Heart
Best Way to Communicate with Public
Ways to make people secure
Prevent Inhaling Asbestos
Measures to educe the Effects of Already Exposed Asbestos
Methods to Keep Premises Secure
With increased awareness and technological advancement across the globe, workforce rights have gained significant importance. All the companies have become conscious about providing rights to their workforce because of their increased importance for the company's growth and progress. Labor rights have gained significance in the law of every country. It refers to all claimed set of legal rights that are guaranteed by labor and employment law. It has become a necessary part of the constitutions of all the countries across the globe (Cleveland, 1998). These rights have multiple forms like compensation and benefits, salary of the workforce, pension, gratuity, rewards, perks and…...
Barry S. Levy, V.W.S., 2006. Social Injustice and Public Health. New York: Oxford University Press.
Carrington, P.D., 2007. Asbestos Lessons: The Consequences of Asbestos Litigation. The Review of Litigation, pp. 33-45.
Cleveland, S.H., 1998. Global Labor Rights and the Alien Tort Claims Act. Texas Law Review, 76(6), pp. 22-33.
LaDou, J., 2004. The Asbestos Cancer Epidemic. Environmental Health Perspectives, 112(3), pp. 23-39.
Health of Indigenous Australian Using Ecological and Holistic Health Paradigm
Patterns of health and illness
Physical Health
Mental Health
Spiritual Health
Social Health
Impact of Broader Environments
Critical eflection
Health is a basic component of human life that comprises of multiple facets. The description of health has witnessed dramatic change during past few years, as it has become a holistic phenomenon. Previously, it was considered that a healthy person is the one who does not suffer from any ailment or illness. However in recent times, the physical, psychological and communal aspects of human life have been amalgamated to give a broader perspective to human health which is identical to the concept of indigenous communities (Hjelm, 2010).
Numerous organizations are working extensively for providing adequate health care to the world population since many decades. However, it is appalling to notice that discrimination on social, economic and political grounds has coerced indigenous populations to languish in poor health conditions in regions…...
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2012, Australia's health 2012, AIHW, Australia.
Biddle, N & Yap, M 2010, Demographic and Socioeconomic Outcomes Across the Indigenous Australian Lifecourse: Evidence from the 2006 Census, ANU E. Press, Australia.
Caltabiano, ML & Ricciardelli, L 2012, Applied Topics in Health Psychology, John Wiley & Sons, Great Britain.
Carson, B, Dunbar, T & Chenhall, RD 2007, Social Determinants of Indigenous Health, Allen & Unwin, Singapore.
Furthermore, and despite its popularity as a tourist destination because of its natural beauty, the Appalachians are not a sterile environment by any means and the people who live there have higher risks for certain types of conditions than their counterparts elsewhere. According to Bauer and Growick (2003), "Americans who live in Appalachia experience unique and different ways of life than most Americans. Appalachian culture runs from the bottom half of the State of New York through the mountains of West Virginia and Southeast Ohio to the flatlands of Alabama. This area of the country offers different perspectives and challenges to life. Because of the geographical vastness and uniqueness of the Appalachian culture, many people with disabilities who live in Appalachia are unable to access rehabilitative services and agencies" (emphasis added) (p. 18).
Likewise, many rural residents throughout Appalachia may have septic tanks and will lack access to other city-provided…...
Anguiano, R.P., & Harrison, S.M. (2002). Teaching cultural diversity to college students majoring in helping professions: The use of an eco-strengths perspective. College Student Journal, 36(1), 152.
Barrett, E., Hackler, R., Highfill, K.A., Huang, P., Jiang, X., Monti, M.M., & Peipins, Lucy. (2002). A Norwalk-like virus outbreak on the Appalachian Trail. Journal of Environmental Health, 64(9), 18.
Bauer, W., & Growick, B.M. (2003). Rehabilitation counseling in Appalachian America. The Journal of Rehabilitation, 69(3), 18.
Brown, J.W., & May, B.A. (2005, April). Rural Appalachian women's formal patterns of care. Southern Online Journal of Nursing Research, (2)6, 1-21.
" ("Let My Baby Live..." NP) Other messages of the campaign were to stress the need to avoid high risk pregnancy, prior to age 18 or after age 35 and to stagger pregnancies by two years to help the maternal body recover and be strong enough to care for the developing infant and go through labor successfully. The campaign, promoting these ideas states that it has been successful in reaching its goals, and has currently reached 66% of the population in the regions where the campaign was launched. ("Let My Baby Live..." NP) There is not mention as to whether the campaign will end, or be expanded to a broader audience in Turkey.
Turkey's example program could serve as a template for other health issues that need to be expressed to the public in Turkey and in other nations with challenged health care delivery infrastructures and limited public knowledge of needed…...
mlaWorks Cited
Brennan, Teresa. Globalization and Its Terrors. London: Routledge, 2003.
Kaul, Chandrika, and Valerie Tomaselli-Moschovitis, eds. Statistical Handbook on Poverty in the Developing World. Phoenix: Oryx Press, 1999.
Weiker, Walter F. The Modernization of Turkey: From Ataturk to the Present Day. New York: Holmes & Meier Publishers, 1981.
E-Health Project in Turkey" International Telecommunications Network Website Retrieved November 15, 2007 at
Health Care oles in Communication
Communication is a fundamental piece of health care education and has been shown to improve health outcomes, patient compliance, and patient satisfaction. Quality health care emphasizes knowledge and utilization of communication skills. Health care professionals often express anxiety and lack of confidence and are deficient in a creating a situations that are conducive to open and candid communication with patients (Kameg et. al., 2009).
Effective communication involves gathering information, establishing a relationship or connection with a patient, and supporting the person through words and other non-verbal forms of interactions. Effective communication involves not only the interactions between the staff and the patient but also the interactions between staff and the interactions between the staff in front of the patient. Many times the high demand for services in a health care facility cause the staff to overlook the importance of good communication skills and enables situations to arise…...
Beer, J.E. (2003). Nonverbal Communication: Communicating across cultures. Cultures at work. Retrieved May 29, 2011 from
Coiera, E. (2006, May). Communication systems in healthcarre. Clinical Biochemist Reviews. nursing.Vol. 27, Issue 2, 89-98. Retrieved May 28, 2011 from
Gamble, T.K. & Gamble, M. (2006). Communication works. Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill.
Health Communication. (2010). Health communication. Healthy people 2010: Objectives for improving reproductive health. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Retrieved May 29, 2011 from
Healthcare Case Study Schuylkill County, PA
County Overview - Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania is located in the heart of the anthracite Coal region of Pennsylvania where the Schuylkill iver originates. Pottsville is the county seat, and the county showed a population of just under 150,000 as of 2010 with a density of 190 persons per square mile. The total area of the county is 782 square miles, almost all land, less than 1/2 a per cent water. The county's history, likely due to large coal deposits, focused on the railroad and industrialization (Schuylkill Chamber of Commerce, 2011).
The county experienced the high point of its population during the 1920s and 1930s, and has been losing people ever since, most between 1950 and 1970, with about a 1-2% population loss since the turn of the century. This is likely due to the lack of appropriate jobs and opportunities within the county. Schuylkill County is…...
County Health Statistics - Healthcare 2010. (2009, March). Retrieved from Pennsylvania Department of Health:
Comprehensive Plan. (2010, March). Retrieved from City of Pottsville, PA:
Election Statistics. (2010, June). Retrieved from Pennsylvania Department of State:
Schuylkill County. (2010, June). Retrieved from Sperling's Best Places USA:
"Studies of the relationship between managed care penetration in the health care market and expenditures for Medicare fee-for-service enrollees have demonstrated the existence of these types of spill over effects" (Bundorf et al., 2004).
Managed care organizations generate these types of spillover effects by increasing competition in the health care market, altering the arrangement of the health care delivery system, and altering physician practice patterns. Studies have found that higher levels of managed care infiltration are linked with lower rates of hospital cost inflation and lower physician fees are consistent with competitive effects. "Other studies demonstrate the impact of managed care on delivery system structure including hospital capacity, hospital admission patterns, the size and composition of the physician workforce and the adoption and use of medical equipment and technologies. More recent evidence has linked market-level managed care activity to the process, but not the outcomes of care" (Bundorf et al.,…...
Altman, D.E. And L. Levin. (2005). The Sad History of Health Care Cost Containment as
Told by One Client. Health Affairs, 24(1).
Bodenheimer, T. (2005). High and rising health care costs. part 1: Seeking an explanation.
Annals of Internal Medicine, 142(10), 847-54.
Oily fish contains a particularly important EFA, which provides protection against heart disease. It can also help prevent osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, cyclic breast pain, skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis and help the development of the baby's brain during pregnancy. Another important EFA is found in oily nuts such as almonds, walnuts and razil nuts, which counteracts deposits of harmful cholesterol. Some recent research suggests that EFA's can improve your mood, prevent inflammation, water retention and can help weight loss. Monounsaturated fat remains liquid at room temperature, olive oil being the best known source. it's also found in grape seed oil, avocados and some spreads. Olive oil is rich in fat-soluble vitamin sAD. E and K, vital antioxidants that help to prevent cancer, arthritis and heart disease.
Different people require a different number of calories to lose weight and maintain health, which is dictated by their build, level…...
Controlling the global obesity epidemic. Retrieved November 24, 2004 from WHO. Web site:
How to Pick a Nutritional Plan. Retrieved November 21, 2004 from PDR Health. Web site:
Koop, C. (2000) Retrieved from American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 72, No. 2. Web site:
Preventing Childhood Obesity. RWJF President and CEO Reflects on Institute of Medicine Action Plan. Retrieved November 22, 2004 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Web site:
The article states, "The enormous human and economic costs associated with occupational stress suggest that initiatives designed to prevent and/or reduce employee stress should be high on the agenda of workplace health promotion (HP) programs" (Noblet, LaMontagne, 2006, p. 346).
Along with the article's assertion that reducing employee stress should be beneficial to both the individual and the company, the article also documents the many problems that can occur due to stress in the workplace. The article espouses, "For employees, chronic exposure to stressful situations such as work overload, poor supervisory support and low input into decision-making have been cross-sectionally and prospectively linked to a range of debilitating health outcomes, including depression, anxiety, emotional exhaustion, immune deficiency disorders and cardiovascular disease" (Noblet, p. 347). Many of these illnesses are debilitating and can be long-term which adds to the company's cost due to employee absence(s) directly affecting the company's bottom line.
mlaWorks Cited
Aldana, S.G., Merrill, R.M., Price, K., Hardy, a. And Hager, R. (2005) Financial impact of a comprehensive multisite workplace health promotion program, Preventive Medicine, 40, 131-137.
Downey, a.M., Sharp, D.J., (2007) Why do managers allocate resources to workplace health promotion programmes in countries with national health coverage?, Health Promotion International, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 102-111
Musich, S.A., Adams, L. And Edington, D.W. (2000) Effectiveness of health promotion programs in moderating medical costs in the U.S.A., Health Promotion International, 15, 5-15
Ozminkowski, R., Ling, D., Goetzel, R., Bruno, J., Rutter, K., Isaac, F. et al. (2002) Long-term impact of Johnson & Johnson's health & wellness program on health care utilization and expenditures. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 44, 21-29.
Healthcae Regulation Reseach
Regulation is a key aspect in the health cae industy. Regulation is necessay to safeguad the public inteest. In paticula, egulation in the health cae industy is all the moe significant as it diectly impacts the life and health of consumes (Field, 2006). The vaious egulatoy institutions implement health cae egulations to safeguad the geneal public fom vaious health isks and augment public health and well-being. Health cae egulations and standads ae impeative and fundamental to make cetain that thee is compliance and to povide safe health cae to evey peson that has accessibility to the healthcae system. They ae established and executed at the local, fedeal and state levels (Field, 2006).
Selected Health Cae Regulation
The selected health cae egulation is the HIPAA Pivacy Rule. The HIPAA Pivacy Rule was allotted by the United States Depatment of Health and Human Sevices to limit the usage and disclosue of pesonally…...
Pritts, J. (2008). The importance and value of protecting the privacy of health information: Roles of HIPAA Privacy Rule and the Common Rule in health research. National Academies.
Health and Safety Legislation in elation to Employee Protection for Accidents at Work
Every individual within a workplace environment has the legal rights to protection against any work related risk, which may arise on the course of duty performance. Generally, the employees' health and safety legislation impose a range of duties to both employers and employees. The employees' health and safety guides apply to the self-employed as well as the diverse categories of employees such as manufacturers, designers, and suppliers. In different states, the legislation expresses a wide-based duty guideline within the Health and Safety at Work Acts. These regulations or acts are further spelt out in details within the subsidiary regulations, including those dealing with health and safety management, accident and/or risk management (Johnson & Geraldine, 2013, p. 57), as well as other emerging issues specific to health and safety of employees at work. This paper aims at providing an…...
Chamberlin, K.W., Cottle, M. & Neville, R. (2007).Responsibilities in notifying accidents to the health and safety authorities.Health and Safety Management, 4(3), 67-78.
Hansson, P. (2008). Employment laws and employee accident claims. Employment, Safety and Health, 14(5), 27-42.
Johnson, W.B. & Geraldine, C.K. (2013).The management of health, safety and welfare of employees at work.Employment Rights and Conditions, 3(1), 56-68.
Occupational Health and Safety Act (2000).Workplace injuries management and workers compensation.Journal of Employees' Safety and Health, 73(4), 78-97.
Since we do not know what you have put in your first page, it is a little difficult to tell you where to start on your second page. What we are going to do is go over some of the negative effects of gentrification and give you some links to find more information about those negative effects. Hopefully, this will help you get over your writer’s block and get past page two.
At first glance, gentrification may seem like a positive. After all, gentrification means an upward trend economically for a historically economically disadvantaged neighborhood. However, long-term residents....
Infection may be the biggest health risk for people who have wounds, making wound care critical to ensuring a positive patient outcome. Wound care not only improves mortality but can also impact social and physical expectations for a patient, which means that appropriate wound care can be one of the biggest issues impacting doctors or nurses who deal with any type of injury. However, wound care focuses substantially on infection control, because infections present the greatest long-term hazards from wounds.
Generally, wound care is broken down into four or five basic steps. Those....
Counseling people who have AIDS or are at high risk for acquiring HIV can present several ethical issues for healthcare providers. While client care must remain the priority in any counseling relationship, it is important to acknowledge that a client who has AIDS, is HIV+, or is at high risk of acquiring HIV may present a health risk to their current or future sexual partners. In addition, other high-risk behaviors, such as needle-sharing, present a community risk.
The first step in writing an essay on this topic is recognizing the various ethical issues....
1. The Role of Plants in the Earth's Ecosystem
Discuss the significance of plants in producing oxygen through photosynthesis and absorbing carbon dioxide, thus maintaining the balance of atmospheric gases.
Explore the role of plants in nutrient cycling, soil conservation, and providing habitat and food for wildlife.
Analyze the impact of human activities, such as deforestation and pollution, on plant communities and ecosystem health.
2. Plant Adaptations to Diverse Environments
Describe the various adaptations that plants have evolved to survive in different habitats, including deserts, rainforests, and aquatic environments.
Discuss how plant structures, such as leaf morphology, root systems, and reproductive....
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