Health Information Technology Essays (Examples)

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Health Information Technology Benefits
Pages: 2 Words: 662

Health Information Technology (HIT) is technology that is used to help make health care easier for all stakeholders—both patients and care providers. Examples of HIT include electronic health records, personal health records, e-prescribing, and online communities. HIT allows information to be communicated, stored and shared among people in the industry, whether they are patients providing care givers with access to information or care givers sharing information with other care givers. HIT allows and enables the easy transfer of medical and health information in a way that substantially and significantly reduces the amount of time and energy that would conventionally be spent in transferring, recording, storing or sharing information. HIT can impact all aspects of health care because information is needed every time a treatment is needed, a diagnosis is made, a prescription is given—information has to be recorded, stored and shared accordingly. The easier it is for information to be gathered…...

Meaningful usage of health information technology HIT
Pages: 4 Words: 1813

Meaningful use constitutes a key health information technology project driver as it impacts all players in the health care sector. By 2016, 95% of hospitals has demonstrated meaningful use of HIT through the CMS HER programs. Meaningful use achievement has appreciable effects on extent and long-run health information workflows. HIT acceptance and implementation necessitates substantial state support, robust federal support, and an alliance between state governors, Medicaid officers, and state CIOs (chief information officers) joining hands across and within borders for ensuring state-developed governing regulations and technological infrastructures jointly support the Act’s spirit and effect intra- and inter- state information flow. Incorporation of HIT into clinical practice has led to meaningful improvements when achieved thoughtfully for instance, $27 billion gained from the fulfilling CMS incentive scheme conditions. HIT provides professionals with necessary information that facilitates the delivery of more coordinated and improved care, creating the ideal opportunity to eventually bend…...

Using Health Information Technology as a Source of Evidence-Based Practice
Pages: 2 Words: 681

In seeking to administer drugs, nurses ought to be guided by the five medical administration rights. These are patient, time, dose, drug, and route (You, Choe, Park, Kim, and Son, 2015). One issue that I consider to be of great concern in my practice is medicating patients late leading to noncompliance. This happens to be one of the more significant errors in the administration of medications in a healthcare setting, with the other errors being wrong dose and wrong medication. When nurses fail to administer drugs to patients as prescribed – in the right dosage and at the right time - such an action gets in the way of the full realization of drug benefits. According to Stokowski (2012), the rule of the thumb when it comes to the administration of medications has been within half-an-hour before or after the time scheduled for administration.
In seeking to locate evidence-based practices that…...

Looking Into Performance Management of Health Information Technology
Pages: 5 Words: 2175

Building Linkages Between Nursing Care and Improved Patient Outcomes: The ole of Health Information Technology
Health IT (HIT) is capable of transforming care quality and establishing connections between patient outcomes and nursing care. This article will examine the application of health IT and nursing-sensitive measures/indicators (NSIs) for improving care quality and establishing connections between better patient outcomes and nursing care. NSIs refer to measures reflecting nursing care process, structure, and outcomes. NSIs of outcome denote caregiver or patient measurement approaches sensitive to nurse care. While a number of advocates deliberate over the perceived advantages of health IT, an honest consideration of practical experiences with real HIT systems, together with the drawbacks and obstacles associated with poorly-constructed systems, is not addressed. Ultimately, the aim must be improvements to quality, added convenience, and growth of efficiency, rather than mere creation of wired health facilities. Nursing informatics as a practice specialty is having a…...



Balas, M. C., Rice, M., Chaperon, C., Smith, H., Disbot, M., & Fuchs, B. (2012). Management of delirium in critically ill older adults. Critical Care Nurse, 32(4), 15-26. doi: 10.4037/ccn2012480

Council of Economic Advisors (2009). The economic case for health care reform. Washington, D.C.


Dykes, P., & Collins, S. (2013). Building linkages between nursing care and improved patient outcomes: The role of health information technology. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 18(3).

Health it Information Technology and Cultural Transformation
Pages: 2 Words: 666

Health IT
Information Technology and Cultural Transformation in Healthcare

apid advances in information technology have continued to drive change in many sectors, including healthcare. Ongoing research suggests that cultural transformation is necessary in order to properly adapt to the capabilities and constraints of the increasing complexity and pervasiveness of information technology in healthcare settings. Better utilizing the information technology available to healthcare organizations and more accurately understanding the social impacts of this technology can actually help to achieve the cultural changes that are needed, as is demonstrated in the following brief literature review.

At one level, there needs to be a certain degree of autonomy for individual healthcare organizations in their adoption and utilization of information technologies in certain operations, as this will enhance opportunities for cultural adaptability and a willingness to undergo such transformations (Abraham et al. 2011; Lopez et al. 2011). Different communities can experience significantly different effects from the wide-scale…...



Abraham, C., Nishihara, E. & Akiyama, M. (2011). Transforming healthcare with information technology in Japan: A review of policy, people, and progress. International Journal of Medical Informatics 80(3): 157-70.

Box, T., McDonell, M., Helfrich, C., Jesse, R….Rumsfeld, J. (2010). Strategies from a Nationwide Health Information Technology Implementation: The VA CART STORY. Journal of General Internal Medicine 25(1): 72-6.

Karsh, B., Weinger, M., Abbott, P. & Wears, R. (2010). Health information technology: fallacies and sober realities. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 17(6): 617-23.

Lopez, L., Green, A., Tan-McGrory, A., King, R. & Betancourt, J. (2011). Bridging the Digital Divide in Health Care: The Role of Health Information Technology in Addressing Racial and Ethnic Disparities. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 37(1): 437-45.

Technology and Health Information Usage
Pages: 25 Words: 6821

" (MediLexicon International, Ltd., 2006).
The PCIP was formed from the recognition that high costs and low quality inherent in the Healthcare system of the U.S. is largely due to a system that is antiquated and fragmented (DOHMH, 2006a). The inability to properly collect and use health information is one of the primary problems associated with proper health care maintenance. The PCIP. was formed in response to this need. The primary care physician acts as the conduit between the patient and the healthcare system. However, the physician often has no means to effectively transmit the information that they collect to other entities within the system. The PCIP grew out of a need for the primary health care Physician to be able to transmit the needed information to others in the Healthcare system.

There are three essential parts to the PCIP. The first is the Primary Care Health Information Consortium (PCHIC). This entity…...


Works Cited

Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. (DOHMH) 2006. PCIP. Retrieved August 30 at

DOHMH 2006b. Primary Care Health Information Consortium (PCHIC). Retrieved August 30 at

MediLexicon International, Ltd. (2006). 1,000 New York City Doctors Will Get Electronic Health Records Systems. Retrieved August 30 at 

The American Health Quality Foundation (AHQF)(2006). Quality Improvement Organizations and Health Information Exchange. March 6, 2006. Retrieved August 30 at

Healthcare and Information Technologies Nursing Colleges' Vital Course Offerings
Pages: 6 Words: 1866

Nursing Health Care Informatics
"…At the beginning of the 21st century, nursing informatics has become a part of our professional activities…[and has] advanced the field of nursing by bridging the gap from nursing as an art to nursing as a science…" (Saba, 2001, 177).

Nursing Health Care informatics relate to and address technology and other cutting edge issues of great interest in the healthcare field. According to the AMIA, Nursing Informatics is the "…science and practice (that) integrates nursing, its information and knowledge, with management of information and communication technologies to promote the health of people, families, and communities worldwide." New and relevant knowledge presented in the genre of informatics helps to empower nurses and other healthcare practitioners to deliver the most effective patient-center care possible. This paper presents several informatics in the belief that applying healthcare technologies and practices that are genuinely progressive and helpful to today's nurse is a way…...


Works Cited

AMIA (2009) Working Group Nursing Informatics. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from .

An, J.Y., Hayman, L.L., Panniers, T., and Carty, B. (2007). Theory Development in Nursing

And Healthcare Informatics. A Model explaining and Predicting Information and Communication Technology Acceptance by Healthcare Consumers. Advances in Nursing Science, 30(3), E37-E49.

Cipriano, P.F. (2011). The Future of Nursing and Health IT. Nursing Economics, 29(5).

Information Technology IT Acquisition Management
Pages: 14 Words: 5944

IT Acquisition Management for a new Video Shop
Individual Project Activities

Identification of a problem



Showtime Video Store

Business Capture Group

The problem is that there is no real information technology security measure employed in the video shop. There is very little awareness of the necessary IT security measures amongst the current management heads which is why they need an effective IT security plan and structure to implement to ensure there is no copyright infringement and stealing from their shop.

Business Activities and Processes Affected by the Problem

The problem directly affects all products and videos that are at the disposal of the customers online as well as on-site.

Actual Performance (e.g., current baseline)

The guidelines associated to the informational security strategy should incorporate contingency actions which will facilitate the video shop to endure any discrepancy or calamity and tackle it audaciously. Actions like incorporating data storage and extraction with the use of data-warehousing and data-mining techniques, preserved paraphernalia,…...



Abt Associates, Inc. 2004a. Summary of findings from the second round of MedPAC hospital IT investment interviews. Deliverable submitted to MedPAC. Cambridge, MA: Abt Associates.

Abt Associates, Inc. 2004b. Summary of findings from the first round of MedPAC hospital IT investment interviews. Deliverable submitted to MedPAC. Cambridge, MA: Abt Associates.

Brailer, D.J., and E.L. Terasawa. 2003. Use and adoption of computer-based patient records in the United States: A review and update. Manuscript. California Healthcare Foundation. March 28. Oakland, CA.

Glaser, J.P. 2002. The strategic application of information technology in health care organizations. Hoboken, NJ: Jossey Bass.

Health Information Management HIMS Operations Manager Job Description
Pages: 8 Words: 2310

Essay Topic Examples 1. The Role of Health Information Management (HIM) Operations Managers in Ensuring Data Integrity:
    This essay will explore the critical function of HIM Operations Managers in maintaining the accuracy, consistency, and reliability of patient health data. It will discuss strategies used to ensure data integrity, including the implementation of data governance policies, regular audits, and staff training programs.

2. Health Information Management Operations Manager: Navigating the Challenges of Healthcare Regulations and Compliance:
    This topic will delve into how HIM Operations Managers stay ahead of the curve in a landscape continuously shaped by healthcare regulations. The essay will detail how managers ensure compliance with HIAA, HITECH Act, and other relevant regulations, all while adapting to ongoing legislative changes.

3. The Evolving Role of Technology in HIM Operations Management:
    The focus of this essay will be the impact of emerging technologies on the job of HIM Operations Managers. It will address how…...


Primary Sources

American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). \"Health Information Management Job Descriptions.\" AHIMA, 2023.

Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). \"Job Description: Health Information Management Systems Manager.\" HIMSS, 2023.

United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. \"Medical and Health Services Managers.\" Occupational Outlook Handbook, U.S. Department of Labor, 2022.

Commission on Certification for Health Informatics and Information Management (CCHIIM). \"Certified Health Information Manager.\" CCHIIM, 2023.

National Association for Health Professionals (NAHP). \"Job Analysis of Health Information Management (HIM) Operations Managers.\" NAHP Journal, 2023.

Information Technology Ansos One Staff
Pages: 5 Words: 1592

The goal of any hospital is to provide the best quality care that they can at the least expensive cost possible. The way that they do this is by having the right staff in place to care for patients in the most effective way. Scheduling has notorious caused issues within nursing units. Using an automated system allows for nurses to spend more time and attention on patient care and less to the issues that surround filling the schedule.

By using the ANSOS One-Staff system the Brookdale University Hospital & Medical Center is able to carry out their strategic plans while realizing their goal of becoming the leader in healthcare in their area. They are able to keep their costs down, while ensuring that they have enough staff to meet the needs of the patients that are dependant on them for healthcare. Using this system allows them to spend more time carrying…...



ANSOS One-Staff. (2011). Retrieved April 9, 2011, from Web site: 


ANSOS One-StaffTM Application Suite. (2010). Retrieved April 9, 2011, from Web site:

Information Technology IT Is a Broad-Based Term
Pages: 4 Words: 1674

Information Technology (IT) is a broad-based term that includes a combination of the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of information in a computing or telecommunications platform. In terms of a scientific discipline, it is relatively new, appearing in a 1958 article in the Harvard Business Review in which the authors said, "this new technology does not yet have a single established name. e shall call it information technology (IT)" (Dunn, 2011). The field has been part of the tremendous growth in computing and telecommunications, and remains vital -- it is behind the recent emergence of next generation web technology, bioinformation, cloud computing, global information systems, and large scale databases.
The IT area manages technology in a wide variety of fields that include software, hardware, information systems, and programming languages. IT professionals perform a wide variety of functions from installation of applications and hardware to designing and maintaining complex networks and information…...


Works Cited

Benefits of Technology use. (2003, January). Retrieved from U.S. Department of Education: 

Pros and Cons of Modern Technologies. (2008, September 17). Retrieved from Tech Aid: 

Technology Transfer in the Food Industry. (2-11, October 14). Retrieved from CSIRO:

Dunn, J. (2011, November 11). The Fascinating History of Information Technology. Retrieved from

Information Technology Summary and Critique
Pages: 3 Words: 975

End Notes

1) Given the recent tardy but well-meaning responses by the federal, state and local officials in the Gulf Coast, it can be assumed that the nation remains relatively unprepared for a terrorist attack of September 11-proportions. The U.S. is struggling to negotiate a nuclear arms treaty with Iran and North Korea (the latter having recently agreed to forego additional nuclear weapons testing in exchange for light-water nuclear reactors, a "breakthrough" that returns the U.S. To the same position it had under the Clinton administration) and is waging a fighting war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

2) "Taking the battle to the enemy" appears to be immensely preferable, at least from the perspective of someone sitting safely at home pontificating about it, than waiting for an attack of any sort on the nation's interests.

3) Certainly, the U.S. And much of the world has increasingly come to rely on the information highway to…...

Health Information and Health
Pages: 3 Words: 939

Healthcae Regulation Reseach
Regulation is a key aspect in the health cae industy. Regulation is necessay to safeguad the public inteest. In paticula, egulation in the health cae industy is all the moe significant as it diectly impacts the life and health of consumes (Field, 2006). The vaious egulatoy institutions implement health cae egulations to safeguad the geneal public fom vaious health isks and augment public health and well-being. Health cae egulations and standads ae impeative and fundamental to make cetain that thee is compliance and to povide safe health cae to evey peson that has accessibility to the healthcae system. They ae established and executed at the local, fedeal and state levels (Field, 2006).

Selected Health Cae Regulation

The selected health cae egulation is the HIPAA Pivacy Rule. The HIPAA Pivacy Rule was allotted by the United States Depatment of Health and Human Sevices to limit the usage and disclosue of pesonally…...



Pritts, J. (2008). The importance and value of protecting the privacy of health information: Roles of HIPAA Privacy Rule and the Common Rule in health research. National Academies.

Healthcare it Information Technology Is
Pages: 2 Words: 617

This struggle is indeed not necessary, as the technology to mitigate it has been in existence for years.
From the citizen point-of-view, I would be concerned with the increased use of the Internet in terms of privacy issues. This is particularly so of sensitive information such as medical records. I would not necessarily want these to be readily available to anyone with an Internet connection and a search button.

In general, however, I find myself in agreement with the view that the sense of community is gradually changing. A large amount of the country's workforce is now online, either from their office buildings or from home. People all over the world can meet and communicate in an instant without ever meeting face-to-face. For the sense of community, I believe that this is a good thing. In an urban setting, where all but the most superficial of relationships have more or less…...

Information Technology Portfolio Project Humana
Pages: 9 Words: 2919

The first time that they attempted to build this system they did not follow the life cycle plan and the system ended up failing. Developing a new claims payment system that will talk to and be user friendly with the customer service management system would help to speed up efficiency and enhance quality of all departments within the organization. This streamlining would help the company as a whole to reduce costs and ultimately become more competitive and successful within the insurance market.
Being able to answer the following question is vital to any business. How would your organization continue to deliver mission-critical services if normal business operations were interrupted? Being able to quickly resume functioning enough to continue delivering the services that are critical to a company's mission are very important. When normal business operations are interrupted, an organization should use its business continuity plan to prevent disruption in the…...



Business Models on the Web. (2009). Retrieved July 20, 2009, from Web site:

Five Forces Analysis. (2009). Retrieved July 20, 2009, from Marketing Teacher Web site:

How can effective health information systems improve patient outcomes and healthcare efficiency?
Words: 649

1. Improved communication and coordination Effective health information systems can facilitate better communication among healthcare providers, resulting in improved coordination of care for patients. This can lead to faster diagnoses, better treatment decisions, and ultimately better patient outcomes. 2. Streamlined processes Health information systems can automate routine tasks such as appointment scheduling, billing, and medical record maintenance, reducing paperwork and administrative burdens for healthcare providers. This allows providers to focus more on patient care, which can improve healthcare efficiency and patient outcomes. 3. Access to real-time data Health information systems provide healthcare providers with real-time access to patient data, enabling....

How can effective health information systems improve patient outcomes and healthcare efficiency?
Words: 411

In conclusion, the integration of effective health information systems (HIS) into healthcare settings has proven to be a transformative force in enhancing patient outcomes and streamlining healthcare efficiency. Throughout this essay, we have explored how these systems facilitate better data management, which in turn leads to improved decision-making by healthcare providers. By ensuring that patient data is accurate, accessible, and timely, HIS reduces medical errors, which are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. The ability to track patient histories, medications, and treatment plans in real-time allows for a more personalized approach to care, which is crucial in managing chronic....

How can meaningful use in healthcare improve patient outcomes?
Words: 787

Meaningful use in healthcare refers to the utilization of electronic health records (EHR) to improve patient care and outcomes. The concept of meaningful use was introduced as part of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act in 2009, which aimed to promote the adoption and use of EHRs in healthcare settings. By leveraging technology to capture and share patient data securely, providers can make more informed clinical decisions, enhance care coordination, and ultimately improve the quality of care delivered to patients.

One of the key ways in which meaningful use can improve patient outcomes is by....

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