Therefore, I would tell the patient that their symptoms should not be considered in isolation of their whole person. Websites that address symptoms only are not taking into account the wealth of factors that can influence the diagnosis of a specific disease.
At the same time, patients have the right to know about alternative solutions other than those provided or suggested by the physician or health care organization. Sometimes insurance constraints prevent nurses and doctors from mentioning interventions, diagnoses, and cures. The insurance provisions should not come in the way of the patient seeking second opinions or investigating such things as alternative and complementary medicine.
The strategies for assisting patients in becoming informed consumers of online health information include creating brochures and pamphlets, as well as websites. These materials can offer patients helpful links to the CDC (2013) and similar credible resources related to health literacy. The nurse can also communicate…...
CDC (2013). Health literacy. Retrieved online:
Speros, C.I. (2011). Promoting health literacy: A nursing imperative. Nurs Clin North Am. 2011 Sep;46(3):321-33, vi-vii. doi: 10.1016/j.cnur.2011.05.007
Health literacy involves understanding information about an individual's health in order for one to make informed decisions and know how they can take care of is therefore very important for both children and their parents to be health literate. People who are not health literate can have a problem especially when it comes to taking instructions from doctors .this is because they might not know or understand these instructions and how they can best take care of their illnesses. For those parents who are not health literate they can be educated on the topic. They have to be helped to ensure that they are health literate. Parents can be educated on health topics through various ways. First of all parents can be guided by doctors on where they can get health information. Doctors and nurses can provide them with names of books, magazines or sites they can visit where…...
Kids Health (2013). What Kids Say About their Health. Retrieved November 2, 2013 from answer the next few questions. ,
United States Department of Agriculture, (2013). Home. Retrieved November 2, 2013 from
As the study is intended to be cross-sectional, a sample of size 200 will be taken from this study population.
Study Instruments
Health literacy will be evaluated using the Newest Vital Sign (NVS), which is a questionnaire available in both English and Spanish. The questionnaire consists of six questions which measure the ability of the individual to read and apply information taken from a nutritional label found on food and beverage items. The instrument has been approved by Pfizer.
In addition, glycemic control will also be measured by evaluating hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels. This is a protein in the blood which increases when poor glycemic control occurs, and therefore provides a valid measure of this element of the study. This measurement will be taken from patient charts once they have given prior consent for the data to be collected and used. For the purposes of this study, poor glycemic control will be…...
Kim, S., Quistberg, D.A., Love, F. & Shea, J.A. (2004). Association of health literacy with self-management behavior in patients with diabetes. Diabetes Care, 27(12): 2980-2982.
Safeer, R.S. & Keenan, J. (2005). Health literacy: The gap between physicians and patients. American Family Physician, 72(3): 463-468.
Scott, I. & Mazhindu, D. (2005). Statistics for Health Care Professionals. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Weiss, B.D., Mays, M.Z., Martz, W., Castro, K.M., DeWalt, D.A., Pignone, M.P., Mockbee, J. & Hale, F.A. (2005). Quick assessment of literacy in primary care: The Newest Vital Sign. Annals of Family Medicine, 3(6): 514-522.
HEALTH LITERACY, HIT AND HEALTH ECONOMICSThe Intersection of Social Determinants of Health on HIT and Patient OutcomesHealth Literacy, HIT on Patient Outcomes, as well as Health Economics could be of great relevance in clinical settings. For instance, Health Literacy, as Buchbinder and Shanks (2007) observe, could come in handy in efforts to prevent illnesses and help in the better management of diseases if and when they occur. On the other hand, HIT could be instrumental in the achievement of efficient and patient-centered care. For example, thanks to HIT, healthcare providers are able to significantly minimize the probability of errors resulting in better outcomes for patients, i.e. in relation to reliable and accurate prescriptions. Lastly, with regard to Health Economics, better resource utilization can be achieved and more superior decisions made. In this case, it becomes possible to attain efficiency and as Buchbinder and Shanks (2007) indicate, provide equitable care…...
Carolyn, D. & Mariann, P. (2013). Health Literacy and Nursing. American Journal of Nursing, 113(6), 52-57.
Buchbinder, S.B. & Shanks, N.H. (2007). Introduction to Health Care Management. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Prescott, G.M. & Prescott, W.A. (2021). Health information technology utilization and impact on COVID-19 vaccination. J Am Pharm Assoc., 61(4), 239-232.
Health Literacy Interventions
Albert Einstein once stated "If you can't explain it simply, then you don't understand it well enough." This quote sets a high bar for medical professionals in terms of knowledge, but this sentiment an essential requirement for communicating effectively with patients having low health literacy. For example, if a patient previously diagnosed and treated for HIV / AIDS has subsequently presented with a below normal BMI, hypotension, specific oxygen in the low 90% range, high HIV viral load, very low CD4 count, and is afebrile, there is a good chance that the patient has not been adhering to treatment recommendations. When I encountered a patient with these signs in my clinic I discovered she had failed to understand the correct use of the inhalers she had been prescribed and had exchanged HIV medications for illicit drugs. The patient also admitted that she could not read; however, it was…...
There has now been established an unmistakable link between a patient's overall health and the ability to understand and act on medical instructions and health information. Addressing the link between health literacy and health outcomes challenges all of us to engage patients with good, clear information," said AHIP President and CEO Karen Ignagni (Board, 2005)."
Some officials believe the answers are buried in such statistics as the number of patients who make medication mistakes. The American Association of Poison Control Centers reported that in 2002 nearly 100,000 people nationwide inadvertently took the wrong medication or the wrong dose. Another 20,000 took someone else's medication. And another 21,000 took their medications too close together, or were confused about the amounts or took more than one product containing the same ingredient. And these were just patients who called the center (iley, 2003)."
As health issues continue to impact society, and medical science continues to…...
____(2002) Study: failure to understand prescription drug information contributes to poor health outcomes. (Database Notes).(Health Literacy Initiative)
Health Care Strategic Management
____(2003) Literacy Skills Are Strongest Predictor of Health Status in United States; New Coalition Unveils Action Agenda, Tools to Elevate 'Health Literacy' Among at-Risk Populations. PR Newswire
____(2005) AHIP Board Adopts Health Literacy Program. PR Newswire
Opioid abuse is a problem in the US, particularly among the youth population. This is a health risk behavior that has arisen in the US for quite some time, largely due to the influence of the pharmaceutical industry’s push of drugs like Oxycontin onto the market (Coplan et al., 2016). The US Department of Health and Human Services (2020) reports that 0.7 percent of young people aged 12 years and up have reported an opioid use disorder, such as heroin or prescription pain reliever, in the past 12 months. One of the objectives of Healthy People 2030 is to “reduce the proportion of people who had opioid use disorder in the past year” (Healthy People 2030, 2021). This paper discusses the program that can be initiated to address this issue. It identifies the target group, the key stakeholders, the plan of action, and the barriers to be overcome.
Health promotion is needed…...
Bandura, A. (2018). Toward a psychology of human agency: Pathways and reflections. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13(2), 130-136.Coplan, P. M., Chilcoat, H. D., Butler, S. F., Sellers, E. M., Kadakia, A., Harikrishnan, V., ... & Dart, R. C. (2016). The effect of an abuse?deterrent opioid formulation (OxyContin) on opioid abuse?related outcomes in the postmarketing setting. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 100(3), 275-286.Doster, L. (2013). Millennial teens design and redesign themselves in online social networks. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 12(4), 267-279.Governor.PA. (2017). Governor Wolf Voices Support for House Bill that Makes Opioid Education Mandatory in Schools. Retrieved from Healthy People 2030. (2021). Opioid use. Retrieved from, H. (2002). Public and population health strategic responses. Health Canada.McCoy, S. S., Dimler, L. M., Samuels, D. V., & Natsuaki, M. N. (2019). Adolescent susceptibility to deviant peer pressure: Does gender matter?. Adolescent research review, 4(1), 59-71.Roberts, M., Callahan, L., & O’Leary, C. (2017). Social media: A path to health literacy. Information Services & Use, 37(2), 177-187.
ESPONSE: BLOGesponse: BlogSusan VSusan offers a concise definition of health literacy and indicates it is of great relevance in efforts to ensure that patients engage or take part in wellness activities. Susan also correctly indicates that health literacy is often instrumental in seeking to further enhance overall patient outcomes. It should be noted that as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC (2022) indicates, health literacy could also be conceptualized in terms of personal health literacy and organizational health literacy. Whereas the former is concerned with individual health-information seeking and comprehension behavior, the latter has got to do with the extent to which organizations ease access to information (as well as comprehension of the same) meant to promote health literacy among individuals. My colleague has also restated the relevance of HIT on patient outcomes, as well as Health Economics. I am in agreement with Susans observation that health…...
mlaReferencesCDC (2022). What Is Health Literacy? Resources and Service Administration – HRSA (2019). Health Literacy. Molnar, A. (2021). Health Literacy During Pandemic and Education. Disaster Med Public Health Prep., 18, 1-2. Prescott, G.M. & Prescott, W.A. (2021). Health information technology utilization and impact on COVID-19 vaccination. J Am Pharm Assoc., 61(4), 230-232. Health
As Karnik and Kanekar (2012) show, there are many interventions available to health care providers for childhood obesity, which has fast become a "global public health crisis" in the world (p. 1). These interventions include the promotion of family bonding, education, and pharmacology.
The specific aim of this project is to improve outcomes with regard to children's health. By measuring the impact of one intervention against another, primary care providers can better understand which intervention may be more effective in helping to reduce the rate of childhood obesity for their patients.
This study will measure the weight, dietary and physical exercise habits of children and adolescent patients at a primary care facility over the duration of 6 months time. During that time, the patients will be exposed to two separate interventions -- a pharmacological intervention and a health literacy intervention.
The PICOT is as follows:…...
Karnik, S., Kanekar, A. (2012). Childhood obesity: A global public health crisis.
International Journal of Preventive Medicine, 3(1): 1-7.
Sustainable Change in Health DepartmentsIntroductionOne prime characteristic of the health sector is that it is always facing new, emerging diseases; changing demographics and evolving community needs are a seeming constant phenomenon; technological advancements, and the need for itself to grow and adapt to these developments, never end. The same sector has to be constant, stable, and sustainable itself as well. Thus, it is important that health departments consider how they will manage sustainable change in the future and in the face of such an ever-evolving environment. Moreover, these departments are often the face of public health in health crises, and they play an important part in ensuring the health and well-being of communities. That is why health departments have to have sustainable strategies for managing sustainable change. This paper examines the significance of sustainable change within these departments, with a focus on Community Outreach and Access to Healthcare Services and…...
mlaReferencesAcosta, D. A., & Skorton, D. J. (2021). Making ‘good trouble’: time for organized medicine to call for racial justice in medical education and health care. The American Journal of Medicine, 134(10), 1203-1209.Alber, J. M., Green, L. W., Gambescia, S. F., McLeroy, K. R., Sofalvi, A., & Auld, M. E. (2021). Highlighting Contributions of Behavioral and Social Sciences in Advancing Public Health: Where We\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ve Come, Where We\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re Headed. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 27(6), E220-E227.Barker, K. M., Ling, E. J., Fallah, M., VanDeBogert, B., Kodl, Y., Macauley, R. J., ... & Kruk, M. E. (2020). Community engagement for health system resilience: evidence from Liberia’s Ebola epidemic. Health policy and planning, 35(4), 416-423.Dada, D., Djiometio, J. N., McFadden, S. M., Demeke, J., Vlahov, D., Wilton, L., ... & Nelson, L. E. (2022). Strategies that promote equity in COVID-19 vaccine uptake for Black communities: a review. Journal of urban health, 99(1), 15-27.Haldane, V., Chuah, F. L., Srivastava, A., Singh, S. R., Koh, G. C., Seng, C. K., & Legido-Quigley, H. (2019). Community participation in health services development, implementation, and evaluation: A systematic review of empowerment, health, community, and process outcomes. PloS one, 14(5), e0216112.Knapp, M., & Wong, G. (2020). Economics and mental health: the current scenario. World Psychiatry, 19(1), 3-14.McMaughan, D. J., Oloruntoba, O., & Smith, M. L. (2020). Socioeconomic status and access to healthcare: interrelated drivers for healthy aging. Frontiers in public health, 8, 231.Newman, L. (2023). Bodies of knowledge: historians, health and education. History of Education, 52(2-3), 479-494.Rutkowski, C. J., Eboch, K., Carr, A., & Greer, B. M. (2022). Strategic procurement collaboration for the common good: private and public procurement relationship duringa pandemic. Journal of Public Procurement, 22(1), 43-63.Swire-Thompson, B., & Lazer, D. (2020). Public health and online misinformation: challenges and recommendations. Annu Rev Public Health, 41(1), 433-451.Usak, M., Kubiatko, M., Shabbir, M. S., Viktorovna Dudnik, O., Jermsittiparsert, K., & Rajabion, L. (2020). Health care service delivery based on the Internet of things: A systematic and comprehensive study. International Journal of Communication Systems, 33(2), e4179.Zhang, H., Best, T. J., Chivu, A., & Meltzer, D. O. (2020). Simulation-based optimization to improve hospital patient assignment to physicians and clinical units. Health care management science, 23, 117-141.Zhang, Y., Tsai, C. H., & Liao, P. C. (2020). Rethinking risk propagation mechanism in public–private partnership projects: Network perspective. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 26(2), 04020011.
Family Health AssessmentThe family interviewed (Z) has a traditional family structureone dad, one mom, five children, ages 2 to 9. They are racial white, American, middle-class, Catholic, and living in a typical American suburb, somewhat older (their house was built in 1959). The overall health behaviors of the family are essentially good: the wife/mother is responsible for evening mealsshe cooks using organic ingredients and focuses on protein and healthy fats, but uses a lot of butter and cream in foods, which may put a strain on the familys livers eventually; the parents try to limit sugars (no soda, sweet treats on occasion but not in great abundance). The dad is having some elimination issues at night, frequent urination, which he has self-diagnosed as a swollen prostate issue, and he takes saw palmetto for it (a homeopathic remedy). He does not want to see a doctor as he does not trust…...
mlaReferencesFitzgerald, M., London?Johnson, A., & Gallus, K. L. (2020). Intergenerational transmission of trauma and family systems theory: An empirical investigation. Journal of Family Therapy, 42(3), 406-424.Morrison, A. K., Glick, A., & Yin, H. S. (2019). Health literacy: implications for child health. Pediatrics in review, 40(6), 263-277.Vamos, S., Okan, O., Sentell, T., & Rootman, I. (2020). Making a case for “Education for health literacy”: An international perspective. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(4), 1436.QuestionnaireValues, Health perception and management of Health:1.How would you describe your family’s current health status? Good2. What does the family do to maintain health? Eat right, exercise3.Describe a family goal towards maintaining good health: Avoid too much sugarNutrition:4. What is proper nutrition according to you? Organic meals, good fats, no corn syrup5.What is the current nutritional intake of the family? Basics of food pyramid6.Is it supportive of the wellbeing of the family? YesSleep/Rest:7.How much sleep do you and your family have? Enough 8.How many hours do you sleep in a day? 79.What do you do to make sure your body gets adequate rest? Sleep, exercise10.Are there any difficulties with falling or staying asleep? No11.Do you feel rested in the morning? YesElimination:12.Does any member of your family have excretion and bladder complications? Dad urinates frequently at night, think it is his prostate, takes saw palmetto for it13.How many children are undergoing toilet training? 214.Does your family have a history of serious health conditions? NoActivity/Exercise:15.What physical activities and exercise do you and your family engages in? Play outside, sports—basketball, soccer, hiking, bike riding16.How do you and your family maintain stable physical shape? Play outdoors together17.What times do you take the physical activities with your family? Mornings, afternoons, evening if light enoughCognitive:18.How does your family acquire information about health diagnoses? Reading19. Who makes the decision regarding healthcare for you and your family? Dad20.Do you ever get confused? NoSelf-Perception:21. How does your family feel they integrate into the community? Well22.How does your family describe the events that led to a change? Positive23.Do you feel hopeful about the future? Yes24. What do you think of yourself? ConfidentRoles and relationships:25. How does the family manage daily living and how are household task divided? Everyone has role, chores, duties, expectations26. Who is employed in the household and who holds financial responsibility? Dad27. Is it shared? NoSexuality:28. Individually are you comfortable with your partner and in discussing sexuality? Yes29. How do as a marriage couple, parenthood and relationships as lovers? PositiveCoping-Stress Tolerance:30. How does your family cope with stressful life events? Prayer31. What resources do you have access to or use already? ChurchSensory-Perception: 32.How is your eyesight? Good 33.Is taste a problem? No
Discussion Topic #: Leading Health IndicatorsNutrition and Healthy Eating as a Leading Health Indicator in Healthy People 2030Nutrition and healthy eating are critical health indicators in the Healthy People 2030 agenda. Poor diet and nutrition are major risk factors for many chronic diseases and health conditions that affect millions of Americans. According to Healthy People 2030, More than half of people in the United States have diet-related chronic diseases, and poor diet is a leading cause of illness and death in this country (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2020). Improving nutrition and promoting healthy eating habits is essential for enhancing population health outcomes.One evidence-based program implemented to address nutrition and healthy eating is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed). SNAP-Ed is the nutrition education component of SNAP (formerly known as food stamps) that aims to improve the likelihood that SNAP participants and other low-income individuals will make healthy…...
mlaReferences Atoloye, A. T., Savoie-Roskos, M. R., Guenther, P. M., & Durward, C. M. (2021). Effectiveness of Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program in changing nutrition-related outcomes among adults with low income: A systematic review. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 53(8), 691-705. Auld, M. E., Allen, M. P., Hampton, C., Montes, J. H., Sherry, C., Mickalide, A. D., Logan, R. A., Alvarado-Little, W., & Parson, K. (2020). Health literacy and health education in schools: collaboration for action. NAM perspectives, 2020. National Academies of Sciences Engineering & Medicine. (2021). The future of nursing 2020-2030: Charting a path to achieve health equity. The National Academic Press.
Health Care oles in Communication
Communication is a fundamental piece of health care education and has been shown to improve health outcomes, patient compliance, and patient satisfaction. Quality health care emphasizes knowledge and utilization of communication skills. Health care professionals often express anxiety and lack of confidence and are deficient in a creating a situations that are conducive to open and candid communication with patients (Kameg et. al., 2009).
Effective communication involves gathering information, establishing a relationship or connection with a patient, and supporting the person through words and other non-verbal forms of interactions. Effective communication involves not only the interactions between the staff and the patient but also the interactions between staff and the interactions between the staff in front of the patient. Many times the high demand for services in a health care facility cause the staff to overlook the importance of good communication skills and enables situations to arise…...
Beer, J.E. (2003). Nonverbal Communication: Communicating across cultures. Cultures at work. Retrieved May 29, 2011 from
Coiera, E. (2006, May). Communication systems in healthcarre. Clinical Biochemist Reviews. nursing.Vol. 27, Issue 2, 89-98. Retrieved May 28, 2011 from
Gamble, T.K. & Gamble, M. (2006). Communication works. Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill.
Health Communication. (2010). Health communication. Healthy people 2010: Objectives for improving reproductive health. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Retrieved May 29, 2011 from
Health Promotion
The absence of illness does not thoroughly explain "Health", it can as well be described as wellness of the body and mind. More technically, health can be defined from two perspectives -- bodily and psychological health. A state of well-being due to regular exercises, adequate nutrition, sufficient rest, sensitivity to signs of sickness and when to seek help is referred to as Physical health. A person's fitness is showcased by his/her body make-up, cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular stability, and adaptability. Mental wellness refers to psychological and emotional welfare.
As defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO), mental health is "a state of wellness in which an individual discovers and harnesses his abilities, make headways regardless of stress encountered in life, can complete tasks adequately and profitably with substantial end product, and also contributes immensely to the uplift of his or her locality." (Nordqvist, 2015). A means of enabling people to take…...
Boundless, 2016. Research Methods for Evaluating Treatment Efficacy - Boundless Open Textbook. Boundless. Available at: [Accessed June 27, 2017].
Brassai, L, Piko, B, & Steger, M 2011, 'Meaning in Life: Is It a Protective Factor for Adolescents' Psychological Health?', International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 18, 1, p. 44, Advanced Placement Source, EBSCOhost, viewed 27 June 2017.
Cuijpers, P. et al., 2014. EU-Compass for Action on Mental Health and Well-being. PREVENTION OF DEPRESSION AND PROMOTION OF RESILIENCE. Available at: [Accessed June 27, 2017].
Gillham, J.E. et al., 2012. Preventing Depression in Early Adolescent Girls: The Penn Resiliency and Girls in Transition Programs. Handbook of Prevention and Intervention Programs for Adolescent Girls, pp.124 -- 161.
Santerre and Neun
a) What are the three legs of the medical stool? Explain how trade-offs might take place among the three legs.
The three legs are cost, quality and access. Trade-offs take place among the three legs in the sense that sometimes cost might be high, but quality and access will be better. Or access might be good and cost low, but quality might suffer.
It all depends on the situation of the patient and the nature of the provider. The ideal situation is that all three legs of the medical stool are supportive of both patient and provider needs -- but that is not always the case.
b) What are the four basic questions and how do they relate to the concepts of productive and allocative efficiency?
The four basic questions are:
What mix of nonmedical and medical goods and services should be produced in the macroeconomy? 2. What mix of medical goods and…...
Impact of Electronic Medical Records on Patient Care
The benefits and challenges of using electronic medical records (EMRs) in healthcare delivery
How EMRs have improved the accuracy, efficiency, and accessibility of patient information
The role of EMRs in reducing medical errors and improving patient safety
The potential risks to patient privacy and security associated with EMRs
The impact of EMRs on the patient-physician relationship and trust
Technological Considerations for EMR Implementation
The key technological requirements and challenges for successful EMR implementation
The different types of EMR systems available and their respective strengths and weaknesses
The importance of data interoperability and standards....
Essay Outline: The Impact and Mitigation of Health Inequalities in the UK
I. Introduction
A. Define health inequalities and their significance in the UK
B. Thesis statement: Outline the pervasive impact of health inequalities and propose necessary actions to address them
II. Impact of Health Inequalities in the UK
A. Physical health disparities: Discuss the health gaps in life expectancy, morbidity, and mortality rates between different socioeconomic groups
B. Mental health disparities: Examine the higher prevalence of mental health issues among disadvantaged populations, including depression, anxiety, and substance abuse
C. Socioeconomic consequences: Analyze the economic burden associated with health inequalities, such as....
Age can have a significant impact on diabetes management in older adults due to various physiological and psychosocial factors.
Physiologically, as individuals age, their body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels may decrease. This can make it more challenging for older adults to control their diabetes and maintain stable blood glucose levels. Additionally, older adults may be more prone to other age-related health issues such as cognitive impairment or mobility issues, which can make it difficult for them to consistently monitor and manage their diabetes.
Psychosocially, older adults may also face unique challenges when it comes to diabetes management. For example,....
I. Introduction
A. Thesis Statement: Inequalities in mortality linked to common physical health problems are a pressing issue that requires urgent attention.
B. Background Information on Mortality and Common Physical Health Problems
C. Importance of Addressing Health Inequalities
II. Health Inequalities and Common Physical Health Problems
A. Social Determinants and Health Outcomes
1. Income and Poverty
2. Education and Literacy
3. Access to Healthcare Services
B. Impact of Health Inequalities on Mortality
1. Cardiovascular Disease
2. Cancer
3. Respiratory Disease
4. Diabetes
III. Understanding the Mechanisms of Health Inequalities
A. Socioeconomic Factors
1. Lack of Access to Healthy Food and Physical Activity
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