These people do not have access to as many or as wide a range of health services as those who live in cities. "The services that are in short supply in rural areas are those provided by nurses, health technology personnel, dentists, physical therapists, pharmacists, and opticians" (Bull and DeCroix Bane, 1993).
Nurses and nurse practitioners play a significant role in providing good community-based health care to older people in rural communities. Health promotions, education, and coordination of care are a tremendous need among this group of people. Unfortunately these older populations of people that live in rural areas have limited access to nursing care along with many other health care services. A lack of financial support and inflexible reimbursement programs from insurance companies continue to hinder accessibility to health care in these communities. Partnerships and education programs along with nurse managed clinics are being looked at as ways to…...
Bull, Neil C. And DeCroix Bane, Share. (1993, Summer). Growing old in rural America: new approach needed in rural health care. Aging. Retrieved March 23, 2009, Web site:;col1
Diet Quality and Food Consumption: Health, Food Consumption, and the Agricultural Sector.
2008). Retrieved March 23, 2009, from United States Department of Agriculture Web site:
Frongillo, Edward a., and Horan, Claire M. (2004). Hunger and Aging. Generations, 28(3): 62-
However, in order to prevent ill health, in countries such as India, action has been taken to ensure that working conditions are not negatively influencing the employees, whether they are in factories or offices.
Another important aspect presented by the authors is that or ergonomics, or "discipline involving arrangement of work environment to fit the people in it." (Munirathinam and amesh, 2011, p 30) which is divided into three main areas: physical, cognitive and organizational ergonomics. The Ergonomic programs that have been designed in numerous companies and in particular for office related work functions take into account the proper and healthy behavior of the employee and its relation with the environment and the working tools, whether they are a physical work related instrument or an intellectual work related -- computer.
The implications of the article are rather significant for the area of study. The article provides a comprehensive view on the…...
Munirathinam, N.T. And G. Ramesh. (2011). Achieving Organizational Effectiveness through Health Management and Ergonomics in "Advances in Management," Vol. 4 (4) April.
Reply to Angelica Regarding Health Issues to ResolveThe time until the insurance coverage could work when you are not 26 years old, and the parents salary could be used to pay the insurance plans charges (, 2022). Keeping the daughter covered until she is 26 years old should not be an issue for the parent since the company is not providing a comprehensive insurance plan. Waiting tables at a restaurant would not be a handsomely paid job when insurance debts are concerned. She might have a problem managing the funds for the insurance if her parents do not give her time to find another job that pays for her plan thoroughly. Also, there is a possibility that after gaining experience with her current job, she would achieve a better job appointment at a better company that serves its employees in the right manner.The value-added compensations that a company provides for…...
Chery, F. (2022, March 12). Bible verses about healthcare. Bible Reasons. (2022, March 17). Young adult coverage.
Mulligan, C.B. (2021). The value of employer-sponsored health insurance. Becker Friedman Institute Working Paper no. 2021-33. Available at: (Accessed: May 15, 2022).
Human Trafficking: Health Issues Faced by Victims
Human trafficking can be defined as the recruitment, transfer or harboring of persons, through the use of force, deception, abduction or coercion, for the purpose of exploitation, slavery or involuntary solitude (Case Act, 2012). It is estimated that there are approximately 20 to 30 million persons serving as slaves as a result of trafficking across the world (DoSomething.Org, n.d). According to the U.S. State Department, between 600,000 and 800, 000 people are trafficked across international borders every year (DoSomething.Org, n.d.). Worryingly, 80% of these are women (DoSomething.Org, n.d.). In the U. S, human trafficking rates are highest in the State of California (Case Act, 2012). This has been attributed to the state's extensive ports, large economy, international borders and large population (Case Act, 2012). It is estimated that between 14, 500 and 17, 500 persons are trafficked into the U.S. every year (DoSomething.Org, n.d).…...
Case Act. (2012). What is Human Trafficking? Case Act. Retrieved December 24, 2015 from
DoSomething.Org. (n.d.). 11 Facts about Human Trafficking. DoSomething.Org. Retrieved December 24, 2015 from
Community Health Issue
Each segment of the population plays a helpful role in a healthy society. All ages are important in one way or the other as they all have something to contribute to the greater well-being of one another. Today's population reflects an imbalance of sorts. Today many of the elderly people are retiring and requiring more healthcare attention. This segment of the population has the potential to drain the resources of a community in all types of matters. Keeping our senior citizens healthy and active remains a priority for those wishing to see a healthful environment. I've chosen to investigate the senior citizens health problems as a reason to enhance the health of a total society. Specifically investigating into the falls of senior citizens and the problems and opportunities they present will help increase learning and understanding him towards a great potential.
According to the World Health Organization "fall related…...
Environmental and Global Health Issues
Environmental & Global Health Issues
Communicable disease outbreak: Measles
Until recently, it was thought that measles had been entirely eradicated in the United States, thanks to the success of the national vaccination program. According to the CDC, "measles was declared eliminated from the United States in 2000" (Measles outbreaks, 2012, CDC). However, that proud statement has been amended, as cases of measles have once again begun to reassert themselves slowly within our nation's borders. On average, every year 60 people in the United States contracts the measles. In 2011, that figure skyrocketed to 222. 40% of these cases originated outside the U.S. "They brought the disease to the United States and spread it to others. This caused 17 measles outbreaks in various U.S. communities" (Measles outbreaks, 2012, CDC). Of the countries implicated in the spread of the illness, France, Italy, omania, Spain, and Germany were responsible for 90%…...
Measles. (2012). CDC Overview. Retrieved:
Measles outbreaks. (2012). CDC. Retrieved:
McLean, Huong. (2011). Measles -- United States, 2011. CDC.
Maternal Depression and Parent-Child elationship:
Maternal depression is a major risk factor with significant effects on the development and well-being of young children. The effect of maternal depression and other mental health issues on young children is based on its impact on parent-child relationship. Generally, these mental health issues disrupt the parent-child bond, which results in negative effects on the emotional and social development of child and/or family. In the past few years, maternal depression has become more recognized as a major public health issue across the globe. This is primarily because of its effects on every aspect of a person's life such as family and work to an extent it can lead to suicide. As a result, maternal depression has been the subject of extensive researches that seek to identify its risk factors and methods of reducing it.
eview of esearch Articles:
While it's difficult to estimate the number of parents suffering…...
Ammerman et. al. (2010, May). Maternal Depression in Home Visitation: A Systematic Review.
Aggression Violent Behavior, 15(3), 191-200. Retrieved from
Huntsman, L. (2008, November). Parents with Mental Health Issues: Consequences for Children
and Effectiveness of Interventions Designed to Assist Children and their Families. Retrieved from NSW Department of Community Services website:
Community Health Issues
ead transcript Unnatural Causes write a page paper community health issues discussed transcript. Include insight address issues a community health nurse.
Community health issues are mainly affected by the social status of an individual. To improve a community's health one will need to prioritize the community's health issues so as to have a firm base for their plan. This plan will allow the community to utilize properly its limited resources. From the Unnatural Causes transcript, some of the community health issues that affect people are unhealthy diets, smoking, lack of exercises, stress, poverty, unemployment, and education.
It is clear that people who eat healthy meals lead a more healthy life, but due to poverty, majority of people are not able to afford healthy meals, which cause them to purchase fast foods, which are cheaper and can feed more people California Newsreel, 2008.
Educating the family members of the dangers of fast…...
Newsreel. (2008). UNNATURAL CAUSES: In Sickness and In Wealth, from
Therefore, it becomes critical to understand why African-American women do not reap the same benefit from early detection as other ethnic groups.
One interesting element is that African-American women are less likely to have mammograms than white women. In addition, even African-American women who have mammograms may do so less frequently than white women, so that longer periods of time pass between screenings (Landau, 2012). However, fewer and less frequent mammograms do not fully explain the problems. Furthermore, "Once a woman receives abnormal mammography results, it takes longer for her to get a diagnosis if she's black than if she's white" (Landau, 2012). Therefore, increasing mammograms and their frequency should help reduce the death rate, but the lack of access and use of them is probably linked to financial factors given the link between race and socio-economic status.
One element that cannot be controlled by community health services is that there…...
American Cancer Society. (2013). Breast cancer. Retrieved February 15, 2013 from website:
Landau, E. (2012, November 14). CDC: Breast cancer more deadly in black women. Retrieved February 15, 2013 from CNN Health website:
nurses to research global health issues?
According to Nancy Dickenson-Hazard, chief executive officer of the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, confronting the presence in the world of disease, violence, "environmental conditions" and "socioeconomic disparities" very often falls into the hands of "the largest corps of healthcare provides globally, nurses…" (Dickenson-Hazard, 2004), p. 6). First of all, nurses everywhere should be alert to health conditions globally because outbreaks that endanger public health in one country could have a negative impact on health conditions in another country. Disease spreads through transportation systems, immigration, and through shipping of products globally.
Secondly, the Arista Series of conferences that Dickenson-Hazard reports on in her peer-reviewed article (the conferences were held in different parts of the world) identified conditions that "affect nursing and health care" and created specific "strategic actions" to address those conditions (Dickenson-Hazard, p. 7).
The orld Health Organization (HO) has identified what…...
mlaWorks Cited
Dickenson-Hazard, Nancy. (2004). Global Health Issues and Challenges. Journal of Nursing
Scholarship, 36(1), 6-10.
Eisele, Thomas P., Larson, David A., Walker, Neff, Cibulskis, Richard E., Yukich,
Joshua, Zikusooka, Charlotte M., and Steletee, Richard W. (2012). Estimates of child
Measles, Sars, Air Quality
Global Health Issues
Global Health Issues: Measles, SAS, and Air Quality
Global Health Issues: Measles, SAS, and Air Quality
Global Health Issues: Measles
Measles is caused by a single-stranded negative-sense NA virus and is easily transmitted through aerosols or secretions generated by respiratory tract activity (reviewed by De Vries, Mesman, Geijtenbeek, Dubrex, and de Swart, 2012). Following exposure to the virus, a high fever will develop after approximately 10 to 12 days (Dardis, 2012). Other symptoms include coughing, runny nose, and red watery eyes. Small white spots will develop inside the mouth and a rash will become visible on the upper neck and face. This rash will spread down the trunk and across the limbs to the hands and feet, and will last a little less than a week. Once infected, there is no treatment, but an effective vaccine has been available for decades.
While most children and adults will survive a…...
CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). (2004). Supplement B: SARS Surveillance. V. Reporting of cases of SARS-CoV disease. Retrieved 8 Feb. 2013 from .
Dardis, Melissa R. (2012). A review of measles. Journal of School Nursing, 28(1), 9-12.
De Vries, Rory D., Mesman, Annelies W., Geijtenbeek, Teunis B.H., Dubrex, W. Paul, and de Swart, Rik L. (2012). The pathogenesis of measles. Current Opinions in Virology, 2, 248-255.
Gans, Hayley A., Yasukawa, Linda L., Sung, Phillip, Sullivan, Barbara, DeHovitz, Ross, Audet, Susette et al. (2013). Measles humoral and cell-mediated immunity in children aged 5-10 years after primary measles immunization administered at 6 or 9 months of age. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 207, 574-582.
In order for their treatment to be improved, psychologists and those who work with the developmentally disabled must create training programs that allow the deaf to learn through their unique methods of communication.
Finally, Kropka and Williams' 1979 study has similar implications for the final problem facing the deaf in need of mental intervention today. Because the deaf and non-deaf mentally handicapped were proven to be functioning at the same rate, then the two groups should be encouraged to mingle and form relationships. This will not only help both parties feel a sense of meaning in their lives, but also it will be a learning tool for their socialization once they are able to leave institutions and hospitals, a goal that should be foremost in therapists and doctors minds.
Thus, while the deaf in need of mental intervention are challenged by the broken communication barrier, they have proven that they can…...
Biasini, Fred J., Grupe, Lisa., Huffman, Lisa, and Bray, Norman W. (nd). Mental
Retardation: A Symptom and a Syndrome. Retrieved October 20, 2008, from University of Alabama at Birmingham. Web Site:
Bicknell, DJ. Communication with the Deaf, Mentally Handicapped in Hospital. Section of Psychiatry 67: p.1029-1031.
Kropka, B. And William C. The Deaf and Partially Hearing in Mentally Handicap
Positive Aging and the Impact of Physical and Mental Health…...
Heisel, Marnin J., Duberstein, Paul R., Talbot, Nancy L., King, Deborah A., and Tu, Xin M. (2009). Adapting interpersonal psychotherapy for older adults at risk for suicide: Preliminary findings. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40(2), 156-164.Jackson, Pamela. (2004). Role Sequencing: Does order matter for mental health? Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 45(2), 132-154.Kleiber, Douglas, McGuire, Francis A., Aybar-Damali, Begum, and Norman, William. (2008). Having more by doing less: The paradox of leisure constraints in later life. Journal of Leisure Research, 40(3), 343-359. Kunzmann, Ute. (2008). Differential age trajectories of positive and negative affect: Further evidence from the Berlin aging study. Journal of Gerontology, 63B(5), P261-P270.Lapierre, S., Dube, M., Bouffard, L., and Alain, M. (2007). Addressing suicidal ideations with the realization of meaningful personal goals. Crisis, 28, 16-25.Martin-Garcia, Salome, Rodriquez-Blazquez, Carmen, Martinez-Lopez, Iluminada, Martinez-Martin, Pablo, and Forjaz, Maria Joao. (2013). Comorbidity, health status, and quality of life in institutionalized older people with and without dementia. International Psychogeriatrics, April 11, published ahead of print online. Retrieved 16 Apr. 2013 from Mroczek, Daniel K., and Spiro, Avron III. (2005). Change in life satisfaction during adulthood: Findings from the Veterans Affairs Normative Aging Study. Journal of Personality and social Psychology, 88(1), 189-202.Newman, Barbara M. and Newman, Philip R. (2007). Theories of Human Development. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. .
Lesbian Health Care
Lesbian Health Issues in a Heterosexual Society
The additional burdens placed on the lives of minorities as a result of social exclusion can lead to health disparities. Social exclusion theory has been used in previous research to investigate the health disparities that exist between socioeconomic classes and individuals of different ethnic backgrounds living in the United States, but it has not yet been applied to another important minority group: sexual minorities. This review of the literature has sought to apply social exclusion theory to the examination of health issues and health disparities within the lesbian community. Lesbian women face the health concerns common to all women, but also face a number of additional health care related challenges as a result of their sexual minority status living in a predominantly heterosexual society. Many of the challenges that they face with respect to their access to health care, the health care…...
Amato, P., & Morton, D. (2002). Lesbian health education: A survey of obstetrics and gynecology residency training programs. Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association, 6 (2), 47-51.
American Lung Association. (2010). Smoking out a deadly threat: Tobacco use in the LGBT community. Washington, DC: American Lung Association.
Austin, E.L., & Irwin, J.A. (2010). Health behaviors and health care utilization of southern lesbians. Women's Health Issues, 20, 178-184.
Austin, S.B., & Schuster, M.A. (2009). Health and healthcare for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth: Reducing disparities through research, education and practice. Journal of Adolescent Health, 45, 213-215.
The turn of the last century brought humankind the discovery and development of nuclear energy. From this point, experts in health, medicine and the sciences as a whole recognized that ionizing radiation has a negative and debilitating impact on the health and wellness of humans (Vakhil & Harvey, 2009). Destruction from radiation can impact literally any part of the human cell and can interrupt a host of human cell processes. Furthermore, the harm done to the genetic material within a cell can create a host of negative conditions from cancer to birth defects and hereditary diseases (Vakhil & Harvey, 2009). The scientific community largely agrees that there is no benign amount of exposure to radiation, and that literally any experience with radiation is destructive (Vakhil & Harvey, 2009). The health risks associated with nuclear energy are definitive, and the use of nuclear energy is risky—history demonstrates this without a doubt, if…...
Neuhauser, A. (2016, March 15). Access Denied. Retrieved from (2017). Worldwide Countries Taking Action on Wireless. Retrieved from, C., & Harvey, L. (2009, May). Human Health Implications of the Nuclear Energy Industry (2009) – Physicians for the Environment. Retrieved from (2016, April). Ionizing radiation, health effects and protective measures. Retrieved from /mediacentre/factsheets/fs371/en/
1. A diet or lifestyle related disease is one that is brought about specifically because of the type of diet the person has or the lifestyle he or she chooses to live. 2. Obesity causes many health issues. The most common are sleep apnea, type II diabetes, and heart disease. 3. Obesity is linked to both diet and lifestyle. Someone who overeats and also does not exercise can become obese over time. 4. In society, obesity causes higher health care costs, "fat shaming," and discomfort for many people because of a lack of ability to accommodate larger-sized people (think airplane and bus seats,....
The concept of self-care has never been more important than it is now, when a pandemic has shut down much of the globe and external stressors are unlike anything most people have seen in their lifetimes. Generally, when people discuss self-care inside the topic of mental health, they are referring to the importance of caregivers engaging in self-care. This makes it an excellent topic for a narrative essay, because of how narrative essays are structured.
The concept of self-care is an important one. People who are responsible for helping care for those who....
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