Health Systems Issues and Strategic Planning
The delivery of high quality healthcare services requires a sophisticated health system infrastructure that provides a multidisciplinary team approach. This health system infrastructure varies from country to country, but there are some common features that characterize health systems that can be used to identify best practices and current trends in healthcare delivery and administration in general and for an elderly American patient in particular. As the United States becomes an increasingly multicultural society, there will also be an increasing need for informed and culturally sensitive approaches to healthcare delivery. Everyone gets older, though, and there will also be an increasing need for health systems that provide the range of services needed by the elderly. In this regard, this study identifies health systems issues for such a typical elderly American patient, including a review of the relevant peer-reviewed and scholarly literature concerning these issues and an…...
Arnettt, G. (2010). Cost reduction in health systems: Mission critical. Frontiers of Health
Services Management, 27(2), 37-39.
Bagley, P. & Lin, V. (2008). Public health systems research: the state of the field. Australian Health Review, 32(4), 721-723.
Baum, A., Jennings, R., Manuck, S.B., & Rabin, B.S. (2000). Behavior, health and aging.
Health Information Exchange
Health Information Exchange in the U.S.
The Guidelines
Privacy and Security
Challenges and Strategies
Why Clinicians Use or Don't Use HIE
Doctors' Opinion on HIE
Consumer Preferences around HIE
Health Information Exchange or HIE is a system, which allows the immediate electronic access of a person's health information records by a health provider (Fricton and Davies, 2008). The overall objective is to improve the safety and quality of health, especially for emergency care. This is the response to the problem of poor communication and exchange of medical information from one provider to another. This has resulted in many medical errors and undesirable drug effects (Fricton and Davies).
The use of the personal health record or PHR has been brought up as an innovative solution to this problem concerning diverse electronic medical record systems or EMR (Fricton and Davies, 2008). It becomes the only source for authentication and remote access of health information data from…...
AHIMA (2011). The privacy and security gaps in health information exchange.
AHIMA/HIMSS. American Health Information Management Association. Retrieved on November 29, 2012 from
Carter, P. et al. (2006). Privacy and security in health information exchange.
Vol 77 # 2, AHIMA Journal: American Health Information Management Association.
Health and Health Promotion
According to Public Health Agency (2001), Health is an ingredient of life that enables individuals to be independent socially, and live economical lives. Health is a concept that emphasizes social and personal resources. All action directed towards health, social and economic development should aim at providing human needs including peace, basic needs, and access to basic human rights. Understanding all the fundamental requirements of health will help in understanding health and the need to provide these fundamentals because the fundamentals are essential to human beings. Health affects the social, mental, and spiritual being of an individual. Precisely, health means being physically healthy and sane influencing the individual to act in a way that promotes health
Health promotion is the practices of ensuring people have complete control over the fundamental needs of health, leading to improvement of their health. Health promotion is a concept and set of guidelines addressing…...
Bandura, A. (1998). Health Promotion From the Perspective of Social Cognitive Theory. Journal of Psychology and Health, 13(4), 623-639.
Rosenstock, I.M., Strecher, V.J., & Becker, M.H. (1998). Social learning theory and the health belief model. Journal of Health & Behavior, 15(2), 175-183.
Nutbeam, D. (1998). Evaluating health promotion-progress, problems and solutions. Health promotional international, 13(1). 27-44.
Heward, S., Hutchins, C., & Keleher, H. (2007). Organizational change-key to capacity building and effective health promotion. Journal of health Promotonal International, 22(2), 170-
Health Information Technology
The development of patient management systems continues to revolutionize the field of healthcare, specifically in the areas of treatment plans, content and records management systems, and predictive analytics. These areas are all making healthcare information and knowledge management a critical success factor in creating effective healthcare information systems globally (Epstein, Fiscella, Lesser, Stange, 2010). Implicit in the areas of records management and predictive analytics is also the need for more effectively managing standardized terminologies that are critical to document patient care. The greater the depth of insight that healthcare information systems can deliver, including the acuity of analysis and availability of predictive analytics to measure the progress of treatment plans, the greater the need for an agile, flexible taxonomy of standardized methodologies as well (Schmitt, 2002). The intent of this analysis is to evaluate how taxonomies can be used for defining and managing standardized terminologies used for documenting…...
Claudio, D., Velazquez, M.A., Bravo-Llerena, W., Okudan, G., & Freivalds, A. (2010). Usefulness of wireless technologies to improve emergency department's patient care. IIE Annual Conference Proceedings,, 1-6.
Cliff, B. (2012). Patient-centered care: The role of healthcare leadership. Journal of Healthcare Management, 57(6), 381-3.
Epstein, R.M., Fiscella, K., Lesser, C.S., & Stange, K.C. (2010). Why the nation needs A policy push on patient-centered health care. Health Affairs, 29(8), 1489-95.
Schmitt, J.M. (2002). Innovative medical technologies help ensure improved patient care and cost-effectiveness. International Journal of Medical Marketing, 2(2), 174-178.
Healthcare Management
Health Care Management
On March 2010, the U.S. president, Barrack Obama, signed the Affordable Care Act. This act highlights detailed health insurance reforms expected to roll out from 2011 and beyond (Vlvar, 2011). The provisions of the affordable Care Act started in 2010, and the president stressed on the immediate benefits and changes to the people of America. While people view these reforms as good public relations targeting the elections, the average person wants to understand how the health care reforms affect the lives of the common citizens from 2010 and beyond.
The Kaiser Family Foundation that steers the implementation of the health care reforms provides the twenty one provisions that were expected to take effect in 2011. Over the last ten years the foundation embraced a substantial and effective way of addressing a system that would cater for various populations who are extensively served by Medicaid and Medicare. It has…...
Vlvar, L.(2011). Obama's health care reform 2010: From change to concession. New York: GRIN Verlag.
Harrington, C.(2011). Health policy: Crisis and reform. Texas: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Teitelbaum, J. (2013). Essentials of health policy and law. New York: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Gray, V., & Benz, J. (2013). Interest groups and health care reform across the United States. Georgia: Georgetown University Press.
Healthcare Management
Australia's health care system is funded and administered by the national, state, and local government. The initiatives by these levels of government are also supported by private health insurance schemes (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2012). The Australia's Medicare is funded and administered by the medical services, prescription pharmaceuticals, and hospital treatment. The Australian and territory governments deliver population health programs, community health services, health and medical research, mental health services, and health workforce and health infrastructure. The Australian government primarily funds health services; regulates health products, services and workforce; and national health policy leadership (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2012). The delivery of healthcare services and management of public health services is the sole responsibility of the states and the territories. This implies that public hospital, community health, and public dental care are a responsibility of state and territorial governments. The state and territorial governments also regulates healthcare providers and…...
mlaReferences List
Australian Bureau of Statistics (2012). Health Care Delivery and Financing. Retrieved from
Healy, J., Sharman, E, & Lokuge, B. (2006). Australia: Health system review. Health Systems
in Transition, 8(5), 1-158.
Health Care in the U.S. And Singapore
Healthcare in the U.S. And Singapore
This paper compares the U.S. healthcare system with the Singapore healthcare system. It starts with a brief description of both healthcare systems and then explains and compares the issues in both the systems. The number of underinsured in both systems are also compared in the paper. The paper also gives the pros and cons of both the system. It ends with a brief conclusion about which system is the best.
Healthcare System
The healthcare system in the U.S.A. consists of both private and public insurers. The key feature of this system is the dominance of the private sector over the public sector. The U.S.A. healthcare system offers a wide variety of insurance policies for adults, children and elderly. The insurances provided by the public sector include Medicaid, S-chip and VA. The private sector insurance, on the other hand, includes the insurance…...
Abeysinghe, T. (2009). In Dr. J Lim (Chair).Singapore'shealthcare system: Some challenges. Singapore economic policy conference. Retrieved from
Kao Ping, C. American Medical Student Association, (2006). Overview of the U.S. healthcare system . Retrieved from American Medical Student Association website: (2013). limsy-s3-ihc - Lesson 2 (Singapore Healthcare System). [online] Retrieved from: (Singapore+Healthcare+System). (1992). Total Quality Management in Practice: A Singapore Healthcare Study - Page 2. [online] Retrieved from:
Health Care Systems
In today's advanced and modern society, which is dependent upon new and emerging technologies in almost all fields of life, the importance of health care systems cannot be denied in any case. Health care is being associated with the technological advancement as because of several new medical techniques, it has become possible to devise the treatments of many such diseases which were considered deadly in older times. On the whole, from diagnosis to treatment and to make preventions from the disease, health care systems have now become an essential part of today's civilized nations, particularly those having an economic boom and strong financial sector. It is a common observation that stronger the economy of the country, greater would be the number of facilities provided to the citizens. Good health care systems are too, associated with strong and developed nations like U.S., UK, Canada and Germany etc. These countries…...
Boyle, Sean. The UK Health Care System. LSE Health and Social Care, London School of Economics and Political Science. February 2008. Retrieved on 11/8/2012 from:
Canadian Health Care. Retrieved on 11/8/2012 from:
CBC News Health. Canadian health-care spending to top $180B. November 19, 2009. Retrieved on 11/8/2012 from:
Laidlaw, Stuart. Public health care scores big in poll as MDs study privatization. August 12, 2009. Retrieved on 11/8/2012 from:
Health Care Delivery Systems
The structure and organization of the resources that make it possible to provide health care services to target populations is referred to as a health care system. The variety of health care systems is very wide with strong evolutionary histories tied to the governments, religious organizations, charitable organizations, labor unions, and for-profit market participants.
Five Health Care Delivery Systems
eid set out around the world to study healthcare systems in countries across the globe. He identified five distinct healthcare delivery systems. They are as follows: (1) The Bismarck model; (2) the Beveridge model; (3) the national health insurance model; (4) the out-of-pocket model; and (5) the American model for health.
The Bismarck model. Otto von Bismarck is credited with establishing the first form of this model that is followed in Germany. Private companies and private initiatives provide the medical services and insurance coverage under this model. The insurance companies are…...
Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), Medical Informatics Panel and the Population Health Perspective Panel. Contemporary issues in medical informatics and population health: report II of the Medical School Objectives Project. (1999). Academy of Medicine, 74, 130-141. Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). Adams, A.O. (2005). Quality of board governance in nonprofit healthcare organizations. The Internet Journal of Healthcare Administration, 2 (2).
Jaklevic, M.C. (2003). Letting the sunshine in. Modern Healthcare, 33(12), 26-8.
Horwitt, Sanford D. (August 23, 2009). Review of The Healing of America by T.R. Reid. San Francisco Chronicle.
Longman, Phillip (September 27, 2009). It's not a socialized world after all. The Washington Post.
Health Program Assessment: Inequality in Philadelphia Communities
How long have you lived in your community?
I have been a Philadelphia resident for 23 years, during which time I have come face-to-face with a wide array of pressing public health issues. As a recent article by Melwert (2012) shows, Philadelphia is routinely ranked as the least healthy county in the State of Pennsylvania.
hat do you believe are the greatest health issues that exist within your community and who are the populations you believe are most impacted by these health issues?
The population that concerns us most is the youth demographic. In Philadelphia, young people between the ages of 1 and 19 are at the highest risk for certain prevailing health challenges. Additionally, based on the findings from our interviews with local residents, the vast majority of youths in high-risk categories are of African-American or Hispanic ethnicity. There are yet further divisions within this risk…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2011). Health People 2020.
Melwert, J. (2012). Philadelphia Unhealthiest Country in Pennsylvania. CBS Philly.
Healthcare Administration
It has been in the last 3 decades that a rapid increase has been seen in the providence of geriatric healthcare. The main reason for this increase is the increase in demand and need of these services for the elderly people. The knowledge base, core values along with the clinical skills that are required by this field in order to develop the health care, well-being and functioning of the old people has been identified in plentiful studies spanning across several decades. Latest care models and treatments for common geriatric conditions have been developed and implemented by geriatric medicine to improve the health and well-being of old people (Murtaugh et al., 2009).
Even though a lot has been done by the geriatric medicine for the well-being of older people, there are still a lot of things that need to be completed in order to fulfill all the needs of today's aging…...
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). (2011). AHRQ Effective Health Care Program -- Stakeholder Guide. AHRQ Publication No. 11-EHC069-EF.
American Geriatrics Society (AGS). (2005). Caring for Older Americans: The Future of Geriatric Medicine -- American Geriatrics Society Core Writing Group of the Task Force on the Future of Geriatric Medicine. JAGS 53:S245 -- S256.
Bodenheimer, T.S., Grumbach, K. (2002). Understanding health policy: A clinical approach, 3rd ed. Stamford, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Cosgrove, D., Fisher, M., Gabow, P., Gottlieb, G. Halvorson, G. James, B. et al. (2012). A CEO Checklist for High-Value Health Care. Discussion Paper. Institute of Medicine of the National Academies.
What this means is that the lifetime limits on most benefits are barred for all latest health insurance plans. Another interesting thing is the reviews premium increase (Wakefield, 2010). This is saying that insurance companies must now openly defend any type of unreasonable rate hikes. The last thing is that it helps a person get the most from all of their premium dollars. In other words, a person's premium dollars will need to be spent mainly on health care -- not cost that are administrative. However, now, when it comes to care an individual could possibly be eligible for recommended for something like the preventive health services. Also, when it comes to the no copayment a person will be able to choose the primary care doctor that they desire from their plan's network.
Impact of the Affordable Health Care Act on Nursing Profession
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) brings in a…...
Adomanis, M. (2013). Think Obamacare is Socialized Mediine? Forbes 25 Sep 2013. Retrieved from
Cannon, M. (2008). Does Barack Obama Support Socialized Medicine? Cato Institute 7 October 2008. Retrieved from
Hansen-Turton, T. (2013) Nurse-Led Primary Care is the Real Key to Obamacare's Success., 29 No 2013. Retrieved from
Japson, B. (2013). Doctor, Nurse Vacancies Soar Amid Obamacare Rollout. Forbes 8 Dec 2012. Retrieved from
The Nurse Case Manager
Educational Requirements:
· Bachelor or Advanced Nursing Degree.
· Case management certification.
Scope of Practice
· Coordination and facilitation of care.
· Quality management.
· Utilization and resource management (Cesta, 2011).
· Transitional and discharge planning.
Work Activities
· Assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating patient care.
· Monitoring quality of care.
· Providing short-term or long-term assistance to patients and their families.
· Acting as advocates for patients, families, insurance, and healthcare facilities.
Licensing Requirements
· At least 4 years bachelor’s degree in nursing.
· Certification through American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) or Commission for Case Manager Certification (CCMC).
Practice Settings
· Hospitals, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities.
· Rehabilitation facilities and community health centers.
Average Median Pay
· The average median pay for nurse case managers is $64,000 (Nurse Journal, 2015).
Occupational Outlook for Northeast Region
· Nurse case managers in the Northeast region would make an annual salary of between $42,000 and $57,000, especially in Massachusetts or Maine.
· Employment for nurse case managers in this region…...
Cesta, T. (2011, December 1). Case Management Insider: The Full Scope of Case Manager and Social Workers Roles, Functions, Models, and Caseloads. Retrieved September 13, 2017, from Nurse Journal. (2015). RN Case Manager Salary and Job Outlook. Retrieved September 13, 2017, from, R. (2017, July 5). The Average Salary of a Mental Health Case Manager. Retrieved September 13, 2017, from
Health of Indigenous Australian Using Ecological and Holistic Health Paradigm
Patterns of health and illness
Physical Health
Mental Health
Spiritual Health
Social Health
Impact of Broader Environments
Critical eflection
Health is a basic component of human life that comprises of multiple facets. The description of health has witnessed dramatic change during past few years, as it has become a holistic phenomenon. Previously, it was considered that a healthy person is the one who does not suffer from any ailment or illness. However in recent times, the physical, psychological and communal aspects of human life have been amalgamated to give a broader perspective to human health which is identical to the concept of indigenous communities (Hjelm, 2010).
Numerous organizations are working extensively for providing adequate health care to the world population since many decades. However, it is appalling to notice that discrimination on social, economic and political grounds has coerced indigenous populations to languish in poor health conditions in regions…...
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2012, Australia's health 2012, AIHW, Australia.
Biddle, N & Yap, M 2010, Demographic and Socioeconomic Outcomes Across the Indigenous Australian Lifecourse: Evidence from the 2006 Census, ANU E. Press, Australia.
Caltabiano, ML & Ricciardelli, L 2012, Applied Topics in Health Psychology, John Wiley & Sons, Great Britain.
Carson, B, Dunbar, T & Chenhall, RD 2007, Social Determinants of Indigenous Health, Allen & Unwin, Singapore.
Health Structures in Government Levels
Health at different Government Levels
Health Structures at Government Levels
Health at Government Levels
A national government has a task in ensuring quality health assurance standards across its region are up-to-date. Similarly, increased rates of unexpected epidemics have put governments under the surge of dealing accordingly with factors that can affect the nation directly and indirectly. Different governmental levels of health are identified and objectified in various agency websites. In this context, I have identified with a state level website; Illinois Public Health Institute website. Information presented to the website articles prioritizes in reducing and preventive, curative diseases, complementing health policies and championing for environmental changes.
Website Article eview
The Illinois Public Health institute articulates its review and implication to health quality through partnership programs. The website has supported state-oriented health involvement in ameliorating health levels, in Illinois. The institution has show-cased partnering programs with the Illinois State Board of Health,…...
Baum, F and Kahssay, H.M. Health development structures: an untapped resource. World Health Organization. Vol 1 Issue 1. Pg 96-114.
Ladeia, M.L., Jacob, P., Borges, M.C., Rogero, M. M and Ferreira, S.R.G. (2011). Studies of Gene variants related to Inflammation, Oxidative, Stress, Dyslipidemia and Obesity: Implications for a nutrigenetic approach. Journal of Obesity. Vol 1, Issue 1. Pg 1-31.
5th March 2012. Illinois Public Health Institute. Retrieved from URL / Accessed on 27th March, 2012.
PubMed is a great place to search for sources on healthcare. Other good choices include sites for Universities that have medical programs and sites for state governments. has healthcare articles, as well. Also consider, as they have healthcare articles, too. Journals and textbooks can be excellent choices for information on the continuum of healthcare. If you have access to a large library, you can find information that shows how the continuum has evolved over time, and how that helps providers avoid duplication. Example papers will be more difficult to find than sources, but you can order an example paper....
There are a couple of ways to approach this. You can focus on research that has already been done, or you can survey elderly people in your community who live alone. That may be difficult, especially if you live in a small town or you don't know many people, but it can provide you with valuable information if you can get enough people to take the survey. You also need to decide what you want to know about those elderly people who live alone. Are you interested in their health? Their safety? How they handle daily life tasks or emergencies?....
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