Health Problem Essays (Examples)

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Dealing With Migrant Health Problem Through the Kingdon Model Framework
Pages: 2 Words: 678

Migrants' Health Problem and the Kingdon Model Framework
Migrants and other transient and underserved groups confront similar health problems as other disadvantaged groups, like the poor and new immigrants (MCN, 2014). Their health conditions proceed from food shortage or improper nutrition, infection, poor hygiene and an overall lack of resources. Their low income and dissimilarity with the culture are made worse by their migratory status and the health risks and other risks that accompany their unstable situation. They and their dependents are subjected to frequent and serious health risks more than the general American population. Their situation has not been adequately addressed because of the lack of sufficient adequate studies. Existing knowledge has mostly been gathered and formed from self-reporting efforts and recall of the migrants on their illnesses. Most of these self-reported recollections centered on social barriers, which stand on the way of the delivery of health care to them…...



Kubiak, S.M. et al. (2005). It's not a gap, it's a gulf. Vol. 1 # 2, Best Practices in Mental Health:

Lyceum Books, Inc.

Unti, R.A.G. (2015). Public health advocacy. Oxford Bibliographies. Retrieved on July 31,

2015 from

Alternatives to the Migrant Health Problem
Pages: 4 Words: 1659

Policy Options and Alternatives of the Migrant Health Problem
Though immigrants and families experience the very same health issues as the rest of the population, many factors such as: poverty, migrancy, occupational hazards, inferior living conditions, and cultural and linguistic barriers faced by these individuals lead to development of unique health issues. As a consequence, the average migrant life expectancy is 49 years, a low figure compared to the country average (75 years) (Cunningham, 2006).

Description of existing policy gaps

There are several barriers to receiving Medicaid coverage that are faced by migrants. While some issues impact low-income groups in general, several issues are inflamed by migrant characteristics, such as their unstable incomes, migratory patterns and immigrant status.

Many migrants aren't entitled to receive Medicaid coverage. One of the significant obstacles is that states, under the existing law, cannot provide low-income, non-disabled adults, who don't have any dependent children, with Medicaid coverage. Moreover, immigrants…...



California Primary Care Association, (2002). Policy Options Related to the Medicaid Portability for Migrant Farmworkers Project, Sacramento, CA.

Cunningham, P. (2006). What Accounts for Differences in the Use of Hospital Emergency Departments in Communities Across the United States? Health Affairs web exclusive, July 18.

Hansen, E. & Donohoe, M. (2003). Health Issues of Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, Vol. 14, No. 2. DOI: 10.1177/1049208903251513

Rosenbaum, S. & Shin, P. (2005).Migrant and Seasonal Farm workers: Health Insurance Coverage and Access to Care. Kaiser commission on Medicaid and the uninsured.

Psychology and Health Problems Psycholgy
Pages: 3 Words: 812

In that study, women who suffer from migraines were determined to be much more likely than women who did not suffer from migraines to maintain more self-critical attitudes, and to magnify negative perceptions, as well as to be less inclined to solicit support from others.
Dr. John Sarno describes his own experience with the link between psychological factors, in particular, repressed anger and hostility, in the onset of migraine headaches.

According to Sarno, he suffered from migraines for six years at a time when his medical responsibilities and family life caused him a great deal of stress. After reading about the possible connection between repressed anger and migraines, he began focusing on conscious recognition of possible sources of his anger whenever he experienced the visual disturbances that normally precipitated his own migraines. To his surprise, his migraines never again materialized, even though he still experiences the visual disturbances to this day…...



Pavoratti, L. (1982) Pavoratti: My Own Story.

Warner Books: New York

Sarno, J. (1998) the Mindbody Prescription: Healing the Body, Healing the Pain.

Warner Books: New York)

Alternatives to the Migrant Health Problem
Pages: 15 Words: 5085

Migrant Health Problems
Understanding the Migrant Health Problem

Currently access to health and social services for the majority of migrants is based on their legal status. Needless to say undocumented migrants have little or no access to health care services. One's legal status is one of the prerequisite conditions for one to receive sufficient care. Additionally, accessibility, availability, acceptability and quality of such services depends on various factors such as financial, gender, structural, linguistic, social, cultural and geographical factors. Furthermore, various beliefs and myths or knowledge about ill health and one's health status prevent migrants from engaging or getting into national health systems.

Causes of the Migrant health problem/Impact on communities

Low health literacy levels within migrant communities are a huge barrier and deter many migrants from wanting to engage health care professionals (Becker, 2003). This situation is the same within many migrant communities regardless of a migrant's socio-economic status or legal status.…...



Becker, G. (2003). Socioeconomic Status and Dissatisfaction with Health Care among Chronically Ill African-Americans. American Journal of Public Health, 93(5), 742.

Carrasquillo, O., Carrasquillo, A. & Shea, S. (2000). Health Insurance Coverage of Immigrants Living in the United States: Differences by Citizenship Status and Country of Origin. American Journal of Public Health 90 (6): 917-923.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP), (2013).Division of Tuberculosis Elimination. Retrieved from

Howie, W. O. (2009). Mandatory reporting of medical errors: crafting policy and integrating it into practice. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 5(9), 649-654.

Obesity Creates Several Health Problems
Pages: 10 Words: 3364

In person interviews can be an effective research tool but for the purpose of this study it would not be the most effective tool. Asking children in person how many hours they watch of television may not get accurate answers or results. In addition, asking the parents how much television they allow their children to watch may garner inaccurate answers as they may not know for sure, or they may not want to be honest about the number of hours they allow the children to watch.
Another method of study that was examined and then rejected was case study. The case study can be an effective tool for the purpose of study because it allows the research team to become deeply involved with the subject and gather many facts. This is an excellent tool for research any time there are not a lot of participants required. For the purpose of…...



Kennedy, Christine. Television and Young Hispanic Children's Health Behaviors.

Pediatric Nursing; 5/1/2000;.

Trowbridge, Frederick L. Childhood obesity: future directions and research priorities.(the Causes and Health Consequences of Obesity in Children and Adolescents) Pediatrics; 3/1/1998;

Childhood Obesity: University at Buffalo Experts Describe Research & Recommendations for Combating Epidemic. Ascribe Higher Education News Service; 8/7/2003

Inner City Health Problems
Pages: 3 Words: 895

Funding Proposal for Counseling
The agency detailed in this assignment is called Mbrace Counseling and Behavioral Health Services. It provides a bevy of clinical services to a fairly wide patient population, including family members, parents, children, and adults. Its mission is to work primarily with populations in urban and suburban settings to provide quality service for a diverse range of needs. Specifically, those needs are readily stratified into those pertaining to behavioral health services and mental health services. The organization specializes in issuing mental health services for a variety of needs that include ailments related to a variety of family members including marital stress, family conflict, conduct disorder and job stress. Additionally, it also focuses on issues more common to individuals such as ADHD, depression, anxiety and others. The client population is varied as well, and includes those of low socio-economic standing such as patients with Medicaid and Amerigroup Insurance. The…...

Mobile Diet Tracking Apps Support Youth With Health Problems
Pages: 2 Words: 808

Telehealth Strategies to Support Adolescents with Diabetes and CKD
Children and youth who must undergo dialysis because of chronic kidney disease (CKD) are typically provided age appropriate educational materials for self-care. Key objectives of efforts to strengthen self-care education are the maintenance of optimally beneficial diet and, although direct evidence has not yet been shown for children, maintenance of blood pressure that is below the 90th percentile for height, age, and gender ("NIH," 2014). Longitudinal studies may point to strategies that result in earlier detection, and perhaps even enable diabetic kidney disease to be prevented (Lane, 2005). In the interim period, research that identifies enhanced methods for assisting and encouraging children and youth to adhere to their dietary regimens are an important support to utilize ("NIH," 2014).

Guidelines for optimizing the benefits of a customized diet for children and youth with chronic kidney disease have been provided by the National Institute…...


Purcell, K. (2011, November 2). Part IV. What types of apps are adults downloading? Half of adult cell phone owners have apps on their phones. Pew Internet & American Life Project. Pew Research Center. Retrieved from 

Sheehan, B., Li, Y-L., Rodriguez, M., Schnall R. (2012). A comparison of usability factors of four mobile devices for accessing healthcare information by adolescents, Applied Clinical Informatics, 3, 356-366. Retreived from 

Schnall, R., Okoniewski A, Low, A., Tiase, V., Rodriguez, M., and Kaplan, S. (2013). Using text messaging to assess adolescents' health information needs: An ecological momentary assessment, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2015:e54.

Welfare Mental Health Problems and
Pages: 7 Words: 2491

Consistent with this, other findings propose that women are more likely than men to take part in violence in the home whereas men are more likely than women to take part in violence in public places.
Even though there is some evidence that mental illness is associated with violence, it appears that the bigger contributing factor is that of outside influences. Substance abuse appears to be the greatest contributing factor, but it can be something as insignificant as one's living arrangements or even just their gender. Overall people with mental health problems do not appear to be at an increased risk of violence.


Appelbaum, P.S., Robbins, P.C., Monahan, J. (2000). Violence and delusions: data from the MacArthur Violence Risk Assessment Study. American Journal of Psychiatry, 157,

p. 566-572.

Cottle, C. (2004). The role of social context in the prediction and management of violence among persons with mental illness. Dissertation Abstracts International, 64.

Fulwiler, C.,…...

African American youth who face mental health problems
Pages: 1 Words: 223

AbstractThe current study, The role of social workers in minimizing social stigma among African American youth who face mental health problems, focuses on the awareness and support from social workers so that judgment and stigmatization from peers and society for African American youth could be reduced. It is hypothesized that African American youth need a safe place for long-term intervention without the stigma that might create adverse effects as they have already been victims of racial discrimination. African American children are at a high risk of adverse psychological health and face social stigma. In every 5 African American youths in the US, one suffers from this issue; fewer seek treatment. Therefore, the topic is important as the government, social workers, parents, teachers and the entire community must be accountable for the better future of youths mental health who are prime contributors to a countrys economic wheel rather than becoming a…...

Health Structures in Government Levels Health at
Pages: 3 Words: 1071

Health Structures in Government Levels
Health at different Government Levels

Health Structures at Government Levels

Health at Government Levels

A national government has a task in ensuring quality health assurance standards across its region are up-to-date. Similarly, increased rates of unexpected epidemics have put governments under the surge of dealing accordingly with factors that can affect the nation directly and indirectly. Different governmental levels of health are identified and objectified in various agency websites. In this context, I have identified with a state level website; Illinois Public Health Institute website. Information presented to the website articles prioritizes in reducing and preventive, curative diseases, complementing health policies and championing for environmental changes.

Website Article eview

The Illinois Public Health institute articulates its review and implication to health quality through partnership programs. The website has supported state-oriented health involvement in ameliorating health levels, in Illinois. The institution has show-cased partnering programs with the Illinois State Board of Health,…...



Baum, F and Kahssay, H.M. Health development structures: an untapped resource. World Health Organization. Vol 1 Issue 1. Pg 96-114.

Ladeia, M.L., Jacob, P., Borges, M.C., Rogero, M. M and Ferreira, S.R.G. (2011). Studies of Gene variants related to Inflammation, Oxidative, Stress, Dyslipidemia and Obesity: Implications for a nutrigenetic approach. Journal of Obesity. Vol 1, Issue 1. Pg 1-31.

5th March 2012. Illinois Public Health Institute. Retrieved from URL / Accessed on 27th March, 2012.

Healthcare and the Uninsured According
Pages: 6 Words: 1691

Polls examining public support of the bill and specifically the public healthcare option vary significantly. ith regard to physicians, the New England Journal of Medicine surveyed over six thousand medical doctors and found there was a majority in favor of federally provided public healthcare insurance (Keyhani & Federman). Other polls have suggested an opposition to the public option (Marmor).
The public option would provide an affordable alternative to the current private health insurance options and would provide impetus for competition and positive change. hether "America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009" will be passed is currently uncertain. hat is certain is that the healthcare and health insurance system is currently not sufficient to provide healthcare support for nearly 48 million uninsured Americans. Alterations need to be made to increase access and affordability for those individuals who desire health insurance.


The healthcare and health insurance system in the United States of America…...


Works Cited

Harrington, Charlene, Carroll L. Estes, and Cassandra Crawford. Health policy. Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2004.

Keyhani, Salomeh, and Alex Federman. "Doctors on Coverage -- Physicians' Views on a New Public Insurance Option and Medicare Expansion." N. Engl J. Med 361.14 (2009): e24.

Kotlikoff, Laurence J. The healthcare fix. MIT Press, 2007.

Marmor, T. "The Obama Administration's Options for Health Care Cost Control: Hope vs. Reality." 7 Apr 2009. 1 Nov 2009 .

Health Care Reform Several Years
Pages: 7 Words: 2680

Contracts with doctors often contain a clause which doesn't allow the doctors to discuss
Health care 7 with their patients financial incentives to deny treatment or about treatments not covered by the plan (Glazer, 1996). This has caused many consumers, especially those with chronic illnesses, to form organizations with the American Medical Association and physician specialty groups to promote legislation forbidding "gag rules" (Glazer, 1996). One group, Citizen Action, has 3 million members and "has been lobbying in state legislatures for laws that would require plans to disclose how they pay their doctors; give patients the right to choose specialists outside the plan; and provide appeals for patients who get turned down for expensive treatments" (Glazer, 1996).

The doctor-patient relationship is also affected if a patient must switch to a new doctor under managed care. Having a longterm relationship with a primary doctor is important because he or she is more…...


Works Cited

Bennett Clark, Jane (1996, July). What you should ask your HMO.

Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine. pp. 92-93.

Glazer, Sarah (1996, April 12). Managed Care. CQ Researcher, 6,

Koop, C. Everett (1996, Fall). Manage with care. Time. pp. 69.

Health & Safety Plan for
Pages: 6 Words: 1989

Such equipment should be adequate to ensure personnel are protected from chemical exposure to the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. PPE may be upgraded or downgraded by the site industrial hygienist, HSM, or qualified Site Safety Officer based upon site conditions and air monitoring results (Levin, et al., 2002)
Work practice and administrative controls

Administrative controls or work practice controls are changes in work procedures such as written safety policies, rules, supervision, schedules, and training with the aim of reducing the interval, frequency, and sternness of exposure to hazardous chemicals or situations. Workers who handle hazardous chemicals in the workplace should be familiar with the administrative controls required fewer than 29 CF 1910.1200, and the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard. This controls are perhaps most important, because they impact your people directly. On the one hand, they are the simplest, since all it takes is education. On the other hand, education about…...



Annual report on 9/11 health (September, 2009). Retrieved on March 20, 2010 from 

Burright, D. et al., (1999). Evaluation guidelines for air sampling methods utilizing chromatographic analysis. OSHA Salt Lake Technical Center, U.S. Department of Labor: Salt Lake City, UT.

Harris, J.S., (ed.) (1997). Occupational medicine practice guidelines: Evaluation and management of common health problems and functional recovery in workers. The American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Beverly, Mass.: OEM Press.

Levin, S. et al.,. (2002). Health effects of World Trade Center site workers. America Journal of Industrial Medicine 42:545 -- 547.

Health Wars Phillip Day Argues
Pages: 2 Words: 614

The information contained in Health ars is of tremendous benefit to all readers. e need to take more control over our own health, especially given the rising cost of health care insurance and the exorbitant prices of doctor and hospital bills. Preventing problems depends largely on paying attention to our genetic history: finding out what problems our mothers, fathers, and grandparents and adapting our lifestyle accordingly. Reading Day's book also encourages readers to learn more about common problems and possible solutions that involve diet and lifestyle changes. Taking responsibility for our health is one of the main themes in Health ars. Readers should take heed of what Day believes to be a crisis in modern medicine: the inability or unwillingness to practice common sense prevention.

I would recommend Health ars highly for several reasons. First, I believe that the health care crisis might be one of the most important problems in…...


Works Cited

Day, Phillip. Health Wars. Credence, 2001.

Healthcare -- Equity of Access
Pages: 2 Words: 596

It means they have an equal opportunity to receive contraception, prenatal counseling and services, post-natal services for mother and child, preventative healthcare services, vaccinations, and dentistry services, from earliest childhood and through their lives into their elderly years when they require more medical services to remain healthy and active. To the extent everyone in a given community or society has the same relative access to healthcare services and to the extent those services received are of comparable quality, healthcare access could be described as being equitable. On the other hand, to the extent everyone in a given community or society does not have the same relative access to healthcare services and to the extent those services received are not of comparable quality, healthcare access could be describes as being inequitable (Kennedy, 2006; eid, 2009).
Healthcare Equity in the Contemporary United States

Unfortunately healthcare access in the U.S. is not equitable at…...



Kennedy, E. (2006). America: Back on Track. Viking Press: New York.

Reid T. (2009). The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper, and Fairer

Health Care. New York: Penguin Books.

Is there anything in the news related to adversity that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 568

Yes, there are several news topics related to adversity that would make for a compelling essay subject. Here are a few examples:

1. The COVID-19 pandemic: You can explore how people worldwide faced numerous adversities due to the pandemic, such as health challenges, economic struggles, mental health issues, and social isolation. You can discuss stories of resilience, innovative solutions, community support, and lessons learned.

2. Climate change and natural disasters: Write about the adversity faced by communities affected by natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, wildfires, or droughts. Discuss the challenges of rebuilding lives, adapting to new circumstances, and finding sustainable solutions to....

I\'m looking for an essay Cosmetology that is [description, e.g., research-based, persuasive, historical]. What options do you have?
Words: 604

Cosmetology: A Comprehensive Overview

Cosmetology is the art and science of enhancing the appearance of the skin, hair, and nails. It encompasses various treatments and techniques aimed at improving one's overall physical appearance. This essay provides a comprehensive overview of cosmetology, exploring its history, evolution, different branches, and significance in society.

The History of Cosmetology

Cosmetology has its roots in ancient civilizations, where people used natural ingredients like herbs, minerals, and oils to adorn themselves. In ancient Egypt, for example, women applied kohl to their eyes and wore elaborate wigs made from human hair or wool. In ancient Greece, men and women used....

My teacher suggested focusing on abuse against children with special needs. Any essay topics that align with this guidance?
Words: 656

Title: The Plight of Vulnerable Angels: Abuse Against Children with Special Needs


In the tapestry of life, there exist individuals who require our utmost care and protection: children with special needs. These extraordinary souls, often possessing unique abilities and challenges, deserve a world that embraces their differences and ensures their well-being. Sadly, the reality is that some of these vulnerable angels are subjected to abuse, a heinous crime that robs them of their innocence and dignity. This essay delves into the topic of abuse against children with special needs, exploring its various forms, the devastating impact it has on their lives,....

Need assistance developing essay topics related to Substance Abuse Nursing. Can you offer any guidance?
Words: 530

1. The Impact of Substance Abuse on Families and Communities

Substance abuse has far-reaching consequences that extend beyond the individual abuser. It can have a devastating impact on families and communities, leading to a range of social, economic, and health problems. This essay topic explores the ways in which substance abuse affects families and communities, including the increased risk of domestic violence, child abuse, and neglect, as well as the financial burden of substance abuse treatment and the strain on community resources. It also examines the role of nurses in addressing the impact of substance abuse on families and communities, through....

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