Health Informatics
acon County Hospital and Health System offers a variety of services to patients, including Emergency, Long-term care, Laboratory, X-ray, ICU, various therapies, Obstetrics, surgery, Pharmacy, and Patient Education (acon County Hospital and Health System). The health informatics system has various inputs of patient information, including payment and insurance information, diagnosis, health status, reactions to various treatments, tests performed, medications, allergies, etc. Information is input from staff members from various departments. The information is then processed for various outputs to stakeholders, such as physicians, patients, and institutional leaders.
The health informatics system is designed to capture coded demographics, co-morbidity, treatment, and outcomes data into a centralized data repository, or database, measure concordance of treatment given to care guidelines, or benchmarks, analyze associations between patient outcomes and patient demographics, treatment factors, and facility characteristics (Niland, 2006). The system follows a client-server model with web interfaces over a robust security framework that includes…...
Bacon County Hospital and Health System. (n.d.). Retrieved from Bacon County Hospital and Health System:
Layman, E. (2009). Research and Policy Model for Health Informatics and Information Management. Perspective in Health Information Management, vol 6.
Niland, J.C. (2006). An Informatics Blueprint for Healthcare Quality Information Systems. PMC, vol 13(4), 402-417.
Payne, P.E. (2009). Translational informatics: enabling high throughput research paradigms. American Physiological Society, vol 39(3), 1431-140.
The importance of uniform terminology, coding and standardization of the data
Uniform terminology, coding, and standardized data entry protocols are necessary for assuring accurate information retrieval. The health informatics componentss need to be using compliance plan in place. Here are some guidelines for assurring the acurracy of terminology, coding, and data entry.
Conduct internal monitoring through periodic chart audits
Develop written coding and documentation standards and procedures, and implement them;
Designate one of your staff members as a compliance of-cer to monitor your practice's compliance
espond appropriately to potential violations by investigating and disclosing them, as• Develop open lines of communication by discussing at staff meetings how to avoid erroneous or fraudulent conduct or by using a community bulletin board to keep employees
Develop a CPT utilization report. Separate your Medicare patients from your otherpatients for a more appropriate analysis. A useful template is available online at
Compare your practice to benchmarks. For Medicare, see CMS…...
Chapter 17 - Healthcare terminologies and classification systems" Retrieved July 30, 2005 from
Hughes, Cindy; and Stone, Trevor J. (2005). Are You Prepared to Defend Your Coding?
Family Practice Management, 12: 17-21
Silverstein, S. C (2001). From Genomics and Informatics to Medical Practice; Issues in Science and Technology, 18, Fall 2001
History of Informatics and Areas of Practice
Informatics is a term that refers to the integration of nursing, its information and information management with information and communication technology (ICT) to promote the health and wellbeing of people across the globe (Elsayed, El-Nagger & Mohamed, 2016). Informatics has emerged as an important component in modern healthcare systems given the increased adoption of technology in this industry. Elsayed, El-Nagger & Mohamed (2016) state that the nature and extent of use of information and communication technology in healthcare has experienced dramatic changes across the globe over the past two decades. Given the significance of nursing informatics, this paper provides an overview of the history of informatics. The overview includes a discussion on three informatics groups or specialty areas that have had significant impacts on informatics based on their rank, preference, and importance.
History of Informatics
Informatics in the healthcare field is a discipline that incorporates a…...
Cashin, A. & Cook, R. (2010). Evidence-based practice in nursing informatics: concepts and applications. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.Elsayed, J.A., El-Nagger, N.S. & Mohamed, H.A.A. (2016). Evolution of Nursing Informatics: A Key to Improving Nursing Practice. Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 11(1), 1-7.Rendon, F.X. (2014, May 5). The Long Road to Digitization: A History of Healthcare Informatics. Retrieved February 27, 2019, from Thede, L. (2012, January 23). Informatics: Where Is It? The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 17(1). Retrieved from, J. (2014, March 25). The State of Nursing Informatics. Retrieved February 27, 2019, from
Health Informatics: Project Management Case Study
A major focus area, for several years now, in healthcare settings has been the support of data collection and transmission of information on patients through computer-based workflow systems deployed in such institutions. This case study is an analysis of the deployment of a healthcare workflow system (commercially available) in a hospital setting. esearch findings show workflow organizational support as a strategic solution and making use of an implementation team with members having varying functional roles were critical elements not just for success, but also for creating a comprehension of data flow into and via the system due to the complex and challenging work processes. It is important to comprehend the workflow management system maturity, organizational effect of workflow, and human participation and interaction specific to workflow. With the successful deployment of workflow in the healthcare organization, the benefits and applicability of technology provides greater insight.…...
Aalst, W., & Hee, K. (2004). Workflow management: Models, methods and systems. Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.: MIT Press].
Barker, S., & Cole, R. (2012). Brilliant project management: What the best project managers know, do and say.
eHealth Conference, Szomszor, M., & Kostkova, P. (2011). Electronic healthcare: Third international conference, eHealth 2010, Casablanca, Morocco, December 13-15, 2010: revised selected papers. Berlin: Springer.
Harvard Business Review Press. (2013). HBR's guide to project management. In Berner, E. S. (2013). Informatics education in healthcare: Lessons learned.
"Potential barriers to resource sharing include institutional separation, ignorance of each field's history and unique challenges, constrained resources and different timelines" (Mamotte et al. 2009).
Ultimately, I do not believe it matters if the research studies are exactly 'like Tuskegee.' A fundamental difference between the two is that the African population might not be treated with the full resources of Western medicine had they not participated in the trials, while the men in the Tuskegee study would undeniably have received a penicillin vaccination and lived healthy lives. But merely because a study is not equivalent to Tuskegee does not mean that it does not raise profound moral problems (Ho 1997).
Gill, N.S. (2012). First do no harm. etrieved:
Ho, D. (1997,). it's AIDS, Not Tuskegee. Time. etrieved:,9171,987069,00.html
Mamotte, Nicole. (et al. 2009). Convergent ethical issues in HIV / AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria vaccine trials in Africa: eport from the WHO/UNAIDS African AIDS…...
About CDC's Office of Minority Health & Health Equity (OMHHE) CDC.
Fact sheet. (2013). CDC. Retrieved:
Performance Management and Health Informatics
The Healthy People 2020 diabetes objectives are aimed at reducing the economic burden that diabetes mellitus puts on victims. They are also designed to improve the quality of life of people suffering from the condition and those that are at high risk of developing the health complication. Diabetes mellitus occurs when an individual's body cannot respond or produce sufficient insulin to break down glucose. Insulin is necessary for the absorption of glucose in the human body. When there are no blood sugar signals that are normally facilitated by the presence of insulin, the body sugar levels rise to alarming levels and leads to other metabolic anomalies. These lead to serious health complications that are disabling (Healthy People, 2016).
Engaging Communities
The approach to management of diabetes has incorporated interventions that pursue patent-based self-management and changes in lifestyle that deal with diabetes mellitus issues. It is not always easy…...
Avery, L., Brown, F., Da Costa, S. & Watkinson, M. (2003). The leader within: Self-leadership in diabetics nursing. Journal of Diabetics Nursing, 7. Retrieved from -10-390-3.pdf
Chambers, N.A., Comer-HaGans, D., & Ramamonjiarivelo, Z. (2014). Approaches to negating low-income communities in improving their diabetic health: A review of the literature published in the 21st century. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 15. Retrieved from
Fukunaga, L.L., Uehara, D.L., & Tom, T. (2011). Perceptions of diabetes, barriers to disease management, and service needs: A focus group study of working adults with diabetes in Hawaii. Preventing Chronic Disease, 8. Retrieved from
Healthy People. (2016). Diabetes. Retrieved from objectives/topic/diabetes
competencies put out by the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) is that nurse practitioners should be able to integrate appropriate technologies for knowledge management to improve health care. Information literacy is critical for promoting and ensuring evidence-based practice. The reason why the NONPF stipulates that information technology and knowledge management should be a core competency is that nurses need to be able to make decisions based on available evidence, and incorporate those decisions into their daily practice especially when it comes to clinical practice guidelines. Moreover, the NONPF suggests that informatics literacy is ideally integrated into nurse education programs. Electronic clinical tracking systems (ECTSs) like Medatrax are crucial for promoting health informatics literacy in nursing education.
Medatrax is a Web-based ECTS specifically designed for nursing students, providing a "permanent searchable repository for individual student clinical experiences across specific courses within an educational program," (Smith & Branstetter, 2016, p.…...
Smart, A.N., Carter-Templeton, H.D. & Brown, S.C. (2016). Developing an Information Literacy Workshop to Foster Evidence-Based Practice Among Nurse Practitioner Students. Journal of Doctoral Nursing Practice 9(1): 145-151.
Smith, L. & Branstetter, L. (2016). A Formative Program Evaluation of Electronic Clinical Tracking System Documentation to Meet National Core Competencies. Computers, Informatics, and Nursing 34(9): 393-401.
Yang, L. et al. (2014). Perspectives from Nurse Managers on Informatics Competencies. The Scientific World Journal 2014, Article ID 391714.
Information organizations
Description of Selected Informatics Organizations
In this paper, we will describe a selected number of informatics organizations dealing with the field of healthcare and medicine. We would assess the main purpose of these organizations and what they stand for in brief detail, also the main aim here is to focus on the major points which define these organizations.
American Medical Informatics Association
American Health Information Management Association
American Society of Health Informatics Managers
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society
International Medical Informatics Association
Introduction to informatics organizations
American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA)
AMIA is known to be a group of personals from many different disciplines whose purpose is to convey for the sole interest of bringing improvement in health informatics since it relates to different aspects of the main health care policy. This group has about four thousand members which include pharmacists, physicians, consultants, educators and government officials. AMIA alongside its associate college ACMI (American College of…...
Harris, L. (1995). Health and the New Media. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Kulge, E. (2001). The Ethics of Electronic Patient Records. New York: Peter Lang.
Rees, A. (2003). Consumer Health Information Source Book. Connecticut: Greenwood Press.
Slack, W. (2001). Cybermedicine. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Innovation at Baystate Health
Informatics and Technology Innovations at Baystate Health
Baystate Health is among the largest health systems in New England and the largest employer in Western Massachusetts ("About Baystate Health," 2014). The crown jewel is the Baystate Medical Center (BMC), which represents the only level 1 trauma center for the region and the western campus for Tufts University School of Medicine. Each year, close to 2,000 residents, fellows, medical students, and nursing students call BMC home, so it should come as no surprise that BMC and Baystate Health are among the top healthcare innovators for the region and nationally.
In 2013, the health informatics software company InterSystems announced Baystate Health will adopt Intersystems' HealthShare platform to provide region-wide health information sharing capabilities. This health information exchange (HIE) will be called the Pioneer Valley Health Information Exchange (PVIX). PVIX will be designed to allow any provider within the Baystate Health network…...
About Baystate Health. (2014). Retrieved from .
Baystate Health. (2014). Patients & visitors: Frequently asked questions. Retrieved from .
InterSystems. (2013). Who we are: Baycare Health Partners and Baystate Health select InterSystems HealthShare as strategic informatics platform for coordinating community engagement. Retrieved from .
Kudler, N.R. & Pantanowitz, L. (2010). Overview of laboratory data tools available in a single electronic medical record. Journal of Pathology Informatics, 1, 3.
Practicum Project in Health Informatics
• This practicum thesis allows the student to work on developing informatics-based applications while also applying informatics science and skills.
• Uses technology to help streamline processes that ultimately aid in the patient experience
• Lowers costs while increasing efficiency
• Does not focus on the "human component" of technology
• Focuses on the benefits of informatics but does not take into account the costs as it relates to onboarding. People must be training on the technology; stakeholders must know how to fix problems that arise. All employees must be willing to adopt the technology.
• Does not properly take into account the threat of cyber security and its implications on training nurses. A hack may disrupt the overall application of the technology
"Preceptor Training and Nurse etention"
• Strong emphasis on a team approach as it relates to training and retention
• Use of preceptorship
• Emphasis on training programs and rotational environments
1) American Association of Colleges of Nursing Essentials. (2006). The essentials of doctoral education for advanced nursing practice. Retrieved from .
2) American Nurses Association. (2010). Scope and standards of practice. Silver Spring, MD:
3) Bae, S., Mark, B., & Fried, B. (2010). Impact of nursing unit turnover on patient outcomes in hospitals. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 42(1), 40-9. doi:10.1111/j.1547-5069.2009.01319.x.
4) Baker, S. L. (2010). Nurse educator orientation: Professional development that promotes retention. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 41(9), 413-7. doi:10.3928/00220124-20100503-02.
electronic medical records have yet to become standardized in the United States, the contemporary physician's office differs significantly from one from twenty years ago. Information systems govern multiple aspects of care delivery, from patient intake, processing, and billing to medical records, access to electronic scholarly databases for knowledge management to purchasing and human resources management. Understanding issues like the system development life cycle (SDLC) and project management life cycles have now become common practice in most healthcare offices, whereas twenty years ago only the most cutting edge of those offices would have dedicated information technology specialists who would handle and address matters like product life cycles. Full time consultants or advisory positions related directly to IT are now expected of most medical practices. Since the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was passed just over twenty years ago, physicians offices have made significant strides by incorporating informatics into…...
Grandia, L. (n.d.). Healthcare information systems: A look at the past, present, and future. Health Catalyst. Retrieved online:
Healthcare Information and Management Systems (HIMSS, 2016). Evolution of Healthcare Informatics Standards. Retrieved online:
Sewell, J.P. & Thede, L.Q. (2012). Computer development and health care information systems 1950 to present. Chapter 1. Retrieved online:
Wager, K. A., Lee, F. W., & Glaser, J. P. (2013). Health care information systems: A practical approach for health care management (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Role of Informatics in ersonalized Medicine:
Explore how informatics tools and methodologies are leveraged to tailor medical treatment to the individual characteristics of each patient. Discuss how data from genomic information, clinical databases, and personal health records are integrated and analyzed to make more informed and personalized healthcare decisions.
2. Data Security and rivacy in Health Informatics:
Discuss the challenges and strategies for ensuring data security and privacy in health informatics. Consider the ethical and legal implications of health data breaches, as well as the protocols and technologies used to protect sensitive health information in electronic health records and other digital systems.
3. Informatics and the Evolution of Telemedicine:
Analyze how informatics has transformed telemedicine, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Evaluate the effectiveness of telemedicine in delivering patient care, the infrastructural and technological requirements, and potential areas for growth and improvement.
4. Big Data Analytics in Clinical Decision Support:
mlaPrimary Sources
International Journal of Medical Informatics
International Journal of Medical Informatics, Elsevier, ISSN: 1386-5056.Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA)Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Oxford University Press, ISSN: 1067-5027.Journal of Biomedical InformaticsJournal of Biomedical Informatics, Elsevier, ISSN: 1532-0464.BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Evolution of Informatics: From Abacus to Artificial Intelligence:
This essay would trace the historical development of informatics, exploring key milestones and technological revolutions that have shaped the field. It would examine how early tools like the abacus evolved into complex systems such as quantum computing and AI.
2. Health Informatics: Transforming atient Care Through Technology:
An examination of how informatics is revolutionizing healthcare, focusing on how data management, electronic health records, telemedicine, and big data analytics contribute to more personalized and efficient patient care and outcomes.
3. Ethical Considerations in Informatics: rivacy, Security, and Society:
This essay would delve into the ethical challenges posed by the massive data handling capabilities of informatics, discussing issues like data privacy, cybersecurity threats, and the broader societal implications of widescale data surveillance.
4. The Role of Informatics in Environmental Sustainability:
Exploring the intersection of informatics and environmentalism, this essay would analyze how data science and informatics tools…...
mlaPrimary Sources
International Journal of Medical Informatics
International Journal of Medical Informatics. Elsevier, n.d.Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. Oxford University Press, n.d.Journal of Biomedical Informatics Journal of Biomedical Informatics. Elsevier, n.d.Methods of Information in Medicine
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Role of Health Information Management (HIM) Operations Managers in Ensuring Data Integrity:
This essay will explore the critical function of HIM Operations Managers in maintaining the accuracy, consistency, and reliability of patient health data. It will discuss strategies used to ensure data integrity, including the implementation of data governance policies, regular audits, and staff training programs.
2. Health Information Management Operations Manager: Navigating the Challenges of Healthcare Regulations and Compliance:
This topic will delve into how HIM Operations Managers stay ahead of the curve in a landscape continuously shaped by healthcare regulations. The essay will detail how managers ensure compliance with HIAA, HITECH Act, and other relevant regulations, all while adapting to ongoing legislative changes.
3. The Evolving Role of Technology in HIM Operations Management:
The focus of this essay will be the impact of emerging technologies on the job of HIM Operations Managers. It will address how…...
mlaPrimary Sources
American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). \"Health Information Management Job Descriptions.\" AHIMA, 2023.
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). \"Job Description: Health Information Management Systems Manager.\" HIMSS, 2023.United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. \"Medical and Health Services Managers.\" Occupational Outlook Handbook, U.S. Department of Labor, 2022.Commission on Certification for Health Informatics and Information Management (CCHIIM). \"Certified Health Information Manager.\" CCHIIM, 2023.National Association for Health Professionals (NAHP). \"Job Analysis of Health Information Management (HIM) Operations Managers.\" NAHP Journal, 2023.
Health IT
Information Technology and Cultural Transformation in Healthcare
apid advances in information technology have continued to drive change in many sectors, including healthcare. Ongoing research suggests that cultural transformation is necessary in order to properly adapt to the capabilities and constraints of the increasing complexity and pervasiveness of information technology in healthcare settings. Better utilizing the information technology available to healthcare organizations and more accurately understanding the social impacts of this technology can actually help to achieve the cultural changes that are needed, as is demonstrated in the following brief literature review.
At one level, there needs to be a certain degree of autonomy for individual healthcare organizations in their adoption and utilization of information technologies in certain operations, as this will enhance opportunities for cultural adaptability and a willingness to undergo such transformations (Abraham et al. 2011; Lopez et al. 2011). Different communities can experience significantly different effects from the wide-scale…...
Abraham, C., Nishihara, E. & Akiyama, M. (2011). Transforming healthcare with information technology in Japan: A review of policy, people, and progress. International Journal of Medical Informatics 80(3): 157-70.
Box, T., McDonell, M., Helfrich, C., Jesse, R….Rumsfeld, J. (2010). Strategies from a Nationwide Health Information Technology Implementation: The VA CART STORY. Journal of General Internal Medicine 25(1): 72-6.
Karsh, B., Weinger, M., Abbott, P. & Wears, R. (2010). Health information technology: fallacies and sober realities. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 17(6): 617-23.
Lopez, L., Green, A., Tan-McGrory, A., King, R. & Betancourt, J. (2011). Bridging the Digital Divide in Health Care: The Role of Health Information Technology in Addressing Racial and Ethnic Disparities. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 37(1): 437-45.
Health informatics, also known as healthcare informatics or biomedical informatics, refers to a discipline that is a hybrid of science and engineering and involves the application of informatics fields to medicine. There are number of different topics that fall under the healthcare informatics umbrella, though the creation of electronic health records for patients is probably the most widely used application.
Essay Titles and Essay topics for Health Informatics
Tallying the Tests: How Monitoring COVID-19 Test Results Has Helped Track the Pandemic in the U.S. and Abroad
Vaccine Records and Privacy Concerns: How Do State....
Example Bibliography for an essay on assisted living.
Writing about assisted living facilities can be challenging, because many of the sources that you will find online will be advertising for assisted living, rather than factual and informative pieces. An assisted living facility is a housing facility for people who cannot or choose not to live independently. They can range from facilities where there is a minimum amount of help to full-care nursing facilities. In fact, many facilities offer a range of housing options, which are adaptable as a person’s ability to live independently....
1. The role of health informatics in improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs
2. The impact of electronic health records on patient care and safety
3. The use of telehealth and remote monitoring in healthcare delivery
4. The ethical considerations of data sharing and privacy in health informatics
5. The challenges and opportunities of implementing health informatics systems in developing countries
6. The role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in health informatics
7. The future trends of health informatics and the potential impact on healthcare delivery
8. The importance of interoperability and data standardization in health informatics
9. The benefits of using predictive analytics and data-driven....
Topic Idea 1: The Role of Health Informatics in Patient-Centered Care
Introduction: Discuss the concept of patient-centered care and its importance in healthcare.
Body Paragraph 1: Explore how health informatics technologies, such as electronic health records (EHRs) and patient portals, enable patient access to their own health information, empowering them to participate in decision-making.
Body Paragraph 2: Examine the role of health informatics in fostering communication between patients and healthcare providers, promoting continuity of care and improved patient experiences.
Body Paragraph 3: Evaluate the ethical implications of using health informatics in patient-centered care, including privacy concerns and the potential for....
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